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High Food Microbiology

Production Technology of Fermented Pickles: A Review.

School of Food sciences

Food science and Engineering

Year 2012

2012/13 Semester I

No: 182012210000002

Tesfabirhan Weldegabir Redie

Instructor: Professor He Zhifei


Increased consumers demand for fresh like products containing natural ingredients, changing
food patterns and convenience have led to the development of minimally processed products
using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) cultures. Lactic acid fermentation as a means of food
preservation brings the beneficial flora to our intestines to keep our digestive system regular and
healthy in vegetable fermentation. Pickle is the name given to fermented cucumber in this paper
and the production technology of pickle is discussed thoroughly.

Key words: fermentation, pickles, LAB, starter culture

Table of Contents

Production Technology of Fermented Pickles................................................................................................1


Pickle Cucumber Production..........................................................................................................................3


Production Technology of Pickles.................................................................................................................7

Microflora of Fermented Pickles...................................................................................................................7

Safe Production of Fermented Pickles..........................................................................................................8



Table of Contents
March 2013

Production Technology of Fermented Pickles


The tremendous increase in consumers demand for fresh like products containing natural

ingredients, changing food patterns and convenience have led to the development of minimally

processed products using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) cultures (Joshi, 2009). Recently, the presence

of bacteriocin-an antimicrobial substance in these products attracted the attention of scientists.

Products like sauerkraut are produced by mixed natural micro flora (Joshi and Thakur 2000) while

mixed lactic cultures have been employed to study the controlled fermentation of vegetables.

Vegetables may be preserved by fermentation, direct acidification, or a combination of these along

with other processing conditions and additives to yield products that are referred to as pickles.

Lactic acid fermentation as a means of food preservation is probably one of the oldest

biotechnological processes rooted in the cultural history of mankind. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is

mainly responsible for the fermentation of vegetables, but, the indigenous LAB flora varies as a

function of the quality of the raw material, temperature and harvesting conditions. Spontaneous

fermentation thus leads to variations in the sensory properties of the products. Lactic acid

fermentation retains all the natural plant ingredients while improving the quality, taste and aroma

(Bamforth, 2005). In general, fermented vegetables bring the beneficial flora to our intestines to

keep our digestive system regular and healthy. In addition, it allows natural, beneficial bacteria to

perform a fermentation process in which vegetables develop a pleasantly sour taste and remain rich

in vitamins.

Furthermore, microorganisms used for fermentation can add probiotic properties to product. A

number of studies have found probiotics consumption to be useful in the treatment of diarrhea,

lactose intolerance, colon cancer, cholesterol, blood pressure, immune function and infections,

mineral absorption, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis. Important probiotic bacteria can be listed

as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium

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bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Pediococcus acidilactici and Saccharomyces boulardii

(Holzapfel et al., 1998).

There are many kinds of fermented meats, dairy and vegetable products in the world, but fermented

vegetables are not widespread commercial products as fermented meat and dairy products. Because

fermented vegetables do not have standard ingredient and its ingredients varied based on climatic

and geographic conditions. Various fermented vegetable products are produced in different location

of the world. Most known fermented vegetable products are sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, safur, asin,

etc. The most commonly fermented vegetables are cabbage, cucumber, carrot, beet, green tomato,

pepper and turnip, although, radish, bean, onion, unripe melon, okra, leaf of celery root, eggplant,

parsley and garlic (to give flavor) are also preserved in this way.

Cucumbers, cabbages, olives, and peppers account for the largest volume of vegetables and fruits

commercially pickled. Lesser quantities of onions, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots, melon rinds, okra,

artichokes, beans, and other produce also are pickled. But in this paper review the focus will be on

fermented pickles of cucumber.

Pickles can sometimes refer as a general term for all vegetables that are preserved by fermentation

or direct preservation or acidification. In this paper however “Pickles” refers to pickled cucumbers,

the term herein in a broader sense refers to cucumbers preserved in a solution of vinegar, salt, and

other flavourings. They are typically fermented with naturally-occurring bacteria prior to vinegar

preservation. While pickling technology has been known since ancient times, pickles are still a

popular food, with over 2.27 million kg consumed daily.

While there are many different types of pickles, some characteristics are common to all. In general,

pickled cucumbers are crisp vegetables, which can be described as having a strong, biting flavor

caused by the vinegar in which they are stored. Different pickle manufacturers normally add spices

to give their pickles a unique flavor. Dill-flavored pickles are perhaps the most common of all

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pickles. There are also sweet pickles, which are packed with added sugar. These are typically used

for making relishes.

Pickle Cucumber Production

Cucumbers are the fourth most widely cultivated vegetable crop in the world after tomatoes,

cabbage, and onions (Shetty and Wehner, 2002). They are enjoyed on virtually all continents and

incorporated into all types of cuisine. According to the FAO, China produced at least 60% of the

global output of cucumbers in 2010, followed at a distance by Iran, Turkey, Russia, Iran and the

United States. Many industries are also involved in China in processing pickles cucumber in

different parts of China.

Table 1. Top ten world producers of cucumber (Source: FAO, 2010) * FAO estimated value.

Country Production (MT) Country Production (MT)

China 45,546,156* Ukraine 860,100

Iran 1,811,630 Spain 682,900
Turkey 1,739,190 Egypt 631,408
Russia 1,161,870 Japan 587,800
United States 880,530 Indonesia 547,141
World 57,559,836

Cucumbers are scientifically known as Cucumis sativus (Wikipedia, 2012) and belong to the same

botanical family as melons (including watermelon and cantaloupe) and squashes (including summer

squash, winter squash, zucchini and pumpkin). Commercial production of cucumbers is usually

divided into two types. "Slicing cucumbers" are produced for fresh consumption. "Pickling

cucumbers" are produced for eventual processing into pickles. Slicing cucumbers are usually larger

and have thicker skins, while pickling cucumbers are usually smaller and have thinner skins.

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Table 2. Composition of substrates of fresh with peel raw Cucumber

Nutrient Cucumber(slicing) Cucumber(pickling) West Indies gherkin

Water (percent) 96 96 93
Energy(kcal) 13 12 17
Protein (g) 0.5 0.7 1.4
Fat (g) 0.1 0.1 0.3
Carbohydrate (g) 2.9 2.4 2.0
Fibber (g) 0.6 0.6 0.6
Ca (mg) 14 13 26
P (mg) 17 24 38
Fe (mg) 0.3 0.6 0.6
Na (mg) 2 6 6
K (mg) 149 190 290
Vitamin A (IU) 45 270 270
Thiamine (mg) 0.03 0.04 0.1
Riboflavin (mg) 0.02 0.2 0.04
Niacin (mg) 0.30 0.4 0.4
Ascorbic Acid (mg) 4.7 19.0 51.0
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.05 0.4 0.4



The term pickle is derived from the Dutch word ‘Pekel”, meaning brine (Wikipedia, 2012). Pickling
began as a way to preserve food for out-of-season use and for long journeys, especially by sea.
Pickling, is the process of preserving vegetable by anaerobic fermentation in brine (a solution of salt
in water) to produce lactic acid, or marinating and storing it in an acid solution, usually vinegar
(acetic acid). The resulting food is called a pickle. This procedure gives the food a salty or sour taste.

Another distinguishing characteristic is a pH of less than 4.6, which is sufficient to kill most
bacteria. Pickling can preserve perishable foods for months. Antimicrobial herbs and spices, such as
mustard seed, garlic, cinnamon or cloves, are often added. If the food contains sufficient moisture,
pickling brine may be produced simply by adding dry salt.

Although the process was invented to preserve foods, pickles are also made and eaten because
people enjoy the resulting flavors. Pickling may also improve the nutritious value of food by
introducing vitamins produced by bacteria.

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There are six basic types of ingredients used for pickle making. The main bulk food is the cucumber.

The additional ingredients include acids, flavorings, colorants, preservatives, and stabilizers that

make up the liquid, or liquor, in which the pickle is sold. Many of the ingredients are only available

at certain times of the year, so steps have to be taken to use fresh materials.

Undoubtedly, the most important ingredient in pickle manufacturing is the cucumber. Special seeds

are used to produce cucumbers that are straight, thin skinned, have a predictable number of warts,

and are properly sized. These characteristics are important for uniform pickle manufacturing. Acetic

acid (vinegar) is the primary ingredient used in pickle manufacturing. After water, it makes up the

bulk of the pickle liquor and contributes significantly to the flavor of the pickle giving it a sour taste.

Additionally, it also has a preservative effect and is nontoxic. Vinegar can be obtained from many

sources and each one has a slightly different taste. Therefore, depending on its source, the vinegar

can have a significant effect on the taste of the final pickle product.

Other ingredients, which impact the final taste of the pickles, are added to the liquor. Sugar is used

to provide a sweetness to offset the sour taste of the vinegar. It also helps to make pickles more

plump and firm. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharine can be used for a similar effect

without increasing the calories. Salt is added for flavor and it also has an added preservative effect.

Pure granulated salt is typically used since it is devoid of anti-caking ingredients that could make

the liquor cloudy.

While vinegar, sugar, and salt make up the bulk of all pickle liquors, it is the various spices and

herbs that differentiate between pickle types. Dill weed is the most common type of aromatic spice

and is used to make all forms of dill pickles. Other aromatic spices include allspice, cassia,

cinnamon, cloves, fennel, fenugreek, and nutmeg. For more potent pickles, hot spices such as

capsicum, black pepper, ginger, and mustard are used. Herbs like basil, marjoram, mint tarragon,

and thyme are also used to give pickles a unique taste. Flavorful vegetables including onions and

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garlic are often included in pickle liquor. Typically, the pickle manufacturer has a standard spice

mix made for each type of pickle they manufacture.

Some additional ingredients may be added to ensure the pickles meet standards set by the

manufacturer. In general, pickles do not require any colorants because their natural color is

acceptable. However, to create a standardized product and overcome the effects of processes such

as bleaching, manufacturers often add color. Two common types of colorants are turmeric caramel

and cholorphyll. The caramel provides a slightly brown to yellow color and chlorophyll gives a

green color. To inhibit color changes in pickles, sulphur dioxide is added. Firming agents such as

lime and alum may also be added. These materials help make pickles crispier without significantly

impacting the flavor. Surfactants such as polysorbate are also used to couple ingredients in the

liquor solution.

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MARCH 2013

Production Technology of Pickles

Cucumbers sized and cleaned, and flowers removed


Brine added

Acidity with acetic acid Purge Add dill spice with N2

Add dill spice Add dill spice



Add acetic acid


Figure 1: manufacture of fermented pickles. Adopted from Harris, 1998

Microflora of Fermented Pickles

Reports on the microbiology and biochemistry of vegetable fermentations first appeared in the

scientific literature a century before. Included in these reports are studies were the development

of pasteurization methods, investigations of the yeasts that are responsible for spoilage of

cucumber pickle products, and a preservation prediction chart to describe the storage stability of

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sweet pickles based on salt and sugar concentrations (Bell et. al, 1952). Prior to fermentation,

fresh fruits and vegetables harbor a variety of microorganisms, including aerobic spoilage

microflora such as Pseudomonas, Erwinia, and Enterobacter species, as well as yeasts and molds

(Nguyen et. al, 1994, Nancy et al. 2000, ). The cell populations for these bacteria, which

4 6
spoil the vegetables if allowed to grow, range from 10 to 10 CFU/g. Brining vegetables for

fermentation results in the production by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) of organic acids and a variety
of antimicrobial compounds. LAB are initially present on fresh vegetables in lower
2 3
numbers, 10 to 10 CFU/g, compared with other mesophilic microorganisms. During

fermentation, diffusion of organic acids into the brine, and the low pH that results, influences
microbial growth.

Safe Production of Fermented Pickles

Vegetables may be preserved by fermentation, direct acidification, or a combination of these

methods along with other processing conditions and additives. Fermented foods generally have a

good safety record, but improperly fermented foods may be unsafe. The fermentation of

vegetables is primarily due to the lactic acid bacteria, although yeasts and other microorganisms

may be involved, depending on the salt concentration and other factors. Salt serves two primary

roles in the preservation of fermented vegetables: it influences the type and extent of microbial

activity, and it helps prevent softening of the vegetable tissue.

The safety of food fermentation is related to several principles:

1. Food substrates overgrown with desirable, edible organisms do not support growth, or

sometimes survival, by invasion by spoilage or food poisoning microorganisms. These

undesirable organisms find it difficult to compete.

2. Fermentations involving production of lactic acid are generally safe. During lactic acid

fermentation, fermentable sugars are converted to lactic acid. For example, in the

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production of sauerkraut, fresh cabbage is shredded and 2.25% salt is added. There is a

sequence of lactic acid bacteria that grow: Leuconostoc mesenteriodes grows first,

producing lactic acid, acetic acid and carbon dioxide. Then Lactobacillus brevis grows,

producing more acid. Finally Lactobacillus planarum grows, producing still more lactic

acid and lowering the pH to below 4.0 At this pH and under anaerobic conditions, the

cabbage and other vegetables will be preserved for long periods of time.

There have been no reports of pathogenic microorganisms associated with standard commercial

pickle products prepared under ‘good manufacturing practices’ and having appropriate acid, salt,

and sugar content (1). However, Listeria monocytogenes, a foodborne pathogen, has been

isolated from various plant foods and fermented materials, and this fact, coupled with the

bacterium’s ability to tolerate moderately low pH and high salt concentration, suggests that

Listeria may pose a concern in vegetables that are not effectively fermented. Insufficient acid

production and anaerobic fermentation conditions may also establish conditions under which

Clostridium botulinum may grow and produce a harmful neurotoxin.

Critical factors in the production of safe fermented foods are the correct level of salt, proper

fermentation temperature, and sufficient acid production. The correct level of salt varies by food

product, ranging from 2.25% for sauerkraut to greater than 13% for some fermented meats. Since

consumers cannot easily measure salt concentration in a finished product, salt should be carefully

measured, and a tested recipe followed, in the preparation of naturally fermented foods. Salt used

in fermentation is generally ‘canning and pickling salt;’ table salt, kosher salt, or other types of

salt cannot be used interchangeably with canning and pickling salt.

Proper fermentation temperature selects for desired fermentation organisms and inhibits the

growth of spoilage organisms. Most products are fermented at temperatures between 20°C and

24°C. In this temperature range, fermentation gener ally takes 3 to 4 weeks; at 15°C to 25°C,

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fermentation will proceed more slowly and may take 5 to 6 weeks. Fermentation at temperatures

above 25°C may result in spoilage.

Sufficient acid production is critical to safety of fermented products. Enough acid to lower the

equilibrium pH to 4.6 or below is necessary for safety. Ideally, pH is checked during

fermentation to track the progress of the reaction. A final equilibrium pH of 4.6 or below must be


Production Principles of Fermented Pickles

The modern manufacture of most fermented vegetables, in contrast to cheese, sausage, and other
fermented food products, still relies on a natural fermentation. In large part, this is because
vegetable fermentations occur as a succession, and duplicating this process with “controlled
fermentations” using starter cultures has not been a viable option. Also, vegetable fermentations
are often conducted in less than aseptic conditions, so adding a culture to a raw material
comprised of a complex well-populated background flora is unlikely to be very effective.

Yet, for all of the same reasons that eventually drove other industries to adopt pure starter culture
technology (i.e., consistency, control, safety, and convenience), the fermented vegetable
industries have indeed developed manufacturing procedures that depend on starter cultures,
rather than the natural flora, to perform the fermentation. Research on pure culture technology
for fermented vegetables actually began nearly fifty years ago, and cultures were developed in
the 1960s (Daeschel and Fleming, 1987).

For a controlled fermentation, a starter culture is added to the pickles after careful removal

and/or inactivating the endogenous micro flora, driving out air to create anaerobic conditions by

nitrogen purges, and acetate buffered brine is then added. Examples of starter cultures available

are Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pediococcus acidilactici, and

Lactobacillus brevis. Llow salt brines may permit growth of unwanted members of the natural

flora, including coliforms, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Flavobacterium (Hutkins, 2006).

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At salt concentrations between 5% and 8%, growth of Leuconostoc is inhibited and instead the

fermentation is initiated by Pediococcus sp. and L. plantarum. Pickle fermentation brines

typically contain high concentrations of salt and organic acids and have a pH less than 4.5.These

conditions are especially inhibitory to coliforms, pseudomonads, bacilli, clostridia, and other

non-lactic acid bacteria that would otherwise cause flavor and texture problems. This

environment, in fact, is hard even on lactic acid bacteria. However, the latter have evolved

sophisticated physiological systems that enable them to survive under very uncomfortable

circumstances. After fermentation, salt stock pickles can be held indefinitely in the brine.

However, these pickles cannot be eaten directly, but rather fine, but growth of nisin-sensitive L.

plantarum was inhibited. Thus, it was possible to prolong the heterofermentative (and flavor-

generating) phase of the fermentation, while delaying the homofermentative phase. Ultimately,

the use of starter cultures for the manufacture of fermented vegetables is likely to increase as the

size of the production facilities and the demand for speed, efficiency, and throughput both

increase. In addition, the starter culture industry is now able to develop strains that have specific

physiological properties, satisfy specific performance characteristics, are stable during storage,

and are easy to use.

Selection and Characterization of Starter Cultures

For selecting microorganisms for starter cultures to be used in fermented foods, it is expected

that the strains should have some characteristics, such as: adapting easily to the raw material and

process, developing sensory quality, extending shelf-life, reducing the processing time and

energy during the production, inhibiting food related pathogenic microorganisms as well as

having probiotic, nonpathogenic, and non-toxigenic properties. Besides providing standard and

quality food production, the use of starter cultures with the stated properties also gives rise to the

degradation of antinutritional factors, improvement of protein digestibility and bio-availability of

micronutrients, and nutritional enrichment of food through the biosynthesis of vitamins, essential

amino acids, and proteins. Moreover, some members of lactic acid bacteria carry out
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detoxification of toxic compounds and degradation of mycotoxins in specific cases (Holzapfel,

2002) and therefore can reduce the health risks. They also enhance the shelf life of foods by

inhibiting the flora responsible for the undesirable taste by spoiling the food (Ross et al. 2002).


In this paper, a general review on pickle production is discussed. As an old and yet important
technology from health and preservation point of view, vegetable fermentation is widely
practiced throughout the world. The technology is simple to be adopted but care has to be taken
on large scale production and on the selection of the starter culture. The probiotics properties of
LAB is one of the most interesting area that need to be studied carefully.

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