How To Be More Organized and Productive Word

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Lecturer: Masda Surti Simatupang

“Being More Organized and More Productive“

Created by:

Mariska Renate Desiree Setijanto 2201796200

Reyhan Rifqi Naldo 2201805546

LA90 – 1810

Tuesday, 6th of November 2018





Being More Organized

In this advanced era, mostly people always busy on their own. Lot of activities or
schedule make people don’t have spare time to relax. Sometimes they don’t have any time to
care with their self instead they being too focused and busy with their works. After they reached
their limit, they suddenly become stress. The way to deal with stress is self-help. Self-help can
help people to learn more about their self. There’re lot of ways to do with self-help, for example
like being more organized person. Organized person are easily to do things faster and detailed
because they know how to keep their works when lot of works are waiting for them. Become
more organized also have lot of benefits.
It can boost your energy. Being organized can help you to more energetic. Why? When
you become lazy all-day in your home, try to organize your desk and work area. After your desk
looking neat, you’ll feel more energetic than when your desk still looking messy. According to
WebMD, taking this time to get yourself organized can help you to work more energetically for
the rest of the day.
It can improve your sleep habits. Keeping yourself organized also help you to get better
sleep. People who always keep their room clean and always make up their bed every morning is
sleep way better than they who don’t. Because when you always organize your room, as you
don’t realize your sleep habits slowly change for the better and it’s good for your health.
It can reduce stress. According to research, people who lazy or leave their works in mess
felt stress than they who always organize everything. Organized work also help us to reduce
stress. Organized work make brain can think better and feel relax than when the room still
Then how to become more organize person? First one is write things down. There’re lot
of people out there who can remember people’s birthday better. However, to organize everything
we should write things down to do to remember easily. Write down everything like to-do list, list
of homeworks, list for groceries and the others else.
Second, Make schedules and deadlines. Without schedules, everything to do can ruin the
others. Schedules can help us to manage time and set goals what we should do first in order.
Schedules also can help us to divide works which is more important and what is need lot of time
to make.
Last but not least, delegate responsibilities. Doing too many works like meetings and
have tight schedule easily make you become stress. Try to delegate with other people and do
what is the most important to you right now and leave the rest which you think other people can
do. So you don’t have to become stress out.
The conclusion is to being more active and want to do lot of things better, you should try
to become more organized first. Being more organized can gain lot of benefits and help you to
manage important works so you won’t feel confused to do which should to do first
Being More Productive
What are the benefit of being more productive:
1. You’ll do more with less of your time.
There aren’t enough hours in the day to allow us to meet all of the demands we have, so
by being more productive with the time we have, we can do more stuff. To do list,
checklist, reminders, and notes will keep us on schedule. However it depends on what the
”more” is. If the “more” is the important stuff, then you’re on the right track
2. Time will be on your side
Time seems to run away from you. You can’t keep up. The clock works against you and
there’s nothing you’ve been able to do about that. But being more productive with it, then
it will start to play nice with you. You abuse time by wating it or squeezing the life out of
it by using every second of it in the act of doing roper planning and knowing when to just
let go will go a long way in making time a fast friend.
3. You’ll free up more time
Those who free up time tend to be more fulfilled than those who just want to have an
easier time. That’s because freeing up of time presents a variety of things to do, place to
go, people to see and more.

How to be more productive:

1. Be Strategic
Think about how and why you are not getting as much work done as you need to: is it
because you're tired? Or you sit next to a chatty coworker? Or do you go on social media
too much? Or do you try to multitask? Identify what you believe is the root of your
problem with productivity, and think of solutions that address that issue.
2. Don't Multitask
Trying to complete several tasks at once only makes you complete each task more slowly
and usually costs you more time than if you focus on each task individually.
3. Form New Habits To Improve Efficiency And Focus
It takes a lot of discipline to sit at a desk, or at a workplace and focus for hours on end.
Figuring out ways to manage your weaknesses, like perhaps taking too many breaks, or
surfing the internet or social media or chatting with coworkers eats at your time, even if it
is in five or 10-minute increments. What food drains your energy, and which foods give
you energy? Forming habits around what you eat, how much you sleep, and how you
manage distractions all contribute to your productivity, so do not be passive about your
habits. Examine them and improve them.

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