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NAME : Geopani I.

L pakpahan (190902076)

SUBJECTS : Engliah

Medan city is the capital of the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia.
This city is the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya, as well
as the largest city outside of Java. The city of Medan is the gateway to the
western part of Indonesia with the presence of Belawan Port and Kuala Namu
International Airport which is the second largest airport in Indonesia. Access
from the city center to the harbor and airport is complemented by toll roads and
trains. Medan is the first city in Indonesia to integrate airports with trains.
Bordering the Malacca Strait makes Medan a very important trade, industry and
business city in Indonesia.

Medan began with a village founded by Guru Patimpus at the Deli River
and Babura River. The anniversary of Medan was set on July 1, 1590.
Furthermore, in 1632, Medan was made the seat of government of the Sultanate
of Deli, a Malay kingdom. Europeans began to discover Medan since the arrival
of John Anderson from England in 1823. Civilization in Medan continued to
develop until the Dutch East Indies Government granted the status of the city
and made it the seat of government of the East Sumatra Residency. Entering the
20th century, Medan became an important city outside of Java, especially after
the colonial government opened a large plantation company.

       According to Bappenas, Medan is one of the four main growth centers in

Indonesia, along with Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar. Medan is a multiethnic
city where the population consists of people from different cultural and
religious backgrounds. Apart from Malay and Karo as early residents, Medan is
dominated by Javanese, Batak, Chinese, Mandailing, and Indian ethnicities. The
majority of Medan residents work in the trade sector, so there are many
shophouses found in various corners of the city. In addition to provincial
government offices, in Medan there are also consular offices from various
countries such as the United States, Japan, Malaysia and Germany.
Before we get to know the condition of the startup ecosystem in Medan
City 2017, we don't know, so it won't be a pity if we don't know Medan first.
Medan City is the capital of North Sumatra and is the 3rd largest city in
Indonesia after Jakarta & Surabaya with an area of 265.00 km2.

 The city of Medan, known from long ago as the gateway to Indonesia in the
western region, especially on the island of Sumatra, has made Medan a multi-
ethnic city that is very rich in culture, background & ethnicity. Also makes the
city of Medan has a variety of characteristics, one of which is the typical food of
the city of Medan, among others Lemang, Noodle Race, Medan Rujak, Bolu
Cake & Durian.

          What is the condition of the startup ecosystem in Medan in 2017? Let's

start from the side of the most important ecosystem, namely the population.
Medan City has a population of 2,210,624 people. Where this amount provides
enormous potential for the City of Medan as a foundation for the startup
ecosystem in 2017.

 Medan City has several priority industries namely Labor Intensive

Industry, Textiles, Furniture, Fashion, Ceramics, and Natural Resource Based.
Although there are actually many more industries in the city of Medan.

but it is unfortunate that the environment on the terrain experienced a

poor decline in terms of the environment from the previous year. the reason is
that MEDAN CITY has recently been named the Dirtiest City by the Ministry
of Environment.

     According to TRIBUN NEWS the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

announced 10 dirtiest cities in the 2018 Adipura assessment.

These Cities have the lowest scores among hundreds of districts / cities,
including those related to the management of final processing sites or landfills
and physical cleanliness.

             The announcement of the dirtiest city on the instructions of Vice

President Jusuf Kalla, Monday (01/14/2019), when giving a speech in the
Adipura award at the Manggala Wanabakti Building, Jakarta.

            The Director General of Waste, Waste and Hazardous and Toxic

Material Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Rosa Vivien
Ratnawati conveyed the names of the dirtiest cities to reporters.
      "The dirtiest city is the metropolitan city, Medan City; the big cities are
Bandar Lampung and Manado; the cities are Sorong, Kupang and Palu; Small
towns happen to be in all the eastern regions, namely Waykabubak (West
Sumba), Waisai (Raja Ampat, West Papua), Ruteng (Manggarai, NTT), Buol
(Central Sulawesi), and Bajawa (Ngada, NTT), "he said.

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