Final Ceramic Scheme2011-Yr 4

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Cetamic Scheme Plan: MelanieJones

Title of Schemq 3 D No. of Lessons:16 Gtoup: 4* yeat

cemmic dief structue TotalTime: (6 douhle and No. of Pupils:18
based on rcflectionr line in 10 single) ll hours & 10
architectual building and minutes
its suttoundinq sDace.
o Studcnts will expedence visual ideas, designs, technical and erpetimental skills,
by creatirg a 3 dimensional form in small groups inspfued by modem
o Students will explote the ceative uses and uadetstand the chatactedstics of clay
o Studeots will apprcciate and understand the contemporary ceramic works of
Dominique Bivat Seguardo and Frances Lambe in the context of historical and
cultural contemtrDtaqy role in cetamics.
o Students will develop individual personal skills arrd work on their designs,
makins and tesolviog any desien issues. Dresent research in small srrouDs.
Overall Leatning Outcomes for the Scheme:
o Studerts will etplote, tecotd and develop idea thtough obsewation drawings,
learn how to qnalyze and extact from an odginal soutce into a 2d design to create
templates, ttanslate by constructing a 3d cetamic structure.
o Investigate the ptocesses in slab building, relief form, and surface decoration,
construct maquette, apply texture pattem.
o Studeots will be to discuss, compare, cortrast and evaluate the ceramic work
Dominique Bivat Seguardo. Students will descdbe the subiect matter, diffetence
between surfaces and torttres.
r Studentswill crcate stnrctr[es that arc erprcssive andvisualintercsting.
Investigating/Exploring/Cteating: (include illustmtions, especially your own wotk):
Atchitectutal stnrctutes and teflection in line ate ...steel ftamer long rods; stong;
weathered colours;stnrctrre; positive and negative space; constuction; geometric grid
sequence; light and dark shadows; metat wirc; bricls; mechanical ; cone; long; thin,
wide lines; ovedapping, tdangle, s{luare, cubesl tectangle; connections; iagged edges;
juxtaposition, shalp cotn€ts; cuning walls; tendeting; ioining; smooth; textuted;, tension;
minimal; single; multiple; coove>q concave; surface; vertical and hodzontal; location;
natuial and man-made envfuoomenq green area; gravel; shiny; mirored; slqy; gtound and

Example offatchitectural aod school buildirlgs, teflection, lines; shapes and space.

E>iploring requires:
o Describing architectual looking at shapes, form, texture, space, pattern, surfaces,
lines and teflection
Investigating... the fotm, clay, volume, surfaces, shape, ioining methods and
different aspects of the cemmistwork and designs.
a Errpedments with drawing techniques and maquette: 2d,/3d, forms, clay telief.
a Crcatisg...requires the studeats: to produce obsenration &awings of atchitectual
space focus on sha1rc, pattem, traciry; shapes; desrgn boards; studies and
ptoduce a gtoup of visual interest'rg finished 3d structues.
Students arc cteatins and oroducitrg as an hdividual and in small gmups:

Dtawing / detail studies catdboatd rclief clay relief

Students as an individual will ptodlrce: -l x A4 observation drawings; 1xA4 detail

studies; a seties of thumbnail sketches ; 1x card maquette;Zx clay structures
(made up of 3 and 4 relief slabs)
Obserationd aad detail &awings based on atchitectutal buildiilg looking at
reflection in line. Takiog interesting elements and developing them;
Bv the end of the scheme srnall srtouD thev will Dtoduce: a sedes of 3D cemmic
dief sfircturres; design aad support wotk: 1x desiga board; 2 x group maquette;
Example 3D relief structwe (slab cube/ttiangle form) made in clay. (unfired pieces)
textured sutface
Undetstanding/Evaluating: (include illusttations):
r Evaluations through group reviews, teseatch, homewodg designwod<sheets.
o Studene rcviews will be teacher led evaluating their progress throughout the
o Gtoup teseatch, peer ptesentations and discussion about contemporaqr ceramics,
and installation. Students will have an undetstanding of these areas and know
how to ttanslate a 2d design into a 3D cemmic structure.
r Students will show evidence of ptoblem solving in relation to their desrgnwork
within groups
o Att Appteciatiot: Explote the wotk of Domidque and Ftances Lambe in tetation
to their inoovative apptoaches to cerarnics

Domiaique Bivat SeguardoHighlight her layering, use of material, surface texture, form and
line. Example of her abstract painting that looks at geology as a source of inspiration and

IIet work coatairs the couaterpoint of opposites.

Frances Lambe - rrish ceramist.
Example of ceramic form, structure, detail, volume, multiples, positive& negative space

o Images soutced ftom intetnet and books; ioumals; catalogues on ceramic,
cootemlx)raqy artists. Dominique Bivar Seguardo;
Frances Lambe
r Studeats will use intetaet fot teseetch wotk
r Record students work and constnrction by digital camera
o Whiteboatd to outline the stnrctue of ttre lesson
Key words/phrases:
o attachr assemblel ioin; textue surface, connectionr manipulation, suspension;
translate 2dto 3d form; opposites; kila; fite{ oxides; glazed; clay tools; bisque;
incised; cut out sections; telie$ multiple units; distorg pattern; scale; exaggerate
o steel stfllcture; wfue;construction; deconstructionl reconstruction of form; crop;
maguette, assemble; natutal environment and atchitectuml buitdings
r Design, simple lines, orsingr tonal, rcflection; obseryation; detail; mirto4
shadows; dtawing; balance compositionvisually andweighq flipping; aesthetics
r Colout, volume, ioining rsense of spacer Lght, shade, ovetlapping, shadows
r flowing shapes, fotrn, ptaoning; problem solving; installatioq ceramic
o cortelnpofaly attists

1'""sh ing/Leaming Stmtegies:

r Ptesent infotmation on subiect matter and key arees of leatning through visual
o GtouP discussion and analysis to compare and contrast key areas and artists
o GrouP descdption of key area, techfliques and subiect mattervetbally and
through obserratioa &awings
r Teacher guided instructions through demonstations
r Peer presentations on Soup research.
o flomewo*will demonstmte if the student has grasped ttre key areas of leaming
during the lessolrs and confidence and skills in subiect matter and rcsearch will
give the student knowledge.
o Question and answer time allowed aftet technical demonstmtion and lessons
Materials: Selection of fabtics, scissors, pva, masking tape, medium paper,
pastels, pencils, peffi, different catdboard, templates; tracing paper, paint, colouring
pencils, Hessen/iute cloths, ttacing paper, found obiects from kitchen, slats; rolting pin;
plastic bags; sealed containerc /i*; clay; hary; cutteq oxides;
Wite, staws, sticls, fabrics, knitted iumper, kitchen fotk- markings; comrgate cards;
club cards (cut with scissots get i4gg€d edges ot look like pinking sheas)rplastic gloves
and sponges fot applying oxides; old paintbrushes; boxes; newspaper;

Safety Precaution:
o Safety tallg demonsuation on coffect use of equipmeng craft knives, cutting
boatds, tools; prctective clothiog and gloves for oxides; whete applicable to each
lesson PIan.

r IJse key words on whiteboatd to suptr oft and map out each lesson
r Studene will be encoutaged to work to theit oum stengths and adapt theit
designs and forms. A selection of ideas; l6mplates will be available for those who
have difficulties with assembling structures.
o Students will be encouraged to work in pairs to support each other.
o Techniques will be adiusted to allow students to explore this. Guidance fot
student to assist them with erploting the idea to look at the natutal enviroament
for studies and dmwings, texture.
r A4 laminated photocopies of visual images andworl<sheets with key rnotds.
o Allow students to work at their own pace and own levels of capabilities

Timeline/Sequence of Lessons:
Week One: Drawing
ksson 1 (double)\flednesday 16e March (outdoor weathet permitting)
Introduce the subiect matter, key words; observadon drawings/thumbnail sketches
atound the school buildings and studies. i.e. Shape, fo*, lines, colout (oxide), texture,
patteflr, structure and reflectioo. (pattem sdthin the pattem)
Gtoup wotk spilt into three.
Week tvio start 23d March -Drawing/Design
Lesson 2 (double*) -Intrcduce Soup reseatch on cetamics contemporary artists; histogi
drawing/de*ign/detailed drawmgs- line and reflection (outdoors)
Lesson 3 (r*S1"*) continue detail dmwings and design
Lesson a (single) continue and complete detail &awings/design and series of group
structure in card board /ptotective .16thing bdng in by week ending three.

Week Three*28 March - 1" of Aptil- Design

Lesson 5 (doublex). Demonsttation on how to make maquette/templates. Make relief
structure - 3 pet Soup - completed in double
Lesson I (stnglet gtoup continue with making maquette. Prepare slip for lesson 10 (task
small groups)/start to collect interesti.g obiects to make textute/telief surfaces
Lesson 9 (single) finish maquettes/assemble cardboatd structutes/preseflt tesearch to
N7eek Four-4s - 6b Apd - Making/technical
Lesson 10 (double) Make telief structues (complete 3/4pet studeflt)
Lesson 11 (single) condnue with relief structure (zipbrykeep clay moist and
Lesson 12 (single). Finish relief structue (complete another 3) - dry out Fdday O& April
/ bisque / l<llr, fired at 1000 (Sunday Ae Apri}.
!7eek Five - 13m -15d April- Making hnical/ design
Lesson 13 (double) Discuss fired work and demonstation of applying oxides to
structures. !7ork on structutes - brush on/sponge off oxides to slab structwes/ design
work assemble structue*allow to dry -kiln fired at7280 CfP & TC visi$
Lesson 1a (single) presentation of group research
Lesson 15 (single) Design work/boards; consider space afld placement of installetion;

Bteak on Fdday 15ft Aptil for Easter back on Tuesday 3d of May

\(eek Six 3d May to 6m Malr finish

Lesson pouble) - discuss in groups the finished 3D dief structures - draurings/colour
studies of work
Lesson (.-S14 - observation drawings of 3d relief structures
Lesson (sinsle) - finish and t desion wotk
Assessment Rubdc: (frrllvetsion next page)
o Destgn conceptf creativity
o Technical skills and development
o l(nowledge and underctanding
o Effort/ commitment to proiect
o Evidence of Leami
Assessment rubric 4th -
year scheme - block 3
Design Technical Knowledge and Finished Effort/
Concept/ skills & understanding work commitment
Creativity development (20) (20) to project
(20) (20) (2Ol

Design: Use of Balance of form, Design / research Knowledge Effort during

elements of structure, contemporary and class and
design: line, texture, colour, ceramics techniques understanding concentration
shape, space, shape; score; and artists (5) ofkey areas when creating
form, colour, slip; slab (s) artwork.
texture building; oxides Contribution to
surface, construction research and
composition, relief joining(s) ef[ort in
aesthetics (5) homework. (5)
Development Observation (ey areas (5) translate Visual impact, Student taking
of creative drawingsl detail lrawings from paper care/ high on board
ideas, thumbnail nto 2d maquette; quality of guidance and
interesting sketches; lesigns to a 3d ceramic finished piece/ evidence shown
detail maquette; slab brm with surface presentation in work (5)
concepts(5) building; surface lecoration and design
design; applying board(5)
Demonstrate Engaging with Working through Student Works well
independent the technical challenges and technical individually
thinking and process, problem solving; response to and
applying to concepts and considering composition collaboratively
work (5) techniques (5) composition, working with in group work.
developing skills the medium of Share equal
about construction/ clay and roles and tasks;
assembling 3d forms oxides (5) Responsible for
(s) use of material
and clean work
space (5)
Creative Experiment with Understanding of Translating 2d Enthusiasm
thought different techniques and designs into 3d throughout the
process and textures; took correct use and care ceramic form project and
originality and time in creating of medium used structure finished piece
experimenting the artwork. (5) paper; clay; oxides; which has reflects care
(5) use of tools (5) originality; and sfudents
creative style best work (5)

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