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1st Quarter E-Tech

Lesson 1
ICT- use of different communication techniques such as mobile phones, telephones,
internet, etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information.

ICT in the Philippines

- Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia”
- Huge growth of ICT-related jobs around the country, one which is call center or
BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Centers.
- According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the
International Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per 100
Filipinos in the year 2012.
- Annual Survey of Philippines Business and Industries in 2010, the ICT industry
shares 19.3% of the total employment population.
- Time magazine declared Makati City is Rank 1 as the “Selfiest Cities around
the world” and Rank #9 is Cebu City.

About WWW
WWW (World Wide Web)
- WWW was invented, most pages were static.
- Static also known as flat page or stationary page in the same that the page “as is”
and cannot be manipulated by the user.
- Referred as Web 1.0

Web 2.0
- Allows user to interact with the page known as dynamic page.
- Able to comment or create user account.
- Refers to the web pages that are affected by user input or preference.

Examples of Web 2.0

- Social networking sites
- Blogs
- Wikis
- Video sharing sites
- Flash games sites

Key Features of Web 2.0

1. Folksonomy
- Categorize and classify information freely chosen keywords.
- Ex. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
- Use tags that start with a pound sign (#)
2. Rich User Interface
- Content is dynamic and responsive to user’s input.
- Website that shows local content.
- Your account is used to modify what you see in their websites.
- Owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content.
- Others are able to place content on their own.
- Ex. Comments, reviews, and evaluation.
- Services are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase.
- Subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time you spent on
internet or a data plan you used.

Web 3.0 and The Semantic Web

Semantic Web
- Movement led by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
- Semantic web provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to
deliver web content targeting the user.

Web 3.0 Is Yet To be Fully Realized Because Of Several Problems

1. Compatibility – HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web

2. Security – The user’s security is also question since the machine is saving his or
her preferences.

3. Vastness – The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.

4. Vagueness – Certain words are imprecise. The words “old” and “small” would
depend to the user.

5. Logic – Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations for a computer to
be able to predict what the user is referring to at a given time.

Trends In ICT

1. Convergence
- Synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.
- Ex. Using personal computer to create document now you can use phone.

2. Social Media
- A website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-create,
discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content.
Six Types of Social Media:
a) Social Network
- Allows you to connect with other people with the same interest.
- Ex. Facebook and Google+

b) Bookmarking Sites
- Allows you to store and manage links to various websites and resources.
- Allows you to create tags to easily share them.
- Ex. StumbleUpon, Pinterest

c) Social News
- Allows users to post their own news items or links to other news sources.
- Allows users to comment on the post and comments may rank.
- Ex. Reddit and Digg

d) Media Sharing
- Allows you to upload and share media content like images, music, and video.
- Ex. Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, Fur Affinity

e) Microblogging
- Focus on short updates from the user.
- Subscribers will be able to receive these updates.
- Ex. Twitter and Plurk

f) Blogs and Forums

- Allows user to post their content.
- Allows other user to comment on said topic
- Ex. Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr

3. Mobile Technologies
- Popularities of smartphones and tablet has taken major rise over the years.
- Devices capability to do task were originally found in PCs.
- Several devices are capable using high-speed internet.
- Latest model uses 4G Networking (LTE), current fastest network.

Mobile OS:
a) Android - Open source OS developed by Google. Open source means mobile
phone companies use this OS for free.

As of 2021, Here are the Android Versions:

- 1.0 - Alpha
- 1.2 - Beta
- 1.5 - Cupcake
- 1.6 - Donut
- 2.0/2.1 - Eclair
- 2.2 - Froyo
- 2.3 - Gingerbread
- 3.0/3.1 - Honeycomb
- 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich
- 4.1/4.2/4.3 – Jelly Bean
- 4.4 - KitKat
- 5.0 - Lollipop
- 6.0 - Marshmallow
- 7.0 - Nougat
- 8.0 - Oreo
- 9.0 - Pie
- 10 – Android Q
- 11 – Red Velvet Cake or Code R

b) IOS - Use in Apple Devices such as iPhone and iPad.

c) Blackberry OS -Use in Blackberry Devices.

d) Windows Phone OS - Closed source and proprietary OS developed by


e) Symbian - Originally used in smartphone OS; used by Nokia devices.

f) WebOS - Originally used in smartphones; now used in Smart TVs.

g) Windows Mobile - Developed by Microsoft for Smartphones and Pocket PCs.

Rules of Netiquette

Rule #1: Remember the human

Rule #2: Know where you are in the digital space
Rule #3: Online life reflects real life
Rule #4: Respect time and bandwidth
Rule #5: Make yourself look good online
Rule #6: Share expert knowledge
Rule #7: Check your opinions and emotions
Rule #8: Respect other’s privacy
Rule #9: Don’t abuse your power
Rule #10: Forgive mistakes
Virus- A computer virus is a piece of malicious computer code that attaches itself to
a software program, email or computer file without permission.

Mases of the computer virus

Dormant (not active) → Propagation (spread) → Trigger (function) → Execution (Function


I LOVE YOU Virus - Was created by Onel de Guzman became a notorious virus in
5 May, 2000. The primary targets RAM, Motherboard, Hard disk.

Parts of Virus:
1.Infection Mechanism - Certain code that creates the infection or damage.
2.Trigger - Code that tells the virus to start.
3.Payload - Actual damage that delivers the system.

Timebomb Virus
• #1 critical virus .
• It attaches itself to your system unit .
• Was first created or triggered in 1988.

Rogue Security Software

• Malware
• Fake antivirus software
• Tricks the user into posting that is a security software. Its ask the user to pay to
improve his/her security but in reality they are not protected at all.

• A program that runs in the background without you knowing it. It has the ability to
monitor what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging.

• A program designed to send your advertisement, mostly as pop-ups.
• Can slow your unit.
• Hard to remove.

• Electronic mail that consists of useless email.
• Junk mail.
• Refers to the transmission of unsolicited messages from various origins using
electric messaging system.
• Advertisements.

• A software or a program used by an attacker to obtain personal information.
• Targets the passwords to hack and take control of the user account.

• A more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name
Service) system.

Security Requirement Triad (CIA Triad)

Integrity → Information Security

Availability → Information Security
Confidentiality → Information Security

Types of Cloud:
Public Cloud
• Have massive amounts of available space.

Private Cloud
• Only allows you to access your cloud.

Hybrid Cloud
• Combine public clouds with private clouds.

Community Cloud
• Collaborative Cloud.
• Limited group of people can access this cloud.

How to Protect your Online Reputation

• Think before you click.
• Respect the copyright.
• Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the
unlicensed use of copyright (protected works).
• Licensing when a copyright owner gives permission to a particular party to use the
copyrighted work.
• Copyright law will last for a lifespan of the owner 70+ years.

To Prevent Copyright Infringement

• Understand
• Be responsible
• Be creative
• Know the law

Google Search Symbols & Shortcuts

Yahoo! - Best search engine before Google.
Carry Paige - Owner of Google.

1. Dash /Minus Symbol
-Used to remove specific words from google search results.
- To use: (keyword to search) – (keyword to exclude)

2. Dollar Symbol
-Used to get the products with the price in $ mentioned in the search query.
-To use: (keyword to search) $ (amount of product)

3. Plus Symbol (Obsolete)

-Mainly used to search google+ pages.
-Can bring whatever content visible on any google+ pages.

4. At Symbol (@)
-Used to find relevant social tags mainly from twitter.

5. Pound/Hash Symbol (#)

-Mainly used by social media sites to group together all relevant posts.

6. Underscore Symbol (_) (obsolete)

-Symbol used in google search used to connect two words.

7. Double Quotes Symbol (“ ”)

-Used to force google searching the exact words or phrase mentioned within the

8. Asterisk Symbol (*)

-Used for wild card searches in google.

9. Range or Double Dots (..)

-Used as a range operator to find all relevant results.

10. Tilde Symbol (~)

-This informs google to search similar keywords.

Shortcuts: Boolean= Special

1. Find local time of a city - To determine the specific time of a city.
2. Serch two separate keywords using - Or is a Boolean value to indicate
3. Finding meaning or definition of a word - Used to find the definition of a word
4. Google Calculator - Allows you to use calculator.
5. Google Unit Converter - Inch to ft. etc.
6. Search based on file type - Used to easily find keywords within any particular
document types using “filetype”.
7. Weather - To determine the weather of a particular city.
8. Google Translate - Used to translate words from one language to another.
9. Related: Search Operator - This will show all related pages mentioning the site
in your search query.
10. Easter Egg - For fun.

Word Processing
– Doesn’t exist before.
– Software that handles documents.

Word Processor – Can handle any words you type.

Mail Merge – This feature allows you to create document and combine or merge
them with another document or data file.

2 Primary Components

1. Form Document – it is generally the document that contains the main body of
the message we want to convey or send.
2. List or Data File – This is where the individual information or data that needs to
be plugged in (merged) to the form document is placed and maintained.

Snail Mail – traditional way to send a letter.

Publication – General term for books or modules.

Form Document – Application, Invitation Letter
List or Data File – Resume, Actual Invitation

Label Generation
- Process of adding labels to your documents.
- Can be in a form of address, or specific details that can be found on the document

Integrating Images and External Materials

A.) Kinds of Materials
1.) Pictures Common File Types
a.) .jpg/jpeg = Joint Photographic experts’ group (16.7 million colors)
b.) .gif = Graphics Interchange Format (256 colors)
c.) .png = Portable Network Graphics = Better compression than .jpg (16 million
2.) Clip Art – Drawings or images used as a generic representation for ideas and
objects that you may want to integrate in your document.
3.) Shapes
4.) Smart Art – Graphs that we can use.
5.) Charts – Pie charts, etc.
6.) Screenshots
7.) Wrap Text

Key terms:

Mail Merge - a feature that allows you to create documents and combine or merge
them with another document or file.

Form Document - the document that contains the main body of the message we
want to convey or send.

Data/list file - second component for which this is the document that contains
information or data of the recipient’s information.

Label Generation - allows you to create an address label.

jpg/jpeg - joint photographic experts’ group.

png - portable network group.

gif - graphics interchange file.

Kinds of Materials
• Pictures
• Smart Arts
• Charts
• Clip Arts
• Shapes
• Screenshots

Wrap Text
• In Line with Text – Default position of your image placement.
• Square – Allows you to put the image anywhere in the paragraph.
• Tight – Will make the text hog the image or closer with the image.
• Through – Can make the text follow the image. Will attempt to follow the contour
of the image.
• Top and Bottom- will force the text to be pushed vertically so it will appear on the
top and bottom of the picture.
• Behind Text – Will put your picture behind the text.
• In Front Text – The picture will be placed directly in front of text.

Edit Wrap Points

- Will help you edit your wrappings
- Manual way of setting your wrapping
- You can able to personalize your text around the image.

Quiz 1
In 2010, how big is the share made by the total employment population of ICT
According to one of the publication of Time Magazine, what city is considered the
Selfiest City around the World?
Makati City
What is the other name given to any Web version 1.0?
What is the first name given to the internet?
What old device was used in order to connect the computer to the internet through
the telephone line?
What refers to the web pages that are affected by user input, interactions, and or
dynamic pages
What key feature of Web 2.0 that allows user to categorize or classify information
using freely chosen keywords?
What key feature of Web 2.0 that allows users to be charged only to whatever
services they actually use during the entire online activity?
long tail
What is the Web 3.0 problem present for which some web pages may not or work
properly due to programming incompatibility?
What is this Web 3.0 that made the online web pages to become saturated, making
internet became crowded with millions of web pages?
What is this ICT Trend that allows user to use any devices and perform synergy from
one device to another?
The following web pages are similar to each other due to they belong to a common
kind of social media, EXCEPT for one, which is it?
What type of social media that focuses on the user's short updates? (i.e. Twitter)
What type of social media that allows users to post their own news items or links to
other news sources?
social news
Which among the following is an example of bookmarking sites?
What is the mobile operating system created and developed by Google?
Who is considered as the Father of World Wide Web?
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee
What is the android version of Froyo?
What is the OS name of android version 4.1?
Jelly Bean
What is the code name given to upcoming android version 11?
Code R
All of the following is used for online folksonomy, EXCEPT FOR ONE, which is it?
What does BPO stands for?
Business Process Outsourcing
What Google special feature that allows you to solve mathematical calculations
What does ICT stand for?
Information and Communication Technology
What is the MobileOS is now mostly used for SMART TVs?

Quiz 2
Which among the following personal information is the MOST dangerous thing to be
shared online?
home address
Which among the following should NOT be practiced when setting password for your
online accounts?
set a universal password for easy remembering
Which among the following should be considered the MOST in order to protect your
online profile?
set your profile as private and do not quickly accept random strangers to your profile
What term used in 90s, and somewhat rarely used today, means "to meet-up"?
(Today, it is just simply called as meet)
Why is it advisable not to post your "about to do activities or vacation" to your social
anyone with bad intentions can wait for you location and do their bad deeds, OR
track your home and do their bad deeds there
What do you call to that software that has malicious intent coding, for its primary
function is to endanger the unit or the user?
What kind of malware that disguised itself as a legitimate software and attacks your
system when you least expected?
What kind of malware that maliciously feeds you ad to your browser or unit?
What do you call to the software use by spywares that records your keyboard pattern
and typing activity?
What computer virus life cycle for which the virus hasn't started to get activated?
What part of the virus that carries the actual code stating the condition of infection?
infection mechanism
What internet threat that mostly targets the personal details and information of any
user who falls their their bait?
What type of cloud is defined as collaborative and multi-tenant platform?
community cloud
What refers to the legal right of the intellectual property owner against being copied
or expressed the said idea to be repurposed by others?
What kind of violation is done when copyright law is violated?
copyright infringement
What do you call to the permission given by the intellectual property owner to the
user that serves as the partial right to be used for specific reason?
Which among the following is highly important to preserve while you are doing any
online activity?
What do you call to this online threat that mostly seen in your email that mostly
contains ads, junks, and random unsolicited emails?
For information security, what must security concept should be followed to protect
all your data, privacy, and information against being traced, used, and or infiltrated?
integrity, availability, and confidentiality
TRUE or FALSE: Google can tell time of any location.
TRUE or FALSE: Google can translate any words or sentences 100%
TRUE or FALSE: Google has useful signs that can be used before, but becomes less
useful today.
TRUE or FALSE: The easter egg of Google are just for fun and reference purposes
TRUE or FALSE: Google has an ability to do image reverse search.
TRUE or FALSE: Goggle searching will always yield copyright-free, public domain, or
royalty free media.


1.) =min(number1, number2, number3, …)

- Used to determine the lowest value from the list of numbers.
2.) =max(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the highest value from the list of numbers.
3.) =rand()
- Used to generate a number between 0 to 1.
4.) =randbetween(lowerbound, upperbound)
- Used to determine the smallest value from the list of numbers.
5.) =count(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the number of cells that contains values.
6.) =countif(range, criteria)
- Used to determine the number of cells that matches the given condition.
7.) =counta(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the number of cells that is not empty.
8.) =countblank(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the number of cells that is empty.
9.) =sum(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the sum of sets of numbers.
10.) =sumif(range, criteria, sum_range)
- Used to determine the sum of numbers that matches the given condition within the
determined range.
11.) =sumifs(sum_range, criteria_range_1, criteria1, …)
- Used to determine the sum of numbers that matches the given sets of conditions.
12.) =average(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the average of set of numbers.
13.) =averageif(range, criteria, average_range)
- Used to determine the average of numbers within the determined range that meets
the given condition.
14.) =averageifs(average_range, criteria_range_1, critera1, …)
- Used to determine the average of numbers within the determined range that meets
the given sets of conidition.
15.) =median(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the central number from a sorted set of data.
16.) =mode(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the most frequent number from a sorted set of data.
17.) =round(number, num_digits)
- Used to round the numbers according to the number of decimal digits that is
required to be rounded-off.
18.) =rept(text, number_times)
- Used to repeat the text string by a number of times indicated in the function.
19.) =or(logical1, logical2, logical3, …)
- Used to check for one criterion to be TRUE if it matches. If none matches, it will
yield FALSE.
20.) =and(logical1, logical2, logical3, …)
- Used to check for multiple criteria to be TRUE if the condition matches. If none
matches, it will yield FALSE.
21.) =vlookup(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_number, range_lookup) -
Used to quickly look for an information within the required condition for which
matches to specific information being requested in a record for a specific column.

Detailed explanation:
Lookup_value - This is the option where your typed variables will go to look for the
values in the cells of the larger table for information.

Table Array - It sets the range of the large table from where the information will be
drawn. It sets the extent of the data you want to pick.

Col_index_num - This command box specifies the column from where data has to
be pulled.

Range_lookup - Here you enter either true or false. The true option will give the
set of information which is the closest to what you want to find, when anything does
not match with the variables. When you enter false it will give you the exact value you
are looking for or will show #N/A when the data is not found.

22.) =if(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

- Used to create logical result when the condition matches and if the condition does
not match.
23.) =combin(number of elements, number of elements to be taken)
- Used to solve for basic combination.
24.) =permut(number of elements, number of elements to be taken)
- Used to solve for basic permutations.
25.) =fact(number)
- Used to solve for factorials.
26.) =min(number1, number2, number3, …)
- Used to determine the lowest value from the list of numbers.
27.) =sqrt(number)
- Used to determine the square root of a number.
28.) =roman(number)
- Converts Arabic numerals into Roman numerals, in text form.
29.) =arabic(text)
- Converts Roman numerals into Arabic numerals.
30.) =rank(number, ref, order)
- Shows the rank of the numbers following the given order. (0 – descending rank, 1
ascending rank)

Quiz 3
What do you call to those softwares for which does not cause any programming reaction or coding
interruptions to the software?
word processor
What do you call to the feature of Microsoft Word that lets you combine two document, main document
and a letter document, ready for printing?
mail merge
What are the components of mail merge?
form document and list / data file
What command in the mailing ribbon lets you create a label for a header in the letter or on the envelope/
label generation
What among the following is not a a picture element for Microsoft Word?
TRUE or FALSE: PNG stands for photographic natural graphics.
How many colors does .png file can support?
16 million colors
What is the default text wrap is set to an image material?
in line with text
Which among the following text wrapping has the tightest wrap compared from the rest?
What text wrapping forces the lines of text to be placed on top and bottom of the image?
top and bottom
What command in text wrap allows you to personalize the wrapping of text to an image?
edit wrap points
If you set the text wrap as "behind text" what command should you use in order to select and move the
picture around?
select objects
What does .jpeg stands for?
joint photographic experts group
What kind of picture element does a square, circle, ribbon, stars, lightning, circle, or etc?
What kind of material allows the user to represent numerical data inro graphical visuals on your
What function only adds a specific number that matches to given criteria or condition?
What function acquires the lowest value in the range?
What function generates a random number between 0 to 1?
What functions counts any cells that has a content?
What function can repeat a set of text, according to the given criteria?
If you used =rank() and the result shows three copies of 4th rank, what would be the next rank that will
shown for the next data?
What function can determine the most frequent data?
What function is used to quickly look for an information within the required condition that matches the
specific information being requested within the record?
Which among the following signs in a formula or function is used to state a range continuous selected
colon (:)
What signs is used to lock the cell reference?

Long Test
What does ICT stands for?
Information and Communication Technology
All of the given options are an example of ICT EXCEPT for one, which is it?
being a famous karen in your community
What particular form of career is rapidly growing in the Philippines that is aligned with ICT?
How much industry share for total employment population does ICT contribute in the Philippines during
According to Time Magazine, what city was rank 1st as the Selfiest City in the World?
Makati City
What was refered to Web 1.0 in which the web page can't be manipulated?
static page
What referses to Web 2.0 in which the web pages is affected by the user's input or preference?
dynamic page
All of the given options are examples of Web 2.0 EXCEPT for ono, which is it?
bulletin board channel
What web 2.0 feature allows user to categorize, arrange, or classify information using keyword along with
a special symbol?
What web 2.0 feature allows users to leave reviews, comments, and or posts to a web page or services?
user participation
What web version that provides a framework, allowing data to be shared and reuse to deliver web
content to the specific user?
semantic web
What wev 3.0 issue that shows web pages may not be supported by some browsers due to version
What ICT trend that refers to any goal or task you can do on one device can now bw performed to other
What type of social media focuses on tiny or short updates?
Which among the following doesn't belong to the group if the definition of a certain type of social media
is to be followed?
What is the name of the Android version 5.0?
What is the Android version of Éclair?
What mobile technology OS does the iPhone or iPad uses?
For your security for your privacy when using social media, which among the following online policy
should you consider to read and understand?
privacy policy
All of the given needs to be followed in order to secure the safety of your online profile; however, one of
the options STANDS=OUT the most. Which is it?
never share your username and password
Who is this Filipino Programmer who developed one of the world's most dangerous virus that was
spread through email?
Onel De Guzman
What kind of malware that spreads automatically in to your PC?
What kind of malware that can control the victim's PC from a distance?
remote access
What phase of the computer virus life cycle for which the virus starts to move and spread?
What part of the virus that contains the effect or resulting damage code?
What do you call to the software that pretends to be legitimate prection software, for which the user pays
for, but actually do nothing?
rogue security software
What kind of malware that is designed to send advertisements to your device?
What do you call to a more complicated method of phishing for which attacks the DNS system?
Other than integrity and availability, which among the following will complete the Security Requirement
What do you to the legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use
of copyrighted-materials?
fair use act
What Microsoft Word feature that allows the user to create a letter and a document that to be combined
together in preparation for emailing or printed mail?
mail merge
What do you call to the process for document making for which the user can create a return label
address to the envelope or to the document itself?
label generation
What menu should you go in order to create a mail merge?
What component for mail merge consisting the main body or file of the letter?
form document
What second component for mail merging that contains the individual information for the main
data file
What does .jpeg stands for?
joint photographic experts group
How many colors does .jpeg can support?
16.7 million
What does .gif stands for?
graphics interchange format
What does .png stands for?
portable network graphics
What do you call to the image material in Microsoft that uses basic / ordinary picture that may represent
an idea or object?
clip art
What do you call to the image material that can be integrated in Microsoft Word that usually appear as a
geometrical figures?
What do you call to the image material that can be integrated in Microsoft for which these are predefined
set of differetn shapes grouped together to form ideas or organization?
smart art
How many colors does .gif can support?
What picture material that can be integrated in Microsoft Word that uses graphical representation of data
encoded in a worksheet?
What is the default text alignment for picture to text alignment for Microsoft Word?
In Line with Text
What text alignment for picture to text alignment that allows the text to appear direct above the image?
In Front of Text
What text alignment for picture to text alignment that allows the text to flow even tighter to the contour
and shape of the image?
What text alignment for picture to text alignment that allows the image to placed anywhere with the
paragraph with the text going around the image in a square pattern like frame?
What do you call to the software that can process documents with causing any program reaction?
word processor
How many colors does .png can support?
16 million

Midterm Exams
Since Makati City is the the #1 selfiest city in the world, what is the rank of Cebu City for the selfiest city
in the world?
What feature does Web 2.0 (dynamic page) offers to the users?
allow users to interact and make changes to the web page by making inputs
Which among the following symbols belongs to the folksonomy feature?
What key feature of web 2.0 that is defined as responsive to user;s input?
rich user interface
What does User Participation refers to as being a feature of Web 2.0?
users can leave comments, reviews, or contents in a web page
What issue of Web 3.0 for which privacy and password are still not fully protected without relying on
heavy web programming and the security triad?
What trend of ICT refers to any devices can now perform or do what other devices can do?
Other than internet, the "i" of iOS has multiple meaning. Which among the following is NOT a part of its
Who is the father of internet?
Vint Cerf
Which among the following is MOST LIKELY the MOST DANGEROUS THING TO DO when you are having
an online interaction to a random person? (hint: weigh all options. ONLY one is correct. One of options
can out-wit the factor than the other)
give your credit card number, card details, and security number
What type of malicious computer code that attaches itself to your computer file without authorization and
set to iirversible damage to the files it attached with?
What does TRIGGER refers to as a part of the virus?
code that handles the execution system of the virus
Which among the following should be preserved the MOST in order not to ruin your character or
personality online?
Which among the following DOES NOT violate the COPYRIGHT LAW and FAIR USE ACT of an intellectual
quote the owner's name of the intellectual property you used for your material
TRUE or FALSE: World wide, the copyright protection lasts starting at the death of the owner plus 70
more years; while in the Philippines, the copyright protection lasts starting at the death of the owner plus
50 more years.
If you set the text wrap as "behind text" what command should you use in order to select and move the
picture around?
select objects
What kind of material allows the user to represent numerical data inro graphical visuals on your
Which of the following functions is used to count the number of cells with any contents?
Which among the following functions is used to acquire a random number between 0 to 1?
Observe the given data below, state the sum for the function =sumif(range given below, "<8"). 5 10 15 20
3 6 9 12 13 11 7 5
Observe the given data below, state the result for the function =mode(range given below). 5 10 15 20 3 6 9
12 13 11 7 5
Which among the following would the result for the function =rept("mine ",4)?
mine mine mine mine
Which among the following functions can determine the square root of a number?
What functions can be used in order to determine the rank of sets of values?
Observe the given data below, state the result for the function =min(range given below). 5 10 15 20 3 6 9
12 13 11 7 5
Observe the given data below, state the result for the function =average(second column). 5 10 15 20 3 6 9
12 13 11 7 5
Calculate the result for =permut(5,2).
What function is used to quickly look for an information within the required condition that matches the
specific information being requested within the record?
Which among the following symbols is used to perform power in a spreadsheet?
All of the following functions are encoded correctly EXCEPT for one, which is it?
2nd Quarter
Hyperlink [ctrl+k]
– Send you within the same document or outside the document
– Clickable buttons, words and graphics that can redirect you to a specific location
where the link dictates
– Actual address/actual URL
– Uniform Resource Locator/s
– Location of the file or document

How to set/Where to find Hyperlink

Insert → Links group

To change color of Hyperlink

Design → Colors

Maximum hyperlinks you can set in a slide

– As long as it fits in a slide; infinite

Hyperlinks using texts/textbox:

2 Ways/Style to set
- Be very specific
- Whole placeholder

Ways on editing Hyperlinks/Ways on linking Hyperlinks:

1.) Existing File/Webpage
– Connect to an external file or to a webpage
– External connection
2.) Place in this Document
– Connect a slide to another
3.) Create New Document
– To instruct PPT to create a new empty document
4.) Email Address
– Mail-merge equivalent
– Opens emails server

Hand Pointer (link select)

– Appears on an active hyperlink

2 Different Behaviors
- Mouse click
- Mouse Hover/over
Action Buttons
– Unique set of buttons
– Pre-defined functions can trigger a certain action or even and just select the URL
– Their function can still be changed

Imbedding a File
– Insert files to any slide
Insert → Object

F5 – Present slide
Shift + F5 – Present current slide

To prevent progression of slides using mouse clicks:

Transition → Timing → Advance slide → Remove check mark

Imaging and Designing for Online Environment Basic Principles of

Graphics and Layout

1.) Balance – the visual weight of object, texture, colors, and space is evenly
distributed on the screen. When visiting a website, check if one side holds the
same amount of weight on the other. The colors should also have similar visual
2.) Emphasis - area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape,
or color to attract the viewer’s attention.
3.) Movement - visual element that guides the viewer’s eyes around the screen.
4.) Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm
- the repeating visual element in an image of layout to create unity in the layout
- Rhythm is achieved when visual elements create a sense of organized
5.) Proportion - visual element that creates a sense of unity where they relate well
with one another.
6.) Variety - uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.



1.) Infographics - Information graphics or infographics are used to represent

information, statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical manner usually done
in a creative way to attract the viewer’s attention. Infographics make complex
data become more visually appealing to an average user.

2.) Gifographics - “graphic information format” information graphics or

gifographics is a relatively new dynamic method of presenting information in
which the infographic has been integrated with animation.

3.) Web comic and memes - Web comic is a humorous form of medium in
which information are presented as funny, satirical and or serious manner.
Meme is an element of online culture of spreading or passing a media, usually
from person to person, through online means that may contains symbolic
meaning, representing phenomena, theme, or comedy.

4.) Screenshots - Image of the data displayed on the screen of a computer or

mobile device that was copied at a given time. Capture screenshots are saved
in the computer device until you pasted the image to a software and save the
image as an image file.


(Sharing purposes or presentation purposes)

1.) Upload - Sending a file from the user’s computer to the internet server /
web page.

2.) Download - Saving a file from the internet server / web page to the user’s

3.) Resolution - The resolution of an image determines the quality. As a rule

of thumb, the higher the resolution, the higher the quality. A high-resolution
image will be clear and crisp whereas a low-resolution image will feel a little
pixelated and blurry.

4.) Flat - Flat design is a minimalistic approach that focuses on simplicity and
usability (almost the opposite of Skeuomorphism). It tends to feature plenty of
open space, crisp edges, bright colors and two-dimensional illustrations

5.) Raster image - Raster images are made up of a set grid of pixels. This
means when you change the size of stretch a raster image it can get a little
blurry and lose some clarity.

6.) Skeuomorphism - Skeuomorphism is when a digital element is designed

to look like a replica of the physical work. For example, think iPhone’s
calculator or Apple’s newsstand where the bookshelf and magazines look and
feel like they do in real life.

7.) Vector image - Vector images a made up of points, lines, and curves. All
of the shapes within a vector are calculated using a mathematical equation
which means the image can scale in size without losing any quality. Unlike
rasters, vectors won’t get blurry when scaled.

8.) Bandwidth – amount of data used to download your files / information

(such as image) by multiple users.

9.) Batch Edit - A useful tool for most graphic software when trying to easily
manipulate all images at the same time.

10.) Pantone - The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a standardized color

reproduction system. Every hue is given a number, making it easy for people
to reference and reproduce the same color.


purposes or presentation purposes)


Most of the time, we just capture an image and upload it on our social media account.
From there, the social media does the rest by formatting our image to best fit the
standards set by the web page. But once you create your own website, you will have
to edit your images. It seems a simple task but you have to strike the balance between
the right image quality and the time for the page to load these images.
Personal websites do not necessarily have to downsize the file size of the images. But
if you have a wider target audience, you need to make necessary changes. Here are
some tips to help you edit images for your website.

1.) Choose the right file format - Try to make a real-life photograph into GIF to
see the difference between PNG, GIF, and JPEG. Knowing the purpose is the key to
finding out the best file format.

2.) Choose the right image size - A camera with 12 megapixels constitutes to a
bigger image size. Monitors have a resolution limit, so even if you have a million
megapixels, it will not display everything. Thus, it is not always wise to make out
image big, most especially in a website. Know how much space you want the image to
consume. Or have a “preview” image where the audience has the option to “see full

3.) Caption it - Remember to put a caption on images whenever possible. If it is not

related to the web page, then remove it.


Sharing your photos on the internet is so easy using social media. However, it is
highly recommended to put your social media photos private and separated from the
ones posted on the internet. In that case, you need an image host. Image hosts are
websites specializing in storing photographs, images, or the like. These images can
easily be embedded to a web page or website.

There are plenty of image hosting sites out there; some of them have a fee while
others are free where you can pay for more storage space for bandwidth. Storage
space is pretty straightforward; is it like having a 16GB flash drive where it limits you
to just 16 GB. Bandwidth limits hinder access to you images once a certain
bandwidth quote is reached (measured by megabyte or gigabytes). The quota is
reached when a lot of people have loaded the image using their own computers on a
certain amount of time. (Usually by a monthly basis).


1.) Imgur
2.) Photobucket
3.) PostImage
4.) TinyPic
5.) Google+ Photos (may be obsolete now)
6.) Flickr
7.) 500 Pixels
8.) Droplr
9.) Free Image Hosting
10.) ImgBox

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