Vocab HDGD #1

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Haidong Gumdo Vocabularies

Haidong Gumdo Vocabularies Guide

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Basic Commands

한글/한문 Korean /
Romanised Translation / explanation
차렷 Charot Come to attention
경례 (敬禮) Gyôngnye Bow
바로 Paro Relax (return to ready stance) / 'At
준비 (準備) Chunbi Get ready
시작(始作) Sijak Start
발도 (發刀) Paldo Draw sword
착검(着劍) Chakkôm Sheathe sword. Note: There are
various ways of sheathing a sword
and they are referred to by the
pattern that they appear in, for
example, ssangsu chakkôm 2-pon
중단 견적 (中段見賊) Chungmyôn kyônjôk Centre ready or centre aim.
기합(氣合) Kihap Short exhalation of breath, often in
combination with a cut.
자세 (姿勢) 바꾸세요 Chase pakkuseyo Change stance to face the rear


한글/한문 Korean /
Romanised Translation / explanation

자연세 (自然勢) Chayôn-se Standing in a natural (short stance)


대도세 (大跳勢) Taedo-se Long or high stance (lit: great stance

소도세 (小跳勢) Sodo-se Short or low stance (Lit: small


기마세 (騎馬勢) Kima-se Horse-riding stance.

조천세 (朝天勢) Choch'ôn-se Upper ready stance.

팔상세(八相勢) P'alsang-se This is any position where the sword
is held vertically (normally) on the
right hand side with the hilt at chest

금계독립팔상세 (金鷄獨立 Kûmgye dongnip p'alsang- Stand on one leg (normally left).
八相勢) se Raised foot should point down. The
sword is normally held vertical on the
right side.

지하세 (地下勢) Chiha-se Lower ready stance.

범세 (凡勢) Pôm-se Tiger stance aka back stance.

복호세 (復虎勢) Pokho-se Crouching Tiger Stance


한글/한문 Korean /
Romanised Translation / explanation
정면 (正面) 베기 Chungmyôn pegi Straight or centre cut
좌 (左) 베기 Chwa pegi Left Cut
우 (右) 베기 U pegi Right Cut
횡단 일검(橫斷一劍) 베기 Hwengdan ilgôm pegi Horizontal cut.
올려 베기 Ollyo pegi Upwards cut.
찌르기 Chirûgi Thrust / stab
삼단 (三段) 베기 Samdan pegi Chungmyôn pegi followed by chwa
pegi followed by u pegi
광자 (光字) 베기 Gwangja pegi Sequence of cuts that describe the
Chinese character for light (the
Chinese character pronounced
'Kwang,') i.e. samdan pegi followed
by left hwengdan pegi followed by
left and right diagonal cuts. Stance is
이어 베기 Io pegi Double Cuts


한글/한문 Korean /
Romanised Translation / explanation
검코 Kôm ko Tip of the sword
검날 Kôm nal Blade (the sharp edge, i.e. business
end, of the sword)
검등 Kôm tûng Back (backbone?) of the sword
검막이 Kôm mak-e Hand Guard
검손잡이 Kôm sôn chap-hi Hilt
홈 Home (pronounced 'ho- The shallow, narrow, cut along the
me') length of the blade.
검집 Kôm chib Scabbard
진검(眞劍) Ch'inkôm Sharpened sword. Lit: real sword
가검(假劍) Kakôm Blunt metal sword
목검(木劍) Mokkôm Wooden sword
죽도 (竹刀) Chukdo Bamboo Sword


한글/한문 Korean / Romanised Translation / explanation

후리기 Hurigi Swinging the sword around the body
to ward off the opponent or give extra
energy to a cut
돌려서 Tollyôsô Rotate the sword vertically forward or
말아서 Marasô An alternative to Tollyôsô. Difficult to
explain this term because it alludes
to the Korean language.
풍차구르기 P'ungch'a-kurugl Cartwheel
점프/뛰기 Jump'u / ttwigi Jump
낙법 Nakbôp Rolls, only forwards it seems
응용동작 Ûngyong tongjak Lit.: Practical movement but the pu-
sabôm used this when I asked about
extended cuts and he said that this
term was used for any variation of a


한글/한문 Korean / Romanised Translation / explanation

촛불끄기 Ch'otbul KKûgi Candle extinguishing
대나무베기 Taenamu pegi Bamboo cutting
신문지 베기 Sinmunji pegi Newspaper slicing
각목자르기 Kagmok charugi Board breaking


한글/한문 Korean / Romanised Translation / explanation

안녕 (安寧) 하세요 Annyông Haseyo Hello (when you enter Dojang)
수고 하셨습니다 Sugo hasyôssumnida You worked hard (usually at the end
of practice, to the fellow students)
감사 (感謝) 합니다 Kamsa hamnida Thank you (usually at the end of
practice, to the Sabum-nim or


한글/한문 Korean / Romanised Translation

지도사범(指導師範) Chido Sabôm Master
관장 (館長)님 Kwanjang(Nim) Head of dojang
사범 (師範)님 Sabôm(Nim) Instructor
부사범 (副師範)님 Pu-sabôm(Nim) Assistant instructor
교범 (敎範) Kyobôm(Nim) Assistant of junior instructor
고단자 (高段者) Kodanja 3rd dan or higher
초단 (初段) Ch'odan 1st dan
유단자 (有段者) Yudanja A black-belt of any grade
제자 (弟子) Checha Disciple or follower

Dobok (Uniforms)

한글/한문 Korean / Romanised Translation

바지 Paji Trousers
옷도리 Ottori Top
띠 Tti Belt
매듭 Maettôp Tie

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