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Bastian Collaborative

What do you think you parents, teachers, and adults do to keep

their children safe from unwanted sexual advances from other

Firstly limit their interaction in the world. Do not let strangers into their life until
they are old enough to talk.

Model good healthy loving relationship, so they know what to aim for in life. Teach them
that their body is sacred, and they have the right to autonomy over it.

When they start school start to talk to them about strangers on the internet and strangers
in the park and at the door. They should be aware of stranger danger on line as much as
they would not walk with a stranger in the park. I grew up when serial killers were
targeting kids, so we had that drummed into us and it was good safety training.

Enroll them in self-defense classes or martial arts from age 5, give them skill to fight back if
they need to.

Do not give children under 16 unsupervised time on the internet, and do not buy them
phones until they are 16. They can use a computer in front of you (take it away each night)
and they can use your phone in front of you. (you do not want to give them a chance to sext,
so give them no privacy).

If you cannot be around, make sure they are in the company of trustworthy adults, like
their grandparents, childcare workers and teachers. Do not tell them that a friend is their
“uncle” when he is not.
Give them the basic knowledge to know what is unacceptable behaviour right from
toddlerhood and constantly assure them that you are there to listen and support them
always- especially if they do not feel right about people or situations.

Too many dirty kiddy-fiddlers got away with their diabolical mischief in the past by preying
on the innocence and ignorance of their young victims along with cunning intimidation that
they knew the poor kids would be afraid to pass on.

Do not be afraid to be as explicit as you need be - knowledge is power. Unfortunately a lot

of the fathers, uncles, pastors, sports coaches and ‘nice guy’ neighbours who indulged their
perversion with kids relied on children's’ lack of knowledge and inability to know how to
say ‘Stop’!
CONTEMPLATE; How I am in the following Psychological aspects of my life?
Awareness of self and others Intimacy and relationship
As an individual, it is In terms of intimacy and relationship
important that you know yourself I had a girlfriend we are together
first than others could. It is also almost 7 years, we had a great
great that you already what are relationship because first, we
the things that can make you respected each other, we had a strong
happy and not. bond so that we could maintain our
In my case, I don’t have any relationship strong and unbreakable,
doubt in myself, I already know we already know each other that’s
what makes me angry and happy why we already knows how to deal
and if I am in the middle of each attitudes we had, we are also
dilemma’s I know how to cope supporting each other’s dreams.
with it by the help also of my Intimacy is about the real, profound
friends and and other people connection you create with your
behind my back that keeps partner- a closeness that brings two
supporting me. people together in a powerful way,.
Without intimacy in a relationship, it
becomes difficult to build a strong
bond and establish trust.
Learning and socialization Purpose and meaning
I already admit that I am not smart I Many people today didn’t know yet
am just determined to pursue my its own purposes in life, when it
dreams in order to become a comes to me, I think my purpose in
successful man someday. I believe life why I keep fighting despite of the
that in our life, while we are growing struggles is that, I want to become a
the learning is everywhere, we just Philippine Army, my purpose is to
need to be flexible in order absorb keep my country peaceful and safe, I
that’s learnings. am quit far from my dream but I
As a teenager, I am also friendly, and I believe that I could achieve that
know how to socialize with other dream, I just need to be more
people, I love doing this so that I motivated to finish my studies and
enable to cope up with different pass my board exam.
personally of people and to gain The meaning of my life is to live and
FRIENDSHIP. to protect the people I love and my

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