Jaycie Levar - Letter of Rec 1

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May 7th, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write an enthusiastic letter of recommendation for Jaycie Levar, whom I have the
pleasure of teaching in my AP Psychology course, here, at Windsor High School. I have observed Jaycie’s
great work ethic along with her perseverance when it comes to complex concepts, and helping fellow
peers in class understand the psychological concepts. She mastered the AP Psychology content along with
connecting what she was learning to her own experiences. Jaycie has had an immediate and lasting
impression on me, as a driven student and a compassionate person in and out of the classroom.

Jaycie is an inclusive, motivated, and efficient student. Throughout the academic year, what has stood out
to me about Jaycie is her leadership qualities and her communication skills within the academic
environment. Along with keeping up with a busy academic workload, Jaycie is active in the school
community by being the captain of the Women’s Soccer Team and being the Co-President in the Bring
Change 2 Mind Club. Jaycie is a co-founder of the BC2M club at our high school, the club’s focus is to
educate peers on Mental Health along with ending the negative stigma that surrounds the field. Jaycie has
a personal connection with the topic because her own father, who is a first responder, deals with PTSD
symptoms to this day. In the past, Jaycie has volunteered at First Responder’s Resiliency which aims to
help first responders with their Post-Traumatic Stress created from their jobs. She has a great capacity for
the kind of leadership this world needs, and shows true depth of character in both her academic work and
her social interactions. Jaycie’s mature approach to life and school make her an asset to the classroom and
the school-wide community.

I have enjoyed watching Jaycie grow academically over the last year and watching her grow to
understand the world around her. Anyone around Jaycie can tell she has a true skill set when it comes to
communication and writing abilities. Her strong critical thinking skills enable her to analyze a variety of
texts and solve problems from a global perspective- reaching college-age intellectual levels.

I have no doubt that she has the potential to be successful in any endeavors she pursues. She has a warmth
and energy that elevates any setting, and I confidently recommend Jaycie Levar for any
college/associations she seeks. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


Kenzie Holcomb
AP Psychology
Windsor High School
707-837-7767 x. 2238

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