STI - Herpes

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Risk Factors Complications

Signs & Symptoms

 Primary episode (first outbreak) (longest and most severe.)
 High-risk sexual behaviors
 Single or multiple blister-like vesicles that usually appear in the genital area
o Intercourse without and sometimes affect the vaginal walls, cervix, urethra and anus.
barrier contraception  Vesicles may appear within few hours -20 days after exposure and
or anal intercourse rupture spontaneously to form very painful open, ulcerated  Primary herpes infection during
o Partners with high-risk o Inflammation and pain secondary to the presence of
pregnancy increases the risk of
behaviors spontaneous abortion, low birth
herpes lesions can cause difficult urination and urinary
weight , and preterm birth.
o Young age at onset of retention
sexual activity  Enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes may be present.
 Flulike symptoms and genital pruritus or tingling may be noticed
 Lesions heal spontaneously 2-4 weeks



 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) causes Herpes Infections which are recurrent and lifelong infections.
 Two types of HSV cause human infections:
o HSV-1: Causes infections above the waist (Dermis, Gingivae, Upper Respiratory Tract, Cold Sores)
o HSV-2 (Herpes Genitalis): Causes recurrent genital herpes and is spread via vaginal, anal or oral sex. Also spread skin-skin contact with an infected site such as finger (herpetic
Labs, Diagnostic Studies and Medical Interventions Nursing Interventions

Lab Tests: Nursing Care:

 Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests aka NAAT tests  Women with herpetic lesions when labor begins should give birth by cesarean to
 PCR identification
Diagnostic Procedures:
prevent neonatal herpes.
 Diagnosis made on the basis of the clinical appearance  Keep genital area clean and dry
 Viral culture of lesions  Wear loose clothing
 Glycoprotein G-based HSV type-specific assays  Provide sitz baths
Medications: No cure exists; medications available to control symptoms and prevent complications from  Wear cotton underwear or none at all to promote healing
secondary infection. Therapy to start during prodromal period (time before the onset of lesions)
 Medication for 1st clinical episode of genital herpes (Oral) and recurrent herpes infection and for daily
 Primary or recurrent lesions will heal without treatment.
suppressive therapy for people with frequent recurrent for non-pregnant women :
o Acyclovir
o Valacyclovir
o Famciclovir
 Medication for recurrent infections, suppressive therapy during pregnancy:
o Acyclovir: 400 mg PO TID
o Valacyclovir: 500 mg PO BID @ 36 gestational weeks. May not prevent neonatal transmission if
have vaginal delivery

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