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Colegio Científico Costarricense

San Ramón
UCR- Sede Occidente

II extra class work

English department
Professor: Henry Sevilla
Student: M aria José Mesén Rosales

What has Happened to the Universal Right to the Life?

According to The Universal Declaration of the Human Right on December
10, 1948, in the article 3: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
person”.In 2008 a 19.6% per 1000 women had an abortion. Actually the right to life
is a public phenomenon, common in the society, although is not correct with
respect to the human’s moral.

This is a crime punishable by law. Some reasons to abortion actually are I

can’t let my parents know – they’ll kill me!, I can’t support myself, much less a
baby. I want to finish school, well, it is legal, and getting pregnant was an accident.
I just want to undo it and others. This topic is seen as a game; I only worry about
myself and not think about the consequences of my actions.Other problem is the
natural abortion and the pregnancy by a sexual abuse. But the methods to abort in

The reasons to abort are different and some facts like the social position,
economic condition, and the familiar environment. Mother´s emotional situation can
influence in the future decision. A women that have an abortion have
repercussions livelong this future problems can be physiological (low self-esteem)
and physically (unable to have children or uterine abuse).

But not all the abortions in the Earth are caused, the natural abortion exist,
too. This kind of abortions is caused by the immune system of the woman by the
type of fetal flood, that the mother can´t be anything. Other reason is abortion risks
that influence the mother´s age and the previous pregnancies risky.

The different and variables methods to abort actually are inhuman and very
cruel. These methods are suction, dilation and curettage, menstrual extraction and
others. The suction is one of the most horrible, because the child is removed from
the uterus in pieces (an arm, a leg, and more body`s part), because a knife that
was previously introduced quartered him.

Which are the reasons to disrespect the life right of this innocent child?
There are several solutions, before making this decision. The adoption houses, the
married couples that can`t have a child, and want to adopt a child.

The right to life have to be respect, if you can have your life, why a little baby
can’t have this right, the baby can`t say anything, but he wants to life, the
pregnancy is a miracle in the world. Enjoy it! And don’t steal this opportunity lo life
to an innocent baby.

María José Mesén Rosales

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