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Paseo Del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Cagayan de Oro City




NAME: Xania Rose A. Rosete

Group Members: Louisse Tonette M. Damo Dulce Corazon M. Dongallo
Michelle Janine J. Deloso Gwayne Shanniah S. Dongallo

Case Study 1: More Education for the OJT Phlebotomist

The phlebotomist, Sam, has been trained OJT, and since that is how everyone else
currently in the physician’s office was trained, he does not see it as a problem. One
thing bothers him, however, and it is that no one seems to be able to answer questions
that come up daily about the rationale for doing phlebotomy procedures a certain way.
The answer is always the same: “I don’t know. It has always been done that way.” When
the physician’s office was notified of a pending visit from CLIA inspectors, it was
decided that all the phlebotomists should get credentials, if possible, and in that way
every phlebotomist would better understand his or her job responsibilities.


1. What does “getting credentialed” mean as far as phlebotomists are concerned?

As a phlebotomist, getting credentialed is important because it means you
have the full capability of performing the procedures and the responsibilities of a
phlebotomist. It is a concern because performing the procedures of a
phlebotomist needs certain abilities and knowledge needed to be credentialed by
certain professionals. It also requires a phlebotomist certification or passing a
certification exam.

2. How can Sam become officially recognized as a phlebotomist?

A phlebotomist should know the what, when, where, why, and hows of his
job. He must truly understand and be aware of the processes and procedures
that he is doing. Sam can become officially recognized as a phlebotomist if he
completed all the requirements and passed the tests needed to be credentialed
as a phlebotomist which includes both theoretical knowledge and practical
experience. Sam should possess both theoretical and practical aspects that a
proficient phlebotomist should have and he can get this through a standardized
training approved by certifying agencies. In other words, Sam must be able to
acquire a certification in phlebotomy to become a highly qualified and certified

3. Where can Sam go to receive a standardized educational curriculum that

incorporates classroom instruction and clinical practice in phlebotomy?
In order for Sam to receive a standardized educational curriculum that
incorporates classroom instruction and clinical practice in phlebotomy, he must
enroll in an academy that is certified by the American Certification Agencies, be
trained by a professional phlebotomist and learn the necessary skills and
knowledge that a phlebotomist should possess. In the Philippine setting,
academies should be accredited by agencies such as CHED, PAASCU, and

<BSML1202 LECTURE 2nd SEM 2021-2022>

Paseo Del Rio Campus, Rodelsa Circle, Cagayan de Oro City



4. How can Sam keep current after he becomes credentialed?

Learning is a lifelong process. To ensure that Sam is a competent
phlebotomist, he must be able to further develop his knowledge, practice, and
overall skills; in fact, this can be accomplished as it is part of his Continuing
Professional Development/Continuing Professional Education (CPD/CPE).
Examples of such are attending seminars and joining organizations related in this
field which can help him be aware about new ideas and keep him up to date with
current issues related to the field of phlebotomy. CPD allows professionals to
further upgrade their credentials and qualifications in a certain field.

<BSML1202 LECTURE 2nd SEM 2021-2022>

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