02 .DACC. 15360-Rev1

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EX CO 1 17/02/10 Issued For construction BCH SM THR

EX CO 0 08/02/10 Issued For construction BCH SM THR


Validation Rev. Date Description Prepared by Checked by Approved by Company
Status Approval
Project name: Company doc. Identification
Company logo and business name 3314. 02 .DACC. 15360
Maamoura and Baraka
ETAP Development Project Job N
Entreprise Tunisienne D’activités
Contractor logo and business name Contractor doc. Identification .
‫ﻣﻘﺎوﻻت إﻧﺠﺎز اﻟﻤﻨﺸﺂت اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ و اﻟﺒﺘﺮوﻟﻴﺔ‬
Petroleum & Industrial Realisation Contractors Contract N to be assigned

Vendor logo and business name Contractor doc. Identification .

Engineering Procurement and Project Management Contract N to be assigned

Audubon Engineering

Valerus Compression Services LP

Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of Sheets
Onshore Project Facilities Tazerka - Tunisia n.a. 1/40
Document Title Supersedes N na
Plant Area Plant Unit
n.a. n.a.

This document is property of Eni Tunisia B.V. who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.
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1  GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 3 
1.1  Project Description ..................................................................................... 3 
1.2  Scope .......................................................................................................... 3 
2  CODES & STANDARDS ......................................................................................... 3 
3  ENVIRONMENTAL DATA .................................................................................... 3 
4  REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................. 3 
5  CHARACTERISTICS OF MATERIALS .................................................................. 4 
5.1  CONCRETE .............................................................................................. 4 
5.2  STEEL FOR REINFORCEMENT............................................................ 4 
5.3  CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GROUND .............................................. 4 
5.4  APPLIED LOADS ..................................................................................... 4 
5.5  COMBINATIONS FOR LOADS .............................................................. 5 
6  RESULT OF CALCULATION: ................................................................................ 8 
6.1  FOUNDATION TYPE 1 .......................................................................... 8 
6.2  FOUNDATION TYPE 2 ........................................................................ 12 
6.3  FOUNDATION TYPE 3 ........................................................................ 15 
6.4  FOUNDATION TYPE 4 ........................................................................ 19 
6.5  FOUNDATION TYPE 5 ........................................................................ 23 
6.6  FOUNDATION TYPE 6 ........................................................................ 26 
6.7  FOUNDATION TYPE 7 ........................................................................ 29 
6.8  FOUNDATION TYPE 8 ........................................................................ 33 
6.9  FOUNDATION TYPE 9 ........................................................................ 37 

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Eni Tunisia BV intends to construct an onshore oil and gas-processing facility plant as part of Maamoura &
BARAKA offshore fields development Project.
Hydrocarbon gas and liquids brought onshore via two subsea pipelines will be treated at an onshore gas-
processing facility at MAAMOURA Point. Liquids (condensate and LPG) will be separated, processed and
stored. The produced sales gas and after treatment (acid gas removal, dehydration, wobbe Index control) will
be transported via pipeline to a tie-in point to an existing 10” pipeline north west of Hammamet, owned by
STEG, the National Electricity and Gas Company.
The onshore gas-processing facility will be designed for a nominal design life of 20 years, with an
approximate processing capacity of 0.85 MMSm3/day gas and associated liquids around 2000 m3/day,
obtained through the installation of one single train. The CPF will serve the following purposes:
- Associated wet gas will be sweated by gas acid removal, dehydrated, and stripped of heavy hydrocarbons
to sales quality specifications and compressed prior to be exported;
- Condensate and LPG will be recovered and stored prior to be sold and transferred by trucking.
- The produced water and the water used for oil washing is collected and treated in a suitable waste water
treatment plant before to be transported by truck for injection in Belli Water disposal well.
- Utilities and buildings will be constructed to support base operations.


The present calculation note concerns the foundations under “Pipe support”; it aims is to verify the stability
and the reinforcement of the foundation.
The foundation of PIPE RACK is designed in accordance with the following standards and rules:
• BAEL 91 mod. 99 French rules for concrete calculations
• Fascicule N° 62 – Titre V French booklet for Geotechnical calculations
• ASCE 7-05 American rules defining effects of snow and wind
• UBC 1997 American rules defining para-seismic construction
• Ambient temperature: Min = -1 C° and Max = 47 C°;
• The average overall direction of the winds is supposed horizontal.
• According to ‘ASCE 7-05’,
• Wind velocity = 125 MPH.
• Site EXP = C;
• Class II.
• Kzt = 1.
• Kd = 0,85.
• I=1
• Rainfall = 108 mm/h.
• Earthquake = Zone II according to UBC 1997:
• General specification – concrete works : 3314-02-BA-SG-15014
• Etude geotechnical: AS-018/2009

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Compressive strength at 28 days fc28 = 25 Mpa

Tensile strength at 28 days ft28 = 2,1 Mpa
Density ρ = 25 KN/m3


Steel grade with high adherence FeE400

Fissuring Not permissible
Ultimate stress of traction of steel to ULS σu= 160 Mpa
Ultimate stress of traction of steel to ELS σe= 348 Mpa
The minimum concrete cover to reinforcement shall be observed unless otherwise shown:
• concrete exposed to earth or weather any surface coating neglected 50 mm


Bearing pressure of the ground in absolute limit of service σsoil = 3,0 Bars,
Wet soil density ρsoil = 1800 kG/m3,
Internal friction angle φ = 30 Deg,
Cohesion C = 0 daN/cm2,


The loads quoted below will be considered in the calculation of foundation:

Loads and Actions Symbols
Dead Load DL
Live Load LL
Action of the wind WIND
Seismic load SEIS
Thermal loading TEMPport
These actions are generated according to the paraseismic standard PS 92, with the parameters following:
• Zone of seismicity: II;
• Classify of work is C;
• Site: S0;
• Type of ground: normal;
• Damping ratio: 2%
The seismic excitation multiplier (applied in gravity) is calculated according to the formula:
Sa = aN * t * r * R
aN - acceleration depending on the zone number and the structure type,
τ - Topographic coefficient depending on the tangent of the inclination angle = 1,
ρ - Damping correction coefficient depending on the damping ratio,

This document is property of Eni Tunisia B.V. who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.
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R - Value of spectrum calculated by the ROBOT program, depending on the structure type, site type and
risk type.
Characteristics of analysis :
Analysis mode : Modal
Method : Subspace iteration
Type of mass matrix : Lumped without rotations
Number of modes : 30
Number of iterations : 40
Tolerance : 1.00000e-004
Damping : 0.050








Period (s)
0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0

Spectrum parameters:
Acceleration : aN = 3.000
Damping : x = 0.050
Damping correction : ρ = (5/ξ)0,4 = 1.000
TB = 0.150 TC = 0.300 TD = 2.670 RM = 2.500
RA = 1.000


Lists of combinations for stability checking according to

: Fascicule No 62 - Titre V
2/ELU : 1.35DL+1.50LL1+0.90WIND1
3/ELU :1.35DL+1.50LL1+0.90TEMP2
4/ELU : 1.35DL+1.50LL1
5/ELU : 1.35DL
6/ELU :1.00DL+1.50LL1+0.90WIND1+0.90TEMP2
7/ELU :1.00DL+1.50LL1+0.90WIND1
8/ELU :1.00DL+1.50LL1+0.90TEMP2
9/ELU : 1.00DL+1.50LL1
10/ELU : 1.00DL
11/ELU :1.35DL+1.05LL1+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP2
12/ELU :1.35DL+1.05LL1+1.50WIND1
13/ELU : 1.35DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP2
14/ELU : 1.35DL+1.50WIND1

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16/ELU : 1.00DL+1.05LL1+1.50WIND1
17/ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP2
18/ELU : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.50WIND1
19/ELU :1.35DL+1.05LL1+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP2
20/ELU :1.35DL+1.05LL1+1.50TEMP2
21/ELU :1.35DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP2
22/ELU : 1.35DL1+1.35DL2+1.50TEMP2
23/ELU :1.00DL+1.05LL1+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP2
24/ELU : 1.00DL+1.05LL1+1.50TEMP2
25/ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP2
26/ELU : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.50TEMP2
27/ELS : 1.00DL+1.00LL1+0.60WIND1+0.60TEMP2
28/ELS : 1.00DL+1.00LL1+0.60WIND1
29/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.00LL1+0.60TEMP2
30/ELS : 1.00DL+1.00LL1
31/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2
32/ELS : 1.00DL+0.70LL1+1.00WIND1+0.60TEMP2
33/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+0.70LL1+1.00WIND1
34/ELS : 1.00DL+1.00WIND1+0.60TEMP2
35/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.00WIND1
36/ELS : 1.00DL+0.70LL1+0.60WIND1+1.00TEMP2
37/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+0.70LL1+1.00TEMP2
38/ELS : 1.00DL+0.60WIND1+1.00TEMP2
39/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.00TEMP2
40/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+0.80LL1
41/ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2
42/ELS : 1.00DL+0.50LL1+0.50WIND1
43/ELS : 1.00DL+0.50WIND1
44/ELS : 1.00DL+0.50LL1+0.50TEMP2
45/ELS : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2
46/ELS : 1.00DL+0.50LL1
47/ELS : 1.00DL
48/ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1+1.00SIS_X13
49/ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_X13
50/ACC : 1.00DL
51/ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1+1.00SIS_Y14
52/ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_Y14
53/ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1+1.00SIS_Z14
54/ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_Z14
55/ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1-1.00SIS_X13
56/ACC : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2-1.00SIS_X13
57/ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1-1.00SIS_Y14
58/ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_Y14
59/ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1-1.00SIS_Z14
60/ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_Z14
62/ACC : 1.0DL+0.50WIND1+1.00SIS_X13
64/ACC : 1.0DL+0.50WIND1+1.00SIS_Y14

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66/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50WIND1+1.00SIS_Z14
67/ACC : 1.0DL+0.50LL1+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_X13
68/ACC : 1.0DL+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_X13
69/ACC : 1.0DL+0.50LL1+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_Y14
70/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_Y14
71/ACC : 1.0DL+0.50LL1+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_Z14
72/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_Z14
73/ACC :1.00DL+0.5LL1+0.50TEMP2+1.00SIS_X13
74/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2+1.00SIS_X13
75/ACC :1.0DL+0.50LL1+0.50TEMP2+1.00SIS_Y14
76/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2+1.00SIS_Y14
77/ACC :1.0DL+0.50LL1+0.50TEMP2+1.00SIS_Z14
78/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2+1.00SIS_Z14
79/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50LL1+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_X13
80/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_X13
81/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50LL1+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_Y14
82/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_Y14
83/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50LL1+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_Z14
84/ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_Z14
85/*ELU : 1.35DL+0.80TEMP2
86/*ELU : 1.35DL
87/*ELU : 1.00DL+0.80TEMP2
88/*ELU : 1.00DL
89/*ELU : 1.35DL+1.50LL1+0.80TEMP2
90/*ELU : 1.35DL1+1.35DL2+1.50LL1
91/*ELU : 1.00DL+1.50LL1+0.80TEMP2
92/*ELU : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.50LL1
93/*ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP2
94/*ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1
95/*ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP2
96/*ELU : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2+1.80WIND1
98/*ELU : 1.35DL+1.50LL1+1.20WIND1
100/*ELU :1.00DL+1.50LL1+1.20WIND1
102/*ELU :1.35DL+1.00LL1+1.80WIND1
104/*ELU : 1.00DL+1.00LL1+1.80WIND1
105/*ELS : 1.00DL+0.60TEMP2
106/*ELS : 1.00DL
108/*ELS : 1.00DL+1.00LL1+0.77WIND1
109/*ELS : 1.00DL+1.00LL1+0.60TEMP2
110/*ELS : 1.00DL+1.00LL1
112/*ELS : 1.00DL+0.77LL1+1.00WIND1
113/*ELS :1.00DL+1.00WIND1+0.60TEMP2
114/*ELS : 1.00DL+1.00WIND1
115/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1+1.00SIS_X13
116/*ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_X13

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117/*ACC : 1.00DL
118/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1+1.00SIS_Y14
119/*ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_Y14
120/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1+1.00SIS_Z14
121/*ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_Z14
122/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1-1.00SIS_X13
123/*ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_X13
124/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1-1.00SIS_Y14
125/*ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_Y14
126/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.80LL1-1.00SIS_Z14
127/*ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_Z14
129/*ACC :1.00DL+0.20WIND1+1.00SIS_X13
135/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.20WIND1-1.00SIS_X13
137/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.20WIND1-1.00SIS_Y14
138/*ACC : 1.0DL+0.65LL1+0.20WIND1-1.0SIS_Z14
139/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.20WIND1-1.00SIS_Z14
147/*ACC : 1.0DL+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_X13
149/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_Y14
150/*ACC :1.0DL+0.65LL1+0.50TEMP2-
151/*ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP2-1.00SIS_Z14

The stability checking and the reinforced concrete of the foundation are led by the ROBOT program.


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 9/40


A = 1,30 (m); a = 0,65 (m); B = 1,30 (m); b = 0,65 (m); h1 = 0,35 (m); ex = 0,00 (m);
h2 =1,00(m); ey = 0,00 (m); h4 = 0, 10 (m) ; c =5,0 (cm)

a' = 46,0 (cm) b' = 46,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m)(daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 275,38 0,00 0,00 0,00 14,44
DL2 dead load 1 620,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 195,45
WIND1 wind 1 0,00 0,00 110,00 -373,29 0,00
TEMP1 temperature 1 0,00 187,00 0,00 0,00 595,46
SIS_X6 seismic 1 4,69 -94,58 0,00 0,00 -295,04
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight

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Calculation results: On the foundation level

Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 5553,31 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 6762,08 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 1541,19 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 3.00 (kG/cm2) qu = 8,60 (kG/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 4.40 (kG/cm2)
γf = 2,00 q'0 = 0,20 (kG/cm2)
Stress in soil: qref = 0.63 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 7.004 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4113,56 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5008,95 (daN) Mx = -464,66 (daN*m) My = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 79,90 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4113,56 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5008,95 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 209,89 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4113,56 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5008,95 (daN) Mx = -464,66 (daN*m) My = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 1,30 (m) B_ = 1,30 (m)
Sliding area: 1,35 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (kG/cm2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 297,46 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 2409,93 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 8.102 > 1

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About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4113,56 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5008,95 (daN) Mx = -774,43 (daN*m) My = 964,59 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 3255,81 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 774,43 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 4.204 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4113,56 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5008,95 (daN) Mx = -464,66 (daN*m) My = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 3255,81 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.218 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 5322,33 (daN) Mx = -929,32 (daN*m) My = 954,20 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 1,30 (m)
Shear force: 316,23 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,29 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,38 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,09 (kG/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,90 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: 139.1 > 1
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
My = 369,71 (daN*m) Asx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 363,55 (daN*m) Asy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP1-1.00SIS_X6
My = -150,26 (daN*m) A'sx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1
Mx = -120,69 (daN*m) A'sy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 11,79 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
Asx = 2,60 (cm2) Asy = 3,30 (cm2)

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Along X axis: 7 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 7HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 7 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 7 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 10 HA 400 14
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

A = 3,00 (m) a1 = 0,65 (m) a2 = 0,65 (m) B = 1,20 (m) b1 = 0,65 (m) b2 = 0,65 (m)
h1 = 0,35 (m) e1 = 0,21 (m) h2 = 1,00 (m) e2 = 1,93 (m) ey = 0,27 (m) h4= 0,10 (m)

a1' = 46,0 (cm) a2' = 46,0 (cm)

b1' = 46,0 (cm) b2' = 46,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group Pier N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m) (daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 1 246,98 -4,70 0,02 -0,11 -4,54
2 343,44 4,70 -0,02 -4,76 5,46
DL2 dead load 1 1 388,29 -37,55 0,00 0,00 -38,60
2 487,21 37,55 0,00 0,00 41,40
WIND1 wind 1 1 -226,57 141,84 0,00 0,00 247,66
2 226,57 128,16 0,00 0,00 233,16
TEMP1 temperature 1 1 0,00 0,00 117,01 -375,52 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 146,09 -531,27 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 1 1 136,72 -85,20 -4,57 -14,57 -148,78
2 136,95 -77,10 -1,84 -6,84 -140,20
SIS_Y7 seismic 1 1 6,05 -3,08 -78,45 -251,11 -5,21

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2 5,50 -1,75 -183,61 -674,40 -3,81

SIS_Z7 seismic 1 1 20,27 -1,28 -0,18 -0,59 -1,39
2 57,65 -0,79 -1,28 -4,02 -0,90
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 11754,81 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 13733,81 (daN) Mx = -1879,80 (daN*m) My = -209,51 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 30000.00 (daN/m2)
qu = 86116,57 (daN/m2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 44029.14 (daN/m2)
γf = 2,00 q'0 = 1941,72 (daN/m2)
Stress in soil: qref = 5178.56 (daN/m2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 8.502 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 8707,26 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 10173,19 (daN) Mx = -1878,10 (daN*m) My = 987,01 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 98,99 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS

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Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL

Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 8707,26 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 10173,19 (daN) Mx = -4,87 (daN*m) My = -155,19 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 8707,26 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 10173,19 (daN) Mx = -1128,81 (daN*m) My = 1748,47 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 3,00 (m) B_ = 1,20 (m)
Sliding area: 3,60 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (daN/m2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 469,14 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 4894,58 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 10.43 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 8707,26 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 10173,19 (daN) Mx = -1878,10 (daN*m) My = -155,19 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 6103,91 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1878,10 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 3.25 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 8707,26 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 10173,19 (daN) Mx = -1128,81 (daN*m) My = 1748,47 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 15311,87 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 2095,93 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 7.306 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 10686,27 (daN) Mx = -1005,63 (daN*m) My = 2119,54 (daN*m)

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Length of critical circumference: 1,20 (m)

Shear force: 535,68 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,29 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,35 (m2)
Shear stress: 1539,31 (daN/m2)
Admissible shear stress: 116666,67 (daN/m2)
Safety factor: 75.79 > 1
ACC : 1.00DL
My = 2165,63 (daN*m) Asx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 429,54 (daN*m) Asy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 4,11 (cm2/m)
My = 0,00 (daN*m) A'sx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+0.80TEMP1
Mx = -60,82 (daN*m) A'sy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 10,58 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx1 + Asy1)
Asx1 = 2,60 (cm2) Asy1 = 2,69 (cm2)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 10,96 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx2 + Asy2)
Asx2 = 2,60 (cm2) Asy2 = 2,88 (cm2)
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 15HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 15 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 10 HA 400 14
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

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A = 2,509 (m) a1 = 0,65 (m) a2 = 0,65 (m) B = 1,20 (m) b1 = 0,65 (m) b2 = 0,65 (m)
h1 = 0,35 (m) e1 = 0,21 (m) h2 = 1,00 (m) e2 = 1,449 (m) ey = 0,00 (m) h4 = 0,10 (m)

a1' = 46,0 (cm) a2' = 46,0 (cm)

b1' = 46,0 (cm) b2' = 46,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group Pier N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m) (daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 1 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
DL2 dead load 1 1 60,53 -4,31 0,00 0,00 -1,99
2 469,47 4,31 0,00 0,00 7,19
WIND1 wind 1 1 -219,37 99,91 0,00 0,00 173,40
2 219,37 100,09 0,00 0,00 173,72
TEMP1 temperature 1 1 0,00 0,00 19,85 -65,94 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 141,15 -449,42 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 1 1 447,12 -203,06 0,00 0,00 -352,45
2 451,96 -203,26 0,00 0,00 -352,93
SIS_Y7 seismic 1 1 0,00 0,00 -95,53 -308,78 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 -498,94 -1588,12 0,00
SIS_Z7 seismic 1 1 27,10 -2,84 0,00 0,00 -3,82
2 149,06 -2,15 0,00 0,00 -3,26
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)
Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)
Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)

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Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 9633,47 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 10348,97 (daN) Mx = -1086,99 (daN*m) My = 96,25 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
qu = 30000.00 (daN/m2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 15970.86 (daN/m2)
γf = 2,00 q'0 = 1941,72 (daN/m2)
Stress in soil: qref = 4578.74 (daN/m2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 3.488 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 7135,90 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 7665,90 (daN) Mx = -1086,99 (daN*m) My = 71,30 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 7135,90 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 7665,90 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 71,30 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 7135,90 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 7665,90 (daN) Mx = -652,19 (daN*m) My = 1421,60 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 2,509 (m)B_ = 1,20 (m)
Sliding area: 3.01 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (daN/m2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58

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Sliding force value F = 333,16 (daN)

Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 3688,26 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 11.07 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 7135,90 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 7665,90 (daN) Mx = -1086,99 (daN*m) My = 71,30 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 4599,54 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1086,99 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 4.231 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.35DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 7135,90 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 7851,40 (daN) Mx = -652,19 (daN*m) My = 1491,20 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 9361,20 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1726,09 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 5.423 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 7665,90 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 1691,66 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 1,20 (m)
Shear force: 349,93 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,29 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,35 (m2)
Shear stress: 1005,54 (daN/m2)
Admissible shear stress: 116666,67 (daN/m2)
Safety factor: 116 > 1
ELU : 1.35DL+0.80TEMP1
My = 1539,01 (daN*m) Asx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 258,85 (daN*m) Asy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
My = -2,15 (daN*m) A'sx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+0.80TEMP1
Mx = -17,68 (daN*m) A'sy = 4,11 (cm2/m)

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As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)

Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 11,19 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx1 + Asy1)
Asx1 = 2,99 (cm2) Asy1 = 2,60 (cm2)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 11,97 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx2 + Asy2)
Asx2 = 2,60 (cm2) Asy2 = 3,38 (cm2)
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 12HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 12 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 10 HA 400 14
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

A = 1,614 (m) a1 = 0,65 (m) a2 = 0,65 (m) B = 0,90 (m) b1 = 0,65 (m) b2 = 0,65 (m)
h1 = 0,35 (m) e1 = 0,00 (m) h2 = 1,00 (m) e2 = 0,964(m) ey = 0,17 (m) h4 = 0,10 (m)

a1' = 46,0 (cm) a2' = 46,0 (cm)

b1' = 46,0 (cm) b2' = 46,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group Pier N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (kG*m) (kG*m)
DL1 dead load 6 1 197,49 1,19 0,00 0,00 2,79

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2 290,21 -1,19 0,00 0,00 0,20

DL2 dead load 6 1 33,57 1,49 0,00 0,00 7,78
2 536,43 -1,49 0,00 0,00 4,54
WIND1 wind 6 1 303,51 -99,93 0,00 0,00 -177,01
2 -303,51 -100,07 0,00 0,00 -177,25
TEMP1 temperature 6 1 0,00 0,00 -11,90 42,93 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 -159,10 515,06 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 6 1 189,57 61,83 0,00 0,00 109,54
2 191,46 61,67 0,00 0,00 109,39
SIS_Y7 seismic 6 1 0,00 0,00 81,87 264,76 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 118,90 384,61 0,00
SIS_Z7 seismic 6 1 30,10 0,68 0,00 0,00 1,18
2 30,63 1,61 0,00 0,00 1,98
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 5921,12 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 7349,02 (daN) Mx = 730,45 (kG*m) My = 415,85 (kG*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 30000.00 (daN/m2) qu = 86116,57 (daN/m2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 44029.14 (daN/m2)
γf = 2,00 q'0 = 1941,72 (daN/m2)
Stress in soil: qref = 6329.15 (daN/m2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 6.957 > 1

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Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4386,02 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5443,72 (daN) Mx = 846,23 (kG*m) My = -517,93 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 97,03 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4386,02 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5443,72 (daN) Mx = -330,78 (kG*m) My = 308,04 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4386,02 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5443,72 (daN) Mx = 375,42 (kG*m) My = -1068,58 (kG*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 1,62 (m) B_ = 1,00 (m)
Sliding area: 1,61 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (daN/m2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 337,17 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 2619,11 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 7.768 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4386,02 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5443,72 (daN) Mx = 846,23 (kG*m) My = -517,93 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 2764,95 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1177,01 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.349 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4386,02 (daN)

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Design load:
Nr = 5443,72 (daN) Mx = -330,78 (kG*m) My = -1068,58 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 4496,35 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1068,58 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 4.208 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 5443,72 (daN) Mx = -330,78 (kG*m) My = -1343,90 (kG*m)
Length of critical circumference: 1,00 (m)
Shear force: 964,82 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,29 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,29 (m2)
Shear stress: 3326,97 (daN/m2)
Admissible shear stress: 116666,67 (daN/m2)
Safety factor: 35.07 > 1
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
My = 1662,09 (kG*m) Asx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL1+1.35DL2+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 350,77 (kG*m) Asy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 4,11 (cm2/m)
My = 0,00 (kG*m) A'sx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
Mx = 0,00 (kG*m) A'sy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 11,28 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx1 + Asy1)
Asx1 = 2,60 (cm2) Asy1 = 3,04 (cm2)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 11,91 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx2 + Asy2)
Asx2 = 2,60 (cm2) Asy2 = 3,35 (cm2)
Along X axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 8HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 8 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 10 HA 400 14
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8

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• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

A = 1,90 (m); a = 0,60 (m); B = 0,60 (m); b = 0,60 (m); h1 = 0,35 (m); ex = 0,00 (m);
h2 =1,00 (m); ey = 0,00 (m); h4 = 0, 10 (m) ; c =5,0 (cm)

a' = 46,0 (cm) b' = 46,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m)(daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 275,38 0,00 0,00 0,00 14,44
DL2 dead load 1 620,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 195,45
WIND1 wind 1 0,00 0,00 110,00 -373,29 0,00
TEMP1 temperature 1 0,00 187,00 0,00 0,00 595,46
SIS_X6 seismic 1 4,69 -94,58 0,00 0,00 -295,04
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 24/40

Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3847,92 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 4743,31 (daN) Mx = -774,43 (daN*m) My = 964,59 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 3.00 (kG/cm2) qu = 8,60 (kG/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 5.80 (kG/cm2)
γf = 1,50
q'0 = 0,20 (kG/cm2)
Stress in soil: qref = 1.28 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 4.526 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2850,31 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3745,70 (daN) Mx = -774,43 (daN*m) My = 964,59 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 41,74 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2850,31 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3745,70 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 209,89 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2850,31 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3745,70 (daN) Mx = -464,66 (daN*m) My = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 1,90 (m) B_ = 0,60 (m)

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Sliding area: 0,76 (m2)

Cohesion: C = 0.00 (kG/cm2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 297,46 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 1802,15 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 6.058 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2850,31 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3745,70 (daN) Mx = -774,43 (daN*m) My = 964,59 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1123,71 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 774,43 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.451 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2850,31 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3745,70 (daN) Mx = -464,66 (daN*m) My = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 3558,41 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1467,73 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.424 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 4059,08 (daN) Mx = -929,32 (daN*m) My = 954,20 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 0,60 (m)
Shear force: 703,43 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,29 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,17 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,41 (kG/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,90 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: 28.86 > 1
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
My = 589,88 (daN*m) Asx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 98,09 (daN*m) Asy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 4,11 (cm2/m)

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ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP1-1.00SIS_X6
My = -146,80 (daN*m) A'sx = 4,11 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = -15,51 (daN*m) A'sy = 4,11 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 10,88 (cm2) A min. = 9,60 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
Asx = 2,40 (cm2) Asy = 3,04 (cm2)
Along X axis: 3 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 10HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 3 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 10 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 10 HA 400 14
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

A = 1,00 (m); a = 0,45 (m); B = 1,00 (m); b = 0,45 (m); h1 = 0,30 (m); ex = 0,00 (m);
h2 =1,00 (m); ey = 0,00 (m); h4 = 0, 10 (m) ; c =5,0 (cm)

a' = 35,0 (cm) b' = 35,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 27/40

Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m)(daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 88,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
DL2 dead load 1 400,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
WIND1 wind 1 0,00 80,00 0,00 0,00 320,00
TEMP1 temperature 1 0,00 0,00 120,00 -480,00 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 1 0,00 -35,42 0,00 0,00 -141,87
SIS_Y7 seismic 1 0,00 0,00 -25,80 -103,19 0,00
SIS_Z7 seismic 1 11,42 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3184,42 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3672,57 (daN) Mx = -954,00 (daN*m) My = 381,60 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 3.00 (kG/cm2) qu = 8,60 (kG/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 5.80 (kG/cm2)
γf = 1,50 q'0 = 0,20 (kG/cm2)
Stress in soil: qref = 1.06 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 5.458 > 1
Uplift in ULS

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 28/40

Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1

Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2358,83 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2846,98 (daN) Mx = -954,00 (daN*m) My = 381,60 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 44,40 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00DL2
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2358,83 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2846,98 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 0,00 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2358,83 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2846,98 (daN) Mx = -954,00 (daN*m) My = 381,60 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 1,00 (m) B_ = 1,00 (m)
Sliding area: 0,44 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (kG/cm2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 193,87 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 1369,75 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 7.065 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2358,83 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2846,98 (daN) Mx = -954,00 (daN*m) My = 0,00 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1423,49 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 954,00 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.492 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2358,83 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2846,98 (daN) Mx = -572,40 (daN*m) My = 636,00 (daN*m)

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Stability moment: Mstab = 1423,49 (daN*m)

Rotation moment: Mrenv = 636,00 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.238 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 2846,98 (daN) Mx = -508,80 (daN*m) My = 763,20 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 1,00 (m)
Shear force: 423,60 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,24 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,24 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,18 (kG/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,90 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: 66.1 > 1
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
My = 281,45 (daN*m) Asx = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 206,29 (daN*m) Asy = 3,65 (cm2/m)
As min = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1
My = -150,36 (daN*m) A'sx = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+0.80TEMP1
Mx = -89,88 (daN*m) A'sy = 3,65 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 7,39 (cm2) A min. = 7,20 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
Asx = 1,80 (cm2) Asy = 1,89 (cm2)
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 6 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 8 HA 400 12
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

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A = 0,90 (m); a = 0,45 (m); B = 0,90 (m); b = 0,45 (m); h1 = 0,30 (m); ex = 0,00 (m);
h2 =1,00 (m); ey = 0,22 (m); h4 = 0, 10 (m) ; c =5,0 (cm)

a' = 35,0 (cm) b' = 35,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m)(daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 88,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
DL2 dead load 1 400,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
WIND1 wind 1 0,00 80,00 0,00 0,00 320,00
TEMP1 temperature 1 0,00 0,00 120,00 -480,00 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 1 0,00 -35,42 0,00 0,00 -141,87
SIS_Y7 seismic 1 0,00 0,00 -25,80 -103,19 0,00
SIS_Z7 seismic 1 11,42 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 17.60 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 17.80(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 16.50 (m)
• Soil level: 16.50 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 31/40

Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2633,44 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3121,59 (daN) Mx = -780,14 (daN*m) My = -173,86 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 3.00 (kG/cm2) qu = 8,60 (kG/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 4.40 (kG/cm2)
γf = 2,00 q'0 = 0,20 (kG/cm2)
Stress in soil: qref = 1.06 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 4.145 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1950,70 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2438,85 (daN) Mx = -796,74 (daN*m) My = 224,34 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 38,60 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1950,70 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2438,85 (daN) Mx = 157,26 (daN*m) My = -157,26 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1950,70 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2438,85 (daN) Mx = -796,74 (daN*m) My = 224,34 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 0,90 (m) B_ = 0,90 (m)
Sliding area: 0,31 (m2)

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Cohesion: C = 0.00 (kG/cm2)

Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 193,87 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 1173,39 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 6.053 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1950,70 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2438,85 (daN) Mx = -796,74 (daN*m) My = -157,26 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1142,97 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 954,00 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.198 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1950,70 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2438,85 (daN) Mx = -415,14 (daN*m) My = 478,74 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1142,97 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 636,00 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.797 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 2438,85 (daN) Mx = -351,54 (daN*m) My = 605,94 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 0,90 (m)
Shear force: 1015,43 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,24 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,22 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,48 (kG/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,90 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: 24.82 > 1
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
My = 497,03 (daN*m) Asx = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 330,12 (daN*m) Asy = 3,65 (cm2/m)
As min = 3,65 (cm2/m)

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ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP1+1.00SIS_X6
My = -103,30 (daN*m) A'sx = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_Y7
Mx = -31,01 (daN*m) A'sy = 3,65 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 7,39 (cm2) A min. = 7,20 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
Asx = 1,80 (cm2) Asy = 1,89 (cm2)
Along X axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 5 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 8 HA 400 12
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8


• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

A = 1,464 (m) a1 = 0,45 (m) a2 = 0,45 (m) B = 1,00 (m) b1 = 0,45 (m) b2 = 0,45 (m)
h1 = 0,30 (m) e1 = 0,00 (m) h2 = 1,00 (m) e2 = 1,014(m) ey = 0,00 (m) h4= 0,10 (m)

a1' = 35,0 (cm) a2' = 35,0 (cm)

b1' = 35,0 (cm) b2' = 35,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)

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Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group Pier N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m) (daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 1 44,82 -0,45 0,00 0,00 -0,29
2 44,82 0,45 0,00 0,00 0,29
DL2 dead load 1 1 384,85 -20,75 0,00 0,00 -13,48
2 415,15 20,75 0,00 0,00 13,86
WIND1 wind 1 1 -119,88 59,99 0,00 0,00 64,97
2 119,88 60,01 0,00 0,00 64,98
TEMP1 temperature 1 1 0,00 0,00 115,81 -229,73 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 124,19 -245,71 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 1 1 19,32 -9,57 0,00 0,00 -10,37
2 19,32 -9,57 0,00 0,00 -10,37
SIS_Y7 seismic 1 1 0,00 0,00 -17,42 -34,50 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 -17,42 -34,50 0,00
SIS_Z7 seismic 1 1 5,73 -0,11 0,00 0,00 -0,07
2 5,72 -0,11 0,00 0,00 -0,07
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)
Soil level: N1 = 18.00 (m)
Column pier level: Na = 18.30(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 17.30 (m)
Soil level: 17.30 (m)
Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Real reference level= 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 4105,48 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 4995,13 (daN) Mx = -1181,16 (daN*m) My = 14,00 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric
(SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 3.00 (kG/cm2) qu = 8,60 (kG/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 4.40 (kG/cm2)
γf = 2,00 q'0 = 0,20 (kG/cm2)
Stress in soil: qref = 0.89 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 4.969 > 1

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 35/40

Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3041,10 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3930,74 (daN) Mx = -1181,16 (daN*m) My = 368,35 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 48,42 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3041,10 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3930,74 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 14,00 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3041,10 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3930,74 (daN) Mx = -1181,16 (daN*m) My = 368,35 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 1,464 (m)B_ = 1,00 (m)
Sliding area: 1,464 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (kG/cm2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58
Sliding force value F = 375,85 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 1891,18 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 5.032 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+0.90WIND1+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3041,10 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3930,74 (daN) Mx = -1181,16 (daN*m) My = 368,35 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1768,83 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1181,16 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.498 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3041,10 (daN)

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 36/40

Design load:
Nr = 3930,74 (daN) Mx = -708,70 (daN*m) My = 604,58 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 2663,08 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 604,58 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 4.405 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 4242,12 (daN) Mx = -629,95 (daN*m) My = 727,60 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 0,90 (m)
Shear force: 582,93 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,24 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,22 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,28 (kG/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,90 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: 43.23 > 1
ACC : 1.00DL+1.00SIS_X6+1.00SIS_Y7+1.00SIS_Z7
My = 435,75 (daN*m) Asx = 3,00 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1+0.80TEMP1
Mx = 248,28 (daN*m) Asy = 3,00 (cm2/m)
As min = 2,92 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+1.80WIND1
My = -0,02 (daN*m) A'sx = 2,92 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL+0.80TEMP1
Mx = -81,09 (daN*m) A'sy = 2,92 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 8,70 (cm2) A min. = 7,20 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx1 + Asy1)
Asx1 = 1,80 (cm2) Asy1 = 2,55 (cm2)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 8,41 (cm2) A min. = 7,20 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx2 + Asy2)
Asx2 = 1,80 (cm2) Asy2 = 2,41 (cm2)
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 9HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 6 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 9 HA 400 12
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 8 HA 400 12
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8

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• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : severe
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.

A = 1,00 (m); a = 0,65 (m); B = 1,00 (m); b = 0,65 (m); h1 = 0,30 (m); ex = 0,175 (m);
h2 =1,00 (m); ey = 0,175 (m); h4 = 0, 10 (m) ; c =5,0 (cm)

a' = 46,0 (cm) b' = 46,0 (cm) c1 = 5,0 (cm) c2 = 3,0 (cm)
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m)(daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 367,09 -2,85 0,00 0,00 -2,15
DL2 dead load 1 775,47 -35,17 0,00 0,00 -26,46
WIND1 wind 1 -152,52 -112,32 0,00 0,00 -81,86
TEMP1 temperature 1 0,00 0,00 -116,15 -270,29 0,00
SIS_X6 seismic 1 707,58 -543,07 0,00 0,00 -404,12
SIS_Y7 seismic 1 0,00 0,00 -395,59 -649,25 0,00
SIS_Z7 seismic 1 326,12 -7,82 0,00 0,00 -5,86
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 18.00 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 18.30(m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = 17.30 (m)
• Soil level: 17.30 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 30.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 0.00 (daN/cm2)

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3314. 02 .DACC. 15360 1 38/40

Calculation results:
Real reference level = 17.30 (m)
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ACC : 1.00DL+0.50WIND1+1.00SIS_X6+1.00SIS_Y7+1.00SIS_Z7
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3216,02 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 5316,02 (daN) Mx = -625,79 (daN*m) My = -802,37 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,00 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric (SLS), (Fascicule No 62 - Titre V, B.1.)
q SLS = 3.00 (kG/cm2) qu = 8,64 (kG/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = (qu - q'0) / γf + q'0 = 5.82 (kG/cm2)
γf = 1,50 q'0 = 0,18 (kG/cm2)
Stress in soil: qref = 1.10 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 5.304 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.50TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2382,23 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3924,69 (daN) Mx = -528,40 (daN*m) My = 231,82 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 98,79 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2382,23 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3524,79 (daN) Mx = -264,05 (daN*m) My = 189,82 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL+1.50WIND1+0.90TEMP1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2382,23 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 3296,02 (daN) Mx = -342,98 (daN*m) My = -174,05 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 1,00 (m) B_ = 1,00 (m)
Sliding area: 1,00 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.00 (kG/cm2)

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Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,58

Sliding force value F = 231,46 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
- On the foundation level: F(stab) = 1585,80 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 6.851 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ACC : 1.00DL+0.50WIND1-1.00SIS_X6-1.00SIS_Y7-1.00SIS_Z7
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2382,23 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2414,82 (daN) Mx = 99,18 (daN*m) My = 963,86 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1598,91 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 649,25 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.463 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_X6-1.00SIS_Y7-1.00SIS_Z7
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2382,23 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 2491,08 (daN) Mx = 86,22 (daN*m) My = 1085,15 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1315,79 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 996,83 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.32 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL+1.80WIND1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 3650,16 (daN) Mx = -285,37 (daN*m) My = -204,82 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 1,00 (m)
Shear force: 260,51 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,24 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,24 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,11 (kG/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,90 (kG/cm2)
Safety factor: 107.5 > 1
ACC : 1.00DL+0.20WIND1+1.00SIS_X6+1.00SIS_Y7+1.00SIS_Z7
My = 580,57 (daN*m) Asx = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_X6-1.00SIS_Y7-1.00SIS_Z7
Mx = 98,96 (daN*m) Asy = 3,65 (cm2/m)
As min = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ACC : 1.00DL-1.00SIS_X6-1.00SIS_Y7-1.00SIS_Z7
My = -252,35 (daN*m) A'sx = 3,65 (cm2/m)
ACC : 1.00DL+0.50TEMP1+1.00SIS_X6+1.00SIS_Y7+1.00SIS_Z7
Mx = -8,92 (daN*m) A'sy = 3,65 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)

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Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 11,75 (cm2) A min. = 10,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
Asx = 3,27 (cm2) Asy = 2,60 (cm2)
Along X axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along X axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Along Y axis: 5 HA 400 12.0
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis: 10 HA 400 14
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8

This document is property of Eni Tunisia B.V. who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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