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A tutorial on incremental design using FPGAs from Actel

By Fred Wickersham, Actel  08.23.2006 0

Regardless of the amount of time and energy FPGA designers invest attempting to
create “right-first-time” designs, the functional complexities, performance
requirements, and high gate counts of large complex designs frequently require
changes to correct logic problems or to provide further optimization. Compared with
a traditional flow, an “incremental” design flow for design/synthesis and place-and-
route physical implementation is highly desirable with regard to repairing or
optimizing specific parts of the design without disturbing other portions that have
met their design requirements.

When a top-down design approach is difficult due to system memory limitations or

extensive run times, an incremental design flow also enables designers to process
large designs. Other design strategies involve freezing sections of a completed
design while other parts of the design are continuing development independently.

Traditional design creation and physical implementation

The common flow for FPGA development is to:

Create the design in HDL.

Run pre-synthesis simulation.
Set constraints.
Synthesize the design.
Run post-synthesis simulation.
Run place and route.
Analyze the design's timing performance.

If functional and timing performance requirements are met, a programming file is

generated and the device is programmed. Using tools from Actel and its partners, the
Libero IDE Platinum toolset is well equipped to successfully manage a “right-first-
time” design. For performance improvements, the Actel SmartTime timing analysis
and constraints management tool provides features for identifying and resolving
critical paths within the design. Additionally, the Magma PALACE physical synthesis
tool can generally improve the overall performance of Actel's Fusion Programmable
System Chips and ProASIC3 devices by a significant margin.

But what if further optimization on segments of the design need to be managed after
the initial layout? What if performance is still marginal, or some of the blocks still
contain functional problems?

Incremental design flow overview

The design flow (Fig 1 ) closely resembles a traditional synthesis/physical
implementation flow, with the addition of “compile points” after the initial synthesis
project setup and compile. Compile points are parts of a design that act as relatively
independent synthesis units: they have their own constraint files and are optimized
individually. They are re-synthesized only as needed, based on an analysis of design
dependencies and the nature of design changes. Compile points are locked, to ensure
stability in incremental design and to permit hierarchical place and route with multiple
output netlists (one for each compile point and one for the top level of the design). A
“locked” compile point means that, during synthesis of its parent, it is not re-
optimized, its hierarchical interface is unchanged, and no boundary optimizations are
made. This implies that all instantiations of the same locked compile point have the
same implementation and are treated identically during synthesis.

1. Incremental flow using Synplify Pro and Libero IDE.

(Click this image to view a larger, more detailed version)
Alternatively, design teams can work on individual compile points simultaneously and
independently. Each compile point is treated as an individual block for incremental
and individual mapping. Any number of compile points can be identified and nested
into the design. Using compile points, design modifications can be managed without
disturbing other parts of the design.

A “difference-based” incremental synthesis process keeps track of design changes

and dependencies. Re-synthesis occurs only on those parts of the design that are
directly affected by the incremental change. The process also ensures that the
incremental changes made are identifiable in the netlist to the corresponding netlist
import and compile function. Keeping the original place and route as golden as
possible is ensured by running the updated netlist using an “Incremental Mode” and
“Lock Existing Layout' option in a Layout Options menu. Updates and modifications
will occur to only those parts of the layout that are directly related to the compile
point changes made by the synthesis tool.

The Synplify Pro MultiPoint synthesis and the Actel Libero Integrated Design
Environment (IDE) together provide an efficient incremental design flow methodology
for managing true engineering change order (ECO) requirements. This combination
allows modular changes to the original design, whereby only those parts of the design
that need to change will change. This flow minimized the impact on previously proven
segments of the design, thus saving time and resources.

For example, the MultiPoint synthesis solution allows you to establish a multiple of
“compile points” that are preserved in Synplify Pro as future design or redesign areas.
You may also partition a design into small synthesis blocks for modification while
leaving the remainder untouched. For very large designs, MultiPoint allows designing
and synthesizing in incremental blocks in order to avoid system memory or runtime

Actel Libero easily accepts the updated netlists created by Synplify Pro's MultiPoint
synthesis process. The “incremental” place and route flow found in Libero provides an
ECO methodology, whereby only the parts of the layout that need to be updated will
be, leaving selected parts of the original layout undisturbed. Clearly, layout occurs
much faster with the incremental layout process than having to re-layout the entire

In many cases, you may have to revert back to the original design to make the
functional and performance modifications to meet requirements. An efficient
incremental ECO-mode approach is available to designers using MultiPoint synthesis
within Synplify Pro and place-and-route options within the Libero IDE. This allows
designers to update the design in minimal time without disturbing valuable design
and development work that has already been completed and signed off.

Furthermore, the design “views” in the Libero IDE allow versions of the design to be
saved independently within the same design project. This feature saves prior
constraint and place/route files, enabling a comparison of the incremental design
layout to previous layouts. You can easily determine if a subsequent incremental fix
meets the design objective, or if the previous solution might be the better choice. With
these design views, you can easily make variations each stemming from the original
layout, or serially from each subsequent layout, and compare the results of each

The benefits to this incremental design flow are as follows:

Large designs can be broken down into smaller blocks,

reducing overall synthesis and place-and-route run times
and system memory requirements.
Areas of interest in a netlist or layout can be marked in
Synplify Pro and incrementally modified while only
minimally affecting the original layout, and saving re-
synthesis and layout run time.
Traditional bottom-up design requires designers to write
and maintain time-consuming and error-prone scripts
that direct the synthesis and keep track of design
dependencies. A difference-based incremental synthesis
eliminates the need for these scripts.

Design Tutorial
Prepare your design for an incremental flow
After creating the design, the first step in using Synplify Pro MultiPoint synthesis is to
create an “implementation option” when launching Synplify Pro. This option contains
device, speed grade, global frequency, and other design and optimization parameters.
Additional implementation options using different parameters or design changes can
subsequently be created to test variations of the design. Create (for example)
“implementation 1” for the initial set of parameters and HDL design.

The Synplify Pro “Compile Only” function helps Synplify Pro's SCOPE constraints
editor understand the hierarchy of the design. The SCOPE constraints editor in
Synplify Pro manages the design constraints for synthesis and place-and-route, and it
is also used to define compile points and their respective constraints. Compile points
and constraints are both saved in a constraint file as part of the implementation, the
constraints having been set as part of the compile point definition. Compile points are
defined in a new top level constraint file, or, the definitions can be added to an existing
top level .sdc file.

Next, launch SCOPE from the Synplify Pro toolbar and select “Top Level Module” from
the “Select File Type” dialog. From this menu you can create compile points from a
list of modules identified in the design. Modules or blocks of interest can be “locked”
which then identifies them to Synplify Pro as a compile point. Set other top-level
constraints at this time, such as input/output delays, clock frequencies, or multi-cycle

Constraints must be specified for each compile point within individual .sdc files, and
separate top-level constraints must be added for the entire design by a top level .sdc
file. The “Create SCOPE File” dialogs make it easy to establish compile points and
constraint files.

After the compile points and constraints have been set up in SCOPE, the top-level
design is ready for synthesis.

A design is synthesized in three phases:

Compile points are synthesized from the bottom up,

starting with the compile point at the lowest level of the
hierarchy in the design. Each compile point is
synthesized independently. For each compile point,
Synplify Pro creates a subdirectory named after the
compile point, where it stores intermediate files for the
compile point such as the RTL netlist, the mapped
netlist, and a model file. The model file contains the
hierarchical interface timing and resource information
that is used to synthesize the next level. Once generated,
the model file is not updated unless there is an interface
design change or it is specifically requested for update
by the user.
After all compile points are synthesized, Synplify Pro
synthesizes the design from the top down, using the
model information for each compile point.
Synplify Pro then writes out a single netlist and one
constraint file for the entire design.

Analyzing the results in Synplify Pro

There are multiple ways by which you can evaluate the synthesis results. Synplify Pro
writes timing and area to a log file in the implementation directory. The design can be
evaluated in the Synplify Pro's HDL Analyst RTL and Technology schematic views to
determine if your design has met the design goals. You can also view and isolate
critical paths, search for and highlight design objects, and cross-probe between
source files. Any errors identified at this level should be fixed.

Synthesize or re-synthesize incrementally

Synplify Pro allows you synthesize incrementally or entirely. If a compile point has not
changed from its original configuration, the model file from the previous synthesis run
is used. You can choose to “run incrementally” which synthesizes only the compile
points, and only those that have had a source code, constraint, or implementation
change. Alternatively, the entire design can be re-synthesized using a “re-synthesize
all” command. Typically, to save time, you would choose to synthesize incrementally.

Physical implementation: import the updated netlist into Libero

Once Synplify Pro has generated the netlist, the netlist is automatically part of Libero
IDE's File Manager and is available for place-and-route (layout). The design flow and
file manager user interface with Libero make it easy to identify and select the netlist
implementation options created by Synplify Pro (Fig 2 ).
2. Libero IDE netlist identification and selection.
(Click this image to view a larger, more detailed version)
Assuming the netlist is an updated netlist containing the incremental changes made
in the design and synthesis process, you may first want to take care to preserve the
original layout generated by Libero's initial place-and-route process. Libero easily
allows saving the original layout as a physical design “view” (also called
“implementation”), which can be named for convenience such as “Design_Layout_1”.
Rather than overwrite the “Design_Layout_1” file with the updated netlist results,
Libero allows creation of a new “view” within the same project. “Design_Layout_2”, for
example, might be used for implementation and testing of the updated netlist. This
feature allows you to compare the results of the “before and after” incremental netlist
change created by Synplify Pro.

Next, open Actel Designer, the physical implementation tool within Libero, and import
the updated netlist into Libero using the new implementation name, and compile the
design (Fig 3 ).

3. Compile the design.

(Click this image to view a larger, more detailed version)
After compile, Libero's layout menu provides options for the layout process. The
default selection in the layout menu would completely re-place and re-route the entire
layout. For netlists that include incremental updates using the MultiPoint process,
Actel recommends using full place-and-route. Using full place and route will provide
the most efficient layout, however all timing will have to be re-verified. Depending on
your strategy for the incremental changes however, it may be advantageous to only re-
place and re-route those parts of the entire layout that in fact are directly affected by
the incremental changes in the design.

The layout options include “Place Incrementally”, “Lock Existing Placement (Fix)”, and
“Route Incrementally” options. “Place Incrementally” (without locking) uses the
existing placement as a reference starting point, but the result will be a different
layout in most cases. An advanced placement algorithm for Place Incrementally
attempts to ensure timing performance is met. Locking the existing layout with “Lock
Existing Placement (Fix)” increases the predictability of the outcome due to the
incremental changes, because all fixed (unchanged) macros are untouched by
Libero's layout process.

When incorporating incremental changes into the design, you must be sure there is
sufficient room in the FPGA array to accommodate the incremental changes. If the
incremental changes are substantial, and if the design is already tight, the placement
may not be successful. Knowing in advance that incremental changes are coming,
you could use Libero IDE's floor-planning tool to reserve regions on the die to allow
room for the changes. This in combination with locking the initial layout can provide a
quick and efficient way of incorporating the incremental changes while preserving the
desired parts of the original layout.

Incremental routing attempts to preserve the existing routing of the design, but is not
guaranteed as it depends on the nature of the netlist changes.

Evaluate the updated layout

After layout, use Libero's SmartTime static timing analysis tool to verify the overall
device performance of the new view, analyzing critical paths if necessary. Compare
the performance results of the pre-incremental flow run in Design_Layout_1 to
Design_Layout_2 and determine if the incremental update has accomplished the
design goal.

Device programming and debug

Having met the design goals utilizing the ECO flow, Libero IDE provides FlashPro in-
system programming (ISP) and Silicon Sculptor programming tools plus Synplicity
Identify' and Actel Silicon Explorer device debugging and verification tools.

The Synplify Pro MultiPoint synthesis and Libero IDE development tools provide an
efficient incremental design flow for true ECO requirements. This combination allows
modular changes to an existing base design whereby only those parts of the design
that need to change will change. This flow minimizes effects on already proven parts
of the design and saves time by not requiring an entire re-layout of the design. With
the “Implementation Options and Views” of Synplify and Libero, one can easily set up
design alternatives for analysis and selection of the best performance options.
Fred Wickersham is Product Marketing Manager for Software Tools at Actel. Fred has
over 25 years experience in semiconductor marketing and product
management coming from National Semiconductor, Philips
Semiconductor, and LSI Logic. In his current role, he is involved with
tactical and strategic support of development tools for Actel FPGA
products. Fred obtained his electronics education at Oregon Institute
of Technology and has a BS from University of Phoenix.

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