# 51 N. Bacalso Ave., Sambag 1, Cebu City Tel No.: (032) 383-6586

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# 51 N. Bacalso Ave., Sambag 1, Cebu City

Tel No.: (032) 383-6586
Pre-Mastery Examination

Arnis and Disarming Technique A) “Constant improvement.”

1. Kali is sometimes also referred to as: B) “To weave.”
A) Arnis C) “With our without a weapon.”
B) Escrima D) “To attack when the other person
C) Balisong isn’t looking.”
D) All of the above 6. What is the Philippines National Sport
E) A and B A. Arnis
2. The movements of kali were designed B. Jueteng
to be used ___________ and adapted C. Takraw
to be used __________. D. Mahjong
A) with weapons; empty-handed 7. Arnis is made of
B) empty-handed; with weapons A. Diamond
3. During a time when the Philippines B. Wood
were occupied by Spanish forces, the C. Stone
practice and teaching of native martial D. Pig Tail
arts was banned. However, Filipinos 8. Escrima sometimes called
found a way around this by disguising a. Arnis
kali training as what? b. Player
A) Farming activities c. Fighting
B) Religious rituals d. None of the above
C) Folk dance 9. Arnis sometimes called
D) No disguises; it was taught in secret
4. In kali, the phrase “defanging the
b. Wooden fight
snake” means:
A) Throwing snake venom at your c. Drafting
opponent. d. All of the above
B) Throwing an actual snake at your 10.The following are form of stance
opponent. except
C) Attaching your opponent’s weapon A. Forward Stance.
hand. B. Oblique Stance.
D) Punching your opponent’s teeth out. C. Straddle Stance.
5. Sinawali is a basic concept of kali. D. Rolled Stance.
What does it mean?

Test 2. 15 points each 4. What are the benefits of arnis?

5. What is Kali fighting style?
1. What is the important of arnis?
6. What is the Philippines national
2. What are the rules of arnis?
3. What is the other name or term of
7. What are the essential principles
in arnis?
8. What are the 12 striking 9. What are the 12 basic strikes of
techniques? arnis?
10. What is Anyo in Arnis?

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