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Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

Vegetation–environment relationships and classification of the seasonal

savannas in Venezuela
Zdravko Baruch
Dpt. Estudios Ambientales, Universidad Simón Bolı´var, Apartado 89000, Caracas 1080, Venezuela

Received 25 February 2004; accepted 6 June 2004

The seasonal savannas dominated by the C4 grasses of the genus Trachypogon, are widespread in northern South
America. In Venezuela, they extend from the central lowland Llanos to intermediate elevations in the Coastal and
Andean Mountains and to the Guiana Plateau (Gran Sabana) in the south. This study aims to classify these savannas
and to understand the environmental factors that determine their composition and structure. Thirty-seven sites were
sampled, plant cover and density were measured in 376 one square meter quadrats and the importance value index
(IVI) was calculated. Climate data were obtained from climatological stations and soil properties were analyzed. The
results were classified by clustering and TWINSPAN. Floristic and environmental data were ordered with the
canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).
Trachypogon savannas are heterogeneous, both floristically and environmentally. An altitudinal gradient of
2000 m separates the intermediate elevation Coastal Mountains (Type I) and the Guiana savannas (Type II) from the
lowland Llanos. In the lowlands, sparsely covered and treeless communities on extremely oligotrophic and sandy soils
(Type IV) differ structurally and floristically from woody savannas (Type III). The floristics and structure of the
savannas respond directly or indirectly to elevation and water and nutrient availability. These responses were
evidenced by: (a) floristic composition, as Neotropical lowland savanna species merged with those of the Andean sub-
páramo in Type I savannas or with those from the Guianan flora in Type II savannas. (b) Species richness, which
ranged from an average of 13.8 per site in sandy Type IV savannas to 38.9 per site in Type I intermediate elevation
savannas. (c) Community physiognomy, which changes from an homogeneous herbaceous matrix with dispersed trees
in Type III savannas to a shrubby Type I savannas to ‘‘treeless’’ Types II and IV savannas. (d) Plant cover which
varied from 93.8% in the fertile Type I savannas to around 80% in the sandy oligotrophic savannas of Types II and
IV. Each savanna type is related to one of the major geomorphological regions of Venezuela.
r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Canonical correspondence analysis; Classification; Conservation; Diversity; Llanos; Neotropics; Ordination


Savanna is one of the world’s largest (ca.

15  106 km2) and most productive biomes (Melillo
Fax: +58 212 9063064. et al., 1993; Saugier et al., 2001). In Venezuela, it
E-mail address: (Z. Baruch). extends over 220,800 km2, or 24.5% of the country

0076-9511/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
50 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

ments of species cover and density. This study is timely

because the increasing human pressures on these
savannas compromise their integrity, diversity and
function. Neotropical savannas are being replaced by
crops and forages to increase their productivity (Klink
et al., 1993; Thomas et al., 1990). Oil is being exploited
in the Venezuelan and Colombian Llanos with the
predictable pollution damage. Also, spontaneous inva-
sion of several African grasses is displacing native
savannas in Venezuela and Brazil (Baruch, 1996;
Filgueiras, 2002; Pivello et al., 1999; Williams and
Baruch, 2000). In the near future, Neotropical savannas
will also be affected by increased atmospheric CO2 and
altered rainfall regime (Hoffmann and Jackson, 2000;
Hoffmann et al., 2002) with unpredictable consequences
on savanna composition, physiognomy and stability.
Fig. 1. Map of Venezuela showing the sampling sites and the
To evaluate the degree of savanna disturbance or
savanna types. Numbers correspond to sites named in Table 1.
replacement and to offer a base line for restoration
Scale bar is approximate.
attempts, an understanding of the factors that determine
the savanna’s composition and structure is needed. The
objectives of this study were: (a) To relate the floristic
(Huber, 1987). The major continuous savannas are the composition and structure of the savannas with the local
central Orinoco Llanos which are limited by the Andean climates, soils and disturbances, and (b) to obtain an
and Coastal Mountains to the west and north, ecologically meaningful classification of the Trachypo-
respectively (Fig. 1). This ecosystem penetrates deeply gon savannas in Venezuela.
into Colombia where it is known as Llanos Orientales.
Another large savanna area lies in the Guiana Plateau
(Gran Sabana) in the southeast of the country (Fig. 1)
which grades towards the Rupununi-Rio Branco savan- Study area
nas of Guyana and northeastern Brazil. Smaller savanna
patches are found in the Venezuelan Amazon State and Trachypogon savannas extend over heterogeneous
at intermediate elevations (700–2000 m asl; henceforth areas with large variations in topography, climate,
named highlands) in the Coastal Mountains. Physiog- geology, soils, and disturbance regimes (Fig. 1). The
nomically, the savannas are assembled by a low stature elevation of the study sites ranges between 0 and
(1–1.5 m) herbaceous matrix of largely C4 grasses and 2000 m asl (Table 1). Air temperature and potential
sedges with a variable proportion of woody plants. evaporation decrease with elevation (Table 1). The
Functionally, they have relatively low primary produc- rainfall pattern is less clearly defined. Although
tivity by unit area, attributed to unfertile soils, seasonal 80–95% of the rain falls from May to November, there
droughts and frequent fires (Frost et al., 1986; Medina is a gradient of increasing rainfall from east to west –
and Silva, 1990). In Venezuela, the commonest savannas southwest in the lowland Llanos. Rainfall decreases with
are the seasonal type (sensu Sarmiento, 1983) due to elevation except in the Gran Sabana (Table 1). The
strongly defined dry and wet seasons. They are length of the dry season varies from 2–3 months in the
dominated by the C4 tussock grasses Trachypogon highlands, to 5–6 months in the lowlands.
plumosus (H. & B.) Nees or T. vestitus Anders (Ramia, The Trachypogon savannas overlay diverse sub-
1967; Sarmiento, 1983). strates varying from creasts and midslopes of the
The structure and composition of several local Coastal Mountains, recent alluvial and aeolian plains
Trachypogon savannas in Venezuela have been described in the lowland Llanos and old sandstones of the
previously, at variable levels of detail and with widely Precambrian Guiana Plateau (Cole, 1986). The soils
contrasting methods (Blydenstein, 1962; Huber, 1995; are mostly Ultisols or Oxisols which are acidic,
Ramia, 1967; San José et al., 1998; Sarmiento and oligotrophic and low in organic matter. Soil texture
Monasterio, 1969; Susach, 1989; Vareschi, 1970; Velás- varies from clayey to almost pure sand which influences
quez, 1965). This study differs from the previous by: (a) their water and nutrient retention capacity. Fertility
it covers all major regions with Trachypogon savannas, tends to be higher in the highlands and lowest in the
including those south of the Orinoco and, (b) the sandy soils. A superficial lithoplinthic crust (known
sampling and analysis were based on uniform floristic, locally as ‘‘arrecife’’ or ‘‘ripio’’) is conspicuous in several
numerical and standardized methods based on measure- sites.
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 51

Table 1. List of sampled sites, the numbers identify the site in Fig. 1

Savanna type

Type I Type II Type III Type IV

Number and name of 10 4 17 6

sampled sites
El Volcán (1), Caricuao Aluepa (11), Iworibo Calabozo (15), Icaros La Iguana (32), El Tigre
(2), Magdalena (3), La (12), Yuruanı́ (13), Km (16), L. de Hierro (17), (33), San Joaquı́n (34),
Encantada (4), 217 (14) Guasipati (18), Los Pijiguaos (35),
Araguita (5), La Mora Mochima (19), S.Elena Médanos (36), Puerto
(6), La Victoria+660 (20), Uverito (21), S. Paez (37)
(7), La Victoria (8), Las Barbara (22), La Isla
Lapas (9), Petaquire (23), Barinas (24),
(10) Mataclara (25), El Pao
(26), S. Carlos (27),
Pijiguaos (28), Caicara
(29), P. Ayacucho (30),
S. Rita (31)
Elevation range (m) (1100–1980) (1130–1300) (10–800) (30–175)
Air temperature range (16.8–25.6) 22.6 (21.4–28.2) (25.9–28.3)
Rainfall range (mm) (762–1100) 1851 (700–2238) (1027–1935)
Pan evaporation range (1060–1700) 2100 (1940–2400) (1946–2699)
Humidity index range (0.45–0.90) 0.93 (0.28–0.93) (0.38–0.81)
Soil P range (ppm) (5.0–10.0) (9.0–11.0) (4.0–14.0) (5.0–7.0)
Soil K range (ppm) (50.0–300.0) (8.0–88.0) (8.0–188.0) (8.0–24.0)
Soil Ca range (ppm) (54–595) (115–255) (95–475) (95–215)
CEC range (8.2–20.0) (2.1–12.6) (1.1–16.8) (0.1–4.5)
(meq 100 g1)
Fertility index range (53.3–189.9) (89.6–113.4) (47.7–157.1) (47.7–78.3)
Sand range (%) (39.6–63.6) (73.6–87.6) (45.6–89.6) (74.6–91.6)
Org. matter range (%) (2.7–6.5) (1.5–4.1) (0.7–5.0) (0.6–1.9)
pH range (4.8–7.6) (4.1–4.7) (4.2–6.0) (4.4–4.7)
Lithoplintite () (+) & () (+) & () ()

Range of elevation, climate and soil characteristics of the study sites grouped into the four savanna types. HI and FI are humidity and fertility
indices, respectively. The presence of local soil lithoplintic hardpan is shown as (+) or ().

All surveyed savannas, except some Gran Sabana areas that have not been analyzed floristically before
sites (which are in a National Park) and the fenced such as the Gran Sabana and the south margin of the
Calabozo site in the Llanos, are grazed with varying Orinoco. Specific sites were selected by the following
intensity. Fires occur each 1–3 years during the dry criteria: (a) T. plumosus or T. vestitus as the dominant
season, mainly in the Llanos and Gran Sabana. Except grasses; (b) savannas not subjected to flooding; (c) lack
in the Gran Sabana, African grasses have spread and of evidence of very recent (1 year) fires; and, (d) at least
displaced native plants, creating dense and almost 500 meters from roads or human occupation. Field
monospecific stands (Baruch, 1996; Williams and work was completed during the rainy seasons of 2 years.
Baruch, 2000). In total, 293 species of graminoids, herbs and shrubs
were censused (Appendix A). Nomenclature follows
Aristeguieta (1966), Vareschi (1970), Ramia (1974), and
Steyermark and Huber (1978). Voucher samples are
Methods deposited in the herbarium of Universidad Simón
Vegetation was surveyed in all large savanna geo- Sampling was done in 376 plots from 37 sites (Fig. 1
morphological regions: spaced from east to west along and Table 1). At each site, a 50–100 m long transect was
the central Llanos, in the Coastal Mountains and in laid out and 5–20 one m2 plots were randomly located
52 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

along it with a quadrat frame sub-divided into ecologically meaningful environmental gradients. The
10  10 cm segments. In each plot plant cover was regression coefficients of the environmental variables
measured by counting the contacts with a pin lowered generated by the analysis and the total significance of
100 times at a regular pattern. Density was determined the ordination were tested with a Monte-Carlo permu-
by carefully delimiting and counting individuals of each tation test under the null model.
species. The area of bare soil was determined and total
plant cover was calculated. The importance value index
(IVI) was obtained for each species as the sum of the
relative cover (RC) and relative density (RD) (Mueller- Results
Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974). Pooling of IVI values
was done for all plots within a site. Concurrently, 3 soil Although clustering is an agglomerative classification
samples (0–20 cm depth) were taken and pooled from technique and TWINSPAN is divisive, both produced
each site. Soil texture was determined by the Bouyoucos comparable results. In addition, TWINSPAN provided
hydrometer method, available phosphorus was deter- indicator species. Integrating the results of both
mined by the molybdic-blue method (Murphy and classifications methods with geographic affinities allows
Riley, 1963) and available potassium and calcium were for an ecologically sound scheme of 4 major savanna
determined by flame spectrophotometry. Cation ex- types. The first division of the clustering dendrogram
change capacity (CEC) was determined by extraction generated a group of sites from the sandy and treeless
with NH4Cl solution followed by spectrophotometry. A savannas (Type IV) where the indicator and dominant
synthetic fertility index (FI) was calculated as the sum of grass is T. vestitus (Fig. 3). The third division generated
the relative values (with respect to their maximum) of K, an homogeneous cluster with the sites above 700 m in
Ca and P for each site. The maximum value of FI is 300. the Coastal Mountains (Type I) (Figs. 2 and 3). This
Organic matter content, by the Walkley and Black’s group was also generated by the first division in
method (Jackson, 1982), and pH (1:2.5 in water) were TWINSPAN characterized by the indicator species
also determined. Mean air temperature, rainfall and pan Rhynchospora rugosa and Achyrocline satureioides. The
or potential evaporation data from 27 climatological cluster of four sites from the isolated Gran Sabana was
stations, maintained by the Venezuelan government generated by the fourth division in the dendrogram
(Ministerio del Ambiente and Air Force), near the study (Type II) (Fig. 3) and by the second division of
sites were obtained. A synthetic humidity index (HI) was TWINSPAN with the presence of indicator species as
calculated as the ratio between average annual rainfall Rhynchospora barbata, Axonopus anceps and Lagen-
and pan evaporation. The number of dry months, either ocarpus rigidus. The majority of the lowland sites (Type
2–3 or 4–6 was considered as a binary environmental III) did not conform an homogeneous cluster but were
variable. Disturbance, as recent evidences of fire and scattered in the two remaining groups formed after the
grazing, was estimated visually and scaled from low to second and the third division (Fig. 3).
high from 1 to 3. This scale combines magnitude and Ten sites from the Coastal Mountains conform the
frequency of disturbances. Other qualitative variables, Type I savannas (Table 1 and Fig. 2, bottom). They are
as the presence of the lithoplintic crust on the soil and of relatively cool, humid and fertile, contain the largest
woody plants were included for comparison. number of species and the highest percentage of
Data analysis was performed on the species IVI exclusive species (Table 2). Type I savannas differ from
averaging all plots per site. All numerical analyses were the rest by the presence and importance of the
done with the PC-ORD, V. 4 package (McCune and melastome shrubs of the genera Miconia and Clidemia.
Mefford, 1999). Species with less than 2 entries were These are joined by the graminoids Andropogon
deleted to increase the definition of the results. For each condensatus, A. tener, Eragrostis fragilis, Panicum
savanna type, total and mean (per site) species richness aciculare, Rhynchospora rugosa, Setaria geniculata and
were obtained. Beta-diversity was calculated as the ratio Scleria hirtella, herbs as Achyrocline satureioides,
of total to mean species richness. Data were subjected to Buchnera rosea, Coccocypselum lanceolatum, Chaptalia
cluster analysis using Euclidean distance and the Ward runcinata, Eupatorium amygdalinum, Gnaphalium pur-
group linkage method. In addition, to identify species pureum, Ichthyothere terminalis, Orthopappus angustifo-
with particular diagnostic value and to confirm cluster- lius, Polygala monticola, Pterocaulon virgatum,
ing results, the floristic data were classified with the two- Sauvagesia sprengelii, Schoenocaulon officinale, Stevia
way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) (Hill, elongata and Trimezia martinicensis, and other shrubs as
1979). Bejaria glauca, Gaylussacia sp., Hypericum caracasanum,
The floristic data and environmentally important Hyptis sp., Myrica caracasana, Psidium guajava and
variables were subjected to canonical correspondence Vaccinium sp. among the total 194 species censused
analysis (CCA) (Jongman et al., 1987; ter Braak, 1987) (Appendix). In this type, the sub-dominant grass is
to relate the internal structure of the data matrix with Axonopus pulcher. Here, the invader African grass
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 53

cyperina, and herbs such as Buchnera palustris, Polygala

hygrophila, Radiella esenbeckii, Siphanthera cordifolia,
and Sisyrinchium vaginatum. Leguminous plants are
noticeably absent from this savanna type whereas
termitaria are conspicuous in some sites.
Type III savannas form a large heterogeneous group
as evidenced by its relatively high b-diversity and area
covered (Tables 1 and 2; Figs. 1 and 2, top). It represents
the core of the lowland Llanos stretching out from east
to west north of the Orinoco and, in some places, also
south of the river. This is the typical savanna landscape
with dispersed small trees, mainly Curatella americana,
Byrsonima crassifolia and Bowdichia virgilioides. Axo-
nopus canescens is the sub-dominant grass in most of the
sites and other important graminoids are Andropogon
fastigiatus, Bulbostylis spp., Leptocoryphium lanatum,
Dichromena ciliata, Rhynchospora albo-marginata, Schi-
zachyrium sanguineum, and Sporobolus cubensis. Le-
gume herbs are numerous and an important component
of the vegetation, as Aeschynomene brasiliensis, Clitoria
guyanensis, Eriosema crinitum, Galactia jussieuana,
Phaseolus linearis, and Zornia reticulata. Other impor-
tant herbs are Borreria capitata, Evolvulus sericeus,
Merremia aturensis, and several species of Polygala. This
savanna type includes patches of lithoplintite outcrops
covered by an low cover and species poor herbaceous
community (Velásquez, 1965). In the most fertile sites,
the African invader grass Hyparrhenia rufa has dis-
placed native communities.
Type IV savannas (6 sites) occupy sandy unfertile soils
on both sides of the Orinoco river and show a strong
dominance by T. vestitus. Here, plant cover and species
richness and diversity are the lowest and woody plants
overtopping the grass stratum are absent (Table 2).
The first two axes of the ordination by CCA (Fig. 4)
accounted for 15.6% of total variation. This seems
ecologically realistic for an hetereogeneous group of
sites over a large area. The Monte-Carlo test indicates
Fig. 2. Plate showing three savanna types. Top: Woody statistically significant eigenvalues for the three ordina-
savanna of Type III in the Calabozo site (15). Middle: treeless tion axes (for all, po0:005). The relationship of selected
savanna of Type II in the Aluepa site (11). Bottom: shrubby environmental variables with the first ordination axis
savanna of Type I at intermediate elevations in the Las Lapas was strongly significant (p ¼ 0:002) and less so
site (9). (p ¼ 0:08) for the second axis as indicated by the
Monte-Carlo randomization test. The CCA biplot
shows a clear separation between the highland savannas
Melinis minutiflora forms isolated but relatively large in the Coastal Mountains (Type I) and the rest of the
patches displacing the native savanna community. sites which confirms classification results (Fig. 4). These
Type II savannas, with 4 sites from the treeless Gran sites are correlated with relatively high fertility (high
Sabana (Table 1 and Fig. 2, middle) are relatively CEC), water availability (HI) and short dry seasons
isolated from the rest by distance and elevation. They (Fig. 4). All sites from savanna Type II and four from
scored second in total species richness (Table 2) and Type IV form relatively isolated clusters defined by low
have some typical dominant and endemic species from fertility and high rainfall (Fig. 4). Although rainfall is
the Guianan region (Berry et al., 1995) such as the high in both groups, HI separates them on axis 2
graminoids Axonopus anceps, Echinolaena inflexa, La- because Type IV, with higher average pan evaporation,
genocarpus rigidus, Panicum chnoodes, Paspalum con- has lower HI than Type II (Fig. 4 and Table 1). The
tractum, P. stellatum, Rhynchospora barbata, Scleria Type IV savannas correlate strongly with high soil sand
54 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

Fig. 3. Dendrogram of the cluster grouping of the study sites. Grouping was performed using Euclidean distance and the Ward
method. Species with less than 2 entries in the matrix were deleted from the analysis. Symbols correspond to the savanna types
according to Fig 1 and Table 1.

Table 2. Vegetation and floristic characteristics of the four savanna types

Savanna type

Type I Type II Type III Type IV

Number of sites 10 4 17 6
Total species richness 194 59 85 53
Mean species richness (per site) 38.9716.4 13.871.7 17.878.5 14.574.4
b-diversity 4.98 3.55 4.77 3.65
Species limited to type 131 16 40 16
% of Total spp. richness 67.5 27.1 47.0 30.2
% Cover, mean and range 93.8 (100.0–88.2) 80.9 (87.9–74.6) 82.5 (98.3–61.3) 79.1 (87.8–71.1)
Woody elements (S) (TL) (T) & (TL) (TL)

b-Diversity was calculated as total species richness/mean species richness. Plant cover is shown as mean and range. The presence of woody elements
in the savanna is designed as (S) ¼ shrubs, (T) trees and (TL) treeless.

content and low percentage plant cover (Fig. 4). Most of and floristic heterogeneity and a complex relationship
the numerous and heterogeneous sites of Type III, were with the local environment. Classification and ordina-
placed in the remaining quadrant of the biplot defined tion methods generated results that were complementary
by low water availability and fertility (Fig. 4) where they and ecologically sound. The results of both methods
overlap with the remaining two sites from Type IV. indicated that elevation was a main determining
environmental factor which clearly separated the rela-
tively species rich, fertile, moist and cool savannas of the
Coastal Mountains (Type I) from the rest. Water and
Discussion nutrient availability, caused by climatic or edaphic
factors, were found to be the determining environmental
Although all savannas had a strong dominance by variables in savanna demarcation either by species
Trachypogon species, they showed substantial structural richness, community composition or physiognomy. This
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 55










Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV

Fig. 4. CCA biplot of the study sites and main environmental variables. Species with less than 2 entries in the matrix were deleted
from the analysis. Symbols correspond to the savanna types according to Fig 1 and Table 1. Names are the first 4–5 letters of the
sites names in Table 1.

relationship confirms, at the regional level analyzed and Colombian lowland savannas. Soil texture was
here, their ecological importance as the main limiting correlated with site ordination and defines the capacity
factors in tropical savannas (Frost et al., 1986; Medina of soils to retain nutrient and water. The sandy soils of
and Silva, 1990). In response to these limiting factors, T. Types II and IV savannas have a water holding capacity
plumosus, and probably other savanna plants, show of 3.1% (water content at field capacity minus water
several resource conservation traits such as stomatal content at wilting point) whereas some Type I savannas
closure, osmotic adjustment, high leaf mass area ratio, retain 16.5% (Z. Baruch, unpublished data). At a very
and low leaf nutrient content (Baruch and Fernández, local level, Sarmiento and Monasterio (1969) used soil
1993; Baruch and Gómez, 1996). texture to distinguish communities dominated by T.
In addition to climatically defined water availability, plumosus from those dominated by T. vestitus.
the length of the rainless period is also important in Soil fertility was also significantly correlated with site
defining this seasonal ecosystems. It separated the ordination. Soil organic matter was correlated positively
highland Type I sites, with 2–4 rainless months, from with nutrient availability whereas soil sand content was
the other savanna types with 5–6 dry months each. San negatively correlated. Here, nutrient availability was
José et al. (1998) found that the length of the dry season quantified by the FI or Cation Exchange Capacity.
was an important variable in the analysis of Venezuelan Highland soils (Type I) with a high organic matter
56 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

content and CEC were more fertile than the sandier soils richness is also the highest and 67% of the species are
from Savanna Types II and IV. This limits plant growth exclusive of this site (Table 2). The richness of this flora
in the later savanna types (Baruch and Gómez, 1996). is caused by the blend of typical lowland savanna
Similar overriding influence of nutrient availability on elements and those of the sub-páramo, which become
the composition and structure of tropical savannas has more prominent as elevation increases (Steyermark and
been reported in other studies from Venezuela and Huber, 1978; Vareschi, 1970). However, where the
Colombia (Beard, 1953; San José et al., 1998; Susach, African invader grass Melinis minutiflora has displaced
1989) and from Guyana, Surinam and Brazil (Good- the community, species richness decreases dramatically
land, 1966; Goodland and Pollard, 1973; Goldsmith, (Baruch, 1996). The Gran Sabana (Type II) has an
1974; Lopes and Cox, 1977; Miranda et al., 2003; van exclusive assemblage of species accompanying T.
Donselaar, 1965). In addition, it has been proposed that plumosus (Huber, 1995). This is probably caused by
fertility edaphic gradients were the main cause for the the unusual combination of relatively cool temperature
vegetation gradual transformation from grassland or (mean 22.6 1C), high rainfall and HI, low soil fertility
treeless savanna to the typical woody savanna (Good- and the influence of elements of the Guiana flora. An
land and Pollard, 1973; Lopes and Cox, 1977; Sarmiento interesting feature of these savannas is the absence of
and Monasterio, 1969). legumes, so conspicuous in other savannas.
Fire is another of savanna’s major characteristics Type III savannas are the most extended and could be
(Frost et al., 1986) and has been invoked as one of the considered the ‘‘typical’’ savanna landscape. However,
factors determining its structure and composition herbaceous species richness and plant cover are rela-
(Beard, 1953; Blydenstein, 1962). Here, fire and grazing tively low. They decrease even further on the lithoplintic
disturbances had no weight in defining the ordination soil or ‘‘ripio’’ patches which, in some sites, forms a
results. When considered jointly, these two disturbances mosaic within the deeper soils of the savanna. The
balance even among the savanna types. Due to their particularity of the ripio patches is probably due to the
higher humidity and shorter dry season, Type I lower soil water retention capacity and to the impedance
savannas burn less frequently but grazing is relatively to root growth (Pieters and Baruch, 1997) which
important. In contrast, the other savanna types burn confirms the results of Velásquez (1965) and San José
almost annually and grazing is important only in Types et al. (1998). The sandy Type IV savannas on both
III and IV. However, the role of fire is strongly banks of the Orinoco form a mosaic of apparently
evidenced when savannas are protected. The woody ‘‘treeless’’ savannas with low plant cover probably
component increases and the relative importance of caused by increased competition for the scarse soil
several grass species changes in Venezuelan (San José water and nutrients. Here, the densely pubescent T.
and Fariñas, 1991) and in Brazilian (Moreira, 2000) vestitus replaces T. plumosus as the dominant species
savannas. and small stunted trees do not overtop the grasses.
The presence and prominence of woody elements, The savanna classification presented here is partially
determines savanna physiognomy and landscape. It is a consequence of the regional geomorphology. Type I
partial result of the regional differences in biophysical savannas, on crests and mid-slopes of the Coastal
variables and aids in the interpretation and classification Mountains, have soils that rejuvenate gradually by
of the savannas. The conspicuous shrubs (1–2 m tall) of erosion thus maintaining fertility. The sandstones of the
the highland Type I savannas are consequence of their Precambrian Roraima Formation underlay the extre-
favorable water and fertility status and reduced fire mely nutrient poor Type II savannas. The Type III
frequency. They also suggest that these savannas are a savannas are either on alluvial Quaternary terraces in
successional stage towards the original forest (Tamayo, the west of the country or on the Pliocene–Pleistocene
1943; Vareschi, 1970). Dispersed trees in the lowland Mesas that underlay the central and eastern Llanos.
Type III savannas point to relatively deep soils with a Finally, aeolian plains underlay the Type IV savannas
reasonable water and nutrient storing capacity (Var- (Cole, 1986; Sarmiento, 1983).
eschi, 1992; Walter, 1973). Their absence or low This study shows that the composition and structure
prominence (as they grow dwarfed without overtopping of the Trachypogon savannas are related to the specific
the herbaceous matrix) from Types II and IV savannas water and nutrient availability of the major geomor-
is probably due to a combination of low water retention phological regions of Venezuela. Each of the previous
and fertility caused by sandy soils and to frequent fires. studies found similar results for their particular savan-
Total species richness differed notably among savan- nas sites. Blydenstein (1962), Velásquez (1965), Sar-
na types as consequence of the interaction of the miento and Monasterio (1969) and Ramia (1993)
regional environment and the available species pool. described the non-flooded central Llanos and found
Type I savannas from the Coastal Mountains grade that the dominance of Trachypogon species and the
continuously from 700 to 1900 m asl. Here, mean plant importance of woody elements depend on edaphic
cover and species number are the highest. Total species factors such as texture, depth of water table and
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 57

nutrient content. Susach (1989) analyzed a region of the 2003; Baruch, 1996; Parsons, 1972; Pieters and Baruch,
Central Llanos close to the Orinoco river. The non- 1997; Williams and Baruch, 2000). The alteration of the
flooded savannas of this area correspond to our site fire regime may lead to either species loss or the
Santa Rita (31). Using the nomenclature of the Zürich – encroachment of the woody component (Klink et al.,
Montpellier school, he classified the vegetation of the 1993; San José and Fariñas, 1991; Silva, 1996). The most
non-flooded savannas into the order Trachypogonetalia fragile savannas appear to be Types II and IV due to
plumosi belonging to the class Leptocoryphio-Trachy- their extremely nutrient poor sandy soils. In addition,
pogonetea, similar to those savannas described by van the particular climatic–edaphic blend of the Type II
Donselaar (1965) in the Guyanas. In their analysis, San (Gran Sabana) supplemented to its isolation, signals its
José et al. (1998) included the Colombian Llanos. They vulnerability. This analysis of the vegetation–environ-
classified the savannas into three types also based on soil ment relations and the classification of the Venezuelan
fertility and water availability. Huber (1995) described savannas is also relevant for the savannas in Colombia,
the Gran Sabana vegetation as sub-mesothermic savan- Brazil and Guyana and provides a base line for other
nas with a large influence of the Guianan flora. Vareschi studies intended to conserve and restore this ecosystem.
(1970) described the savannas in the Coastal Mountains
and found co-dominance by T. plumosus and Axonopus
pulcher. The Trachypogon dominated savannas extend
to the Guianas and the Roraima region in Brazil and
were grouped in the class Leptocoryphio-Trachypogo- Acknowledgments
netea (van Donselaar, 1965). Goodland (1966) analyzed
the vegetation of the Rupununi-Rio Branco region and Universidad Simón Bolı́var supported this study
found that soil moisture and nutrients were the through the Decanato de Investigaciones. I wish to
dominant environmental variables controlling vegeta- thank S. Baruch, T. da Silva, M. Edreira, A. Gols, M.
tion distribution. Floristics and physiognomy were Rodriguez , and V. Salas who helped in data collection
similar to those of the Calabozo site (Type III and analysis. Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Natur-
savannas). Although many species differ, correspon- ales and Universidad Simón Rodriguez provided per-
dence in savanna physiognomy can be readily estab- mits and lodging at their field stations, Biológica de los
lished between our types and those found in the Llanos and La Iguana, respectively. Ministerio del
Brazilian cerrado. Type I shrubby savanna resembles Ambiente (MARNR) provided some of the climatic
the ‘‘campo sujo’’, the Types II and IV treeless savannas data through the collaboration of Ing. H. Fonseca. The
correspond to the ‘‘campo limpo’’ whereas the extended Instituto Nacional de Parques (INPARQUES) granted
Type III savanna corresponds to the ‘‘campo cerrado’’ permission to collect in the Avila, Mochima and Gran
(Oliveira-Filho and Ratter 2002; Sarmiento, 1983). Sabana National Parks. Botanical samples were gener-
Savanna stability, in terms of structure and composi- ously identified by M. Ramia, F. Delascio, O. Huber
tion of their native communities, could be easily and D. Velásquez. I wish to thank O. Solbrig and G.
disrupted by the increasing use of this ecosystem. Run- Romero for their hospitality and logistic support at
off from fertilized crops and pastures might increase the Harvard University Herbaria where the first version of
nutrient availability in the native savanna and promote this paper was written and to R.B. Jackson and the
changes as increased plant cover and/or species replace- Jackson’s Lab group of Duke University for hospitality
ment through invasion of exotic grasses (Barger et al., and valuable comments.

Appendix A

Species list from the four Trachypogon savanna types. Species marked with xx designate those with IVI41

Savanna types I II III IV

Ruellia geminiflora H. B. K. x x
Hypoxis decumbens L. x
Achyrocline satureioides DC. xx
Ageratum conyzoides L. x
Chaptalia nutans (L.) Polak x
C. runcinata H. B. K. xx
58 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

Savanna types I II III IV

Clibadium sp. x
Conyza chilensis Spreng. x
Erechtites hieraciifolia (L.) Raf. ex DC. x
Eupatorium amygdalinum Lam. x x
Gnaphalium purpureum L. x
G.simplicicaule Willd. ex Spreng. x
Ichthyothere terminalis (Spreng.) Blake x xx x
Ichthyothere sp. x
Orthopappus angustifolius (Sw.) Gleason x x
Pectis carthusianorum Less. x
P. ciliaris L. x
P. elongata H. B. K. x
Praxelis pauciflora R.M.King & H.Rob. x
Pterocaulon virgatum (L.) DC. x
Stevia elongata H. B. K. xx
S. lucida Lag. x
S. wageneri Hieron. x
Wedelia caracasana DC. x
Jacaranda obtusifolia Bonpl. x
Heliotropium polyphyllum Lehm. x
H. angiospermum Murray x
Alteria aphylla Barnhart x
Burmannia capitata Mart. x
Cassia biflora L. x
C. calycioides (DC.) Greene x
C. cultrifolia H. B. K. x
C. diphylla L. x
C. flexuosa L. x x
C. hispidula Vahl. x x
C. patellaria DC. x x
C. rotundifolia Pers. x
C. serpens L. x
Cassia sp. x x x
Polycarpaea corymbosa Lam. x x
Evolvulus argenteus Pursh x
E. elegans Moric. x
E. filipes Mart. x
E. pterocaulon Moric. x
E. sericeus Sw. x x
Ipomoea asarifolia Roem. & Schult. x
I. capillacea Gray x x
Jacquemontia sphaerostigma Rusby x
Merremia aturensis (H. B. K.) Hall. f x
Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) Kunth x xx xx xx
B. conifera Kunth x xx xx xx
B. junciformis (H. B. K.) Lindman xx x
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 59

Savanna types I II III IV

B. paradoxa (Speng.) Lindman x xx xx

Cyperus sp. x
C. flavus (Vahl.) Nees x
Dichromena ciliata Vahl xx xx x
Fimbristylis sp. x
Lagenocarpus rigidus Nees xx
Rhynchospora albo-marginata Kük. xx
R. barbata (Vahl) Kunth xx x
R. caracasana (Kunth) Boeckl. x
R. duckei R. Gross x
R. globosa (H.B.K.) Roem. et Schult. xx xx xx
R. rugosa (Vahl) Gale xx
R. subplumosa C.B.Clarke x x
Scleria bracteata Cav. x
S. cyperina Kunth xx x
S. distans Poir. x
S. hirtella Sw. xx
S. microcarpa Nees x
Curatella americana L. xx x
Befaria glauca Bonpl. x
Gaylussacia sp. x
Croton hirtus L’Herit. x
Euphorbia dioica Hieron. x
E. glomerifera (Millsp.) L. C. x
Phyllanthus lathyroides H. B. K. x
Sebastiania corniculata Pax x
Casearia sylvestris Sw. x
Schultesia benthamiana Klotzsch x x
S. brachyptera Cham. x x
Schieckia orinocensis Meissn. x x
Hypericum caracasanum H. B. K. x
Cypella linearis (H.B.K) Baker x
Sisyrinchium alatum Hook. x
S. vaginatum Spreng. x
S. micranthum Cav. x
Trimezia martinicensis (Jacq.) Herb. x
Hyptis atrorubens Briq. x
H. brachiata Briq. x x
H. divaricata Pohl ex Benth. x
H. fulva Epling x
H. lantanifolia Poit. x
H. mutabilis (Rich.) Briq. x
H. pulegioides Briq. x
Hyptis sp. x
60 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

Savanna types I II III IV

Utricularia amethystina Salzm. ex A.St Hil. & Girard x
Schoenocaulon officinale (Schltdl. & Cham.) A.Gray ex Benth. xx
Cuphea antisyphilitica Benth. x
C. micrantha H. B. K. x
Cienfuegosia affinis (H. B. K.) Hochr. x
Hibiscus furcellatus Lam. x
Peltaea speciosa (H. B. K.) Standl. x
Sida linifolia Juss. ex Cav. x
Sida rhombifolia L. x
Clidemia rubra Mart. x
C. sericea D. Don x x
Comolia veronicaefolia Triana x
Miconia albicans (Sw.)Triana x
M. ciliata (L. C. Rich.) DC. x
M. rubiginosa (Bonpl.) DC. x
Siphanthera cordifolia Gleason x
Tibouchina longifolia (Vahl.) Baillon x
Mimosa martensis L. x x
M. pudica L. x
Mimosa sp. x
Myrica caracasana H. B. K. x
Eugenia pauciflora DC. x
Psidium guajava L. x
P. salutare Berg x
Sauvagesia sprengelii A. St Hil. x
Bletia lansbergii Rchb.f. x
Cyrtopodium parviflorum Lindl. x
Habenaria sp. x
Orchidaceae sp. x
Aeschynomene brasiliensis (Poir.) DC. x xx
A. elegans Schltdl. & Cham. x x
A. paniculata Willd. ex Vogt x
Bowdichia virgiloides H.B.K. xx
Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. x
Centrosema venosum Mart. ex Benth. x
Clitoria guyanensis (Aubl.) Benth. x xx x
C. rubiginosa (A. Juss.) Pers. x
Crotalaria stipularis Desv. x x x
Desmodium barbatum (L.) Benth. x x
D. campyloclados Hemsl. x
D. canum Schinz & Thellung x
D. incanum DC. x
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 61

Savanna types I II III IV

D. pachyrrhizum Vogel x
D. procumbens (Mill.) Hitchc. x
D. scorpiurus (Sw.) Desv. x
D. sericophyllum Schltdl. x
Eriosema crinitum (H. B. K.) G. Don x xx xx
E. simplicifolium (H.B.K.) G. Don x
Galactia jussieuana Kunth xx x
Indigofera lespedezioides H. B. K. x
I. pascuorum Benth. xx x
Macroptilium gracile Urb. x
Phaseolus diversifolius Pers. x
P. erythroloma Mart. ex Benth. x
P. gracilis Poeppig ex Benth. x
P. lathyroides L. x
P. linearis H. B. K. x xx xx
Rhynchosia edulis Griseb. x
Stylosanthes capitata Vog. x
S. guianensis (Aubl.) Sw. x x x
S. humilis H. B. K. x x
S. sericea S. F. Blake x
Tephrosia leptostachya DC. x xx
T. tenella A. Gray x
Zornia curvata Mohlenbrock x
Z. diphylla Pers. x x
Z. filifoliola Domin x
Z. reticulata Sm. x
Zornia sp. x
Andropogon angustatus (Presl) Steud. x
A. bicornis L. x x
A. condensatus H. B. K xx xx
A. fastigiatus Sw x
A. selloanus (Hack.)Hack. x xx
A. semiberbis (Nees) Kunth x x
Andropogon sp. x
A. tener (Nees)Kunth xx
Aristida recurvata H. B. K. x x x
A. torta Kunth xx x
Arundinella confinis (Schult.) Hitchc. & Chase xx
Axonopus anceps (Mez.) Hitchc. xx x
A. canescens (Nees & Trin.) Pilger x xx xx xx
A. chrysoblepharis (Lag.) Chase x
A. pulcher (Nees) Kuhlmann xx xx
A. purpusii (Mez.) Chase xx x
Axonopus sp. x xx x x
Digitaria fragilis (Steud.) Luces x
D. villiculmis Henr. x
Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase xx x
Elionurus planifolius Renvoize x
E. tripsacoides (H. B. K.) Hack. x
Eragrostis airoides Nees xx
E. fragilis Swallen x
E. polytricha Nees x
62 Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64

Savanna types I II III IV

Gymnopogon foliosus Nees xx

Hackelochloa granularis (L.) Kuntze x
Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf x x
Leptocoryphium lanatum (H. B. K. ) Nees x x
Melinis minutiflora Beauv. xx
Mesosetum loliiforme Hitchc. xx
M. chaseae Luces xx
Panicum aciculare Desv. ex Poir. x
P. chnoodes Trin. xx
P. micranthum H. B. K. x xx
P. olyroides H. B. K. x
P. orinocense Willd. ex Spreng. x
P. polycomum Trin. xx x
Panicum sp. x
P. sphaerocarpon Ell. x
P. tenuissimum Benth. x
Paspalum contractum Pilger xx
P. carinatum Humb. & Bonpl. ex Flugge x
P. gardnerianum Nees x
P. pilosum Lam. x
P. plicatulum Michx. x
Paspalum sp. x
P. stellatum Humb. & Bonpl. x xx
Radiella esenbeckii (Steud.) Cald. & Soderstr. x
Schizachyrium tenerum Nees xx
S. sanguineum (Retz.) Alston xx xx
Setaria geniculata (Lam.) Beauv. xx
Sporobolus cubensis Hitchc. x xx xx x
Trachypogon plumosus (H. & B.) Nees xx xx xx xx
T. vestitus Anders xx xx
Thrasya petrosa (Trin.) Chase x
Polygala diversifolia L. x
P. fendleri Chodat x
P. hygrophila H. B. K x
P. leptocaulis Torr. & Gray x
P. longicaulis H. B. K. x
P. monticola H. B. K. x x
P. paniculata L. x
P. savannorum Chodat x
Polygala sp. x
P. variabilis H. B. K. x xx
Coccoloba caracasana Meissn. x
Anemia villosa H. & B. x
Pteridium caudatum (L.) Maxon xx
Borreria capitata (Ruiz & Pavon) DC. x xx xx
B. ocimoides (Burm. f.) DC. x
B. verticillata (L.) G.F.W.Meyer x
Coccocypselum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pavon) Pers. x
Declieuxia fruticosa (Willd.) Kuntze x x x
Z. Baruch / Flora 200 (2005) 49–64 63

Savanna types I II III IV

Diodia teres (Sw.) Steyerm. x x x

Palicourea rigida H. B. K. x
Relbunium hypocarpicum (L.) Hemsl. x
Roupala complicata H. B. K. x
R. montana Aubl. x
Sipanea hispida Benth. ex Wernh. x
Sipanea sp. x
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. x
Buchnera longifolia H. B. K. x
B. palustris Aublet x x
B. rosea H. B. K. x
B. weberbaueri Diels x x x
Waltheria americana L. x
Piriqueta cistoides (L.) Griseb. x
Turnera ulmifolia L. x x
Lantana camara L. x
Lantana caracasana Turcz. x
Xyris garcia-barrigae Idrobo & L. B. Smith xx x

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