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EX CO 1 17/02/10 Issued For construction BCH SM THR

EX CO 0 08/02/10 Issued For construction BCH SM THR

EX CO A 09/09/09 First Issue BB PJH THR

Validation Rev. Date Description Prepared by Checked by Approved by Company
Status Approval
Company logo and business name Project name: Company doc. Identification
3314.02. DACC.15037
Maamoura and Baraka
ETAP development project Job N

Contractor logo and business name Contractor doc. Identification

‫ﻣﻘﺎوﻻت إﻧﺠﺎز اﻟﻤﻨﺸﺂت اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ و اﻟﺒﺘﺮوﻟﻴﺔ‬
Petroleum & Industrial Realisation Contractors Contract N to be assigned

Vendor logo and business name Contractor doc. Identification .

Engineering Procurement and Project Management Contract N to be assigned

Audubon Engineering

Valerus Compression Services LP

Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of Sheets
Onshore Project Facilities Tazerka - Tunisia n.a. 1/52
Document Title Supersedes N na
Superseded by N na
n.a. n.a.

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INDEX ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ................................................................................. 3
1.2 DOCUMENT OBJECTIVE: ................................................................................ 3
2 CODES, STANDARDS AND REFERANCE DOCUMENTS: .................................... 3
3 SOURCE DATA AND HYPOTHESIS OF CALCULATIONS: ................................... 4
3.1. CARCTERESTICS OF MATERIAL .................................................................. 4
3.2. SOIL CARACTERESTICS ................................................................................... 5
3.3. CRITERIA OF DIMENSIONING .................................................................... 5
3.4. APPLIED LOADS ................................................................................................. 5
4 MODEL ...................................................................................................................................... 7
5 BAR LIST .................................................................................................................................. 8
6 LOADS LIST: .......................................................................................................................... 11
7 LOAD COMBINATIONS – ................................................................................................ 14
8 STEEL DESIGN .................................................................................................................... 15
8.1. PIPE RACK ........................................................................................................... 15
8.2. P1 .............................................................................................................................. 21
9 REACTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 26
10 CONNECTIONS ................................................................................................................... 28
11 FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................................................... 41
11.1. FOUNDATION FOR PIPE RACK ................................................................ 42
11.2. FOUNDATION FOR P1 .................................................................................. 47

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Eni Tunisia BV intends to construct an onshore oil and gas-processing facility plant as part of Maamoura &
BARAKA offshore fields development Project.
Hydrocarbon gas and liquids brought onshore via two subsea pipelines will be treated at an onshore gas-
processing facility at MAAMOURA Point. Liquids (condensate and LPG) will be separated, processed and
stored. The produced sales gas and after treatment (acid gas removal, dehydration, wobbe index control) will be
transported via pipeline to a tie-in point to an existing 10” pipeline north west of Hammamet, owned by STEG,
the National Electricity and Gas Company.
The onshore gas-processing facility will be designed for a nominal design life of 20 years, with an approximate
processing capacity of 0.85 MMSm3/day gas and associated liquids around 2000 m3/day, obtained through the
installation of one single train. The CPF will serve the following purposes:
- Associated wet gas will be sweated by gas acid removal, dehydrated, and stripped of heavy
hydrocarbons to sales quality specifications and compressed prior to be exported;
- Condensate and LPG will be recovered and stored prior to be sold and transferred by trucking.
- The produced water and the water used for oil washing is collected and treated in a suitable
waste water treatment plant before to be transported by truck for injection in Belli Water
disposal well.
- Utilities and buildings will be constructed to support base operations.


The present note concerns the steel structure and foundations of pipe rack: Calculation is made with the
loads and overloads due to the dead loads, equipment loads, wind effects and temperature effects.


The foundation of compressor is designed in accordance with the following standards and rules:

“BAEL 91” French rules for concrete calculations

“Fascicule N° 62 – Titre V” French booklet for Geotechnic calculations

“NV 65” French rules defining effects of snow and wind NV 65

“PS 92” French rules defining paraseismic construction

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Compressive strength at 28 days fc28 = 25 Mpa

Tensile strength at 28 days ft28 = 2,1 Mpa

Compressive strength of the concrete to ULS fbu= 14,2 Mpa

Compressive strength of the concrete to SLS σbc= 15 Mpa

Voluminal weight ρ=25 KN/m3


Steel grade with high adherence FeE400

Fissuring not permissible

Ultimate stress of traction of steel to ULS σs= 348 Mpa

Ultimate stress of traction of steel to SLS σs= 160 Mpa

Cover of steel: footing: 5 cm

pier: 5 cm


Steel will be in conformity with the standard NF A 35.501. (grade S235 or equivalent) steel yield strength
All sections; σe = 23.5 daN/mm².

3.1.4 BOLTS

For the bolted assemblies,

the bolts will be:
- mild steel The mechanical properties of the anchor bolts will be in conformity with the standard: NF-EN-
10025 (grade S235 or equivalent).
High strength bolts will be HS 8*8.class

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According to soil investigation survey

Bearing capacity of the ground σsol = 3 bars

Soil density: 1800 Kg/m3

Internal friction angle: 35 Deg

Cohesion: 0 daN/cm2


Displacement limits
Displacement in heads of a column associated with a structure H / 150
Insulated Post (Mono-Foot) H / 360
Principal beam L / 300
Secondary beam L / 200
Horizontal bracket L / 360
Run way
L / 500

The loads quoted below will be considered in the calculation of structures:

Loads and Actions Symbols
(dead Load) G
Overload Q
Charge of test S
Thermal action T
Action of the wind W


• Density of concrete 2,5 T/ m3

• Density of steel 7,85 T/ m3
• Weight of piping

Φ1" Φ 2" Φ 3" Φ 4" Φ 6"

F (daN/ml) 16,64 40,10 80,45 111,09 205,60

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Area II
Normal pressure q= 60 daN/m²
Wind type: normal
Exposed site Ks =1.3

Wind on pipes

kh = 2,5*( H+18 )/( H+60 )

Pipe dimeter Φ: (m)

Lp: (m)

ct: if Φ >= 0,28 ct = 0,45

if Φ < 0,28

if d*sqr(q) >=1,5 ct = 0,45

if 0,5 < d*sqr(q) < 1,5 ct = 0,9 - 0,3*d*sqr(q)

if d*sqr(q) <= 0,5 ct = 0,75

λ = Η/Φ −−−−−−−−− φιγ Ρ −ΙΙΙ −10 −−−−−−−−−> γ

ct0 =ct*g

Su = F*Lp m²

qv(u) =qv*kh*ks*ct0 daN/ml

T = qv(u)*Su daN

Hi = kh = Φ Lp λ γ ct ct0 Su qv(u)

(m) (m) (m) m² daN/ml

7,53 0,95 0,15 24 157,48 1,33 0,75 1,00 0,15 11,21

7,5 0,94 0,10 24 236,22 1,33 0,75 1,00 0,10 7,47

7,49 0,94 0,08 24 314,96 1,33 0,75 1,00 0,08 5,60

7,48 0,94 0,05 24 472,44 1,33 0,75 1,00 0,05 3,73

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7,46 0,94 0,03 24 944,88 1,33 0,75 1,00 0,03 1,86

Φi Fi

Φ1" 89,42

Φ2" 59,58

Φ3" 44,67

Φ4" 29,77

Φ6" 14,88

3.4.3 Temperature (T)

∆t = 25° C.


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Bar Node Node Section Material Length Gamma Type

1 2 (m) (Deg)
1 1 2 HEA 240 S235 JR 7,30 90,0 Column
2 3 4 HEA 240 S235 JR 7,30 90,0 Column
3 2 4 HEA 140 S235 JR 1,50 0,000 Beam
4 7 10 HEA 100 S235 JR 1,50 0,000 Beam
5 6 9 HEA 100 S235 JR 1,50 0,000 Beam
6 5 8 HEA 100 S235 JR 1,50 0,000 Beam
7 11 10 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
8 11 7 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
9 12 9 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
10 12 6 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
11 13 8 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
12 13 5 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
13 14 3 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
14 14 1 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 1,97 0,000 Diagonale
15 15 16 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
16 17 18 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
17 16 18 HEA 140 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
18 19 20 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
19 21 20 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
20 21 19 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
21 22 23 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
22 24 25 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
23 26 27 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
24 28 27 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
25 28 26 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
26 29 30 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
27 31 32 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
28 33 34 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
29 35 34 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
30 35 33 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
31 16 23 HEA 120 S235 JR 6,00 0,000 Beam

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32 23 30 HEA 120 S235 JR 6,00 0,000 Beam

33 18 25 HEA 120 S235 JR 6,00 0,000 Beam
34 25 32 HEA 120 S235 JR 6,00 0,000 Beam
35 38 39 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
36 40 41 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
37 39 41 HEA 140 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
38 42 43 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
39 44 43 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
40 44 42 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
41 45 46 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
42 47 48 HEA 140 S235 JR 7,30 0,000 Column
43 49 50 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
44 51 50 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
45 51 49 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,00 0,000 Diagonale
46 39 46 HEA 120 S235 JR 6,00 0,000 Beam
47 41 48 HEA 120 S235 JR 6,00 0,000 Beam
48 36 27 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
49 36 34 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
50 37 26 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
51 37 33 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
52 52 43 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
53 52 50 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
54 53 42 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
55 53 49 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 4,12 0,000 Diagonale
56 53 52 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
57 37 36 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
58 54 55 HEA 100 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
59 23 25 HEA 140 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
60 30 32 HEA 140 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
61 46 48 HEA 140 S235 JR 2,00 0,000 Beam
62 46 52 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,61 0,000 Diagonale
63 52 39 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,61 0,000 Diagonale
64 30 36 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,61 0,000 Diagonale

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65 36 23 CAE 60x6 S235 JR 3,61 0,000 Diagonale


Case Load type List Load values

1 bar force 37 61 FZ=-104,58(daN)
1 bar force 37 61 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 37 61 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 37 61 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 37 61 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 37 61 FZ=-104,58(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-144,42(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-21,63(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-21,63(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-104,58(daN)
1 bar force 17 59 60 FZ=-144,42(daN)
1 bar force 3 FZ=-52,13(daN)
1 bar force 3 FZ=-21,63(daN)
1 bar force 3 FZ=-21,63(daN)

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1 bar force 3 FZ=-21,63(daN)

1 bar force 3 FZ=-267,28(daN)
1 self-weight 1A65 PZ Negative Factor=1,00
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=15,64(daN) X=1,02(m)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=43,33(daN) X=1,23(m)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=15,64(daN) X=1,43(m)
2 bar force 37 61 FY=31,37(daN) X=0,30(m)
2 bar force 37 61 FY=15,64(daN) X=0,45(m)
2 bar force 37 61 FY=15,64(daN) X=0,60(m)
2 bar force 37 61 FY=15,64(daN) X=0,75(m)
2 bar force 37 61 FY=15,64(daN) X=1,10(m)
2 bar force 37 61 FY=31,37(daN) X=1,80(m)
2 thermal load 1A65 TX=30,00(°C)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=6,49(daN) X=0,90(m)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=15,64(daN) X=0,75(m)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=6,49(daN) X=0,63(m)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=31,37(daN) X=0,47(m)
2 bar force 17 59 60 FY=43,33(daN) X=0,25(m)
2 bar force 3 FY=15,64(daN) X=0,85(m)
2 bar force 3 FY=6,49(daN) X=0,72(m)
2 bar force 3 FY=6,49(daN) X=0,60(m)
2 bar force 3 FY=6,49(daN) X=0,47(m)
2 bar force 3 FY=80,18(daN) X=0,25(m)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=59,58(daN)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=29,77(daN)
3 bar force 37 61 FX=44,67(daN)
3 bar force 37 61 FX=29,77(daN)
3 bar force 37 61 FX=29,77(daN)

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3 bar force 37 61 FX=29,77(daN)

3 bar force 37 61 FX=29,77(daN)
3 bar force 37 61 FX=44,67(daN)
3 uniform load 12 PX=23,00(daN/m)
3 uniform load 15 16 21 22 26 27 31A36 41 42 PX=26,00(daN/m)
46 47
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=29,77(daN)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=14,88(daN)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=29,77(daN)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=14,88(daN)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=44,67(daN)
3 bar force 17 59 60 FX=59,58(daN)
3 bar force 3 FX=29,77(daN)
3 bar force 3 FX=14,88(daN)
3 bar force 3 FX=14,88(daN)
3 bar force 3 FX=14,88(daN)
3 bar force 3 FX=89,42(daN)
4 uniform load 12 PY=50,00(daN/m)

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[ CM66 Avril 2000 ] [ CM66 Avril 2000 ]

Combinations/Com Definition
ELU/ 1 1*1.33
ELU/ 2 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 3*1.50
ELU/ 3 1*1.33 + 3*1.50
ELU/ 4 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 4*1.50
ELU/ 5 1*1.33 + 4*1.50
ELU/ 6 1*1.00
ELU/ 7 1*1.00 + 2*1.33 + 3*1.50
ELU/ 8 1*1.00 + 3*1.50
ELU/ 9 1*1.00 + 2*1.33 + 4*1.50
ELU/ 10 1*1.00 + 4*1.50
ELU/ 11 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.75
ELU/ 12 1*1.00 + 3*1.75
ELU/ 13 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 4*1.75
ELU/ 14 1*1.00 + 4*1.75
ELS/ 1 1*1.00
ELS/ 2 1*1.00 + 3*1.00
ELS/ 3 1*1.00 + 4*1.00
ELS/ 4 1*1.00 + 2*1.00
ELS/ 5 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
ELS/ 6 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 4*1.00

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CODE: CM66 ANALYSIS TYPE: Member Verification


CODE: CM66 ANALYSIS TYPE: Member Verification
MEMBER: 24 Diagonale_CM66_24 POINT: 3 COORDINATE: x = 1.00 L = 3.00 m
Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /12/ 1*1.00 + 3*1.75
S235 JR fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=6.0 cm
bf=6.0 cm Ay=3.600 cm2 Az=3.600 cm2 Ax=6.909 cm2
tw=0.6 cm Iy=22.790 cm4 Iz=22.790 cm4 Ix=0.821 cm4
tf=0.6 cm Wely=5.288 cm3 Welz=5.288 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 3749.07/6.909 = 542.66 daN/cm2

About Y axis: About Z axis:

LY=3.00 m MuY=2.19 LZ=3.00 m MuZ=1.40
LfY=2.40 m ky=2.88 LfZ=3.00 m kz=4.29
Lambda Y=132.00 Lambda Z=165.00

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k*SigN = 4.29*542.66 = 2330.16 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.411)
Section OK !!!
MEMBER: 27 Column -2_27 POINT: 1 COORDINATE: x = 0.00 L = 0.00 m
Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /2/ 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 3*1.50
ACIER fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=13.3 cm
bf=14.0 cm Ay=23.800 cm2 Az=7.315 cm2 Ax=31.416 cm2
tw=0.5 cm Iy=1033.130 cm4 Iz=389.321 cm4 Ix=7.970 cm4
tf=0.9 cm Wely=155.358 cm3 Welz=55.617 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 3093.11/31.416 = 98.46 daN/cm2
SigFY = 1506.69/155.358 = 969.82 daN/cm2
SigFZ = 544.98/55.617 = 979.87 daN/cm2


z=0.00 B=1.00 D=1.30 Sig D=2081.80 daN/cm2
lD_inf=1.96 m C=1.00 kD=1.00

About Y axis: About Z axis:

LY=4.53 m MuY=135.18 LZ=4.53 m MuZ=25.99
LfY=2.26 m k1Y=1.00 LfZ=3.17 m k1Z=1.01
Lambda Y=39.46 kFY=1.01 Lambda Z=90.00 kFZ=1.06

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k1*SigN + kD*kFY*SigFY + kFZ*SigFZ = 1.01*98.46 + 1.00*1.01*969.82 + 1.06*979.87 = 2123.11 <
2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.731)
1.54*TauY = |1.54*-8.88| = |-13.67| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)
1.54*TauZ = 1.54*86.99 = 133.96 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)

vx = 2.1 cm < vx max = L/150.00 = 4.9 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /5/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
vy = 2.0 cm < vy max = L/150.00 = 4.9 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /5/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
Section OK !!!

MEMBER: 29 Diagonale_CM66_29 POINT: 3 COORDINATE: x = 1.00 L = 3.00 m

Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /11/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.75
S235 JR fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=6.0 cm
bf=6.0 cm Ay=3.600 cm2 Az=3.600 cm2 Ax=6.909 cm2
tw=0.6 cm Iy=22.790 cm4 Iz=22.790 cm4 Ix=0.821 cm4
tf=0.6 cm Wely=5.288 cm3 Welz=5.288 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 3096.52/6.909 = 448.21 daN/cm2

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About Y axis: About Z axis:

LY=3.00 m MuY=2.65 LZ=3.00 m MuZ=1.70
LfY=2.40 m ky=2.88 LfZ=3.00 m kz=4.29
Lambda Y=132.00 Lambda Z=165.00
k*SigN = 4.29*448.21 = 1924.58 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.411)
Section OK !!!

MEMBER: 26 Column -2_26 POINT: 1 COORDINATE: x = 0.00 L = 0.00 m

Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /2/ 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 3*1.50
MATERIAL: ACIER fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=13.3 cm
bf=14.0 cm Ay=23.800 cm2 Az=7.315 cm2 Ax=31.416 cm2
tw=0.5 cm Iy=1033.130 cm4 Iz=389.321 cm4 Ix=7.970 cm4
tf=0.9 cm Wely=155.358 cm3 Welz=55.617 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = -885.00/31.416 = -28.17 daN/cm2
SigFY = -1465.90/155.358 = -943.56 daN/cm2
SigFZ = -504.26/55.617 = -906.65 daN/cm2


z=0.00 B=1.00 D=1.30 Sig D=2081.80 daN/cm2
lD_inf=1.96 m C=1.00 kD=1.00

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SigN + kD*SigFY + SigFZ = -28.17 + 1.00*-943.56 + -906.65 = | -1878.38 | < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.731)
1.54*TauY = |1.54*-8.20| = |-12.62| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)
1.54*TauZ = 1.54*85.00 = 130.91 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)

vx = 2.0 cm < vx max = L/150.00 = 4.9 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /5/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
vy = 1.9 cm < vy max = L/150.00 = 4.9 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /4/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00
Section OK !!!
MEMBER: 39 Diagonale_CM66_39 POINT: 3 COORDINATE: x = 1.00 L = 3.00 m
Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /12/ 1*1.00 + 3*1.75
MATERIAL:S235 JR fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=6.0 cm
bf=6.0 cm Ay=3.600 cm2 Az=3.600 cm2 Ax=6.909 cm2
tw=0.6 cm Iy=22.790 cm4 Iz=22.790 cm4 Ix=0.821 cm4
tf=0.6 cm Wely=5.288 cm3 Welz=5.288 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 2590.19/6.909 = 374.92 daN/cm2

About Y axis: About Z axis:

LY=3.00 m MuY=3.17 LZ=3.00 m MuZ=2.03
LfY=2.40 m ky=2.88 LfZ=3.00 m kz=4.29
Lambda Y=132.00 Lambda Z=165.00

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k*SigN = 4.29*374.92 = 1609.88 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.411)
Section OK !!!

MEMBER: 31 Beam_31 POINT: 1 COORDINATE: x = 0.50 L = 3.00 m

Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /11/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.75
MATERIAL: ACIER fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=11.4 cm
bf=12.0 cm Ay=19.200 cm2 Az=5.700 cm2 Ax=25.336 cm2
tw=0.5 cm Iy=606.152 cm4 Iz=230.896 cm4 Ix=5.630 cm4
tf=0.8 cm Wely=106.342 cm3 Welz=38.483 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 99.75/25.336 = 3.94 daN/cm2
SigFY = 112.33/106.342 = 105.63 daN/cm2
SigFZ = 204.73/38.483 = 532.02 daN/cm2


z=1.00 B=1.00 D=3.40 Sig D=1312.90 daN/cm2
lD_sup=6.00 m C=1.00 kD=1.32
SigN + kD*kFY*SigFY + kFZ*SigFZ = 3.94 + 1.32*1.00*105.63 + 1.00*532.02 = 675.79 < 2350.00
daN/cm2 (3.731)
1.54*TauY = 1.54*0.00 = 0.00 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)
1.54*TauZ = |1.54*-1.43| = |-2.21| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)

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uy = 0.9 cm < uy max = L/200.00 = 3.0 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /5/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
uz = 0.3 cm < uz max = L/200.00 = 3.0 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /4/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00
Section OK !!!

8.2. P1

MEMBER: 1 Column_1 POINT: 1 COORDINATE: x = 0.00 L = 0.00 m

Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /4/ 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 4*1.50
MATERIAL:ACIER fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=23.0 cm
bf=24.0 cm Ay=57.600 cm2 Az=17.250 cm2 Ax=76.836 cm2
tw=0.8 cm Iy=7763.180 cm4 Iz=2768.810 cm4 Ix=38.200 cm4
tf=1.2 cm Wely=675.059 cm3 Welz=230.734 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 990.74/76.836 = 12.89 daN/cm2
SigFY = 2812.68/675.059 = 416.66 daN/cm2
SigFZ = 246.93/230.734 = 107.02 daN/cm2


z=0.00 B=1.00 D=1.07 Sig D=1480.10 daN/cm2
lD_inf=1.83 m C=1.00 kD=1.00

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About Y axis: About Z axis:

LY=1.83 m MuY=4876.12 LZ=7.30 m MuZ=27.17
LfY=1.83 m k1Y=1.00 LfZ=14.60 m k1Z=1.01
Lambda Y=18.16 kFY=1.00 Lambda Z=243.21 kFZ=1.06
k1*SigN + kD*kFY*SigFY + kFZ*SigFZ = 1.01*12.89 + 1.00*1.00*416.66 + 1.06*107.02 = 544.67 <
2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.731)
1.54*TauY = |1.54*-3.81| = |-5.86| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)
1.54*TauZ = 1.54*38.21 = 58.85 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)

vx = 0.1 cm < vx max = L/150.00 = 4.9 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /2/ 1*1.00 + 3*1.00
vy = 1.8 cm < vy max = L/300.00 = 2.4 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /6/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 4*1.00
Section OK !!!

MEMBER: 11 Diagonale_CM66_11 POINT: 3 COORDINATE: x = 1.00 L = 1.97 m

Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /11/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.75
S235 JR fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2

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ht=6.0 cm
bf=6.0 cm Ay=3.600 cm2 Az=3.600 cm2 Ax=6.909 cm2
tw=0.6 cm Iy=22.790 cm4 Iz=22.790 cm4 Ix=0.821 cm4
tf=0.6 cm Wely=5.288 cm3 Welz=5.288 cm3
STRESSES: SigN = 898.41/6.909 = 130.04 daN/cm2

About Y axis: About Z axis:

LY=1.97 m MuY=21.10 LZ=1.97 m MuZ=13.50
LfY=1.58 m ky=1.57 LfZ=1.97 m kz=2.10
Lambda Y=86.91 Lambda Z=108.64
k*SigN = 2.10*130.04 = 273.53 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.411)
Section OK !!!

MEMBER: 6 Beam_6 POINT: 3 COORDINATE: x = 0.50 L = 0.75 m

Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /2/ 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 3*1.50
MATERIAL: ACIER fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=9.6 cm
bf=10.0 cm Ay=16.000 cm2 Az=4.800 cm2 Ax=21.236 cm2
tw=0.5 cm Iy=349.225 cm4 Iz=133.811 cm4 Ix=4.690 cm4
tf=0.8 cm Wely=72.755 cm3 Welz=26.762 cm3

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STRESSES: SigN = 574.90/21.236 = 27.07 daN/cm2

SigFY = 52.78/72.755 = 72.55 daN/cm2


z=1.00 B=1.00 D=1.53 Sig D=3301.00 daN/cm2
lD_inf=1.50 m C=1.00 kD=1.00
SigN + kD*kFY*SigFY = 27.07 + 1.00*1.00*72.55 = 99.62 < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (3.731)
1.54*TauZ = |1.54*-16.37| = |-25.20| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)

uy = 0.0 cm < uy max = L/200.00 = 0.8 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /6/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 4*1.00
uz = 0.0 cm < uz max = L/200.00 = 0.8 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /5/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
Section OK !!!
MEMBER: 3 Beam_3 POINT: 1 COORDINATE: x = 0.17 L = 0.25 m
Governing Load Case: 5 ELU /2/ 1*1.33 + 2*1.33 + 3*1.50
MATERIAL: ACIER fy = 2350.00 daN/cm2


ht=13.3 cm
bf=14.0 cm Ay=23.800 cm2 Az=7.315 cm2 Ax=31.416 cm2
tw=0.5 cm Iy=1033.130 cm4 Iz=389.321 cm4 Ix=7.970 cm4
tf=0.9 cm Wely=155.358 cm3 Welz=55.617 cm3

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STRESSES: SigN = 168.88/31.416 = 5.38 daN/cm2

SigFY = 59.39/155.358 = 38.23 daN/cm2
SigFZ = 29.39/55.617 = 52.84 daN/cm2


z=1.00 B=1.00 D=1.19 Sig D=2192.88 daN/cm2
lD_sup=1.50 m C=1.00 kD=1.00
SigN + kD*kFY*SigFY + kFZ*SigFZ = 5.38 + 1.00*1.00*38.23 + 1.00*52.84 = 96.46 < 2350.00 daN/cm2
1.54*TauY = |1.54*-0.20| = |-0.31| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)
1.54*TauZ = |1.54*-11.41| = |-17.57| < 2350.00 daN/cm2 (1.313)

uy = 0.0 cm < uy max = L/200.00 = 0.8 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /6/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 4*1.00
uz = 0.0 cm < uz max = L/200.00 = 0.8 cm Verified
Governing Load Case: 8 ELS /5/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.00
Section OK !!!

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Node/Case FX (daN) FY (daN) FZ (daN) MX MY MZ

(daNm) (daNm) (daNm)
1/ 1 6,20 0,00 813,26 0,00 -0,13 0,00
1/ 2 184,98 -83,78 0,00 610,74 185,34 1,10
1/ 3 -249,81 -0,00 -1483,47 0,00 -98,21 -0,00
1/ 4 -0,00 -365,00 0,00 1332,25 -0,00 0,00
3/ 1 -6,20 -0,00 628,81 -0,00 -0,04 0,00
3/ 2 -184,98 -31,51 0,00 230,83 -185,34 1,21
3/ 3 -249,82 0,00 1483,47 -0,00 -98,22 -0,00
3/ 4 0,00 -365,00 -0,00 1332,25 -0,00 0,00
15/ 1 -1,22 0,00 661,21 -0,02 -1,35 0,00
15/ 2 6,64 -9,67 -0,00 70,58 17,05 -0,02
15/ 3 -409,24 0,47 -1330,31 -3,30 -964,43 -0,06
15/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
17/ 1 1,22 0,00 531,49 -0,02 2,20 0,00
17/ 2 -6,64 -9,43 0,00 68,88 -17,05 0,05
17/ 3 -409,26 -0,48 1330,31 3,33 -964,46 -0,06
17/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
22/ 1 -1,18 18,74 759,43 -40,83 -1,29 0,00
22/ 2 15,95 -126,58 -158,87 331,52 41,68 -0,02
22/ 3 -485,39 5,25 -1676,63 -13,70 -1165,95 -0,06
22/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
24/ 1 1,18 21,92 629,71 -47,74 2,14 0,00
24/ 2 2,68 -124,00 -241,51 324,74 7,59 0,05
24/ 3 -485,43 -5,23 1676,63 13,69 -1166,01 -0,06
24/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
29/ 1 -1,23 -18,75 692,73 40,81 -1,36 -0,00
29/ 2 -2,67 -133,33 158,87 352,59 -7,59 -0,02
29/ 3 -411,07 5,14 -1346,96 -13,52 -969,31 -0,06
29/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
31/ 1 1,23 -21,92 563,01 47,73 2,22 -0,00
31/ 2 -15,95 -130,74 241,51 345,81 -41,69 0,05

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31/ 3 -411,11 -5,15 1346,96 13,51 -969,37 -0,06

31/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
38/ 1 -0,82 18,73 563,31 -40,78 -0,89 0,00
38/ 2 8,88 -59,58 -87,50 155,15 22,98 -0,02
38/ 3 -371,99 0,05 -1157,00 -0,07 -865,87 0,00
38/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
40/ 1 0,82 21,92 517,04 -47,73 1,50 0,00
40/ 2 -4,39 -58,98 -107,44 153,57 -11,11 0,02
40/ 3 -372,03 -0,03 1157,00 0,07 -865,92 0,00
40/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
45/ 1 -0,82 -18,73 563,31 40,78 -0,89 -0,00
45/ 2 4,40 -66,32 87,50 176,23 11,11 -0,02
45/ 3 -371,99 -0,05 -1157,00 0,07 -865,87 -0,00
45/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
47/ 1 0,82 -21,92 517,04 47,73 1,50 -0,00
47/ 2 -8,88 -65,72 107,44 174,65 -22,98 0,02
47/ 3 -372,03 0,03 1157,00 -0,07 -865,92 -0,00
47/ 4 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

Case 1 Dead

Case 2 temperatu

Case 3 Wind 1

Case 4 WIND2

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Fixed column base design ( PIPE RACK )

'Fixed column bases' Y.Lescouarc'h (Ed. CTICM)
Ratio 0,97


Connection no.: 2

Nom de l’assemblage : Pied de poteau encastré

Structure node: 22

Structure bars: 21

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Section: HEA 140

Bar no.: 21

α= 0,0 [Deg] Inclination angle

hc = 133 [mm] Height of column section

bfc = 140 [mm] Width of column section

twc = 6 [mm] Thickness of the web of column section

tfc = 9 [mm] Thickness of the flange of column section

rc = 12 [mm] Radius of column section fillet

Ac = 31,416 [cm2] Cross-sectional area of a column

Iyc = 1033,130 [cm4] Moment of inertia of the column section

Material: ACIER

σec = 2350,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance

Footing plate of the column base

lp = 320 [mm] Length

bp = 320 [mm] Width

tp = 24 [mm] Thickness

Material: ACIER

σe = 2350,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance

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Class = 4.6 Anchor class

d= 24 [mm] Bolt diameter

d0 = 28 [mm] Opening diameter for anchors

nh = 2 Number of bolt columns

nv = 2 Number of bolt rows

ah = 220 [mm] Horizontal spacing

av = 220 [mm] Vertical spacing

Anchor dimensions

l1 = 48 [mm]

l2 = 300 [mm]

l3 = 96 [mm]

l4 = 32 [mm]


l= 60 [mm] Length

w= 60 [mm] Width

Spread footing

a= 1330 [mm] Spread footing length

b= 1112 [mm] Spread footing width

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Spread footing

a= 1330 [mm] Spread footing length

h= 750 [mm] Spread footing height


fc28 = 250,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance

bc = 141,67 [daN/cm2] Resistance

n= 15,00 Concrete/Steel coeff.


ap = 5 [mm] Footing plate of the column base


Case: 5: ELU /11/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 3*1.75

N= 2333,62 [daN] Axial force

Qy = 98,65 [daN] Shear force

Qz = -834,68 [daN] Shear force

My = 2000,08 [daN*m] Bending moment

Mz = 266,72 [daN*m] Bending moment



dtz = 110 [mm] Distance of the anchor bolt column from the Y axis

dty = 110 [mm] Distance of the extreme row of anchor bolts from the Z axis

Equation coefficients for determining the bearing pressure zone

A= 107 [mm] A=bp/3

B= -3384,606 [cm2] B=(M'y/N0 -0.5*lp)*bp

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Equation coefficients for determining the bearing pressure zone

A= 107 [mm] A=bp/3

C = -21380,535 [cm3] C=2*n*At*(dtz+M'y/N')

D = 577274,452 [cm4] D=-2*n*At*(dtz+0.5*lp)*(dtz+M'y/N')

z'0 = 104 [mm] Compression zone A*z'03+B*z'02+C*z'0+D=0

pm1 = 44,64 [daN/cm2] Stress due to axial force and moment My pm1= 2*(M'y+N'*dtz) / [bp*z'0*(dtz + lp/2 - z'0/3)]

pm2 = 9,52 [daN/cm2] Stress due to moment Mz pm2 = Mz*0.5*bp/Iz

Concrete verification for bearing pressure

pm = 54,16 [daN/cm2] Max. stress in concrete pm = pm1 + pm2

hb = 1112 [mm] hb = 2*[ (b/2-0.5*(nv-1)*av) + ah

bb = 1112 [mm] bb=max( 2*(b/2-0.5*(nv-1)*av) +av, bp )

K = max( 1.1; 1+(3-bp/bb-lp/hb) * [(1-bp/bb)*(1-lp/hb)] ) [Lescouarc'h (1.c)]

K= 2,73 Coefficient of the bearing pressure zone

πµ ≤ Κ∗σβχ 54,16 < 386,29 verified (0,14)


Nj1 = 4828,01 [daN] Tensile force due to axial force and moment My Nj1= [(M'y-N'*(lp/2 - z'0/3)) / (dtz + lp/2 - z'0/3)]/nv

Nj2 = 443,94 [daN] Tensile force due to moment Mz Nj2 = Mz*s/2 / Iz * n*Aj

Nt = 5271,94 [daN] Max. tensile force in the anchor bolt Nt = Nj1 + Nj2

Check of column flange for tension bolts

l1 = 70 [mm] l1 = 0.5*bfc

l2 = 68 [mm] λ2 = π ∗ 0.5∗α2

l3 = 28 [mm] λ3 = 0.5∗[(βφχ−σ) + π∗α2]

l4 = 178 [mm] λ4 = 0.5∗(σ+π∗α2)

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Nj1 = 4828,01 [daN] Tensile force due to axial force and moment My Nj1= [(M'y-N'*(lp/2 - z'0/3)) / (dtz + lp/2 - z'0/3)]/nv

leff = 28 [mm] leff = min(l1, l2, l3, l4)

Ντ ≤ λεφφ∗τφ∗σεχ 5271,94 < 5658,85 verified (0,93)


Ντ ≤ π∗δ∗τσ∗(λ2 + 10∗ρ −5∗δ) 5271,94 < 6270,12 verified (0,84)

Anchor resistance for tension

Ντ ≤ 0.8∗Ασ∗σε 5271,94 < 6777,60 verified (0,78)

Anchor resistance for resultant force

|Τζ| ≤ √[σε2 ∗ Αβ2 − Ν2]/1.54 |-208,67| < 4306,40 verified (0,05)

|Τψ| ≤ √[σε2 ∗ Αβ2 − Ν2]/1.54 |24,66| < 4306,40 verified (0,01)


Tension zone

M11' = 458,66 [daN*m] Bending moment M11' = nv*Nt*(dtz-hc/2)

Μ11∋ ≤ σε∗βπ∗τπ2/6 458,66 < 721,92 verified (0,64)


V11' = 10543,88 [daN] Shear force V11' = nv*Nt

ς11∋ ≤ σε/√3 ∗ βπ∗τπ/1.5 10543,88 < 69466,78 verified (0,15)

tpmin = 4 [mm] τπµιν = ς11∋∗1.5∗√3/(σε∗βπ)

tp tpmin 24 > 4 verified (0,15)


a1 = 36 [mm] Distance between edge of the weld of the column flange and anchor axis α1 = α2 − √2απ

a2 = 44 [mm] Distance between edge of the column flange and anchor axis a2 = (ah - hc)/2

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a1 = 36 [mm] Distance between edge of the weld of the column flange and anchor axis α1 = α2 − √2απ

s= 220 [mm] Vertical spacing of anchors s = av

Ντ[δαΝ] ≤ 375∗ τπ[µµ] ∗[(α2/α1) ∗ (σ/(σ+α2))] 5271,94 < 8972,79 verified (0,59)

Compression zone

M22' = 565,36 [daN*m] Bending moment M22' = bp/24 * (lp-hc)2*(p+2*pm)

Μ22∋ ≤ σε∗βπ∗τπ2/6 565,36 < 721,92 verified (0,78)


V22' = 10037,99 [daN] Shear force V22'= 0.25 * bp * (lp-hc) * (p+2*pm)

ς22∋ ≤ σε/√3 ∗ βπ∗τπ/1.5 10037,99 < 69466,78 verified (0,14)

tpmin = 3 [mm] τπµιν = ς22∋∗1.5∗√3/(σε∗βπ)

τπ ≥ τπµιν 24 > 3 verified (0,14)

M3 = 701,87 [daN*m] Bending moment M3 = 0.125*pm*bp*(bp-bc)2

Μ3 ≤ σε∗βπ∗τπ2/6 701,87 < 721,92 verified (0,97)

τπ ≥ 0.139∗(λπ−ηχ)∗πµ1/3 24 > 21 verified (0,88)

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Radius of curvature of anchorage is too small. 48 [mm] < 72 [mm]

Length L4 is too small. 32 [mm] < 36 [mm]

Connection conforms to the code Ratio 0,97

Fixed column base design (P1 )

'Fixed column bases' Y.Lescouarc'h (Ed. CTICM)
Ratio 0,68

Footing plate of the column base

Connection no.: 1

Nom de l’assemblage : Pied de poteau encastré

Structure node: 1

Structure bars: 1

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Section: HEA 240

Bar no.: 1

α= 0,0 [Deg] Inclination angle

hc = 230 [mm] Height of column section

bfc = 240 [mm] Width of column section

twc = 8 [mm] Thickness of the web of column section

tfc = 12 [mm] Thickness of the flange of column section

rc = 21 [mm] Radius of column section fillet

Ac = 76,836 [cm2] Cross-sectional area of a column

Iyc = 7763,180 [cm4] Moment of inertia of the column section

Material: ACIER

σεχ = 2350,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance

Footing plate of the column base

lp = 440 [mm] Length

bp = 440 [mm] Width

tp = 30 [mm] Thickness

Material: ACIER

σε = 2350,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance


Class = 4.6 Anchor class

d= 24 [mm] Bolt diameter

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σε = 2350,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance


Class = 4.6 Anchor class

d0 = 31 [mm] Opening diameter for anchors

nh = 2 Number of bolt columns

nv = 2 Number of bolt rows

ah = 340 [mm] Horizontal spacing

av = 340 [mm] Vertical spacing

Anchor dimensions

l1 = 48 [mm]

l2 = 300 [mm]

l3 = 96 [mm]

l4 = 32 [mm]


l= 70 [mm] Length

w= 70 [mm] Width

t= 14 [mm] Thickness

Spread footing

a= 2300 [mm] Spread footing length

b= 1906 [mm] Spread footing width

h= 750 [mm] Spread footing height


fc28 = 250,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance

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fc28 = 250,00 [daN/cm2] Resistance

σβχ = 141,67 [daN/cm2] Resistance

n= 15,00 Concrete/Steel coeff.


ap = 5 [mm] Footing plate of the column base


Case: 5: ELU /13/ 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 4*1.75

N= -743,07 [daN] Axial force

Qy = 164,50 [daN] Shear force

Qz = -722,54 [daN] Shear force

My = 2942,25 [daN*m] Bending moment

Mz = 185,20 [daN*m] Bending moment



dtz = 170 [mm] Distance of the anchor bolt column from the Y axis

dty = 170 [mm] Distance of the extreme row of anchor bolts from the Z axis

Equation coefficients for determining the bearing pressure zone

A= 147 [mm] A=bp/3

B= 17166,258 [cm2] B=(M'y/N0 -0.5*lp)*bp

C= 116483,625 [cm3] C=2*n*At*(dtz+M'y/N')

D= -4542861,361 [cm4] D=-2*n*At*(dtz+0.5*lp)*(dtz+M'y/N')

z'0 = 132 [mm] Compression zone A*z'03+B*z'02+C*z'0+D=0

[daN/cm Stress due to axial force and moment pm1= 2*(M'y+N'*dtz) / [bp*z'0*(dtz + lp/2 -
pm1 = 30,53 2] My z'0/3)]

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Equation coefficients for determining the bearing pressure zone

A= 147 [mm] A=bp/3

pm2 = 3,07 2
]Stress due to moment Mz pm2 = Mz*0.5*bp/Iz

Concrete verification for bearing pressure

pm = 33,60 [daN/cm2] Max. stress in concrete pm = pm1 + pm2

hb = 1906 [mm] hb = 2*[ (b/2-0.5*(nv-1)*av) + ah

bb = 1906 [mm] bb=max( 2*(b/2-0.5*(nv-1)*av) +av, bp )

K = max( 1.1; 1+(3-bp/bb-lp/hb) * [(1-bp/bb)*(1-lp/hb)] ) [Lescouarc'h (1.c)]

K= 2,95 Coefficient of the bearing pressure zone

pm K* bc 33,60 < 418,25 verified (0,08)


Nj1 = 4065,15 [daN] Tensile force due to axial force and moment My Nj1= [(M'y-N'*(lp/2 - z'0/3)) / (dtz + lp/2 - z'0/3)]/nv

Nj2 = 161,02 [daN] Tensile force due to moment Mz Nj2 = Mz*s/2 / Iz * n*Aj

Nt = 4226,17 [daN] Max. tensile force in the anchor bolt Nt = Nj1 + Nj2

Check of column flange for tension bolts

l1 = 120 [mm] l1 = 0.5*bfc

l2 = 86 [mm] l2 = * 0.5*a2

l3 = 36 [mm] l3 = 0.5*[(bfc-s) + *a2]

l4 = 256 [mm] l4 = 0.5*(s+ *a2)

leff = 36 [mm] leff = min(l1, l2, l3, l4)

Ντ ≤ λεφφ∗τφ∗σεχ 4226,17 < 10263,05 verified (0,41)


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Ντ ≤ π∗δ∗τσ∗(λ2 + 10∗ρ −5∗δ) 4226,17 < 6270,12 verified (0,67)

Anchor resistance for tension

Ντ ≤ 0.8∗Ασ∗σε 4226,17 < 6777,60 verified (0,62)

Anchor resistance for resultant force

|Τζ| ≤ √[σε2 ∗ Αβ2 − Ν2]/1.54 |-180,64| < 4767,95 verified (0,04)

|Τψ| ≤ √[σε2 ∗ Αβ2 − Ν2]/1.54 |41,12| < 4767,95 verified (0,01)


Tension zone

M11' = 464,88 [daN*m] Bending moment M11' = nv*Nt*(dtz-hc/2)

Μ11∋ ≤ σε∗βπ∗τπ2/6 464,88 < 1551,00 verified (0,30)


V11' = 8452,33 [daN] Shear force V11' = nv*Nt

ς11∋ ≤ σε/√3 ∗ βπ∗τπ/1.5 8452,33 < 119396,04 verified (0,07)

tpmin = 2 [mm] τπµιν = ς11∋∗1.5∗√3/(σε∗βπ)

τπ ≥ τπµιν 30 > 2 verified (0,07)


a1 = 48 [mm] Distance between edge of the weld of the column flange and anchor axis α1 = α2 − √2απ

a2 = 55 [mm] Distance between edge of the column flange and anchor axis a2 = (ah - hc)/2

s= 340 [mm] Vertical spacing of anchors s = av

Ντ[δαΝ] ≤ 375∗ τπ[µµ] ∗[(α2/α1) ∗ (σ/(σ+α2))] 4226,17 < 11112,18 verified (0,38)

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Compression zone

M22' = 634,03 [daN*m] Bending moment M22' = bp/24 * (lp-hc)2*(p+2*pm)

Μ22∋ ≤ σε∗βπ∗τπ2/6 634,03 < 1551,00 verified (0,41)


V22' = 10353,13 [daN] Shear force V22'= 0.25 * bp * (lp-hc) * (p+2*pm)

ς22∋ ≤ σε/√3 ∗ βπ∗τπ/1.5 10353,13 < 119396,04 verified (0,09)

tpmin = 3 [mm] τπµιν = ς22∋∗1.5∗√3/(σε∗βπ)

τπ ≥ τπµιν 30 > 3 verified (0,09)

M3 = 739,24 [daN*m] Bending moment M3 = 0.125*pm*bp*(bp-bc)2

Μ3 ≤ σε∗βπ∗τπ2/6 739,24 < 1551,00 verified (0,48)

τπ ≥ 0.139∗(λπ−ηχ)∗πµ1/3 30 > 20 verified (0,68)


Thickness of the weld connecting the column flange with the plate is too small 5 [mm] < 6 [mm]

Radius of curvature of anchorage is too small. 48 [mm] < 72 [mm]

Length L4 is too small. 32 [mm] < 36 [mm]

Connection conforms to the code Ratio 0,68


• Cracking : not permissible

• Exposure : severe

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Material properties:
• Concrete Concrete; résistance caractéristique = 250,00 daN/cm2
• Unit weight = 2501,36 (kG/m3)
• Longitudinal reinforcement type HA 400 résistance caractéristique =4000daN/cm2
• Transversal reinforcement type HA 400 résistance caractéristique =4000 daN/cm2



A = 3,20 (m) a1 = 0,60 (m) a2 = 0,60 (m) e1 = 0,05 (m) c = 5,0 (cm)
B = 1,80 (m) b1 = 0,60 (m) b2 = 0,60 (m) h1 = 0,40 (m)
h2 = 1,10 (m) e2 = 2,00 (m) ey = 0,00 (m) h4 = 0,05 (m)

Calculation options:
• Geotechnic calculations according to : DTU 13.12
• Concrete calculations according to : BAEL 91 mod. 99
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.
• Shape selection : homothetic footing

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Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group Pier N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m) (daN*m)
DL1 dead load 22 1 759,43 1,18 -18,74 40,83 1,29
2 629,71 -1,18 -21,92 47,74 -2,14
DL1 temperature 22 1 -158,87 -15,95 126,58 -331,52 -41,68
2 -241,51 -2,68 124,00 -324,74 -7,59
Wind 1 wind 22 1 -1676,63 485,39 -5,25 13,70 1165,95
2 1676,63 485,43 5,23 -13,69 1166,01
WIND2 wind 22 1 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 0,00 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 0,30 (m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = -1,20 (m)
• Soil level: 0.00 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 2692.05 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 35.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 10.00 (daN/cm2)
Calculation results:
Required reinforcement
Spread footing:
ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1
My = 3194,08 (daN*m) Asx = 5,03 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL1+1.80Wind 1+0.80DL1
Mx = 592,87 (daN*m) Asy = 5,03 (cm2/m) As min= 4,58 (cm2/m)

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ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1
My = -49,07 (daN*m) A'sx = 5,03 (cm2/m)
Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) A'sy= 1,26 (cm2/m) As min= 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcementA=11,85 (cm2) A min= 9,60 (cm2) A=2*(Asx1+Asy1)
Asx1 = 3,52 (cm2) Asy1 = 2,40 (cm2)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement A=12,92 (cm2) A min=9,60(cm2)A=2*(Asx2+Asy2)
Asx2 = 4,06 (cm2) Asy2 = 2,40 (cm2)
Splice reinforcement of block foundation:
Fx = 0,00 (daN*m) Asx = 0,00 (cm2)
Fy = 0,00 (daN*m) Asy = 0,00 (cm2)
Real reference level = -1,20 (m)
Stability analysis
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 19860,88 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 20929,72 (daN) Mx = -676,08 (daN*m) My = 12016,41 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,20 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric (SLS),
(DTU 13.12, 3.22)
q SLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)
qu = 9.00 (daN/cm2)

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Design soil pressure:

qlim = qu / γf = 6.00 (daN/cm2)
γf = 1,50
Stress in soil: qref = 0.60 (daN/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 10.04 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 14711,76 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 15780,60 (daN) Mx = -676,08 (daN*m) My = 12097,44 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 77,86 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00WIND2
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 14711,76 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 16100,91 (daN) Mx = 149,57 (daN*m) My=-709,37(daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 14711,76 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 15780,60 (daN)Mx = -676,08 (daN*m) My = 12097,44 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A = 3,20 (m) B = 1,80 (m)
Sliding area: 4,48 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.75 (daN/cm2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,70

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Sliding force value F = 1739,92 (daN)

Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
On the foundation level: F(stab) = 41527,50 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 23.87 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 14711,76 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 15780,60 (daN)Mx = -676,14 (daN*m) My = -757,17 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 14202,54 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 676,14 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 21.01 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 14711,76 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 15780,60 (daN)Mx = -676,08 (daN*m) My = 12097,44 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 25261,99 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 12596,15 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.006 > 1
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 15780,61 (daN) Mx = -676,07 (daN*m) My = 12097,44 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 4,16 (m)
Punching force: 3898,48 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,40 (m)
Shear stress: 0,23 (daN/cm2)

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Admissible shear stress: 7,50 (daN/cm2)

Safety factor: 32.04 > 1
Spread footing:
Along X axis: 9 HA 400 14,0 l = 3,48 (m)
Along Y axis: 16 HA 400 14,0 l = 2,08 (m)
Along X axis: 9 HA 400 12,0 l = 3,48 (m)
Along Y axis: 16 HA 400 8,0 l = 1,96 (m)
Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcement
4 HA 400 12,0 l = 3,59 (m) (per face)
Transversal reinforcement 8 HA 400 8,0
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement
4 HA 400 12,0 l = 3,59 (m) (per face)
Transversal reinforcement 7 HA 400 8,0



A = 2,20 (m) a1 = 0,60 (m) a2 = 0,60 (m)

B = 2,20 (m) b1 = 0,60 (m) b2 = 0,60 (m)
h1= 0,50 (m) h2 = 0,90 (m) h4 = 0,05 (m) c= 5,0 (cm)
e1 = 0,10 (m) e2 = 1,50 (m) ey = 0,00 (m)

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Calculation options:
• Geotechnic calculations according to : DTU 13.12
• Concrete calculations according to : BAEL 91 mod. 99
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure.
• Shape selection : square footing
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group Pier N Fx Fy Mx My
(daN) (daN) (daN) (daN*m) (daN*m)
DL1 dead load 1 1 813,26 -6,20 0,00 0,00 0,13
2 628,81 6,20 0,00 0,00 0,04
DL1 temperature 1 1 0,00 -184,98 83,78 -610,74 -185,34
2 0,00 184,98 31,51 -230,83 185,34
Wind 1 wind 1 1 -1483,47 249,81 0,00 0,00 98,21
2 1483,47 249,82 0,00 0,00 98,22
WIND2 wind 1 1 0,00 0,00 365,00 -1332,25 0,00
2 0,00 0,00 365,00 -1332,25 0,00
Stresses in soil: σULS = 4.50 (daN/cm2) σSLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)

Soil level: N1 = 0,00 (m)

Column pier level: Na = 0,30 (m)
Minimum reference level: Nf = -1,20 (m)
• Soil level: 0.00 (m)
• Unit weight: 1800.00 (kG/m3)
• Unit weight of solid: 2692.05 (kG/m3)
• Internal friction angle: 35.0 (Deg)
• Cohesion: 10.00 (daN/cm2)

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Calculation results:
Required reinforcement
Spread footing:
ELU : 1.00DL1
My = 1279,42 (daN*m) Asx = 6,08 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1
Mx = 3250,06 (daN*m) Asy = 6,08 (cm2/m) As min = 5,52 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35DL1+0.80DL1
My = -220,66 (daN*m) A'sx = 6,08 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1
Mx = -2154,84 (daN*m) A'sy = 1,52 (cm2/m) As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Column pier: 1
Longitudinal reinforcement
A = 13,07 (cm2)A min. = 9,60 (cm2) A = 2 * (Asx1 + Asy1)
Asx1 = 2,40 (cm2) Asy1 = 4,13 (cm2)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement
A = 13,91 (cm2)A min. = 9,60 (cm2) A = 2 * (Asx2 + Asy2)
Asx2 = 2,40 (cm2) Asy2 = 4,55 (cm2)
Splice reinforcement of block foundation:
Fx = 0,00 (daN*m) Asx= 0,00 (cm2)
Fy = 0,00 (daN*m) Asy = 0,00 (cm2)
Real reference level = -1,10 (m)
Stability analysis
Stress calculations
Soil type under foundation: not layered
Design combination ELU : 1.35DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.35 * Foundation weight
1.35 * Soil weight
Calculation results: On the foundation level
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 16050,65 (daN)

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Design load:
Nr = 17997,44 (daN) Mx = -7438,09 (daN*m) My = -33,36 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions:
B' = 1 L' = 1
Foundation depth: Dmin = 1,10 (m)
Allowable stress calculation method: Stress pressiometric (SLS),
(DTU 13.12, 3.22)
q SLS = 3.00 (daN/cm2)
qu = 9.00 (daN/cm2)
Design soil pressure:
qlim = qu / γf = 6.00 (daN/cm2) γf = 1,50
Stress in soil: qref = 0.60 (daN/cm2)
Safety factor: qlim / qref = 10.05 > 1
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 11889,37 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 13331,44 (daN) Mx = -7438,09 (daN*m) My = -24,71 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 73,92 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00DL1+1.00WIND2
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 11889,37 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 13331,44 (daN) Mx = -3686,50 (daN*m) My = -24,71 (daN*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1

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Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight

1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 11889,37 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 13331,44 (daN) Mx = -7438,09 (daN*m) My = -24,71 (daN*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A = 2,20 (m) B = 2,20 (m)
Sliding area: 3,58 (m2)
Cohesion: C = 0.75 (daN/cm2)
Foundation/soil friction coefficient: tg(φ) = 0,70
Sliding force value F = 1406,23 (daN)
Value of force preventing foundation sliding:
On the foundation level: F(stab) = 33497,23 (daN)
Stabilility for sliding: 23.82 > 1
About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 11889,37 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 13331,44 (daN) Mx = -7438,09 (daN*m) My = -24,71 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 14664,58 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 7438,09 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.972 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00DL1+1.80Wind 1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 11889,37 (daN)
Design load:
Nr = 13331,44 (daN) Mx = 0,00 (daN*m) My = 5593,29 (daN*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 14630,61 (daN*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 5479,84 (daN*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.67 > 1

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Design combination ELU : 1.35DL1+1.80WIND2+0.80DL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Design load:
Nr = 13836,16 (daN) Mx = -7438,08 (daN*m) My = -47,83 (daN*m)
Length of critical circumference: 2,20 (m)
Shear force: 3702,63 (daN)
Section effective height heff = 0,44 (m)
Shear area: A = 0,97 (m2)
Shear stress: 0,38 (daN/cm2)
Admissible shear stress: 11,67 (daN/cm2)
Safety factor: 30.5 > 1
Spread footing:
Along X axis: 11 HA 400 14,0 l = 2,59 (m)
Along Y axis: 11 HA 400 14,0 l = 2,59 (m)
Along X axis: 11 HA 400 14,0 l = 2,59 (m)
Along Y axis: 11 HA 400 8,0 l = 2,36 (m)
Longitudinal reinforcement 4 HA 400 12,0 l = 3,34 (m) (per face)
Transversal reinforcement 8 HA 400 8,0 l = 2,32 (m)
Column pier: 2
Longitudinal reinforcement 4 HA 400 12,0 l = 3,34 (m) (per face)
Transversal reinforcement 6 HA 400 8,0 l = 2,32 (m)

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