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Pen Name: Memoire

Title: Room 48

*Note: The story is pure fiction. The names mentioned in the story are fictional characters*
I am an English teacher of JRMSU-Dipolog. I have been teaching for three years. And for three
years, I am always curious about a girl, looking blank at room 48.

Whenever I have class that ends at 8:30 in the evening, I would always see her, on the same spot.
I never had the courage to approach and talk to her.

This semester, my schedule was really tight. I have a class that ends in 8:30 in the evening. It
was tiring as I live in Dapitan City. I still have to go home in Dapitan, even though I teach in
Dipolog. Dapitan City is 21kms away from Dipolog City. Imagine how tiring that is, considering
that I don’t want to live in Dipolog alone. It’s not because I’m scared. I just don’t trust it.

“Okay, class,” I said, after discussing about globalization in communication. “We will continue
this next meeting. You’re dismissed.”

It was my 7:00-8:30PM class in Purposive Communication. Our class was in room 45 of the
blue, three storey building. My last class was very convenient for me because the room is near
the office, on the third floor.

After making sure the lights was turned off, I saw her again. She’s still in the same spot, where I
would always see her.

I walked towards her. She looked really pale as she was looking inside the room. “Excuse me,” I
tried to get her attention. I looked at the room to see what she was looking at. But nothing was
there. I grabbed her hand. “What’s wrong?” I called her out once again.

She looked at me and said, “Nothing, Teacher Em.” She sounded terrified. I wanted to ask her
about what she saw inside the room, but I couldn’t. She then walked away.

I looked at the room once again. It suddenly had an eerie feeling, like someone was looking at
me. I shook my head and took a deep breath. Nothing was there. I’m sure of it. She must’ve been
playing some kind of prank, that’s all.

Somehow, I couldn’t get it off my mind. I wonder what the student saw in room 48. I lay on my
bed and stare at the ceiling and eventually, I fell asleep.

I heard a woman crying.

I slowly opened my eyes. I somehow found myself in the office. “That’s strange,” I told myself.
I look around. I am definitely inside the office . . . and . . . alone? I’m pretty sure that I went
home after my class. And I’m pretty sure that I was lying on my bed. I looked at the window. It
was dark outside.
It is indeed strange. Did I fell asleep in the office? More importantly, did I lock myself in the
office? I went to the door to open it.

It was open. I went outside. The building was empty . . . eerie. Like any second, someone or
something will come out at any moment.

The blue building has an eerie background. I heard a lot of rumors about entities in this building.
It was built in between 2011-2012. It was once an open space used as a dumpster. I don’t much
about the history of the open space, before the building was built. But I’m pretty sure it has a lot
of entities living here, considering that a balete tree is standing near, just outside the school

I suddenly feel like I want to walk around, even though I should be going home. I went
downstairs, on the second floor. I turned right and finally stopped. I was standing in front of a
room. I looked at the room number. “Room 48?” I thought.

I freaked out. Why did my feet take me to this room? I suddenly hear a woman crying . . . inside
room 48. I looked inside.

There, I saw a silhouette of a woman, sitting on one of the chairs, near the balete tree.

Right, room 48 is next to the balete tree.

“Excuse me,” I tried to call her out. I walked towards her. Her cry became louder and louder as I
approached her. “Are you alright?” I asked.

She slowly looked at me. I gasped. Her face was covered in blood. There’s a wound on her
forehead. I could feel my heart beating fast. She slowly stood up.

I tried not to scream. I tried to be calm, as much as possible. “Are you alright?”

She suddenly smiled at me.

I knew right then that I had to get out of there. She walked slowly towards me. I took a step back.
The chairs then come flying across the room. I tried to ran outside the room, but the door closed
by itself. I looked back; the woman is still trying to approach me.

I grabbed the door knob and forced to open.

“Are you alright?” I feel her behind me. She suddenly bit my shoulder. I screamed in pain. I
want to get out. I want to escape. But she had a strong grip on me, like I am trap forever.

“Em!” I vaguely heard someone called me.

“Em!” I heard it again, as I was struggling to free myself from the woman’s grip.
“Emily!” I opened my eyes. A dream? I though. “Emily, are you alright?” It was my mom’s
voice. “Were you having a nightmare, dear?”

I looked at my mom and cried. I hugged her. “There, there,” my mom said as she tried to calm
me down. “It was just a dream.”

The next morning, I came to work late. I feel like not wanting to go to school. I’m too scared to

“How did it happen? Did the guards or the people outside saw anything weird when it
happened?” I heard one of my colleagues asked another colleague, as I entered the office.

“Nobody saw what happened. Not a single person noticed something strange.”

“It’s probably her again,” I heard another colleague said.

“Her? Who is her?”

“She’s the one haunting room 48,” he said.

“Haunting? Do you mean that room 48 is haunted?”

“Yes,” he replied. “She had no name, but she is known for luring her victims and appears in her
victim’s dream. First, she disguise as a person, looking blank inside room 48, making her victim
to look inside the room too. If the victim makes contact to her, she will then appear in the
victim’s dream and trying to trap them forever. I’ve heard a lot of rumors about it before, even
before the building was built. It stopped many years ago, but I guess it happened again last

“Oh hi, Em,” a colleague said. “Do you know what happened to room 48? It was a mess! The
chairs were everywhere!”

“I see,” I told him.

“You don’t look so well, Em. Is everything alright?”

I nod and smiled. I went to my cubicle. My colleague approached m. He looked at me for a

moment, like studying me. I puzzled. He then leaned on me and whispered. “There is something
behind you. Get rid of it before it’s too late.”


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