Revised GG #4 Stu - Why We Need A Savior (ASUS's Conflicted Copy 2020-03-08)

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God’s Gift Bible Study Pathway Ministries


Intro: Remember last week we learned that our current condition before God is affected because of
Adam and Eve’s sin….. What is the problem that we now have because of their choice to go their own


A. We are separated from God because…..MAN IS SINFUL
-I John 3:4 – What is SIN according to this verse?

-James 2:8-11 – What do these verses show us about God’s commands and our

Because we have sin in our lives, we are unacceptable to God. We can understand this
better if we look at who God is.
B. We are separated from God because…..GOD IS HOLY AND JUST

-What does JUST mean?

Exodus 34:7 says “He does not leave the guilty unpunished.”

-What does HOLY mean?

Habakkuk 1:13 says, “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate

This is our problem… God is HOLY and JUST, while we are NOT, but we were made
to be in relationship with Him…. So there is a GAP in our relationship with him
because of our sin… This is WHY we have this terrible spiritual problem! Now let’s
look at what we can expect to happen if our spiritual sickness is not treated…


A. What is God’s judgment or punishment for man’s SIN?

Romans 6:23 – What is the payment for sin?

B. There are 3 Kinds of Death mentioned in the Bible.

1. Last week we learned that because of Adam and Eve’s choice to disobey God they
were separated from God, they died SPIRITUALLY. That is the first kind of
death. Adam and Eve still lived physically after their choice, but they died
SPIRITUALLY, that is in their relationship to God. As a result of their choice every
one is born into this world spiritually dead, separated from God.

2. We also learned that as a result of Adam and Eve’s choice PHYSICAL death came
into the world. We will go back to dust when we die. That is the 2nd kind of death.

Lesson 4, page 1
3. Rev. 20:11-15 – Talks about ETERNAL Death– Eternal death is separation from
the presence of God forever and ever.
- In verse 12 who was standing before the throne?
- There are “books” and another “book” mentioned in these verses…what
are recorded in “the books”?
- What is in the other “book”?
- Who will escape the “lake of fire”?

Is Your Name in the Book of Life? Make

sure while you have the chance.

Luke 16:19-31 is a story that Jesus told that helps us know more about what happens when we

-Describe the living conditions of the two men before they died…
-Where did the beggar’s soul go when he died?
-How about the rich man?
- Could the rich man change his position? Did he get a second chance – v. 26?
-What was Abraham’s answer when the rich man wanted to warn his brothers who were still
alive – v. 29-31?
-What does this say to us today about the consequences of our sin and where we should look
for answers?

Thankfully, we have the Bible and can read it and learn what Jesus has done for us. If it was up to us
to save ourselves, we would surely all be lost. But Jesus came to pay the debt we owed to God’s
justice. He paid the death we owe. This is why Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No
one comes to the Father except through me.”

III. What is the promise for those who come back to God THROUGH JESUS CHRIST?
READ Revelation 21:1-4 - Notice what is being prepared for God’s people.

Next week we will start looking at the things people try to do to get God’s forgiveness, and then we
will see what God’s solution is for us to be saved and have eternal life.

Prayer: Lord God, Today I have realized that my sin is really a serious problem. Thank you for
sending Jesus Christ to save me from my sin. Thank you for loving me and making a way for me to
escape the judgment. I want Jesus to be my Savior and my Lord. Amen!

* Continue daily Bible reading to get to know God better!
* Share one thing you learned in this lesson today that you want to share with someone else this week.

Lesson 4, page 2

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