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nsw oc sing is wok a etl ie, COPYRIGHT LAW cIVEs Tas AUTHOR ORs AGE PRE ENA tv Ie TO MARE COMES. ALICE IN WONDERLAND ‘A Playin Tare Acts For Eighteen Characins Ad Ena (CHARACTERS: ‘WaITe RABBIT Mock TURTLE ‘ALICE GRYPHON ‘CATERPILLAR "TWEEDLEDUM DucuEss ‘TWEEDLEDEE cook KING OF HEARTS FROG-FOOTMAN KNAVE OF HEARTS, MARCH HARE RED QUEEN, MAD HATTER ‘WHITE OUEEN porMouss EXECUTIONER PLACE: Wondered “TIME: Wonderand i tineless NOTE: The pty may be gan oo crened tags, of psc any vory snple baskpound. Dvetions for the [aking of me of te neceanry prope ate a the end of play Comumes boul Slo the Test stations, fn att a pole he spe pitre shou inl {he potter inthe book, the Feiler ose showing the HATTER and the MARCH HARE lsing eon fon he DORMOUSE, ee, WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING abont Alice in Wandefand. isis fe hepa ters, Woh woe leas pr eit oe wa ny fee pet se een of lw kt fae! Got Elen and il spas Crests Share or pias” Fog Gicbos Ho gh Sto "oe eh si nerd oy nt ea “RMT tc wot f eine conde. a8 wept pnt oar tr ra she tate an Se own tones 0" “Cine Hope Francs Hp ei ich Dns Cai eat mic da cl tr woe TEISESRE een, We ol nad sei " " “Anne Stumhafer, Fai Thee Clams Ca ACT ONE SCENE: A exnained sage, enpry except Jor a define ‘Saft of ah coming obive from abore, and sng the flor ot of site LAT RISE OF CURTAIN: The WHITE RABBIT buries ‘on witha hgh ap, fing hinsel apdy He sop, kes atch fom hs waltoa poke hole the ‘af ofl od Shakes is heh [RABBIT. Ob, dea, ob, deat! The Dashes! I shall be Tae (A Ble soem from aloe sur the RABBIT.) ALICE (ofits, eed, not afd) Ob! Orb (The ‘RABBIT simply nds ALICE’: prose by loking 1p 10 the sp ofthe beam of bt and then promesing Tver ar ALICE’ line flow) ‘RABBIT. Ob, my ears and whiskers! Something has {ale into my abit le ALICE (al afaae) Ob! O-b tht RANDY. Wounds ke ie ALICE (stil fap). Dows, dows, dove! 1 wouder were Tn filling tot [RABAT I aes a fine pt ALICE il ofiae). AB nae ale hie bal ek ‘nothing of fling dovosin, Takeo say a word ven if fel of be op of house. [HABIT (ning) Which very Hey te. 5 raye6 ALICE INWONDERLAND ASE ALICE (i fan) Hom tit ook aes AED ing we oe). Ob, yf an se, at Sh cong Ue dg! What fsb shoo breaks wen the ai of ALMOE (ot fge). Ws-si ese got (There @ pea thus, and then see) [RADEIT (Gerning, Tuer). Me afaié to Took. Title Mi cant leap ik at (ie taf see wht at ‘ene, of ashe wil dfs his fa tua) Dea tet Ob, en me (he RABBIT stops eed, as ALICE ene, Easing Sn em her apron acts, pets plac ond filef wie) ALICE (easeyn th the end? FRADBMT The question st here ty ec ths? TANCE, OF come there b- Everhing comes to end {RADY sgh be begasing you Bow. ISLICE. Bepaing of what ANBIT tow a tll Fhow mere about yoo TRE falda hort you aa? ‘anita Tost dita, Aud 05 veryeatou,Beemse # Tasted a very ong ime ARADTT (eodngo hime). Tat: estos you Blo, ee ALICE, Where am? ‘AABDCT That all deperd on what's ging onside 08 ALICE. wish you woe’ ak ons ‘RABBIT. wish you'd nd your manner ISRICE. {ido mesa tobe rae AAISET. Them Jo bet Joan work dow bee Ae ALICEINWONDERLAND —Puge? (ALICE. Tosi led: Where amt FRASDTT, Ane Tilo Ye bee yo feng Ad “ht dyed ones om so Ace ont how ito en AGE Ho osm wt dove yi HC. by to ese ah [aw yu run by. You tere lng to oonel Po eeermerere rl iebed at ad ta made 9 eroue] rah ae Jeu And thn you popped dees bb hl Tat pores down ter yu RABBIT, Ao ou el go ht le gs ‘dwelt [ALICE Wipe ut fine fe ta Aad ee an youve ng. [RABBIT Bal, And so fete 2 we, Aad ou ane cnet sped ek borne seriou were SDE opetowrapin [AUIE flamed} Ob, dart think 1 jus go bak, pee Back were Vane fom [RABDIT ven ng fla ad anther ‘ALICE. wid ou wos conti meal he ne! RABBIT. Obey wel Go ight had ol al ‘tle. Ye a lp. sin (the R430 es ost ping he foto en et ALICE a fen) Where eof cat Hie + wal Sop fone vl cin sai Tam spon [LICE i te ening Ob Rabi, plese, at woo! RABBIT, reo we wot oa ha ‘tiee Why at Paye8 —ALICEINWONDERLAND) Act [RABBIT Every hout ie one-way road Cw ake yoo therevet you choos, ba wll ever tke 308 bck aa [ALICE 1 wnt toa the sy! T want to see my en (The RABBIT fons Nnself fos, sing) is there oy myo get ou of beret [RABBIT Dozen of wo (fe ees) ‘Theres wey for [And vey for oe ‘kad one for Joiny ‘And one for Soe ot gou can go back ‘And yoo sal soe, Por every ack Huss way of iow, Now, your me though the garden whee the el is bel. ALICE, How ean get there? ‘RABBIT. You can ALICE. You'e very config, 1m sure, Fi, yu sy om go trough Rend then you say Ten". [RABBIT ido sty hat sald you cule 0 TMLICE. The how an 1 go through it? Answer at RABBIT, When you belongs the garden wil come © eS [ATICE, Tnever sa garden move ‘RABBIT. You newer saw mich and thers 8 ft O82 “Ghste! The Duchest! The Duchst (The RABBIT Teop off chi aad ALICE race ft Mi) ALICE. Wei Please! Rabi White Rabbit Wa pout 1a Aci] ALICEIN WONDERLAND ape (As ALICE dsppeor,¢ CATERPILLAR exes ph Inga mushroom ahead ofhim, I maybe etree dines ‘honor met eo 1 Lae enough for him 12 Thon on or cmb oo, wh he present doer) (CATERPILLAR. What 4 empos! Cao I never fad « plise for «quiet ke? (The RABBIT re-enter U, ingest hase. ALICE'S VOICE comtnse ofa tf pleating hen pre enpors) ALICE (ofiaagy), Rabbi Raa Shit Re-eaaabsit CATERPILLAR. Someone’ cling ys. Can you make her keep st puts me ou of wr [RABBIT You talk her, wor ou? Teas wa. CATERPILLAR. What abou [RABBIT Abou ber garden, Tell beri wl never come oer lhe leas to Seep her topo ALICE (efi fr). Rad You! (CATERPILLAR. Sich «temper Tk makes me feel om ‘ony, You'd beter vai ad tel he ourself [RABIIT, Iwoald sake tents T promised the Duchess to speaks pose athe arty. i tape “low Doth the Lite” (The RABBIT pas and pes theo thoary are and procs he whe goed hands folded ‘wr Me stomach, As whe sated fe med a pre ce ae) How doth he Hite bay bee Improve each shising hour, ‘And gather hey all te diy rom every fapant flower Page 10ALICEINWONDERLAND att (CATERPMLLAR. Ip ie I makes me fel conta (SLICE (ofa). You, Rabbit White Rabi [RABBIT (musing off. You tl her abou be tener, (The RABBIT leaves hea) CATERPILLAR (cattg afer hin). 1 wil fhe makes ‘me fe endl. he aks me fel contrary, Te (outa. wo ell ee gl thing (ALICE ener) ALICE. 1 desare, oo bad fo that Obs {She sop, lokingat the CATERPILLAR, cous) (CATERPILLAR. Who are yout ALICE. Tbaaly hows AC let I faow who Twas ‘shen Tot op thie morning, bot ¥ tink T mi hve turned it romebody ee ‘CATERPILLAR. What do you meen? Explain yoursett (ALICE. 1 ean emlnin pels, becuse Tot my sel you se CATERPILLAR. douse ALICE. Wel, when T got up this morning 1 ws jan ‘Ale, But Hle wElle ago Twas the sizeof «rabbit ‘And now Tis the ne of a mesireom. Blog so min) ‘Svein dys contin. (CATERPILLAR. em 'ALICE. Wel, peiape you haven fend ito yet Bo omeday yl try at a caja and wer that nto ‘buterl. You fel ile queer hes, won't yo! CATERPILLAR. Not i [ALICE, Wel i els gue ‘sep (CATERPILLAR. You er. tne. AS IT wee somebody Ac] ALICEIN WONDERLAND Page 1 (ALICE. That Tm noth Tm the Hed f my clase. A ust ‘ens. Tiley I know the things I wsed to Inow Four times ie iene CATERPILLAR, Wrong, ALICE. 1 y peppy Londo isthe espa of Paris That not igi Tim eran (CATERPILLAR. Tyme poet. (ALICE. T este "low Doth the Lite” (She fold her “hon, cleo her thos, ad vest, very proed and proper) Tew doh th ite eosodie Iunprove hess a, ‘Ant pour the yt of On every fapant scl (shes2opy embarased,aplotic,) Some of be words Deve pot are ‘CATERPILLAR, Is wrong eo begining to en ALICE. You se, ar, have amped let deh CATERPILLAR. You haven. ‘ALICE, Oh, i 0 se tig to yout Y want to fing the sles, where th i i The ing you sty are of 29 te torme all (CATERFILEAR, They ae, [ALICE You mae meh ery sho and rade rms CATERPILLAR. do ALICE, If you've going to contd. every sing thing CATERPILLAR. not ALICE, Well you have bess diag you cant dey that (CATERPILLAR Ten. (ALICE stomps he fo, oes ‘ey Mad, ands ayn} Come beck. Ne someting Important to my. (ALICE comes Bic, eer @ se seth ome) Keng your temper Pope? ALICE INWONDERLAND —AatT ALICH. testa CATERPILLAR, Not (We climbs down and pushes his mushroom ofoge) ALICE. Wht els 1, ‘CATERPILLAR. Saying iis ne thing and doing i 2 ‘ter [ALICE Keeping sy temper, you men. Well, 13 do my ‘best sr Tim uray wer polite. But thigs are 80 ‘goer dow here, What sido nea? CATERPILLAR. Ashe Ducbes Knock on ber door. [ALICE. There is any oor. (CATERPILLAR (ippearng ffsag). Ther, (ALICE, Well Thats ot very i of ht (hs ALICE flouncs 10 C, she stops t0 are ot the (DUCHESS house, which hos entered during the lt Ipeeches At the door stonde a FOOTMAN withthe face Oa FROG. ALICE athes other apr or her har, peaking spy to ae) [ALICR, That mat be the Duchess hosse—new 1 keep ‘ny temper No mater what happens, keep te De (ALICE approaches tii and asthe PROG poss toate for ke Brock The FROG til sarin tpand ahead) FROG. Theres no srt of sae in Icing Tm op the tae eof he door you te. ALICE. Please, then how at To got is? FROG. Are you to pet in at ll Thats the fist question IALICE (folding her enper wth on efor). Td ie to ak the Duchea the wey the garden (Thee a mecting ihn) ‘Actt ALICE IN WONDERLAND Page 13 FROG. Teyte making such nos in there, nobody tea you ALICE. Bt what om 116 do? FROG. Anything you ke. ‘ALICE (ae er topo) There 0 we alking to yu! YA jus go a met (ALICE jks th door open, and large plate comes ‘ining ou folmed by plow. Wuhin i ters ‘eczng The COOK ses on, « po of wp in one IRand onda huge pepper which she shaking nal _Aretons inthe oer. The FROG sniees wth evry move ofker am ALICE secs foal} ALICE. There's ersaly—too muchpepper—in that er COOK. Too msi Top lite! Tate! (The COOK the 12 spoonful at ALICE, who ens perfect vey of sear a esa) (The DUCHESS sorms out, singing veal hese {ng whisk aed oy the bays cae ond spans coksim) DUCHESS (i song wie ‘Speak roughly 0 your lite by, ‘An beat ie when be eee, Be quiet gt ALICE. Vou shou cll your aby sass. DUCHESS. If everybody minded his ovn busines the ‘world would go Youn lat fase than does Page ALICEINWONDERLAND Act Lapesk severely to my toy, {beat he es he eeeses Fre can thoroughly enjoy ‘Tae popper wen be pleases. (the COOK begins throwing esaie cat of ber oto the DUCHESS, who i que unconcerned when they erand the bay) ALICE, Please! Ming what you're dog! DUCHESS (ising ALICE the baby). Here.Jou may ‘ore igo Ue Te pot og eed to play rogue Wit the Queen inthe garden. (She mas ate dor) ing inthe soup The hour wl be golag ay rite! (athe DUCHESS speaks the house sort maving The {COOK ances wp her pot and dashes inthe hous) {€OOK (9 the FROG) Ty up, ad etch ws! (The FROG leap abou, pking op the vegetables plate) [ALICE (asthe PROG works), She sid "in he aeson™ ‘Will ou plese tell me— FROG. There's no sor of we ski ‘mood oak abowtpadene ALICE. Trust ack someone, What sot of people lve round her? FROG. To the right, Hoes» Water. To the Ie, es « March Hae. Visi eter you ike, Tey bork ma, ALICE. dont wan! to g smong mat people! FROG, You can help ie We'e all mad ber. (He fops 2, at tre back) Give me thei] [ALICE You should’ al the Unk “ie™ FROG. That all you Inow: (The FROG sakes the hood of the baby fone, dsosing ake pig ear ut, and al He aps avy the pigs fae over hs soue.) ‘ALICE. Which tal Tilt wonder Thope they not ete rang ad Te not nthe Act ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 15 (The MARCH HARE buries & ALICE back avy, oteing sou) HARE. Here ce, ean ales. Not eel ru (the HATTER w appearing) HATTER, Help me wit the "BATTER nm ofaope) ALICE, Ty din’ sum to se me. gogo be po- Tit hie dine, no matter what they my. Beet Test find out bow to get tothe garden. Beeause, of foure, The Rabo alg noncese, A pseden rds come tome, le. (The HARE ond (he HARE ond the HATTER ener wth the ble, Dar fag the flowing they bing i ve choirs ene armchair {Jor the ead ofthe sale, thee sual ons forthe ie ‘osing the audience, and one forthe fot. The move Ument to fm tit ol te apecher ae on mee) HARE, Did you tell the Donsouse to rig the le HATTER. Tels fed hi HARE, He alep. yur hi nthe se=pot HATTER, Then wel have to sry hi, tespot and all pub i. HARE. Be gui othe ea wil pt cae HAYTER. Youll have fo elp ee wit bi, (The HARE and HATTER bring nthe capo, le enought ld the act. It en be made fom sil ‘are They hve mick vouble geting the DORMOUSE Payei6 — ALICDINWONDERLAND Act ont, Thr poting doesn woke Rat fit then he fe 1 aepy hea ont of the depth sree, and sets ro ‘Segp agua. They tae hin topete, bt ust 0 the gt ‘i dap his jul mp heii he sip down. He hangs ove these. The HARE Wf his erm. The HAT. TER ens inthe pt rg Ms fet when be fl over ‘the HATTER boc, png hi ino the wap eA 1a they hin et and for droge at he tbl al the te sound sep. They pou the ta, fhe MATTER posing ond the HARE Roti he cope The anda cosines bth pou They of ther sde ofthe DORMOUSE, reng ther elbows fim and ting thera, ALICE approaches tiny) HARE and HATTER. No oom No room! ALICE. There's plenty of roo (She ssn the anche, The HARE and HATTER sare down at her) HARE (pli). ave sone easly [ALICE (ooking p eager). don se ay. HARB. Ther a0) ALICE. Thea t sty very cl of out offer tt HARE. Ie wom very cl of you tot down here with ‘oot bog levied! (The HARE and HATTER sre suice) [ALICE 1 ido know i a your ables nid for ‘pest many more than tree (The HARE and HAT. TER sore ot ALICE, song mabing Then they dink ‘erica yo pleas, ll ou tel e= HATTER, Shall we tl ber? [ALICE. You dont kaow wat Tim ping to ask HARE. I doem mater what te HATTER, What nates show you behave ‘Act ALICRIN WONDERLAND Page 17 HARE (eudgigihe HATTER). As ber ie. HATTER (io ALICE). Why la raven lke © wring an ALICE, think can gu tht one! (The HARE and the "HATTER lok at cheer do the cea ad then loka each ther au) LATTER. Do jou mean you think you ean nd out the ssw toi? ALICE, Enuty 0, LATTER. Thee you should ny whet you mes, ‘ALICE. 1 do. Atleast nes what Ty. Tha these ‘hig, oa now. HATTER. Not the sme thing # Bi. You might jut as Sell ey, "Tare wat Ten” he see as“ eat tT HARE. You might fst as wll ey, “Te what gs the same eT get wat Tk.” DORMOUSE (step. You might just as wll ay that, when Tslep” he sie asleep when T Ientbe." HATTER. Have you goesed the idle yt ‘ALICE, “Why i aven ke wring desk? No. ge ‘ep. What the anaver? HATTER, Thaven henge, ‘ALICE, Well I shoul think you might Sod something ‘etter to do with your tine han asking Hales that aver any eevert MARE (eg ou his wae). Theres thing todo with ou Une Bat have te, Is alas soso, ere, ‘ALICE. Te that the tensor 92 many tenting ae pat ou? Page 18 ALICEINWONDERLAND —Aatd WARE, Yeh i 105 alow ensime, and wee not tine to wash the thins betwee wes ‘ALICE. Then yu keep moving Yound,T nppose? LATTER. Bly s,m ee cup 0 (He eal) ‘Al move one pice! HARE (shaking the DORMOUSE). Wake up! Wake pl "We want to move. HATTER. Poer sme hot to (and HATTER dow, tomo aa) HARE. ose, He won wakeup til bal asters, ‘MATTER. Its very tying to hve wach alge a ‘dock. ARE. Til! ou to put some bute ia ALICE. Oy plas, don do that HATTER. Woy 01? ALICE, Youtt spo it HARE. 1s the best bust. ALICE. Ob, you musta! HATTER. Dd you ever ty? ALICE, No. FATTER, Then you shoude lk! Herd me te bread ‘aif, ALICE, Anyyny, don't put it in with the bred Bale) "Youre booed o got rumba in aswel, ATER (onahening np]. Maybe thas Just what It needs ALICE, YouTstop your wate HATIER. How nT oop shen kan going? HARE. Anser that! ALICE. Ton t— HATTER. Then hold your tongue, (ie puts te biter in wih the Bread buf, fen 10 the wath, shakes his ead and boks a the HARE acoungy) is nose. (The HARE Att ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 19 {TARE 1 oak test tower, ou now: HATTER, Try some bot tet, (The HATTER rns oer ‘ad dips he wath (nthe leapt. The HATTER shakes Ihe wath, Baers 1 ond put # down, dourged ‘The HARE ries i 10 no aa) ARE, 1 oo use I's ils ook. He mon wake “ip. Well hae to move Bi. (The HARE and HAT. "TER hoe dials wi the DORMOUSE agus. Thy all moe 10 elon place Bat ALICE, whois eft withthe HARES) ALICE. Thi ey ty 1s been used before HARE, What god enosgh for ws god enoeah fer ‘ALICE. fod euch ty ia you sty het FATTER. The le Move dow he pos [ALICE Bol nw tt thee foro = HATTER. Ie you can be sv you'd eter wa i Soe ined (Te HARE ond HATTER wah ALICE. ie fas dom, ofr ae wih hee) ‘ALICE wu very of you tok ey ee HARE. Tote the Joon ester yoem ‘ALICE en ai wl get gue FARE. Rest Tree, tema om wonder wht yous DORMOUSE serine HARE. Poh hin BATTER (din thn ting t ALICE) Beg, DORMOUSE. Twain wake, nel — HATTER. You pinch him, He dosnt id me. (The TARE pisces the DORMOUSE. The DORMOUSE {alan New, hn rs, Page 20. ALICEINWONDERLAND Ant ‘ALICE (rec) “Twinkle, sil ite bat, How I wonder wat yoo'e at) ‘rm frat thats ot gle it HARD. There's oting right abou I DORMOUSE, Twinkie twinkle, twinkle— HATTER. Pisc hin oa both ses a once. (The HARE ‘aud HATTER uae the milk ug i ig thi. cam be th placed thar # doen howe ht there no mil int) [ALICE. Ob! You've apd te rl HATTER, Piekit pat one! ALICE. Lea pic op ik HATTER. You ait and tats a fet (The WARE and the HATTER nach ar, ALICE kep her temper wt an effet. She pols to the lor, above the ble) ALICE. Tbe gad to wpe Ht up, Bad oh 1% ‘ote onto the rund, 00 LATTER. There® plenyof dees round. Help move the tbe HARE. Abd mind whet yoo tink abet while you Jo i. ALICE (helping) Pease, at mt thik about? ARE, All manner of thing Everying that begins wit Poo HATTER. Mostsrsps! Toe moon! Memory Mune ALICE. Way wi an" BOTH. Why 0? ARE. Take some more tes ALICE. 1¥e hed wthing 080 Yen he more THATTDR. You mesa ou ex ke leas. 1 ery 8 de more tan othing ALICE: Nobody tod pour opinion! Or, tht i, thank yeu very auch’ You¥e le sgt OF curse easy ‘Att ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 21 to eke mor thas voting. (The WARE and te HAT- TER nod w each ober) HATTER, St dove and do then DORMOUSE. Twill, wile [HAWE. Pot bin the teapot, (The HARE and the HAT TER p 1 wok this) ALICE. if goa please, and exe me, © Dortouse, 0 “ale, © Marc Hite, wl ou be o ery gd w 10 {elle the way tothe garden? HATTER, Jus keep onthe way youre going sow. (He ‘ons ALICE (eurig hi bo) Tank yon. DORMOUSE (ondng up inthe topo to bow). Goode bye ALICE (reuing,laorate). Good bye, © Dermeuse, ‘Hater, good ye. Goode, O ad Mate Hare. (The ANIMALS andthe HATTER bow themsebes and ‘av prope of with increasing cernony, and ALICE curses move and move bef ech i uP 05 longa thy ae ight, Paton te uch ha sh des tee bat of he gen which eer Bend he from the tne he Begs casey Ite rock are be sec {forthe MOCK TURTLE and the GRYPHON tn Act The, they come on nom ALICE wf abee) ‘ALICE. Keep ongoing the way Tn ging now! Ba Ym et og anor. ating igh tone lace (The RABBI esr dring he as Bow) RABBIT. The questo i: tere any sich thing? ALICE. Of coun there i very plc sone ple. Page2 — ALICHIN WONDERLAND Aatt [RABBIT Certs so. For estace hie wns tb pace iheze you est yur temper, was ALICE (connie. im afi IRADBIT Thaty one, And pow Ws the place where you io RABBIT. That's two, And it the pce where there ‘ena ny paren i? ALICE. Ad ye Tad Keep my emer. 1 was ver ole. RABBIT asthe lw plete of gun moves i pa) ‘That three. And now is the place where there ‘nen, That fot! (The RADBIT fs kins fase. ALICE lots around, ond es ox in deg) ALICE. Wiat sovely garden! But I don see any pace ‘ora i RABBIT. How do you know you dont ‘ALICE. There ought to be fry bows where x tli 1 eat excl Kaow wat they ate, bo Ive read aboat ‘hem inthe pope. [RABBIT You do" bloc th wal yt. When you do, the jy bones wl be right bere ALICE. Will they come when T don know i ke the priest RABBIT, Ye, bt you ave o run very ft. Very, sry ‘ae ALICE, Why mist Iron the tia rib here? [RADBTE. be one of those aes, You hav fu as ft yon can to ty hee pou are. Or faster [ALICE (annoyed. Lvs you woda esp taking won sense (The geben to move aver) RABBIT. Of eure, i you going fo bes Tsing our veaper ep ‘at ALICEINWONDERLAND Pipe 23 ALICE (hurd srry. To tally very ey a8: ‘rhe perenne) Lea sem 1 hep All he Green conta mean They eer oti I don't mount oansting tl RABBIT. The qusia is Do you? [ALICE Tail doe ams to much The ates ‘aU dt wh me. They ok down oe me. ypc [RABBIT That’ esse you'e affid you don't amount 19 mvch, Yeo'l sever Belog in the tl til you get ove thal ALICE. Oh, Rabi cat you tell me how can sop fee ingike tat? RABBIT. an, yx Bot if of so se wintever 1 tel pu, ALICE. Wy not? ‘RABBIT. You'l never know ull you've doe it [ALICE. wonder feng aot oe thes make ‘ne fel pot frothing ADH ering) Tha ‘ALICE. hoping o find stone ond bea Ten ha ly wall (ALICE cock her had to senate MOCK TURTLE opposchig fom oie. The MOCK TUR- ‘TLE either sg or dls charted ines Lens Car ‘oll we the fies The Evening Star.” Ths may be allie i Kray clecns in 2 volume, “ood Old Songs We Used t Sing published by Olver Dison & Compan. ftesong eno eal, the tr chant the lines th gat encton} MOCK TURTLE (alfa) ‘Borat Sup. 20 chad pees, Wialing inthe ot aso ‘Who fr ruck date weld not Hoop? Page 24 ALICEIN WONDERLAND Act Soup ofthe evening, eauta Sup! Soup ofthe evening, beantiflSoup! Soup of he evening, beau Soop) Bevo-onl Soo-eup! eno So0-0-0p! S20-9p of he evening Beau, enuf Supt [ALICE Woo that ‘RABBIT. W's the Mock Tune. ALICE. never us Mock Turtle, Whats be Het RABBIT, He's the one ey tke mock tne sop of, oF ALICE (saning thn sop) fn ite a “poe x becaae Tm no used toh. [RABBIT You soold be pad of that. The thing o be ald of geting weed fo things, Something you never tao before i extn. [ALICE Come, nom, that's st I haven the leas dee ‘wha # Mock Turtle bot I woo? let him ojet me, {hat I eon (he stip gal owod thee, bt stops ‘ude Wha 1 on moss! to mud ae all? RABBIT. Of oime yo don. Nobody does. ‘ALICE. Don ys? RABBIT. Of eam I. Everybody dots. (ALICE. i's very confusing Hew can T amcunt to much ‘sod got amon fo ch a theme tine? RABBIT, Thats what nobody knoe! Det yo do, ‘ALICE. Wel anyoe, Tip size I amount to ae meth as that Mock Ture, becaem he doese slog at ll we [Aud was chees to ing on the rt dey of eno. 1 even wot to let Ain neke me foel an #1 ido 1p. ‘hal ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 25 move! tanting!T dele, e's coming hee go ‘bye nd peace. T mst begin a tee! (ALICE rns Of, waving @ ad atthe RABBIT, af the one ows fater) [RABBIT (Long ger ALICE). That weer work! The ay nt tee goaddorsctlag so foge ll bos Th And the way to forget all abou tao remember temebody ce. Now I wonder whether stl some ‘rou anyone who maker ber forget ll about it Wel, ie wou make any deren fo tbe tan of carol (Ue tahesa huge car ont of hs poke and nso ‘ecsatly, hwhol body geben wih delight) cuRTAIN ACT TWO [AT RISE OF CURTAIN: Sil the grden. The MOCK ‘TURTLE andthe GRYPHON ore atta, Be the pi fare inthe ook (orf deve. to avold making the ‘Tks the GRYPHON may bested onthe ron ond ‘he TURTLE pacing up ond dove). The TURTLE [Sngng ant sobbing wh Increasing oro, the mime long as taed In ct One. ALICE eters al of conf dence, sing her hat off her fet, ag for th cor (questa of The TURTLE abe eet her ate ton She approaches sf ALICE. Wht iis orton? CGRYPHON, He batt gor any otow Kv all he aes, ALICE, What estou restr, ‘TURTLE (iting conf a). What suroes manoers. But I dont stppose youve bad mary loons in an) ALICE. Manner aren apt i esos, GRYPHON. Thats al yoo know about TURTLE (very pein. Is the very fit lesen we hed In shoot The maser wa aol ture, We called hin rors” ALICE. Why you cal bi “Tortoie" when be wasn one? ActIT LICHT WONDERLAND Page 27 ‘TURTLE, We aed Min “Terie” beanie he fught "ot Really, ou ate ery dll [ALICE (ovo). Wint else had you to ean bose founer TTURTLE, Tee diferent branches of witmele Amb ‘ion, distraction, uplift, and derision, SLICE, Hom many hous «de had you tod eons? GRYPHON. Ter hours te it diy, ine the seond, "ight he edad on ALICE, Waar cvs plant ‘GRYPHON (dedi). That's why theyte called es ‘one, Becase they ese fom dy 1 ds ‘TURTLE, Asse might how dat! [ALICE (ing no 0 fel pu down) Well how yo ‘nauage the cleveth day? ‘TURTLE. We estoed he ntter quae ‘ALICE. Tnever heard of ober gure ‘TURTLE don't mppoo abe cul dace wth a [ALICE coger. Fink coal oul show me the seeps. tock pie fs dancing clas a week ape Saur- fay, Let begin. (The TURTLE and the GRYPHON begin dana eround ALICE, lenny oti, thir mm singles for reking whichever prefered. The espe Increases os they proce. ALICE tsi an 0 catch thesp. They co er, rp er, pobre ond inal ier fom ott he ter al he gos nto Ierknect wih dazines) ‘TURTLE aed GRYPHON. "Wil you wake it fase" sid «wing toa ‘val ‘Thete a porpo los behind wend bet ‘weading oa my Paye28 ALICE INWONDERLAND Aa It See how eg ‘sce! ‘They re wing on the hig il you come and Jets the dance? Willy, wont yu, wllou, Won you, wot you jo the dance?™ GRYPHON, There no use ging on wh er. She doa Snow azyhing a all! (The TURTLE and GRYPHON ‘hang the chon, mocking at ALICE, as they 9 of i dancing) ‘TURTLE sn GRYPHON, “Would no, could aot, wou not jin the dance ‘Would no, col et, would not, could not, ould ‘ot in the dance” (ALICE springer fc fy at they appear) ALICE. You stepped ony tes and go a my 3, ‘you si T wouldnt learn he fbr quad fo 9+ Ihiog ie be wee! Iota the test could not, could (The RANBIT, who was hare by sp fal 12 ch) RABBIT. Did you sy “wouldnt colin"? ALICE. T aid “wouldn't” bol Vim afraid Tea *eoslde” [RABBIT (taking his ead). thowght yo el (The RABBIT hurries ofage. ALICE sinks tothe ound, sobirg in depo Prom the oppose sides, ITWEEDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDEE nom ond mest In an eel hag A sob fom ALICE cache thea temae. They look at er, ener ond ten apn tring ‘Aa ALICE WONDERLAND Pege 29 their heads tober, without breaking their embrace. They eck) {TWEEDLEDUM Noto [TWEEDLEDEE. Conroe. ALICE lotr up. TWEE ‘DLEDUM ond TWEEDLEDEE wach her, movie, ending sew o heels thm ers) “TWEEDLEDUM (as ALICE sop wig them, gay nig). yo tink wee WaBWors, 00 Og 1 sy, ou know. [TWEEDLEDEE. Ifo tik wee alive, you eu to (ALICE wry wey wa de {TWEEDLEDUM Tksow sha goue ning ut it ia 20: Nobo [TWEEDLEDEE, Conraivit, f warm mish bs and iF wore, 4 woud be, Boas Hn, a ‘at loge ‘ALICE, Twas thinking hat 1 know who you are. (She ‘oins to TWEEDLEDUM, then THEEDLEDES.) “Toceleant Tweeleben! [TWEEDLEDUM Youve fen wrong The Sst hig a 2 vis eo ay, “How dye do" end shake hunts (TWEEDLEDEC aed TWEEDLEDUM hu ach ther fond each olf uf fee hand ALICE. Se estes tou which ake fs, and fal tbe Bol of bth tone, The ex thing he baons they oe ccng ‘ound singing “Here weg Yond the mary bash” ‘She pow more and ore po! aah dives pace Sly and cores. She caries wo them py a the dance en} Page 30 ALICE IN WONDERLAND Ast ALICE, Wel things ar a uee, nel: Berting Ty to doe wrong "TWEBDLEDUM. What ot of things? ALICE, Wel, poetry, ‘TWEEDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDEE (enranced}. Do yor lke poet? ALICE, Some poetry Whes now what met. TTWEEDLEDEE. That wound deer! (TWEEDLEDUM ‘and TWEEDLEDEE hugeack other) TWEEDLEDUM. The trouble ie not eventing tht und cleserielever. Nobo TTWEEDLEDEE. Contariis, TWEEDLEDUM, We mos find ot Js she sspid or oes he ony seem spi? ‘TWEEDLEDER, Well ty br on «poem, Wha! sal we reat ‘TWEEDLEDUM, “The Walt the aoa. ‘TWEEDLEDEE, And it hasitlatratons! ALICE, Its of «9 exmination? ‘TWEEDLEDEE. Tose wleler ou are ever or opi ALICE. Ob de ‘TWEEDLEDUM, Do you lite Mustration?? ALICE. Ob, yes! The pictares ae the best part of the book! TWEEDLEDUM. Look bind you. (ALICE tres to confont a pita of The Was andthe Capen fen which Bos come om we they tle. I the rosy ‘as no one abet copy or daw it fecha, can be treed fom te Tenn Slusaton, enlarged on sare ‘nl paced ay colors dese. Ser the roduton Nose, atthe boc ofthe book) ALICE. Ob Waetei about (be Carpenters ‘ctl —-ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 3 [TWERDLEDUM (ringtone sie oft). “The Wale "TWEEDLEDEE (pring to the ote). os the Cas eer” ‘THEEDLEDUM. They were paling together on the entire at thy eo ery huny TTWEEDLEDEE, and they remembered the opens who hed inthe sen. |TWEEDLEDUM. Now, comes the fst pat of the ex ‘nation ‘TWEEDLEDED. Weil rece the poem, ‘TWERDEEDUM, I yore sewer you ean tll whon we tome tothe pure [TWEEDLEDEE, Ifyoute mopidyou an\. "PWEEDLEDUM. Netow: ‘TWEEDLEDEE. Contarvise, ALICE, Wel begin, TWEEDLEDUM (cig *0 Oysers, come sd wok wk es” ‘The Wars did besech. A pena alk, plenaat lk, ‘Non the bin beac ‘We eines do with more han four, To phe a band wo each” [ALICE, You haven come (othe pst ye ‘TWEEDLEDUM Notow TWEEDLEDEE. Costernise! (TWEEDLEDEE and TWEEDLEDUM hug delighted) "Then four young Oyers brid vp, All eager fr ‘Tekecots were brushed ae hes washed, ‘hei shee were cas ana nest Pge32_ALICEIN WONDERLAND Act ‘Ad thie ws off, beasts, yo know, ‘Toey han any fet. ALICE (pointing exied. The soos ae ete! But you Tyee come to lt jt becuse there are more than four “TWEEDLEDUM. Nobow! ‘TWEEDLEDEP, Contrivie! (TWEEDLEDEE and TWEEDLEDUM hug more delghed) TWEEDLEDUM. ocr ofher Oysters followed them, ‘And et nother fxr ‘And thc nd fat they came ant, ‘And more, and mor, and more— ‘All boppi arogh he frothy wes, ‘And scrambling tthe shore, ‘ALICE. think you non be seri there Tn ging to lot ery caret. (She um hr Bk 10 the pus ‘wtchng he vo BROTHERS and serie iets) TWEEDLEDEE. ‘The Wabur and the Carper Walked on wile ore, ‘And then they rested ona rok (Convesiety ow ‘Antal he te Oytere ood ‘And wed in 0m: ALICE. What were they waking fo? (TWEEDLEDUM ‘and TWEEDLEDEE watch ALICE, cose, shaking ‘het heads sal and seating) TWEEDLEDUM. Notow. TWEEDLEDEE, Contains, ‘ALICE, They must lave been wating fot sorting, you ‘know. (TWEEDLEDUM fechet 2 great sigh and TWEEDLEDEE follws. ALICE oks fom one tothe atl ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 33 teas) Dont you fel wll (TWEEDLE Bi Sew int AGE foto ther gorse) Tats Tear att comet te piss! (FMEEDLEDUM ond TOEEDLEDEE lap up nth fos ALICE hep ach ten they ag ech oer BOTH sake hed Thy hl whan ah ALICE, a te THREE te othe dace, ee go Yond the meer Ika foe) Tp te Be perl Paseo on tan ryote werd WEEDLEDUM. Tis He clever, you tow ov we mua eshte foc pet one Oe TWREDLEDES youre cles waco TTWEEDLEDUML Ife pi oat ‘ALiCe. ob dsr STWERDLEDEE. Ty oun reps i, TTWEEDLEDUM, I's he wos lore! pat of he fs poo weepiepee The tie bs come te Wako, “ovet may bing Of need pa stage Oresiages od ng ‘dy ne eng bt And wher piston oa ‘TWEEDLEDUM Now Rep [AUCE (ty Ft ay beat (Bh cea her ret and fos her hance The TWEEDLES to t,o ALICE ffir te or oping bt cede wih hrt The PHEEDLES ison oth ALICE Trego) “Te tine bs ome" te Ws, Paye4 ALICE IN WONDERLAND Att ott of many hag: Of —uh—sheer—and shige —and sealing nns— (OF eabbagee and ag ‘Ady th was olin ‘And ether pigs bse wings” ‘Thats sighll I did Mt (TWEEDLEDEE ond TWEE- DLEDUM hagond hol ou the fe hands) ‘TWREDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDEE. Sabet (They "ALL go it the mubery dance) [ALICE.T doo think I war ever eo happy ia my Be! 1 ‘think Ym ping to past ‘TWEEDLEDUM. That's ely lig clever, ou know. "Now, we mst se if ou ean make sp yur nd. [TWEEDURDEE. Thr willbe very wet indeed! ‘ALICE. Wht most Tale wp my mind abou? TTWEEDLEDUM. Wii you ie beter, The Walrs— ‘TWEEDLEDEE. or the Carpenter. ‘ALICE, Cote That oopht 19 Be es! {TWEEDLEDUM. Notowt ‘TWEEDEEDEE. Contarviat ‘ALICE. Welle me what each one dd. Then now. ‘TWEEDLEDUM. Yeu must gues What they did fom what they ALICE. Goon! ‘TWEEDLEDEE. A loa of bea the Wala sd, “Le wat we ele nee Pepper and veep besides ‘Ae very ood ined — Now, gou¥e ready, Oysters ear, ie ca begin oe” ALICE. Wai «minute! I wounds to me—they conlnt ‘be ao mena Wha ar they going toe? ‘Aa ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 38 “TWEEDLEDUM. Wha you eat wih te and pep ! “ALICE. Oyen! Tate that Wali! What il he Cor pester “TWEEDLDDEE, Yoo rough wt te Wars, et ‘TWERDLEDOM: “itwns so Had of 016 cme, Askyon we eytic.” ‘The Capen a shin bat Ca enter sel a gou ne ot qt des Tebedtonyou wt [ALICE Tea hes thes fo! Tat the Boh {BWEEDLEDUM. Bvt you mat coos, ou bow. Lic Tentoibe et ‘TWEEDLEDEE. io a minute He bt ‘howe ofthe gests, olg his pocket hander! Before his steaming ee, ‘TWEEDLEDUM. Oh, Oster" nd the Carpe “You've ad pees un Shall We be wetting Rome But answer eae there none ‘Az this war sercely of act ‘They eaten every oe TWEEDLEDEE, Now mike op your ind ‘TWHEDLEDUM. Which do you lite hater? Page36 ALICE INWONDERLAND Aa ALICE. That's very har Iti ike the Walrus tte ‘because was le sory forthe pooe Oysters TWEEDLEDEE. He ste more thn the Carpenter, ‘hough. You se, he bet his handkerchief is oat 3 om may be took {TWEEDLEDUN Br ben tb sd adhe aed site Tee iki {TWEEDLEDER You nn cvs, po ine, ype vices pa, nd Wa ft Mow ca 1 he os beter then ds est hemo a? ‘eye to ey ipa brace CWEEDLE- DEE tnd TWEEDLEDUN mah en ome Pa {TWRDLEDUM 1 fl cn mae ep er mind mice Tent {TWEDLEDEE (aol. Wie doo he ert [Nice spn) eter on Yo st ie one et syn dn) le nea Wel, ee Se Waker ad fot Ie he Cnt ont eer te beta! el quent ‘TWEEDLEDUM dae soca) Sh sn ep erat [TWEEDLEDEE (cain te bp Sh ot pit hl (TWEEDLEDUM nf TWEEDLEDEE tok hale ‘Mitr ee hn) St ysl ne Soe! {iy ta he mor doe re re Be hay eden ora age coe lg nA eB iat tf at op eon oe aoeome) Acti ALICEINWONDERLAND —Pige37 ALICE. Obit ‘TWERDLEDUM, 1¥ te Queen’ croquet xe, RED QUEEN (affsop) Of washed! (The HATTER rashes in ih the very sep? DOR MOUSE, hoiing in bythe nope ofthe nek eo tien, though the DORMOUSE’ fea on the oor at they nn The HATTER hands ALICE his mol wich Inay bea fami, ai the ook, oF mee same go ‘oquestedmalet) MATTER (o ALICE). Wer! Hol wy malt while tet sh (ALICE takes he mal and watches er ‘hab whi the HATTER nese mae he DORNOUSE {ond on al ours for em eth. The DORMOUSE SSempe down fist ai he tates ol with Me bull, ‘Meanine the COOK adr i ith a age ray of ere, ‘and ‘begins scetily stuffing Herlf wih them. She furs her back part ofthe tne, turning her Aad to imate sre he tot watched ashe maps one fran Cher int her mouth, Thee i 2 tuna of qureing vores, efsap:) RED QUEEN (eo, above te nul. Of wh bis ‘ead Of with your head Op withthe une (The FROG-FOOTMAN ond te CATERPILLAR hurry baud make no consecve archer of themes ad ‘the DUCHESS lows andes her bal rough them The RABBIT bounds tm, ning hi ball afer the DUCHESS: The COOK tars arin, her ay emiey ‘ely. She wipes her ip and he wth rep eton) Page 35 ALICE IN WONDERLAND Att ALICE. Were they scod? (The COOK hare the ry at [ALICE an hasty aches the mallet ro he DUCH- [ESS ALICE dodges theo wnperubed, and nods ot ‘the RABBIT. ramparts) (The RED QUEEN [uho tthe Queen of Hea) enters followed by the WHITE QUEEN, the KING OF HEARTS, the ENAVE OF HEARTS [deed lie ply ing car). the MARCH TARE, the MOCK TURTLE, land the GRYPHON. ALL areal quarelg voser tush the RED QUEEN'S VOICE obove them all Ar igh of ALICE, ALL stop, motionless, the RED (QUEEN'S arm eusreched, pouting other TWEE DLEDUM ond TWEEDLEDEE, af one side, arms fraud each thr, wach wih es sppatiy The RABBIT, the only one to move as al ees ae om ber {fae He hirhead on one ade, washing ALICE She tes her head elcome) RED QUEEN. Who ate yu? ‘ALICE: My name is Alt, please yor Majo [RED QUEEN (atoning othe op of her so}, Can Yow play eoquet! ALICE (ipping her). es! (She nods apalna the RAB BIT, shaking her hae of he face vith othe sof her haat) See? (The KNAVE toms dept 10 ALICE and ft a hand to the OTHERS, oh beak Ik ¢ so 10 ‘the ume “Bonnie Dune) OTHERS isn, ‘To the Wondtiod word Hone Aloe who si, Tyee mais ohn, Tye ballon my esd. ‘adi ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 39 ‘ettbe Wondered creates, ‘Winer they, ‘Come and pty with the Red Queen, ‘The White Queen and ne (Chora) Then mt wp the wickets a ft 8 yo ean, ‘knd ep the pagers wits batons and bas ul catin the cafe aad ica the ten, ‘And welcome ou Ace wth hrtimeetires “0b, Wonderland crautes? Alls," ea ‘Atorer to esr “Tse pe igh ‘A crogoet ge tse, ‘Ang ith the Red Queen, ‘The White Queenan me (The chars repeated. ALICE ts hy fered with 1, and athe chor bres no danse, caying te one and nother dating Of cous, hi may be ‘mid dered She ca may bow elaborately) ALICE, Youve al ry kind, Tm mute. But fam psy wih Queene [RED and WHITE QUEEN (i ues, on an coche ‘ALICE), Speak hon youre epoe o} ‘ALICE (rtenabuc). Buf evergone obeyed tht rule, ‘8d yu nly poe wen you were spoke 1, and if ‘heer pero always wed Tar you to begin, no body woul! ever nying [RED QUEEN (slay. What did you mean by, “fT 1 play wk Queen? Paje49ALICEINWONDERLAND ACL WHITE QUEEN (sore). You an play wth ws you now, ut youve pred the proper extn, ALL (heating What dif you meas? ‘ALICE. Tnly ai“ RED QUEEN. She as be cay aid“I71 WHITE QUEEN. And she eid « ren! deat more than ‘he ALLA peat deal more! ‘ALICE, Fn sare Tide mean— KING. You should have meant! What do you supose 2 he ean ch without any nang [RED QUEEN. Bven « joke bas some mesniog, Aad = ‘il is moceimpetat than ok ALL Thope! WHITE QUEEN, Yoo oovldnt deny that if yu red with both hands ALICE. don deny things wth my hand! [ALL Nobody sid you di! RED QUEEN (suddnbj. Can you do addon? ALICE, Of ete Lean [RED QUEEN. What's one and ove sed one end one and (ALICE cover her eyes, concentating ALL ihe ches ee count on thet fing hoking them wp athe end) ALICE. 14001 know ot ent. ‘ALL ina moncone). Se can do non! [RED QUEEN. Cen you do mbtruction? Take nue fom eit ALICE, Nine from eight? Yoo can ot Saw B= [ALL (ne higher ey) Sb ean) do subtest! RED QUEEN. Trypan. Take » bone fom «dog, What eine, [ALICE IN WONDERLAND ie Paget (ALICE. Wa the bone woulda rem, of eure if ok ls And the dog wide remsl. I wold ome {obi we, And Tip rare Tsou rman. Yok oting wood ree, ‘ALL Wrens! RED QUBEN. The do's temper weal renal, ‘ALICE. I don see ‘ALL She doesn’ ee! RED QUEEN. The do wool se bls temper, wouka rs) ALICE. mppone RED QUEEN. Then fhe weat won Mi temper woul emai, Woulde? #7 ALL, She cant de sume ‘ALICE. Tans, itheye proper aus. (Noone nodes ALICE’ prez) ‘CATERPILLAR, Rect,“You ae oi, Father Willan.” ‘ALICE, I don’ bao that. But Fan teste pat of The ‘Walrad ‘CATERPILLAR. Repeat it fer me, (He cies with elo ‘tionary for) "You ae oi ater Wiss” the young man tied the bar which ef you ere ‘Yet oe srg Pather Willan, «herty old mas [Now tell me the ete, oy” (ALICE. Tikink oan remember ht! ‘ALL, Dont itera CATERPLLAR, “Inthe dys of my yout” Pater Wiliam repli ‘Tremenbered tat youth wend By ft, ‘And abured not my heath vd my igo ts, Paye 62 ALICEIN WONDERLAND Aa ‘That never alg seed thera st” Now, repel the woe (ALICE. Tele Tce! (She fl her Aande and clas ‘er hoot, TWEEDLEDEE and TWEEDLEDUM do 2 lh ALICE, and fol her words with hip A ss they show grat des when ALICE goer won) You ae of, Father Wiliam,” the young men 2 And your ak has become very wt ‘Ant you incest stand ot your head — Do you tink, at you pth sigh ™ Some othe worst pt aered ‘CATERPILLAR. Tre scond wana, ALICE (sgn for compos. “in ay out, ater Wiliam repo ot 0, “tteared i mig inhi th bale, ‘Bt now at Tm perfect sre I bave 2000, doit agua and apin™ (CATERPILLAR. Tht ot ad ih [ALICE (vw inher mind). Not qe right Tm ai [RED QUEEN. I's wrong from begining (0 ed FROG (wi « hop toerd ALICE). How il did you sy you were? ALICE. Tin four fost and— ALL. Wrong! HOG. She mever sold ard ike hat! ALL State ‘ALICE. Iihougi you meant: How tl ate you? FROG. WT meas hat, hae sid hal There’ ory for yout ALL There's Hoy ‘ALICE Idan se what you ean by gor. FROG, I mean, teres « nice knock-down argument for an ‘aatl) —ALICEIN WONDERLAND Page a [ALICE at pds et lr ocd patos When Ue «word Pe aan ie nen Ne mote oes (0308 The union ue oe ae mae vad ean dire he aT quai bn lo be mate! You seu a Ack dont ‘LAE cmon ary, We, nye. 140n Bebe ‘Et etd Sede be SSHnB QUEENS 1 ge oo seg whee Tn oro bind one ace enn os {Cen tate at IUD QUENT spin Drow slong bre and st Your es ALICE de tr ght VER ‘he te dcr nto A0 ALICE he Ber ong Brat they, oan seth een, “Pr ‘iC aterteread No) ‘ie neat ie pone ing ‘AL tne one ane, Se eh ae ‘ur GEN mp ms et pate, Ia eee song (rata y Sones Sled ony ‘Sasinyoic tng fee bean SAT apn Dd ay ed 9 ve {13 opty. Wa nb ey ao HATTER. Cat obi este! [RED QUEEN. I give yo tres aches. itor off wih wore Paget ALICE INWONDERLAND Aa ALICE. 1 dont see any stake. (The HATTER sts the DORMOUSE up on Po fet with considered uly, tat finally he remains awake and upright The WARE putea mallet nto ALICE’ hon) HATTER. There ALL, Play (The KNAYE plcks up the emp try the ‘COOK fing ot ALICE, and om Brings he he Ble ‘She aes earl ain, lacing ero ar 3 the (OTHERS, who follow a her moyen without aking ‘her eyes fet, leaning dow a8 she dos, ee She sroghes 4p.) ALICE. wish you wos al ep looking ote. (Tey ALL took any unt he bends down to ein gain, Yen they repeat the perfomance, ey ee itn om ALICE, THEEDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDEE ar ix ‘gmpaty wth her the OTHERS oe wc, She fal be ‘he al I 2 ood sha, bt the DORMOUSE emp lint the is tha he ol pases under fect) DORMOUSE (as he jmp), Twinkle, wink, wine! ALL: Mia! RED QUEEN. Onet ‘ALICE, He famped pt RED QUEEN. On wich the gel (The whol thing re ented, ec thet they crowd else hime as ALICE fins They ALL bend dowe ond watch The DOR: MOUSE jumps higher than before, and the 69 ofthe WATCHERS & oder) DORMOUSE, Tsk, wil, twinkle! ‘ALL ised! RED QUEEN. Two! ALICE (nea). Io bf, ‘patt —-ALSCEIN WONDERLAND Pages [RED QUEEN. On mith he me! (ALICE re Apt ‘hey eond sow, andthe DORMOUSE pumps her ‘DORMOUSE Tele, wl, ale, wl ‘aut Mice ‘RED QUEEN. Tse! Of sh er bead! ALICE hoe Sm her mall on cv he facet de The fbiare comee hr saya bltng ale) NAVE (afl, Te King wil atdon Jou a8 008 8 fe oa of ean dor [RED QUEEN cong hin). What wat ou mit NAVE. Its of so conmguace, Your Maer No Coven al (The RED QUEEN wand sing t ‘hey. She ion ul and thn anther, eating nara) uD QUEEN. Where arte ata? NAVE, Tan [RED QUEEN, He soe mys! Of with hs es OF shad cto (The EXECUTIONER comer oni haze) [RED QUEEN. Off wih hs ead A os! ALICE. No, no you Majesty. RED QUEEN’ Sisnce! ‘ALICE. 1 was the Kae, our Majesty ‘COOK. Who are yu? ALL. Who areyo4? ‘ALICE (to the EXECUTIONER). You cas tie off hs head e's i ALL. Who meso NLICE, Faye (A tumpe sounds ofsoge) Pag 6 ALICEIN'WONDERLAND Act ‘TWEEDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDBE (tptter. The eas bepsuing! RED QUEEN (marching ALICE’ hond). Rut Rua! ‘Roa! They ran faser and fer, without pres. 05 theyre rnning in place) ALL (rnning a plc, frou, Roa) TRABRIT So she i et (The RABBIT bes ound at hi Dut recover wth alee, fanning as he re Th bodes lend wer and lover, ad the leg fase and fase, tu ater he fins wid dash to pete, no one mows ‘head CURTAIN ACT THREE, ‘SCENE: There ave ro chats othe KING ard QUEEN, ‘and on eter de of tem oe Baer which sar a 33) forthe uy The ry composed of the DORMOUSE, {he CATERPILLAR, the HARE, the GRYPHON, the TURTLE, andthe FROG. Oters may beaded, de sired Av ihe end fone ow of xe the apa. AL te ‘other end the musivoon. On coc hs oie end ‘perc A phifors on which the chars sand, with eps Iealing up 10 them, wil be aoe, Bu i ot neces sr. I fc even ther bes can be omit he ary anaes ged onthe fr, briging in theres ry ne ae not eal ferences he is he lies hall be emia [AT RISE OF CURTAIN: The RABBIT sands ner the ‘rome is bea dre and olin i ure fn the Tennil lusvations ALICE and the RED (QUEEN ares running hand in hand. The RABBIT bins kismet RED QUEEN (sepring, We did! Wed ‘ALICE (puping fr bret). DI wa? RED QUEEN: Syed where we me, dane forthe Aa Thats spend! ALICE. I looks Eke the very sme garden we wore in ‘en we tated or! « Pied ALICEIN WONDERLAND Aa tt RABBIT. You ave rma tv ft a yoo aoa aywire be Ibs emhogseone ot {0 ep the cok fom ting bck ALICE, Hw ange RABBIT happens very day, yo oe ste RED QUEEN Tey png ot le: Cove a hep ‘hem aloe ALICE, I oo pletse, 1 Hk wore «te, (The RED QUEEN rhe fio) 1 isk he tel bush {2s ee: Thow loo Be was the ge Aa) theme at be fer he ry. apo tlh oy lnk set the ryt the ps 40 be goat many of hum heb we seems tet at wet deceit ot ee tod tows toni eat to say tare RABBIT weet giclee hese ‘ALICE. Bo ou thin ie Kee vty a teat [RABUIT, Wat oer opin? ALICE. Wel tava my 9 becuse Ta got sei ‘We the Queen tr Iatw someone eet hes te ear tone an opon new wha Tan oa ingatou RABBIT Youte wroog boi that, The les yoo new the facet you gt optons, ‘ALICE Anyy, the Qe tase any ih oe, “OFF ith Bead ta bent ed ee oon the Ke did do it RABBIT. Tat would al he ety, woul 4 ‘ALICE. f cure wm se bter et kid de Bo it woulda bea the ete beng ied ABUT. Youte wg aot tat. Were ou erp iieet ActiT —ALICEINWONDERLAND — Page? [ALICE. Oa when Tu dose what Ishida’ RABBIT, And you were athe beter fr 1 brow. ALICE. Yes, but the Thad done the thing Iwas pu ‘ihe fr, ABDI, Bat 09 hada ove ‘otra, wuld [ALICE (pute) spose 4, these if they pone ‘sh th poor Kone dhol making sie tat vam the Cock, en aan [RABBIT. When a ting bappens, ow stad whether youcan ot ALICE, Then wos att happen tat wee [RADBIT, Ob, my whiskers Here they come osld have bee (The RABBIT Lape the thrones ad ows Hs ‘et The ANIMALS exe fk unin eras, and go {othe jy bose the DORMOUSE mating de io the teapot, the CATERPILLAR mounting the mash rom. Eack picks np oat and pen nt bes wt lag eget the penis satin loudly The EXECU. TIONER, TWEEDLEDUM and THEEDLEDES, the MATTER, the DUCHESS, he COOK, ad te WHITE QUEEN now enter ond tte ples on te ee. Thee the KING and RED QUEEN tara ond op no their se, asming mien digi. The NAVE lps ond Aneel tha fc. The RABBIT ison one eof te ‘rons and ALICE onthe ther} RED QUEEN. You eal ate Off wih yo ade! ALICE (go. You eve inte ural, Your Majesty RED QUEEN. We dont seston ht, ALICE (loin ove te JURORS). What ae you vvtng? Pee 50 ALICE INWONDERLAND Ac mt MARE, Were witg down out sae, fo fer we ‘eile Som ne ae ABDI. trina ENG Herre ate, RADII aig om ssh. “Tae Qh wma sear ‘Aveasimeer op Te feats Bot And took them quite away.” “= ONO, Cone your ere ‘ALICE, Net Tne gtd cane ee ALL hg) ‘ACE (tae) Wee (hy AL booking at each other sheepishly.) ie ENG ct Ca he es Te Cot ke COO cnet ENG. Were oe tenes fe ge mate cook tm ENG Ton wera he at 00K Forster tear, FENG Warder nec ce eb bes COOK. Yes. Hear Ee Wome of man {COOK Man (he URORS we dwn ws mache ‘lterent) we much ING Dest cue 00%. Con Ditties RABBI. Ta eo dy ok we ‘Your Majesty, * a Nir arer Act ALICE IN WONDERLAND Page 51 (COOK, He was bing under ables of beind door, or ‘i oven o fv barrel o things. KING. Then how dil you know he there? (COOK, Heard tin ‘KING. What id you bese? ‘COOK, He meczed, KING (exited. Try the prsoner wth the ppp (The COOK does wih many fourhe of he pepper pe. The ANAVE svete nud ond lng The OTHER MEN sup res ter sees a pea ani for hemes KING, ‘sth got wigocton) The poor wasn the then, Write dom, ALICE, That 01 poven, Your May! You soul ry ful (The RABBIT bows hsp) -RADBIT, Order ite oar! ING. The Cook my stand dove (COOK. Sas RED QUEEN. Off with her head! ‘COOK. tas any lover. Tm on the Nao siti ING (gaciush. Then you may sand wade Call dhe prone. RABBIT (after Mowing hs rumpe). The Kaye of Hearts (The ENAVE cones omar, remling hi fee ering wit fear) Sie he presence ofthe King end tale, et sil, Mou neni! KING, Tint the prope le (The RNAVE suet) Jur ‘or! Lien eo i soot to wake ararching et Prisoner do you knw how ate are made? Faye 2 ALICEIN WONDERLAND) AcE [KNAVE (lieing) st aver ht You hk wm tour {COOK. Whee do you pik the Mout Inte paren oe the window bone NAVE. It bt ples round WHITE QUEEN. How many ats of poend? You ‘mn ere oto many ia [ALICE Pow for ae nerd a 8 ve in copeor qu or Sree The Cock pelt inet woe KING. Ws fm consgnene. ssn he Ino how to ule tris Tat poe h me ldng mde bo Ibeey wtaig he Quecs ber og, Wr om [ALICE it proves pti of the wrt (The ole COURT furs on ALICE) Well ny doe ink dees CATERPILLAR. You Wha tea (The DORNOUSE ‘hee RABIIE, Sips te spp (The EXECUTIONER us the cnr onthe tape, Te DORNOUSE short ‘ewe opin THe HATTER sigs ard wid) MATTER. Hol at evidence! Ther xctonet the ‘oun ING Have yu fh ence (Th HATTER sore Somdhing tan nia exes, ond en pases dou pi at dep eson) HAPTER Not Tiboupr Tawa pant Phying «ie Tooke ash end sn wan ‘ter fom my we ‘AvengTvelae,O King The tienen eile, ‘Act ALICE INWONDERLAND Page 53 KING. That's the most important i of evidesce vee ad ye Mt prasizlly prover the prisoner guy Let {he jor conser ete ALICE I ay ofthe ea epi, 10 ge hm a ‘enc, Ido Klee there's astm of meusing iit KING. If hereto meaning ia thal saves meld of ‘tou, you knows we ned yf ad ALICE. But then you ean all evidence apn the poor Kee. FROG. Its very owing tobe tld we ant calla thing ‘esidence we wi tol evden! Tall wytlog ev ence I wih 0 dol (ie ese fg of ALICE ane ‘peaks wih cpulhral myers) Tnpeaeeabliy, Thats hat, ALL (imiting the FROGS ation and te) npeete pense” ROG. By impenetabiiy 1 esa, ust now, “Wee bad ‘ecu of tat subject ahd Ht WU be it as wel {you ould boll your tong as T don’ suppose you ‘Deus to stop hare all the rst of your lie ieee ‘hte ol (The FROG & on isfy, shaing sf ALICE othe endo i seeh and te OTH ‘ERS imate hn), ALLS [ALICE (climb). 1 shall inefore with tis ll jt as Jong a in fr. So. (ALICE sues. The OTHERS sulsd, exchanging shamefced glee and hanging ‘ety heads, The RABBIT blows his trumpet sft TWREDLEDUM ond TWEEDLEDEE hap echo) [RABBIT Your Maety mus coer enue peosaes PayeSt ALICEINWONDERLAND Acti KING (wth am ear plone at ALICE). Well La 1 ost Where were Jou wben the ari were set ot 18 coal NAVE: Inthe pen, KING. Did yo ae anyone here? NAVE. Tm the Cook. (COOK. Nothing of th ert Auk him i he spoke wih snyon KING. Did you speak wth anyone? DUCHESS Me spoke wih me KING. Di he show any sip of having DUCHESS. Het eaten s ee many KING. How do you know? DUCHESS (iiing. fe pid me complinents. NAVE. deny tat DucHEss. ‘You haven forgot the Hest! pot Where you topped ne frm agg ‘When ous nas pin and ese) vn, ‘But new hat you mean Twas prey NAVE (in despot Td wT ean that! (COOK. He's to afraid of being found out to Know What te eae! KING. Test he ate the tris 1 ese be ste them al Wie down. ALICE. Stuff and nonsense! What sort of eidene ‘hat? Rub oul (The JURY des so ay The RAB DIT fons hws dba. TWEEDLEDUM and TWEE DLEDEE hugeach other) RABBIT. Your Majesty mo susg by the Cook KING fw ger egni),Call the Diy, romentsine sity ‘AWM ALICEIN WONDERLAND Page SS -RADBOT bling hs rump. The Diy! (EVERYONE leans forwad, The DUCHESS hols he hands oer her ‘somzch and ss rly but eck wort yer he. The nne is Yankee Doodle, epeting the mus for the ‘hide thee es) DUCHESS (ni) ‘There nan pg who st lane, esi uned pomp. (The TURY, who writes fas tronghout her song, ‘ep the la lai, and mas eno) ea on thr ses tha gators) BURY (ange. Pang. DUCHESS (aging. ‘By dy and nih be made bs mone would hae taeda of oe ‘To see him wg his hooves and oun, Becanse he esl tj, JURY (angi) ‘ ump. DUCHESS (ning ‘Up rove ht pg and ped il wk ‘Against tha ened pam. BURY (ein. Pump. DUCHESS (ans) “He fa saw red nd th a ck, ‘And rolled right over os back, 1H sou caved i, i boots wea rack, Tas fal jason SURY age). ALICE IN WONDERLAND Ast IT Page 56 KING. And the poner apoke abot the dy, when you ‘id ised? DUCHESS. tthe top of hi wie! KING. And he didot know what he meant! ‘That Soks sey bad. (They ALL nod The MATTER gives srk. Gnd rusher to'C, pointing at me wnsen thing oe ‘rich he drops isha with pret evens) HATTER, Hace (The RABEIP sands hi ump Tuy The KING rine and ens evn loedr than the MATTER) KING. Evidence! TRABBIT, The Mad Hatter (The HATTER ifs his hat estou, and then fee der ith growing supe tnd dlappolemen eres and bck ena, his er {2 pining fll of myers end dead) MATTER thought fw atesnnke ‘That questioned me in Oreck Tooked apn aed sit as (ite pats ine hashed ne) “The middle of nex week ‘The oe thing Tepe, O Klas, Tethat cannot speck (The WAVE sins vay fom the yo the HATTER Fie point hse fol of far Th hand elather his reat) KNAVE (in terifed whiper). The mile of next, GRYPHON. He looks iy, HARE. Heats pity FROG. He i gay, TURTLE (tha sb). We ae rey with the werd. (The DORMOUSE cheers) ‘Ad ALICE IN WONDERLAND Pege 57 ‘WHITE QUEEN. Suppress tat Dormeut (The DOR MOUSE dives down in he tapr hime. He pop ost ‘tan as on asthe TURTLE age) ‘TURTLE, hal we sit oF sgt? ‘ALICE, You coulda poaly be ready to give tye! RABBIT. Sig ‘TURTLE (To ihe eof Solomon Lo, tell thee eveyhing Hus: ‘There itt relate saw as age, aged man ‘ing om te Wo re yo, aged ma “And bow ot ou IveT™ Hisanower eld though my bead ike ster rough asieve And owt ee by hance pat My fingers into gh, Ormaclywacene wghcand fot Inte aleftind or, (Ori op pn my toe ‘Avery best weight 1 yeep fri teminds me (Of ht ol maa Ted Y know (Repeat lnc of mus) ‘Tat summer evening, long ne, ‘Acting on « pi ‘ALICE, You cert can cl hata ved! PROG. lean and dot ALICE. I's jus nowsenset RED QUERN. You may cll it noses if you He, but ‘ve heaed onsen compared o whieh tat Weald be ease at dition. \ age St ALICEIN WONDERLAND Aa TI [RADBTT. The question i" letionary ever see” KING, Consider the veri. ALICE, There's nothing that song to cone [TURTLE (fi. 1 hada come tothe vere. Tt mu ‘be whipetee. (The DORMOUSE rns fo the TURTLE ‘ond, soning on I es, ries te whispered vest Sh aunts and owing exceont Ithen uns he HATTER and eer ino hs ea, wth more squeaks land exctement The HATTER removes is hat and frases aolemrl 0 the KING, leaning eos oi x. Ie sons ap cpa ad hit Bat one ofthe UR (ORS, and cape Both hands oer the ING's eo. He ‘hous atthe fp of vice lato) HATTER. Our verdicts (EVERYONE jumps. The "KING lap to hisfet) KING (froush.Do yo cal that a whisper? (The HAT TER swifiy gts bck 1 hs ploe, The KING speaks ith covered diy) Ifyo do suc hing pn. 17 Ive you bstered. (ALICE gigs) Sene, (Hepa hand os hend Gnd thks tet) Re For Two. ‘Any cid who In on ld must eave the eo. ALICE, That nt repr rae. You invented it st KING. Ks the oldest ule tn the book ‘ALICE, Thea I enght to be Number Ons! ING (hay. On wth the ezctin [ALICE (Heteen the KNAVE andthe EXECUTIONER). ‘You sn do that The iden of hang the ection fiat You havea even bu seal ia ye! KING. Fest te eneston then the verte thea th i ‘ALICE. Noting ofthe wr (COOK. Aayeny, we hae nda ta. ‘Ast ALICEIN WONDERLAND Page 59 ALICE, You baveo' ele atthe veneer. have oe dence gh. {COOK in rest hase), Your Majo, bere ie emething ‘hat wn pled up in the garden A sero (She hands ‘he KING a sere) XING. What ns? ‘COOK. Ke wet o ew eter wren bythe prisoner FING, Who int deced io? (COOK. I att dieced a all That’ th strange pat of i ING. Is inthe prisoner's handing (COOK. Noy it a And What he queers hing aout i KING. He mst have ited someone e's hand NAVE, Pease, oor Majesy, Tdi wie that and they cant prove tat Tie My name's not pnd at Seend (COOK. There's no nme signed the end KING. AF you did lg hy tat only makes matters ‘wore. You must have met! spe silt er you's Ive igned your ae ie mn hearst ma, (COOK, That proves bis gu [ALICE. I doeant prove aything af the sar You don't ven know what he etter abot. ING. eral read (The RABBIT takes te soo ond rls Fs it fet ng, with same reed 00 the eno al Backward, ong la” wr Ing and there so mumur of aonsimen and sip ef the COURT) RABBIT he a eter ta Waa a of vere ATTER. He's epuisd bi basting) (COOK, I asart ede! NAVE. It in mie! con wit Be tht 1 ied Pope ALICEIN WONDERLAND AIL KING, Pos try to pal the wool over my eeu You've vient so no one But olf ex read Very well Read it yours Begin othe being an goon til yo come tothe en NAVE. Tear read it KING, Can anyon ee rea this sell? No? Then is ‘lia he ot 50 no one cul, on prpoe. There's bo ling has Th tere ALICE. You don know whether is tsb i you oow what iba Anyway, nobody Inows the Beave (COOK, Read i youre ihe didnt wite it Bier be wot for Sime loge or somebody ee can radi ING, Im that ue? ALICE. It sounds tee, But there's something wroog ‘about ‘ALL, Reed tour then! (The DORMOUSE cheers) ING, Suppes hat Dermovse! OF wih he wiser! ‘Retaowe hm from court, (Sera cary the DOR [MOUSE ox nthe eos, oe hese wa the teapot out) [ALICE. seems to we T have seen writing lke that sonnerbere before. (They ALL watch ALICE inet Dut he doeon notice then.) fT eould remember ‘there [stood anf what Ivar dag Yes! Iwas comb Ing my aie! Te ont of he ooking hs 1 booking as wing. Al you bve fo do sto rend it bao! {Th tle e"babbervocty” (COOK. Ite sare of tat let her reed Your Ma ny Let ber rea toe! #0. XING. Tie you ome hundred and eighty. seconds (Phe JURORS bg tapping ox the tne withthe en (bon thir sles and ALL the hers oni, ens ‘A&M ALICEIR WONDERLAND ape 6t ‘is owm fashion, Reping the ssh going It ges faster and fase, ALICE Reng pet tne wih then, Inga a ot bing speed, Ba ith ey word er fete) _ATICE (reading “ndberwocky™ “Twa bilan he iy toes Did ge an ginbe tn the wae. [All nisy wet the Boropves, ‘And the mome vais ote. Beware the abiernoc, so! ‘he eve hat Bite the ave atch [Beware the Sj bird aed abn “The fumincurBanderete™ He tok his vorpal word a han {Long ine te mansome foe he vought— ‘Sorested he bythe Tartu te, ‘Rod stood sl io houg ‘And ein wah thought he soo, ‘The labterwor, wi ees of fame, Came wing trong the alee word ‘And orled at ame, (One, tol One, two! And through anf trough ‘The vorpal Bade went msker2nsl! el dead, ad wth Ue ead He wet gaping back “And hut thon dai the Jabberwock? Come fo my arms, my beams boy! Page G2 ALICEINWONDERLAND AID © frbjous dat Calo! Cay chore his. ALL on he las sabi) One ended aod eghty¢vo! [ALICE (her hond onthe RNA VE head). Sve! RED and WHITE QUEENS (o te RING). How do we ow tat bat aye [ALICE Jet turn i around and you can ate for your elves! (The RABBIT oad the other ANIMALS tre he gt comer drag and canbe ve) Toe! (COOK. Holt your tong! (QUEEN. Of with your bead! KING (tye EXECUTIONER). Of wih her hea (The EXECUTIONER writer to ALICE, xe pif, fo lowed by the KING and QUEENS tn ropa. ALICE foc hem, unflinching) ALICE. Who eaes for yu? You don azcust to ony ‘thing, Youre aothing but» pck of ears! (ALICE blows ct the EXECUTIONER contempauoes. He i ‘whied around 0 f by high wind. Ashe chases Him, {BUL lowing he Bowe of he Sa, tpter withthe ING and QUEENS, who ry to interfere and are (gered wth ut rom ALICE end 9 whinge ix {Eee dvesions Ther pot whining and sary. tng from all the OTHERS ox ALICE bounds ado, wing with al her might. The KNAVE whi eco Ing dance of jo, TWEEDLEDUM and TWEBDLE IEE hg i era and whl af withthe rel seo the [RABBIT Bosh trumpet now and opin delta ‘AUCE couragy, ond all the OTHERS ep au art land bound ana. cain whatever props they ae con- termed wth ALICE Sf lone on aera ly ‘ith her ow Bnaing nd uring ahi in Pep She sto he pound her gk fang. She rey, ‘Aci —ALICEINWONDERLAND Page 62 From offtge come the VOICES of TWEEDLEDUM ‘nd TWEBDLEDEE) "TWEEDLEDEE (of, She doe’ fel good oraothiog ‘stomere ‘TWEEDLEDUM (of). Nohow. TWEEDLEDEE (of), Contrarivise, (The RABBIT® ‘umpet wand sf ofits) [TWEEDLEDUM (iva vanthing wee). Nohow. ‘TWEEDLEDEE (ver fin. Contains, (A vonihing ‘ot ofthe rape heard, far oa Theres enc. If@ keri aval, comes fo ALICE, [One an eal be tue todo 9 by fig @ Bt of food der hr hand, If none i ated Ker’ me comet fom offage ALICE sts up, rubs heres. and beks ‘rund in dll) ALICE, Te shyt My btn! (Ber ALICE run ofa, ‘ling “Ky, Ki,” she sauds holding the ten os ‘ec fal) CURTAIN

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