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Contents 3




exico is widely regarded as a regional this in mind, the 2022 edition will present, for
M trendsetter thanks to its proximity to
the largest economy in the world, the
first time in Mexico, the release of the Women
in Innovation ranking, which was developed in
US. It regularly gets first dibs on technology collaboration with Great Culture to Innovate to
and companies often choose Mexico to pilot highlight the importance of workplace culture
programs and products for Latam. This is part- in this matter.
ly what brought The Business Year to Mexico Creativity and agility became essential in
originally and this year we present our 11th the face of what was a volatile year. Disrupted
edition on the market, The Business Year: Mex- supply chains and delayed deliveries heavily CEO
ico 2022. impacted some of the most important indus- Ayşe Valentin
This latest year-long period of research was tries, including automotive, construction, and Regional Director
Federica Fermo
marked by a sense of reflection and reinven- chemicals. The wound was further deepened
tion in the business community. As the world by internal debates on how national energy se- Country Managers
Vanessa Rameix, Frida Torres
continues to restructure itself in the wake of curity should be dealt with between the public Country Editor
COVID-19 and the subsequent disruption to and private sector. The government addition- Alejandra Gomez
the global supply chain, players in the country ally finds itself under pressure to conclude Assistant Country Managers
Paula Colard, Elena Garví
are continuing to discover Mexico’s role in this megaprojects and realize campaign promises
new reality. Many executives shared that they before 2023. Project Assistant
Lizbeth Garcia
used the crisis as an opportunity to question These challenges remind us all that the jour- Editorial
entire business models and venture into seg- ney to pre-pandemic growth levels will not be Terry Whitlam, Aidan McMahon
ments that had previously been on the back fast and that the reactivation of the market will Finance Assistant Latam
Fernando Amezcua
burner. Industries that had never collaborated not be equal. Among the industries that stood
before also found opportunities to create un- out the most for having the fastest comeback Contributors
Gillian Docherty, Jason Shaw,
traditional partnerships. was logistics and manufacturing. In this mat- Susan Barrett, Emily Damgali,
Catalina Lopez, Adrian Espallargas,
Keeping up with the theme of change, we ter, The Business Year has included a special Translinguo Global, Babak Babali,
saw a rising interest in the country to align spotlight on the city of Monterrey as industrial Kevin Mataraci, Cain Day
with environmental, social, and governance activity in the north was marked by an influx
(ESG) criteria. As consumers are no longer of international companies, particularly from
satisfied with empty promises, companies are Asia. The demand is influenced by companies
readapting by showing more transparency and wanting to decrease logistical risk and shorten
incorporating these values into every step of delivery times, a major step forward toward
their processes. Gender equality is also start- Mexico’s dream of becoming a global hub for ISBN 978-1-912498-87-1
ing to gain more visibility in the market. With logistics. ✖ www.thebusinessyear.com
6 Mexico 2022

154 Ceci Fallabrino, CEO & Founder, 178 Altagracia Gómez Sierra, 200 222 Care for all • Focus: Public
UPAX • Interview Director of Business Development,
Dina Camiones & Chairman, Grupo
AGRICULTURE health sector

155 Xavier Espinosa de los 223 Education • Forum

Minsa • Interview 201 Grow more • Chapter summary
Monteros, CEO, Latbc • Interview

158 Technology • Forum

179 Daniel Espinosa Ávila, General
Director, Serviseg • Interview
203 Silvia Dávila, Regional President
Latin America & Mexico GM, Danone
161 Gustavo Moussalli, Latam Vice
180 Marcos Castillo, Managing
Dairy, Plant based, and Waters SPORTS
President, Oracle NetSuite • Interview
Director, Prosegur • Interview 225 The best is yet to come
• Interview
204 Pablo Ricaud, President, Rising • Chapter summary
181 Safety in numbers • Focus:
163 Fernando Ruiz-Galindo, Director, Farms • Interview
Digital transformation of security 226 Germán Ernesto Kotsiras Ralis
Avaya • Interview
industry 205 Food and sustainability Cumplido, Secretary of Tourism,
164 Alejandro Posadas, Country • Interview State of Jalisco • Interview
183 Pedro Luis Fernández,
Manager, Motorola Solutions
Chairman & CEO, General de 206 Auto grow • Focus: Technology 227 Carlos Alberto González
• Interview
Alquiler de Maquinaria (GAM) to reduce hunger and prevent climate González, Managing Director, Visit
165 Antonio Jiménez, Regional Vice • Interview change Mexico • Interview
President, Latin America & CEO for
207 Maria Teresa García Plata, 229 Raúl Revuelta Musalem,
Mexico, Clear Channel Outdoor
• Interview
184 General Director, Mexican Food Managing Director, Grupo

168 Voices from the sector

• Interview
Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP)
• Interview
& REAL ESTATE 230 Roberto Cintrón, President,
170 LOGISTICS 185 Return to growth • Chapter 208 HEALTH & Hotel Association of Cancún, Puerto

& SECURITY summary

EDUCATION Morelos, and Isla Mujeres (AHCPM
& IM) • Interview
186 Francisco Javier Solares
171 Connecting the pieces • Chapter 209 Doing more locally • Chapter
Alemán, President, Mexican 232 Seyed Rezvani, Managing
summary summary
Chamber of the Construction Director, Grupo Mundo Imperial
172 Rafael Fernando Marín Industry (CMIC) • Interview 211 Pedro Zenteno Santaella, • Interview
Mollinedo, General Director, President, BIRMEX • Interview
187 FIBRAs • B2B 233 Hotels • Forum
Public Decentralized Office of the
213 Manuel Bravo, President & CEO,
Interoceanic Multimodal Corridor of 189 Luis Miguel Herrera, Head of 234 Antonio Ballester Gornals, CEO,
Bayer • Interview
the Isthmus of Tehuantepec Latam, Procore Technologies Estel Ingeniería y Obras • Interview
• Interview • Interview 214 Efrén Ocampo, CEO,
235 Alejandro Irarragorri,
Neolpharma • Interview
173 Raúl Huerta Martínez, 190 Lyman Daniels, President, Chairman, Grupo Orlegi • Interview
Managing Director, API Salina Cruz CBRE Colombia and Mexico 216 Carlos Arroyo, Managing
236 Back of the net • Focus:
• Interview • Interview Director, Grupo Diagnóstico Proa
Formalizing the Mexican football
• Interview
174 Javier Sandoval Dueñas, 191 Federico Cerdas, CEO, Global industry
President, Mexico Aerospace Fair Businesses & Skyhaus • Interview 217 Pharma • B2B
240 Juan Carlos Cachoua, Founder,
(FAMEX) • Interview
192 Construction & engineering 218 Karel J. Fucikovsky, General Santo Gusano • Interview
176 Demetrio Javier Sodi Cortés, • Interview Director, Pierre Fabre Médicament
243 Hospitality • B2B
CEO, Red de Carreteras de Latam • Interview
195 Back to building • Focus:
Occidente (RCO) • Interview
Reactivation of real estate 220 Federico Weber, CEO, Dentalia
177 Maite Ramos, Country • Interview
198 Innovation • Forum
Managing Director, Alstom
221 Digitalization • Forum
• Interview

Read more at thebusinessyear.com/mexico

The Business Year is published by The Business Year International, Trident Chambers, P.O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. The Business Year is a registered trademark of The Business Year Inter-
national, Copyright The Business Year International Inc. 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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180 Mexico 2022


BETTER Using technology and solutions such

as IoT and AI, Prosegur seeks to help
companies develop an integral and
solutions more sophisticated security model
while keeping costs low.

Marco s C as t i llo

What is your vision for the company in Mexico? lenge is to demonstrate that you can have a model
Expects to grow For Mexico, given its geographic location, the US that provides high reliability without reducing the
40% in Latam factor is crucial. In addition, the security market security level. Technology is much cheaper than
is experiencing significant growth. Indeed, Mex- having an army of workers, helping companies to
ico is interesting for the company worldwide curb costs and have a more efficient security.
for all its business lines. Latin America is key for
Prosegur. And, within this strategy in the Ameri- What differentiates Prosegur from its competitors?
cas, Mexico and the US are key. Growth over the We can offer the customer intelligence and tech-
companies with past two years was 25% annually. For the next nological solutions. For example, a minute of
technological few years, we are aiming at growth of 40%. This production at a manufacturing plant costs many
solutions and requires growth across different sectors such as millions. Companies traditionally believe they
retail, industry, and the automotive market. The need a large workforce to maintain efficiency. We
cybersecurity latter market has allowed us to develop signifi- tell them otherwise, by introducing new technol-
services cantly being a market that requires considerable ogies. We use biometrics to verify that the person
specialization. And, in this area, innovation in is who they say they are and that they are access-
safety brings much value, and we’re betting on it. ing the plant. We have helped one such customer
We want to help our customers transform the way save MXN50 million a year. It is a comprehensive
in which security services are provided. We also system that saves on costs, and, therefore, goes
want them to go through the digital transforma- beyond mitigating theft. Companies are interest-
tion process and board the Industry 4.0 train. We ed in solutions that help their business. We use
BIO have a big commitment to innovation as part of technological solutions to get information that
Marcos Castillo graduated
from the National
the services we provide. helps customers sell more.
Polytechnic Institute (IPN)
with a bachelor's degree What are the main challenges facing companies in Mex- What sectors are you focusing on for growth?
in computer science and
ico in terms of security? We serve practically all sectors in Mexico but
telecommunications and has
a master’s degree in senior The great challenge is to understand that the have invested in three major sectors. One is the
management from Pontificia world has changed. We are in a digital era of big automotive sector, which requires considerable
Comillas University of Madrid. data and the Internet of Things. It is estimated modernization and enhanced security provision.
He also has a postgraduate
degree in business security that security accounts for 2% of Mexico’s GDP Another big sector is banking, where the real
management (DSE) from and can no longer be interpreted in terms of cops threat today, again, is cybercrime. Security to-
ICADE Business School and and robbers, being a much deeper issue. Security day requires intelligence and prevention through
a specialty in business risk
management (GER) from the
today involves adding technological components, employee training and anti-phishing techniques.
International Business and such as cybersecurity and electronic systems. We This is a sector in which technology brings trans-
Information Bureau. Castillo call this vision Integra, and that is Prosegur’s pro- formational value. The third sector is retail, and
has 20 years of experience in
private security with Prosegur,
posal in the Mexican market. The goal is for In- the logistics business that supports it. Retail has
being responsible for operations tegra to lead companies to an integral and more a great opportunity to develop and add compo-
management in Madrid, global sophisticated security model. We want to change nents ranging from customer experience to the
accounts for Latin America,
the mentality of security managers. Many have sales analysis. Security brings a differential value
projects in Brazil, and, for
five years, general director of considerable experience and can now also count to the entire process. Our goal is to add value to
Prosegur Security in Mexico. on the support that technology brings. The chal- these sectors of true potential in Mexico. ✖

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