New Place Conversation

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¡¡ B.

Complete the sentences with any appropriate adjective

1. Yesterday, was very

2. ln January, my country is very
)-). Before an important test, most students are very
4. The climate in Antarctrca rs very
5. Somebay, I wil be very
were you/
lil C. Take turns. Say a sentence from exercise B Then ask questions using how and
answer them with so + adjective + that.
i I *ut to happy that
cou dn't stop smiling

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A A. Listen to the telephone conversation. How has Ryan's life changed recently?

,,Lo? u Sandra: llow's it going, Ryan? Are you getting used to your new home?
Ryan: L'm all right. lt's a very big city, though, so it takes forever to get
Sandra: Really? What about the new subway system? lsn't it fast?
Ryan: The trains are fast, but they're so crowded that sometrmes you have
to wait for the next one. can take buses, of course, but they make a
ot of stops.
Sandra: I see what you mean.
Ryan: Fortunate y, I ove my new job, and it's right downtown.
Sandra: That's nicelYou can walk around on your lunch hour.
Ryan: That's exactly what l've been doingl l've been looking for good
resta u ra nts.
Sandra: That's greatlYou know trying new restaurants.
Real Language
Ryan: That's right. When you visit me, 'l know where to take you to eat.

When you get used

¡¡ B. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again.
ao something, it
becomes normalfor
¡¡ C. Contrnue the conversation. Use your imagination to ask and answer questions you.
You can say that
the c imate where Ryan lives now something rdkes
the people who live there forever when it feeLs
Ryan's new job
ike a very long time.

imagine that you've been living in a new place for a few weeks. .'

Where are you?Tell a partner about your life in your new home.

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