Chapter 1

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A student's outcome and academic success are influenced mainly by the

type of school they attend. School factors include school structure, composition,

and school climate; as schools overlook more public accountability for student

academic performance, school-level characteristics are to discover methods of

improving achievement for all students. (Korir & Kipkemboi, 2014). A good

learning environment is not a decisive factor that impacts student achievement.

Some students can overcome all the physical discomforts and still perform

excellently in poor learning environments. However, when a poor learning

environment is a known factor to hinder their learning, educators have no

reason not to create an inductive environment to help students learn (Chan, T.


Students in the socialization process require a healthy environment and

models to increase their performance. Since schools are the first model affecting

students' personality, thus physical space of the school as one of the essential

elements for learning and education, even in social perspective or spatial quality

and its impact on student's development, play a significant role (Gilavand, 2016).

School environment cites the set of relationships among members of a school

community discovered by structural, personal, and functional elements of the

educational institution, which provide differences to schools. The school

environment is an essential factor when evaluating student well-being (Fonllem

et al., 2020). The learning of the physical, social, and academic (curricular)

condition of the environment and the administrative organization of schools

have related school environments and the comfort of students (Corral-Verdugo

et al., 2015). Nowadays, it has become more usual to find empirical studies that

identify the impact of school environments on student well-being. For example,

safe school environments and student well-being have been significantly and

strongly interrelated variables in researching various kinds of students' needs

(Kutsyuruba et al., 2015).


The academic goal of young learners necessitates profound and extra-

ordinary tutoring expected by parents, teachers, and stakeholders. Collins (2007)

offers numerous factors in educational purposes to learners. The home

environment is appraised as one of the significant factors affecting learners'

performance and academic achievement. The term "environmental education"

in this paper broadly includes all educational programs, information campaigns,

or any other organized effort to confront peoples' understanding of, attitudes

toward, or behavior affecting our natural resources (McGuire, 2015). Many

environmental issues affect the Philippine environment. Obeidat & AlShare

(2012) emphasized the importance of effectively designing classroom

environments since the classroom is a space where students perform various

learning activities. The influence of the home environment on motivation

encompasses both physical and social home environments. Students are very

susceptible to their learning surroundings. They acknowledge good and poor

learning environments by indicating positive and negative attitudes, respectively.

With a positive attitude as regards their learning environment, students learn

with high motivation and undoubtedly are castrate better performance. On the

other hand, students' dissatisfaction with poor learning environments will lower

their interest and enthusiasm in learning.

Consequently, poor student performance due to a poor learning

environment is no surprise (Chan, T. C.). The physical circumstance and design of

learning environments impact student performance (Gifford, Steg & Reser,

2011); and impact motivation, focus, and performance (Scott-Webber, Abraham

& Marini, 2000). In spite of the importance of the home environment to study

basins, there is a shortage of studies that assess the influence of home and
family situations on college students' motivation to learn. Most studies that sift

the effect of environment based on academic performance focuses on grade

school or high school students as units of examination (Akomolaf & Adesua,

2016; Gottfried, Fleming, & Gottfried, 1998; Rao & Reddy, 2016).


Studying has never been easy when they hear something that can lose

their attention. This disturbance can change a student's behavior or, worse, lead

to sudden mood changes and permanent loss of interest in finishing their work.

The researcher came up with this study to help the students deal with

environmental-related issues to focus on studying.


This study aims to discuss the challenges of the grade 6 students in their

environment to their behavior and emotional capacity regarding their learning

achievements. This study hopes to give teachers, parents, educators, and other

stakeholders into environmental factors that can affect students' learning. The
pupils are currently in this time of the pandemic, and this would help them cope

with this problem in the future and give them more knowledge of the possible

hindrances to come up regarding their learning.


The study will focus on determining the impact of environmental factors

on the academic performance of each student and how these factors can affect

their behavior. The research study focused on Grade 6 students. The researchers

have a total of 25 respondents in random sections of Grade 1 to Grade 6. The

researchers floated a survey questionnaire in gathering the data. This study was

conducted at Lobong Elementary School.




To produce global behavioral change toward less environmentally

harmful behavior across behavioral domains requires that both automatic and

controlled processes be engaged. There are well-established bodies of research

on the psychology of persuasion, norm activation, attitude priming, information

framing, social-identity or category induction, conformity, values, etc., that have

been applied to behavior, not only in the Philippines but also in other countries.

In addition, the situational characteristics which weigh so heavily on behavior

and are endemic to virtually all decision-making environments are engaged

differently when they conflict with self-identity opposed to when they conflict

with information or an isolated attitude (McGuire, 2015). A number of studies

have been carried out to identify causal factors of poor academic performance in

a number of institutions worldwide. Most of the studies focus on the three

intervening elements: parents (family causal factors), teachers (academic causal,

factors), and students (personal causal factors) (Diaz, 2003). Of the many

characteristics that influence a person’s behavior, only a small set aid goal

attainment in a particular situation. These are called aptitudes. Specifically,

aptitude refers to the degree of readiness to learn and to perform well in a

particular situation or domain (Corno et al., 2002).


Parents’ involvement in the education of their children can make a

significant difference in the educational attainment of those children (Makgopa

& Mokhele, 2013). When parents are involved, “it can promote better

cooperation between parents and the school”, thereby enhancing the child’s

academic progress (Olatoye and Ogunkola, 2008). Students with parents who

are involved in their school tend to have fewer behavioral problems and better

academic performance and are more likely to complete high school than

students whose parents are not involved in their school (Henderson et al.,

1994). Baker and Scher (2002) argued that parents must have a critical role in

their children’s academic performance. Involvement allows parents to monitor

school and classroom activities, and to coordinate their efforts with teachers to

encourage acceptable classroom behavior and ensure that the child completes

schoolwork (Hill et al., 2004). One of the influential factors in new education is the

architecture of educational spaces. In new education, school's physical space is not a

dull and boring environment, and it plays a key role in quality of educational activities of

students, as dynamic and living factor. In fact, in science communication, education is

considered as a kind of providing information. In this view, student education not only is
influenced by teacher speech, but also numerous other elements are involved in the

transmission of the message to him. According to education experts, in a systematic

perspective, school architecture and its constituent elements such as color, light, sound,

equipment, etc. as well as other factors can have significant impacts on learners and

students. On the other hand, color as the key effect of education spaces can be effective

in internal efficiency of students (Gilavand, 2016).



Profile of the 1. Data collection

respondents of student’s
according to: profiles.
Assessed level of
a. Sex impact of
b. Grade-level 2. Administering
factors to the
Current curriculum 3. Organization of
performance of the
used by institution. student’s
grade 6 students.

4. Statistical
analysis of data.

This research was based on the study of Korir (2014) entitled “The Impact of

School Environment and Peer Influences on Students’ Academic Performance in Vihiga

County, Kenya” where he stated “to examine the relationship between both school

environment and peer influences on the one hand and students’ academic

performance”. On the other hand, Korir believe that the study established that home

and school environments exert potent influence on students’ academic performance.

These factors directly and indirectly pointed to areas that have to be addressed in order

to promote good academic performance. If the parents/guardians and government

could improve the learning environment of the students and motivate them, it is most

likely that students’ academic performance will improve.

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