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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Anastasia Kauffman Date: 2/8 Group Size: 21

Allotted Time: 40 minutes Grade Level: 1st Grade
Subject: Animals - Life Cycles

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard: 4.4.1.C:
Describe the life cycle of different plants and animals in terrestrial habitats

Learning Targets/Objectives:
The first grade students will describe the life cycle of an animal by completing a frog life
cycle craft.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Frog Life Cycle Craft 1. Scale/ Rubric
Assessment Scale:
➢ The students will be graded upon the completion of each part of the craft.
0-3 points earned: Unsatisfactory
4-6 points earned: Average
6-8 points earned: Satisfactory
➢ Students who range in the “Unsatisfactory” portion of the rubric will be asked to
review the life cycle during remediation.
Subject Matter/Content:

➢ The ability to cut, write, and glue
➢ The ability to follow directions in a specific order
➢ The ability to recall animals from day 1, lesson 1
➢ The ability to recall the basic needs from day 2, lesson 2
➢ The ability to recall the habitats that animals live in from lesson 3, day 3

Key Vocabulary:
➢ Life Cycle: a series of stages that all living things go through during life

➢ All animals go through a life cycle.
➢ Life cycles are filled with many different stages from birth to adulthood.
➢ The frog’s life cycle consists of 4 parts: eggs, tadpole, froglets, frogs
➢ The life cycle is continuous
➢ The life cycle occurs with every animal, including us humans.
➢ A caterpillar transforms into butterflies
➢ In the egg stage of butterflies, a mother animal lays eggs.
➢ Animals go through a lot of stages and changes as it goes through the life cycle.
➢ The life cycle ends in the death of an animal and begins with the birth.
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
➢ Life Cycle SciShow Kid Video:
➢ “As we found out through the video, a life cycle is a series of stages all living things go
through from birth to death. All animals have a life cycle but this video just spoke
about the life cycle of a butterfly. Who can recall the stages of a butterfly?”
○ Allow students to recall the butterfly life cycle stages
➢ “Today we will explore another animals' life cycle. This animal is an amphibian. It
lives in a pond where it receives its basic needs. Can you guess what animal it will
○ “That's right! It is a frog!”

Development/Teaching Approaches
1. Life cycle Powerpoint
a. Prompt students to take out scissors and a glue stick.
b. Slide 1: Life Cycle:
i. “Repeat after me… A lifecycle is a series of stages that an animal goes
through from birth to death”
ii. Have students repeat
iii. “Today we will be reading a story that tells us about the life cycle of a
c. Slide 2: A Frog’s Life
i. Prompt student to read the title
ii. “Does anyone think they know the first part of the frog life cycle?”
d. Slide 3: Eggs
i. Prompt a student to read the words on the next page
ii. Have students glue their eggs down
iii. “The first stage of a frog’s life cycle is the eggs. Glue your eggs down
in the circle.”
e. Slide 4: Tadpoles
i. “Tadpoles hatch from the eggs. Tadpoles do not have legs. Find the
picture of your tadpole and glue it into the pond.”
ii. “This is the second stage of the frog life cycle”
f. Slide 5: Froglets
i. “Tadpoles begin to grow legs. They still have a tail. They are called
ii. “Find the picture of the froglet and glue it on. Remember it should have
a small tail.”
g. Slide 6: Frog
i. “Eventually the froglet's tail goes away. It is now an adult frog.”
ii. “This process or life cycle takes about 12 to 16 weeks from when the
eggs are laid.”
2. Life Cycle Review Game
b. “We just read about the life cycle of a frog and all the stages that they go
through. Before we get to our craft, let’s play a quick game to review the life
cycle stages. As we complete the lifecycle, a few of you will have a chance to
drag the picture and label into the correct position.”
c. “What was the first stage of the frog life cycle?”
i. The eggs
d. “What is the next part of the life cycle?”
i. The tadpole
e. “What is the 3rd stage?”
i. tadpole with legs
f. “What is the 4th stage of the frog life cycle?”
i. young frog
ii. “Notice the young frog still has a tale”
g. “Who can complete our final stage of the life cycle of a frog?”
i. Adult frog
h. “Great job recalling the life cycle of a frog! Now we can complete the life cycle
craft together!”
3. Frog Life Cycle Craft
a. Display Craft on the board and digitally on the smartboard.
b. “On the side table, I have all of the parts of a frog laid out for each of you to
build your own frogs. I have an example attached to the board for you to follow
as you build your frog.”
c. “As you complete assembling your frog, you will then grab each piece of the
life cycle, cut it out and paste it in the correct order on the frog's belly. Once
complete, place your name on the back and your completed frog on the table!”
d. Instruct each row to grab the pieces at a time
e. Circle the room to assist any students who need help building their frogs and
life cycles

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
➢ “Today we learned about the life cycles that all animals go through by exploring frogs
specifically. We were able to see how all animals change from birth to adulthood.
Remember, all animals go through life cycles, we just explored frogs today. As
humans, we do this to.. we are born as babies and we move to being toddlers, child,
adolescent, adult, elderly”
➢ “These life cycles are important to know when studying different types of animals as
the animal scientist we are”

➢ Follow all IEPs
➢ Assist students with hands on help who have trouble completing the game or the frog
life cycle craft
➢ Frog life cycle craft template
➢ Frog life cycle pieces
○ Downloaded on Desktop computer
➢ Frog life cycle game
➢ Definition wall: Life Cycle definition
➢ Youtube video

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

Overall, this lesson went smoothly. The students love completing crafts, especially when
they are free to express themselves in their work. The students took the time to complete their
frog life cycle by labeling the worksheet and then enjoyed putting together their frogs. If I was
to redo this lesson, I would hand out the materials in a specific order to ensure students do not
jump to the frog making step first.
Frog Craft:

Students Name The student was able The student was able Total points earned
to correctly assemble to correctly order the on the Frog Life
their frog from the frog life cycle on the Cycle Craft
given body pieces. stomach of the frog. /8
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