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2011/02/24 introto455

Copyright International Ammunition Association, 2005. All rights reserved.

Those Confusing .455s

by Chris Punnett
I was persuaded to write this short article by a number of people who thought
I collected .455s or who got the .455 mixed up with the .450 (which I do

When it comes to .455s, confusion is quite understandable, if not inevitable.

Not only was the .455 made in a couple of different case lengths, but some
.455 cartridges were made with a bullet diameter of .476 and some .476
caliber cartridges were headstamped .455. In addition, there are .455
cartridges headstamped .450 and at one time the British Government
approved the .450 for use in .455 revolvers. Throw in the .455 Webley
Automatic and you have a recipe that only a deranged mind could attempt to
unravel (and here’s where I come in).

Once upon a time (actually in the late 1860s), in a country called England, the
government of the day faced a dilemma. Here they were stuck with a whole bunch
of percussion pistols while the rest of the world had discovered self-contained
ammunition. Many of these were the Adams revolver in 54 bore and the decision
was made to convert these Adams "Cap and Ball" revolvers to fire a metallic self-
contained cartridge. As a 54-bore pistol is essentially .450 caliber, the cartridge
designed to be used in converted revolvers was the .450 Boxer which became the
.450 Adams Mk 1. This cartridge had the dubious distinction of being recognized as
underpowered and ineffective before it was approved in late 1868. It used a drawn
brass case riveted to a separate disk of iron (Mark I) or brass (Mark II), and a
225-grain lead bullet. There was a Mark III Adams cartridge that used a 1-piece,
drawn brass case, and a 225-grain round-nose lead bullet held by a deep cannelure,
that was approved in 1909. However, in terms of the evolution of the .455 it is only
the first two marks of .450 Adams that really have any bearing.

Fig. 1 .450 Adams Mk 1 (separate iron base disk) introduced 1868, Mk 2

(separate brass base disk) introduced 1877, Mk 3 (solid drawn case) introduced in
1909.…/introto455.h… 1/11
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The British Colonial conflicts such as the Afghan and Zulu Wars confirmed the
Adams gun/cartridge’s lack of effectiveness where it served more to annoy the
natives than to dispatch them. So in the late 1870s, the British Government
developed a replacement revolver at the Royal Small Arms Factory (RSAF),
Enfield. This appeared in 1879 in .455 caliber. Though there were some
experimental .455 cartridges at the time, the tests were ongoing. So, in fact, the .455
Enfield Revolver was accepted before suitable ammunition was available. In the
interim, the official response was to use the .450 Adams ammunition in the .455
Enfield Revolver.

I will not dwell on the experimental .455 cartridges of the day since, to my
knowledge, no specimens have actually turned up and they are covered extensively
in British Small Arms Ammunition, 1864-1938 by Peter Labbett.

The first cartridge for the Enfield revolver that was approved for service was the
Mark 1 in 1880. We know this had a bullet diameter of .476 that weighed 265
grains and had a case length of 0.855 ins but other details are not available since
these cartridges haven’t shown up either. Later that same year, 1880, a new
cartridge was approved which used the same case length, but with a 265 grain bullet
of .455 diameter. This was the Enfield Mark II cartridge. In 1881, a third design of
cartridge for the Enfield revolver was approved and, you guessed it, it was called the
Mark III. This still used the same case but the bullet reverted to the .476 caliber of
the Mark I with the same weight, 265 grains. The bullet appearance was different
too, as the Mark II had a bullet where the exposed portion was smooth and the
Mark III had one with a wide exposed grease groove (Fig. 2). In those days the
caliber was not normally mentioned in the title of a cartridge but collectors often
refer to this whole series as the .476 caliber ammunition – even though, strictly
speaking, one of them had a .455 diameter bullet.

Fig. 2 Enfield cartridges. Left: Mark II-type; center and right: Mark III with bulbous
bullet and exposed grease-groove. The one on the left is headstamped ELEY’S
.455 though the bullet is .476

All had not gone smoothly for the Enfield revolver either. Since its design was a
hodge-podge of various features there were claims of pattern infringement and
demands for royalty fees. On top of this there were further field reports that the…/introto455.h… 2/11
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Enfield revolver was, to put it bluntly, a great paperweight, but didn’t really cut it as
a sidearm. In 1887, after due consideration, the Webley Mark I revolver in .455
caliber was introduced into service. This is where the first real confusion starts to
appear as there were 6 Marks/Models of Webley pistol approved for service and 6
Marks of .455 ammunition. There is no correlation between the Mark number of the
Webley revolver and the Mark number of the ammunition (see chart below).

Chronology: Revolvers vs Cartridges

Revolvers Cartridges
Webley Mark I .455 Webley Mark I 1891 (Cordite
1889* 1894)
Webley Mark II .455 Webley Mark II 1897
1894 (reintroduced 1900)
Webley Mark III
.455 Webley Mark III 1898
Webley Mark
.455 Webley Mark IV 1912
IV 1899
Webley Mark V
.455 Webley Mark V 1914
Webley Mark
.455 Webley Mark VI 1939
VI 1915

(Dates from British

List of Changes)
* This is the
approval date, but
P.Labbett in British
Small Arms
Ammunition 1864-
1938 indicates a
approval and
ordered date of

The .455 rimmed cartridges intended for the Webley service revolvers are
the ones that the average cartridge collector is most likely to encounter.

The Mark I cartridge introduced in 1891 for the Webley revolver retained the .855
ins case of the Enfield .476 series and had a conical lead bullet of 265 grains.
Officially, the round was also intended for the Enfield Revolver as the title was
"Cartridge SA Ball, Pistol, Webley Mark I (Also Enfield)"! Those of you who have
been paying attention will notice the gap between the appearance of the .455
Webley revolver (1887) and the appearance of the first official .455 Webley
cartridge (1891). Since the old Enfield Mark III (.476) cartridge wouldn’t chamber
in Webley revolvers, they must have used the even older .450 Adams cartridges or
not actually issued the .455 Webley revolver until ammo was available - who
knows?…/introto455.h… 3/11
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Fig. 3. .455 Mark I cartridge blackpowder (left, by Kynoch) and cordite loaded.

Up until this point, the cartridges used in the various Enfield and Webley revolvers
had used blackpowder as the propellant. Some Webley Mark I .455 cartridges
were loaded with cordite and these have a crimping cannelure on the case that
corresponds with one of the grooves on the bullet (Fig. 3).

With the switch to smokeless powder (i.e.: cordite), subsequent marks of .455
ammunition used a shorter case.

The Mark II .455 cartridge came out in 1897 with a case length of .760 ins, a 265
grain conical lead bullet and was powered by cordite.

Fig. 4. .455 Mark II cartridge, Royal Laboratory

It was about this time that the British Government became fixated with "stopping
power" (remember the .303 Mk III - "Dum Dum" was approved for service in 1897
and it wasn’t until the 1899 Hague Convention that such ammunition was
considered, well, unsporting.) This trend extended to the .455 revolver ammunition
and, as a result, the Mark III .455 cartridge appeared in 1898. This has the same
.760 ins case but the bullet had a deep nose cavity which reduced its weight to
around 220 grains – referred to as the "Manstopper" bullet. Cordite was again the
propellant of choice. Some Mark III cases were later loaded with Mark II (conical
lead) bullets.…/introto455.h… 4/11
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Fig. 5. .455 Mark III cartridge, Eley manufacture

Obviously production of the Mark III was overtaken by international events and
sentiments. It was removed from service in 1900 and the Mark II cartridge was re-
instated as a stop-gap measure. Some lengthy experimentation then took place to
come up with a more effective bullet and it wasn’t until 12 years later (1912) that the
.455 Mark IV cartridge emerged. This used the same case as the previous marks,
with a cordite charge and the bullet was 220 grains but with a completely flat nose –
basically a full wadcutter in today’s terms. At this point it should be noted that the
collector may encounter .455 cartridges which have a bullet nose that is slightly
rounded rather than completely flat. These are not Mark IV rounds but commercial
target rounds sometimes loaded on surplus military cases.

Fig. 6. .455 Mark IV cartridge, Eley manufacture

The same fear that had resulted in the Mark III "Manstopper" being removed from
service resurfaced with the "wadcutter" Mark IV. As a result, the Mark II,
reintroduced when the Mark III was withdrawn, remained the service cartridge until
the introduction of the Mark VI (see below).

Despite concerns about the Mark IV, a Mark V .455 cartridge was introduced in
1914. This had the exact same bullet profile as the Mark IV but used a harder lead
alloy. It was otherwise identical in construction to the Mark IV and the general
consensus amongst military experts is that it was used solely for target practice. It
was a very short-lived cartridge and remains quite rare. While headstamps indicating
a Mark V case are not uncommon, these are normally found loaded with Mark II
bullets.…/introto455.h… 5/11
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Fig. 7. .455 Mark V headstamp, Royal Laboratory

While the British Government introduced the .380 service revolver and cartridge in
1930, the .455 Webley revolvers were still out there and needed ammunition. The
use of solid lead bullets was becoming socially unacceptable (I almost said
"politically incorrect" but that phrase hadn’t been invented yet) so the last mark of
.455 ammunition, the Mark VI, appeared in 1939. Again it used the same case as
Marks II through V, a jacketed bullet of 265 grain and either cordite or nitro-
cellulose propellant. Headstamps on British-made Mark VI cartridge may have a "z"
which indicates nitrocellulose rather than cordite as the propellant.

Fig. 8 .455 Mark VI cartridge by Kynoch

In England, the .455 revolver military cartridges were made at the Royal Laboratory
- Woolwich Arsenal, Birmingham Small Arms & Metal Company, Eley Brothers,
Kynoch Limited, and Grenfell & Accles. In addition, the military cartridges were
made in a number of countries – notably those that were part of the British Empire at
the time.

In Australia, the Mark II .455 cartridge was loaded at Small Arms Ammunition
Factory (SAAF) Footscay, and the Mark VI was loaded at SAAF Rocklea. In
Canada, Dominion Arsenals loaded the Mark II and Dominion Cartridge Company
(C-I-L) loaded the Mark VI. There was also a special loading of the Mark I for the
North West Mounted Police by the Dominion Cartridge Company with a
headstamp of D.C.Co 45 ENFIELD. India was one of the few places that loaded
the Mark I .455 at both Kirkee and Dum Dum Arsenals. These arsenals also loaded
the Mark II and IV.…/introto455.h… 6/11
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Fig. 9. British Colonial Military headstamps:

(a) Dum Dum Factory, India. (b) Kirkee Factory, India. (c) SAAF, Footscray,
Australia. (d) Government Ammunition Factory No. 5, Rocklea, Australia. (e)
Dominion Arsenal, Canada. (f) Dominion Cartridge Company, Canada

In addition to the military production of the .455 cartridges, many ammunition

manufacturers around the world made the .455 cartridge to be fired in commercially
available or military surplus revolvers in that caliber. There is not room here to
catalog these variations. Suffice to say that the cartridge was made commercially in
Argentina (long case version), Canada (short and long case), France (short case),
Germany (short case), Italy (short case), Philippines (short case), United Kingdom
(short and long case), USA (short and long case versions), and probably others.

In the USA, the .455 was made by Winchester, UMC and Remington for
commercial use. Recently, Hornady have added the .455 (short case) to their
product line. While UMC and Remington only made the short case version,
Winchester made the .455 in both lengths and one of these is the source of some
confusion. It is a short-case version headstamped W.R.A.Co. .450 COLT.
According to Dan Shuey in his WRACo Headstamped Cartridges and their
Variations, only one lot was loaded for the 1914 Bisley match.

Fig. 10. .450 Colt headstamp on .455 Cartridge.

I mentioned the .455 Auto above and should describe the cartridge briefly to ensure
no one has an excuse for confusing it with the .455 Revolver cartridges.…/introto455.h… 7/11
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The .455 Webley & Scott Auto is a semi-rimmed cartridge initially intended for the
Webley & Scott Self Loading Pistol Mark I. The cartridge first appeared in 1904
with a 0.885 ins case and very thin rim. A second version, thought to be from
around 1910, has the same thin rim but the case is about .927 ins long. This was the
later production case length. The official production round, the Mark I was
approved in 1913 and was produced up to the middle of World War Two. It had
what we would consider a normal rim thickness. All versions were semi-rimmed
and, except for the 1904 version, all had the typical jacketed blunt projectile.

Fig. 11. .455 Automatic Cartridges - Left to right: 1904, "1910", and true
production Mark I.

The intent of the article has been to clarify the relationship between the various .455
caliber cartridges of the period. It was not my intention to cover all variations of the
.455 as such a work would take many pages and, more importantly, I’m not
qualified to do so. For further reading, I recommend the titles in the bibliography

If this brief article has aroused an interest for the .455 cartridge in you, I firstly
apologize but offer the following pictures for your further entertainment while you
seek professional help.…/introto455.h… 8/11
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Fig. 12. Some pretty variations:

(a) Dummy by Remington-UMC. (b) Drill round by Royal Laboratory. (c) Dummy
round from Kynoch. (d) Blank from Dominion Arsenal, Canada. (e) Shot load on a
Winchester case with wood sabot. (f) Shot load on a case headstamped K II. (g)
Shot load from Kynoch. (h) Snap cap by A.G. Parker.…/introto455.h… 9/11
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Fig. 13. Boxes – commercial from Eley (courtesy Jim Buchanan) and typical
Canadian military string-wrapped packet of Mark II made in 1922.

In closing, I would like to reiterate that I do not collect .455 cartridges but I
do collect the .450 cartridge – you know, the pathetic little Adams cartridge
that nobody liked but was used as a stop-gap measure again and again, and
was manufactured around the world as the .450 Revolver Short for 80+
years – yes, that one!


Harris, L. H. 1987. Notes on the .455 Webley Revolver

Cartridges. Wellington, N.Z.: Lynn H. Harris

Labbett, P. 1993. British Small Arms Ammunition, 1864-1938.

London: P. Labbett.

Shuey, Daniel L.. 1999. WRACo Headstamped Cartridges and

Their Variations, Vol. 1 (1999). Vol. 2 (2003). WCF Publications

IAA Journal - various issues

Copyright 2005 by the International Ammunition Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

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