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Millennial Today: Internet Over Library in terms of Research

Payot, Chadelle P.
Eguia, Gaila Aubrey A.
Jardin, Jinky Lorraine C.
Lumambas, Irish Shaina L.
Dumagpi, Mhel Bennedict B.

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

March 2019
Millennial Today: Internet Over Library in terms of Research
The study determined the student’s preference on using internet or library as
their source of information in terms of research on selected Grade-11 students in
Bukidnon National High School which aimed to 1.) Know why students are very
enthusiastic on surfing the net for information. 2.) Find out their usual preferences
when seeking information connected to their studies 3.) Determine what makes the
internet much more reliable than library books. Questionnaire were used as an
instrument for the survey in the collection of data. Each respondent answered 5
personalized questions that the researchers provide related to the objectives of the
study. Findings of the study revealed as follows: 1.) With a totality of 9 respondents,
9 prefers on the internet. 2.) 7 feels positive on the internet, 2 are doubtful. 3.) 6
agreed on the knowledge they can gain on the internet, 2 agreed in the library, and 1
agreed both sides.

Introduction 1
Theoretical Framework 2
Statement of the Problem 3
Objectives of the Study 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Limitations 4
Conceptual Framework 5
Definition of Terms 6
Related Researches 7
Entry Protocol 10
Locale and Participant of the study 10
Research Design 11
Instrumentation 11
Data Gathering and Procedure 11
Analysis 12
Interpretation 29


1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 5




Chapter 1



In centuries, people have been discovering where to find huge depository of

knowledge where they can gather, seek information and to be entertained for their

needed motives. Information is very vital to the society as time goes by.

The place where this vast kind of knowledge are found mostly in a part on every

city, towns, school and homes. This is the quiet library, where information is

efficient, organized and dependable. In their leisure time, some go to libraries for

entertainment purposes, also through more innovation people do to traditional

libraries, it is where students can lean on in terms of academic researches.

As innovative technology emerges in the past generations, there is also another

way to provide information. An electronic communication that connects either

computers or organizational all around the world. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary,


Theoretical Framework

Library Anxiety:A grounded theory and its development

This theory explains the feeling of students about using library for research.

They have found that 75%-85% of students in this courses (personal writing)

describe their initial reaction to do a research in a library is in terms of fear. There

are 3 concepts that arise from these descriptions: 1. The student feel their library

use skill are lacking while others are efficient, 2. Those characteristics (pertaining

to the lacking library skills) should be hidden, 3. If they asked questions those

“lacking” or ‘’deficient” library skills be revealed. This grounded theory of library

anxiety was continued from this gathered data of a study conducted at a Southern

University with 6000 students respondents as they explore the feelings of student

when using a library for the first time in researching.

The Internet is not a substitute for the library, but is also a search tool to be used

in addition to the traditional sources in the library. Information in the internet are

harder to identify and specially locate its exact and main source compared to the

information that cames from the books which gives you directly their location or

the location of the author. ( Joyce B. Radcliff )

A new research has found that browsing the internet is said to be better than

reading books for boosting the brain power of middle-aged and older adults.

(Richard Alleyne, 2008)

According to the School Library Association, the purpose of school library is to

provide a flexible space with vast range of resources that can support both the

learning and teaching in the school. Also to have a flourishing role of a culture that

can raise wide reading, motivated and to be learners for a lifetime. And lastly,

deliver an environment or developing many skills such as teamwork, creativity,

and to develop information literacy skills.

Statement of the Problem

This study will show the different kinds of perception from the selected Grade-11

STEM students about what do they prefer in terms of researching; internet or the


1. Why students are very enthusiastic on surfing the net for information?

2. What are their usual preferences when seeking information connected to their


3. What makes the internet much more reliable than library books?

Objectives of the study

This study will show the different kinds of perception of the selected Grade 11

STEM students about what they prefer more in terms of research

To be more specific, the study aims to:

1. Know why students are very enthusiastic on surfing the net for information. .

2. Find out their usual preferences when seeking information connected to their


3. Determine what makes the internet much more reliable than library books.

Significance of the study

This study aims to know the preferences of the students inclined to their research

studies. This study also helps the students to gain ideas on identifying wich is the

reliable source of information between library books and internet. Whatever outcome

this study reaches, it would serves as a guide to be able to know the preferences of

the millennial day and for the years to come.

Scope and Limitation

This study will be a qualitative research that will be conducted at Bukidnon

National High School selected Grade 11 STEM students on internet over library in

terms of research, through a questionnaire that would be distributed to the


The researchers will ask the questions that includes only on how they seek

information on their research; internet or library books. It will only talk about

which is the most common preference of students between the two and the factors

affecting the respondents’ decisions.


Conceptual Framework


Internet and library as The attitudes the

sources of information respondents’ display on
which medium they


Question and answers scales

also categories that will able
to help analyze the data

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 is the conceptual frame work of the perception of how the students of

Bukidnon National High School selected Grade 11 STEM students use internet

showing the relationship between independent, dependent and lastly, the processes to

be able to gather the needed data.


Definition of Terms

Traditional library - the collection of books, journal, magazines, newspaper, story

books etc. Is most commonly found at school and city.

Millennial- these represents the people of the present and new generation.

Traditional Sources- are sources like books, magazines, journals, records, or any hard

copy sources. Video or audio tapes can also be included in this type of sources.

Traditional Technology- a technology that particularly involves the ethic or cultural

methods such as handicrafts.

Enthusiast- refers on being excited about something.

Surfing- looking for information or interested things through internet activities.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The Internet And Academic Performance Of Youth

Twenty first century is considered as the “information age” where people can find

information quickly in just one click, and also can access it anytime, anywhere that

makes them more involved in the social world Tepperman Curtis & Kwan (2007)

As time goes by people become more dependent in internet, for them to

communicate and gain information to other people specifically in the public easily.

Internet offers not just an endless array of educational articles, research, papers and

findings but also interactive encyclopedia and the “online libraries”. Internet becomes

the world’s number one medium in seeking and gathering information.(Tepperman

Curtis & Kwan 2007)

Challenging the Internet, The predator of Libraries

According to Sandip Das, & Shiu Shakti Gosh, the internet is shadowing the library.

Internet brought change in information .Yet from the last ages, libraries are the

storage of knowledge. People would like to use internet than going to the library for

seeking information. Academic or non-academic people’s depending in the libraries,

but nowadays, people depend on the internet. Internet cannot replace the libraries but

it can be an additional search tool. It is important to know the myth of the internet as

the sole distinguished source of information & get our trust back to the libraries.

According to the search query that has been provided in the net, one will get

approximately 30 to 40 websites on or related to the topic but at the end it will give

the same information without much information. In the libraries’ resources may be

used but the information is legit.

The impacts of Free Public Internet Access on Public Library Patrons of


Based on the findings of the 2007 Public Libraries and Internet Study, that Public

Libraries evolved into internet access as a primary source that describes the

relationship of community impacts affects the communities that public Library serve.

This article also examine on how deep and to measure from other perspective in

developing a means for assessing the use of internet access to their own lives and

community. (Bertot J.C, McClure, C.R., & Jaegar, P.T (2008). The impacts of free

public internet access on Public Library Patrons and Communities. The Library

Quarterly, 78(3), 285-301)

Internet Addiction in students: Prevalence and risk factors

According to Daria J. Kuss, Mark D. Griffiths and Jens F. Binder that all

throughout the last decade there was a large increase through research in terms of

mental health issues/ problems because of internet addiction, that was also shown

in a cross-sectional survey used data from 2257 students on an English

university and the results have indicated that 3.2% of the students were classified as

addicted to the internet. Combination of various reasons like online shopping,


neuroticism that made it decrease in number but whereas a combination of online

gaming openness to experience increased it.

Facilitating Community information seeking using the internet : findings from the

three Public Library Community network system

Base on the study, it says that the public library in the community was the medium

of the news in daily lives of the people. They use to visit the library to know the

happenings in their society with the use of newspaper or print media. Time comes

and the internet was created, people used to search news or facts using the new

technology, because it was more easy for them to gather information rather than to go

to the public libraries. Internet now became as a barrier for the people to use the print

media because the usage of internet was more efficient for them instead of the public

libraries. (Karen E. Rettigrew, Joan C. Durrance, Kenton T. Unruh, June 2002).


Chapter 3


Entry Protocol

A letter will be given to the Principals Office to allow students to have their

study in Bukidnon National High School were it is conducted.

Locale and Participants of the Study

The study will be conducted in selected students of Grade 11- STEM at

Bukidnon National High School. 9 participants will be selected to answer the

purposive objectives of this study. A permission from the school Principal will be

secured with the information that a study will be conducted only at Bukidnon

National High School. One of the top schools here in Bukidnon that offers academic

standard and knowledge.

Research Design

The study to be conducted is a descriptive research design. The technique that is

designed and to be evaluated in the study will be administered to identify the students

preference in searching after further evaluation.


The application of Questionnaire method will be purposively given to the selected

Grade 11- STEM students that will answer the (5) item questions. The researcher had

made their own questions for the required survey where the participants will be

given the sufficient time to answer.

To measure the student’s input, the researcher used narrative analysis for the

gathered data.

Data Gathering

The personalized 9 questionnaire will be given to the Grade 11 - STEM students

to attest views about the use of Internet and Library. The answer of students based

from the given questionnaire will be gathered and compared through narrative

analysis to identify which do they prefer to use between internet and library as the

source of information for their academic purpose.


The researchers’ approach on how to organized the analyzed data will be through

the result of the survey formed into narrative analysis from the questionnaire. Then

identify the factors that affects the participants decision making.


Chapter 4

Results and Findings

The researchers conducted the survey in three sections of Science Technology

Engineering Mathematics on Bukidnon National High School. The questionnaire

consists of (5) five questions that was answered by the purposively selected students.

Each section had (3) three respondents in total of (9) nine respondents. The following

are the result of the data gathered.

Respondent number (1) one is from section Plato is one of the top students in their


Where do you seek information when there “ Internet, because the internet is

are assignments/ projects/group works? convenient and most information is on the

Internet or Library? Why? internet.”

What do you usually feel when seeking “Cautious and doubtful on the internet

information on the internet? How about in because some contain false information.

the library? Bored in the library because it’s quiet.”

Why do you prefer using the internet? “Internet, as what I stated in Question 1,

Library? Why? the internet is convenient and most of the

information is on the internet. It is also

accessible and you gain more sources.”


Which do you think provides you need? “Both, but in terms of accessibility internet

Library or Internet? Why? In terms of is what I need.”


Where would you gain more ideas in “Internet, because of the experience of

receiving information, library or internet? YouTube. It is because of the videos are

Why? important to audio-visual learners.”

Table1. Narrative answers of the respondent (1) Section Plato

Respondent (1) one prefer on the internet in terms of seeking information for

their paper works in school because of the informations and its conveniency. On the

other hand respondent (1) one feels caution and doubtful in seeking information on

the internet for it contains unproven data of information. The respondent also stated

that internet gives more ideas like in the YouTube for the audio-visual-learners and in

terms of providing the needs, both can give informations but in terms of accessibility

internet provides more. The answers of the respondent is related to the study of “The

use of the internet for educational purposes” where it talks about the growth of

internet that provides opportunity to many people in different ways. The study shows

that internet provides social connection, for academic, scientific information, and as

well as for entertainment like what You Tube also contains. The main point is,

students considered using the internet because it is said to be the source of spreading

information quickly where it can go beyond limitation of time and space that helps

students to get any kind of information they need for their academic studies.

Respondent number (2) two from section Plato

Where do you seek information when there “i usually use the internet, it’s the most

are assignments/ projects/group works? accessible and fastest way. There are more

Internet or Library? Why? “options” and sources.”

What do you usually feel when seeking “I feel more comfortable in surfing the

information on the internet? How about in internet cause it’s easier and going to

the library? libraries will just cause hassle (for me).”

Why do you prefer using the internet? “it’s less hassle, we don’t have big libraries

Library? Why? here in Malaybalay and i don’t think the

university libraries of BSU is that reliable.”

Which do you think provides you need? “the internet, the only constant thing in earth

Library or Internet? Why? In terms of what? is change , as time flies, theres change.”

Where would you gain more ideas in “when its about history, I think its the

receiving information, library or internet? library but the internet is also a good source”


Table2. Narrative answers of respondent (2) Section Plato


Respondent (2) two prefer on the internet because the information is convenient, fast,

accessible, and had more options.The respondent prefer on using the internet because

its less hassle and it provides the information needed, their answers on the questions

are related to the The Theory of planned behavior to identify key beliefs underlying

pro-environmental behavior in high-school students that was a study in Bangladesh.

The study indicated that students have a positive attitudes towards internet as a

learning tool. They also view internet as the fastest way to reach knowledge and has a

potential to be an effective learning tool. De Leeuw, A., Valois, P., Ajzen, I., &

Schmidt, P. (2015)

Respondent (3) three from section Plato of Grade 11 curriculum

Where do you seek information whenthere “Internet, because the internet is convenient

are assignments/ projects/group works? and most of the information is on the

Internet or Library? Why? internet.”

What do you usually feel when seeking “I don’t trust information on the internet

information on the internet? How about in like Wikipedia, cuz it can be edited. Tho

the library? some cite not. That’s what I feel. We can

trust info from the library cuz it can’t be

edited. That’s my opinion tho.

Why do you prefer using the internet? “I prefer internet cuz it’s much more easier

Library? Why? to reach.”

Which do you think provides you need? “Internet, our generation now is computer

Library or Internet? Why? In terms of dependent. Not so in books. Just by reading

what? Facebook feed we can gain info and many

more ways to have info.”

Where would you gain more ideas in “Library, I read books more than reading

receiving information, library or internet? something in the library.”


Table3. Narrative answers of respondent (3) Section Plato


Respondent (3) three seeks information through the internet because it has more

information and easy to reach where the respondent could gain much ideas. But the

respondent does not trust the internet for the informations cited are much more

doubtful because it can be edited like Wikipedia, while in the library is opposite from

the internet. The answers of Respondent (3) three is related to the study of Sandip

Das, and Shiu Shakti Gosh “ Challenging the internet, the predator of libraries”

Wherein they stated that Academic or non-academic people depends on the internet

and not on the library these days. Internet gives the same information you seek but

not more information you need as like what respondent (3) three said about the

respondent feels on the internet. They also stated that library resources may be used

but the information is legit than the the internet even it brought change in the


Respondent number 1 from section Charles

Where do you seek information when there “Internet, internet provides more credible

are assignment/projects/group works ? information and needs only short time to

Library or Internet? Why? find answer compared to library”.

What do you usually feel when seeking “I feel supercalifragilisticexpealidocious or

information on the internet? How about in fantastic, it takes short time yet accurate. In

the library? library I feel a bit of tired searching for

answer where there are lot of books

available in the library”.

Why do you prefer using the internet? “I prefer using internet because like what I

Library? Why? said it gives me accurate information in

short period of time”.

Which do you think provides you the “In terms of education, internet is much

information you need? Library or internet? credible compared to library. It provides in

Why? In terms of what? hand information in short period of time”.

Where do you gain more ideas in receiving “Internet, it provides diverse information or

information, library or internet? Why? more wide perception about the

information you are looking for and

receiving anyways”.

Table4. Narrative answers of Respondent (1) Section Charles


Respondent (1) prefer seeking information through the internet when it comes to their

assignments, projects, and more. Respondent (1)’s reasons are because it is not time

consuming, easy, and less hassle. The respondent thinks that internet provides the

information needed where it can help the respondent gain more ideas than in the

library. The respondents answers are related to the study of “The Internet and

Academic Performance of Youth” ( Tepperman Curtis and Kwan 2007). The study

stated that “Internet becomes the world’s number one meduim in seeking and

gathering information”, people nowadays depend more in the internet as well as the

millennial. The internet provides educational articles, lots of information, research,

that is more accessible and quick finding details for the people.

Respondent number(2) is from section Charles

Where do you seek information when there “ internet because it is much easier to look

are assignments/ projects/group works? for answer in the internet than in the

Internet or Library? Why? library.”

What do you usually feel when seeking “ i feel tired like I learn a lot while on the

information on the internet? How about in library I feel tired scanning book.”

the library?

Why do you prefer using the internet? “ it is much easier to look for answer in the

Library? Why? internet.”

Which do you think provides you need? “ I prefer the library because the

Library or Internet? Why? In terms of information on the books are more than the

what? internet.”

Where would you gain more ideas in “ internet because there are lot of sources.”

receiving information, library or internet?


Table5. Narrative answers of Respondent (2) section Charles


Respondent (2) from section Charles prefer more on internet in terms of research

instead of the library. They said that it provides them credible information in just a

short period of time and also it is more accessible compared to the library particularly

the books. According to Karen E. Rettigrew , Joan C. Durrance , Kenton T. Unruh

(June 2002), people used to search news or facts using the new technology because it

was more easy and efficient for them to gather information rather than going to the

public library.

Respondent number 3 from section Charles

Where do you seek information when there “Internet ,because in the internet it is so

are assignment/projects/group works ? easy to get information like all you need to

Library or Internet? Why? do is search to do is search in the google”.

What do you usually feel when seeking “Satisfied to internet, hassle to library”.

information on the internet? How about in

the library?

Why do you prefer using the internet? “Internet ,because it is far more accessible

Library? Why? and easy to use”.

Which do you think provides you the “Internet, because internet can be easily

information you need? Library or internet? accessible to all and all information can be

Why? In terms of what? seen in the internet”.

Where do you gain more ideas in receiving “Internet, because all kinds of information

information, library or internet? Why? can be accessed on the internet and can

gain more ideas as a student”.

Table6. Narrative answers of Respondent (3) Section Charles


Respondent (3) prefer seeking information through the internet when it comes to their

assignments, projects, and more. Respondent (3)’s reasons are because it is

accessible, easy, and less hassle. The respondent thinks that internet provides the

information needed where it can help the respondent gain more ideas than in the

library. The respondents answers are also related to the study of “The Internet and

Academic Performance of Youth” ( Tepperman Curtis and Kwan 2007) like

respondent (1). The study stated that “Internet becomes the world’s number one

meduim in seeking and gathering information”, people nowadays depend more in the

internet as well as the millennial. The internet provides educational articles, lots of

information, research, that is more accessible and quick finding details for the people.

Respondent (1) one from section Archimedes

Where do you seek information when “internet because it’s convenient. If you
there are assignments/ projects/group use internet, these unlimited resources that
works? Internet or Library? Why? you can use to answer the question, and
can search easily your answer using

What do you usually feel when seeking “it feel good on the internet while in the
information on the internet? How about in library I feel reliable on library.”
the library?

Why do you prefer using the internet? “ internet because it can be easily access,
Library? Why? and you can gain information easily.”

Which do you think provides you need? “ internet because most people posted their
Library or Internet? Why? In terms of answer on internet. In terms on research,
what? answer on homework and review about
written works.”

Where would you gain more ideas in “library, because it is created by

receiving information, library or internet? professionals and other people who is
Why? knowledgeable enough about a certain

Table7. Narrative answers of Respondent (1) Section Archimedes

Respondent (2) from section Archimedes


Where do you seek information when there “Internet, because it is easy to get what

are assignments/ projects/group works? you want. You just search what

Internet or Library? Why? information you want and the answer will

automatically appear.”

What do you usually feel when seeking “It is more convenient and easy to use. It

information on the internet? How about in feels good.”

the library?

Why do you prefer using the internet? “ I prefer on using internet because it is not

Library? Why? time consuming.”

Which do you think provides you need? “Library, in terms of history matter.”

Library or Internet? Why? In terms of


Where would you gain more ideas in “For me I can gain more knowledge or

receiving information, library or internet? ideas on internet because nowadays mostly

Why? people are engaged in the internet so it is

more credible.”

Table8. Narrative answers of Respondent (2) Section Archimedes


Respondent (2) two from section Archimedes preferred internet because the

respondent said that it is convenient, easy to use, and credible for her. The

respondent’s answers are related to Tepperman Curtis & Kwan (2007). In which it is

stated that on the 21st century where in the use of internet, where people can find

information quickly in a click. Also, people became dependent on the internet where

they are able to communicate and gain information.


Respondent (3) from section Archimedes

Where do you seek information when there “Internet. Because it is convenient to use.

are assignments/ projects/group works? Anytime, anywhere, when I have my load

Internet or Library? Why? nor in the computer shop.”

What do you usually feel when seeking “it is easy, because you can just type what

information on the internet? How about in you want to find and it will show up.”

the library?

Why do you prefer using the internet? “it has many sites where you can choose,

Library? Why? easy to understand, and convenient.”

Which do you think provides you need? “Both, these two are sources of information

Library or Internet? Why? In terms of whether it is library or internet.”


Where would you gain more ideas in “Internet because you can search what you

receiving information, library or internet? want and many sites were show and you

Why? can combine what you see and gain more


Table8. Narrative answers of Respondent (3) Section Archimedes

Respondent (1) one and Respondent (3)’s answers also choose internet for their

research because according to them it is convenient and accessible that can they can

gain more ideas for their homeworks and projects. But they also answered library on

which they say is also a source of information for them. This study is related to

Sandip Das, & Shiu Shakti Gosh’s study, Challenging the Internet: The predator of

libraries: that internet is not a replacement of libraries but an additional tool for



From the results of the analysis, with a totality of 9 respondents they prefer in

using internet for their homeworks, group works, and projects. Mostly of the

respondents have picked internet because of the factors like accessibility,

conveniency, and the hassle-free ways that are much more informative than the

library. The researchers have analyzed that students today would pick a medium

where it is much easier and convenient for them.

Some choose library because it is legit enough and much more credible than the

internet as their preference. But then there are times that they have evaluated the

library, they were unsatisfied of the information they have found on the books, it was

tiring for them to roam the library, the books are not updated, and there are instances

that it would take a long time to find a specific data the students need.

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Recommendations


The study determined the student’s preference on using internet or library as

their source of information in terms of research on selected Grade-11 students in

Bukidnon National High School which aimed for 1.) Know why students are very

enthusiastic on surfing the net for information. 2.)Find out their usual preferences

when seeking information connected to their studies 3.)Determine what makes the

internet much more reliable than library books.

Questionnaire were used as an instrument for the survey in the collection of data.

Each respondent answered 5 personalized questions that the researchers provide

related to the objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed as follows: 1.)

With a totality of 9 respondents, 9 prefers on the internet in terms of assignments,

projects, and more. 2.) 7 feels positive on the internet which connects to the

respondents reasons like its accessibility, easy, credibility, and not time consuming. 2

are doubtful and feels cautious to its reliability. 3.) 6 agreed on the knowledge they

can gain on the internet , 2 agreed in the library because of its historical standards,

and 1 agreed on both sides either it could be internet or library.



The following can be concluded based from the study:

The use of internet over library in terms of research is happening right now

because we are in the 21st century where technology is rampant and affordable.

The students rely on internet more since there are some factors that the internet

can provide more details that a book can’t. Also on the student’s view, its

convenience and easy-access feature that is big contribution that can make

assignment, research or projects much more lighter for them. Internet may be a

useful tool now but for some students in terms of accuracy of factual

information, they believe on books more. The library which could gather insights

that are with legitimacy is still used but the elements that make them undesired

by students. Like the study of “Das S. & Gosh S. S. (2018) Challenging the

Internet, the predator of Libraries” which stated that internet is not a substitute to

the library, but wherein an additional search tool that can help students on their

academic necessities.


Based on the results of the study, the recommendations are as follows:

1.) The respondents needed to know how to identify a trusted and reliable source

of information

2.) Widen the respondent’s insights and the awareness to have their limitations

when it comes to surfing.

3.) While using the internet, the users should learn to follow right disciplines and

ethics on the internet.

4.) Teachers are also a guide to let the students try seeking information in the

library to see its difference form the internet from its reliability, factual statement,

and more.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Malaybalay City
Bukidnon National High School
Malaybalay City


Millennial Today: Internet over library in terms of Research

Name (optional):

1. Where do you seek information when there are assignments, projects, group

works? Library or internet?




2. What do you usually feel in seeking information on the internet? How about

in the library




3. Why do you prefer using the internet? Library? why?




4. Which do you think provides you the information you need? Library or

internet? Why? In terms of what?




5. Where would you gain more ideas in receiving information, library or

internet? Why?




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