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OO A aire "e: ge © 36 Aad prt. 1 wi oe YS MW, ke yr 2 ——_Newotechhblba y # (Ae, Rides MP Naeevoras hs) “ch 7 Tat ooluctionw \4-00 | Vo Nawotechuology uk an inter oles cipli Make Etience involv y ’ chemist ; physics , material Scrence , biology ‘and medicine. Traclitio eviligation were named afta the materiale usc? ae Stone age , metal Age , polymer Age , —Kecertt scientific Acecarch has oliscoverncd an inepor tant gole. in ftetd af Science ancl cteehnologty « Henee “Ht KA ee Known as * Nano Age , Tustr o Jus years ago, thts ability seemeol unrealistic. The paetic Nano conceé 4arom Gaeck and, re meane weay Small Namotechnology wa thot branch sence, | where the ize Clee aadice, Used jou 7 making Auer doole auck otter Invesligoctiv e. / materials are iM die Aaange of InmM- joonm, At He nanoscale , He gical chenticat 2 oud biological properticn of materiale AY pee ia fund ancenctat aud Valuable ways jeom ee Lop CA & individual atome and niolecules atten . VIR, A LED neo ose YS or Nanomaterials are Ain ‘, \ materiale with atkast one eateanal cLinensio, iN He eine AaNge fond approximately « 100. Aas iaane 3 Inm = 107m (one billionth ane reeter), (inm & Leagiy equivalent to ten Bilicon atonig aliquect). bayoleng on a Fo. a chemist, rovotcchno ue Aclactiv Meo, but matcriale ak vonoscale are rot at mew. Faom centuricg chemists have okeal& jotth molearke, and lone in solrton, colloidal dispersions ) many cotabyets , chermicals which ase alk mn vonomeka scale. But, it uz ro | not ye are able to obseave aul manipulate nustaiale ot nono sire . , she invertion oud developmere of Bcannin +uan micrcgcopy (STM) iM he cordy 1980s avk gubscqnt olka 2canning peobc rMicresco Pies Uke atomic joree rvicrescopy (AFM) , hansmiseion electton micanscopy (Tem) have openc up nas possibllitics jor Hie chasal ation , gu + aud neanipulahin of vancsturchuts r _ —} EXCCERINR fl ae vee Pe OP ‘ dence Nar bu o reokeiale i unin ae ee JR Hix comfort has oLaiver Hie a , ae ficld ol ruortearal SUeMCE * Ag RUE Lost ce fae witrriessed He digcovery of Several nwo and exciting modkaialg bazed on POLMERE Bilror. chips , comaposites, ACD, LED ue. Bulle propertiez ducce. rroterial? qound +o olepend mainly on te @teucture aud coruposttion ol moleeules erth Mw Heer. There] ORE, os tie stuelure and compostton of material woos He only tool available wi gcertiais to | 1 again ot a rokerial -of oluizeh propertes , . Buk ot vanogcale , property of amaoterial | VORLee wth sie and. shape e} a material i pothes Phan He structure and corposttion . | Hence ath poze, Materials whic ae being used stodaxy . lut to Huis unger properttes roy exible hiffeaect properties in nawokcale _ Ande algo, revere ruoder tale vanrich cone ) ho us paopernes att Pili alevel mou < ow icc el Pies at nowoscale . : his hos provoked Boers and ‘echnolagists 4 casey ov 0 wealth o 922€02.0h aired at Eyre esigeag , choracksrrgirs jundtastanding te deacarbing ond pudickn Lyoktrrals at Wonoees » nanotechnology uz evolving weh a invepack on Vdradly, alt’ gciertiic aes UKE nano cleconecs 7 ansbiology / a ‘ i ‘ >» ve Wee wos , ———— et OO MO ep ie sil sill it 1 hamoeense Tag Miniotuye optical and cickonic devicer common| ao, fe like conapukers, cell proves , Optca® Loda. storage Medio ; telecomnunicaho rs Fe oxancts., Onalitical heothase and Heater ete ak ttn Resulting nanodwvices are and MAL pceenkes nat pheo iy catplysia) nahogrber. rok “sie otcohnoloqu oblers an o otbundty to BAAN on PBA , MOL cL icient thon thea, Hgger Courtapasts othan Pry oROle ane not ony ing “ MunLakuriction Of, devices but alec in’ improviry PAryemance of othar motercale used i +e areag Wee babteries ul cules, golor energy converters , POA | Aphtics,, cotatysis, oniijicnl wusclee i kia membranes, bone Asplacencertt DHA ZEMUNANG , NANobUbe SensOrs , biokensore & Bo any AED —-HQWA Eruditing Dicoke . ory 4 y ’ ‘yD OP, of ye en 12S t . r a pa Gd nanomaterials + anon atuials tan be clazeificd. baze on Oxngin , demenston and Wuein eteuctuaad configu Aation . TZ According to win ow i anornakeriale es > Notusat nanoruoteriole > wn Q 40 ing 4p Aseource 4 rode Are Ai finek morkeaiale , goot |xont ores’ wiree eke ” no Bepucdeniols —_ Honorodrcaiale detiberatedy tuAcug ha well: we poss dots , nano WEL . a em |. 2. a. * . poe Sleep 1 ED Papeete Pa ove dimension outside Jue nanoscale lohceata OHur +two dimensions in nanoscale. his Leaole toneedle. tee Shaped nanomatcear cabs . hey - elude ranctubes, nanosrale aul nonpwires , | I-D nanorvateacals an be - z Amorphous @ cayetoblire ~ Single Aystallin @ polycrystalline ~ metallic | ceramic © poly meric. %) Two- dinensional (a-D)+> Mokeatals in which 40 ol Hie dinensiong gre not confined -to Hie Nanogeate. 4 othibie plate-like ghapeg ; nar eoatiat eo Aanolayers onck | &D nonomaterials can be — es - Arcexphous @ iilel ~ Made up of various chemical compositions - Used ag gi Kc lowe a a8 nusttiloyss Steuckwres ~ deposited on a Bubstiate . : . Pes ~ Metalic , ceramce ; a fe OP ti ry eee 5 Peers yy i POCO ea aaa win skuchusal eon iguacton '" Caslbon based nononmaksials—y the nobure Q HAR Kind af Nanomaterials vz hollovo Spreeeé 1 ‘aliptoide @ tubes. gluaica’ ¢ ellipsoidal comique Caslbony Nanemodeaioly arr dijired ae jutlireres, vohwe cylindareal ones are pscribeol as nano-bub ex . : aatioks us mM : i % Sa in eee, nanosilver 2 nuke ods, ae oe ios: olesely pocred Bere gquonctuse dots - nchecl Ro ey 3 ry : emanates wn ee goals the aurjoce of 0 edit pale qunmezolss choir 5 ~ . nuh carvbe. Apedite cneretcal PAAERONS - M Crotyanticlc ear PPD «Tae propyanendshe) PAM A Ly L ogites muotcaroh is anane) . : Bi Auta, ieg —*+ WNanoco =: S.- = -= , ww Pe AF re FT Pe ae Propeaties of rlanoranieaale © : nN Some of He size cap onde oe oo > chemical Properties (rect, ost ee ap Ww under we kescurs seackvlty 2 carkalys +e, Propertier like catalytic ackovety .. adserphion ancl chemical saa. ceuthy clepe ow We gualace aren, the gurface aera “~ Meera jnceeaseck on moving pont bulk to Ronnscole Nanonateriale have o aiqnyyicaut PRoportion. ot octonig Pa) ote tue. ua pace . Ore , VanomotRials car choo speci|tc Eur4ace Astor properties tuct are vot ebgenud. Mm bulk modeials. A Qoock le ve Hee codaletic ack qd gold. Bulk gold ws coral ttcatty Woche . But gold vroroparticles ORR Cocco tically very acti pt echecton 21 Aorore Gp, Tessrias pacperbres — pe diecuse mebbuig * point under -Hearat property . spun nicking poi dtadtically jails volen the, poskicle agg of He madktaiol approache ko Hin vonroscale 20 ~ Matting, pout won ce ruest evident im VoMowires & Mongtubes pohich all mett at Lowen. tomperctt hon bulk form af He Zamir mMoskerial . Crauges in mebhing pant oecun because ; OO ee orm ia —_ Thema ck yes yt ,% era ( yagtting Hemed) nanonmatrtals : temp than bulk: ; oa Lower ruling beeaeases ceause, as * i ce, He Surface atoms in. romo8s ‘ caysinte axe in contact uh paver neighbour = odors He ubctance companed fo SOT ™ buble ModtRLOLs , THLL RR +e, Number of bonds need +o be broken per atone luring MeHg uz Lege iN nanomadcaiale Han iat DUE RE cdi. see ee Cdse nanocaugtals wmebts a FOR. compased Mme cis: , ernst AL pout tc a ee g) Mage pees (fetes ernertt ne PF Meter! te » ahhedion, Capillomy , ' yee _ Cie, | a mw ee f, ngue ts er eens +t Pee norigtenle ruodcasals hou & much Longer ; surface to volun Robo Mon buleE Lal, rich caasticatty aller -Hasia stuanrodlynand: aud ~theraral properties. “gy be) Bey sete tr’ 2 icol erties PF Woe PEUK Absor Lon Tees Light el, aperpic wavelength - ! dufjerant gize (or Bask rockation % wan leu . exhibit uniaue colour’ d, Deiidagcibe UTS | Namoparkicle a optical propery, called 2% Surjouce. pacer. OOO youn Vighee hs ak guajoe of eat aegertt on He BUXJacr ah Ate ' —— ‘etd Gach, Meta p ‘atta V ‘a eleckonic. bands iM bwk rocteeal are bidlleaa olur +o pvealapping ah ebetale g ee } octolme. Bub iW Hae none Bee ts li eve atoms @ wolkukes Are PAtsent go He eecktonic bande become separal (diseuk) and tux separation bebocen differ — reeckonic stete varus MUM He bye nono material . Hence sore rietale which a ae conductors in bulk become soviconcluches and inauintors as tain sige wn decreased 12 | nono Level. | ~Syettusis of Nano moderials | bE are ARE MOC ech Wyes available | +o Bynrturslye. Mono matcxrials - -ynn“cd can be | generally agouped as top-dowr ond botkom -U4F es ‘ | | SA top-down _oppronches, BGO a A into Small naro BES Q, various creme methox a SAL wih sa L auiihi ee i rrr ei vere Mtoe TES, f top-down pee rary * ) These methods Require engive EUS , ) These: methods case Yaloge aphi € aud inktocluce. Surface cluects oud. iveeanal otege. im the Angutking nanomadtrials . ay Nanomodtaiale obtained from ese methocks ore generally co : : Zn bottom-up _ approach _ olesivek nano- makerial a bulk for ae Loto, by orderly azgemble 9 growth epecice like atoms @ lone a molecules . ThHeze Qe simple cremical methooks Pyhich are not new and aw in use jgom soural YCars pore Jor tu aynthesis of various cherviicall Sirilan methods are now used in He SYMhess 4g nanoscale, moktriale eth slaghtt nodtficabions In the techiviqnnes , and careful comteol & crpaimerctol PORAMAS . Thee ate, MOny advaucto.ges Q bottom -uy paches , mainly - 4 methods axe simple 3 fie ‘af’ Ve Sh Peay i onset ' the mest povolitiy” 3, ee} , approaches QAe - ne NS Used Lotion a q IY Sol- Hick Process 1 botto Sol - qek tcchniqna ue On immportouree poMom—-up approach jor He syntheses q MANo- al Bale rhe. ad-gel procese hae been mainly Used IN the aynthesis 9) monodispersed nano - pasrcicles of, Mekal atides and trmpersture gengctive, modtacolg . ‘ The skp nronomokcatale by 8ol- get proces? ~ 1 PAsparodion e gol 2. Converstuon Bol to at 3 Aging oh ao geh. dy. Temovar eolvent - & uot tkrrotventd. 2 involved im He Bure es & rasa gol-gek Byres, etter & mebod cole ®& metal Aiouide us Used as paRaUiier. (4taskng ‘ Liblex ol OC Acactants) gyndnresge nanepor eh r muctal oxide. First, a gol prepared by heap Bu iar cobent. (A sol ae O colldcdat guspersion of, amoall solid par ‘ Ws | oO Solvent). Sol us usstur. converted into i hydeolysis and conrlens action of, PASCET get by si py deolysi and condensation RIOGAONE ARR Ba « cotalygt by addiction of, an acid @& oe , Ascackions Occur geopuerciolly and “= ke Rte we PS TX pee Prov Jermnng oO qe. . a wyclaolysis Hs) (oH) x t aul (ocr) + X 5 Os acs m[oohs)y-% ee es x ColsOH - Biiicoke ™ 2 ‘ m2) -O-R ot Mad. eae cama R-O M (ocaHs) yx (oF) x +™ ( Oct) H-x (oH) oC —_—_> (OcaH5) 1,9 (OH) x1 M-O-M (04+) x-1 (ocnHs)y-xt Hoe ™M-oH + Ho-M ——* M-0-M + H20 a gel Ua etek. Wher both arid el SAL Onn diapersed in each other, SE uz Oo eat NEO capLring vonid. - we 888 a = = ee C > f teal O62 digedlve 8 = ehugeeton ‘ Pe ES 3 it : Goh) rsocker: Anyi : : J AQ JA Oo Fee0 period of; denser to nancecole, dustre Q encapsudated Leqned ear 0 cd fom get by cvaperadive dain she tstoted Ue West arated ( calcrred 2 obtain aanc particles . Be MrKing neater), Rewples” con be. © ak \ovora_-Lepes.abures Betsy to comic prysical characierishes Uk sehope and sive of FABER moterials , : AN uxample jer gol-ger gyrctrese Y nanorods vm aun beovo- FiO, nonozods are prepared by aol-gel method USA, Anodic Alunmirtuum oxide CAAG) #8 O% Bucur sAecking kruplatc. golukion vz - obtained by digeclvirg ker TUUM dgoproporide in ekhanol, A Becond gosion comtaitng acd acskore dizzdve in a mtodare Ff chhonol ‘and vwoita us added to first eduction to cbt O Bol, Then AAO Menbsane Js dipped indnis Sol. 4 aaqired — » Volume gO ua added to control huydrolysls and condensation reackions Asubing in ged. Then the garmple us dared by cvaporortion . AAO us Aemoved by vooshing yoah nNaol scuutios Kn of, Toa, one obtuined by colerning a Ok kode JR th. | . , Sees? BY er i bad OTreP ry WOH Pa VOT ee ehemicol vapour Deposetion (ev? te ‘ by produc % left over OWA, anche nos Woah LEMP UAL. aA Mw method, precrrssr vs vyopouriged and moced vith an inert caRVeR a& \ke Nz , helium , Ho ae ond tre ncoduUrr AZ qed into tne BIOKA » Rear us marnrtauned ok 0. LEMPROHURE Aeaired ja “Ae R20tkion , PALLURLOAS UNALAQO reockon , PrOduang W proouct which v2 depasieed over the Bubstiacte . The by- products and ler overs front ge Acockions On pasced onto ue Qos phase, phage cadWy aermoved from asackon chambu i often oe by the catalyst "a used oO be - highs PUre and stable ot com Mamie cbuac buk with gupliclent yolatite ety . SE must xeact cleanly OVER the Subskiate vwethouk Ory Bike Azackions. Mest common! used precursors corbor wile OMqano metatlics arid { \ ee SNE ES ea Wuydaides of metals . BY CYD method it viz posetble to prooluce Compounds guch O& oxides , carbides, nitkides and Many others . Advantages a > St. us Aclatively simple technignte . >) The by products and Lefb ousas fpom the, | Aeackon axe Bamoved -bo Lie qo phage Merelere | pRodoluct ' obtained ue hig hty pure . Ditadvanctage ; ' Paeeursor reek are volotil, ey vohich are Maa hazardous aud uy -boxtle . ae paaptcchutis J, Heze PRECURLOUE QVe’ me ee fs ee c . ’ ret we i rf, ‘ y v ero ' ry hans (Gullinm arsenide) semiconducter Nanopashicles can be dyncthesized by cvD ao GXganometatlic Prccursors sade L qorltizart and AAgenic Yuyclaide axe used az prreunsors po uhean Us Used ag a cAAricr gre 28 wel a ANG agent. Teaction occurs aot OA Femporodure ol Foote at atmospheric. paresis Gots Nanoparticles ore collected on porous rls dim dovonskeam at a tmpriahue of 350¢ + The product obboined is nany iy an gingle Crygial Gans iccth diameter ranging orm 10 to Bonm The by prooluct methane gas us casily aAsmoved out of the m E gas. Lack by CORALR Mestra + AGH3 + Ha ——> Gane + CHH eG) ye) ae GS = .. fe ,pLLCOTLONS YE YP a 52 aaa : hievd w/ The ore Sweral i Py J | applicachions Qo tk nano WOttALALA iv different fictols . g g > Meol2 ci, ss i a“ Bbsaantssce' Von diagnostics > Pass Aekivery p CAMEL therapy ¢ Synthetic bores , +tiggue engineeerng XY Nanneasrticg - Cosmetics roth nanepordicls ae : bung used becouse Nancparkicles keeps We gla ‘ond worakle fee Asprdlees Q One S> THALES - Nano PIFE treated prbrece ack like rg gvoeat anol oll . puter trom Starrg fron booly nated fabrics . B0CkKS SUK. nanoparkices iruparg inhibit He growth of, bacteria. ank fungi im tusan ovoid norl infections , foot oder and parnfus - ernncks I the heel. Nano senses — Nonogensors axe olwvices that wee biologica , cnemrcal & mechanical gersory pours nyprnakon . Nanosci to olekeet and convey dua i Par moray types uch as piclagical ESOS , , bogsersors ke. i Oa poadea. pusijicakion + GONULR based noneparkcles puers ore usedd in voaker purificarvon > Tajptrnotion and communication technology ~ ; > Chacko devices Ty, diaplors , MEMORY > } ray . aide ~ ae eee FY 1 OP TR a ee ETN vr ’ | -BApplitadions e x Nanocaystale Y Agni citing diodes(Led)— TH elrkonic banale z pUlk cAge caystals ane conbruoks . Nanocrystals : of, CASe howe Sty in Hie RONG I-lonm, an A ft $e . & Dependi on Hee onl . emit Aadiation 2 L voawelenght (eolous) in He yigible Speektunm, Nonocryetale chisrplas inctenge arrcl narrovo phobluniineseerer opus to THis propa ae vged in “eve. rpdlngie — Attrough butk gold us Krowr fo as blest mekot , Au nonocryZtale finedy te high susiace QL Of Ore aR eel < like ee i nat QS : yea active ver ak low temp for te asaction like, oxidlakion ol, CO and ray, mytroge rotor and dely daogenotron RIKLONs . im coktlugtic. ackuiy eazes tte and ecectividy d, oliaperscd Aw nan porkicles these of commonly used noble- eter Me 8 Yes Rh aud Pd. » hold nanorode exhibit vy hugh ones eben tty , And oles lunctionat bionme lake DNA, PAwteans can be aliached to he seuckiove, lotakion: @ a nanosod. such junchio: nalized nonorode bind biomedical opplecsions ke biogensi FOLMagi a Ma and boimaging . a? Nonorods 9 adloys Vite Perey, PE-NC ate Used as de in diteek mekharol oAHAe aud el and in cleckto-oxidakion of meant . ty : “s - tay te o were ee - / peseaeenty tr WY oe 4 Le FUME ee Yule wade or b- Fullerenes ore lee 4 sss clesed cage Dee ony carbo et roles okoms Wee Ceo, C407 ” ogg OF howe been prepoues g instigated > ey lente fol capt om eon Se na ae oe Hus paoperby it ot catassicicoiiny OES one Aeackions \ke hydgneas207t | jue coupling and Wy olacgenvocion 5 dary droaensbion Arocbions Suwdar to wubal hydeides , a Coo moles co" © cake up oxi of, 6° hudeogen - Mence it could be used as hi’ hs mokestol \x Jud colle and also 08 Are rnakertot ( Vn place g rebel hydrides i x) in Secondary baberces . i * re * ri VPS wanes + Phe, ey Gy yunebionst geolrps ircto A Lest CR ce ce VOU eft ns —. only of, re : F ‘ ically. en darrusne —prewn tues ase binloge” a a ad on oreboviaah and arcane” bial agents : . k D> Thay ORL afleo used a& medical LMA, Sin mognebic gason ance IMaQira CMR Ble aly go)

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