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of Commission V—International Institute of Welding.

whatWelding Industry res from Nondestructive _—.
Spot Welding of Wrought m Alloys..........
Brittle-fracture Tests of Prestressed Steel Plates.
Weldability of Ultra-high-strength Steels...
‘ot Welding Age-hardenable Nickel-baseae
igh-temperature Manganese-base Brazing
Brazing and Soldering of Beryllium
Factors Affecting Weldability of Cupro-nickels...
See Page 881 Index to Advertisers

is for


The Correct Choice is Easy

with Duty-Cycle Rated

Jackson Holders

Figure the percentage of arc time in an average

ten minute period of work. That’s the duty-
cycle your job requires. Use this important
factor in determining which holder you re-
quire. Be guided by it as well as by your elec-
trode diameter, amps, and cable size require-
ments. The capability of a holder to perform
your duty-cycle is very important to its long,
satisfactory service life.
All the Jackson holders listed are insulated
copper-alloy holders. The ST-series holders
feature the new trouble-free Sealed Tight
cable connection device. For lighter duty-
cycles, use Jackson’s aluminum-alloy Feather-
light electrode holders. See all the Jackson
holders at your distributor. Ask for the
Jackson Catalog.

Holder Model
Class Number Amperage


MEDIUM | A-1 & ST-3


Sold Everywhere by Better Welding Supply Distributors

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31739 Mound Road, Warren, Michigan

For details, circle No. 1 on Reader information Card



Technical Papers Research and Development of Continuous-welded Rail, by G. M. Magee

Rebuilding a 20-ton Box-girder Crane to a 45-ton capacity, by Yost T. Smith
Items and Welding of Triton, World’s Largest Nuclear-powered Submarine, by G. W. Kirkley, Jr
Reports Percussion Welding Using Magnetic Force—A Production Process, by Robert F. Manning and Jerome B. Welch
Activities of Commission V—International Institute of Welding, by R. A. Pulk
What the Welding Industry Requires from Nondestructive Testing, by Jay Bland..................000- :

Welded Structures Lead to Greater Economies. .

Practical Welder
Protecting the Profit Margin, by John F. Galbraith. .
and Designer Mechanized Method Cuts Rod Costs for Surfacing Dredge Parts... .

Society Press-Time News New Members..............

Welding Zones News of the Industry........
and Related
World Wide Welding News.. Personnel.
Events Editorial — Technological Progress — a Current Welding Literature......
Progressive Challenge, by James W. Owens. Abstracts of Current Patents
Society News... New Literature
Technical Papers Sessions—1960 AWS New Products
National Fall Meeting........... Reader Information Card..
Section News and Events Index to Advertisers........... ;

Welding Spot Welding of Wrought HK31A, HM21A, and ZE10A Magnesium Alloys, by Lloyd Lockwood. ..
Brittle-fracture Tests of Six-foot Wide Prestressed Steel Plates, by F. W. Barton and W. J. Hall
Investigation of Weldability of Ultra-high-strength Steels, by Melvin J. Albom and Charles C.
Supplement Titherington ees ;
Studies on Repair Welding Age-hardenable Nickel-base Alloys, by W. J. Lepkowski, R. E. Monroe and P. J.
A New High-temperature Manganese-base Brazing Alloy, by Raymond C. Kopituk........
Brazing and Soldering of Beryllium, by R. W. Keil, G. S. Hanks and J. M. Taub...........
Some Factors Affecting the Weldability of the Cupro-nickels, by C. E. Witherell........

Published for the advancement

Published monthly by the American Welding Society. Publication office, 20th and Northampton Streets, Easton,
Pa. Editorial and general offices, 33 West 39th St., New York 18, N. Y. Subscription $8.00 per year in the
of the science and art of welding United States and possessions; ry countries $10.00. Single copies, nonmembers $1.50; members $1.00
Second-class privileges authorized at Easton, Penna. This publication is authorized to be mailed at the specia
rates of postage prescribed by Section 132.122. Copyright 1960, by the American Welding Society. The Society
by the American Welding Society $ not responsible for any statement made or opinion expressed in its publications. Permission is given to reprint
any article after its date of publication provided credit is given.
Westinghouse Develops Alloys
PRESS-TIME Based on Weldability
Using the cast-pin tear (CPT)
test to indicate relative suscepti-
bility to hot cracking, the welding
laboratory at Westinghouse Electric
Corp. reports development of a
family of stainless alloys tailored for
The program, aimed at improving
People the weldability of stainless steels,
is reported by F. C. Hull, metaliur-
. Welding gist and is being directed by J.
Heuschkel, consultant. Attention
... Products is centered on the hot-cracking tend-
ency of some stainless alloys in
particular applications.
Over 1,200 tests are reported,
Engineering Center Raises Welded Frame using more than 100 different alloy
compositions. The basic composi-
to New York Skyline tion of 16% Cr — 20% Ni was varied
Old Glory was flown for the first ress. Member gifts to date total with the use of 16 additional alloy-
time over the United Engineering about 90% of goal while industrial ing elements to determine the rela-
Center on July 26, 1960, as the steel contributions have reached 99% of tive effect on hot cracking. The
frame of the new home for AWS the quota. However the home tests showed that two common sta-
and 17 other societies rose to its stretch may prove to be most bilizers, titanium and columbium
full height on the New York skyline. critical, since the building will cost niobium) have the worst effect, and
The topping-out ceremony signified more than originally anticipated. that boron, zirconium, silicon and
virtual completion of the steel erec- For the nearly 13,000 members of copper have adverse effects roughly
tion begun just 12 weeks before. the AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY, in that order. Tantalum is pre-
With present construction running the occasion is a strong reminder ferred as a stabilizer. Manganese
well ahead of schedule, the welded that much yet remains to be done. was found to decrease the effect and
structure may be ready before the Of the $60,000 quota assumed by the achievement of higher strengths
mid-1961 completion date, although the AWS, just over 50% has been was recommended by the addition of
occupancy is now planned for Sep- met. This is due partly to the fact molybdenum or tungsten, and tan-
tember 1961. that the Society began its drive in talum.
For the 18 engineering groups that February 1959 when the over-all
will occupy the 20-story building, campaign already had passed the Shipments Show Increase
the occasion was one for which all 50% mark. Having a short cam- Shipments of resistance welding
can well share a genuine feeling of paign period and faced with the equipment for the month of June
pride. The $12 million Center is rose 41% over May shipments, ac-
being built by popular subscription possibility of an early completion
date for the building, the need is ap- cording to the monthly statistics
through the combined efforts of compiled by the Resistance Welder
their 250,000 members. The results parent for a serious effort to be
Manufacturers’ Association. The
of the campaign, though still in- made in the few remaining months
$3'/, million reported is the highest
complete, show good over-all prog- to come. for one month since December 1956.
Comparing the six-month figures
with the first half of 1959, shipments
are up 26%. Nearly $2'/, million
of new business was reported for
June, an increase of 18° over the
preceding month.

Air Reduction Posts Record Sales

Sales of Air Reduction Co., Inc.,
(4\ for the first six months of 1960 were
zs the highest for any six month period
in the history of the company, it was
announced by John A. Hill, presi-
dent of the firm. Sales for the pe-
riod ending June 30, 1960, were
$104,944,541, compared with sales
of $101,836,859 for the first six
iil months of 1959, the previous record
; high. First-half 1960 net income
was $7,962,198, compared with
$7,817,122 for the first half of 1959.
The new home of AWS and 17 other en- View past the topping-out column shows
gineering societies proudly flies the Stars Earnings per share in the first half
the neighboring U. N. Assembly Building
and Stripes for the first time to celebrate and the East River in the background of 1960 were $2.03 as compared to
its topping out $2.01 for the same period in 1959.

870 | SEPTEMBER 1960



FASTER THAN OLDER WELDING METHODS (and much more versatile)

@ Welds in all positions. = Here’s why: Even less experienced operators achieve superior results in
; all position welding at high traveling speeds. The gun is light. It maneuvers
@ Welds light and heavy gage quickly. The gentle curve of its nozzle puts the Micro-wire into posi-
with minimum distortion. tion, where conventional holders and stick electrodes may not reach. Low
, . distortion, low spatter, low welding current and little or no clean-up make
e Uses inexpensive C0. gas. the operator's job easy. He can weld thin sheets manually with semi-
. . automatic equipment —even poorly fitted joints. All connections to the
e ;
Permits welding up to 200 gun are encased in a single flexible, lightweight, small diameter
amperes DC. extruded jacket. Get the complete story about Hobart’s exclusive
Micro-wire process. See how your production costs can be radically cut.


“Manufacturers of the world’s most complete line of arc welding equipment”

HOBART BROTHERS CO., BOX WJ-90, Troy, Ohio, Ph. FE 2-1223

Yes, give me all the facts about your new Micro -wire welding process,
without obligation of course.
Our work is__—

NAME __ 7
en . ° os
| eee e sanciagiiaa — = =
EE, — —EE——
For details, circle No. 2 on Reader information Card

Sketch of world’s largest oil

tank being built in Kuwait,
on Arabian Gulf, by British
subsidiary of Chicago Bridge
and Iron Co. Capacity is
enough to fill 85,000-ton

The use of aluminum is said to save 5000 Ib in overall weight of this type of all-welded trailer
Made by Vulcan Trailer Mfg. Co., Birmingham, Ala., of 5083 alloy, the unit weighs 7,500 Ibs
carries 20,000 Ib load. (Courtesy Kaiser Aluminum & Chem. Co.)

A 165-ton ‘‘atomic furnace”

for New England’s first
nuclear-electric station gets
under way to Rowe, Mass.
Stainless-clad vessel took
over 20 months to fabricate.

872 | SEPTEMBER 1960



, 3 SEAN it :
pte poe


Division of Union Carbide Corporation
270 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y
“*Linde”’ and “Union Carbide" are registered
trade marks of Union Carbide Corporation
For details, circle No. 3 on Reader Information Card

By Gerard E. Claussen

AUSTRIA institute, 135,000 sq ft working Welding Institute assures. uni-

area, 500 personnel, including 100 formity of distribution by impreg-
An article in the August 1959 engineers. It is planned to increase nating a strip of wire mesh 3'/; in.
issue of the Austrian magazine the working area to 235,000 sq ft long with rust under a pressure of
Schweisstechnik describes the nine and personnel to 900. 10,000 to 12,500 psi in a die. A
principal research and test labora- standard rust containing 59.3°%
tories for welding in Europe: Fe (3+), 34.3% O., 1.62% H is
1. The Duisburg laboratory in BELGIUM used.
Germany, a private enterprise under 2. A 17% Cr steel containing
Dr. von Hofe. The city of Duis- The fourth issue of the Belgian titanium to the extent of 5 times
Institute of Welding’s magazine in the carbon content was welded
burg contributed heavily toward
1959 contains articles on electroslag without the formation of a brittle
the cost of this new laboratory.
welding. heat-affected zone. The steel con-
Working area is 73,000 sq ft;
The principles and equipment tained, for example, 0.12% C,
50 personnel, 5 engineers.
2. The Swiss ‘“‘House of Welding required for casting and welding 0.54% Mn, 0.75% Si, 16.74% Cr,
Engineering” in Basel under C. G. by the electroslag process are de- 0.78% Ti. The bend angle of
scribed. In this version of the welds was 70 to 138 deg compared
Keel. Also a private enterprise,
process, a cored electrode provides with 33 to 36 deg for steel without
14,000 sq ft working area, 18 per-
sonnel, including 5 engineers. slag and deoxidizers. A cored elec- titanium.
3. The British Welding Re- trode of similar folded construction 3. The magnetic properties of
is applied with CO, to field weld the electroslag weld metal containing
search Association, Abington Hall,
under E. G. Weck. A private horizontal seams of storage tanks. 0.15% C, 0.70% Mn, 0.13% Si,
institute, 28,000 sq ft working The University of Ghent deter- 0.19% Cr for the shaft of an elec-
mined residual stresses in an elec- trical generator were found to be
area, 130 personnel, including 29
troslag weld in steel 2*/; in. thick, almost the same as those of the
4. The Institute of Welding in 30 in. long, in a plate 14'/, in. wide. unwelded shaft.
Paris, under A. Leroy. A private The residual stresses in the plane 4. The mechanical properties,
of the plate were compressive every- particularly notch impact, of elec-
institute with 65,000 sq ft working
area, 190 personnel, including 36 where along the center line of the troslag welds made with a wire con-
weld and along lines 2 in. from the taining 1.6% Mn, 0.35% Mo were
5. The Mannheim laboratory in centerline. The maximum value determined in four conditions: as
West Germany under H. Koch. was 29,000 psi. Notch impact welded (30 ft-lb, 101,000 psi ten-
value of specimens cut from the axis sile), stress relieved at 1200° F
A semipublic institute, 29,000 sq
ft working area, 26 personnel in- of the weld varied from 7 to 17 ft-lb (50 ft-lb, 87,000 psi tensile), nor-
cluding 3 engineers. Most of the at 68° F, and from 6 to 8 ft-lb at malized 2 hr at 1650° F (55 ft-lb,
personnel is government appointed. —4° F. The fatigue strength (2 83,000 psi tensile), and normalized
6. The Central Welding Institute million cycles) of full thickness and stress relieved (80 ft-lb, 77,000
in Vienna under H. Brunner. A specimens, 1.18 in. wide without psi tensile).
machining the weld reinforcement,
semipublic institute, 14,000 sq ft
was between 28,000 and 33,000 psi.
working area, 28 personnel including
The excellent finish of the surface FRANCE
4 engineers.
7. The National Welding In- of the weld was believed to account
stitute in Saarbrucken, West Ger- for the high fatigue strength. The September-October 1959
many, under Dr. Colbus. A gov- issue of the French Soudage et
ernment institute, 14,000 sq ft CZECHOSLOVAKIA Techniques Connexes contained three
working area, 24 personnel, including articles on gases in welds. The
4 engineers. The following articles were in the first, by P. Bastien, Scientific Di-
8. The Central Welding Institute October 1959 issue of the Czech rector of the Creusot Steel Works,
of East Germany, Halle/Saale under magazine Svaranie: compared the behavior of hydrogen
W. Gilde. A government institute, 1. Tests for the ability of a sub- in cast, forged and welded steel.
107,000 sq ft working area, 350 per- merged-arc flux to prevent porosity This was the first Houdremont
sonnel, including 100 engineers. due to rust have been proposed by lecture of the I. 1. W. Dr. Bastien
9. The Welding Research Insti- the International Institute of Weld- discusses his theory that hydrogen
tute of Czechoslovakia in Bratislava, ing, among others. These tests embrittles steel by recombining to
under Dr. Cabelka. A government depend upon the uniform distribu- molecular form on 112 planes during
Dr. GERARD E. CLAUSSEN is associated with tion of rust along the joint and upon plastic deformation under nonequi-
Arcrods Corporation, Sparrows Point, Md a reproduciblerust. The Bratislava librium conditions. That is, more

874 | SEPTEMBER 1960





A xX

The correct selection of flux can offer unexpected help in

speeding and simplifying production, minimizing rejects and
lowering costs in low temperature silver brazing operations.
The advantages to be gained by “selective fluxing” are suffi-
ciently important to warrant careful, thorough study!
Silvaloy offers the most advanced flux developments in this
specialized field. Here, is a complete line of fluxes . . . each
providing outstanding performance, enabling you to select the
correct flux for every possible low temperature brazing opera-
tion. The extra efficiency of Silvaloy “Selective Fluxing” is
being proved daily on the brazing production lines of the coun-
try’s leading manufacturers.
Call the Silvaloy distributor in your area for consultation
and detailed information or, send for our booklet “A Com-
plete Guide to Selective Fluxing for Low Temperature Silver
Silvaloy fluxes are packaged in 65-lb. and 30-lb. drums, 5-lb.
wide mouth jars (5 to a carton), 1-lb. and 2-Ib. jars. The
wide opening of the 5-lb. package makes it a most practical,
time saving dispenser that also enables the operator to make
use of every bit of flux in jar.



oe a re ee ee ee ee es


For details, circle No. 4 on Reader Information Card
hydrogen molecules are forced into C, 1.75% Mn, 0.07% Si. As travel increasing quickly to 10,000 psi
the vacancies along the slip planes speed was raised from 4 to 44 for best utilization of heat. The
than equilibrium permits. High ipm, the Mn and Si in the weld fourth paper shows that heating
triaxial pressure is exerted, which changed from 0.36% Mn, 1.02% occurs most rapidly in the outer
leads to fissures. Vacuum extrac- Si to 0.46% Mn, 0.45% Si, respec- zones, where the relative difference
tion at 1200° F is the method of tively. The calculated equilibrium in linear speed of the mating sur-
hydrogen analysis preferred by Dr. temperature for the Mn reaction faces is highest. The welding proc-
Bastien. rose from 3350 to 4260° F, while ess must be continued until the
The second paper reports tests in the corresponding temperature for steel has reached a uniform tempera-
Finland showing that fisheyes were the Si reaction rose from 3150 to ture of 1830—2010° F over the whole
detected ultrasonically in _ tensile 3425° F. It was concluded that cross section. In the fifth paper a
specimens of weld metal containing the slower the travel speed, the method is described of welding two
17 cc. of hydrogen per 100 g just more nearly slag-metal equilibrium bars together by forcing another
after the yield point had been is attained. rotating bar at right angles against
reached. With less hydrogen, 7 cc The Italian magazine Rivista di the joint. The heat created by the
100 g, no fisheyes were detected Meccanica for Oct. 10, 1959, de- auxiliary rotating bar (1500 to
until after maximum load has been scribes the submerged-arc welding 4000 rpm) bearing against the slowly
reached. In rotating-bend fatigue of steel spheres 6 to 20 ft diam, rotating joint (0.2 to 3 rpm) welds
tests, with weld metals containing about lin. thick. Design of spheres the joint together.
up to 7 cc/100 g, hydrogen had no and setup in positioners are dis-
effect on fatigue strength. With cussed briefly. Notes on China
higher hydrogen contents micro-
fissuring occurred during welding Welding in East Germany and
and the fatigue strength was low- China is discussed in a series of
ered. Friction welding is the subject articles. The Central Welding In-
In the third paper the blow holes of five articles in the October 1959 stitute in East Germany employs
sometimes observed in butt welds issue of the Russian Magazine 320 engineers and welders and has
made with incomplete root pene- Svarachnoe Proizvodstvo. The first given instruction to 240 engineers
tration by deep-penetration elec- article divides friction welding into and designers, and 1000 welding
trodes or by the submerged-arc three stages: (1) the starting stage specialists. A special section of
process are attributed to release characterized by dry friction, (2 the Institute is providing instruc-
of gas from flux trapped beneath the stage in which sticking com- tion in the welding of plastics.
the weld metal. A slight bevel mences and power reaches a maxi- One of the Chinese articles deals
on the reverse side of the joint be- mum, (3) the final stage in which with the design and submerged-
fore welding was found to prevent high temperature is generated. For arc welding of the main girders of 5
the porosity. a */,-in. mild-steel bar with ‘/,-in. to 50 ton traveling cranes. The
upset and 8500-psi pressure, 1000 other reviews welding research by
ITALY rpm, stages (1) and (2) last 0.9 five Chinese students at the Bauman
sec, stage (3) lasts 4 sec. Steel bars Institute in Moscow:
Researchers at the University 0.32 to 2 in. diam were welded at a) Submerged-arc welding a
of Padua report in the July-August 240 to 3000 rpm and 2,800 to 14,000 nickel alloy containing 20% Cr,
issue of the Italian welding maga- psi. The second paper is a mathe- 2.5% Ti, 0.7% Al, using a flux
zine on a study of the effect of travel matical determination by Prof. consisting of 80% CaF., 15% BaCl.,
speed on slag-metal equilibrium Rykalin of the temperature distri- 5% SiF,. From 5 to 20% of a
in automatic submerged-arc weld- bution in friction welding. Meas- nickel alloy containing 8.5% Ti,
ing. The flux contained 50.7% urements of power and tempera- 19.8% Cb, 1.8% Si, 5.3% Fe was
SiO., 32.9% CaO, 10.2% MgO, ture in the friction welding of thick- added to the flux.
3.2% Al,O;; the plate contained wall steel tubes 6'/,-in. OD, */,-in. 6) The application of ultra-
0.29% C, 157% Mn, 0.06% Si, wall, are given in the third article. sonic vibrations (18 to 25 kc) to
and the wire contained 0.14% Pressure initially is low, 2800 psi, the mold during the electroslag
welding of mild steel refined the
grain structure and removed den-
dritic structure.
c) The transition current from
CZECHOSLOVAKIA globular to spray transfer was 120
amp with 0.059-in. aluminum
6% magnesium-alloy electrode in
argon (<0.01% O., < 0.01% N:).
Distortion in fillet welds made in
‘/y-in. plates of this alloy was
avoided by using small welds and
local heating.
(d) A condenser seam-welding
machine was used to weld circumfer-
ential seams in tubes '/, to 2'/, in.
diam, 0.004 to 0.020-in. wall, at
travel speeds of 3 to 15 ipm.
(e) The strength of spot welds
made on a condenser-type welding
machine in austenitic stainless-steel
sheet was found to depend on the
Welded road bridge under construction (Courtesy !1W) voltage applied to the condensers.

876 | SEPTEMBER 1960

ortable Units bring magnetic particle

inspection wherever needed...

in shop, in field

Between them, this brace of magnetic particle units can solve

many an inspection problem—maybe even one that’s troubling
you right now. Each, within its compass, has a capability
approaching that of “‘big’’ machines. Each is light enough for
one man to carry to the job. Each is self-contained:
works efficiently off any 110 volt AC line. PORTAFLUX
shines at some kinds of inspection jobs, FERROFLUX excels at
others . . . depends on circumstances.

Talk it over with your local Picker man. He’ll be glad to

examine your situation, offer expert counsel and recommendations.
(That holds for many other non-destructive inspection
methods, too: he has a lot of them in his bag. The listing below
suggests some of the ways in which Picker may serve you).

a a *
portaflux induces a magnetic field in the inspected ferroflux') is a powerful electromagnet which produces a
object by passing a 500 ampere AC current through it. magnetic flux in the area of the inspected part straddled
Provides longitudinal or circular magnetization with by the magnetic poles. (Optionally available is a Variac
coil or prod technics to handle a wide variety of parts. voltage regulator for reducing or increasing flux.) Spe-
The whole works—generator, control, prods and cable, cially good for detecting subsurface defects because
pack up in a rugged aluminum case: total weight, ready magnetic flux permeates object. No possibility of arc-
to go, is only 60 Ibs. Great for shop, aircraft, automotive damaging surface because no current passes through
maintenance inspection. Inspection of tools and dies, object. An excellent unit for inspecting welds in pipelines
for fatigue cracks, etc. Inspection of turbine parts, and pressure vessels and for detecting heat-treating
small shafts, etc. in power plants. All this for only and grinding cracks. Weight 30 Ibs. All this for only
$500.00 complete (price slightly higher in West) $415.00. Variac voltage regulator $97.50 extra (price
slightly higher in West)

PICKER... your non-destructive inspection equipment

ANDREX portable x-ray units-140 KV, 160 KV, 200 KV, 260 KV
PICKER x-ray units—35 KV Beryllium window, 90 KV, 110KV,
150 KV (stationary and mobile), 270 KV portable
PICKER Pipeliner—30 curies, Ir!%2, Cyclops—1500 curies; Co?
TECH/OPS Iridium!™ units from 10 to 100 curies; Cobalt®
3 to 100 curies: also Thulium!”, Cesium!37

_PICKER Image Intensifier

and associated equipment _
PICKER X-RAY CORPORATION PICKER Ferroscope Ferroflux Portaflux
25 Sovth Broadway, White Plains, N. Y.
PIXmag Ferropowders and pastes
PIXchek Penetrants, Cleaners, Developers, and accessories



So versatile it joins Nickel to 304, Nickel to

mild steel equally well! it’s Inco-Weld “A”!

Same unique Inco welding product (electrode or wire) successfully ucts. Send for our useful booklet,
“Now You Can Weld Dissimilar
welds 97% of all dissimilar alloy combinations.
Alloys Quickly and Easily.”
The weldor pictured above is TIG both jobs, the welds are sound, strong Ir trademark
welding a 9/16-inch Grade “A” and as corrosion-resisting as the most
Nickel bottom shell to a 5/32-inch corrosion-resisting parent metal. You can join all of these . . . and
Type 304 (18/8) stainless steel many others . . . with Inco-Weld
Would these procedures and mate- “A” Electrode and Wire
outer shell to complete a 600-gallon rials have succeeded with other dis-
steam-jacketed kettle. similar alloy combinations? 304 to Monel* Nickel-copper Alloy
304 to Carbon Steel
When the picture was taken, the In most cases... yes! Inco-Weld “A” Carbon Steel to Mone! Alloy
fabricator, J. C. Pardo & Son of (electrode or wire) gives a high- Carbon Steel to Inconel* Nickel-
Chromium Alloy
Schenectady, N. Y. was also com- quality weld in 97% of all dissimi- Nickel to Carbon Steel
pleting a similar kettle formed of lar alloy combinations. Only rarely Nickel to 304
Inconel! Alloy to Hastelloy “‘C” Alloy
Nickel and mild steel. is a pre-heat or post-heat necessary. 10% Ni-Clad Steel to 10% Ni-Clad Steel
In both jobs, joining procedures Imagine what this versatility can Inconel! Alloy to itself
and materials were exactly the same mean to you. Simplification all
. initial tacking with Inco-Weld* around stockroom, in methods, HUNTINGTON ALLOY PRODUCTS DIVISION
“A” Electrode (that’s the one with in quality control... even in weldor The International Nickel Company, Inc.
the green flux coating)... finish training. Huntington 17, West Virginia
welding with cut lengths of Inco- Learn how much others are doing
Weld “A” filler wire (inert gas). In with Inco-Weld “A” welding prod-

electrodes « wires + fluxes
For details, circle No. 6 on Reader information Card
878 | SEPTEMBER 1960
Technological Progress—a Progressive Challenge

Who of us at that first organizational meeting marines with welded diesel engines would prove
of the AWS could have foretold the present their superiority in the Pacific campaign of
state of welding—or the directions in which it World War II. Nor that at least 3600 of these
later developed? Or, who of us at that early engines would be built, with no structural fail-
Board of Directors meeting when the decision ures to date.
was made to launch the JOURNAL, “even if it is Neither did I think that, in 1959, a welded
only a page,” could have foreseen the wealth nuclear submarine, the Skate, would surface
of technology pouring from its pages? All of through the ice pack at the North Pole—a “‘break
us at that time believed in welding’s future but through” as thrilling patriotically as it was
the future swept us forward beyond our dreams technically.
and in unexpected ways. But we have come to recognize that basic
Little did I think in 1900, as a boy, that Nan- problems still are with us: thermal stresses,
sen’s thrilling arctic exploration in the wooden residual stresses, improper design and poor
ship Fram (meaning Forward), the ultimate then workmanship. Nevertheless, in many specific
in functional design, would spur a technological applications, all of these problems have been
change in ship-hull construction.
licked. It is because of our lack of appreciation
Neither did I think, as a man, that in 1925 I
of the physical and spiritual laws involved that
would be sponsoring and directing the successful
technical and social advances are being blocked.
calking with bare electrodes of the waterline
seams of the riveted arctic ship Northland. Therefore, the SociETY must continue to face
Nor that later I would recommend to a con- these problems purposively, realistically, fear-
gressional committee that the hulls and machin- lessly and objectively within these laws, so that
ery of our submarines be welded. its technical and social progress will continue to
Neither did I think in 1935, that welded sub- be Forward.

James W. Owens





f ef

AD-225-L gasoline engine driven AC DC welder power plant. 300

AEA-200-L gasoline engine driven welder power plant pipe thawer. amperes a-c or 225 amperes d-c welding current; 7 KW of 115 230v
225 amperes welding current; 1 KW of 115vd-c;5 KW of 115 230va-c. a-c; 1 KW of 115v d-c

Gold Star SR Series,3 phase rectifier type d-c welders in four

models from 200 to 600 amperes. This is probably the most reliable, SRH — The famous Miller Gold Star series in a low silhouette
versatile and best performing all-around welder ever designed. welder for stacking, paralleling or to conserve space

250 AC DC combination transformer rectifier welder. Operates from M-295 — new wide range a-c welder of horizontal design. Two
single phase service to bring new standards of welding performance welding ranges of 25-115 amperes and 80-295 amperes which
to everyone. Two a-c and two d-c ranges. handle all metals from light gauge to heavy plate.

Complete specifications on any of the above illustrated Miller welders will be sent promptly upon request. Also available
are free copies of “A Full Line of Fine Welders” — a booklet illustrating and describing all our welders.

SURO SGERH ciecreic MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. © Appleton, Wisconsin

Distributed in Canada by Canadian Liquid Air Co., Ltd.. Montreal
For details, circle No. 7 on Reader information Card
880 | SEPTEMBER 1960
a ——

Installation of continuous-welded rail laid in March 1960 on prestressed concrete ties

Research and Development of

Continuous-Welded Rail

lead to present extended use of welding by many American railroads.

More than one-half of new rail being laid this year has welded joints


Everyone is familiar with the clickety click of rail tion movement of rail in track with changing atmos-
joints. However, only those concerned with the pheric temperatures (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).
maintenance of railway track realize that this Accepting jointed track as a practical necessity,
clickety click of rail joints, although somewhat un- every effort was made to reduce the undesirable
pleasant to the ears of passengers, is primarily
objectionable because of the additional maintenance
work which the rail joint entails. As a matter of
fact, with modern air-conditioned and insulated pas-
senger cars the clickety click of rail joints is scarcely
audible to passengers. However, the cost of tamping
and maintaining rail joints represents a substantial
proportion of the cost of track maintenance.
In the early days, rail was rolled and cut to 30 ft
lengths, which was later increased to 33 ft and still
later to the current 39-ft lengths. There were
several reasons why it was thought necessary to
have rail cut to lengths and bolted together in track.
One was the practical aspects of manufacture and
handling in the mill. Another was the shipping of
rail in cars, it being considered necessary to have a
length for which a sufficient number of cars would
be available. The third reason was, of course, the
necessity for providing for the expansion and contrac-
G. M. MAGEE is Director of Engineering Research, Association of Fig. 1—Measuring rail temperatures
RD SeEtion Seay OS with a thermocouple to determine the
Paper tot ted at AWS National Fall Meeting to beheld in Pitts
_—————« magnitude of the temperature stresses


features of rail joints as much as possible. This
included studies and use of end-hardened rail and
building up battered rail ends by electric and gas
welding. Also, heat-treated joint bars were used and
facilities were provided for reforming and reheat-
treating joint bars when the fishing surfaces became
worn to where they no longer provided a tight fishing
fit. When a good rail-joint condition could no
longer be maintained by the combination of applying
reformed bars and building up battered rail ends, the
rail was removed from track and a length of 12 to
18 in. cropped from each end, depending upon the
length of joint bar used, to remove the battered
and worn ends. The rail was then redrilled and
reused in track, and a reasonably good joint condi-
tion restored. This method of maintenance, how-
ever, required periodic tightening of joint bar bolts,
building up of battered rail ends by welding, and
finally the cost of removing, cropping and relaying
the rails.
In the early 1930’s, there was conceived the idea of
welding the rail together in track in one continuous
length between insulated joints in order to eliminate
the disadvantages of rail-joint maintenance. Welded
rail had, of course, been used in paved track on
Fig. 2—Measuring the temperature strains with ‘ o-~ Ss
a Berry strain gage. A temperature-compensated street railways for many years. However, it is
bar was used asa reference likely that the first installation of continuous-welded

South End Distance in Fail Lengths from South End North End
0O- 10 2 30 40 $0 C0 70 $0 90 0 IO I
x —-_ /'n J K5NIWN 543 ~
NS 0 [
8 va
S 4r¥r
1S) +
& [2

~ /3-19°F

/3- 19°F
Fig. 3—Change in length in terms of stress between summer and winter temperatures in the test mile of con-
tinuous welded rail on the Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad laid in 1937 (base 53° F)

882 | SEPTEMBER 1960

rail in open track in the United States was made on intermittently together to produce the preheating
the Delaware and Hudson Railway near Albany, and arcing together with the final pressure required
N. Y., in 1933 (Fig. 4). In this installation, the rail for making the pressure welds and shearing the upset
for approximately 6000 ft of track between insulated
joints was continuously welded, using thermit-
type welds.
The rail was laid at about a mean of the tempera-
ture range so the buckling forces in summer and the
tensile forces in winter would be approximately
balanced. In order to provide adequate restraint
for the rail so that it would neither buckle in sum-
mer nor open too wide if a rail breakage occurred in
winter, it was considered necessary to fasten the
rail securely to each crosstie. This was done with a
special-type tie plate and rail fastening. This
fastening known as the M&L type rail fastening,
consisted of a special tie plate which was fastened to
the crosstie with screw spikes, and an ingenious
arrangement of spring clips and clip bolts was used
for clamping the rail to the tie plate. This first
installation was followed with interest by railway
engineers generally, but the special rail fastenings
involved not only a considerable added first cost,
but also presented the problem of keeping the many
screw spikes and clip bolts tight. Also, the cost of
the thermit welds was quite high and the combina-
tion of the two involved such an increase in cost per
mile of track that the economy of the continuous-
welded rail was questioned as well as the safety
The D&H continued their interest in continuous
welded rail and, in 1937, the first electric flash welds
were made using equipment developed by Sperry
Rail Service Co. in collaboration with General
Electric Co. This equipment was mounted on
flat cars to comprise a rail-welding train. It
included two steam turbo generators for producing
the high-amperage welding current required and
auxiliary current for operating lights and grinders. - ‘
a . ne ¥ oe - + "
A large resistance flash-welding unit (Figs. 5 and 6
Fig. 5—Rail resistance flash-welding machine
was provided for clamping the rails in accurate mounted in a special car
relative elevation and alignment and moving them
Fig. 6—Closeup of flash-welding machine showing the
heated zone preliminary to pressure being applied

Fig. 4—Installation of continuous-welded rail on the

Delaware and Hudson near Albany, N.Y., laid in 1933
metal from the base. Grinding equipment was rail in track, it was necessary to do the welding at a
used for removing the remaining upset metal result- central location and this posed a problem of moving
ing from the pressure weld (Fig. 7). A postheating the continuous-welded rail into track. This was
unit stress relieved and partially normalized the solved by welding the rails in 20-rail lengths or 780
completed weld. With this equipment it was found ft and placing these rails on a string of flat cars.
possible to produce a weld much superior in strength It was found that as many as 12 welded lines of rail
and ductility to the thermit welds, and, also, to could be placed on the cars at one time and handled
increase greatly the production rates per day and successfully around curves and turnouts to move
lower the cost of making the welds. them from the welding site to the track location
Since the welding unit could not be used to weld (Fig. 11). The unloading of the raii was handled in
a very simple manner by merely fastening the end of
the rail to the track and pulling the train out from
F under it (Fig. 12). The rails were unloaded along
each side of the track on the outer shoulder and
moved into position with a rail-laying crane. The
flash-welded rails, 780 ft in length, were then joined
in track with thermit welds to give a continuous-
welded rail between insulated joints. By the end
of 1937, the D&H had installed a total of about 40
miles of continuous-welded track, mostly with the
flash welds joined with the thermit welds and using
the M&L type rail-fastening construction.
The Bessemer and Lake Erie installed a test mile
of continuous-welded rail on their main line near
River Valley, Pa., just outside of Pittsburgh.
The welds were all thermit welds, and the rail
fastening used was a type introduced from Ger-
many, referred to as the GEO type construction.
Here, again, the continuous-welded rail was fastened
to each crosstie and, in this construction, the tie
plate was fastened to the tie with screw spikes and an
unique clip bolt and clip each side of the rail was
used to secure the rail to the tie plate. This con-
struction again involved the added first cost and
maintenance expense for the special rail fastenings,
coupled with the high cost of the thermit welds.
Fig. 7—Special grinding equipment used to remove At about this same time, there were a few experi-
the upset metal to restore the rail contour mental installations of continuous-welded rail with

Fig. 8—General view of double-line oxyacetylene-pressure-welding installation

ry fGe


Fig. 9—Closeup of oxyacetylene-pressure-welding equipment. Fig. 10O—Equipment somewhat similar to the welding
The rail is heated by multiple tips completely surrounding the unit is used to normalize the weld and relieve any
rail section and oscillating back and forth until a forging tem- stresses caused by weiding
perature is reached, at which time upsetting pressure is
applied by the machine

the welds made with the hand-held acetylene weld- ground at a selected location rather than on flat
ing torch. In these installations, the conventional cars (Fig. 8). The welding machine was provided
type of rail fastenings were used. The Central of with means of adjusting the height of the rail ends
Georgia installed approximately '/, mile of welded and holding them securely in line, also applying
rail in October 1937, the Great Northern installed pressure to make the forging weld. Multiple
two '/,mile lengths in December 1939, and the acetylene tips completely surrounded the cross sec-
Southern placed */, mile in September 1938. The tion of the rail and these were oscillated a short
Great Northern laid one mile in 1937 with thermit distance, back and forth, lengthwise of the rail
welds. until the rail ends were brought up to the desired
During this same period, the Oxweld Railroad forging or welding temperature. After leaving the
Service Co. conceived the idea of making pressure- welding unit, the weld was moved to a second
butt welds using multiple oxyacetylene tips for machine where it was reheated above the critical
bringing the rail up to a pressure-welding tempera- temperature to refine the grain structure and provide
ture in lieu of the electric-resistance heating (Fig. 9). stress relieving (Fig. 10). Subsequently, the welds
Considerable work was done and equipment was were ground on the head and base to remove the upset
soon developed and placed in service. In May or bulge metal so they can be used in track without
1939, approximately mile of continuous-welded interference with the tie plates or with the wheel
rail was installed by the Chicago Great Western treads.
using the oxyacetylene-pressure-welding process After completing the welding on the D&H in
and somewhat less than '/,-mile length on the 1937, no further use was made of the flash-welding
Chicago and Illinois Midland Railroad. In 1943 equipment and this was sold to a railway in South
and 1944 the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern installed over America. There was, however, a gradual increase
15 miles of continuous-welded rail using the gas- in use of the gas-pressure-welding equipment.
pressure-welding process and later laid the longest This method was used to weld rails in road crossings,
continuous length of welded rail in the United tunnels and through-station platforms; to join two
States, 19,812 ft. In the EJ&E installations, che tie or three lengths into 78- or 117-ft rail; and to make
plates were fastened to the ties with ordinary cut several additional experimental installations of
spikes with a spring rail clip and a hook bolt which continuous-welded rail in open track on various
could be inserted into the punched-line-spike hole of railroads. During this period, emphasis was placed
the tie plate to fasten the rail to the tie plate, and upon means of reducing the cost of making the welds
the ordinary type of cut spike was used to fasten by improving the grinding and finishing equipment
the tie plate to the tie. This was a much less- and using double lines of welding to get more efficient
expensive form of rail fastening than the earlier utilization of manpower. As a result, a point was
used M&L and GEO fastenings, and, in conjunction reached where the oxyacetylene-pressure weld could
with the lower cost of making the gas-pressure be made at a cost less than that of a new rail
welds, began to get the first cost of continuous- joint and this was, of course, aided by the continually
welded rail down within economic reach. increasing cost of manufacture of rail joints, track
The general principle of the oxyacetylene-pressure bolts and spring washers. Also, several courageous
weld was quite similar in principle to the electric- railroad engineers had made experimental installa-
resistance flash-welding equipment. However, the tions of continuous-welded rail, using the conven-
oxyacetylene equipment was mounted on _ the tional cut spikes for securing the rail to the tie and


question and the answer simply is that the rail is
restrained so that it cannot expand or contract
lengthwise. This restraint is provided by the joint-
bar friction at the ends and by the accumulated
restraint from successive ties. The AREA Special
Committee on Stresses in Railroad Track made com-
prehensive studies for a period of several years on a
D&H installation at Schenectady beginning in 1936
and on the Bessemer and Lake Erie installation
beginning in 1937. In these observations, the move-
ment of the continuous-welded rail at various points
throughout its length was observed for different
temperatures throughout the year. Also, Berry
strain-gage readings were taken at the same loca-
tions and temperatures (Fig. 2). Observations on
both of these installations showed that between
winter and summer there was some movement at
the ends of the welded stretches and this movement
extended back from the end for a length of approx-
imately ten rails (Fig. 3). Between these limits of
10-rail lengths from each end, the intermediate
portion of continuous-welded rail showed no move-
ment, indicating that throughout this length it was
completely restrained. From the measurement
, Ag ; of stresses at the end, it was possible to determine the
amount of joint restraint that came from the
aos frictional resistance to slipping the rail ends within
¢ ? > 3 the joint bars, as well as the amount of restraint
that was added by consecutive ties along the track;
¥A from these data, it was then possible to form an
Fig. 11—Transporting the lengths of continuous-welded rail estimate of the amount of restraint afforded by each
around curves in mountain territory on the Santa Fe railroad anchored tie. If the joint restraint and the tie
restraint are known, it is possible to compute the
rail-end movement and the temperature stresses
within the rail for any change in temperature above
drive-on type rail anchors for providing the necessary and below the laying temperature.
restraint lengthwise of the track to avoid sun The amount of force required to restrain a cross-
kinks and excess openings of the rail in the event of a sectional area of 1 sq in. of rail through 1-deg tem-
rail breakage in winter. With the increasing cost of perature change may be very simply determined by
manufacture of rail joints, and the increasing cost of multiplying the coefficient of expansion by the
labor man-hours for rail-joint maintenance in modulus of elasticity of rail steel or 0.0000065 times
conjunction with the decreasing cost of making gas- 30,000,000, which is equal to 195 psi. The total
pressure butt welds, and the conclusion from experi- force required to restrain the entire cross section of
ence that continuous-welded rail could be used the rail through 1-deg temperature change may be
without the expensive fastenings of the rail to each determined by multiplying 195 psi by the cross-
tie as used in the earliest installations, the use of sectional area of the rail. For 132 RE rail having a
continuous-welded rail became economically at- cross-sectional area of 12.95 sq in., this is approx-
tractive. In 1955, the Santa Fe Railway really imately 2500 lb per ° F temperature change. The
fostered the use of continuous-welded rail by laying amount of tensile stress that will be developed in
one half of the new rail mileage that year with the rail in wintertime may, therefore, be deter-
continuous-welded rail; in subsequent years, all of mined by multiplying the change in temperature
the Santa Fe mileage, or substantially all, has been between the laying temperature and the lowest
so laid. At this same time, flash-butt-welding equip- rail temperature in winter by 195 psi. For example,
ment was introduced from Europe so that, since if the rail is laid at a mean temperature of 65° F and
1955, continuous-welded rail laid in track in the drops to 10° below zero, the tensile stress developed
U. S. has been fabricated by both the electric-flash in the rail will be approximately 15,000 psi. This
and oxyacetylene-pressure-welding processes. temperature stress is, of course, additive to the
flexural stresses developed in the rail by the passing
Theory of Welded Rail wheel loads. In the summertime, the total buckling
One of the first questions that everyone asks force developedin the rail may be determined by
about continuous-welded rail is, ““What do you do multiplying the change in temperature from the
with the expansion?” This is, of course, a good laying temperature to the highest rail tempera-

886 | SEPTEMBER 1960

ture by 195 psi times the cross-sectional area, or, in Developments in Welding Technique
the case of 132 RE rail, 2500 lb. Thus, if rail is
laid at 65° F and attains a maximum rail tempera- In September 1937, arrangements were completed
ture of 140° F in summer, as may well happen on a for a cooperative investigation of various methods of
hot sunshiny day with little wind, the total buckling butt welding to be used in making continuous-
force developed in the 132 RE rail would be 187,500 welded rail between the Association of American
lb. The rail is thus held in track as a long spring Railroads and the Engineering Experiment Station
with this compressive force existing throughout its of the University of Illinois. This investigation
length and it must be kept in place by the track included two types of hand-made gas-fusion welds,
fastenings. Assuming that the lengths of contin- two types of thermit welds, the electric-flash-butt
uous-welded rail are butted tightly against each weld and the gas-pressure weld. Rolling-load
other when the rail is laid, there will, of course, be no machines were used to subject the welds to the con-
longitudinal restraint required in summer other than centrated bearing pressures and internal stresses
that transmitted from the pressure of abutting rail resulting from the contact pressure of passing wheel
ends. loads and, at the same time, the welds were subjected
The amount that the rail ends will move and the to repeated flexure in which the top part of the rail
gaps open at rail joints connecting the lengths of varied from zero to maximum tension. It was found
continuous welded rail may be determined if the in this rolling-load test that any defects in the welds
joint restraint and tie restraints are known. This resulted in the development of transverse progres-
amount of rail-end movement may be readily com- sive fractures. Also, complete physical tests were
puted from the following formula M [((F — J)*S] carried out on welds made by the six different
2TAE. In this formula, M is the rail-end move- methods. In these tests, the electric-flash-butt
ment in inches, F is the total force in pounds required weld and the gas-pressure weld were outstanding in
to fully restrain the rail, J is the rail-joint restraint their performance, and the test indicated that butt
in pounds, S is the spacing between anchored ties, welds made by either of these processes were sub-
T is the average tie restraint in pounds per tie per stantially as good as the rail itself. The thermit
rail, A is the cross-sectional area of rail in square welds gave good strength under static tests but would
inches and £ is the modulus of elasticity of rail steel not stand the 2,000,000 cycle repeated-load test in the
in pounds per square inch. If we assume a joint rolling-load machine without developing transverse
bar restraint of 75,000 lb and a tie restraint of 600 progressive fractures generally from pockets be-
lb with each consecutive tie anchored, then for the tween the head and web of the rail. The gas-fusion
132 RE rail and a 75° F temperature drop below the welds gave very poor performance in the rolling-
rail-laying temperature, theoretically the rail ends load test.
would move 0.55 in., giving a rail-joint gap between Further developments in the welding technique
the lengths of continuous-welded rail of 1.10 in. have continued since that time. As previously
Actually the joint gap opening provided by regular stated, the original equipment for making the
rail joints is */, in. and any opening beyond this electric-flash-butt welds was not used after 1937
amount can be obtained only by bending the bolts, for making welds in the U. S. However, in 1954
which is, of course, not a desirable condition. electric-flash-butt welds were made for test purposes
Experience has shown that the joint-gap openings using European-type welding equipment. This
between lengths of continuous-welded rail are not equipment was basically similar to that used for the
this much. The joint restraint can be increased D&H welds except for some change in the heating
by keeping the bolts very tight and tests have shown cycle and elimination of any postheating. These
that the resistance of ties to movement in the welds were subjected to rolling load, slow-bend
ballast is not uniform but increases with the amount and drop tests and were found to be quite
of movement. Thus, the tie restraint toward the satisfactory. There are now three different types
end of the sections is probably greater where the of electric-flash-welding equipment being used in
amount of rail movement is greater. Also, data the U.S. The general principle of operation of all
are not available on the resistance of ties to move- are similar although there are some variations in the
ment in the ballast in coldest winter when the ties details of construction. In some of the machines,
may be and probably will be frozen in the bal- shears are provided which remove most of the ex-
last section. However, some roads have found cess upset metal after the flash welding is completed
it desirable to insert a short rail between sections (Fig. 7). A further refinement on some of the
of continuous-welded rail, which provides for equipment is the installation of automatic recording
charts to give a complete record during each weld
3/, in. movement of each rail end without bending
of the amount of welding current, time of applica-
bolts. This short rail has other advantages in that
tion, the upsetting pressure and the amount the rail
it facilitates adjustment if it is found necessary to length is shortened by the upset.
lay the rail at a higher or lower temperature than the Generally, the performance of electric-flash welds
mean and, also, facilitates repair if a rail break occurs in track has been very good. There have been
in the continuous-welded rail, the replacement of only a relatively few failures experienced, taking
insulated joints, etc. into account the large number of welds now in serv-


ice. What few failures have occurred have been accomplished in a simple manner prior to the
due generally to a faulty contact between the elec- welding by butting the rail ends together and run-
trodes and the rail resulting in a burned area and ning a wide saw-blade cut through the juncture
thermal cracks at the railsurface. Rail steel is a high- between the two rails. There have also been
carbon steel and is quite subject to thermal cracking. some weld failures due to so-called popouts. It
There have been a few failures also due to the heat- has been found that, if the oxyacetylene flame goes
ing or pressure not having been sufficient to squeeze out before the welding is completed, any rail-end
out all of the original rail-end surface. One of the surface exposed to the excess acetylene in its heated
advantages of the electric-flash weld is that the rail condition will form a bluish carbide on the surface
ends do not require special preparation and any which will not subsequently make a weld bond. It
foreign substances or rust on the rail-end surfaces is recommended that, where popouts occur, the rail
can be burned off by the arcing or squeezed out be recut and rewelded. As with electric-flash
from the pressure applied. There have also been a welds, there have also been a few failures with
few failures with the electric-flash welds where the gas-pressure welds where the grinding is forced
grinding was either too severe resulting in thermal to the point that thermal cracks develop and
cracks or the welds were permitted to cool before where small pipes are in the rail prior to welding.
the finishing grinding was completed, also resulting There has also been some further development
in thermal grinding cracks. It is general practice work done on thermit welds. This type of weld
to polish the weld around the entire rail cross has an advantage in that it can be done on rails
section with a grinder and to examine the weld area in track. However, welding techniques developed
with magnetic-particle inspection to locate any to date have not produced welds as satisfactory as
cracks or defects in the weld. There have also been the pressure welds, and the cost of making the
a few failures due to the rail containing small pipes thermit welds is also considerably higher. The only
which were not detected prior to or while making developments of note in the hand or manual butt-
the weld. welding techniques have been in the introduction
As previously stated, the principal development of enclosed-arc welds. Some tests made at the Re-
in the oxyacetylene-pressure welds has been to ex- search Center on welds produced by this method
pedite the production and reduce the over-all cost have shown some promise. However, considerable
of making the welds. Investigations have been development work remains to be done, and there is a
made at the AAR Research Center on two phases of question on the economy of such welds compared to
gas-pressure butt welding. Initially the welds were the pressure welds. This method, too, has the
made leaving the bulge on the bottom of the rail advantage of being able to be carried out on existing
base. This interfered with tie-plate bearing when rails in track.
the butt welds would come over a tie in track.
Slow-bend tests, drop tests and rolling-load tests Laying in Track
were made on gas-pressure butt welds with the bulge The laying of continuous-welded rail in track
left on the base and with the base bulge removed by has not been found to present any serious problem.
grinding. There appeared to be no significant re- Generally, today, rails are welded in lengths of
duction in strength by removing the bulge, and, in approximately 1500 ft and laid in track joined with
fact, the fatigue of the welds appeared to be some-
what improved due to elimination of the stress
concentration effect that accompanied the bulge on
the bottom of the base. The other investigation in-
Table 1—Track Miles Laid Each Year
cluded a study of the benefits of the normalizing pro- From 1933 to 1959, Inclusive
cedure which had been used in the gas-pressure-weld-
ing procedure. Here again slow-bend, drop and roll- Track Track
Year miles miles
ing-load tests were conducted on gas-pressure butt
1933 ‘ 33.05
welds made with and without the normalizing, and 1934 : 50.25
no significant difference in strength and performance 1935 , 37.25
of the weld was found. In fact, the normalizing 1936 : 40.00
produced a longer heat-affected zone in the rail than 1937 ‘ 80.00
existed without it. Consequently, several roads 1939 , 87.00
1942 . 266 .50°
have now discontinued the practice of using the 1943 ’ 451.43”
normalizing which has resulted in a further decrease 1944 ; §50.12°
in the cost of making this type of butt weld. 1945 3 460.247
The performance of gas-pressure welds in con- 1946 ; 1070.57°
tinuous-welded track has also been very good. 1947 . 3262. 37
Only a relatively few failures have developed. Of
these, some have been due to improper cleaning of
@ 72 miles were electric-flash butt welded.
the rail ends. With this type of welding, it is neces- > 89.10 miles were electric-flash butt welded.
sary that the rail ends be free of impurities and € 159.65 miles were electric-flash butt welded.
4 312.13 miles were electric-flash butt welded.
rust and be almost perfectly parallel. This is € 619.92 miles were electric-flash butt welded

gs8 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Fig. 12—Method of unloading two lines of continuous-welded rail from the special flat cars by holding the ends of the rail and
pulling the train out from under them. A special trailing unit is used to guide the rails onto the roadway shoulder

conventional type of bolted-rail joints. Some at a time. Today, usually, only the conventional
roads place a short rail with two joints between each type of drive-on anchors or spring clips are used with
length of continuous-welded rail, and a short rail cut spikes for securing the ral and t e plates to the
with a rail joint each side of an insulated joint. ties. The cost of laying continuous-welded rail is
This practice provides for more expansion movement not considered to be appreciably different from that
at the ends of the continuous-welded rail and also of laying regular jointed track. The increasing use
facilitates maintenance work as previously stated. that is being made of continuous-welded rail in the
It is general practice to use rail clips or drive-on- U. S. is well shown in Table 1, which gives the track
type anchors to restrain movement of the rail miles laid each year from 1933 to 1959, inclusive.
in either direction on every tie for 6-rail lengths at Early this year, two interesting service-test instal-
each end of the continuous-welded rail and, at the lations were made with continuous-welded rail on
intermediate rais, only every other tie is anchored the first prestressed concrete ties that have been
to restrain movement in both directions. An effort installed in the U. S. These sections are each '/,
is made to lay the rail at a mean temperature, but mile in length and one is on the Atlantic Coast
this is not always effected as t is not practical to Line near Rocky Mount, N. C., and the other on the
assemble and disassemble rail gangs for only Seaboard Air Line Railroad near Tampa, Fla.
those periods during the day when the ra 1 tempera- (see lead photo). Although it is not known, at
ture is at the desred amount. There have been this time, to what extent prestressed concrete ties
some instances of sheared bolts in rail joints where may become practical and economical to use in the
the welded rail has been laid at high temperatures United States, nevertheless because of their much
during the summer, as well as some few cases of slight greater weight and the firm fastening of the rail to
buckling or sun kinks where the rail has been laid at the tie that is afforded by the bolts and rail clips
too low a temperature in the winter. In general, used, the prestressed concrete ties do hold some
however, such experiences have been of little impor- attraction for use with continuous-welded rail
tance. Flat cars equipped with special rollers from the standpoint of preventing sun kinks and
are used for transporting the rail; these are han- holding rai from excessive opening in the event of
dled from the welding site to the track either in rail breakage in the winter. However, the ex-
special trains or in regular trains. Generally, the perience in the U. S. during the past 25 years has
rail is unloaded by fastening one end to the track demonstrated well that continuous-welded rail
and pulling the cars out from under it (Fig. 12). can be used satisfactorily and safely with treated-
A special trailing car is sometimes provided with wood ties and the type of rail fastenings now in
guides for supporting the rail between the end of the general use in the U. S.
car and the ground and guiding it to the desired
position along the track. It has been found that Acknowledgment
rail-mounted or off-track cranes can be used readily The illustrations used as Figs. 5-12 have been
to snake the rail over into position in track a portion supplied by the Santa Fe Railway.


Rebuilt overhead crane lifting a 40-ton vessel

The addition of cover plates to the existing structure, and a change

in the pinion and worm gear, are involved in successfully

Rebuilding a 20-Ton Box-Girder Crane

to a 45-Ton Capacity


sYNopsis. The author’s company was faced with the Further study indicated that by arc welding the addi-
problem common to many other companies these days, tional cover plates with low-alloy high-strength elec-
namely that of getting a job which was too heavy or too trodes, the project would be economically feasible; as a
large to handle with the available equipment. This result, it was decided to go ahead and complete the job.
particular job consisted of fabricating a riveted box
girder, for a highway bridge, which weighed about 44 Problem
tons, and the heaviest overhead crane was rated at only
20 tons. The Engineering Department made a check In redesigning the crane girders, it was found that
on the design of the 20-ton crane runway, located in the they were sufficiently strong to carry the 44-ton load
steel-storage shed where it had been anticipated to but, being riveted, the top °/\,-in. cover plates were
finish building and to load the heavy girder. This check unsupported by the diaphragms. The concentrated
showed that the runway was strong enough to carry the
44-ton load. The Engineering Department checked the wheel loads on the rail, which are transmitted
hoist and it was found that, if achange in the pinion and directly to the °/,.-in. cover plates, were too great for
worm gear were made, along with adding cover plates to a safe design (see Fig. 1).
the riveted box girders on the crane, the latter could be In order to assure a safe structure, it was found
rerated at 45 tons. necessary to add top cover plates of */, in. thickness.
YOST T. SMITH is a Welding Engineer at Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co., A '/.-in. continuous fillet weld was required to con-
Milwaukee, Wis.
nect the two cover plates (see Fig. 2).
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29, 1960 The length of these box girders on the overhead

890 SEPTEMBER 1960

ren Loao

A. as

Fig. 2—Added */,-in. cover plate welded

to strenghten original riveted design


Fig. 1—Unsupported top cover plate in the riveted design

gt Weer Loan —

crane was a little more than eighty feet, and it c ah.

was feared that the '/,.-in. fillet welds on the sides of
the */,;-in. cover plates would cause great damage 4
to the riveted box girders due to the resultant Fig. 3—Redesign showing wheel loads being transmitted
shrinkage and distortion. There were visions of
rivets shearing and losing all the camber plus putting
in an undue amount of negative camber. size, the welding department struck upon the idea of
The problem in the welding department was to going to high-tensile weld metal which is readily
find a way to reduce the weld size to help minimize available through arc-welding electrodes. The
the shrinkage problem, and still apply the equivalent allowable safe load on a '/;-in. fillet weld is 4800 lb
of the '/.-in. fillet which was deemed necessary to per lineal inch which is based on a 60,000 psi tensile-
connect the two cover plates (see Fig. 3). strength material. By going to an E11018 elec-
trode, which provides 110,000 psi tensile strength,
Welding Department Approach the weld size could be reduced to a */;,-in. fillet weld
After thinking of many ways to reduce the weld and could be made in one pass in the horizontal posi-

Fig. 4—Additional cover plates welded in place on crane girder

tion. The heat input would be much less and the Shrinkage in a weldment is a function of the cross-
shrinkage would be minimized proportionally. The sectional area of the weld to the cross-sectional area
calculation involved is as follows: of the weldment. That is, as the ratio of the cross-
»-in. fillet weld = 4800 lb/lin in.\ Based on 60,000 psi sectional area of the weld to the cross-sectional area
is-in. fillet weld = 3000 lb/linin.{ tensile material of the weldment increases, the shrinkage will also
110,000 psi , 1.83 x 3000 increase. Reducing the weld size from a '/:- to a
60,000 psi ~ | 8 Ib/lin in. = */is-in. fillet reduces the cross-sectional area of the
5500 Ib/lin
In. weld from 0.125 to 0.049 sq in. This is a reduction
of 2'/, times; therefore, the shrinkage reduction
This shows that the °/,,-in. fillet weld with the should be in the order of 2'/, times less.
E11018 electrode has an additional safe load of 700 lb
per lineal inch over the '/,-in. fillet weld which was Cost Saving
required with the E6015 electrode.
The immediate cost saving resulting from the
It will be noted that the tensile strengths were
change from E6015 electrodes to E11018 electrodes
used in the above calculation; yet, the strength of
was in the order of 33'/;%. The 387 feet of welding
fillet welds are based upon the shear strength. No
took 38 man-hours to complete, which is an average
data were available at the time on the shear strength
of a little over ten feet per hour for the °/,.-in. fillet
of the E11018 material. It is safe to assume that
weld. The welding speed for the '/.-in. fillet weld
shear strength is proportional to the tensile strength
would have been six feet per hour for that particular
and, for this reason, the tensile strength value was
job. A break-down of the cost is as follows:
used in the calculation. This type of reasoning is
contrary to a version of the old saying that a “chain 387 ft of '/:-in. fillet @6fph = 64.5 hr
387 ft of °/,.-in. fillet @ 10 fph = 38.7 hr
is no stronger than its smallest link.”’ Here, the 387 ft of '/;-in. fillet @ 0.83 lb/ft = 321 lb of E6015
smaller link was merely made stronger by putting in electrode required
some higher-strength material. 387 ft of */i-in. fillet @ 0.36 lb/ft = 139 lb of E11018
electrode required
Distortion or shrinkage was the first concern in Material weld rod 321 lb E6015
this case and was checked by measuring the over-all @ 0.18 = $57.80
length of the girders before and after welding. The Direct labor 64.5 hr @ 2.40 = 155.00
Overhead @ 150% 232.00
length of each girder was 80 ft 9 in. and it shrank Material weld rod 139 lb E11018
about */,,in. This is equivalent to a shrinkage of @ y 0.45 = $62.50
0.002 in. per foot, an amount which has little effect Direct labor 38.7 hr @ 2.40 = 93.00
Overhead @ 150% 139.00 294
on the rivets. Immediate saving $150
Or $150/$444 80 = 0.338 33.8% saving

The immediate saving, derived from the use of
E11018 arc-welding electrodes in place of E6015
electrodes, can be multiplied many times if one takes
into consideration what the cost would have been if
the crane girders had to be taken down. This would
have been a must in order to reinforce the girders
through riveting, or else build a lot of “false work”
to support the girders.
This saving would be in the order of thousands of
dollars. As it was, the total direct labor charged to
reinforce this crane, which meant taking down the
trolley, changing the gear ratio, welding the */,-in.
cover plates, rails and replacing the trolley, only
amounted to $921.
Figure 4 shows the */,-in. cover plates and rails
welded in place. Figure 5 is a picture of the crane
lifting the 44-ton box girder, which it was rebuilt to
do. The large vessel in the lead photo weighed
about 40 tons and it was lifted the same day with the
crane, which gave further proof that the redesign
problem was successful.
The author wishes to thank Van T. Coddington,
Howard Mortensen, Alfred Jurevics and Robert
Walbridge for their help, constructive criticism and
Fig. 5—Rebuilt crane lifting a 44-ton box girder assistance in the writing of this paper.

992 | SEPTEMBER 1960

cnn chan tee statesmen tn taatinalana


World's largest submarine, TRITON, leaves her building ways to enter her element

Welding of Triton,

World’s Largest Nuclear-Powered Submarine

involves many diversified operations ranging from heavy multipass welds on hull plating

to minimum-size deposits on small-diameter reactor-instrumentation tubing


On Aug. 19, 1958, Triton, the world’s largest her advanced electronic and radar equipment, she
undersea craft, slid down the building ways at can be used as an off-shore listening post, radioing
General Dynamics’ Electric Boat Division in Groton, back warnings of approaches by air, on the surface
Conn., before a crowd of 34,000 people (see lead or under the sea.
photo). This ship, which represents the latest The unbelievable accomplishments of the Triton’s
design and fabrication techniques in the construction famous predecessors are well known. Nautilus
of atomic submarines completed her builders’ trials a and Skate both traveled under the North Pole ice
few months ago and is now a commissioned ship in pack and Seawolf established a record by staying
the U.S. Navy. submerged for 60 days. Likewise, the Triton has
The Triton’s purpose is to be a radar picket already written naval history by remaining sub-
scout in the far fringes of a Navy task force. With merged while traveling around the world in 84 days.
The Triton dwarfs her famous predecessors.
G. W. KIRKLEY, JR., is Research and Development Engineer, General She is 66 ft longer than any other U. S. submarine
Dynamics Corp., Electric Boat Division, Groton, Conn
and her displacement is twice that of the 3000 ton
Paper presented at AWS 4ist Annual Meeting held in Los Angeles
Calif., Apr. 25-29, 1960 Nautilus (see Fig. 1).



Fig. 1—TRITON’s 447-ft length dwarfs the famous NAUTILUS

Fig. 3—Receiving inspection by ultrasonics. The boundary

MAIN DECK SUPERSTEUCTAE of 24-in. squares are searched first. Then the
grid diagonals from corner to corner are examined.


Fig. 4—Vertical bulkhead configuration including a tank

New Design Concepts

Fig. 2—A typical submarine cross section and how One of the important “firsts” of the Triton were
the forces of gravity and buoyancy tend to her two reactors. ‘These twin reactors incorporate a
raise or lower the ship
number of major design advances in efficiency and
refueling techniques.
A submarine is an extremely complex weapons She is the first to be designed with three decks.
system. As a result, a welding program is quite All previous A-boats have been strictly two-level.
diversified. Hull plating may require heavy multi- The Triton is the first with a dial telephone system
pass welds while hundreds of feet of small-diameter throughout, monitored by a 40-line switchboard.
reactor-instrumentation tubing only require a min- Other submarines use simple sound-powered phones.
imum size deposit. Regardless of the material As can be imagined, with the many “firsts” of the
involved or the size of the deposit, all submarine Triton, she presented many design and fabrication
welds must be of the highest quality. challenges for the welding engineer.

894 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Hull Subassemblies
As hull plates were received, they were inspected
for thickness and internal laminations or inclusions.
Figure 3 shows an ultrasonic reflectoscope in use.
Impulses of ultrasonic vibrations are introduced into
the material by means of a searching unit contain-
ing a quartz crystal. When the vibrations are
interrupted by an internal defect, or by the far
side of the plate, they are reflected back and appear
on a screen as vertical indications along a square-
wave marker. By proper interpretation of these
pulses, discontinuities are shown.
Hull plating was purchased to Navy Specification
MIL-S-16113B Grade HT—high tensile. Chemistry
and mechanical properties are shown in Table 1.
In the fabrication of the Triton, first the vertical
Fig. 5—Two mechanically driven cutting torches were used bulkheads were prefabricated as subassemblies.
to make hull-plate weld preparation Bulkheads are designed as structural members, as
well as for separating the ship into watertight
The Triton’s hull is of 100% welded construction. compartments. Figure 4 shows a typical bulkhead
For the most part, the only mechanical type con- for the Triton. The bulkhead proper (Mark 1
nections are her deck hatches and torpedo tube was made up of several plates. The outside di-
doors. ameter was oxygen cut oversized to allow for any
All submarine welding is fusion welding. In the weld shrinkage and subsequent fitting to the hull
welding of the Triton’s hull, both the manual cylinders. Generally, welding began in the center
shielded metal-arc and the automatic submerged-arc and progressed outward in all directions simultane-
processes were used. Her reactor and steam piping ously. The horizontal girders (Mark 2), the panel
were welded using a combination of the inert-gas- stiffeners (Mark 3) and floor stiffeners (Mark 4
shielded tungsten-arc and the metal-arc processes. were next partially joined by tack welding. These
Copper tubing was silver brazed. The heavy lead pieces were then finish welded by controlled welding
shielding around the reactor compartment was cast techniques to minimize distortion and residual
and welded by lead burning. stresses.
Almost 400,000 lb of welding filler metal, in some All other stiffeners and plating were similarly tack
50 to 60 different sizes and alloys were required to welded for alignment and then finish welded using
join the Triton’s hull and internals. the same controlled techniques. The lower portion
of this particular bulkhead incorporates a tank.
Diving and Surfacing The bulkhead diameter is over 35 ft.
The Triton is made up of a hull within a hull (see
Fig. 2). The thicker internal hull is the pressure Inner-hull Subassemblies
hull, or that portion that is designed to withstand Simultaneous with the fabrication of vertical
full submergence pressure. The outer, and some- bulkheads, the Triton’s inner or pressure-hull
what thinner, hul] forms the ballast, negative, trim cylinders were also being fabricated as subassemblies.
and drain, and other various tanks with the inner The first step in the fabrication of inner-hull cylinders
hull. It is by controlled flooding and blowing of was the oxygen beveling of each of the four edges of
tanks that the submarine is able to submerge and the three plates that made up a cylinder. The plate
rise.' edges intended to be fitted and welded together to
The two opposing forces operating on a submarine form the longitudinal seams of a cylinder were
are gravity, which tends to sink the submarine, and unsymmetrically double beveled so that the larger
buoyancy, which tends to float it. Relative volumes portion of the bevel was on the outside of the
of water or air in the ballast tanks determine which cylinder. This was to allow for the majority of
force is greater. In order for a submarine to float welding to be accomplished on a positioner by auto-
on the surface, there must be a condition of positive matic welding.
buoyancy. For submerging, there must be a Figure 5 shows a double-beveling machine prepar-
condition of negative buoyancy. If the boat is to ing a symmetrical bevel on plate edges intended to
stay in a state of suspension, a condition of neutral be the ends of the cylinder and, hence, to be joined
buoyancy is established. A submarine is set for by butt or circumferential welds. Since these
negative buoyancy only at the start of submergence. welds were made in the fixed position on the build-
With the dive once started, the craft is brought to a ing ways by the manual metal-arc process, a sym-
condition of neutral buoyancy so that its depth can metrical bevel was used. Two oxygen-cutting
be controlled by the ship’s motors and diving torches were positioned at the proper angle, one
controls. trailing the other by several inches. Both were


Fig. 6—Coild bending one of the three plates
that formed each hull cylinder. Man in back-
ground is checking curvature against template
Fig. 8—Adding tee frames as stiffeners to the
inner-hull cylinders. The welding machines were
stationary and the cylinder was rotated

te 7-4

Fig. 7—Submerged-arc welding of longitudinal inner-hull Fig. 9—A large diameter inner-hull section with tee frames.
seam. The heavy temporary I-beam spiders used to hold the The man gives an indication of TRITON’s size
close circularity tolerance are shown in the foreground

mounted on a power-driven carriage traveling at a erection spiders and aligning rings. As can be seen,
predetermined speed, depending on the thickness of the plates were held to hull diameter and circularity
the plate to be cut. by tack welding temporary aligning clips to the hull
After oxygen beveling, the three hull plates were plates and erection spiders. Where a_ vertical
cold bent on plate rollers to form a circular inner- bulkhead was incorporated into a hull cylinder, the
hull cylinder (Fig. 6). These recently installed prefabricated bulkhead was lowered onto a single
rollers, which weigh 375 tons are the largest ever rolled plate; next, the other two plates and tempo-
built and required 10 railroad cars to transport rary erection spiders and aligning rings were put into
them from their point of manufacture to our plant place.
in Groton, Conn. The underside of this unsymmetrical joint was
Figure 7 shows the inner-hull cylinder sub- welded first by the manual metal-arc process. Due to
assembly ready for depositing the submerged-arc the obstruction of the temporary erection spiders, it
portion of the longitudinal weld seams. The three was not possible to weld both sides by the sub-
rolled plates were positioned around the temporary merged-arc process. All manual metal-arc hull

896 | SEPTEMBER 1960

welding on the Triton was performed by electrodes of the web, the machines were alternated and
complying to the requirements of Table 2. After welding was completed by the deposit on the opposite
back chipping to sound metal from the outside, the side. A previously completed longitudinal seam is
cylinders were positioned as shown with weld visible under the white painted line running the
seams in the flat position, so that the major portion length of the cylinder. The latter weld was made
of the deposit could be made by the submerged-arc with the cylinder stationary and the welding head in
process. Also shown in Fig. 7 are the tracks used to motion along guide rails. In the welding of tee
guide the welding head, the temporary “start-up”’ frames to hull cylinder, the reverse technique was
and “run-off” tabs at each end of the weld groove used; the welding heads were held stationary and the
and the flux recovery unit. The number of progres- weldment was moved under the arc. Figure 9
sions of the welding head depended on plate thick- shows a large-diameter inner-hull cylinder with tee
ness. frames added.
The next step in the prefabrication of the Triton’s
inner-hull section was the addition of external tee Keel Laying
frames as stiffeners to the outside of the cylinders. While the vertical bulkheads, inner-hull cylinders
The web of the tee frames were symmetrically and tee frames were being fabricated as subas-
double beveled by oxygen cutting and fitted around semblies, the flat plate and vertical keels were also
the outside of the inner hull. Welding was ac- being prefabricated (see lower portion, Figure 10).
complished with the setup shown in Fig. 8. Two In conjunction with keel fabrication, the first
submerged-arc welding machines were operated outer-hull plate, or A strake, and floor frames were
simultaneously on adjacent frames. Welding wire welded to the keel. This subassembly was then
was fed into the bevel at an angle of 22 deg from moved by cranes to the wooden keel-blocks on the
horizontal. After welding was finished on one side building ways during the-keel-laying ceremony.
Without fanfare, the Triton’s keel was laid on
May 29, 1956. She was launched 27 months
Table 1—MIL-S-16113B—High-tensile Steel later.
Chemistry, % The vertical keel was slotted to allow for the
C, 0.18 max external framing of the previously fabricated inner-
Mn, 1.30 max hull cylinder when it was landed on the keel. Filler
P, 0.040 max plates were added to the vertical keel in the area of
S, 0.050 max
Si, 0.15-0.35 the cutouts to make the structure watertight.
Cu, 0.35 max
Ni, 0.25 max Building-ways Construction
V, 0.02 min Construction progressed as additional prefabri-
Ti, 0.005 min
Cr, 0.15 max
Mo, 0.06 max Fig. 1O—TRITON's keel configuration. It is generally be-
lieved that the keel is the first construction assembly of a
Mechanical properties ship. Actually, prefabrication was going on many monthsin
Ultimate strength—85,000 to 92,000 psi, depending on advance of TRITON’s keel-laying ceremony
Minimum yield point—42,000 to 50,000 psi, depending on
Minimum longitudinal elongation—20%
Minimum transverse elongation—16-20%, depending on

Table 2—MIL-E-18038—Type MIL-8016 Low-hydrogen High-

tensile Electrodes
Chemistry, %
C, 0.12 max
Mn, 0.40-1.10
P, 0.03 max
S, 0.04 max
Si, 0.05-0.06
Ni, 0.25 max
V, 0.05 max
Cr, 0.15 max
Mo, 0.05 max
Mechanical properties
Ultimate strength—80,000 psi min (stress relieved)
Minimum yield strength—70,000 psi (as-welded and stress
Minimum elongation—20% in 2 in. (as-welded and stress
Charpy V-notch impact—20 ft-lb at 0° F
Brinell hardness—180-205 (as-welded and stress relieved)
cated hull cylinders were moved onto the building
ways. The centermost hull cylinders were landed FRAMES » ome
first and then alternate forward and aft cylinders
followed. The upper portion of Fig. 11 shows the TANK SECTIONS |
welding sequence for the first three inner-hull butt
welds. Each butt weld was made by pairs of
operators working diametrically opposite each other
using manual stick electrodes deposited in a sym-
metrically double-beveled joint. Figure 12 shows
these welds in progress. Since the Triton’s build-
ing-ways fabrication was done outdoors, the tempo-
rary plywood house around the inner-hull butt
welds was necessary to protect the welding operators
as well as localize the 100—200° F preheat and inter-
pass temperature. No postheat treatment was
All welds were deposited by the block sequence.
Welding started on the inside of the cylinder and a
full circumference was deposited to a depth of '/;
in. Block length and space between blocks was
about 18 in. After back gouging from the opposite Fig. 11—The sequence of butt welding cylinders. Starting
side to sound metal, '/; in. of weld was similarly amidships, cylinders were welded together alternating for-
deposited from the outside of the cylinder. Then ward and aft. The lower portion shows the transverse fram-
ing between the inner and outer hull
the weld was completed by operators depositing
blocks simultaneously on the inside and outside.
By this technique, shrinkage was uniform and
the cylinders were aligned to the true centerline of
the ship. To minimize residual stresses in the
area of the keel, no inner-hull cylinders, except for
the first landed, or amidship cylinders, were welded
to the keel until hull butt welding was completed.
As the inner-hull cylinders were joined to each
other, additional outer-hull plates were welded to
the keel and A-strake assembly. As was previously
mentioned, the inner hull was prefabricated as
a series of cylirders and, therefore, the work could
be positioned and welded in the flat position. The
outer hull, however, was added plate by plate over
the building ways. Welding was in a fixed position,
ranging from overhead, while working on the
plates near the keel, to horizontal and to flat, as
more plates were added. In the fabrication of the
outer hull, butt welds were made first, then longi-
tudinal welds were deposited by working from the Fig. 12—At the left, a TRITON hull butt
previously made butt welds. The joint geometry weld is in progress under the plywood house
of the outer-hull plating was a symmetrical double
vee. Welding was done from both sides, simulta-
neously, to control distortion. As additional outer- Fig. 13—A land-based submarine was constructed for
hull plates were built up from the keel, transverse the AEC to prove out TRITON’s reactor and engine room
frames were welded to the inner and outer hull
see lower portion, Fig. 1). To maintain alignment J .
and to balance stresses, transverse frames were
first tack welded to temporary jigs around the GZ
curvature of the hulls. To make these welds, the
operators had to work in the area between the two
hulls. Each transverse frame was considered as a
separate attachment and, as such, was given the
same careful attention to welding details as were the
heavy inner-hull welds.
Hull Inspection
All longitudinal seams and circumferential butt

a98 | SEPTEMBER 1960

welds in the Triton’s hull were radiographically these tests are conducted at extreme angles of roll
inspected for their entire length. Where practical, and pitch.
inner-hull butt welds were radiographed using a Figure 14 shows a typical schematic diagram of a
cobalt source and a panoramic camera. By this reactor compartment.'! A nuclear reactor such as
technique it was possible to locate the source on the this is usually referred to as a thermal reactor
centerline of the ship and make one exposure for the because the nuclear fission produced occurs in the
full circumference of the weld, over 100 ft. low-velocity thermal-energy range. Heat is con-
veyed from the pressurized-water reactor to the
Reactor Compartment
boiler heat exchanger through the primary-coolant
To prove out the Triton’s twin-reactor concept of piping. The steam energy generated in the heat
nuclear design, a prototype of the reactor compart- exchanger is delivered to the Triton’s turbines by the
ment and engine room was built for the Atomic secondary or steam piping system.
Energy Commission near General Electric’s Knolls The Triton’s reactor is regulated by the insertion
Atomic Power Laboratory in Schenectady, N. Y. of control rods made of hafnium, a metal which has
(Fig. 13). This “‘land-based” submarine prototype a high neutron-absorption characteristic. When
has been valuable in the prediction of the Triton’s the control rods are inserted, the hafnium absorbs a
performance. It is presently “steaming along’ large portion of neutrons which slows down the
under full nuclear power, giving new information in reaction. It should be noted that the control rods
the field of reactor technology. do not stop the reaction, but only regulate it. On
The atomic-submarine hull must not only be board the Triton, for example, the reaction is never
able to withstand the tremendous pressure of great stopped now that it has been started. The Nautilus
submergence depths, but it must also be designed for steamed more than 60,000 miles before the uranium-
the extreme shock of depth charges. To prove out 235 fuel pellet—no larger than a golf ball—had
the machinery, components are subjected to a sufficiently diminished in power to necessitate
series of tests simulating shock conditions. Often refueling.

Ou ent ap(rtm
STOP verve Nuclear Fabrication
In the installation of the Triton’s two reactors and
SECOMBARY STAs SrETER the fabrication of her nuclear-piping systems, close
control of every element of fabrication was necessary.
All piping systems in her reactor compartments do
not carry radioactive material; however, much of
the auxiliary piping and components are within close
proximity of radioactivity. Obviously, if such
equipment fails in service, the job of repairing is
extremely difficult because of the time required for
radiation to decrease to a tolerable level. The best
= COM 4aT Omer maintenance for a nuclear system is preventive
BOG EF “EA ( eCmance® _— PR MARY™ COQ ant maintenance. It is essential that the original
PASSES TePOuUGe TUSES installation is fabricated by highly skilled personnel
Pmmeamy and that their work be checked with the most
(0Ftm)ant advanced quality-control] methods.
PE ACTOR COMPAR TENT As was true of the Triton’s hull material, the
first step in the fabrication of her reactor compart-
Fig. 14—TRITON's pressurized water-reactor complex
ment was inspection of piping as it was received
Figure 15 shows a section of small-diameter pipe
Fig. 15—Small-diameter nuclear piping being inspected being internally examined by a boroscope which,
for internal and external surface conditions. To the rightis by a series of lights and mirrors, allows the bore to be
TRITON’s large-diameter primary-coolant piping
examined for tears and finish requirements. The
other inspector is examining the outside of the pipe
by the fluorescent-light method for laps or tears.
A complete record of each piece of pipe is main-
After passing receiving inspection and bending in
the Pipe Shop, the pipe went to the “clean room.”
All pipe that was to become part of the reactor
system was fabricated under surgically clean condi-
tions. Dirt- and scale-free pipe, such as used in
commercial high-pressure steam systems, is con-
sidered as “grade C” cleanliness. Reactor pipe is
“grade A.”’ Figure 16 shows this same pipe as it



goes through a cleaning cycle of trisodium phos-

phate and an alkaline cleaner with a wetting agent.
This was followed by a tap, water rinse and finally a
demineralized water rinse.
From here the pipe went to the “clean welding

4 wl
area.”’ All personnel in this area must wear clean
uniforms and footwear. Every piece of equipment
used by the mechanic is continually cleaned.
Vacuum cleaners are used twice a day, even on the
walls. The building is so constructed that a slight
pressure can be maintained inside at all times to
insure that no dust can come in from the outside.
Consumable-insert Welding
The Triton’s reactor piping system is austenitic
stainless steel. The conventional method for butt
welding pipe is to utilize a backing ring placed at the
inside diameter of the pipe ends. This ring is used
Fig. 16—Prior to assembly all nuclear pipe to support the initial, or root-pass, weld while
went through a rigid cleaning cycle itis molten. For nuclear work, this type of configu-
ration is undesirable because of the inherent crevice
between the backing ring and pipe where radio-
active material can become entrapped. If mainte-
nance work is necessary, even though the system is
flushed, a radioactive “hot spot’? would remain
between pipe and backing ring. Also, as is true of
any pipe welding, there is the possibility of weld
cracks emanating from the notch effect created at the
mating of backing ring and pipe ends. An extensive
program was undertaken to develop a welding method
for depositing this critical root pass so that the back-
ing ring could be eliminated.* This technique is
known in the welding industry as the consumable-
insert method for root-pass welding. *
Figure 17 shows a comparison of the two methods.
Fig. 17—The lower pipe weld was made by the conventional
backing-ring method. Because of the crevice between the
backing ring and pipe ID, this weld is not acceptable for nu- Fig. 19—In small-diameter nuclear piping, consumable-
clear service. The other weid, which eliminates the crevice, insert welding also reduced the
was deposited by the consumable-insert method weight and cost of fabrication

FOR WALL ese sere ¥4" AND ABOVE

a "a7

” r
.000" To.015" For 2" 3/4" ANO |" SITES Butt Welded
System a a rc* re “Fe ae : p> , 4 1” Sch. 60
Butt Welded
Fig. 18—Joint design for consumable-insert welding Elbow
of austenitic stainless-steel pipe

900 | SEPTEMBER 1960 1” Sch. 80 Pipe ONLY 1 WELD

1 Weld & Coupling
Consumable-insert welding is a method whereby a shows a comparison of these two methods of pipe
material of proper composition and cross section is welding.
preplaced between pipe ends. The consumable
Nuclear Inspection
insert and the pipe ends are then completely fused
at the root of the weld bevel by the inert-gas tung- After consumable-insert welding the root pass,
sten-arc process. The resulting weld nugget is the weld bead was examined by the liquid-penetrant
smooth and uniform and without the troublesome method (Fig. 20). Here, the inspector is applying
crevice on the pipe ID. An advantageous feature the red-dye penetrant. After being allowed to
of this particular method of no-backing-ring welding penetrate into any small fissures that may be in the
is that gravity has little, if any, effect upon the weld, the dye is cleaned off, and a white powder is
molten puddle and, consequently, the method does dusted on. This powder has an affinity for the red
not rely on pressure inside the pipe to support the dye, drawing it out to the surface. The resulting
molten puddle. fine red lines which may appear on the white back-
Figure 18 is the joint geometry used for austenitic ground denote cracks. At this point, the weld was
stainless steel and certain other alloys. After root- completed by the manual metal-arc process (Fig.
pass welding, the joint is finish welded by the con- 21).
ventional manual metal-arc process. Final inspection consisted of radiographic ex-
The Triton’s specification allowed pipe sizes 1 amination and a second dye-penetrant inspection.
in. and below to be welded as a socket welded system. Figure 22 shows a typical submarine reactor-
One requirement for socket welding is that a space piping complex. The paper tapes on each side
of '/3: to '/1 in. be left between the pipe end and the of the welds denote the various stages of inspection
bottom of the socket fitting to allow for movement that have been completed. It can be seen that there
of the parts due to weld shrinkage. This require- is very little straight pipe in this arrangement of
ment is particularly important in austenitic stain- main-coolant pumps and check valves. Many
less-steel systems because of the high coefficient of fittings are at odd angles which means special
thermal expansion. Experience has shown that with- forgings.
out this space, cracking will occur through the Bimetallic Welding
throat of the weld upon cooling. But, on the other
All nuclear-powered submarines are equipped with
hand, this built-in crevice is an ideal radioactive
heat exchangers to provide for emergency cooling of
“hot spot.” By consumable-insert welding of the primary-coolant flow. The possibility of such a
these systems, not only were the cracking pos- condition existing is extremely remote, but even the
sibility and the “‘hot-spot”’ condition eliminated but, unexpected must be provided for. Naturally, the
on straight runs, one weld and the cost of the socket most available coolant for a submarine heat ex-
coupling was also eliminated. Figure 19 graphically changer is sea water. Therefore, the emergency

Fig. 20—Root-pass welding was followed Fig. 21—Welder working in the ‘‘clean
by a dye-penetrant inspection area’’' completes the weld
heat exchanger must be of a material suitable for welds. The approach used at the author’s plant
sea-water service. For this particular application, was an all-welded assembly. Figure 23 shows the
Monel was chosen. Since primary-coolant piping configuration which proved to be most successful.
is austenitic stainless steel, joining presented a A section of 5-in. diam annealed bar stock was
problem because of the dissimilar metals. The used for the Monel plug. Prior to welding, the right
problem was compounded by the fact that in the end of the plug was square cut and the left end was
area of the material transition, though the non- rough machined with a 37'/.-deg weld bevel and an
operating temperature is ambient, when the hot extension to fit into the stainless-steel sleeve. The
primary-coolant flow is diverted through the heat stainless-steel sleeve was square cut on the left end
exchanger at near reactor temperature, an extreme after being rough machined from annealed-bar
thermal shock occurs. stock. The right end had a 37'/.-deg bevel to
To meet these arduous service conditions, a make up the total included angle of 75 deg. The
number of nuclear-equipment fabricators made weld bevel was machined to a sufficient depth to
Monel to stainless-steel transition assemblies for allow for the removal of at least '/,. in. of the weld-
thermal-shock testing. Some were mechanical root pass when the finished ID of the assembly was
joints, while others were mechanical with seal machined.
A closely controlled welding proeedure was
employed. The electrodes used were Ni-Cr-Cb-
Mo according to specification MIL-E-17496, Type
MIL-4N1A, */3. in. diam. All welding was done in
the flat position using a stringer-bead technique.
Wherever the arc was broken, the crater was ground
off. Each weld layer was also ground smooth to
facilitate dye penetrant examination. At the begin-
ning of the weld-development program, it was
believed that if the fit between the Monel plug
extension and the ID of the stainless-steel sleeve
was kept to a maximum of 0.005 in. at a point,
the propensity for cracking of the root pass would be
reduced. In practice, this was not the case. It
was felt that due to the differential in thermal-expan-
sion coefficients of the materials, the two pieces
tended to seize at the mating surfaces, and the
induced restraint caused root-pass cracking. By
increasing the fit-up to 0.010 to 0.015 in., the pieces
evidently were able to move during root-pass
welding, and cracking was reduced.
After radiographic acceptance, the assembly was
Fig. 22—Because of space requirements, finish-machined to the dimensions shown. Final
many specially forged fittings were required acceptance was based on a_ hot-dye-penetrant
examination and hydrostatic testing.
¢ The all-welded bimetallic assemblies proved
a "gq hoor OPENING WHILE TACKING superior after hundreds of thermal shocks and the
a - a?>. = additional test requirement of inducing mechanical
PINAL MACHINENOD LONE aw stresses and simultaneously imposing mechanical
shock blows.
Subsequent to thermal- and mechanical-shock
testing, procedure-qualification test welds were
sectioned for metallographic and mechanical test-
ing. Metallographic examination of both unetched
MONEL 36008 030 and etched specimens revealed no cracks, fissures
or other defects. Mechanical testing by root and
face bends was satisfactory. All tensile specimens
. exhibited ductile failures in the Monel base material.
re Welds fabricated to the above procedure are now
PO used on all nuclear-powered submarines.
4" SCH.I20 1. Rush, C. W., Chambliss, W. C., and Gimpel, H. J., The Complete
2. Risch, 1’. A., and Dehna, A. E., “Consumable Insert Method of
Fig. 23—A special method for bimetallic welding was Root Pass Welding,” Tue Wetoinc JouRNAL, 33 (7), 670-679 (1954).
3. U.S. Patent 2792490. May 14, 1958. Issued to General Dynamics
deveioped to meet stringent service requirements Corp.

9022 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Percussion welding, as defined by the AMERICAN
WELDING SocIieEty, is “a resistance-welding process
wherein coalescence is produced simultaneously
over the entire area of abutting surfaces by heat
obtained from an arc produced by a rapid discharge
of electrical energy, with force percussively applied
during or immediately following the electrical dis-
Applications of this process vary in:
1. Type of power supply.
2. Method of initiating the arc.
3. Method of producing the welding force.
This paper will deal primarily with the percus-
OUND DEADENING sion-welding process employing:
1. Low voltage from an alternating-current trans-
former as the power supply.
2. Some type of arc starter-such as a nib.
3. An electromagnetic system to develop weld

Fundamentals of Percussion Welding

The percussion weld has been shown, by means of
high-speed motion pictures, to occur as the result
of passing a very heavy current through a small
projection which keeps the two parts to be welded
separated. At the instant of current flow, the pro-
jection is heated so rapidly that it explodes and sends
molten particles of the projection out from between
the weldments at a high velocity. The presence
of the molten particles of the projection is thought
to assist in the formation of an electric arc which
Fig. 1—Early percussion-welding machine progresses over the surfaces of the weldments.
The heating effect of the electric arc is responsible
for the melting of the parts over their entire contact
surface. After the surface melting has taken place,
it is essential that the parts be brought into inti-
~ . mate contact under a forging pressure, at the proper
e rcu >» S$] Oo nm time, in order to complete the weld.
During the welding operation there are three
W ; e potential hazards which must be given considera-
elding ton
1. The noise level produced is high, similar to
the firing of a 12-gage shotgun.
. . 2. Weld flash or expulsion of material could be
Using Magnetic Force dangerous to anyone in the near vicinity of the
welding machine.
. 3. When welding some materials, such as silver
—/ Production Process cadmium oxide, highly toxic vapors are released.
The noise level and weld flash are minimized by
a sound deadening chamber (Fig. 1) around the
that appears to be capable of weld area. The chamber should have a movable
aj rn in door to permit loading and unloading of the parts.
producing, very economically, a The toxic vapors, if present, can be drawn off by
high-quality full-area weld the addition of an exhaust system.
A typical percussion-welding job is shown in
ROBERT F. MANNING is Manufacturing En-ineer and JEROME B
WELCH is Process and Manufacturing Engineer with Cutler-Hammer,
BY ROBERT F. MANNING Inc., Milwaukee, Wis.
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in
AND JEROME B. WELCH Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29, 1960


‘O70 DIA. Fig. 2. It is desired to weld the silver-cadmium
contact to the copper contact bridge with a full-
.035 HEIGHT area weld. Figure 3 shows a close-up of the machine
that is used to make this weld. The sequence of
+COPPER operations is as follows:
1. Both parts are loaded 1n the machine.
2. Parts are clamped in position.
3. “Start” button is energized.
(a) The force shaft is brought into position, pro-
viding an initial pressure on the parts.
(6) One-half cycle of weld current starts to flow.
As soon as this current reaches the critical magnitude,
the arc-starter projection explodes, initiating an
electric arc between the two parts.
(c) The arc progresses to the periphery of the
parts to be welded, heating their surfaces to the
fusing temperature.
ae CONTACT (d) The same current, or an independent current
having the proper time relation, flows through the
winding of the force gun producing a magnetic
force on the force shaft. The force is generated at
approximately the same time as the occurrence of
the arc, forcing the two parts together, thus quench-
ing the arc.
4. Weld is completed and parts can be removed
from the machine.
Figure 4 is a sketch showing the relation of some
Pp of the components of one of the earlier percussion-
welding machines. The air cylinder is used to provide
an initial pressure, through the force shaft, on the
AFTER WELDING parts to be welded. The initial pressure, usually
\ A
in the range of 20 psi, is necessary to establish a
Fig. 2—Typical percussion-welding
job current path through the arc starter.
The welding current is introduced into the parts
through the clamping jaws, therefore they should
be made of a relatively low-resistance material.
Since the clamping jaws are close to the weld zone,
they are subjected to both erosion and build-up by
the weld flash. The weld flash is expelled from the



| |
| |
| ~\
os 4
cLamps— —- —} —
Fig. 4—Relation of some of components of one of
. Close-up of Fig. 1 earlier percussion welding machines

904 | SEPTEMBER 1960

weld zone at high velocity and attacks anything in starter dimensions. It should be noted that once
its path, eroding some sections of the tooling and the machine is adjusted for a particular arc starter,
building up on others. To minimize erosion and a small variation in the arc starter could cause a
build-up, the clamping jaws should be applied as far poor-quality weld. Some examples of arc-starter
from the weld zone as possible. All surfaces still design and dimensions are shown in Fig. 5.
in the area of the weld zone should be sloped to
prevent direct impingement by the weld flash. Voltage and Current
The use of proper alloys for the clamping jaws can In percussion welding, as in other resistance-
further minimize the erosion problem. welding processes, it is necessary to establish and
The major variables encountered in this process maintain the desired magnitude of voltage and
are the ones which affect the performance of the current for the required weld area. This is de-
electric arc. They are: termined by the design and capacity of the welding
1. Physical size of the projection used as an arc transformer and the impedance of connections to the
weld zone. The transformer should be of low im-
2. Magnitude of voltage and current. pedance with the secondary voltages higher than
3. Arc time. commonly found in resistance welding.

These variables must be designed to be compat- Arc Time

ible with the material and weld area required. It Arc time can be considered as the time beginning
is worthwhile to examine each of these variables in with the explosion of the arc starter and ending
detail. when the two parts are brought together and the
Arc Starter arc is quenched. Magnetic-force percussion welds
are made in less than '/, cycle of a 60 cps alternating
The arc starter is usually in the form of a resist- current; consequently, the timing between the in-
ance-welding projection, with diameter and height itiation of the arc and the magnetic force becomes
developed for each application. The diameter of very critical.
the arc starter must be such that it will not collapse The arc time is a function of:
under the initial pressure and still not be large enough
to carry the weld current. The arc-starter height 1. Magnitude of magnetic force.
is critical as it determines both the gap between 2. Timing of the magnetic force with relation to
the two pieces to be welded and the arc voltage neces- weld current.
sary to explode the arc starter. 3. Inertia or mass of the moving parts in the force
The more recently developed machines can be system.
adjusted to compensate for some variations in arc- 4. Height of the arc starter.
5. Magnitude of weld current and diameter of
arc starter.
ARC STARTER DATA The diameter of the arc starter determines the
aT I] PROJECTION OR ARC STARTER magnitude of the weld current and the point in the
T 1/, cycle at which the arc starter explodes. The
| ON MASS end magnitude of the magnetic force is thought to be
| ee important as an accelerating agent to provide the
TO OXIDE G30108 CHI oe required follow-up, with total force considered a
05 DIA. —* ae — 8 ,,
BASS \\ L4 secondary factor. Acceleration is directly pro-
— portional to the magnetic force applied and in-
versely proportional to the mass encountered.
Earlier production machines (Fig. 3) had the force
coil in series with the parts to be welded. This
type of machine has been used in production for
TUNGSTEN several years and is still being used for certain type
welds. The acceleration is controlled by proper
design of the moving parts with respect to mass and
COPPER TO SILVER by varying the magnetic air gap. The air gap is
the distance between the armature and the stator or
force coils.
COPPER TO SILVER Recent developments have shown that it is worth-
while to have an independent force current so that
the magnitude can be varied without affecting the
COPPER TO SILVER weld current. This is accomplished by using two
independent transformers, one for the weld current
and one for the force current. The force current
energizes the force gun which is designed with a
Fig. 5—Some examples of arc-starter design and dimensions minimum amount of friction (see Figs. 6 and 7).


— a

Sey Ms Ee
“Ra P Sy

Fig. 7—Close-up of Fig. 6

Fig. 6—Recent percussion-welding machine
Fig. 8—Cross section of percussion weld. Cadmium silver
The acceleration or follow-up, with the two- contact to copper alloy. X 250. (Reduced by 60%
transformer system, can be controlled by adjusting upon reproduction)
the magnitude of the force current and thereby
provide a duration control for arc time. This type
of machine is much more versatile and can be ad- Figure 8 shows a cross section of a percussion weld
justed for a wider range of full-area welds than was between a cadmium-silver contact and a copper
available in the earlier single-transformer machines. alloy. The cross section indicates a good full-area
A percussion weld may be considered as a direct- weld. The alloy layer and visible heat-affected
current welding process since the weld is completed zone are very thin. The temperature of the weld-
within '/; cycle of a 60 cps alternating current. In ment has not been raised above the annealing tem-
some cases, the polarity of the two parts involved perature, therefore the metallurgical properties are
is of little importance. When joining certain dis- the same after welding as before.
similar metals, the polarity can have a marked After welding, there is some burn-off or reduction
effect on the quality of the weld. In general, it in thickness at the weld area due to the expulsion
can be stated that the same conditions prevailing of material while welding. The burn-off varies
in d-c arc welding are also true in percussion weld- with the area of weld and type of machine used to
ing in relation to polarity. Since this is essentially make the weld.
a direct-current process, the current is always pass-
ing through the transformer in the same direction Production Speed and Methods
and the transformer core can become partially sat- Production speeds are controlled primarily by the
urated and affect the weld quality. Consequently, loading and unloading time of the parts to be welded.
it has been found advisable to modify the electrical Earlier production welding machines had each
controls in such a manner as to provide a current part hand loaded into the machine. This was slow
pulse in the opposite direction to deflux the trans- but the tooling was simple and required minimum
former. This can be done during the loading time maintenance. This machine did much to prove
and prior to the weld time. In cases where the that a full-area weld could be economically produced
equipment is to be used to weld materials for which by the magnetic-force percussion-welding technique
polarity is of no consequence, the defluxer need not and that the quality of the weld could be consistently
be provided. controlled. The next steps in the development of

906 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Fig. 12—Percussion weld—'/; x 1'/i¢in.

To further increase production speed and also to

simplify tooling, a shuttle-type feed has been de-
veloped (Fig. 10). This type of feed is suitable for
automatic loading and, at present, is capable of
producing 3600 welds per hour.
Figure 11 shows samples of typical production
welds. All of these parts are cadmium-silver con-
tacts welded to copper alloys. Most of the percussion
welding at the authors’ plant is on these materials.
Silver-tungsten contacts are also being percussion
welded to copper alloys, and on an experimental
basis, tungsten tips to copper resistance-welding
electrodes. Other companies have _ successfully
welded many different combinations of metals.
Sometimes on larger-area welds it is necessary to
use more than one arc starter. Figure 12 is a cross
section of a large-area weld made between cadmium
silver and a copper alloy using two arc starters.
Fig. 10—Shuttle feed The dimensions of the weld area are '/2 x 1'/j in.
the process centered on increasing the production Magnetic-force percussion welding employs the
speeds and versatility of application. Later ma- use of a low-voltage a-c transformer and an electro-
chines were made more versatile by the addition of the magnetic force system. Weld areas of 0.04 to 0.56
independent-force current and by the development sq in. are being successfully welded in production and
of the lighter-force gun. Production speeds were the limits are still unknown. Since the actual weld
increased through utilization of dial feeds. Figure time is less than '/;» of a second, it is possible to
9 shows a dial-feed application capable of 2000 welds attain high-production speeds. Some _ burn-off
per hour. The parts are clamped in each station on occurs at the weld area and in most instances it is
the dial, and this clamping mechanism actually necessary to remove some flash. However, at the
becomes a part of the secondary loop of the trans- present time, magnetic-force percussion welding
former. Therefore, it is imperative that the im- appears to be a very economical method of produc-
pedance mismatch between stations be minimized ing a high-quality full-area weld.
to reduce weld variations. It is also important that
the dial feed be designed in such a manner that each Acknowledgment
station has a positive location under the force shaft. The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance
It can readily be seen that, although the dial feed of Precision Welder and Flexopress Corp., and the
can be used for good production speeds, the initial personnel of Cutler-Hammer manufacturing de-
designs and maintenance can become involved and partment lab., especially L. C. Occhetti and the
sometimes costly. photographer, Mrs. H. Ender.





Fig. 1—Organization of ilW

Intensified efforts in the investigation of radiographic, ultrasonic, penetrant and

magnetic-test methods are indicated by the

Activities ofp Commission V

—International Institute of Welding


The International Institute of Welding was founded societies of a scientific and technical nature devoted
in 1948 to promote and encourage the development to welding or allied processes. United States
of welding on an international level. By the or- member groups, which jointly compose the American
ganization of annual international meetings, it has Council, are the AMERICAN WELDING Society, Ship
promoted dissemination and exchange of scientific Structures Committee and the Welding Research
and technical information relating to welding re- Council. These are contributing members, and the
search and education. Increased attendance and AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY, in addition to the
participation in the international meetings are status of founder group, is at present furnishing
reflections of the growing importance of the Institute
which already has an important relationship to Radiographing boiler drum at Mannesman Steel Mills
UNESCO, the Union of International Engineering
Associations and the International Standards Organi-
A brief summary of the organizational structure of
the International Institute of Welding would be
informative at this point by reference to Fig. 1.
Firstly, the membership of the Institute consists of

R. A. PULK is associated with the United States Army Ordnance Tank-

Automotive Command, Detroit, Mich
Paper to be presented at AWS National Fall Meeting to be held in
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29, 1960

908 | SEPTEMBER 1960






Fig. 2—American rCouncil of IIW

a secretarial staff to the American Council of the

Institute. Organization of the American Council is
shown in Fig. 2. Operating under a permanent TITLE
general secretariat, management of the Institute Gas Welding & Allied Processes
is vested in a governing council consisting of a dele Arc Welding
gation from each member country. The Governing Resistance Welding
Council, in turn, elects officers of the Executive Documentation
Council from within its membership, for various Testing, Measurement & Control of Welds
terms of office. Terminology
Technically, the International Institute of Welding
is composed of fourteen commissions, each devoted
Hygiene & Safety
to a specific sphere of functional endeavor in the
welding field as shown in Fig. 3. Membership of Behavior of Metals Subject to Welding
each commission, in turn, is composed of one (1 Residual Stresses & Stress Relieving
delegate from each member country, who has a Pressure Vessels, Boilers & Pipelines
voting right in technical matters for decision, and Special Arc Welding Processes
experts who have no voting prerogative, but partici Fatigue Testing
pate in working efforts and discussions. The com- Welding Instruction
missions are administered by a chairman and a secre Fundamentals of Design & Fabric
tary. Correspondence and discussion are carried
nections of Technical Commissio
out in the two (2) official languages of the Institute
namely, English and French.
Fig. 4—Subcommissions of Commission V


oY I i l al


ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code

Fig. 5—Format of IIW radiograph standards, printed edition

t= 0.4 0.
& GAS CAVITIES AFNOR aoa-a04 /\://\ x,
e\/ «\
t=032 OS O08 125 20 32mm

Fig. 7—Penetrameters evaluated in |1!W comparison tests

Table 1—Grouping of Comparison Radiographs

Color The radiograph shows
Black A homogeneous weld or a weld with a few small
scattered gas cavities
Blue Very slight deviations from homogeneity in the
form of one or more of the following defects:
gas cavities, slag inclusions, undercut
Green Slight deviations from homogeneity in the form
of one or more of the following defects: gas
cavities, slag inclusions, undercut, incomplete
Fig. 6—Proposed format of gas-cavity sketch of IIW penetration
radiograph standard booklet
Brown Marked deviations from homogeneity in the form
of one or more of the following defects: gas
Commission V on “Testing, Measurement and cavities, slag inclusions, undercut, incomplete
penetration, lack of fusion
Control of Welds,” is presentiy operating under the
Gross deviations from homogeneity in the form of
chairmanship of Prof. G. A. Homes of Belgium one or more of the following defects: gas
with D. Kat of the Netherlands acting as secretary. cavities, slag inclusions, undercut, incomplete
The work of this commission, as shown in Fig. 4, penetration, lack of fusion, cracks
is concerned with inspection procedures for welds,
mechanical destructive tests, semidestructive tests
and nondestructive test methods including radiog- Radiography Subcommission
raphy, ultrasonics, magnetic particle and fluores- Of most immediate interest in the area of radiog-
cent penetrants. A great share of its effort is pre- raphy standardization are the current efforts by
dominantly concerned with nondestructive testing this group to organize and collect radiographic
and it is this sphere of activity that includes the standards for steel-weld inspection up to a thickness
work of the subcommissions on radiography, ultra- of 50 mm. The standard comparison radiographs
sonics and magnetic and penetrant methods. The are mounted by insertion on individual cards in-
activities of the subcommission on destructive tests corporating useful information pertinent to the
will not be treated. Individual task groups or indication. The collection is divided into black,
“working groups’”’ are established within these sub- blue, green, brown and red sections according to the
commissions under the technical direction of a magnitude of indication. It is interesting to note
‘Yeporter.” It is pertinent to note that U. S. that comparison radiographs obtained by gamma
members are assigned to the working groups on sources and megavoltage equipment are to be added
calibration of X-ray equipment and image quality for thicknesses of 30-50 mm. Approximately 1000
indicator evaluation, and to the subcommission on sets of these standards are now in use, and conse-
ultrasonics. The résumé and status of the working quently, issuance of a new set is not contemplated
groups in the field of nondestructive testing can be over and above moderate revision. However, con-
categorically reviewed. sideration is being extended to assimilation of infor-

910 | SEPTEMBER 1960

mation from current Dutch, French and Polish suggested equivalency value was not accepted.
proposals. Figure 5 is a duplication of the proposed Previously, considerable effort was expended by
format, showing gas cavities. Figure 6 includes a various workers in this subcommission to attempt
sketch of these indications. a practical comparison of indicators by radiography
In addition to the large collection, a printed edi- utilizing different indicators at various thicknesses.
tion, essentially intended for educational and training This work has resulted in publication of a compre-
purposes, is to be published. This small, nominally hensive report of these results, ‘‘Possible and Im-
priced publication, will incorporate 26 of the radio- possible in Radiography.” Basically, three indi-
graph standards with explanatory text in English, cators were evaluated: (1) the German DIN
French and a third language. Also, the booklet will 54110 wire-type indicator, (2) the French AFNOR
contain an explanatory introduction and sketches of 04-304 step-wedge indicator, and (3) the placque-type
cross sections showing the location of defects as seen ASME Boiler and Pressure Code penetrameter.
on the radiograph. These are shown in Fig. 7.
Table 1 herewith shows the division of the five This work incorporated exposures up to 31 Mev
color groups existing in both the complete set and and steel thickness of 20 to 120 mm. Briefly, the
booklet. results showed reasonable agreement between the
wire-type and the French AFNOR step-type and
Calibration of X-ray Equipment some basis for an equivalency factor. Concurrently,
Principally through the work of Italian, French, also, the commission recommended the use of these
English and Dutch investigators, efforts are being two alternate image-quality indicators as follows:
continued by this group to arrive at a satisfactory 1. The step indicator (AFNOR type) with steps
method of calibrating X-ray equipment and a means in a geometrical ratio of 1.25 increasing thick-
of specifying the output of the source in terms of ness, and holes equal to the step thickness.
quality and quantity of radiation. It is evident 2. The wire indicator (DIN type) with wires in a
that equipment of different manufacturers varies in geometrical ratio of 1.25 increasing diameter.
output because of differences in energizing circuits It is clear however, at this point, that no mutually
and self-filtration. Considering the parameters of acceptable equivalency value of these indicators
quality and quantity as both having an effect on the has been established.
exposure curve, it is well to specify the equivalent Since addition of U. S. members to this working
kilovoltage in terms of the energy of a monochro- group, consideration is now being extended to a
matic beam producing the identical radiographic complete evaluation of all image-quality indicators,
effort through a given thickness of material as the including the latest ASTM penetrameter accepted
beam under consideration. In the work of this group, by Committee E-7 of the ASTM in June 1959.
a method is being sought to obtain a relationship This has been incorporated into ASTM standards as
between the radiation quality and nominal kilo- tentative E142-59T. Basically, this standard, in
voltage at all values for the equipment. Having also addition to specifying penetrameter construction,
a knowledge of the intensity or quantity of radiation, establishes an “‘equivalent penetrameter sensitivity”’
the radiographic properties of the beam can be which reverts the level of inspection specified to
determined and a basis of selecting standardized the thickness of a penetrameter expressed as a per-
settings is established. Two essential approaches centage of the specimen thickness, in which a two-
to the methods for measuring the filtered radiation thickness hole would be visible under the same con-
are now being investigated—-namely, absorption by ditions. This equivalency is geometrically derived,
film and absorption by dosimeter. and therefore the proposal was offered by the Ameri-
can workers, concurrently with French colleagues, to
Image-quality Indicator extend this basis of reasoning to include all image-
Work in the field of image-quality indicators quality indicators. Admittedly, serious mathe-
penetrameters) is being done with two objectives: matical barriers arise in attempting a mathematical
1. Ultimate standardization and specification of approach to determining the equivalency factors
an image-quality indicator for pressure vessels. between a wire presentation and a hole image. How-
2. <A possible method for evaluating and deter- ever, a start is now being made in this direction by
mining the equivalency of image-quality indicators. this working group. The results will eventually en-
This working group is attempting to define sensi- compass practical subjective measurements and
tivity values for both the wire-type and step-type mathematical derivations based upon geometrical
indicators as applied to steel boiler and pressure- factors.
vessel examination. At the present time, no uni- Closely related to the work on the image-quality
versally acceptable image-quality indicator has been indicator is the program, only recently initiated, to
agreed upon by the International Institute of Weld- determine acceptance limits of weld quality in pres-
ing. Asrecently as July 1959, a proposal was offered sure vessels. A difference of opinion between dif-
to express the equivalency of the wire-type and ferent countries definitely exists on this score. In
step-type image-quality indicators for radiography some cases, the radiographic quality displayed by the
of welds up to 50 mm thickness. However, the black, blue and even green categories of the Institute


standards is acceptable. On the other hand, at least class of radiography, governing guide lines are offered
one country suggests extending the blue category for the four possible techniques:
collection to include a narrowing and refinement of 1. Film inside, source of radiation outside.
radiographic quality which would be acceptable in 2. Film outside, source of radiation inside.
pressure vessels. 3. Film and source outside (double wall, double
Radiography of Light-alloy Welds image).
4. Film and source outside (double wall, single
Work of this group has been directed along three image).
Specific instructions are given in this document on
1. Collection of comparison radiographs. such factors as film, screen, cassette, beam align-
2. Listing of typical defects. ment, scatter reduction, target-to-film distance,
3. Recommended practices for the radiography of radiograph density, tube voltage, and the image-
light-alloy welds. quality indicator. The document recommends the
With reference to the collection of comparison use of the wire- or step-type image-quality indi-
radiographs, approximately 100 radiographs have cators mentioned earlier in this paper.
been collected. Advantage will also be taken of the
Radiography of Steel-plate Welds
existing collection of the British Welding Research
Association. The collection, therefore, is by no Document V-6-57PE entitled ‘“‘Recommended
means complete. Concurrent with this effort is the Practice for Radiographic Inspection of Fusion
initial document production on the classification of Welded Joints for Steel Plates up to 2 in. (50 Mm)”
typical weld defects. has also been issued for free publication by member
The recommended practice for the radiography of societies. Here again, three classes of radiography
aluminum and magnesium joints of thicknesses are categorized, including a separate class for gam-
less than 50 mm is now freely published by the Inter- mography. As in the circumferential-weld docu-
national Institute of Welding. An interesting aspect ment, technique factors are outlined and recom-
of the proposed techniques resides in the contrast mended. Both the wire and step-type image-quality
control. For this purpose, it is specified that the indicators are also suggested for flat welds.
half-value absorption thickness of the radiation Film Characteristics
should not exceed 0.2 times the thickness of the
specimen. An intensive study is being performed to deter-
mine, evaluate, and tabulate the characteristics of
Radiography of Steel Circumferential Welds X-ray films on an international basis. Final docu-
The working group on this problem terminated its ments on this study have not as yet been issued for
efforts at the 1959 meeting in Yugoslavia with the publication.
recommended publication of document V-113-59-OE, Ultrasonic Subcommission Activities
“Recommended Practice for the Radiographic In-
spection of Circumferential Fusion Welded Butt The work of this subcommission has generally pro-
Joints in Steel Pipes up to 2 in. Wall Thickness gressed along the following lines:
(50 mm).” This is an extensive document which 1. Study and glossary of terms involved in ultra-
can be freely published by a member society such as sonics.
the AMERICAN WELDING Socrety. In this text, 2. Establishment of a reference block for ultra-
examination techniques are divided categorically as sonic testing.
Class A. A general technique for X-ray examina-
tion of butt welds in mild- and low-alloy
Class B. A more sensitive technique intended for
use with X-rays in special cases, or where
the Class A technique is unlikely to
reveal the defects.
Class C. A general technique for gammography.
Most cases, it is expected, could adequately be
handled by Class A techniques employing salt
screens. The Class B technique is intended where
a higher degree of criticality is necessary. It is
generally more costly, in that fine-grain films, lead oe
screens and consequent longer exposure times are
necessary. For the employment of radioisotopes in ép.= 25mm Plexiglas _e224,6mm
gammography, special techniques incorporated in Thickness Perspex
Class C are necessary. Within the limits of each Fig. 8—IIW ultrasonic-test block

912 | SEPTEMBER 12960

>creen-image for Radiogr aoph of slice Macro-etching Screen-image for
left-sice scan right-side scan

-_ —
Detail 25x
Fiaw-echo-envelope ——— Fiaw-echo-envelope
obtained during obtained during
scanning scanning

siice cut out

of the weid

Radiograph Result Uttrasonic Inspection

Fig. 9—Suggested |/1W instruction chart for ultrasonic-test standardization

3. Study of ultrasonic-test methods of different 2. To determine the level of sensitivity and main-
countries. tain its constancy during inspection.
4. Study of response curves in ultrasonics. To obtain reproducibility by proper adjust-
Ultrasonic inspection of light-alloy welds. ments determined with the block.
Ultrasonic methods for fillet weld, clad steel 4. To compare equipment for a given inspection.
and brazed tools. After considerable effort, based mainly upon
The nomenclature and glossary of terms involved comparison of two test-block types offered by the
in ultrasonic testing is incorporated in document British and Dutch respectively, a block conforming
V-C-4-58. This glossary contains over 250 terms essentially to that shown in Fig. 8 has been adopted
numerically cross indexed from German to French as an IIW recommendation. This block allows
to English. It is particularly useful as a means of determination of the following operating param-
terminology standardization and as a cross reference eters:
in interpretation of work involving ultrasonics by
1. Calibration of the scale on the scope.
multilingual working groups. The document is
2. Establishment of sensitivity.
divided essentially into three sections as follows:
3. Control of the “‘dead zone.”
1. Classification of terms grouped into general, 4. Resolution control.
materials, probes and methods of testing. 5. Time base linearity control.
Drawings to illustrate certain less obvious Beam index evaluation.
terms. 7. Angle of incidence.
3. Separate terminology lists of German, French Zero-point correction.
and English terms numerically cross indexed. Beam characteristics.
This document, in its present form, may be ob- This block is not ideally suited for a two-probe-
tained from the Institute de Soudure, Paris, France. technique calibration. The block, however, has
Reference Blocks for Ultrasonic Testing certain general advantages, particularly in thecalibra-
tion of single-probe techniques. ‘These include the
Investigations were begun in 1955 by a working direct reading of measurement without the neces-
group to study optimum design of a reference block sity for calculations and the sharpness of echo re-
for determining sensitivity of the testing apparatus sponse. In document IIW/IIS 23-59, therefore,
and to obtain duplication of technique for standardi- definite directions for establishing the settings and
zation purposes. In its final document on these control of the equipment and also the determination
tests, IIW/IIS-23-59, the purposes of the reference of probe characteristics are outlined. Equipment
block were cited as follows: calibration is accomplished with both transverse
1. To determine the characteristics of the appara- and longitudinal wave techniques, whereas probe
tus and probe. characteristics are determined with transverse waves.


Raeoge apn Reson Unrasome inepection This work has not been completed beyond the general
view that ultrasonic inspection of light alloys es-
sentially parallels considerations involved in in-
spection of steel alloys. At present, ultrasonic
methods for examination of flash butt welds in
bars of 40 mm diam are being investigated utilizing
a double-probe technique.
Magnetic and Penetrant Methods
Projected and continuing work of this group en-
tree? 2h) Sensivwity odjustment tails investigation of the following problems:
250 om | 2Me 68° 4286 tromnoiessen =~? §
230 =) deka oe '_42.Cot 0/2 ship dist|> 1. Magnetic inspection of subsurface defects.
2. Penetrant-inspection standardization.
3. Fillet-weld subsurface inspection.
4. Tubular-fillet welds and nonmagnetic fillet-
mittee Z-e unger co stene PResecres ——
NE THER AN -ENTRE FOR WE weld examination.
5. Clad-steel weld examination.
Fig. 10—Continuation of suggested chart for IIW . Stainless-steel weld surface and subsurface
ultrasonic-test standardization defect inspection.
. The inspection of root-run cracks in the par-
tially welded condition.
The work of Commission V on ultrasonic reference . The inspection of thin-walled small-diameter
blocks can be considered outstanding and complete. tube welds.
The results achieved should certainly be considered 9. Spot-weld examination.
in any attempts to standardize reference blocks in 10. Examination of welds and braze joints in non-
the United States. ferrous bar and wire.
Study of Ultrasonic Response Curves Each of the above problem areas is being con-
It is recognized that the determination and analysis sidered and investigated, not only from the aspect of
of a weld defect isolated by ultrasonics is essentially magnetic and penetrant methods, but also as areas
a matter of technique (dependent upon equipment in which other methods, such as electrical, can be
and operator) and technical weld knowledge. How- utilized.
ever, even with experienced operators, difficulties are Summary
presented under the following conditions:
The projection of the work of the subcommissions
(a) Inspection of complicated shapes and contours- of Commission V indicates intensified efforts in the
(6) Isolation and determination of single flaws investigation of radiographic, ultrasonic, penetrant
within an area of different defects. and magnetic test methods for 1960. Past work in
(c) The appearance of small and gross defects these groups has produced some working documents
simultaneously. which can be utilized in establishing standard tech-
In consequence of this study, a method of docu- niques. Notable examples have been previously
mentation is being sought to present ultrasonic- cited such as the reference radiograph collection,
test results and visually to compare such results with radiographic methods for pipes, flat plates, boilers
tangible representations of the defect occurrency and pressure vessels, reference block for ultrasonics
by other methods. Two purposes could be ful- and techniques for its usage, and other tentative
filled by such documentation: (1) a standardized documents which are as yet not freely available for
system for annotating ultrasonic-test results, and publication. General informative works such as
(2) reference documents for training and educational “Possible and Impossible in Radiography” and the
purposes. A suggested instruction chart for this “Handbook on Radiography”’ are available.
system is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. This chart in- The results achieved by Commission V demon-
corporates screen-image characteristics, macroetch strate, first of all, the possibility of working groups
pattern, radiograph and line presentation of the performing unified research and standardization
defect. Also presented are beam path characteristics, effort by the cooperative contribution of members
equipment settings and finally a suggested defect- from different countries. Secondly, the ability to
type legend system. Again, this work represents a resolve a cross section of thought and different
great stride in an attempt to achieve standardization approaches to a problem into a solution which fur-
in ultrasonic-test methods. nishes information to all concerned has been markedly
proved. The problems handled, the work accom-
Ultrasonic-test Applications plished and the results achieved in printed word and
This working group is considering the ultrasonic usable documents represent indeed a great stride in
inspection of welds in light-metal alloys, and in proving that international standardization in critical
brazings, fillet welds, stainless steel and clad steels. fields can be attained.

914 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Fig. 1—Typical equipment used for nondestructive radiographic inspection of welds. The X-ray equipment illustrated is one
of many types and capacities. In addition, many radioactive isotopes are used as radiation
sources. Test procedures for this inspection method are well established, and adequate standards are available

The attention of those concerned with welded fabrication is called to

What the Welding Industry Requires from

Nondestructive Testing


ABSTRACT. A discussion is presented of the interrelation welders who perform the welding operations. Very
of nondestructive testing and weldment quality. The few other fabrication methods have been burdened
characteristics of several nondestructive-testing methods
to provide information necessary for the evaluation of with the intensive qualifications demanded of
weld quality are reviewed briefly. The views of several welded construction, and practically every non-
interested groups, as interpreted by the author, are con- destructive-testing method has been applied to
sidered. weldments. Typical equipment used for the non-
destructive inspection of welds is shown in Figs. 1 to
Welding probably has been subjected to more con- The fact that welding has grown to be an indis-
trols and restrictions than almost any other fabri- pensable part of almost every manufacturing opera-
cation method. These restrictions and controls tion is an indication of the inherent advantages of
have been placed not only on the welded product, the process as a joining method. In order to con-
but on the welding procedures used and on the tinue to grow and to be applied to the extent war-
ranted by these advantages, the controls and re-
JAY BLAND is Manager, Welding Development, Knolls Atomic Power strictions imposed on welding during the early stages
Laboratory, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y
Paper to be presented at the 1960 National Fall Meeting to be held in of its development should continually be reviewed
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29, 1960. and re-evaluated. This paper presents an attempt to


bring to the attention of those concerned with Concurrently with developments in welding, the
welded fabrication some of the concepts relating nondestructive-testing industry made rapid strides
to the evaluation of weld quality on the basis of in developing equipment and techniques for their
nondestructive tests. inspection methods. The improved techniques and
It should be mentioned, at the outset, that the processes, in the hands of qualified personnel,
discussion which follows represents only the opinions permitted the detection of “discontinuities” of a
of the author and, except by coincidence, has not smaller size than could previously be detected for
influenced any of his previous decisions with re- any particular metal thickness.
spect to the work which he had performed for pre- It was rather unfortunate that regulatory bodies
vious employers, or the work which he has done and had accepted every change which permitted the
hopes to continue to do at his present location. In disclosure of smaller discontinuities without pro-
this respect, a welding engineer frequently finds him- viding concurrent recognition of the improvement in
self in the same position as that of a judge who must basic weld quality. The latest edition (1959) of the
render a decision on the basis of existing laws, how- ASME Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, finally
ever inadequate or extreme he might find these to has assigned an efficiency factor of 1.00 to welded
be. joints; however, this is based on full radiography
(to 2% sensitivity) and mandatory stress relief
General Concepts where required.
Some very obvious facts might be considered here.
It may be stated briefly that what the welding
Welded structures, whether these be pressure vessels,
industry requires from nondestructive testing is
pressure piping, oil-storage tanks, ships, bridges or
assurance of weld integrity or soundness. The word
buildings, are monolithic structures. That is to
“soundness” means many things to many people.
say, they present a continuity of form and material,
It is the evaluation of this quality which produces
something which could not be achieved with riveted
long and heated discussions; which originates and
or bolted construction. Consequently, failure in
develops special tests; and which can be written welded construction usually will involve a greater
about easily in codes and specifications. Some
part of the structure than normally would occur in
quality requirements cannot be met commercially
comparable riveted or bolted structures.
either at a reasonable cost or, under certain extreme
References could be made to the many papers and
circumstances, at any cost.
books in the literature which discuss the roles of
Certain premises must be established. It is as-
design and of base metal properties in the ultimate
sumed that the welding industry wants to produce
integrity of a welded structure. The brittle-fracture
safe, efficient structures, equally as much as does
phenomenon, still not completely understood, has
the ultimate consumer, his insuring activity or the
been a significant factor in the failure of welded-
regulating body which acts in the public interest.
steel structures. It might be pointed out that non-
It is also assumed that responsible welding engineers
destructive testing has little value, if any, in these
serving the consumers, or the manufacturers, or the very significant areas which contribute much more
insuring activities, or the regulating bodies, likewise
to the integrity of a welded structure than most dis-
are interested in the production of safe, efficient
continuities detract from it.
structures. It is further assumed that nondestruc-
tive testing people have a similar common interest,
particularly in the matter of providing the necessary What Are Discontinuities?
assurance to all interested parties. Discontinuities might be defined broadly as any
In general, these assumptions can be considered interruption in the grain structure of a metal or
factual. Wherein, then, is there any reason for alloy. Specifically, discontinuities are defined by
discussion? The basis for discussion is the evalua- the method employed for their detection. Thus,
tion of “soundness.”” For a long time, codes and a crack in the root of a fillet weld is a discontinuity
specifications governing welded construction im- which might be disclosed by magnetic-particle in-
posed strict requirements on welding, relative to spection, but not if the part is subjected to dye-
soundness or “integrity,” without recognizing the penetrant inspection. Likewise, this same crack
benefits accruing from welded construction over might not be disclosed by either magnetic-particle
riveted construction. Welding methods, processes, inspection or radiographic inspection; yet, un-
techniques and filler metals have improved more doubtedly, it is a discontinuity. Normal radiog-
rapidly than many of the base metals to which raphy of welds will rarely disclose tight lack of
welding was applied, but these improvements did fusion at the side of a weld joint. Ultrasonic in-
not alter the picture. Until the advent of atomic- spection could easily detect this type of discontinuity.
power installations, it appeared that governing codes Microfissures frequently will be disclosed on destruc-
and specifications might take cognizance of develop- tive metallographic examination, but probably would
ments in the welding field. The uncertainties in- not be revealed by any of the normal nondestructive-
herent in the new atomic-power field, however, testing methods. Yet, the presence of microfissures
immediately imposed the most stringent controls frequently is a source of concern to the engineer,
and requirements governing weld quality. when he is made aware of their existence in the

916 |} SEPTEMBER 1960

particular weldment involved. Undoubtedly, then, one surface or another prior to removal, no attempt
the evaluation of discontinuities has been related usually is made to evaluate defect location during
more to the nondestructive-testing method which normal radiographic inspection. In this connection
discloses them, than to their actual engineering ultrasonic inspection, although somewhat more criti-
significance. In some ways, this same circumstance cal in many ways than radiographic inspection, could
exists in establishing certain mechanical property provide more useful information on defect location,
requirements based on destructive tests of base concurrent with the disclosure of the defect.
metals and weldments. The size of the discontinuity which is rejectable
Many investigators have devised special tests in has been established purely in an arbitrary manner.
an attempt to evaluate the influence of certain types Certain codes permit a slag inclusion of a certain
of discontinuities on the mechanical properties of limited dimension, while excluding cracks or lack
welds. For example, some work on the influence of of fusion of any dimension. Yet, slag inclusions of
porosity clearly established that rather extensive this particular length could be as significant in
amounts would be required to affect significantly most initiating failure as the somewhat tighter crack or
mechanical properties, excluding possibly some dy- lack of fusion; in many cases, the actual interpre-
namic properties wherein a large part of the porosity tation of what the indication on the radiographic
existed at a critical surface location. Other work film might be often is questionable. Some specifica-
clearly demonstrated that most of the usual dis- tions require the removal of “in-line” porosity if
continuities rejected on nondestructive-test inspec- several of these are closer than a certain dimension;
tions normally would be of no significance, if their yet, this same specification will accept slag inclusions
location was not at a point of maximum stress. of full continuity over approximately the same
Except in some thick-wall structures, where the length of weld. Some codes will require the removal
economics of removing a defect might dictate the of defects from welds, which may be considerably
estimating of the defect location with respect to smaller than those in an adjacent cast component and

Fig. 2—Typical equipment used for nondestructive, ultrasonic inspection of welds

Although the general aspects of the test procedure are reasonably standardized,
no-uniform acceptance standards have been established
disclosed on the same radiograph. must be improved with respect to reliability of dis-
At this point, it might be better to define a dis- continuity detection and measurement. The de-
continuity as any defect which will adversely affect velopment of new testing methods, or of improved
the serviceability of a welded structure. Faulty equipment, is of considerable interest to the non-
design could very well fit into this definition; un- destructive-testing view. The evaluation of non-
fortunately, however, nondestructive testing is rather
inadequate in this area. Nor, for that matter, can
nondestructive testing evaluate the significance of
the particular defect on the serviceability of the
welded structure. So, we have to accept the defini-
tion that a discontinuity is something which can be
disclosed by the particular nondestructive-test
method employed for inspection.
Welding engineers, in common with engineers in
other fields, frequently will attempt to rationalize a
problem in terms of the possible “‘views’”’ of the
parties concerned. Some of these “‘views”’ as inter-
preted by the author are noted in the following sec-

The Nondestructive Testing View

Nondestructive testing, as stated previously, ob-
viously must be directed toward providing the as-
surance of structural integrity required by all in-
terested parties. Every nondestructive-testing
method bases its interpretation on the evidence found
by destructive examination of the particular item.
When a correlation is established between the indica-
tion of a defect, by the particular testing method
employed, and its measurement or evaluation by
destruction examination, the method may be in-
cluded in inspection procedures. In many cases, Fig. 3—Typical equipment used for nondestructive, magnetic-
however, artificial standards still must be employed particle inspection of welds. In general, the test procedures
with the inspection technique, in order to maintain and standards are fairly well defined
“faith” in the results. For example, various types
of penetrameters are used in radiography as a con-
trol on the radiographic technique used. Calibra- destructive methods also is an important considera-
tion standards must be used with ultrasonic-testing tion. The use of the newer isotopes in radiography,
devices, in order to be sure that the electronic com- for example, has provided sources of greater inten-
ponents are providing the required response in the sity, reducing the exposure times required. Further-
testing method. more, some of these isotopes provide longer wave-
There has been a considerable amount of evidence, length radiations, thus improving the sensitivity of
developed over the years, which clearly establishes the radiographic method.
the ability of nondestructive-testing methods to dis- The nondestructive-testing industry undoubtedly
close certain types of discontinuities. No single is motivated by many factors, including competition
nondestructive-test method is capable of disclosing among the various methods and producers of equip-
all types of discontinuities which are of concern to ment and engineers who want “sound”’ structures.
the engineer. Each nondestructive-test method Competition appears to have fostered the develop-
has certain limitations in application and, in some ment of more reliable equipment, generally of
cases, may not be applicable at all. Obviously, greater portability and serviceability. All these
magnetic-particle inspection cannot be used on non- are admirable qualities. Unfortunately, the fact
magnetic materials, and the dye-penetrant method that the equipment available for nondestructive
cannot disclose subsurface discontinuities. Radiog- testing is used either incorrectly or inappropriately,
raphy is relatively useless in disclosing tight de- has not always been of too great a concern to the
fects which are not aligned essentially parallel to manufacturers of the equipment.
the radiation beam. Ultrasonic inspection also may It can be assumed that the people in the non-
have certain limitations as a result of a coarse grain destructive-testing industry would like the as-
size or because of the acoustical properties of the surance that their equipment and methods are
material. utilized to the greatest extent, and in the proper and
The nondestructive-testing viewpoint, then, sees correct manner. Obviously, they cannot control
many directions of attack. Each testing method entirely the industry’s use of their equipment, and

918 | SEPTEMBER 1960

must rely on the evaluations made by cognizant in- answers as to the significance of a discontinuity
spection activities. If these latter are inadequate or disclosed by any particular inspection method.
improperly trained, the effectiveness of the non-
destructive-testing method is seriously impaired. It The Welding Industry View
is for this reason that some organizations have re- The welding industry recognizes the contributions
quired the qualification of inspection activities or in the nondestructive field which are intended to
of the operators of nondestructive-testing equipment. provide not only the assurance of structural integrity
Although this imposes a further burden on inspection, of a welded component, but will do so with increased
it appears to be necessary in order to maintain the speed, efficiency and at continually lowered costs.
“soundness” of the nondestructive-testing method. Basically, the welding industry does not expect the
Some of the more recent developments in ultra- nondestructive-testing people to establish the ac-
sonic testing are headed in this direction. In many ceptance or rejection levels of such discontinuities
cases, the area extent of a discontinuity can be as their particular inspection methods might disclose.
evaluated by competent operators of the equipment. In many cases, the increased sensitivities of many
To some degree, modifications of technique permit nondestructive-testing methods may have provoked
the disclosure of defects which might be shadowed adverse criticism of the efforts of those working
by a larger defect examined from another direction. in this field. The welding industry, in general, has
In the radiographic field, considerable information adopted all of the nondestructive-testing methods for
can be obtained with respect to the projected size of its own quality control. In this area of production
the discontinuity. Although a qualitative evalua- control, the value of nondestructive testing is very
tion can be made of the “‘thickness’’ of a defect in significant, both as a means of training welders and
the direction of the radiation beam, this usually is welding operators, as well as in developing the super-
outside the scope of the normal radiographic tech- vision of welding which is of great importance in
nique. Improvements in the sensitivity of the radio- the production of sound weldments. It is probable,
graphic methods will not supply the complete answer, also, that a large part of the welding industry would
since the disclosure of smaller discontinuities is not prefer to see nondestructive testing employed in
always accompanied by a quantitative evaluation. lieu of some of the mechanical tests which are time-
It is recognized, however, that the nondestructive- consuming and more expensive. This particular use
testing industry cannot provide the engineering of nondestructive testing is of great interest in the
welding industry, especially where qualifications of
welders and welding operators are involved.
The welding industry is faced with the necessity
of producing welded structures competitively—not
only among producers or fabricators in this country,
but with those abroad. To a great extent, some
of the extra costs in welded fabrication depend on
the ability of the inspection activity to interpret
correctly the significance of any “discontinuity”
disclosed by the particular inspection method
employed. It has been demonstrated frequently
that interpretation of a particular radiographic film
among several viewers, for example, could cover the
range from acceptance to rejection. In the latter
case, repair and its attendant cost obviously would
be involved. Thus, one of the items which the
welding industry might require from nondestructive
testing is a quantitative rather than a qualitative
basis for evaluation of discontinuities. Some of the
more recent developments in ultrasonic testing are
headed in this direction. Efforts in this direction,
relative to radiographic inspections which constitute
the bulk of inspections, would be most welcome.
The welding industry requires improvements
in the portability, usability and performance
under shop conditions of nondestructive-testing
equipment. The industry would also like to see
this equipment made available at continually
lowered costs. Although basically the ultimate
consumer pays for nondestructive testing of a welded
Fig. 4—Typical equipment used for nondestructive liquid- structure, these costs represent differentials which
penetrant inspection of welds. Many types of liquid pene-
trants are available, and specific standards have not yet may significantly affect the extent to which a par-
been uniformly accepted ticular job might be obtained by a fabricator.


Other factors, of course, are involved in this area. of discontinuities and to establish a realistic evalua-
It is considered that the welding industry has tion of these in governing codes and specifications.
passed the day when it views nondestructive testing As stated previously, the welding engineer may feel
with alarm. Some segments of the industry may that certain requirements are unnecessarily strict,
resist nondestructive testing because of the cost and thus impose increased costs in fabricating a par-
involved in obtaining and maintaining nondestruc- ticular structure. However, he will usually accept
tive-testing equipment. For many of the smaller these restrictions and attempt to produce weldments
welding shops, this cost represents a considerable in- of this quality, but at the same time he will try to
vestment. On the other hand, much of the welding provide the necessary quantitative information
industry has accepted nondestructive testing as a which may present a truer picture of the effects of
means of providing better welds with minimum re- such discontinuities.
pairs, in view of the improvements in the quality of It is somewhat unfortunate that welding engineers
work done by their welders which accompany the have not had more of a voice in establishing quality
use of these methods as training aids. levels for weldments. Some industries have been
The welding industry has recognized, for a long quite effective in resisting the efforts of consumers
time, the arbitrary character of discontinuity evalua- to impose nondestructive inspection on the evalua-
tion. The industry has sponsored many investiga- tion of the quality of certain base metals. The
tions which are directed toward the quantitative welds joining these same metals, in many instances,
evaluation of the effects of certain types of dis- are subjected to the most intense inspection by non-
continuities on the serviceability of a structure. In destructive methods. Sometimes, the first several
this connection, it seems, the welding industry would passes in a weld, as well as other sections up to and
welcome the support of the nondestructive-testing including the complete weld, may require examination
people in advising code and specification writing before the weld is considered acceptable. A slight
bodies, relative to the true significance of discon- undercut at the edge of a weld must be repaired,
tinuities which might be disclosed by the particular while within a few inches of this a surface defect
inspection method. To a greater extent, probably, of greater depth on a plate requires only moderate
the welding industry would support morally, if not grinding and no repair.
financially, efforts on the part of nondestructive Welding engineers must develop procedures which
testing to improve the training of qualified operators use available base metals and filler metals and which
of nondestructive-testing equipment and, especially, must produce weldments that can be demonstrated
the education of inspectors who are supposed to to fail in the base metal when the structure is loaded
evaluate the results of nondestructive testing. to failure. Yet, except in certain isolated instances,
the weld joint is not considered to have 100%
The Welding Engineer View
The welding engineer, today, cannot divorce him-
self from nondestructive testing. He knows that The Over-all View
the welding procedures which he develops will be The over-all view is encouraging. The tight re-
accepted not only on the basis of certain mechanical- strictions of governing codes and specifications have
property test results, but finally by some nondestruc- been met by improvements in welding techniques,
tive inspection. Consequently, he must be aware filler metals and processes. Better assurance of
of each of these methods, and he should be able to weld soundness is being provided by nondestructive-
evaluate these in his own mind. testing methods, and reductions in the cost of
The evaluation of the significance of a particular inspections have been obtained by developments in
discontinuity should be the responsibility of the equipment and techniques. Inspection activities
welding engineer. Fundamentally, although an are seeing fewer rejectable discontinuities in the re-
engineer may specify a “sound”’ structure, this is an sults obtained from the inspection of the production
idealistic desire. Welding engineers really want of reliable welding fabricators. Design engineers
structures in which the welds exhibit properties are going to higher joint efficiencies and design
comparable to those of the base metal, the properties stresses, based on the better assurances of quality
of which should be known to them. Furthermore, weldments. Consumers are getting safer, more
they would like no adverse change in these proper- efficient structures as the result of the improvement
ties as a result of the welding operation. Although in weld quality. Code and specification regulating
one may not necessarily be able to demonstrate bodies appear to be more willing to accept these
conclusively that a particular discontinuity is of improvements and to incorporate them in higher
no significance, based on the results of a particular allowable design stresses or joint efficiencies for
test, at some time or other a welding procedure will welds. Many industries concerned with the neces-
have to be accepted, if the component is to be sity to go to higher temperatures and pressures of
manufactured at all. operation feel that they can rely on welded fabrica-
The welding engineer recognizes the value of tion for these conditions. In view of the interde-
nondestructive testing in the training of welders pendence among the interested parties in the evalua-
and welding operators. In addition, he recognizes tion of weld soundness, every effort should be made
the need to establish quantitatively the significance to integrate their efforts wherever possible.

920 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Welded Structures

Lead to Greater Economies

The economies available to American manufactur-

ing and construction industries through arc welding
are presently being realized only to a fraction of their
full potential. This lag in adopting modern join-
ing methods apparently stems from two main
causes. One is a lack of understanding of the weld-
ing processes and the design factors involved.
The other is a reluctance to change equipment, men
and methods. A better knowledge of the value of
welding should provide a strong lever to help over-
come this resistance to changes.
Concepts of Welded Construction
For most applications, welding concepts are
relatively simple. As the service conditions under
which different structures must operate are varied,
so are the welding requirements. One of the many

a eee
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& «we

ke a

ataeali i “a ene aes
Fig. 2—Plate girders require structurally sound welds Fig. 3—Adequate strength and tightness are needed
in water tower


Fig. 4—Atomic-reactor sphere demands careful Fig. 5—Mayflower Building, Dallas, Tex.
procedure and strict quality control Welding saved 650 tons of steel

Fig. 6—-All-welded Yankee Doodle Bridge carries the Connecticut Turnpike over Norwalk River

advantages of welding is that the process can be “designing for welding” differs from “welding a
adapted, economically, to the widest range of con- design.” It is in this respect that specific problems
ditions. A small storage bin, for instance, may must be recognized for what they are, if optimum
require the simplest considerations; a rocket case, properties and maximum economies are to be
on the other hand, will demand the utmost per- obtained.
formance of the welded joint and will require a most In the design of welded bridges, for example, the
intensive study of all factors involved—metal- methods of structural analysis used are generally
lurgical aspects, stress behavior, welding technique the same as those employed for riveted or bolted
and quality assurance. Between these two ex- structures. One of the most important differences
tremes lies a broad range of applications for most of is the greater inherent rigidity which permits de-
which the design problems yield to a few simple but sign assumptions to be realized more accurately
important rules. Figures 1 to 4 show a range of than with nonrigid mechanical joints. A designer
applications. accustomed to riveted construction has little dif-
Generally, a welded joint is expected to satisfy ficulty in changing over to welded construction,
one or the other of two requirements: (1) the provided he observes the rules of sound welded
strength of the joint must at least equal the strength design.
of material joined, or (2) the joint must have prop- It is highly important that welded joints be ac-
erties sufficient to meet the service conditions im- cessible to the welder and in a position to allow him
posed. In the former case, as contrasted with a to manipulate the electrode satisfactorily. Con-
mechanical! joint, the weld tends to produce a rigid, sideration must also be given to shrinkage in the
smooth, continuous structure. In the latter, welded joint. This shrinkage, resulting from the
especially where service requirements are not high, cooling of the fused metal, can readily be calculated
the weld can be economically tailored to suit the and due allowance made when specifying materials
need. These are the points of departure at which and preparing the welding procedure.

922 | SEPTEMBER 1960

A fine example of the large savings made pos- Strict requirements have now been set up for the
sible by welding is the 900-ft-long bridge spanning best weldable grades of structural steel as a result
the tracks of the Erie Railroad on the New York of research investigations. The results of these
Thruway. It is estimated that the welded design studies have enabled designers to build larger and
of this bridge brought about a savings of 50% in stronger bridges with still greater economies in
the weight of steel when compared to a riveted time and material.
design. This structure also illustrates very clearly An interesting case for comparing welding to other
another of the capabilities of welded construction means of fabrication is provided by the frame of
that has only begun to be understood. The de- Colorado’s new State Services Building. This
signer, as well as the architect, has been freed from building was originally designed for erection with
the conventional shapes and profiles of yesterday. high-strength bolts, but the contractor was author-
A new dimension in flexibility has been added from ized to redesign the joints for field welding. The
an esthetic and from a practical point of view. The following economies were realized by changing to
Thruway bridge literally had to be shaped to meet welded construction: (1) Steel work was com-
site requirements. At the point of crossing, the pleted 12 days ahead of schedule; (2) shop labor
roadway was on both a vertical grade and a horizon- costs were reduced 19.3%; (3) savings in steel
tal curve requiring superelevation—the stringent amounted to 2.5%. When the steel was in place,
requirements were met satisfactorily and with a check revealed that the columns were plumb
efficiency through the use of welding. within '/,, in. for the entire building height of 130
A welded office building in Dallas, Tex., shown in ft.
Fig. 5, is another good example of the economies One of a number of states that has favored welded
possible through structural welding. The building design, Connecticut has constructed 28 all-welded
is 415 ft high, has 34 floors and contains 600,000 bridges (Fig. 6) on its Turnpike, including some of
sq ft of usable floor space. The savings are im- the Country’s largest welded plate-girder structures.
pressive. The contractor states that by designing The 24-span Mianus River crossing at Greenwich
for welding he saved 650 tons of steel. Comparison is 2661-ft long. Experience in this state, as well
estimates show an additional saving of approxi- as in New York, Texas, California and Kansas has
mately $16 per ton in fabrication and erection. clearly shown that savings ranging from 10 to 20%
About 6 months’ construction time was saved as a are possible in properly designed welded bridges.
result of using a welded steel frame.
To achieve these economies, a designer must under-
Although comparatively young, the science of
stand fully the fundamental differences between
welding has proved itself in many ways. From a
welding and other assembly methods. If a welded
rather mistrusted technique about which little was
girder, for instance, were constructed with multiple
known, it has grown in the space of a few years into
cover plates, such as found in riveted construction,
a variety of reliable engineering processes. Prod-
the cost would be excessive. The use of a single
uct development in arc-welding equipment alone
flange plate with a reasonable number of butt-
machines and electrodes—has greatly simplified
welded splices, having proper thickness transition,
the operator’s task. At the same time, this new
is usually adequate and improves fatigue resistance.
equipment has kept pace with the latest research
One common mistake made by the designer un- findings, thereby extending the process to previously
familiar with welding is to specify larger welds than unexpected applications.
are required, on the assumption that heavier welds The fact that welding has moved but slowly
result in greater strength and reliability. For in some large areas of potential use is both a chal-
most common applications, a completely welded lenge and an opportunity. The proper substitution
joint is stronger than the material joined. Over- of welding for an older method of fabrication requires
welding is not only unnecessarily costly but can cause a creative contribution of thought. Good weld-
severe distortion, can create an unfavorable geo- ments are not copies of castings, of riveted or of
metric shape and can lead to undesirable stress con- bolted construction—they require their own par-
centration—these may result in an induced notch ticular analysis. However, this kind of activity is
effect which could lower fatigue resistance and tend the very essence of good engineering practice.
to cause brittle behavior. An oversize weld, then, Where the rewards are great and the means avail-
is structurally undesirable. able, the alert engineer and designer cannot afford
The importance of using the proper grade of steel to hesitate.
must also be emphasized. In Germany and Bel-
gium, brittle fractures have occurred in welded- Acknowledgments
girder bridges made of steels which are ductile under Illustrations used in the text were obtained from
average temperature conditions but which, under the following sources: Fig. 1, A. M. Byers Co.,
low-temperature conditions, possess low notch Pittsburgh, Pa.; Figs. 2, 5 and 6, The Lincoln
toughness. The brittle fractures developed at Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Fig. 3, Chicago
points where abrupt changes in section and geo- Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, Ill.; Fig. 4, Metal
metric restraint resulted in concentration of stresses. and Thermit Corp., Rahway, N. J.



Magnetizable flux, carried in stream of

CO; shielding gas, clings to bare wire
fed automatically into weld zone. Flux
refines weld metal, prevents contami-
nation, controls contour, lowers cooling
rate, and stabilizes arc.

Fig. 2—Diagram and description of CO.-

shielded magnetic-flux welding process

Fig. 1—CO,-shielded magnetic-flux welding of these giant

|-beams cut production time by 18 man-hours per beam

Protecting the Profit Margin


To meet today’s stiffening competition, the metal-

fabricating industry has made a sharp turn toward
semiautomatic continuous-wire-feed welding proces-
ses. The main reasons: speed and weld quality.
Continuous-wire processes are becoming the
dominant factor in production welding. For the
Fig. 3—A small, portable, gas metal-arc welding unit, featur-
largest producer of structural steel or the one-man ing a spool of wire attached directly to the torch and fed con
fabricating shop, these processes permit a higher tinuously into the weld puddle, is used to assemble an alum-
margin or profit by reducing total fabricating time. inum computer cabinet
Because of the wide demand and range of applica-
tions for semiautomatic welding, many processes Saves 18 Man-hours
are now available to handle all types and thicknesses
of metal. An outstanding example of the cost savings gained
In all of them, however, the basic oper-
with semiautomatic welding processes is in the
ating feature is a bare-metal wire which is auto-
fabrication of steel I-beams at Birmingham Fabrica-
matically fed into the weld puddle. The welds are
ting Co., Birmingham, Ala. This company saved
shielded from atmospheric contamination by either
18 man-hours per beam by replacing covered-
inert gas or welding composition, or a combination of
both. electrode welding with CO.-shielded magnetic-
flux welding —a semiautomatic process that produces
JOHN F. GALBRAITH is Manager of Electric Welding Development virtually self-cleaning welds at higher speeds (see
Linde Co., New York, N. Y Fig. 1). It uses a magnetic flux conveyed in a

924 | SEPTEMBER 1960
Fig. 4—Semiautomatic gas metal-arc welding is used 22-25 VOLTS 14-19 VO LTS
with 0.030-in. diam wire to complete a
corner weld on an aluminum cabinet
Fig. 6—Type of metal transfer under conventional arc
conditions is contrasted with short-arc operation

unit by replacing metal-arc welding with continuous-

wire gas metal-arc welding (see Figs. 3 to 5).
Over 200 ft of gas metal-arc welds were made on
each cabinet at a speed of 88 ipm. This speed,
combined with the elimination of warpage and
subsequent straightening, produced the major time-
saving of 6'/, hr. In addition, postweld cleaning
i. 72mm was reduced from 90 min to just 1 min. Since an
vt v0 tt rf fii
argon shield is used to protect the welds from con-
tamination, wire-brushing is all that is required to
clean the finished welds.
Thin-gage Metals, Too
For many years welding of thin-gage metals was a
constant problem for metal fabricators. Such
welding (whenever it was attempted) was usually
done with manual processes, particularly covered
Fig. 5—This large computer cabinet, used in chemical and
petroleum processing plant automation systems, electrodes. It was difficult to control the heat of the
is fabricated with semiautomatic welding arc at the weld zone. The resulting distortion and
excessive melting made welding in the 0.030-in.
stream of low-cost carbon dioxide gas —to refine the thickness range impractical.
weld and banish oxygen from the weld area see Fig. It remained impractical until semiautomatic
9 short-arc welding was introduced see Fig. 6).
The 2- x 21-ft I-beams, made of 1-in. A-7 steel Featuring a_ slope-controlled power source that
plate with 14 equally spaced vertical ribs, require short-circuits the arc 100 to 200 times per second, it
72 ft of *s-in. fillet welds and 158 ft of -in. fillets. pinpoints are heat into a small, “cold” puddle.
CO.-shielded magnetic-flux welding is performed at Argon-CO, shielding provides wetter welds, for
a speed of 24 ipm for '/,-in. welds and 11 ipm for better bead contour. The process features the
;-in. welds. Deposition rates average between continuous-wire electrode, which sharply increases
9 and 18 lb of weld metal per arc hour—50“ greater welding speed.
than E-6010 and E-6012 covered electrodes. These advantages were immdiately utilized by
Higher welding speeds were a major factor in the Wroble and Gauer, Inc., Kenilworth, N. J., fabrica-
18-man-hour saving. And the superior quality of tors of Post Office utility carts. Welding the thin-
the semiautomatic welds eliminated the grinding, gage pieces with covered electrodes had resulted in
cleaning and straightening operations which were considerable distortion, as well as spatter and slag
previously necessary. which had to be removed prior to chromium plating.
The postweld grinding and chipping were running
Aluminum Savings—Eight Hours per Unit labor costs into overtime, and pushing the operation
Heavy-steel fabricators are not alone in the trend into “‘red ink.”’
toward semiautomatic welding. For example, The The job proved to be ideal for short-arc welding.
Falstrom Co., Passaic, N. J., fabricators of aluminum Pinpoint control of the arc eliminated distortion
computer cabinets, slashed labor time by 8 hr per see Fig. 7 Argon-CO, shielding eliminated flux


Fig. 7—Pinpoint control of the weld puddle was
obtained by short-arc welding these Post Office utility carts

and slag formation, and the superior wetting charac-

teristics prevented spatter (see Fig. 8).
Once again, semiautomatic operation increased
welding speeds. The result: high-speed fabrication
with no postweld chipping or grinding. Short-arc
welding slashed production time by 40 per cent.
It is small wonder that metal fabricators are
turning to semiautomatic welding processes. The
superior speed and quality of these processes, and
their resulting reduction in total fabrication time,
have made them outstanding examples of metal- Fig. 8—Semiautomatic short-arc welds eliminated slag and
working progress. spatter, required little cleaning prior to chrome-plating

Mechanized Method Cuts Rod Costs

For Surfacing Dredge Parts

The switch to a more efficient method of hard clean-out coupler, the nipple and the clean-out
surfacing resulted in 50% reduction in application plug (see Figs. 2-4). Previously, these parts were
time and a 20% savings in material for a large hard surfaced by the manual metal-arc method,
dredging company in the Tampa Bay area (see which took about twice as long as the open-arc
Fig.1). process. The unusable rod stubs could amount to as
A hard-surfacing tube rod, in the convenient much as 20% of required material. Open-arc hard
‘/«-in. diam size for open-arc deposition, is used in surfacing permits the use of a continuous coil of
several critical areas of the dredge. Huge pump wire, all of it usable. In addition, the deposit
shells are hard surfaced over their entire internal tends to be smoother and more uniform, providing
surface. Also protected in this manner are the more efficient coverage for a given amount of alloy.
Based on a story by Haynes Stellite Co., New York, N. Y¥ Dredging operations are extremely hard on equip-

926 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Fig. 1—One of Hendry Corp.'s big dredges in operation. Vital parts, subjected to serious wear conditions,
are hard surfaced to keep them in service longer

Fig. 2~-Hard-surfaced clean-out coupler Fig. 3—Hard-surfaced nipple
Fig. 4—Hard-surfaced clean-out plug
ment. Sharp pieces of sand, limestone and flint
rock are continuously working through these sec-
tions. One big dredge, owned and operated by
Hendry Corp., Tampa, Fla., can move 30,000 yd
of sand in a day. The pump has a 20,000 gpm
Hard-surfaced parts have been in service for
over a year, with some patching having been done
after about 6 months. A dredge is kept in service
around the clock, and downtime is kept to a min-
The combination of a suitable hard-surfacing
material and the most efficient way to apply it for
a particular job has helped reduce costs at Hendry
An Iguana will be recognized...


(specialist in reptiles)

For details, circle No. 8 on Reader Information Card

928 | SEPTEMBER 1960
potential savings will be recognized...

by a LINCOLN man

(specialist in arc welding)

A IDEA which can cut welding time from 90 to 45 minutes on missile beams for the
Army is darned important! That's exactly what happened in a New Jersey plant.
A LINCOLN Field Engineer was walking through the plant with the Welding Foreman and
Plant Manager. Naturally he was interested in watching the welding operation on missile
beams. A thought crossed his mind. He asked if he could demonstrate LINCOLN Jetweld
electrodes on the beams. He rolled up his sleeves; took some Jetweld from the trunk of his
car, and cut the welding time from 90 to 45 minutes. The weldors on the job did the same.
That afternoon the Field Engineer finished his plant tour and spotted some applications for
Fleetweld 37 electrodes for welding sheet metal on trailer bodies. Again welding time was
cut almost in half, cleaning time reduced and overall costs slashed to the bone
Quite a day’s work for one Field Engineer... but putting PROFIT into welding operations
is part of each LINCOLN man’s job. You can count on him to show you... not tell you how
to cut costs and make more money. ae a
That's why we Say it’s a good idea to do business with LINCOLN where arc welding is a
specialty and cost reduction comes to you as a ‘“‘plus’’ at no charge.
Call your LINCOLN Field Engineer today.


Dept. 1570 + Cleveland 17, Ohio NESE |

For details, circle No. 8 on Reader Information Card

Society News

Pittsburgh Fall Meeting Program

Reveals New Trends in Welding

What is probably one of the most Various studies in the use of alu- Pittsburgh Location
significant trends in modern struc- minum will reveal recent progress Located in the heart of downtown
tural design——the increasing applica- made in practical applications of, Pittsburgh, in the area known as the
tion of higher strength-to-weight and research in, the welding of this “Golden Triangle,’”’ the Penn-Shera-
ratios in a widening variety of ap- light material. ton Hotel faces on Mellon Square
plications—-will find its counterpart Three papers will bear upon con- Park. This entire area is the scene
in welding among the 51 papers siderations of weldability and pro- of one of the most spectacular urban
scheduled for presentation at the duction in highly stressed thin- redevelopments in the country.
AWS Fall Meeting, Sept 26~29, walled pressure vessels, rocket cases Much of the new construction in
Hotel Penn-Sheraton, Pittsburgh, and missile components. buildings and bridges represents en-
Pa. Some aspects of newer processes gineering ‘“‘firsts.”” In this appro-
will be presented in papers on elec- priate setting, the 1960 Fall Meet-
Technical Papers tron-beam welding and electroslag ing will get under way on Monday,
Leading off a four-session presen- weld-metal properties. The fast- Sept. 26th, with the official wel-
tation on welded structures with a moving fields of resistance welding coming address by President R. D.
paper on the welding of higher- and of brazing will be represented Thomas, Jr.
strength steels for bridges, the by three papers each, in separate
American Society of Civil Engineers sessions. Numerous other fields of Keynote Speaker
and the Column Research Council practical and theoretical importance The keynote speaker for the
will present the latest findings in to welding will be found in the four- opening session will be C. M. Parker,
structural research. day program. vice president in charge of research
and technology, American Iron and
Steel Institute. Mr. Parker is a
PITTSBURGH’S NEW AUDITORIUM recognized authority on steel. The
Bis title of his address is “‘Steel: Avant
Garde.” He will present, along a
wide front, some of the leading de-
velopments in modern steel tech-
nologies and the part played by en-
gineering societies in their growth.
Plant Tours
Two all-day plant tours will pro-
vide an interesting sidelight on
some of the principal industries of
the region. On Wednesday, Sept.
28th, a tour has been arranged to
the American Bridge Co., at Am-
bridge, Pa., and to the Shippingport
Works of the Duquesne Light Co.,
the first public utility to make use
of nuclear power. In addition there
will be a tour on Thursday, Sept.
29th, to the New Kensington Works
The famous retractable—roof auditorium is the subject of a paper to be presented at of the Aluminum Co. of America
the Fall Meeting. View of the Civic Arena flanked by approaches to the Oakiand and to the Brackenridge Works of
Civic Center the Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp.

930 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Ladies Program day, buses will leave for the Oakland
A varied ladies’ program has been Cultural, Medical and Civic Center
arranged for Monday, Tuesday and visits will be made to the Heinz Welcome
and Wednesday with Thursday open Chapel, Nationality Rooms and the
for personal choice. The Grant Cathedral of Learning. After
Room, on the Club Floor, has been luncheon at the distinctive Park ¢ Sustaining Member
set aside for the ladies’ use. Here Schenley Restaurant visits will be
the ladies will register and can en- made to the Carnegie Museum and Effective July 1, 1960:
joy the morning coffee-hour and get- the Phipps Conservatory in Schen-
ley Park. King Fifth Wheel Co.
together. On Monday, a morning P.O. Box 759, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
tour will cover the notable redevel-
Other Activities King Fifth Wheel Co. was estab-
opments and historical points of
interest in and around Pittsburgh. A number of important committee lished in 1904 to manufacture fifth
The afternoon will be given over to meetings have been’ scheduled wheels for heavy horse drawn ve-
a visit to the well-known Heinz throughout the four-day program hicles. Through gradual transition
plant of “57 Varieties” fame. In both for Society activities and for the company began manufacturing
between, the ladies will lunch at other groups associated with weld- welded rings a few years later. At
the new and attractive LeMont ing. These meetings have been the present time the company spe-
Restaurant. On Tuesday, a three- listed in detail, together with all cializes in the production of stainless
hour river cruise has been arranged other scheduled activities, on the and high alloy rings for jet aircraft
on the Gateway Clipper. Luncheon meeting calendar appearing on pages engines and other high temperature
will be served on board. On Wednes- 942 and 944 in this issue. applications.
The company has two plants.
The Philadelphia plant produces
flash welded rings for commercial
applications and the Mountaintop
North Carolina Plans Seminar Failures and Repairs of Pip plant at Mountaintop, Pa., produces
ing Systems Helmut Thielsch, specification rings for aircraft and
The North Carolina Section has Grinnell Co.
scheduled a three-day technical pro- missiles.
Sustaining Member Representa-
gram called the Southeastern Weld- Thursday, September 15th tive—A. S. Martin, president.
ing and Maintenance Seminar to be
held Sept. 14-16, 1960, at Raleigh. Welded Vs. Riveted Construction of
Held in conjunction with the South- Structural Steel—V. R. P. Saxe,
eastern Show, a group of prominent Consultant
speakers will discuss welding meth- Nondestructive Testing of Welded
Structures and Vessels—J. P. Support your Society Con-
ods and techniques. Registration
fee is $20. Address J. R. Ogburn, Battema, Philips Electrcnics In- tribute Now to the United
Industrial Experimental Program, struments
Engineering Center
North Carolina State College, Ral- Friday, September 16th
eigh, N. C. The program (each
morning) is as follows: Instrumentation for Resistance
Welding—J. W. Kehoe, Westing-
Wednesday, September 14th house Electric Corp.
Build-up and Hard Surfacing—R. Inert-gas Welding—C. J. Sullivan, Northern
K. Lee, Alloy Rods Co. Air Reduction Sales Co.
New York


Term Expires 196] 1962 1963 A 16-week course covering the
A. A. Holzbaur Jay Bland R. B. McCauley principles of welding and brazing
D. B. Howard F. G. Singleton John Mikulak technology will open Sept. 20, 1960
at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
J. L. York C. B. Smith E. F. Nippes in Troy, under the sponsorship of
W. H. Hobart, Jr. J. R. Stitt R. D. Stout the Northern New York Section of
Starting with fundamentals, the
instructors will attempt to cover the
AWS DISTRICT DIRECTORS subjects so as to be useful to persons
as yet untrained as well as to pro-
District No. leNew England G. W. Kirkley District No. 6eCentral fessionals who require a “‘refresher”’
District No. 2eMiddle Eastern course. Sessions will be held from 7
E. E. Goehringer District No. 7eWest Central to 9 P.M. on successive Tuesdays
District No. 3eNorth Central J. W. Kehoe District No. 8eMidwest during the 16-week period. A field
District No. 4eSoutheast trip to General Electric in Schenec-
J. M. Shilstone District No. 9eSouthwest Moss, II] tady is tentatively scheduled.
District No. 5eEast Central H. E. Schulz District No. 10eWestern . O'Connor The fee is $10 to members, $15 to
non-members. The additional $5
District No. 1leNorthwest . Robinson is applicable toward membership
in AWS. For information contact
W. A. Owczarski, Knolls Atomic
AWS PAST-PRESIDENT DIRECTORS Power Laboratory, Box 1072,
Schenectady, N.Y.
C. |. MacGuffie G. 0. Hoglund


Enterprising Raymond Steele, always alert to
new time saving methods, constructed this
six spindle roller rebuilder utilizing the
Wear-O-Matic open arc hard surfacing process,
greatly increasing the efficiency of his operation.
Geared to the constant feed of Wear-O-Matic
alloys from 100 pound Weld-Paks, this machine
turns out roller after roller rebuilt and hard
surfaced with long wearing deposits.

Equipment too large or cumbersome to be By attaching the Wear-O-Matic welding nozzle to

moved to the shop for rebuilding can be hard an automatic travel device, New Enterprise rebuilds
surfaced semi-automatically at the job site. crusher hammers automatically at a tremendous
The versatile Wear-O-Matic Wire Feed Unit savings over manual applications. In addition, the
and Weld-Pak is easily transported for field weld deposit is smoother and more uniform.
application of Wear-O-Matic wires.

932 | SEPTEMBER 1960

New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co.,
Roaring Springs, Pennsylvania, operates
seven plant locations in west-central
Pennsylvania. This diversified, complex
organization produces ready-mix concrete,
pulverized rock, agricultural lime, black-top
road material and pre-stressed concrete
structures in addition to road and sewer
construction projects and turnpike
maintenance. Trucks, shovels, dozers,
loaders and other movable equipment are
maintained at the central maintenance
shop in Roaring Springs under the
guidance of Raymond Steele,
Maintenance Supervisor

Production Soars—Costs Go Down for

Maintenance Shop Handling Seven Quarries





Maintaining the equipment necessary for operating Wear-O-Matic, you don’t stop until the job is
seven plant locations keeps even the well equipped, finished. You get 100 pounds of continuous elec-
efficient shop of New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co. trode in each Weld-Pak, ideal for our automatic
hustling for time saving, cost saving methods. The set-ups. The deposits we get with Wear-O-Matic
production per man hour possibilities of the Wear- wires really hold up. We’ve had better results than
O-Matic hard surfacing process led Mr. Raymond with any other wire we’ve ever tried, and we have
Steele, Maintenance Supervisor, to purchase one tried most of them.”
of the first Alloy Rods Company Wear-O-Matic Productive capacity, operating costs, deposit
Wire Feed Units. The results were so outstanding quality, shop versatility are important factors for
in time saving, diversified uses and superior, long- efficient maintenance operations. The Wear-O-
wearing deposits from Wear-O-Matic wires that Matic hard surfacing process provides these advan-
New Enterprise now employs four Wear-O-Matic tages and at a cost within the range of any shop
units in its program. regardless of size. Find out now how the Wear-O-
Says Mr. Steele ... “With the Wear-O-Matic Matic process can increase the capacity of your
process, we put down 3 to 5 times more weld metal maintenance shop.
per hour than with stick electrodes. With no waste Call your Alloy Rods Company distributor or
from left over stub ends, the semi-automatic wire representative for a Wear-O-Matic demonstration
costs us less per pound. Another item that saves in your own shop. Or write to Alloy Rods Company,
valuable time . . . once you strike the arc with P. O. Box 1828, York 3, Pa., for more information.



For details, circle No. 9 on Reader Information Card


Sunday, Sept. 25 e 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Monday, Sept. 26 e 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Tuesday, Sept 27 e 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Wednesday, Sept. 28 e 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M
Thursday, Sept. 29 e 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.


10:00 A.M.—Official Opening Session
R. D. Thomas, Jr., President, AWS
E. K. Timby, ponetnt, AAR - B. G. Johnston, Chairman, Column
Research Council T. O’Connor, President, SNT
Steel: Avant Garde
C. M. Parker, American Iron and Steel Institute

Papers “B” Start at 2:
Papers “C” Start at 3:
l. Welded Structures 2. Resistance Welding 3. Brazing
BALLROOM Chairman Chairman
Chairman T. Embury Jones, Precision Welder & R. L. Peaslee, Wall Colmonoy Corp.
C. L. Kreidler, Lehigh Structural Steel Co. Flexopress Corp. Co-Chairman
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman A. M. Setapen, Handy & Harman
D. L. Jerman, Pittsburgh & West Virginia J. W. Kehoe, Westinghouse Electric Corp.
A. Recent Progress in Development of
Railway Co.
A. Spot Welding of Wrought HK31A, Self-fluxing, Airproof Brazing Alloys
A. Welding of High-strength Low-alloy HM21A and ZE10A Magnesium Alloys by N. Bredzs and H. Schwartzbart,
Structural Steels for Bridges by Lloyd F. Lockwood, The Dow Metal Armour Research Foundation of Illinois
by John L. Beaton and Paul G. Jonas, Products Co. Institute of Technology
California Division of Highways . A New High-temperature Manganese-
B. Projection Welding of Low-carbon
. Behavior of Welded Built-up Beams base Brazing Alloy
Steel Using Embossed Projections
Under Repeated Loads by R. C. Kopituk, Thiokol Chemical
by J. F. Harris and J. J. Riley, The
by J. E. Stallmeyer, L. R. Hall and W. H. Corp.
Taylor-Winfield Corp.
Munse, University of Illinois . “Wide-gap” Brazing for High-tempera-
. The Flexural Fatigue Strength of Stif- . Percussion Welding Using Magnetic ture Service
fened Beams Force, a Production Process by P. R. Mobley and G. S. Hoppin, III,
by J. E. Stallmeyer and W. H. Munse, by Robert F. Manning and Jerome F. General Electric Co.
University of Illinois Welch, Cutler-Hammer, Inc.

934 | SEPTEMBER 1960




The four components of the nose assembly — nodular iron casting; low-carbon welded steel
canister which measures 34” long, 1512" diameter at one end and 1734" at the other;
spun copper cone and low-carbon steel ring. The thinner rings are Easy-Flo 45 wire
braided for precise alloy position and control.

Martin Develops

New Induction Heating Methods

to Braze Lacrosse Missile Assembly


One of the largest assemblies yet brazed by induction-heating techniques is a

section of the Lacrosse missile being manufactured at The Martin Company’s
Baltimore Division. During development, one problem was posed by the
variety of metals used. First it was necessary to braze a low-carbon
welded steel canister and nodular iron casting. Then, to complete
the assembly, a spun copper cone and low-carbon steel ring were
joined to the canister. An induction coil was designed by Martin
to accomplish this critical operation. Temperatures had to be
restricted between 1300 and 1350°F to prevent a transforma-
tion change to the crystalline structure of the nodular iron.
Martin’s Materials Engineering Laboratory made careful
examinations of this assembly and found that Handy &
Harman Easy-Flo 45 Silver Brazing Alloy and B-1 Flux
make possible the strong, uniform joints necessary to meet
the stringent requirements the Company has set. Its low-
working temperature, high strength, fast penetration and
flow characteristics are only a few of the features which make this brazing
alloy ideal.
More and more aircraft and missile components are being made with the aid
of Handy & Harman silver brazing alloys and flux. The products described
here are just two of the many available to help solve your problems...make
your job easier and quicker. For a more complete picture of silver brazing
and the advantages it offers you, write for your free copy of Bulletin 20.

Your No. 1 Source of Supply and Authority on Brazing Alloys


General Offices: 82 Fulton Street, New York 33, N.Y.

For details, circle No. 10 on Reader Information Card

Papers “B” Start at 10:20 A.M.
Papers “C” Start at 11:10 A.M.

4. Welded Structures 5. Electrodes and Techniques

(Sponsored by CRC and ASCE) URBAN ROOM
Chairman W. T. DeLong, The McKay Co.
LaMotte Grover, Air Reduction Sales Co. Co-Chairman
Co-Chairman Henry Bryan, Hobart Bros. Co.
A. E. Pearson, The Ingalls lron Works Co. A. Evaluating Crack-resistant Electrodes
A. Tests of Welded Plate Girders for Welding HY80 Steel
by B. T. Yen, Lehigh University by Stanley |. Roberts, Portsmouth
. Design of Interior Columns in Multi- Naval Shipyard
story Frames . Low-hydrogen Electrodes for Out-of-
by J. S. Ellis, Royal Military College of position Welding
Canada by J. E. Hinkel, The Lincoln Electric Co.
. Welded Interior Beam-to-column Con- . Zircaloy-welding Techniques De-
nections veloped for Nuclear Ceramic-fuel-ele-
by C. D. Jensen, Pa. Dept. of Highways, ment Fabrication
J.D. Graham, K. C. S. Ltd., R. Khabbaz, by L. E. Mills, General Electric Co.
C.A.T. Company, and A. N. Sher-
bourne, Middlesex, England

Papers “B”’ Start at 2:
Papers “C” Start at 3:

6. Welded Structures 7. Research and Weldability 8. Processes


BALLROOM Chairman Chairman
Chairman W. D. Doty, United States Steel Corp. W. H. Hobart, Jr., Hobart Bros. Co.
F.H. Dill, American Bridge Division Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
Co-Chairman C. E. Hartbower, Watertown Arsenal Wilson Scott, Westinghouse Electric Corp.
R. A. Hechtman, George Washington Uni-
A. Some Factors Affecting the Notch A. Today’s Industrial Role of Magnetic-
Toughness of Steel Weld Metal flux Gas-shielded Arc Welding
A. Pittsburgh Public Auditorium Retract- by K. E. Dorschu, Air Reduction Co. by R. T. Telford, Linde Company
able Roof and R. D. Stout, Lehigh University
by Edward Cohen and R. H. Goldsmith, B. A Comparative Study of Underbead . High-vacuum System Fabrication
Ammann & Whitney and Weld-metal Cracking by E. P. Cornwall, Boeing Airplane Co.
. Plastic Design of Fixed-base, Gabled by Z. P. Saperstein, C. F. Braun & Co.,
Frames and A. E. Flanigan, University of Cali- . Stud Welding with a Silicon-rectifier
by S. P. Prawel, Jr., and R. L. Ketter, fornia Power Source
University of Buffalo by S. Baum, Consulting Welding Engi-
. Brittle Fracture Tests of Six-foot Wide
. Behavior of Haunched Connections Prestressed Steel Plates
by G. C. Lee, J. W. Fisher and G. C. by F. W. Barton and W. J. Hall, Uni-
Driscoll, Jr., Lehigh University versity of Illinois

936 | SEPTEMBER 1960

welding costs

to 51/4
cut 31%

A recent test matched Pureco CO. Weld Shielding

against three other methods: Two with manual stick
electrodes—one with manual submerged arc. Each
made an identical 100 ft., 14" fillet weld. COs trav-
eled 40 inches per minute against 21.4 ipm for the
fastest stick electrode. CO2 deposited 21 lbs. of metal
per hour compared to 11.4 lbs. for submerged arc
and 9.81 lbs. for the fastest stick electrode. Consid-
ering all cost elements, including overhead—Pureco
COz Weld Shielding was 31 to 51% less than the

Pureco CO, Weld Shielding Faster!
The continuous wire welding process provides sev-
eral advantages over other welding methods. It needs

no flux cee provides an easily controlled arc, W elds

are deep rooted and ductile. No time lost changing
elec trodes.
Gas Cost Lower... Current Higher
The cost of Pureco COz is less than that of other
shielding gases . . . gas consumption is low. Welds
are slag free . . . no cleaning or chipping necessary.
Currents frequently used on mild steel are about
25% higher, causing higher burn-off rates and faster
welding . . . deposition efficiency ranges from 90%
to 95%.
Speeds Automatic Set-Ups
Pureco CO2 Weld Shielding is ideal for both single
and multi-pass applications, manual or automatic,
with large or small diameter wires . . . CO2 can now
be used for position manual welding, too!
For complete information on the proper Pureco
CO, supply system for your welding needs call your
nearest Pureco representative—see your Yellow
Pages under Carbonic Gas or “DRY-ICE’’, or write:
* Actual Pureco Test


: 2 Pure Carbonic Company, A Division of Air Reduction Company, Incorporated
Nation-Wide Pureco CO2 Service-Distributing Stations in Principal Cities
General Offices: 150 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y.


For details, circle No. 11 on Reader Information Card
9:30 A.M. Papers “B”
| Pavers “A” Start
Start at 9:30 AM,
at 1029 A.M.
| Papers “C” Start at 11:10

9. Rebuilding and Surfacing 10. Research and Weldability

Chairman Chairman
H. S. Avery, American Brake Shoe Co. R. B. McCauley, Ohio State University
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
L. T. D. Berg, Air Reduction Sales Co. W. B. Sharav, Linde Company
A. Mechanical Properties of Electrosiag
A. Rebuilding a 20-ton Box-girder Crane
to a 45-ton Capacity
by Y. T. Smith, Lakeside Bridge & by W. H. Wooding and H. C. Campbell,
Steel Co. Arcos Corp.
. An Analytical Approach to the Problem
. Welding Repairs of Cavitation on Large of Residual Stresses and Distortions
Hydro-electric Turbines Due to Welding
by M. Friedmann, Jr., Martin Fried- by Koichi Masubuchi, Battelle Me-
mann Co. morial Institute
. Hard Surfacing of Blast-furnace Bells . Fundamentals of Weld Behavior Under
and Hoppers Hindered Contraction
by F. J. Gaydos and N. Fragasse, U. S. by R. E. Travis, J. M. Barry, W. G.
Steel Corp. Moffatt, C. M. Adams, Jr., Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, and J. V.
Robinson, N. Z. Govt. Ministry of Works

Papers ““B” Start at 2 ‘50 P.M.
Papers “‘C” Start at 3 40 P.M.

11. Welded Structures 12. Nondestructive Testing 13. Missiles

(Sponsored by ASCE) (Co-sponsored by SNT) URBAN ROOM

Chairman R. D. Libert, A. 0. Smith Corp.
W. D. Kiehle, Eastman Kodak Co. Co-Chairman
). W. Clark, Alcoa Research Laboratories
Co-Chairman J. W. Jakubowski, General Electric Co.
J. E. South, Pennsylvania Railroad Co. John H. Hunt, Combustion Engineering,
A. Welded Fabrication of Steel Solid-
A. Strength of Welded Aluminum-alloy propellant Rocket Motor Cases
Box Beams . What the Welding Industry Requires by M. D. Randall, R. E. Monroe and
by R. J. Brungraber, Alcoa Research from Nondestructive Testing P. J. Rieppel, Battelle Memorial Insti-
by Jay Bland, General Electric Co.
Laboratories tute
. Activities of Commission V, Inter-
. Research and Development of Con- national Institute of Welding B. Weldability of Ultra-high-strength
tinuous-welded Rail by R. A. Pulk, Physical Sciences Lab- Steels for Missiles
by G. M. Magee, Association of Ameri- oratory, Ordnance Tank-Automotive by M. J. Albom and C. C. Titherington,
can Railroads Command Aerojet General Corp.
. Some Factors in Better Painting of . Practical Use of Magnetic-particle In- . Production Welding of Thin-walled
Welded Structures spection of Welding in Industry Pressure Vessels
by J. D. Keane, Steel Structures by Fred Boehm, Schutte and Koerting by T. J. Bosworth and D. S. Hem-
Painting Council Co. minger, Boeing Airplane Co.

938 | SEPTEMBER 1960

aX ~~.
different ways... 2

TVX Xeroradiographic unit for

remote-inspection unit dry-process radiography

OX-250 general Resotron 300*— OX-175 — 175-kvp

utility x-ray unit 300-kvp portable x-ray portable x-ray

LX-140 — ultra-compact LC-90 lightweig Resotron 1000*%~—

portable x-ray mobile x-ray million-volt x-ray

to look at

your products!

Resotron 2000*—
2-million volt x-ray

Let General Electric X-Ray lend a hand

G-E x-ray inspection equipment covers every need gained through half a century of serving needs and
— with units available in power ranges from 5 to solving problems much like your own. You stand to
2,000-kvp output . . . choice of wet or dry radio- come out ahead in many ways. Our specialists have
graphic processing . . . even remote-television x-ray the knowledge that can find right answers in a
fluoroscopy. Production-line, continuous inspection hurry. Our research facilities are set up to solve
can easily be arranged where desired. even the most unusual puzzles.
There’s no need at all to settle for piecemeal help For assistance with your inspection problems,
when you want x-ray apparatus, supplies or installa- contact our office in your area, or just write X-Ray
tion-planning assistance. Instead, take advantage of Department, General Electric Company, Milwaukee
the industrial x-ray experience General Electric has 1, Wisconsin, Room WJ-94.
Progress /s Our Most Important Prodvet


For details, circle No. 12 on Reader information Card


Papers “B” Start at 10:20 A.M.
Papers “C”’ Start at 11:10 A.M

14. Cutting 15. Aluminum

Chairman Chairman
J. A. Howery, National Cylinder Gas M. J. Waite, Arcos Corporation
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman
E. S. Young, Harris Calorific Co. F. R. Collins, Alcoa Research Laboratories
A. Single-pass “J’ Grooving in Heavy A. Assembly-line Fabrication of All-
Plate with an Oxy-fuel Gas Flame welded Aluminum Covered-hopper
by C. B. Milton, Linde Company Cars
. Principles of Template Preparation by D. V. Wilcox, Reynolds Metals Co.
for the Oxygen-cutting Process and R. P. Hubbard, Magor Car Corp.
by L. M. Layden, Air Reduction Sales . Inert-gas-shielded Metal-arc Spot
Co. Welding Aluminum
. Heavy-duty Constricted Tungsten-arc by S. E. McFall, Aluminium Labora-
Cutting of All Metals tories Ltd.
by W. A. Geideman, Jr., and H. B. Bott, . Fusion-zone Structures and Properties
Linde Company in Aluminum Alloys
by C. M. Adams and P. E. Brown, Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology

Papers “B” Start at2
Papers “C’’ Start at 3

16. High Alloys 17. Fabrication of Weldments

Chairman Chairman
R. W. Emerson, Pittsburgh Piping & Equip- L. J. Larson, Allis-Chaimers Mfg. Co.
ment Co. Co-Chairman
Co-Chairman H. S. Blumberg, Consulting Engineer
K. M. Spicer, Huntington Alloy Products
A. A New Method of Fusion Welding
Division, International Nickel Company
Tapered Sheets
A. Fabrication Principles for Welded In- by A. Sciaky and M. Sommeria, Sciaky
conel “X’’ Structures Brothers, Inc.
by H. P. Schane and E. E. Weismantel, . Fabrication of Primary Piping System
The Budd Co. of the Yankee Atomic Electric Plant
. Studies of Repair Welding Age-hard- by R. R. Rothermel, National Valve
enable Nickel-base Alloys and Manufacturing Co., and R. A.
by W. J. Lepkowski, R. E. Monroe and Loose, Westinghouse Electric Corp.
P. J. Rieppel, Battelle Memorial Insti- . Welding Centrifugal-compressor Im-
tute peller Wheels
. Weld Strength and Dimensional Sta- by J. H. Matheny and E. L. Aul, Clark
bility of Cold-worked Stainless Steel Brothers Co.
by L. Stemann and E. E. Weismantel,
The Budd Co.

940 | SEPTEMBER 1960

This is the first industrial X-ray unit
designed specifically to meet all radiographic
inspection requirements, from thin
aluminum up to 4” thick steel. Simple to
operate ... requiring only a few
hours instruction.
For a free demonstration—at your plant or
job site—just call, wire, or write to
Mr. Dan Maus, X-ray Department,
permits 360° radiography and can
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 2519
be coned down to a single beam... Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore 3, Md.—You can
be sure...if it’s Westinghouse.
yet weighs only 136 lbs.


X-ray Head

X-ray tube, lead shielding, HT trans-

former, filament heating transformer,
and automatic thermal cutoff device are
all mounted in a single lightweight
X-ray portal: Total X-ray beam is 360
Focus size: 3x 3 mm
Inherent Filtration: Low
Shielding: 5 mm of lead
Power rating: Self-rectified 300 KVP-
Weight: 136 lbs.
Dimensions: 4614 long, 1214 diameter

Control Panel

Hermetically-sealed penetration meter,

penetration selector, MA control, and
automatic push _ button reset timer
mounted in rugged metal cabinet.
Power Supply: 115 or 230 volts, 60 cycles,
single phase
Weight: 41 lbs.
Dimensions: 15” x 12” x 7”
Also included: 25’ and 60’ connecting
cables and individual carrying cases.



For details, circle No. 13 on Reader Information Card

Other Activities at Hotel Penn-Sheraton


9:30 A.M.—RWMA Meeting, Park View Room

12 NOON—RWMA Luncheon, Aero Room

2:00 P.M.—Member Classes Committee Meeting, Parlor B

2:00 P.M.—Technical Council Meeting, Parlor E


8:00 A.M.—Districts Council Breakfast Meeting, West Room

9:00 A.M.—Educational Open Meeting, Sky Room

12 NOON—National Fall Meeting Luncheon, Ft. Duquesne Room

2:00 P.M.—Promotion Open Meeting, Sky Room

7:00 P.M.—Ohio State University Student Alumni Dinner, Club Room


8:00 A.M.—National Membership Committee Breakfast Meeting, Park View Room

9:00 A.M.—Missiles and Rockets Welded Fabrication Committee Meeting, Aero Room

2:00 P.M.—Section Officers’ Meeting, Sky Room


10:00 A.M.—Board of Directors Meeting, Aero Room

12 NOON—Board of Directors Luncheon, Club Room

1:30 P.M.—WRC Resistance Welding Research Committee, Park View Room

942 | SEPTEMBER 1960

«:0y uni

steel up to 1/2” thick

outstanding for inspection of
aluminum pp to 4”

reduces exposure
. (as much as 20%)
high full wave output
o~ or {|

== i sharpest detail
y ultrafine 0.3 mm focal spot
on rotating anode tube on
rocksteady tubestand
exposures 6 ma continuous operation
twice the rating of typical
with stationary-anode tube with
sharper 0.4 mm focal spot

handles heaviest workloads
because x-ray tube is water-cooled

consistent film quality

both generator and control are
stabilized for industrial supply lines

ideal for fluoroscopy

with Picker Image Intensifier
(especially good for
magnification technics)

get the full story on this great new

Radiographic Unit from your local Picker Office
(see *phone book) or write
25 South Broadway, White Plains, N.Y.

ONE STOP for all this in non-destructive inspection equipment

ANDREX portable x-ray units-140 KV, 160 KV, 200 KV, 260 KV
x-radwgraphy PICKER x-ray units—-35 KV Beryllium window, 90 KV, 110KV,
150 KV (stationary and mobile), 270 KV portable
gamma PICKER Pipeliner—30 curies, Ir!%?, Cyclops—1500 curies; Co™
TECH/OPS Iridium!” units from 10 to 100 curies; Cobalt®
radwgraphy 3 to 100 curies: also Thulium!”, Cesium!57
fluoroscopy PICKER Image Intensifier and associated equipment
PICKER X-RAY CORPORATION PICKER Ferroscope Ferroflux Portaflux
25 South Broodway, White Ploins, N. Y magnett particle PIXmag Ferropowders and pastes

dye penetrant PIXchek Penetrants, Cleaners, Developers, and accessories

For details, circle No. 14 on Reader information Card

PLANT TOURS 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.—Registration in Grant Room, Club Floor, Hotel Penn-Sheraton
9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.—Coffee hour in Grant Room
¢ Wednesday, 10:15 A.M.—Buses will leave Hotel Penn-Sheraton and travel through Lower Hill Redevelop-
September 28 ment area; Gateway Center with stopover at Fort Pitt Block House; Castle
Shannon Inclined Plane and travel by conveyance to the top of the incline with
stopover at Mount Washington Observation Deck
Morning: 12:00 NOON—Luncheon at Pittsburgh's newest and very attractive LeMont Restaurant
1:00 P.M.—Buses will leave for tour of the famous Heinz Plant. Here, ladies will tour
Tour of American Bridge facilities of the plant, view a technicolor motion picture and enjoy refreshments
Plant at Ambridge 3:30 P.M.—Return to Hotel Penn-Sheraton


Tour of the Shippingport 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.—Registration in Grant Room
Atomic Power Station of 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.—Coffee hour in Grant Room
Duquesne Light Co. 10:00 A.M. to 11:45 A.M.—Free for shopping
12:00 NOON—Buses depart from Hotel Penn-Sheraton and travel to Monongahela Wharf at
foot of Wood Street. Here, ladies will board the Gateway Clipper for a de-
lightful three-hour river cruise. Luncheon will be served aboard boat and
cocktails may be purchased
¢ Thursday, 3:30 P.M.—Return to hotel
September 29
Morning: 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.—Registration in Grant Room
Tour of Aluminum Company 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.—Coffee hour in Grant Room
of America, New Kensing- 10:15 A.M.—Buses will leave Hotel Penn-Sheraton for tour of Oakland Cultural, Medical and
Civic Center with stopovers at Heinz Chapel, Nationality Rooms and Cathedral
ton Works of Learning
12:00 NOON—-Luncheon at renowned Park Schenley Restaurant
Afternoon: 1:30 P.M.—Buses will leave for visit to Carnegie Museum
2:45 P.M.—Buses will leave Carnegie Museum for tour of Phipps’Conservatory in Schenley
Tour of Brackenridge Works Park
. Allegheny Ludlum Steel 3:30 P.M.—Return to hotel
Open Day

AWS members planning to stay in Pittsburgh are reminded that accommodations

should be reserved in advance. The Society has organized a Housing Com-
mittee to assist members in obtaining reservations.
Write to:
AWS Housing Committee
American Welding Society
33 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y.

944 | SEPTEMBER 1960

no other regulator is so easily
adjusted, none are safer. and, no
other regulator offers greater user
New and better equipment, in every industry, makes every job safer and
easier to accomplish. Modernization is the keystone to all of our amazing
industrial progress.
We too, in our old established company, are constantly striving to bring
better products to our many customers.
If you are yet among those who have not tried NATIONAL of CALIFOR-
NIA regulators, we can promise you a thrill: for no other pressure reducing
regulators are so well made. function so flawlessly, operate with greater
safety or stay on the job longer. Why not try them? They are good.

made for all high pressure gases

— both single and two stage

NATIONAL welding equipment compony..

218 fremont street, san francisco 5, california

For details, circle No. 15 on Reader information Card
NEW] wypo FILE
Western Welding Show and Technical Conference
NEW The Santa Clara Valley Section announces the third Western Weld-
POLISHED ing Show to be held at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San
CASE Jose, Calif., on Oct. 13-15, 1960.
DESIGNED TO In conjunction with the show, the Western Welding Technical Con-
local Welding FOR THE NEW FILE ference will be held at the St. Claire Hotel in San Jose. The fee is
Supply Dealer $10 for the series or $5.00 for each half day, luncheon not included.
Explain Why
wrYyYPo The program is as follows:
MUCH MORE" Wipes and Polishes
With... the Worlds Finest Thursday, October 13th
TIP CLEANERS 8:00— 8: Registration
FREE! NEW, SPECIALLY DESIGNED WYPO 9:00-—10: Welding of Stainless Steel-_Geo. Linnert, Armco
More Exclusive WYPO Features
10: 20-10: Break
These rounded outer 11: Welding of Nickel Alloys—Ken Spicer, Inco
edges of cleaning
ridges clean and 11: Question Period
polish tip orifice 1:% Weldability of T-1, HY80 and Similar Class Steels
without scratching Doty, U. S. Steel
or cutting.
Question Period
This smooth pilot
guides WYPO Tip Break
Cleaner into tip.
Will not enlarge or Filler Materials and Processes for Welding Alloy Steels—
damage tip port. Wayne Wilcox, Arcos
Question Period
This cross section view of WYPO Cleaning
Surfaces shows these exclusive features: Friday, October 14th
Rounded cleaning surfaces that won't jom
or cut 9:00—-10:00 Welding of Precipitation-hardening Steels—-Geo. Linnert,
Straight sided valleys insure thorough cleaning by
removing all waste. Armco
SPRING LOADED SPOOL 10:00 :20 Question Period
moses == 10: :30 Break
Spring loaded brass spool. Will not rust. 10:: :30 Welding of Alloys for High-temperature Service —R. D.
Holds cleaners securely in case. Culbertson, Haynes Stellite
:50 Question Period
Insures longer life for small sizes of WYPO
Tip Cleaners. Will not pull out of case. 2:30 Brazing for Electronic Uses—Fritz Budde, Eitel-McCul-
2:50 Question Period
3:00 Break
Specially designed WYPO File
furnished free in each set 3:45 Joining Practices for Vacuum Systems—-R. H. Rhoades,
Sylvania Electric Products
WYPO | | Master ser ib :00 Question Period
TIP CLEANERS TIP CLEANERS NO oan :30 What’s New in Welding Apparatus—A. M. Hubbard, GE
NO Om oan
73727" aga7 Saturday, October 15th
ao7 ood “as
“ay *2 HEOSCE
oe aa ieeed 9:00-10:00 The Science of Welding Aluminum— Paul Dickerson, Alcoa
9-38 on
se 10:00—10: 20 Question Period
51.9049 10: 20-10:30 Break
5S wrPO
var IN
UBS ®&“sesstxesse
olMS * i 2479790
c .> 8£ gusseeese
242990) 2479790
™ Caneme 1008 242990)
” Canece (908 $s wrro §>
“ect m™ ube WwvGunes er)OdAM 10: 30—-11:00
dis The Art of Welding Aluminum—Ron Skow, Linde Co.
Cleens SET OF (17) AUMBO SET OF (9) MASTER SET OF (21) 11:00-11:15 Question Period
Mes. 75(27)teGrill Sines Cleans
4 inci Mes. (1%)te Orill Sines Cleans
Mes. 75(46)teDrill Sizes
30 Inet
Replacement cleaners and files availoble. Cleaning 11:15-11: Application of Welded Aluminum—C. B. Robinson, Airco
Range— Cleaner No. & Drill Nos. stamped on back
of each case WYPO GIVES YOU MORE! 11:45-11: Question Period
SUPPLY DEALERS 11:50 Adjournment
1395 Obispo St., Long Beach 4, Calif
For details, circle No. 43 on Reader Information Card
946 | SEPTEMBER 1960

TEC Visuweld Watercooled Torch

The standard bearer of the quality TEC Torch line proven

by scores of satisfied users throughout the country.
Lightweight, and maneuverable, the TEC water-cooled
operates from 3 to 350 Amps with maintenance free effi-
ciency because of one-piece torch head design which
eliminates troublesome wearing or leaking.
_ Exclusive “tip-of-torch” water cooling affords con-
tinuous welding even at 350 Amps. No finer welding
instrument on the market.

TEC Visuweld Vycor*
Transparent Gas Nozzles*

TEC Air-cooled Torch

This smooth operating newcomer to the
TEC line is gaining plaudits for its great
gas savings and its effortless perform-
Rugged and durable due to one piece
construction of phenolic plastic rein-
forced with macerated fiber glass, the
TEC Air-Cooled utilizes both standard and
off-set Visuweld transparent nozzles.

TEC Spot Gun

Here's the one spot gun that has “yi sant’? :
been engineered not to create 4 TEC Tiny Giant” (Pencil)
problems, but to solve the pro- as an Torch with Off-set Nozzle)
duction gap between resistant
welding and arc welding. . Only the magic of TEC ingenuity could have
Lightweight, “tip-of-torch” developed so simple, yet revolutionary an
cooled, and trouble-free the TEC mnovation.
Spot Gun enables welding all TEC’s off-set nozzles and chucks convert the
gauge thickness joints from only TEC watercooled and air-cooled torches into
one side efficiently and economi- miniature torches which enable TEC TIG
Cally. welding in less than 14% inches of space!

You always have the winning formula when you specify TEC for your TIG welding require-
ments. Dedicated to producing the finest possible equipment in the industry, TEC products
have proven time and time again that they out-perform all others . . . that tig welding can be
more economical, maintenance free, and can produce results never before achieved. See
your nearest TEC distributor today or contact TEC directly for personal service.
*Vycor is a registered trade name of Corning Glass Works, Inc.

TEC TORCH COMPANY, INC., CARLSTADT, N. J. Manufacturers of Visuweld Equipment

For details, circle Ne. 16 on Reader Information Card


@ President C. I. MacGuffie, in his B. J. Fraser also continued active on @ During the 1959-60 fiscal year
widress published in the June issue important committees the Sabine Section became the 85th
of the Wetomc Journat, briefly @ Treasurer H. E. Rockefeller has member of these active groups
discussed some of the Society ac completed a three year term during which, with Divisions of Sections,
tivities of the fiscal year ending May which he has guided the preparation sponsor local meetings, inspection
11, 1960. Under his effective and of budgets in revised form, present- trips, educational courses, sym-
inspired leadership and with the un ing income and expense items so that posiums, social and recreational ac-
selfish and talented assistance of they can be readily identified and so tivities. The officers, committee
National District and Section Of as to encourage each operating de- chairmen and members of these
ficers, Cormpittee Chairmen and partment to carefully control all ex- groups develop ideas and provide
Members, and the excellent per penses. Each year a balanced bud- the leadership and motivation which
formance of all staff members, the get has been prepared. Each year result in successful section activities
Soctetry has continued to expand its the Soctery has operated success- and make possible the outstanding
activities and its services to mem fully under that budget and has achievements of the entire SocrEery.
bers, the welding industry and our completed the year with an excess of @ Standing, Special, Educational,
entire country income over expense. Each year the Handbook and Technical Commit-
@ President MacGuffie visited all total budget has been increased to tees include in their membership
parts of the country, addressing provide for new and expanded ac- several hundred individuals who
many AWS Sections on technical tivities. During the 1959-60 fiscal freely contribute time and knowl-
subjects and Soctrry activities and year the excess of income over ex- edge gained through formal training
objectives. He gave personal at pense is of the order of $20,000.00. and broad experience, in collecting,
tention to the United Engineering This sum has been set aside by your correlating and disseminating in-
Center fund drive. He presided Board of Directors to cover moving, formation, and developing recom-
at Board and Council Meetings installation, new equipment and mended procedures and standards
guiding the discussions fairly and other expenses connected with the which encourage the use of properly
with dispatch He conducted our transfer of headquarters to the new designed and fabricated welded
National Meetings and spoke with United Engineering Center during construction. These men perform
distinetion on these and other occa 1961. The guidance and counsel of a great service to industry.
Rions The Soctrery was enriched by ‘Treasurer Rockefeller, as well as
the outatanding leadership of Presi the routine control of statements @ WELDING JOURNAL Editor B. E.
dent MacGuffie who has a_ long and checks and similar activities, Rossi with associates Fred Talento,
record of activities in Socrery af have been of great value to your Carl Willer, Catherine O’Leary and
faire and has served as an executive staff and the Soctery. three secretaries have again pro-
in the welding industry for many duced an outstanding magazine with
years e@ Your 1959 60 Board of Directors excellent and varied editorial con-
included thirty individuals. These tent and increased advertising sup-
@ During the 1959 60 fiscal vear same men also served as members of port.
R.D Thomas, Jr., A. F. Chouinard the Executive and Finance Com-
and. Past-president J. J Chyle @ Technical Secretary E. A. Fen-
mittee and the four Functional ton was assisted during portions of
served as vice presidents and chair Councils which act for the Board of
men of the Technical, Districts, and the fiscal year by W. S. Morrison,
Directors. These groups are re- D. L. Patterson and three secre-
Publications and Promotions Coun sponsible for all major decisions
cils, respectively Each of these taries. With the exception of one
affecting Soctety activities, policies secretary he will be supported by a
men, with a wealth of industrial and plans. These men are leaders
technical and executive talent and new group of assistants during the
in industry and professional activi- 1960-61 fiscal year.
experience, hare contributed — sig ties who, with the full support of
nifieantlvy to the success of th their companies, devote much of @ Information-Education Secre-
varied activities of vour SocreTy their time and talents to the con- tary and HanpsBook Editor A. L
@ Past-presidents G. O. Hoglund sideration of Society plans and Phillips with Assistant W. Hall and
serving as Chairman of the Ad problems Past-presidents J. J tnree secretaries was responsible
ministrative Council, the National Chvyle and C. P. Sander, Directors- during the 1959-60 fiscal year for
Nominating Committee and other at-large J. F. Deffenbaugh, A. E producing the Third Section of the
important committees, and C. P Pearson and C. M. Styler, and Dis- Fourth Edition of the WELDING
Sander, with several important as trict Directors J. N. Alcock, E. C HANDBOOK, for educational activi-
nts including chairman Miller and F. V. McGinley com- ss and for information programs
vents for the Annual Ms pleted their terms as members of the wding the promotion of ““Welded
and Welding Exposition in Los board. All of these men have fait! ts Month” and publicity for
geles, continued their active interest fully performed their duties and eact Welding Exposition and Na-
and participation in vour Socrery has contributed to the increase Meetings. A new assistant
prorects Past-presidents H scope and effectiveness of SocrETY be added to this group for the
Humberstone, H. W Pierce and O activities 1960-61 fiscal vear.

1) No darkroom loading. Ready for 2) Just place in position and expose 3) In the darkroom pull the rip strip,
exposure as it comes from the box. the film is protected from dust, dirt, remove film, and process
light and moisture.

DD al ad \ OF 0



X-ray Film

Here’s new convenience when you exposure. A convenient rip strip

Sealed tight until processed— are inspecting aluminum or mag- makes it easy to open in the
keeps clean nesium alloys, thin steels, plastic darkroom
or anything where lead screens are These films come 75 to
Very convenient to handle— not required a box in sizes 8 x 10.
saves time Kodak Industrial X-ray Film, 10x 12, 11x 14,14x17.
Readily available in Type AA Type AA and Type M-Ready Pack Order them from
and Type M comes to you with each sheet sealed your Kodak X-ray
in a light-tight envelope ready for dealer.


X-ray Division Rochester 4, N. Y.
For details, circle No. 17 on Reader Information Card
@ Office Manager E. Krisman, re- e@ The Information Service has Councils, Committees and associ-
porting to Assistant Secretary Frank completed a second successful year, ated groups, and other activities.
Mooney and supported by several promoting ‘Welded Products Parts of the technical program were
associates, maintains direct contact Month,” providing publicity for all sponsored by the Metals Division
with members and sections; super- national activities of the SocrEry, of the American Society of Mechani-
vises the collection of dues and main- assisting Sections with the “Speak- cal Engineers.
tenance of accurate addresses, the ers Directory” and “Film Direc-
filing of hundreds of individual tory,” and furthering educational @ The Welding Exposition was held
activities by distributing the EAC in the Great Western Exhibit Center
orders for emblems, certificates and
guidance booklet for high school in Los Angeles during this same
publications; plans and coordinates
students ‘Opportunities in the period. Exhibit space was greater
the work of the duplicating and
Welding Industry” and the NEMA than for any previous AWS Welding
mailing departments; and aids As-
sponsored publication suitable for Exposition. Future expositions are
sistant Treasurer Mooney in direct-
college courses covering the design scheduled as follows: 1961, New
ing the work of the bookkeeping de-
of metal machines and structures. York; 1962, Cleveland; 1963, Phila-
During the 1960-61 fiscal year with delphia; 1964, Detroit; and 1965,
@ Staff Member Frank Mooney, Chicago.
with several titles, works directly the support of Publicity Committee
with your Executive Secretary and Chairman R. E. Lawson and his @ Following these events the So-
committee members, assistance and creTy held its first Mid Pacific Con-
is largely responsible for Exposition
and National Meeting activities, for guidance will be provided to Section ference in Honolulu during the week
publicity chairmen. of May 2nd. Eighty AWS mem-
bookkeeping and financial opera-
tions, for personnel and equipment, bers and guests from the mainland
e@ During the 1959-60 fiscal year joined a similar group from Hawaii
and for many important special as- the AWS School of Welding Tech-
signments. For the 1960-61 fiscal in technical meetings and plant
nology was organized and conducted tours. An AWS Hawaii Section is
year a new staff member will be ap- two courses of one-week duration
pointed to work with Mr. Mooney now being organized.
devoted to gas-shielded arc welding.
and Mr. Krisman, making possible These courses were given in New e A National Fall Meeting was held
additional activities in assisting York City and were both highly in Detroit, Sept. 28 to Oct. 1, 1959.
Sections in promoting new members successful. Additional courses will This was an unusually successful
and increasing the effectiveness of be offered in New York and possibly technical meeting without exposi-
their programs for serving and main- elsewhere during the 1960-61 fiscal tion, but with a full program of
taining the support of present mem- year. technical papers, plant tours, ladies’
bers. activities, social events and meet-
e@ During the 1959-60 fiscal year @ Preparation of recommended ings of Board, Councils, Committees
all staff members have faithfully practices for welding departments and associated groups including the
executed the plans and policies de- in public schools is well advanced by PVRC of the Welding Research
termined by your Board of Direc- Educational Activities Committees. Council.
tors and have given excellent sup- EAC Chairman C. E. Jackson has
port and cooperation to your Secre- completed three years or more in @ Vice-president A. F. Chouinard
tary as they served the Soctety ef- charge of these activities. These with the full support of President C.
fectively and with great loyalty. have been important years marked I. MacGuffie directed the drive for
by the successful organizing and the United Engineering Center
e@ The third section of the Fourth initiating of many diverse and much Building Fund. Contributions from
Edition of the WELDING HANDBOOK needed activities. Mr. E. C. Miller industry and from members of the
was issued during the 1959-60 fiscal now becomes EAC Chairman. societies which will establish head-
year; the fourth section is now being quarters in the center were in
completed and should be issued dur- @ The Technical Department has excess of eight million dollars as
ing the last quarter of 1960; prepa- issued seven major publications of June 1, 1960. Your Board of
ration has been started for the fifth including the new “Soldering Directors has agreed to raise $60,-
section which is scheduled to be is- Manual,” revised “Filler Metal 000.00 in contributions from AWS
sued during the last quarter of Comparison Charts,” new standards members. Goals have been estab-
1961, completing the Fourth Edi- covering “‘Welding Ferrous Material lished for each Section. At the end
tion. for Nuclear Power Piping,” ‘Gas of the fiscal year twenty-seven Sec-
Tungsten-Arc Welding of Titanium tions had met their goal, several
Piping and Tubing,”’ ““Gas Shielded- others were close to theirs and over
Arc Welding of Aluminum and 50° of the total had been pledged.
Aluminum-Alloy Pipe,”’ ‘‘Metalliz- Vice-president J. H. Blankenbuehler
Plan to Attend ing Shafts or Similar Objects” and will direct the 1960-61 drive to com-
the 1959 Supplement to the AWS pletely meet this total goal.
1960 AWS Bibliographies. Eighteen additional
standards are nearing completion @ Technical Secretary E. A. Fenton
and may be issued during the 1960— attended the 1959 Assembly of the
National Fall Meeting 61 fiscal year. International Institute of Welding
held in Yugoslavia during June.
Sept. 26-29 e@ The Annual Meeting of the He is now Secretary of the American
SocrETy was held in Los Angeles, Council of IIW. Your Secretary is
Apr. 25 to 29, 1960 with the Adams Chairman of this Council and, as of
Hotel Penn-Sheraton Lecture, presentation of honors and June 18, 1961, vice president of
awards, a full program of technical IiW. The 1961 Assembly of I1W
Pittsburgh, Pa. papers, the educational lectures, will be held in New York in con-
plant tours, reception, banquet, junction with the AWS Annual
ladies’ program, meetings of Board, Meeting and Welding Exposition.

9590 | SEPTEMBER 1960

e@ Approximately three hundred
AWS members have applied for | RegO...extra-heavy, high-quality fittings...
“loss of time,” or “hospital-nurse-
surgical’ coverage under the group for fluid handling...pressures to 3000 psi.
insurance program made available
to them during the 1959-60 fiscal
year. This program, administered
by others, without expense or in-
come to the SociETy, may soon be Ae
expanded to provide a group life in- 1/111) ii
surance plan. Information concern-
ing the current program may be se-
cured from the Administrator AWS
Group Insurance Program, 910 17th

St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C.

e The first “Adams Memorial
Memberships,” in honor of founder
and first president Comfort A.
Adams, were awarded to five pro-
fessors at the 1960 Annual Meeting.
@ Membership during the nine
months September 1959-May 1960
increased by about 500. The Sabine
Division of the Houston Section re-
quested and received authority to
operate as an AWS Section. Chair-
man H. E. Miller will continue as
head of the National Membership
Committee during the 1960-61 fiscal
year. An added staff member will
make possible more staff assistance
in this important activity.
@ New England Sections sponsored
an outstanding conference and show ADAPTERS
during October 1959. They plan a
similar event to be held in Boston
Oct. 14 and 15th, 1960. The Santa most complete line in the industry
Clara Section will hold an exposi-
tion in the San Francisco area Oct. From storage source to point-of-use, RegO fittings and adapters will
13 to 15, 1960. The Carolina Sec-
tion will cosponsor the Plant Engi- meet all your high-pressure pipe connection requirements. All are of
neering and Maintenance Exhibit brass, forged or extruded, for pressures to 3000 psi. Precisely machined
at Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 13 to 15th,
1960. pipe threads conform to American National Taper Pipe Thread (Dry-
e@ During the 1959-60 fiscal year seal Form), CGA, or socket connection standards. Elbows, tees, crosses,
your Secretary, usually accompanied
adapters, plugs, nipples, tailpieces, union connection nuts, coupling
by President MacGuffie or other
national officers, attended more than assemblies and flange unions are available in an exceptional variety of
30 meetings of Sections and District
Groups, presenting technical talks connection combinations. (Special combinations can also be arranged.)
or discussing SOCIETY activities and All items are made in strict accord with industrial specifications,
carefully cleaned for oxygen service.
@ Have you completed your plans
to attend and have you made reser- RELY ON REGO... PIONEERS IN DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE
vations for the 1960 National Fall OF COMPRESSED GAS CONTROL EQUIPMENT
at Pittsburgh, September 26th to
29th? Do not miss this fine tech-
nical program—the keynote ad- PLEASE SEND ME FREE CATALOG GF-300 OF COMPLETE LINE
dress ‘‘Steel: Avant Garde” by C.
M. Parker—two full days of plant NAME
tours—an interesting ladies’ pro-
gram—sessions sponsored by the REGO DIVISION Commer
Structural Division of ASCE, the THE BASTIAN-
Column Research Council and the BLESSING COMPANY ADDRESS
Society for Nondestructive Test- 4201 W. Peterson Avenue
Dept. 29-1 CITY, ZONE, STATE
ing—an address by President Chicago 46, Illinois
Thomas and a special luncheon eee
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
program. For details, circle No. 44 on Reader information Card


ome arwameru
CUT Time

Two completely new catalogs

available to you at no obligation.
See the best in welding and cut-
ting apparatus ... TORCHWELD®
and REGO*...available exclu-
sively through NCG's nation-wide
network of Sales Offices, Distri-
butors and Dealers. Call or write
for your copies today.
*T. M. Bastian-Blessing Co.
e welding and cutting apparatus of all types

and sizes for all of your needs


HAND CUTTING (Single Stage) Fifteen welding, cutting
TORCHES Five different torches
available to best suit your Twenty-two models meet and combination outfits
Four models that handle work ...large-capacity, every demand of cutting provide everything neces-
any job. Thousands are in heavy-duty torches; medi- and welding in shops, ship sary for all types of weld-
use, cutting plate, multiple um-duty torches, and BAN- and scrap yards, mills and ing and cutting. Prices of
plates, slabs, sheets and TAM® light-duty torches. industrial plants. standard outfits are 5%
scrap. less than total price of in-
dividual items.

MACHINE CUTTING Twelve styles, each in many
TORCHES sizes, to satisfy the many
Twelve models provide for requirements for good REGULATORS SOD-R-BRAZE®
any needed selection and welding. (Dual Stage)
Built to meet widespread
meet every requirement. Nine models. No more ac- demand for efficient, inex-
Machine cutting is increas- HEATING TIPS curate or dependable a pensive soldering, heating
ing, and NCG torches are regulator at any price. ond light brazing.
preferred more and more. Twelve different tips avail-
able in mony sizes give
you moximum flexibility.


Twenty-six styles, each in ATTACHMENTS An indispensable automatic
(Pressure Compensating) gas shut-off. Hang weld-
many sizes, made of spe- Four attachments double Ten models for all types of
cial copper alloy chosen ing torch on hook and the
the usefulness of NCG work. These regulators gases shut off completely.
for its heat resistant and Welding Torches— simple combine best features of
long-wearing qualities. Take torch off, pass tip
and fast coupling converts single and dual-stage reg- over pilot light and re-light
Large selection assures you any of these torches to an ulators.
of the right tip for each job. to previous flame setting.
efficient cutting torch. Saves time and gas.


840 N. Michigan Ave., Dept. £-1J I
Chicago 11, Illinois
For details, circle Ne. 18 on Reader information Card © 1960, CHEMETRON CORPORATION

MACHINES Ake =i 7 : te
r | = dian. :


Educational Open Meeting Scheduled for Pittsburgh


It has become a practice each year Publicity Chairmen publicity, the simple techniques used
for the Educational Activities Com- by experienced publicity men to
Publicity is one of the youngest
mittee of the AWS to hold an Open members of the AWS family—it is achieve their objectives. This will
Meeting at the National Spring or also one of the most important. be a down-to-earth meeting where
Fall Meeting. This year the Open Publicity and Education are so experts from the advertising depart-
Meeting will be held on Tuesday closely allied that it is sometimes ments of member companies will
morning, Sept. 27, 1960, during the actually demonstrate the methods
difficult to tell them apart. When
AWS Fall Meeting at Pittsburgh. the public is being informed about they use. They will show a simple
In the early days of the reacti- welding it is Publicity; when a seg- formula for preparing new releases
vated Educational Committees, the a technique which can be applied to
ment of the public is being informed
primary object of the Open Meetings it is Education. The dissemination any release regardless of subject.
was guidance. So much was needed The duties of a Section Publicity
of knowledge is probably the most
that the basic problem was where to important function of the AMER- Chairman will be discussed and
begin and which activity was most recommendations given upon the
ICAN WELDING Society, and the
important. The Socrety’s educa- best way to handle Section news.
wider the public that can be reached
tional program has progressed tre The materials available at Head-
the greater the dissemination of
mendously since then and recent quarters and issued by Headquar-
Open Meetings have been devoted ters will be explained and it is hoped
The Publicity Chairman of an
largely to reporting progress and AWS Section has one of the most that a short, but comprehensive,
answering questions. publicity manual will be available
stimulating offices in his Section.
Now that the program is firmly es- He can see the results of his efforts for distribution at the meeting.
tablished, another phase of the ac- in the local papers, in the stores, on These two meetings are of the ut-
tivity is needed. This is the “How most importance to your Sections.
radio and TV. He can be justi-
to Do It” phase; the actual me- fiably proud when his picture is in All Educational and _ Publicity
chanics of how to present a course, a Chairmen should plan to attend.
the paper with the Mayor of his
symposium or a technical meeting. city, at the signing of the proclama- Other Section officers interested in
All AWS Sections are faced with tion designating April as National these activities are cordially invited.
similar problems and all are in- What is learned at these meetings
Welded Products Month. He can
terested in the success stories of may have a great effect upon the
be elated equally when the speaker
other Sections. A two-day sym- success of AWS Sections throughout
at a sales executive luncheon or the
posium which is an outstanding suc- like discusses the latest develop- the coming year.
cess does not happen by chance. ments in welding, especially if the
There is careful planning and prep- speaker was his nominee.
aration behind it. This know-how These results can be obtained by AWS SCHOOL OF WELDING
is badly needed by Sections which TECHNOLOGY
any Publicity Chairman. The only FALL CURRICULUM
have not had the experience of or- problem is the natural reluctance of
ganizing such projects. a technically trained man to enter a SUBJECTS: Welding} Metal-
Part of the Open Meeting in new and unknown field. The AWS lurgy
September will be devoted to the Testing & Inspection of Welds
Publicity Committee realizes that LOCATION: ew York City
various projects Sections can or- this problem exists and that it has to DATES: Oct. 31—Nov. 4 Nov.
ganize, and Sections which have suc- be solved if news of the welding in- 14—-Nov. 18
cessfully presented these projects dustry and stories of welding are go- FEE: $75.00 for each course
will explain how they achieved suc- ing to appear in the daily press WHO: The courses are slanted
cess. to the needs of the engineer
throughout the country. With 85 whose company uses welding
Many AWS organize Sections covering practically the as a fabrication tool
courses yea" and ob- whole of the U. S. it should be possi- WHY: Because it is the only
tain excellent a ances. Their ble to spread the news of welding to means of obtaining this speci-
experience would be exceedingly val- alized information in so short a
a tremendous audience. space of time
uable to the newer and less experi- Enrollments are limited to fifty
enced Sections. Furthermore, each Section Publicity and lists will be closed immedi-
year the Section Officers change and ately after fifty applications have
the Fall Open Meeting gives the new On Tuesday afternoon, Septem- been received. lan to attend
officers an opportunity to learn how ber 27th, at the AWS Fall Meeting these courses and learn of the lat-
in Pittsburgh, the Publicity Com- est developments in these fields.
others, who held the same position Application forms may be ob-
in other AWS Sections, handled the mittee will hold an Open Meeting on tained from:
office. ‘How to Handle AWS Section Pub- Arthur L. Phillips, American
licity.”’ Welding Society, 33 West 39th
The express purpose of the meet- Street, New York 18, N. Y.
ARTHUR L. PHILLIPS is Secretary, Informa-
tion and Education, AWS. ing is to explain the mechanics of

954 | SEPTEMBER 1960 For details, circle No. 19 on Reader Information Card —>

Ransome— fullest, most complete line in Automation Welding



You can expect the new, the different, the better from Ransome



Ransome Company, Scotch Plains, N. J.

0 Send Pree Guide to positioning equipment.
(J Have your sales engineer call.
City, Zone, State

As reported to Catherine M. O'Leary

AWS Welcomes New Section as Sabine Group A past-chairman’s pin was pre
sented to Dick Hayes along with
Receives Its Charter congratulations for a job well done.
Formerly a division of the Hous- sponsorship of the Houston Section. Introduction of the newly elected
ton Section, the Sabine unit of This growth has led to its natural officers was made as follows: Chair-
Beaumont, Tex., became an inde- emergence as an independent unit. man, John Wiley, Wiley Welding
pendent Section of the American With the issuance of the Sabine Supply; Vice-chairman, Al Collins,
Welding Society effective June 1, Kaiser Steel; Secretary, Orville
Charter the AWS roster of active
1960. This date had been selected Eichman, NCG; Treasurer, Leo
Sections now stands at 85. West, Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach
by the Board of Directors at the
Annual Meeting held in Los Angeles Officers of the new Section for Div.
last April and was subject to the ful- 1960-61 fiscal year are J. A. Mayo, Bob Olsen, chairman of the
fillment of certain By-law require- Gulf Oil Corp., chairman; S. W. Scholarship Committee, introduced
ments which have now been met. Scurlock, Mobil Oil Co., first vice- the winners of the Scholarship
The Sabine group has had an chairman; and H. R. Johnston, Big Awards: George Maybee, and Don-
active and growing membership Three Welding Equipment Co., ald McGarr, both juniors in metal-
since its formation in 1954 under the treasurer. lurgy at Cal-Poly. Both boys re-
ceived $500 for a continued major in
welding engineering. The scholar-
ing this meeting. The social hour ship awards were followed by the
started at 6:30 P.M., followed by a presentation of awards won by those
steak dinner. procuring the greatest number of
A beautiful 3-tier waterfall for his new members for the year.
Huntsville—Some 80 members
and guests of the Nashville Section garden was presented to C. P. The entertainment for the evening
visited the Redstone Arsenal in “Sandy” Sander, in appreciation of was furnished by two very clever
Huntsville on Friday, June 10th. his hard work and time expended in acts, China Doll Review, fresh from
Having the opportunity to see the helping to make the first AWS Las Vegas, and a comedy act from
actual fabrication of the missiles Welding Show on the West Coast a Spike Jones. The evening’s festiv-
made the trip most interesting. success. Mr. Sander was Chairman ities were concluded by the drawing
On June 16th a business meeting of the Arrangements Committee. of many valuable door prizes.
was held at which time the names of
the officers for the coming year were
announced as follows: Chairman,
Bill Reagan, Avco Corp.; Vice-
chairman, George Merrick, Temco SECTION MEETING CALENDAR
Co.; Secretary, Joe Roby, Ameri-
can Bureau of Shipping; and Treas-
urer, Bill Moran, Nashville Bridge SEPTEMBER 6 SEPTEMBER 15
Co. TULSA Section. Dinner 6:00 P.M., Ward's Caf- BATON ROUGE Section. “Welding of High-
eteria, Sand Springs, Okla. Plant tour of the Shef- alloy Steels,’’ Milton Randall, Battelle Memorial In-
field Division, Armco Steel Corp., Sand Springs, stitute.
Okla., 7:00 P.M. Film, “The World of Armco.” SEPTEMBER 16
LONG BEACH Section. Technical Meeting.
SEPTEMBER 8 MILWAUKEE Section. Ambassador Hotel, Buffet
ANNUAL REUNION IOWA-ILLINOIS Section. Highland Park Bowl, dinner 6:30 p.m. Meeting 8:00 p.m. “Welding
Los Angeles—-The Los Angeles Moline, lil. Dinner 6:30 P.M. Meeting 7:30. as a Modern Process for Bridge Construction,”’ La-
Section held its last meeting of the “Structural Welding,” LaMotte Grover, Air Reduc- Motte Grover, Air Reduction Sales Co.
1959-60 fiscal year on June 9th at tion Sales Co. SEPTEMBER 17
the Rodger Young Auditorium. NEW JERSEY Section. Fifteenth Annual Picnic.
This was the ““Annual Reunion and SEPTEMBER 9 Old Cider Mill Grove, Union, N. J., starts at noon
Ladies’ Night’ held each year at DETROIT Section. Cobo Hall, 6:30 P.M. Pre- SEPTEMBER 20
this time. sentation of George N. Sieger Annual Memorial MOBILE Section. Korbets’ Restaurant, Social
This year’s event honored the Award to Jim Cox. Speaker William Sheehand, Hour, 6:30P.M. Dinner, 7:15, Technical Session
ladies who served on the entertain- News Director, WJR. 8:00.
ment committee during the 41st
Annual Meeting and Welding Show
held in April. Each of these gra- Editors Note: Notices for December 1960 meetings must reach JOURNAL office prior to September 20th
cious ladies received a personalized so that they may be published in the November Calendar. Give full information concerning time, place, topic
and speaker for each meeting.
gift for her work as hostess dur-

956 | SEPTEMBER 1960



inch of shunt travel

controls full range

Seated at speakers table at June 9th Section Past-chairman Dave O’Connor of current
meeting of Los Angeles Section are Chair- served as master of ceremonies
man and Mrs. R. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. for the evening
D. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross and
Past-president ‘‘Sandy’’ Sander

Outgoing Chairman Dick Hayes (right) Past-president ‘‘Sandy”’ Sander (right)

receives Past-chairman’s pin congratulates the new Sec-
from Ed Williams tion Chairman John Wiley

MaT Murex AC
The principal purpose of the evening was to honor these charming ladies from Industrial Arc Welder
Los Angeles who did such a fine job taking care of the visiting ladies attending the
41st Annual Meeting in April At right is Committee Chairman John Ross
One inch of shunt travel ad-
justs for entire output cur-
rent range ® Shunt is rigidly,
permanently mounted, chatter-
ELECTRON-BEAM WELDING FAMILY PICNIC free © Patented dual-coil trans-
San Diego—A dinner meeting of St. Helena—The Annual Family former affords balanced elec-
the San Diego Section was held on Picnic of the San Francisco Section trical circuit © Promotes
June 15th at the General Atomic was held at the world-famous smooth, steady arc under all
Division of General Dynamics Corp. Charles King Winery in St. Helena
Speaker was Walter L. Wyman of on June 18th. welding conditions @ Glass in-
the Research and Development About 120 members and their sulated windings add to trans-
Staff, Metallurgy Division. Mr. families enjoyed the hospitality of former life ® Write for data
Wyman’s subject was “Electron- the winery and the magic art of
sheet that tells you more.
beam Welding.” The lecture and Chef Casey Cummings.
slides were followed by a film on the
work being done at General Atomic. ATTENDANCE CONTEST
The members and guests were Sacramento—tIn an effort to \*tu em c* welding
then taken on a guided tour of the maintain the high attendance rec- products
plant which included the Triga ord at technical meetings of the METAL «4 THERMIT CORPORATION
reactor, electron-beam welding ma- Central Valley Division of the San Generai Offices Rahway. New Jersey
chine and other interesting projects. Francisco Section, and at the same
For details, circle No. 45 on Reader Information Card

A highly successful and enjoyable dinner-dance was sponsored

by the New Jersey Section on May 17th

The new officers for the 1960-61 season are (left to right) Posing with their past-chairman’s plaques are (left to right):
Steve Sullivan, Tom McElrath, Edward Bowden and Bob standing; E. DiLiberti, N. Kiernan, K. Walker and H. Hoffman;
Thornton seated: K. Koopman, W. Begerow, R. Pursell, F. Bodine and
G. Nigh

time increase membership, a con- at the Sacramento plant. WIN GRAND PRIZE
test was sponsored during the past
year. The grand prize was a free
week-end for two at a Las Vegas LADIES’ NIGHT
hotel plus $100 in cash. The former Sunnyvale—The Santa Clara
was graciously donated by the Valley Section held their annual
famous Thunderbird Hotel in Las Ladies’ Night on June 17th at the
Vegas. The money was contrib- Jamaica Inn in Sunnyvale. An
uted by five business firms of the hour of good fellowship preceded the
Sacramento area—Air Reduction dinner.
Sales Co., Linde Co., Victor Equip- This was the last scheduled meet-
ment Co., Moores Welding Supply ing of the season. After a fine
Co. and Aerojet-General Corp. dinner, the new officers for the sea-
The only eligibility requirement for son were introduced, and the newly
the contest was attendance at every elected chairman, W. R. Smith, re-
meeting. After a very enjoyable ceived the gavel from the retiring
and technically informative year, chairman, R. N. Skow. As his
the drawing was held at the Central first official duty, Mr. Smith pre-
Valley Division’s annual picnic at sented Mr. Skow with his past-
Folsom State Park. The winner chairman’s pin. After a short busi- Raymond R. Nelson, shown above with his
was Raymond R. Nelson, of Car- ness session, the meeting was ad- charming wife, was the winner of the at-
michael, Calif. Mr. Nelson is a journed and the balance of the tendance record contest recently spon-
welding supervisor presently em- evening was given over to visiting sored by the Central Valley Division of the
ployed by the Aerojet-General Corp. and dancing. San Francisco Section

958 | SEPTEMBER 1960



benefit of controlled arc:

better welds,

faster welding
Part of the large group of members and their families who
thoroughly enjoyed the food and the activities at the June 18th family picnic
sponsored by the San Francisco Section

The ‘“‘chefs’’ are caught by the camera- Section Chairman McCormick leading
man while performing the most applause after impromptu speech
important task of the day by Bud Newman

the Kinston Plant of E. I. du Pont

de Nemours & Co.
Chairman H. A. Owen provided
LADIES’ NIGHT everyone with a brochure on the MaT Murex CAPS*
Olean—The Olean-Bradford Sec- 1960 Southeastern Show to be held
tion series of dinner meetings for the in the N. C. State Fair Arena, Controlled Arc
season was wrapped up on Saturday, September 14-17th inclusive. The
Power Supply
June 18th, with a festive dinner and Carolina Section is co-sponsoring
dance party at The Castle in Olean, “The Show” with the American In-
N. Y. Music for both round and stitute of Plant Engineers and the tectifier-type, constant volt-
square dancing was provid d from N. C. Motor Carriers Association. age welder for semi or full
9 : 00 P.M. to 1 : 00 A.M. by Dick A seminar program will also be held
with two speakers each of three automatic welding ¢ Improves
Jordan’s orchestra. The event
was further enlivened by a piano mornings. weld quality « When teamed
Boogie Woogie Concert by member Speaker at the technical meeting with constant rate wire feed,
Harold Collins, Jr. was Roy G. Willis, regional engineer
of Linde Co., New York, who spoke arc length, deposition rate re-
The election of officers was held
and the newly elected officers were on “Inert-gas Arc Cutting of the main constant despite fit-up
introduced to the group by out- Nonferrous Metals.”” The du Pont variations ¢ Bead shape is
going Chairman David G. Peterson. plant, which was the host, utilizes
much stainless steel, so that the more uniform; stubbing and
The outgoing officers were given a
vote of thanks for their fine work in program had more than passing burnbacks are greatly reduced
directing the progress of the section interest to those in attendance. e Economical to install and
through the 1959-60 year. operate ¢ Write for data sheet.

lela @elacliiite! ANNUAL PICNIC

Dayton—One hundred members ee
INERT-GAS CUTTING and guests attended the Dayton \eunex , Welweldi ding
Kinston—The ninth and _ final Section’s Annual Picnic held June = products
program of the 1959-60 fiscal year 21st at the Inland Activities Center. METAL & THERMIT CORPORATION
for the Carolina Section was held at Herb Weiller, Jr., and his commit- General Offices: Rahway. New Jersey
For details, circle No. 46 on Reader information Card
LADIES’ NIGHT HELD BY SANTA CLARA VALLEY tee provided volley ball and shuffle-
board games prior to a delicious
steak supper.
Following the supper, bingo and
dancing completed the evening.
Youngstown—The Executive
Committee for the 1960-61 year of
the Mahoning Valley Section is
announced to be as follows: Chair-
man, Robert Foxall, Warren, Ohio;
Ist Vice-chairman, Jack Glass,
JP. Struthers, Ohio; 2nd Vice-chairman,
Members and guests of the Santa Clara Valley Section enjoy a pause between Edward Phelps, Youngstown, Ohio;
courses during the Annual Ladies’ Night dinner held on June 17th Secretary-treasurer, Michael Bush-
wack, Warren G. Harding Senior
High School, Warren, Ohio; Execu-
tive Committee—-Two-year term:
Emmit A. Craig, Thomas C. Junk,
R. D. Switzer and Kirke Taylor;
one-year term: Fritz Forsthoefel,
Jack Huna and Mel Oakley. Tech-
nical Advisor, O. H. Kuhlke, Gen-
eral American Transportation Corp.
Rhode Island

Seated at head table, facing camera, Also seated among the officers were CLAMBAKE
are (left to right) incoming Section Chair- Vice-chairman R. C. Bertossa, Mrs. Rehobeth—The annual clam-
man W. R. Smith, Mrs. Smith, retiring Bertossa, Show Chairman A. C. Otto and bake of the Providence Section was
Chairman R. N. Skow and Mrs. Skow Mrs. Otto held on June 17th at Francis Farm
in Rehobeth, Mass.


eee EN ead i

Members and guests of the Northeast Tennessee Section pose during social hour
preceding dinner-dance held on May 21st

a oe |
Presentation of membership certificate Presentation of past-chairman’s pin Presentation of District Meritorious Cer-
and pin to H. M. Payne (left) by Chair- to outgoing Chairman Wodtke by in- tificate to J. C. Thompson, Jr., (right) by
man C. H. Wodtke, for his outstanding coming Chairman Peter Patriarca (left) outgoing District Director E. C. Miller
service to the Section

960 | SEPTEMBER 1960

a 4é


benefits provided by

this convenient,
= ‘ welder
The annual Ladies’ Night gala event was held by the San Antonio Section on July 5th,
with over 200 members and guests in attendance. Part of the large crowd is shown above

The weather was ideal and the sun Section held its annual Ladies’
was shining brightly for the first Night on Tuesday, July 5th, at the
time in three years. The available Pearl Corral (Pearl Brewing Co.)
recreational facilities horseshoe with a barbecue dinner, fashion
courts, soft ball diamond and volley show and dancing. Two hundred
ball field—-were put to good use. and eighteen members and guests
Special attractions were door had an enjoyable evening.
prizes, free beer and soft drinks. Twenty-five lovely models from
Sixty-five members and guests Ben Shaw Modeling Studios pre-
were in attendance. sented the latest in summer fashions,
“Vacation Fashions from Zenes,”’
with Monet Shaw, noted radio and
Tennessee TV commentator, serving as mod-
erator. Arrangements for this un-
SPRING DINNER-DANCE usual highlight to an evening of
Knoxville—The Northeast Ten- pleasure were made by Mrs. Ed
nessee Section held its annual spring Lang.
dinner-dance at the Deane Hill
Country Club on May 21st. Forty-
two members and guests had a very
enjoyable evening which was high-
lighted by (1) the presentation of the
District Meritorious Service Award
to J. C. Thompson, Jr., by Ed SUMMER OUTING MaT Murex AC-DC
Miller, District Chairman; (2) the Salt Lake City—The Salt Lake
presentation of a membership pin Combination Welder
City Section held its annual outing
and certificate to Harold Payne on June 25th at Maxfields Lodge in
by C. H. Wodtke, Section Chair- Big Cottonwood Canyon. One Has unique patented dual-coil
man, for his outstanding service to hundred and six members and wives transformer for smooth, steady
the Section and (3) the installation were present.
of new section officers. operation, instant starting and
This was also the occasion for
This dinner-dance is an annual introducing the newly elected offi- recovery voltage ¢ Single crank
affair of the Section and is symbolic cers for 1960-61. They are as controls chatter-free shunt
of the end of a very successful follows: chairman, Ed _ Carleson,
season. that slides only one inch for
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.; Ist
Vice-chairman, Hal Hulbert, Hul- full, stepless range of output
bert Bros.; 2nd Vice-chairman, e DC delivered by non-aging,
Texas Earl Osborne, Pacific Metals; Treas- hermetically sealed silicon
urer, Lloyd Tueller, Graver Tank &
LADIES’ NIGHT Mfg. Co.; and Secretary, Clair diodes e All in all: (1) long
San Antonio—The San Antonio Pingree, Whitmore Oxygen Co. life, (2) low operating costs,
(3) superior are characteris-
tics « Write for data sheet.
Plan Now to Attend

1960 AWS National Fall Meeting

Hotel Penn-Sheraton, Pittsburgh, Pa. “une * welding

September 26-29, 1960 METAL &4 THERMIT CORPORATION
General Offices Rahway, New Jersey
For details, circle No. 47 on Reader information Card
New Members EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1960

A—Sustaining Member D—Student Member
B—Member E—Honorary Member
C—Associate Member F—Life Member

I, .casnnuuedencéohbeuseniesnet i
Life Members


Barrow, Frank P., Jr. (B Falck, Richard (B)
Brenzel, Earl E. (B)
BOSTON Schwartz, Mel M. (B) Davis, Mark J. (D)
Buffum, Donald C. (B) Doverspike, Robert O. (B)
Landry, William T. (C) NEBRASKA
Erickson, LaVerne C. (D)
Nancarrow, Eldred L. (C) Garies, Gerald Anthony (D
CANADA Haley, William M. E. (D)
Kynoch, Richard B. (B) NEW JERSEY Price, William L. (D)
Schneider, F. (B) Rubin, Alan (C) White, Richard A. (C
Schray, Otto E. (C)
Angermayer, John R. (B NEW YORK Clark, Donald E. (B
Tanzman, Daniel P. (C)
Dunbar, Richard A. (B) NIAGARA FRONTIER Deason, Don (C
Torres, Orlando J. (B) Neary, Frank X. (C) Perkins, Floyd G. (B)
Kramer, Bruce E. (C) Smith, Robert C. (B) Martin, A. S. (A
Urscher, Herman W. (B
CLEVELAND Reader, David B. (C Duerr, Joseph H. (B
Jensen, Earl P. (B Phillips, L. D. (B
Schaffter, R. C. (C OKLAHOMA CITY
McMahan, Roy E. (C WESTERN MASS.
DAYTON Riendeau, Lucien (B
Scott, Robert F. (B PHILADELPHIA
Bauer, Thomas Robert (C YORK-CENTRAL PA.
DETROIT Taylor, Lauren P. (D) Stevens, John B. (C
Darling, Dellroye D. (C Tobin, Robert J. (B
Murfey, William A., Jr. (B PITTSBURGH Blanc, G. M. (B)
McCutcheon, Donald R. (C) Doswell, G. A. (A)
FOX VALLEY Sward, James A. (B) Jonker, G. J. (C)
Hendricks, Roger (C Thomas, W. A. (B) Kaups, Taavi (B
Schroeder, Arthur (C Lukens, George G. (B)
Haase, Richard (C PORTLAND Malo, C. Lara (B
Gilman, Basil (B Giovanidis, Christodoros (B
HARTFORD Nnamoko, Sampson C. (C)
Boudreau, Francis (B PROVIDENCE Rumble, Colin Bernard (C
Greco, Henry F. (B) Shutter, Russell (B)
J. A. K.
Stephens, Darrell L. (C PUGET SOUND
Members Reclassified
Petorak, John G. (B)
Hoffman, F. A. (B) RICHMOND
Calder, Vaughan, E., Jr. (B) Kent, Roger Emory (D to C)
Apostal, Theodore C. (C SABINE LOS ANGELES
Poetto, Peter G. (C Duncan, Frank N., Jr. (B) Dietrich, A. R. (C to B)
LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO Petterson, Guy (C to B)
Beuyukian, Charles S. (B Atkisson, Lloyd E. (B) PUGET SOUND
Sharp, H. W. (C) Crandall, Bruce E. (C) Senay, Gene (C to B)
Johnson, Robert A. (B Chacko, Joseph (D) Anderson, David G. (D to C)

962 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Pledges Needed by Sections to Meet Goal | =
Section Needed Section 2e
Detroit Mobile
Philadelphia Birmingham
Northern N. Y. San Diego
Mohawk Valley lowa-Illinois
Tri-Cities Susquehanna Valley
Nashville New Orleans
Albuquerque Peoria RUPLE

Anthony Wayne South Florida

Chattanooga Madison welding versatility:
Shreveport Richmond
Arizona San Antonio
Eastern Illinois Western Michigan manual, automatic,
Nebraska York-Central Pa.
New Hampshire Cincinnati inert-gas,
Maryland Saginaw Valley
New York Salt Lake City
Carolina Portland
Northwestern Pa. Indiana
J. A. K. Long Beach
Tulsa Stark Central
Iowa Fox Valley
Michigan Washington, D. C.

North Texas
Twenty-seven AWS Sections Lehigh Valley
have pledged amounts equal Columbus
to or exceeding their goals. Long Island
Forty-four other Sections can Northwest
meet their goals by pledging San Francisco
additional amounts varying New Jersey
from $30 to $500. Only 13 Houston (and Sabine
Sections must pledge more Chicago
than $500 additional to Pittsburgh
meet their goals. Los Angeles

Send In Your Contribution NOW! MaT Murex Muretran*

All-Purpose Welder
Most versatile welder ever de-
veloped ¢ Quick changeover to
manual, automatic, inert-gas
Unique plug-in timers for gas
In consideration of the gifts of others, I intend to give to pre-flow, post-flow, high fre-
Patented, dual coil windings
Dollars $
in saturable shunt transformer
Paid herewith $ Balance will be paid as follows e Sealed silicon rectifiers as-
sure highest efficiency, long
Credit my gift to: life e AC-DC or AC models ¢
Write for data sheet. *Trademark
Print Name “une x welding
General Offices: Rahway, New Jersey
For details, circle No. 48 on Reader information Card
RWAA Elects Mullen, Imes Welding Sales, Inc., E. Syracuse held by anchor studs and clips.
N. Y., will handle the line in The concrete was prestressed by
At their Fourth Annual Meeting, northeastern New York State. wrapping it with highly stressed
held at Detroit recently, members of wire. A covering of mortar was then
the Resistance Welding Alloy As- applied followed by a waterproof
Hobart Distributors
sociation unanimously elected H. A. coating. After completion, the
Mullen MS president and R. H. Hobart Brothers Co., Troy, Ohio, tanks were buried in 4 ft of soil.
Imes WS vice president. has appointed the following dis- The steel work was handled by
tributors. Yuba Industries and Pittsburgh
Earlbeck Welding Supplies, Inc., Des Moines Steel Co.
8401 Pulaski Highway, Baltimore
21, Md.
Champion Industrial Sales Co.
P.O. Box 373 (5809 Navigation
Blvd.) Houston 1, Tex. COMING
Holston Oxygen Co., Inc., P.O.
Box 3353 (222 Council Place) Knox-
ville 17, Tenn. EVENTS
Thompson Brothers Welding Sup-
ply, 2409 West 8th St., Coffeyville,
A Calendar of Welding Activity
Kan. Lc eS
K. C. Welding Supply, 1207
Eighteenth St., Bay City, Mich. AWS
Techweld, Inc., P.O. Box 9 (251 1960 National Fall Meeting. Sep-
Kidder St.) Wilkes-Barre, Pa. tember 26-29. Penn-Sheraton
H. A. Mullen Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Blast-proof Tank Farm Oct. 13-15 Third Western Weld-
Mr. Mullen is manager of the re- A welded steel liner of ' ,-in. ing Show, Exposition Hall, Santa
sistance Welding Department of plate formed the interior of twelve Clara County Fair Grounds, San
Ampco Metal, Inc., of Milwaukee, jet-fuel storage tanks designed to Jose, Calif. Western Welding
and has been affiliated with that withstand atomic blasts. Leased Technical Conference, St. Claire
company for the past 15 years. by the Military Petroleum Supply Hotel.
RWAA Vice-president R. H. Agency for the Air Force at Ozol, 1961 Annual Meeting & Exposi-
Imes, is assistant to the general Calif., the 122-ft diam tanks are 40 tion: April17-21. Hotel Commo-
sales manager of Mallory Metallur- ft high with a capacity of 83,500 dore, New York, N. Y.
gical Co., a division of P. R. Mal- bbl. A 9-in.-thick concrete wall
lory & Co., Inc. He has been affili- was poured around the exterior and AEC
ated with them since 1933 when he Oct. 4-6. Southwest Research
graduated from Purdue University. Institute—Welding Forum, Hil-
Both men have been active in ton Hotel, San Antonio, Texas.
RWAA since its organization.
Arcos Names New Distributors Oct. 17-21. 42nd National Metal
Congress and Exposition. Con-
Arcos Corp., Philadelphia, Pa., vention Hall and Bellevue-Strat-
has named three new distributors ford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.
to handle its line of welding rods
and electrodes. NWSA
Earlbeck Welding Supplies, Inc., Oct. 17, 18. West Central Zone
Baltimore, Md., will handle the Meeting. Hotel Muehlebach,
Arcos line for the state of Mary- Kansas City, Mo. Oct. 21, 22.
land. Austin-Hastings Co., Inc., Western Zone Meeting. Ambas-
Cambridge, Mass., will serve the sador Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.
New England States. Monson

964 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Eutectic Opens New Center
A Service and Training Center New Hi-Impact Plastic Insulated
was opened by Eutectic Welding
Alloys Corp., at 3901 M St., Phila-
delphia, Pa., to serve as headquar- Panel Receptacles and Mating Plugs
ters for the company’s Middle At-
lantic Division and to permit over-
night delivery of products in the
area. Delivery time will be re-
duced to points in Virginia and parts
of West Virginia and Ohio.
The Center will offer customer
educational programs on the latest
metal-joining techniques, similar to
other welding courses offered by the

NCG Combines Two Offices

Consolidation of its McKees
Rocks district sales office and its
Pittsburgh medical branch office
has been announced by National
Cylinder Gas Division of Cheme-
ee t NS
tron Corp. Both now have head-
quarters at 3040 Bigelow Blvd., S cam-=- oh lige
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Stevens Institute Welding Course

Among the courses offered by the Now, you can make fast, positive power connections to any
Industries Training School of Ste- metal panel or housing without special insulating materials.
vens Institute of Technology is
“Properties of Metals—-Welding Simply punch out a hole and insert a Cam-Lok self-insulated
Processes.”’ Part of a production- Receptacle! Uses standard electrical lock-nuts, affords
supervision certificate program, the ‘“‘dead-front” protection. Push in and twist Cam-Lok
course is given in the evening by mating Plug and you've made a locked connection, which
regular faculty members and indus-
can be released quickly.
trial experts. For further informa-
tion, contact Industries Training
School, Castle Point Station, Hobo- New Cam-Lok Receptacles eliminate costs of special
ken, N. J. insulating panels and reduce assembly time. Patented,
high-pressure contact assures minimum resistance and
Emerson Appoints Representatives heating.
Andrus Equipment Corp., 2954 Cam-Lok has a complete line of Receptacles and Plugs in
E. Florence Ave., Huntington Park,
Calif., has recently been appointed many sizes and designs. Standard and special purpose
factory representative on the Emer- Power Distribution Connections are available. Write today
son electric-arc welding-machine line for new Bulletin No. 301.
for Southern California. B. Andrus
and J. Caine are co-owners of An-
drus Equipment Corp. “Dead Front” design for fast
In addition, Brint Yetter, P.O.
Box 81, Orinda, Calif., was recently direct mounting on...
appointed factory representative for
Northern California, Oregon, Wash-
ington, Idaho, Utah and Western e BUS DUCT «© JUNCTION BOXES
Nevada. © WIREWAY or any electrical cubicle

Tweco Opens Eastern Office

Tweco Products, Inc., Wichita,
Kan., announces the opening of
their Eastern Division office and
warehouse at West Caldwell, N. J. EMPIRE PRODUCTS, INC,
A complete stock of Tweco welding- ecanmmeolealkx P.O. BOX J-98
cable accessories will be warehoused
at this point to better serve welding
supply distributors and their cus-
tomers in the Eastern Seaboard For details, circle No. 49 on Reader Information Card


states, plus Vermont, Pennsylvania The Harrisburg plant is only the foot lengths of rail, supplied by
and West Virginia. Mr. Don first of several planned by Linde to Bethlehem Steel Company’s nearby
Boring is district manager. produce continuous-welded rail on Steelton Mill, into Ribbonrail con-
a contract basis. The new facility tinuous-welded rail for the Pennsyl-
Ultrasonics Export Agency is currently welding standard 39- vania Railroad.
Walter T. Haas, Ltd., 220 Fifth
Ave., New York, has been named by
International Ultrasonics, Inc., SHIRT-SLEEVE CONFERENCE
Rahway, N. J., to handle all sales
outside of the continental United
The products handled will be 44 339-83 | ees we a
ultrasonic seam and spot-welding — WARS
machines used in packaging, elec-
tronics, metalworking and metal-
producing industries for joining foil
and other thin metals, semiconduc-
tor materials and plastics.

Linde Launches New Contract

Rail-welding Service
Linde Company, New York, N.Y.
has recently dedicated its new Rib-
bonrail welding plant at Harris-
burg, Pa. President William B.
Nicholson told dedication guests
that Linde foresees a bright future
for continuous-welded rail as an
important part of the railroad in- Over 60 division salesmen and sales managers of the A. O. Smith Welding Products
dustry’s extensive modernization Division learned how to sell performance rather than price in an intensive one-week
program. conference at Elkhorn, Wis.

measure weld
Whatever the particular job
you have to do—we have the
TEMPERATURES right FLUXINE you need. Be-
sides our 25 FLUXINES we
carry a complete line of “*KOP-
accurately R-ARC” coated rods for weld-
ing copper and all copper
+ 2% full scale
wemsGEE alloys
in welding
Write on company letterhead for chart and generous sampie
3- to 10-sec response stating which FLUXINE desired.
inexpensively (Est. 1875)
Dept. W, 669 W. Ohio St., Chicago 10, Ill.
models from $77.50 For details, circle No. 70 on Reader information Card

with an instrument WELDING ENGINEERS

of toolbox sturdiness Detroit manufacturer, using fusion welding processes,

THE ROYCO PYROTEM has openings for welding engineers. Must have seven
years experience in engineering use, development and
application of welding equipment and processes and as-
sembly methods in related fields. Mechanical, electrical
ROOD snesnamants. ne
or metallurgical degree or equivalent. Report writing es-
sential. Furnish resume and salary requirements to:

For details, circle Ne. 50 on Reader Information Card

996 | SEPTEMBER 1960

lweltd by




Rewiilauce Ueldiug

* Press + Flash-Butt
* High-Frequency

Explaining the fabrication of a stainless-steel vessel to an Iranian group is Graver Tank

and Mfg. Co.'s Charles W. Springer. Interested observers are (left to right) C. A. Ansary, (EXCLUSIVE
interpreter; Hassan Afshar, Iranian Member of Parliament; S. M. Amawi of Graver’s
overseas unit; A. L. Bradburn of the Institute of International Education which arranged
Dr. Afshar’s tour of heavy industry Synchro-matic


... for jobs no other
resistance welders can do

Union Carbide Announces

Division Appointments
John C. Douglas has been ap-
SAFETY ol pointed vice-president—operations
and David Swan (AWS) vice-presi-
ECONOMY dent—technology of Union Carbide
Metals Company, a division of
Union Carbide Corporation.
Mr. Douglas has been with Union
Carbide Metals Company since

1934 and _ vice-president—technol-

ogy since 1957. He has served as
superintendent—-special alloys of
GROUND CLAMPS the division’s plant at Alloy, W.
Va.; general superintendent of the
Marietta, Ohio, plant; and in 1953
came to New York as manager— in-
dustrial relations for the division. THOMSON QUALITY is so important
He was appointed a vice-president that we build our own transformers
in 1955. He is a trustee and mem- to assure maximum performance and
ber of the board of directors of reliability. For all AUTOMATED and
® Spring cannot be knocked out. Marietta College and a graduate of HIGH-PRODUCTION requirements —
® Spring adjustment screw for easy re- Georgia Institute of Technology. either special or standard design —
placement or adjusting. Mr. Swan has been with the Cor- THOMSON QUALITY is within your
® Sturdily built for excessive abuse. poration since 1946 and manager budget. ATHOMSON quote will prove it.
planning since 1959. He began his
® Designed especially for all-around weld- career in the Union Carbide Metals patented
ers needs.
Company and rose to the position Look for our nearest representative
of director of research in 1955. Two in the yellow pages or contact —
years later he was appointed direc-
LENCO. inc. tor of research and development of
Linde Company and in 1958 be-
Box 189, Jackson, Mo. came vice-president—research of
this division. He is a graduate of HOMSON ELECTRIC WELDER COMPANY
— Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and 161 PLEASANT STREET, LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS
the author of numerous papers in LYnn 2-7710
For detai's, circle No. 71 on Reader Information Card the fields of welding and metallurgy. For details, circle No. 72 on Reader information Card


Ryan Becomes Sales Head
J. F. Ryan 3 has been placed
in charge of Welding and Brazing
Sales for Whitehead Metals, Inc.,
according to a recent announcement.
Mr. Ryan succeeds John T.
Stewart who will devote his time to
new product development.
Before transferring to Whitehead,
Mr. Ryan headed the Welding Sales
Section of the International Nickel
Co. for 16 years.

Price Promoted
The Liquid Carbonic Division of W. E. Price
General Dynamics has promoted
W. E. Price 3 to advertising man-
ager. With the responsibility for
directing the division’s advertising,
public relations and sales promotion
programs nation wide, he will con-
tinue to headquarter in Chicago.
Mr. Price had been with Liquid
Norcross Elected Arcos Director Carbonic since his graduation from
James E. Norcross has_ been the University of California in 1934.
elected to the board of directors of
the Arcos Corporation, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Smith Elected Vice President
Mr. Norcross, executive vice presi- The election of A. J. Smith @ as
dent of the company, fills a vacancy vice president in charge of Elec-
left by the recent death of Royal D. trode Division sales of The McKay
Thomas. The new director has Co., has been announced. A. J. Smith
been with Arcos since 1942. He Mr. Smith graduated from the
started as production superinten- University of Pittsburgh with a B.S.
dent, became sales manager in 1947 degree in metallurgical engineering.
and advanced to his present office in After a number of years in the
1958. He is a 1933 graduate of Metallurgical Department of Jones
MIT. & Laughlin Steel Corp., he joined
Mr. Norcross is a member of the The McKay Co. in 1949 and has
AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY, chair- held various technical and sales
man of the AWS Exposition Com- positions.
mittee, chairman of the AWS WELb-
ING JOURNAL Committee, and mem-
ber of the AWS Convention Com-
mittee. He is chairman of the Hallstein Appointed Manager
National Electrical Manufacturers Appointment of H. A. Hallstein,
Association’s committee on Federal Jr., WS as general field sales manager
and Military Specifications. In of Gregory Industries, Inc., has
addition, he is a member of the been announced.
Engineers Clubs of both Phila- Hallstein joined the Nelson Stud
delphia and New York. Welding organization in 1946, served

J. E. Norcross A. M. Eastberg

Low /arpotalans




Chemists, Metallurgists, Welding Technicians

Join our expanding research staff...

This offer is made to specialists, as well as the most successful organization in the weld-
young people finishing their studies and with ing industry over the past 10 years, we offer
limited practical experience. qualified persons the opportunity to distin-
guish themselves, to be accepted on their
At our new Research Center in Flushing, N.Y. merits and obtain rapid advancement.
or our affiliated European Research Center you
will find opportunity for advancement in pure Our laboratories in New York, and those
research, applied research, manufacture and recently constructed at St. Sulpice, near
technical commercial work. Lausanne, Switzerland have
available the latest models of
Our dynamic organization is devoted to the modern research equipment.
study, manufacture and sale of high quality
welding materials for all metals and all Our Research Center in Flush-
processes. ing is under the direction of the
well-known expert, Mr. Joseph
Recognized for continued growth,.as probably F. Quaas. #
We offer interesting opportunities in the following departments: J. F. QUAAS

Ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, special metals

Development of silver and soft solders, wire for rods and electrodes

Analytical Chemistry

Chemical research in fluxes and the coating of electrodes and rods

Study of welding and brazing methods

Development of new hard—overlaying alloys

Development of refractory metals and stainless metals with resistance to high


If you desire to progress in your work in a you, and your interview would be in the
pleasant, creative atmosphere, write to us in strictest confidence.
confidence, stating your qualifications, which CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT —
department would particularly interest you We are offering high salaries commensurate
and the location you would prefer — New York with ability and experience, and: very attrac-
or Switzerland. tive working conditions. The research staff
will have the full support of our research
My associates and I would be pleased to meet director in all their special problems.
Please send handwritten applications with photograph and resume to:
Mr. Rene D. Wasserman, President
Eutectic Welding Alloys Corporation
40-40 172nd Street, Flushing 58, New York
40-40 172nd Street, Flushing 58, New York Mark your envelope “Personal”



as its Cleveland regional manager

from 1952 to 1958, and has been
one of Gregory Industries’ two
product sales managers for the past
two years.

Eastberg, Stucky Fill Posts

A. M. Eastberg WS has been added
to the Welding Products Division
sales staff at the Milwaukee office of
the A. O. Smith Corp.
This is a popular standard-size Helmet that
offers excellent fume and light seal with Mr. Eastberg has had extensive
YES! ...they do if they’re
extra ventilation. Has all the famous Fibre- experience in the welding business,
Fibre-Metal’s Metal comfort features. Offers variety of beginning in 1932. His most recent
fixed and lift-front glassholders.
position with A. O. Smith was in CO,
welding research.
In another change, V. E. Stucky
joined the Kansas City, Mo., district
IBERGLAS office staff. A 20-yr veteran in the
welding business, Stucky most re-
cently served as a welding sales
engineer for a Kansas City firm.

Greenberg Becomes Consultant
708- Simon A. Greenberg @ has an-
3-C nounced the establishment of a
consulting practice with an office
Over 120% increased vision with its 442” x
51%” lens...more vision both vertically and in Flushing, N. Y.
horizontally. Reduces eyestrain and fatigue. Mr. Greenberg will devote him-
Excellent for welders who must wear bifo-

cals, or trifocals, while welding. self to the field of metals joining

Undeniable comfort, clearest wide vision where he will seek to improve
joining methods, manufacturing op-
and assured safety are basic quality fea- erations, quality control and other
tures of these Fiberglas welding helmets. operations affecting cost and prod-
FIBRE-METAL compression-molded, uct integrity. He proposes to
organize in-plant training programs
Fiberglas-reinforced polyester resin shells to upgrade personne! and will direct
offer the very finest in durable face protec- his attention mainly to those com-
tion. Proper glass fiber distribution and a panies that do not have a full-time
staff of experts.
“beaded edge for strength” insure long- Previously with Westinghouse
lasting, trouble-free helmet life. Shells are 3-C Electric Corporation, Mr. Greenberg
self-extinguishing, are unaffected by heat served for 15 years’ as technical
The popular narrow-front shell for compact, secretary of the AMERICAN WELDING
and moisture, will not warp or lose shape, lightweight protection. Best for welding in
tight spots...eliminates flat, spatter-collect- SOcIETY.
may be easily and quickly cleaned and ing surfaces. Less pitting, lasts longer.
sterilized. Welders TELL US these helmets 674-3-C has lift-front glassholder.
help produce more and better welding!

All helmets have Ratchet Adjustment

“free floating’’ Headgear, impact resistant
adjustable friction joints and adjustable
chin rest. Glassholders are available in
plastic, steel or Dowmetal, in either fixed
or lift-front styles. All types of helmets are
described in Catalog No. 26.
Features extended neck and chest protection
Ask your Welding & Safety Distributor! with greater ventilation. Standard-size shell.
Also available with an Inner Bib (See our
*OWENS-CORNING TRADE MARK Catalog No. 26) for extra fume and light seal.
S. A. Greenberg

Stephens, VanCleve Added

CHESTER The Aurora Welding Service, Inc.,
ETAL Products Company PENNA announces the addition of D. L.
Stephens WS and H. VanCleve, Jr.
CANADA Fibre-Metal (@felaleleke, Limited Mr. Stephens has had twenty
years’ experience in welding proc-
For details, circle Ne. 73 on Reader information Card
970 | SEPTEMBER 1960
Mr. VanCleve is a CPA and for the
past 8 years had been the assistant Profit through
treasurer and comptroller of a
medium-sized manufacturing com- E.A.I. Research

Ames Appointed General Manager

The appointment of R. S. Ames
to the position of general manager,
Sonobond Division of Aeroprojects,
Inc., West Chester, Pa., was an-
nounced recently. The Division is
responsible for manufacturing, ap-
plications engineering, and sales of
ultrasonic metal-joining equipment.
Mr. Ames came to Aeroprojects
from Goodyear Aircraft Corp. where
he achieved a distinguished record. Uniform, through-and-through heating of the
thickest sections of the big stainless steel
valves was provided by the Smith-Dolan
method, with precision control of temperatures
Turner Takes Oak Ridge Post (2-hour dwell at 1900°F.). Drawing shows
cross-sectional dimensions.
Paul W. Turner AS, formerly with
the Iranian Oil Exploration and
Production Co., Teheran, Lran, has Standard Smith-Dolan units come equipped
recently been appointed to the with eye hooks and wheels for easy portability,
staff of the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, and with instrumentation for recording per-
an atomic energy installation op- manent charts of the heat run.
erated by Union Carbide Nuclear

George Kolar
George Kolar of Bowling Green, Solution to Weld Embrittlement Problem
Ky., died on June 1, 1960, at Vander-
bilt Hospital, Nashville, Tenn., a at Consolidated Edison
victim of lukemia. Public utilities are among the largest users of the Smith-Dolan System
of Low-Frequency Induction Heating. They want to keep their service
uninterrupted, their costs low, and they find that this portable system
simplifies the problem of pre-heating and post-annealing in producing
sound welds, and in making dependable repairs.
A typical application of the system by a public utility was described in a
recent article in Welding Design & Fabrication.* At Consolidated Edison’s
No. 10 Turbine Generating Station in New York City, two large steam
pressure valves made of Type 347 stainless had to be repaired because of
weld embrittlement. Removal to the shop for heat treatment would have
proved costly and time taking. With the Smith-Dolan portable units, the
work was completed on the job within 12 hours.
Learn about the savings and other benefits your company can obtain from
the Smith-Dolan System. It is today’s most versatile heat treating method,
simplifies and upgrades work quality in numerous applications. Write for
brochure, “Smith-Dolan System of Low-Frequency Induction Heating.”
*Reprints available without charge
George Kolar
Rental Against Purchase — Get first-hand proof in
Mr. Kolar was a member of the your own plant without capital investment.
Nashville Section. He was born
Oct. 24, 1909, at Alma, Mich.,
worked for some years in the Detroit DEMAND THE
area and at the time of his death was BRAND MADE Slectric tic WC ._ Mae
superintendent of the Bowling Green BY PEOPLE > ELECTRIC-ARL
plant of Detrex Chemical Industries. WHO BUY YOUR 152-10 Jelliff Ave. tn ~ pt pot =
He is survived by his wife and two PRODUCTS Newark 8, New Jersey
For details, circle Ne. 74 on Reader Information Card


Fasteners Thin Metal, D. A. Lyukevich and N.
Design and Application of Weld Fas- M. Tarasov. Welding Production
teners, R. H. Smith. Assembly & Fas- (translation of Svarochnoe Proizvods-
tener Eng., vol. 1, no. 10 (July 1959), pp. tvo) (July 1959), pp. 121-125.
28-34; no. 11 (Aug.), pp. 33-37. Rocket Propulsion
Fatigue Blue Streak Rocket Launcher, C. W. J.
Current Welding Symposium on Fatigue of Welded Vernon. Welding & Metal Fabrication,
Structures. Brit. Welding J., vol. 7, vol. 28, no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. 86-96.
no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. 162-216; no. 4 Stainless Steel
(Apr.), pp. 240-287. Corrosion and Weldability Studies on
Goggles Chromium - Manganese Austenitic
Filters for Use During Welding and Stainless Steels, D. Warren. Corrosion,
Similar Industrial Operations. Brit. vol. 16, no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. 101-112.
Standards Instn.—Brit. Standard no. Steel
679 (1959), 17 pp. Problem of Brittle Fracture of Mild
Inert-gas Welding Steel in Welded Ship Construction, S.
All-Position Arc Welding, A. Lesne- K. Basu. IJnst. Mar. Engrs.—Trans.
wich. Metal Progress, vol. 77, no. 3 vol. 71, no. 11 (Nov. 1959), (Supp. sec.),
(Mar. 1960), pp. 122-124, 158-160. pp. Vii—xii.
For copies of articles, write directly to
publications in which they appear. A list of Metal Cladding Steel Structures Standards
addresses is available on request. Fabrication of Stainless Clad Steel Use of Structural Steel in Building.
Plates, J. E. Roberts. Welding & Brit. Standards Instn.— Brit. Standard,
Metal Fabrication, vol. 28, no. 3 (Mar. no. 449 (1959), 112 pp.
Arc Welding 1960), pp. 97-102. Tubes
Welding by Rotating Arc in Magnetic Oil-field Equipment Spiral Mill Welds Variety of Tubing.
Field, N. Ya. Kochanovskii, E. S. Flash Welding, Mechanization Speed Am. Mach./ Metalworking Mfg., vol.
Fedev, and S. M. Katler. Welding Pro- Drill Pipe Production, L. F. Wolfram. 104, no. 6 (Mar. 21, 1960), pp. 114-115.
duction (translation of Svarochnoe Pro- Tool Engr., vol. 44, no. 3 (Mar. 1960),
izvodstvo) (Aug. 1959), pp. 1-11. Welding
pp. 89-94.
Automobile Manufacture Oxygen Cutting How to Determine Required Strength
of Fillet Weld on Angles, N.S. Hodska.
Welding Lincoln Grille, W. D. Shrop- Improving Strength of Spot Joints in Welding Engr., vol. 45, no. 3 (Mar.
shire. Modern Metals, vol. 16, no. 2 30KhGSA, 12G2A and E1659 Steels, 1960), pp. 37-39.
(Mar. 1960), pp. 52, 54. by Electric Heat-Treatment, G. A.
Maslov and B. B. Zolotarev. Welding Welding Electrodes
Bearings Production (translation of Svarochnoe Importance of Polarity in Arc Welding,
Butt Welding of Blanks for Roller Bear- Proizvodstvo) (Aug. 1959), pp. 61-74. B. Ronay. ‘elding Engr., vol. 45,
ing Races, D. S. Lvov, Yu. L. Rozh- Work Done by Ukr. SSR Academy of no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. 32-33.
destvenskii, and E.S. Slepak. Welding Sciences E. O. Paton Arc Welding
Production (translation of Svarochnoe Welding Jigs
Institute in Resistance Welding Field,
Proizvodstvo) (Aug. 1959), pp. 52-60. B. E. Paton. Welding Production Producing Accurate Poke Weld Fixture,
Brazing translation of Svarochnoe Proizvods- C. H. Miller. Welding Engr., vol. 45,
tvo) (July 1959), pp. 20-33. no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. 40-41.
Brazing for High-Temperature Service.
Battelle Memorial Inst--DMIC Mem- Pipe Lines Welded-steel structures
orandum 48 (Mar. 29, 1960), 12 pp. Welded Repairs to API 5LX-52 Pipe, Brittle Fracture Problem and Load
Which Copper-Base Alloy for Brazed T. A. Ferguson. Oil & Gas J. vol. 57, Carrying Capacity of Structures, L. E.
Part? E. Belkin. Matls. in Design no. 48, (Nov. 23, 1959), pp. 73-76. Benson and S. J. Watson. Metallur-
Eng., vol. 51, no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. Resistance Welding gia, vol. 61, no. 366 (Apr. 1960), pp.
114-116. 145-152.
Synchronous Resistance Welder Con- Welding
Bridges troller for One to Seven Cycles, G. O.
Crowther and G. F. Jeynes. Mullard Applications and Limitations of New
Welded Highway Bridges. Nat. Re- Tech. Communications, vol. 4, no. 40
search Council—Highway Research Board Developments in Metals Joining Proc-
Special Report no. 45 (1959), 72 pp. Aug. 1959), pp. 289-298. esses, P J. Rieppel. SAE-Paper no.
Resistance-welding Machines 160B (for meeting Apr. 5-8, 1960), 18
Business Machines pp.
High-Speed, Budget-Priced ‘“‘Spike’’
Manufacture of Everest Office Ma- Welder. Modern Metals, vol. 16, Welding-machine Controls
chines, R. E. Green. Machy. (London), no. 1 (Feb. 1960), pp. 36.
vol. 95, no. 2457 (Dec. 16, 1959), pp. Pneumatic Equipment Speeds Alu-
1256-1264. vol. 96, no. 2462, 2469 and New Condenser Discharge Welding minum Flash Welding, R. W. May.
2470 (Jan. 20, 1960), pp. 120-127, Machines of Moscow Higher Technical Welding Engr., vol. 45, no. 4 (Apr.
(Mar. 9), p.532-539 (Mar. 16), pp. School for Spot and Seam Welding of 1960), pp. 82-83.
576-583. Fine Gauge Components, N. L. Kag- Welding Machines
anov. Welding Production (trans-
Casting Repair lation of Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo) Tape Control Doubles Output of Big
Investment Castings in Metal, Pt. 1 (July 1959), pp. 92-102. Welders, J. Starr. Western Machy. &
Carbon and Low Alloy Steels. Brit. Steel World, vol. 51, no. 4 (Apr. 1960),
Resistance Welding Equipment Now pp. 65-66.
Standards Instn._-Brit. Standard no. Being Produced and Prospects for Its
3146 (1959), 25 pp. Development, N. Ya. Kochanovskii. Welds, Testing
Electron-beam Welding Welding Production (translation of
Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo) (July 1959), Use of Reference Blocks for Checking
Newest Electron Beam Entry Is Ger- pp. 7-19. Ultrasonic Inspection Apparatus. Brit.
man-Made. Welding Engr., vol. 45, Welding J., vol. 7, no. 4 (Apr. 1960), pp.
no. 3 (Mar. 1960), pp. 44—45. New Machines for Resistance Welding 230-237.

972 | SEPTEMBER 1960


new and complete


In addition to a wider choice, Harnischfeger P&H TYPE AWS CLASS Pi TYPE AWS CLASS
Harstain 308 E-308-15 Harstain 316 E316-15
offers you stainless steel electrodes with ex- Harstain “A” 306 £308-16 Harstain “A” 316 E316-16
ceptional weldability and quality control in Harstain 308 ELC £308 ELC-15 Harstain 316 ELC E316 ELC-15
Harstain ‘A’ 308 ELC E308 ELC-16 Herstain “A” 316 ELC E316 ELC-16
all AWS-ASTM types. Improved chemistry
Harstain 309 E309-15 Harstain 317 E317-15
assures stronger, smoother beads, with less Harstain “A’’ 309 E309-16 Harstain “A” 317 E317-16
spatter and easier slag removal. Write for Harstain 309 Cb E309 Cb-15 Harstain 318 E318-15
Harstain ““A’’ 309 Cb E309-Cb-16 Harstain “A” 318 E318-16
Bulletin R-49 which gives the chemical Harstain 330 E330-15
Harstain 309 Mo E309 MO-15 Harstain “‘A"’ 330 £330-16
range and mechanical properties of each PeH Harstain ‘A’ 309 Mo E309 MO-16
Harstain 347 E347-15
stainless steel electrode listed here. And tell Harstain 310 E310-15 Harstain “‘A"’ 347 £347-16
Harstain “A” 310 E310-16
us about any special requirements you may Harstain 349 EMS-15
Harstain 310 Cb E310 Cb-15 Harstain “A” 349 E349-16
have. We’ll be happy to work with you. Harstain “‘A’’ 310 Cb E310 Cb-16
Harchrome 502 E502-15
Harstain 310 Mo E310 Mo-15
Harstain ““A"’ 310 Mo E310 Mo-16 Harchrome 505 AISI 505
HARNISCHFEGER Harstain 312 E312-15 Harchrome 410 E410-15
Harstain “A” 312 E312-16 Harchrome 430 £430-15

For details, circle Ne. 26 on Reader information Card

2,926,421—METHOD OF BRAZING a certain predetermined period of time after the versely aligned honeycor:!: core spaces, while
Ray A. Sandberg, Waukegan, IIl., restoration of the switch setting up other actions other electrode means and > ositioning means for
assignor to Houdaille Industries, Inc., in the machine. the corrugated metal-foil strips are provided in the
a corporation of Michigan. apparatus.
Sandberg’s brazing method is for securing two 2,927,196—-METHOD OF FORMING A
metal sheets together wherein one of the sheets has TUBULAR PROJECTION—Johannes An- 2,928,166—TuBE WeELDING—George
transverse embossments at spaced intervals along thonius Nicolaas Clevers, Eindhoven, A. Worn and Edward J. Vanderman,
its length and wherein the other metal sheet is Netherlands, assignor to North Ameri- Amityville, N. Y., assignors to The
made from copper brazing material of about 0.003 can Philips Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., Lummus Co., New York, N. Y., a
in. thickness. In the method, the copper brazing a corporation of Delaware. corporation of Delaware.
material strip is provided with a series of fingers
integral therewith, and by the new method, the This patent is on a special method of forming a This patent relates to a method of strength
strip portions of the one copper brazing material tubular projection on a metal member. First a welding and sealing a tube to a wall or the like
strip are placed in association with the embossed tubular jig is positioned on the metal member and provided with a bore forming a tube seat therein.
portions on the other strip and brazing action is this jig has an inner surface corresponding in shape The method includes the steps of inserting the
affected to flow brazing material into the gaps to the outer surface of the tubular projection to be tube end to be welded through the tube seat so
provided between the fingers to cover an area to formed. The electrode is moved around the inner that the tube end projects beyond the face of the
be brazed surface of the jig while melting down a slag form- wall a distance approximately equal to the wall
ing core of the electrode to build up the projection thickness of the tube. The tube is expanded
and form from the slag an integral support having against the inner periphery of the tube seat and a
2,927,049—-FLUXING METHOD AND an outer surface corresponding to the inner surface pass of weld material is laid around the periphery
CoMPOSITION—-Rene D. Wasserman, of the built up projection of the tube end to join the tube to the wall at the
Stamford, Conn., and Joseph Quaas, periphery of the tube seat. The weld material is
Island Park, N. Y., assignors to Eutec- 2,927,369—-METHOD OF MAKING MUL- cold worked while such weld material is in a mildly
tic Welding Alloys Corp., Flushing, heated condition to counterbalance undesired
TIPLE-PASSAGE HEAT EXCHANGER internal stress distribution set up during welding.
N. Y., a corporation of New York. William H. Coblentz and Donald W. Thereafter excess weld material within the tube
The patented brazing flux consists essentially of Scott, Dayton, Ohio, assignors to opening is removed to complete the tube welding
a mixture of a boron ester and water and is capable General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich., action
of substantially completely volatilizing upon a corporation of Delaware.
application of brazing heat thereto. The ester
and water are present in the ratio by weight from In this method, upwardly and longitudinally 2,928,929-—-DEVICE FOR TESTING
2 to l up to 1 to 100. A minor amount of an in- extending corrugations are formed in the mid WeELpDs—Robert E. Hotze, West-
hibiting mineral oil ranging from 2 to 10% by portion of a first metal strip and complementary chester, and Alexander N. Todoroff,
weight of the boron ester is added to enhance the downwardly and longitudinally extending cor- Chicago, Ill., assignors to Western
shelf life of the flux rugations are formed in the mid portion of the
second metal strip. Bonding material is inserted Electric Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., a
between the strips and next the edges of the strips corporation of New York.
are welded together with the corrugations in ad- This new apparatus is for fabricating and test-
jacent strips arranged in alignment. One or more ing relay components and includes means for
bends are formed in at least one of the strips to aid cyclically welding contacts to pairs of relay com-
in forcing the corrugated portions of the strips ponents one pair at a time. Other means are
together and next the assembly is heated to a provided in the apparatus for sequentially testing
temperature high enough to fuse the bonding the weld strength of the contacts on the first com-
material to bond the contacting corrugated por- ponent of each pair and then on the other com-
tions of the strips together and whereby the stress ponent of each pair. Other means are operatively
produced in the bent strip is relieved by the heat- controlled by the testing means for interrupting
ing operation. operation of the welding means in response to
weld failures on a predetermined number of con-
2,927,371—-M ETHOD OF CONTINUOUSLY secutive first components, or other components of
FORMING WELDED COATED STEEL TuB- the pairs of relay components.
1NG—Noble Eugene Hays, Middle-
town, Ohio, assignor to Armco Steel 2,928,930-—-W ELDING APPARATUS
Abstracts mallal is Corp., Middletown, Ohio, a corpora- Charles C. Veale, West Chicago, III.,
tion of Ohio. assignor to Western Electric Co., Inc.,
Hays’ process in general comprises forming a flat New York, N. Y., a corporation of
strip of coated steel into a tubular configura- New York.
tion and welding the adjacent edges of the formed Veale’s welding apparatus includes a first elec-
strip. Thereafter promptly additional molten trode movable transversely with respect to the
coating metal is continuously sprayed along the path of travel of a pair of workpieces to be welded
weld line on the outside of the tubing at a point while other means resiliently urge the first elec-
adjacent the weld point. The temperature of the trode into contact with the workpiece and the
tube at the area of application of additional coat- workpieces are supported in opposition to the
ing metal thereto causes such metal to flow instead force applied thereto by the electrode. A second
of freezing and to bond to the uncoated areas of electrode is movable transversely with respect to a
the tubing to fuse with the original coating re- plane containing the first electrode, the work-
prepared by Vern L. Oldham maining on the tubing so that any coating lost pieces and the supporting means, and this second
during the welding operation is replaced electrode is maintained against one of the work-
Printed copies of patents pieces with substantially uniform pressure applied
may be obtained for 25¢ from the 2,927,990--SUBMERGED-ARC WELDING thereto
Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C Wallace C. Johnson, St. Davids,
Pa., assignor to Arcos Corp., Phila 2,928,932—-SHEET-METAL WELD As-
delphia, Pa., a corporation of Pennsyl- sEMBLY—Charles E. Huggins, Gerald
vania. F. Munn and Robert W. Smith, Day-
2,927,193—-MrETHOD OF WELDING AND In this submerged-arc welding process, a bot- ton, Ohio, assignors to General Motors
WeLp Propucep THEREBY—Lux H. tom of the weld space against the metallic ele- Corp., Detroit, Mich., a corporation of
Ewald, New York, N. Y. ment or elements to be welded together is provided Delaware.
with a layer of granules of alloying ingredients and The present invention is on a method of manu-
The present method relates to the welding of a a layer of particles of the welding flux is deposited facturing a core member for an electrical device
tap foil to a wire of a potentiometer winding or the over the alloying ingredient layer. A welding and includes providing sheet-metal pieces each
like wherein the diameter of the wire is less than wire is then progressed longitudinally of the space having openings formed with a thin bridge ad-
0.025 in. and wherein the tap foil has a portion of a in spaced relation to the metallic element or ele- jacent to a radially outer peripheral edge of the
thickness leas than the wire and is provided with a ments to maintain a submerged arc from the pieces and the sheet metal pieces are positioned
narrow, angular point. The point is lightly posi- welding wire to the metallic elements. This arc to align the openings with bridges relative to
tioned on the wire and a discharge current from a passes through the layer of alloying ingredients each other in a path to form a tunnel of prede-
capacitor is passed through such connection in a while such layer is covered by the layer of welding termined depth below the outer peripheral surface
direction first through the wire to fuse the point flux of the pieces. The bridges are disintegrated with
into a glob of material welded onto the wire a consumable-electrode welding arc confined by
2,927,991—-AuUTOMATIC RESISTANCE- the tunnel and a shielding gas is provided to
2,927,194--WaTER CONTROL SYSTEMS WELDING SYSTEM FOR WELDING STAIN- minimize spatter of welding material and metal.
FOR WELDING MACcHINES—Fred A. LESS-STEEL HONEYCOMB STRUCTURE The method also includes puddling a continuous
Van Vooren, East Moline, III. Willy A. E. Schoelz, Vancouver, British flowable quantity of molten consumable-electrode
metal with metal of the bridges in a notch formed
The present patent relates to a special cooling Columbia, Canada. in the tunnel by disintegration of the bridges to
system for use with welding machines or the like The present patent covers a specialized ap- bond the sheet-metal pieces in a fusion weld along
In the cooling system control, a switch is provided paratus for fabricating a honeycomb core panel the radially inner bottom periphery of the notch.
to control actions, such as welding, and with other from corrugated metal-foil strips by welding ac- A minimum of weld material spattering, skipping
means being present in the circuit to control the tions. The apparatus includes a plurality of and splitting is obtained due to the continuous
cooling action so that cooling can be obtained for finger electrodes that can be inserted into trans- molten-metal puddling action obtained.

974 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Theme Tower
Symbol of
the 1960
Metal Show

Sarke ar AAT)

The experts see the val-

ue of the 1960 Philadel-
phia Metal Show — they
know how stimulating it
will be, and that’s why ‘The opportunity to at-
they plan to attend. tend the Metal Show
They know that a new should be particularly
rewarding this year with
emphasis on the essen- the participation of many
“Rarely has a meeting **The proble m of keeping tial metals and mate- outstanding metal or-
meant so much to me as abreast of new develop- ganizations. | anticipate
this one. Needless to ments in today's rapidly = rials, processes and making and renewing
say, it is a real privilege changing technology is techniques will make acquaintances with pro-
to be able to participate always diffic ult. The Met- fessional people who
in this nationally known al Show. through its the 1960 Show more
share my interest in met-
event, in the many ex- audio-visual presenta- valuable than ever be- allurgical matters. it is
cellent papers to be tions ofcurrentadvances fore...atruly dynamic also a worthwhile exper-
given, the opportunities in knowledge, presents ience to attend the pres-
to meet old friends and a time-condensed pack forum... some 300 ex- entation of carefully se-
new, and to further our age for those interested hibits and 250 techni- lected technical papers
profession."’ in metals engineering cal papers. Attendance and to participate in the
V. F. Zackay, Supervisor and processing.”’ resulting discussions."
will be a sound invest-
Physical Metallurgy Section R. F. Thomson, Head ment for you and your R. D. Chapman,
Metallurgy Department Metallurgical Engineering Dept. 7 company! Asst. Chief Engineer
Scientific Laboratory Research Laboratories Basic Sciences Research


Philadelphia Trade & Convention Center + October 17-21

Sponsored by te AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS Metals Park + Novelty, Ohio

Cooperating Activities: The Metallurgical Society of AIME; industrial Heating Equipment Association; Special Li-
Society for Non-destructive Testing, Inc. Associations pre- braries Metals Division; American Society for
senting technical sessions in cooperation with GS : Metal Testing Materials—Committee B-9; and extensive research
Powder Industries Federation; Metal Treating Institute; and engineering programs of the American Society for
Ultrasonic Manufacturers’ Association; ,» and S i $s.
For details, circle No. 21 on Reader Information Card
New Literature Tables in the brochure list the
following information for more than
25 hard-surfacing electrodes and
wires: proposed AWS-ASTM class,
color, identification, general de-
scription, mechanical properties,
typical deposit analysis percentage,
special welding techniques required,
diameter, length, amperage and
typical applications. Another set
of tables list the types of elec-
AWS Publishes Aluminum Pipe Welding Booklet trodes and wires needed for nearly
500 specific applications.
The AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY alloy number which has _ been For your free copy, circle No. 53
announces’ the publication of adopted by the Aluminum Associa- on Reader Information Card.
“Recommended Practices for Gas tion. Another table recommends
Shielded-arc Welding of Aluminum the filler metals which should be
Metallic Spray Bonding
and Aluminum Alloy Pipe.” Pre- used for welding different combina-
pared by the AWS Committee on tions of aluminum alloys. Addi- An 8'/, X 11 illustrated 4-color
Piping and Tubing, this 40-page tional tables indicate the actual bulletin (Form 300D) describing
booklet covers, in a condensed form, settings (current, gas flow, number the Colmonoy Model D Spray-
all phases of aluminum pipe welding, of passes, etc.) required for various welder is available from Wall Col-
from processes and machine settings, pipe sizes and thicknesses. monoy Corp., 19345 John R St.,
to welding techniques and heat This publication has been awaited Detroit 3, Mich.
treatment. by industry and should prove useful The bulletin gives a description
Many valuable tables compiled wherever aluminum is fabricated. of the unit and lists its advantages.
for welding aluminum are included Copies are available from the It also contains a_ step-by-step
in the booklet. A conversion table AMERICAN WELDING Society, De- outline discussion of the process.
presents the AST’M alloy designation partment T, 33 W. 39th St., New Five powders available for use with
and the corresponding commercial York 18, N.Y. Price $2.00 postpaid. the unit are described.
For your free copy, circle No. 54
on Reader Information Card.
Metallizing Booklet Revised formance through the use of welding.
The issues are available to engineers, Brazing Techniques
A revision of ‘Recommended shop supervisors and executives from
Practices for Metallizing Shafts or The Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland A 24-page illustrated manual
Similar Objects,” has been published 17, Ohio. Printed on heavy paper describing brazing techniques on all
by the AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY. for looseleaf insertion, the 6-page commercial brazeable metals and
This 32-page booklet, illustrated issue (No. 1204.1) covers welded alloys, is offered by All-State Weld-
with diagrams, line drawings, half- design details of hollow or calender ing Alloys Co., Inc., White Plains,
tones and containing numerous type rolls. Clearly illustrated, a N. Y. The manual details basic
tables, was prepared by the AWS simple stress analysis is presented brazing functions and offers spe-
Committee on Metallizing. wherein a continuous shaft is re- cific solutions to common brazing
A section has been added on placed by welded trunnions. Cal- problems.
“Surface Preparation for Metal- culations are shown through the use For your free copy, circle No. 55
lizing.”’ All surfaces to be metal- of tables and nomographs. on Reader Information Card.
lized have to be roughened and the For your free copy, circle No. 51
degree of roughness greatly affects on Reader Information Card.
the strength of the bond. Accord- Cylinder-valve Catalog
ingly, the methods of roughening
Automatic Welding The complete line of cylinder
have been divided into three groups
and recommendations are given as valves is described in a two-color,
A 6-page, 2-color folder illustrates 16-page catalog (GA), offered by
to when to use a particular method. and describes the complete line of
Most of the material has been re- the Bastian-Blessing Co., 4201 W.
automatic and semiautomatic arc Peterson Ave., Chicago 46, II.
written to bring it up to date and welding equipment manufactured
the contents have been rearranged For your free copy, circle No. 56
by Hobart Brothers Co., Troy, on Reader Information Card.
for quicker reference. The material Ohio. Applications for different
has been divided into four sections: automatic welding processes are
General, Surface Preparation, Spray- also illustrated. The Role of Calcium Carbide
ing, and Finishing. Copies of this For your free copy, circle No. 52
booklet are available, price $1.00 on Reader Information Card. Titled “The Many Faces of
postpaid, from the AMERICAN WELD- Calcium Carbide” a colorful 16-
ing Society, Department T, 33 W. Hard-surfacing Electrodes page brochure treats the history,
39th St., New York 18, N.Y. manufacturing process and the uses
A brochure that describes hard- of calcium carbide in modern in-
Applied Welding Design surface welding and covers selection dustry. Available from National
and application of hard-surfacing Carbide Co., a division of Air Re-
“Studies in Applied Weldesign’’ is electrodes and wires has been pub- duction Co., 150 E. 42nd St., New
a series of articles, published peri- lished by the Welding Products York 17, N. Y.
odically, on the design of machinery Division, A. O. Smith Corp., Mil- For your free copy, circle No. 57
for lower cost and improved per- waukee, Wis. on Reader Information Card.

976 | SEPTEMBER 1960

makes pipe dreams come true

Whether you’re welding a transcontinental pipeline, nuclear steam-supply valves, or the

hardware for outer space, you’ll find Tungsten Inert Gas Welding offers many important
advantages. And for the finest there is in Tungsten Electrodes, you want Sylvania. |
Sylvania offers the most complete line of top-quality Tungsten Electrodes: Puretung®, There's e
Zirtung®, 1% Thoriated, 2% Thoriated. Each comes in the preferred finish—cleaned or Syleania Tungsten
ground, and color-coded to save time, and prevent costly errors. Chemical & Metallurgical Electrode for every
Division, Sylvania Electric Products Inc., Towanda, Pennsylvania. welding need.



For details, circle No. 22 on Reader Information Card
Flash-butt Welding Cable Splicer physical properties and nominal
chemical composition; typical ap-
An 8-page bulletin, no. 7-213-A, A one-page catalog describing plications and recommended finish-
gives a detailed description of the the use, dimensions and prices of ing procedures.
various components and their func- ballpoint cable splicers is available For your free copy, circle No. 62
tions in the B-5 series of flash-butt from Tweco Products, Inc., P. O. on Reader Information Card.
welding machines made by the Box 845, West Caldwell, N. J.
Taylor Winfield Corp., 1048 Mahon- For your free copy, circle No. 60 Current-carrying Bearings
ing Ave., Warren, Ohio. on Reader Information Card.
For your free copy, circle No. 58 A 2-page bulletin, illustrating
on Reader Information Card. current-collector type bearings de-
Resistance-welding Transformers signed to hold the shaft spindle in
Multi-arc Welding In an 8-page bulletin, (9-013), resistance-seam welding machines,
Machines the Taylor Winfield Corp., 1048 is available from the Taylor Win-
Mahoning Ave., Warren, Ohio, of- field Corp., 1048 Mahoning Ave.,
A new line of single-operator con- Warren, Ohio.
trol units for multi-arc welding sys- fers a non-technical discussion with
photographs on the characteristics, For your free copy, circle No. 63
tems is described in a data sheet by on Reader Information Card.
J. B. Nottingham & Co., Inc., 441 ratings, manufacture and test of
Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. their resistance welding trans-
formers. Portable X-ray Unit
Available in six models with rat-
ings from 230 to 400 amp, adjustable For your free copy, circle No. 61 A fiyer describing the recently
in 5 or 10 amp steps, these ““Weld- on Reader Information Card. introduced Baltospot 150, portable
line’ units may be connected in X-ray unit designed for a variety
parallel for higher welding currents. Surfacing Alloys of nondestructive testing applica-
They range from 12'/,x 21'/,x 14*,, tions, is available from the manu-
in. to 15'/, x 24'/, x 14%/, in. in Detailed information on alloys facturer, Balteau Electric Corp.,
size and from 53 to 64 lb. for abrasion, impact, corrosion and 5 New St., Stamford, Conn.
According to manufacturer, hous- heat resisting services is contained The single-page flyer gives spec-
ings with expanded steel panels and in a series of 15 data sheets, bound ifications on both versions of the
louvered tops provide physical pro- in a folder, issued by Coast Metals, machine, Model D for 60-deg direc-
tection yet let air circulate freely for Inc., Redneck Ave., Little Ferry, tional use and Model P for 360-deg
convection cooling. N. J. Each sheet provides en- circumferential radiography.
For your free copy, circle No. 59 gineering data on a single alloy, For your free copy, circle No. 64
on Reader Information Card. including: the available forms; on Reader Information Card.

° ° ° ° °
° ra)

3 00 0° 00,f No Grinding Neces-
sary After Cut. One
5020006 oOo Stroke Cycle Clutch
© Ao ©0000 Soe Soo Operated by Hand
or Foof.
All you The Bateman “Ban-
want— tam” cuts 2” x 2” x
V4" angles and %" x
They mean , when you 4” flats. Standard
Natlone/ Cerbhides want it. punches will fit this
machine. The Coper
ee carbide - will cope 1%
it'S through 4%” material
Ie will punch 2”
pag cg te i / hole through 4” ma-
cerial. With the clutch
Wire for open, the Bantam will
supplier... make 44 ontins per minute. It is made of
high-grade cast iron, with the clutch, pin
—F— and dog made of hardened steel. The blades
are made with tool steel. Ic is powered with
a fly wheel and gear drive, and uses a small
Y% hp motor, 1750 rpm.
Bateman Bantam with punch _$575.00
Shear only . ..$495.00
Shipping wt. 750 Ibs.


150 East 42nd Street, New York 17,N.Y.
For details, circle No. 31 on Reader Information Card
For details, circle No. 30 on Reader Information Card

978 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Hard Surfacing
Fusion Facts, Spring 1960 issue,
is a 22-page brochure describing a
number of applications of hard
surfacing to the reclamation of worn
parts and to maintenance problems.
Tips on welding procedure are
given. The Stoody Co., 11920
E. Slauson Ave., Whittier, Calif.
For your free copy, circle No. 65
on reader Information Card.

Magnetic-particle Testing
A 4-page catalog issued by the
Magnafiux Corp., 7301 W. Ainslie
Ave., Chicago 31, IIl., illustrates
and describes four portable testing
kits for different applications of
magnetic particle testing.
The Spring 1960 edition of Mag-
nafacts contains among others, a
short description of how a dye
penetrant works.
For your free copy, circle No. 66
on Reader Information Card.

Sperry Ultrasonic

Inspection at 150

feet per minute...

assures pipe weld quality

The weld in line pipe for the oil and gas indus-
try must not fail. Yet speed of production also
remains an economically important must.
Welding Skills and Practices. By
J. W. Giachino, William Weeks and Sperry engineers, working with Jones & Laugh-
Elmer Brune, Published by the lin production engineers, developed a method
American Technical Society, Chi-
cago, 271 pp. + index. Price $4.95. of integrating the necessary ultrasonic weld
This book is written to introduce inspection into the J & L 150-feet-per-minute
the beginner to the basic concepts electricweld production line.
and operator techniques involved
in making welds by arc- and gas- In operation, the Sperry angle beam search
welding processes. Manual tech- Sperry ultrasonic engi-
neers, located in all major head contacts the pipe as it moves through
niques are set forth in detail al-
though a short chapter is devoted to industrial areas are avail- the mill, and all defect indications are moni-
semiautomatic, automatic and re- able for consultation on tored by a Sperry R.A. unit to flash a light,
sistance-welding processes. your automated or manu-
al testing problems. to relay the signal of the defect to a pen
A clear and straightforward de-
velopment of the elementary facts Call on Sperry experience recorder and to actuate controls to dye mark
of good welding, this book employs and research fora solution. the flaw area.
numerous illustrations to supple-
ment the text. Short chapters ex-
plain in plain words such basics as
selection of electrode, striking an
arc, the positions of welding, non-
ferrous metals and many others. —=—aisperry Products Company
Each chapter is followed by a group DIVISION HOWE SOUND COMPANY
of questions and assignments for
2409 Shelter Rock Road, Danbury, Connecticut
For details, circle No. 32 on Reader taformation Card
welding practice. The authors ances and distribution of tempera-
teach welding at Western Michigan ture in the vicinity of the welding
University, Kalamazoo. arc. The third section deals with
the bare electrode in air, gas-
High Productivity in Heavy En- shielded welding, penetration, sub-
gineering. By A. G. Thompson. merged-arc welding including met-
323 pp. + index. Published for allurgy of fluxes, and covered and
Welding and Metal Fabrication by cored electrodes.
lliffe & Sons Ltd., London, 1960,
65s (about $9.10).
This book is written from an Welding Engineer’s Pocket Book
interesting and useful point of view. (in German: Schweisser-Taschen-
The various welding processes and buch 1960/61), 184 pages. Edited
their techniques as such are not by F. Wollny, published by the
studied. Rather, the equipment Central Welding Institute, Carl
you need and methods that play the sup- Marhold Verlag, Henriettenstrasse
porting role are discussed. The 3, Halle (Saale) C2, East Germany.
field is heavy welded fabrication. 5 marks.
The point of view is well taken A tiny handbook on automatic
because successful welding requires welding is the best description of
this this book. It is only 4 X 6 in.,
the right preparation and follow-
through. Theinformation presented and is designed to be used on the
here is conservative but should be job. The text consists partly of
helpful in two ways: (1) in setting up descriptions of the automatic arc-
a new shop or in changing over an welding processes and projection
older shop for the proper use of weld- welding, and partly of tables of
ing and (2) orienting in-shop routines recommended machine _ settings,
and personnel for its efficient use. compositions of steel, nonferrous
These considerations are a big metals and fluxes. Twenty pages
factor in the wider use of welding. are devoted to adhesive bonding
Simply and clearly written, the and the flame spraying of bitumi-
book should prove valuable to man- nous materials.
agement and to serious shop per- An immense amount of practical
sonnel. One chapter is devoted to information and reference material
plant layout. Other sections cover is packed into this small volume.
material layout, dimensioning and
DryRod: coding techniques, cutting, forming, The Welding, Flame _ Cutting,
assembly, handling, quality control Flame Spraying, and Adhesive Bond-
ELECTRODE and inspection. The second half ing of Light Metals (Das Schweissen
of the book is a study of costing Der Leichtmetalle und seine Rand-
methods appropriate to heavy gebiete). Edited by Alexander
fabrication. Numerous illustra- Matting, second edition 1959, 200
tions are used and the text reflects pages.
You need both for a sound appreciation of shop prac- First published in 1939, this
tice. book’s second edition reveals the
trouble-free progress that has been made in the
last 20 years in the welding
Profitable Welding
of aluminum and magnesium.
The instant you unpack mineral There are seventeen chapters
coated electrodes, they start soak- Foreign Books.—Reviews obtained written by twenty German welding
from foreign periodicals by Gerard E. experts. The editor is director of
ing up moisture. In only 2 hours
Claussen, contributor of “‘World-Wide the Materials Institute of Hanover
they often soak up as much as 13 Welding News.” Engineering College.
times allowable US Specifica- The book concentrates on the
tions. Moist rods cause porosity, The Physics of Arc Welding,
procedures that have been found
under-bead cracking, rough welds, Including Fluxes. By Prof. William
successful in making welds with gas-
etc. Your rejects and rod scrap M. Conn of Kansas City, Mo.,
torch, covered-electrodes, inert-gas
386 pages, 231 figures, 1959. 58
cut heavily into profits. and resistance processes. Soldering,
West German marks.
cold welding and stud welding
For consistently good welding, This book is in the German lan-
also are discussed. A special chap-
you have to keep rods dry. This guage, and is Vol. 13 in the series
ter is reserved for magnesium al-
oven does it . . . at pennies of cost. “Technical Physics by Individual
loys. There are short chapters on
Topics” published by Springer-
the design of welds, weld testing
Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, Ber-
and training of welding operators.
Write for lin-Wilmersdorf, West Berlin, Ger-
The book is No. 14 in the series
descriptive many. The book is divided into
on Welding Technology published
literature. three sections: (1) historical, (2)
by the German Welding Society,
fundamentals and (3) selected sub-
Dusseldorf, Germany.
The second section discusses the
PHOENIX PRODUCTS COMPANY welding arc as a heat source, forces USE
4753 NORTH 27th STREET, MILWAUKEE 9, WIS. and metal transfer in the welding READER INFORMATION CARD
For details, circle No. 33 on Reader Information Card arc, the weld puddle, energy bal-

980 | SEPTEMBER 1960






Colmonoy Hard-Surfacing

Makes Spur Gears Last

Thirty-five Times Longer

Spur gear life of 5000 hours is now obtained by

the operator of the ball mill shown, instead of a
previous gear life of only 140 hours. The reason
for this tremendous jump in service life: The
application of Colmonoy No. 2 hard-surfacing
electrodes to the gear teeth. And it costs less to
hard-surface a worn gear than to buy a new one!



for inspection of raw materials going into weld-

ments, as well as of the finished weld itself, goes
with you to the job wherever it may be... brings
laboratory precision into the field and permits the
most accurate evaluations of internal structure pos-
sible today. Simplified controls, easily mastered by
non-technical personnel, are centralized on the
front panel. Skilled service by factory-trained
specialists is always available across the nation. Gear wear was accentuated because Protecting spur gear teeth by arc
PORTABLE: Weighs only 37 pounds complete this mill processes hard compounds, welding deposits of Colmonoy No. 2.
‘ causing extremely abrasive particles These low-hydrogen DC electrodes
SENSITIVE: Detects all cracks; to fall on the meshing gear teeth. weld fast, require low amperages.
instrument response adjustable z
to suit exact quality require- Wherever excessive metallic wear exists, there is
ments of any job. an opportunity to cut costs. You know where such
PRECISE: Completely locates, wear exists. Colmonoy sales engi-
and determfnes extent of, in- : neers know what to do about it.
ternal discontinuities. = - Call one. Or write to Detroit about
ECONOMICAL: Costs $2750. your problem part.
Ask for Colmonoy Hard-Facing Manual No. 79.
19345 John R Street « Detroit 3, Michigan
For details, circle No. 23 on Reader information Card For details, circle No. 24 on Reader information Card

New Products

Temperature-indicating Crayons tion. PIXchek also comes in bulk

and Paints for installations that can be fitted
into production lines.
New temperature indicating ma- rent in the primary of the welding
Unseen flaws are made visible
terials, ‘““Thermocron”’ crayons and transformer. Electronic circuitry
with PI Xchek by the action of a
“‘DetectoTemp” paints, are now advances or retards the firing of
chalk-white developer on a _ low-
being marketed by Air Reduction the ignitron contactors to keep the
viscosity red dye. The dye pene-
Sales Co., 150 East 42nd St., New root-mean-square of each welding
trant is drawn up by the developer
York 17, N. Y. These crayons and current pulse within plus or minus
from the defect to make a red stain
paints can be used in any indus- 3% of its preset value. Speed of
pattern on a white surface.
trial or commercial application correction is 2 or 3 cycles.
For details, circle No. 102 on
where temperature, and its correct For details, circle No. 104 on
Reader Information Card.
determination, are factors. Reader Information Card.
These temperature measuring de-
Close-Coupled Electrode
vices are said to indicate accurately Vacuum Chambers
the temperature of any hot surface Holder
Berkeley-Davis Inc., 1021 Bahls
by distinct changes in color. The S-M-S Corporation 2254 Cole St., Danville, Ill., has announced
changes are not slight alterations in Ave., Birmingham, Mich., has de- its entrance into the vacuum-cham-
the shade of the original color, but veloped a series of press-type re- ber field.
an easily discernible change to a sistance-welding-machine holders One of the chambers marketed by
different color. this company is 3 ft in diam and 5
Eighteen Thermocron crayons ft long, with 4 view ports and 6
provide temperature measurements
glove ports. It is equipped with a
from 150 to 1240° F. Thirty-six longitudinal crawler on the inside,
DetectoTemp paints cover a meas- and a small positioner, these ele-
urement range from 104 to 2462° F. ments being utilized to support and
Thirteen of the 36 DetectoTemp
move various workpieces so that
paints undergo multiple color they may be welded in either vac-
changes at different temperature
uum, with an electron-beam gun,
For details, circle No. 101 on
Reader Information Card.

which are used in combination with

Dye-penetrant Inspection
the “Quick Change” holders. Vari-
“PI Xchek,” described as a dye- able pressures can now be applied
penetrant inspection system for de- to individual welds. The manu-
tecting surface flaws in a wide facturer indicates that these holders
variety of industrial materials, has have been tested over a period of
been introduced by Picker X-Ray two years in many varied applica-
Corp. tions with satisfactory results.
The system is available in a com- For details, circle No. 103 on or after backfilling with argon or
pact kit containing both spray and Reader Information Card. some other inert gas, for use with
liquid cans for on-the-spot inspec- the gloves and hand-welding equip-
ment. The pumping equipment
Resistance-welding Regulator incorporates a 6-in. diffusion pump
A redesigned current regulator for with a cold trap.
resistance-welding control is avail- The chamber will pump down to
able from General Electric, Ap- 1x10~’, and will reach 1x10~-* in 23
paratus Service Shop, Detroit, min. A leak rate of 2.3 microns/hr,
Mich. over a 12-hr test period has been es-
The regulator is said to assure tablished.
better weld quality by compensat- For details, circle No. 105 on
ing for all three factors that might Reader Information Card.
change the welding current: line
voltage fluctuations, varying load
impedance, or reactance changes
caused by entrance of a workpiece USE
in the welder throat.
It employs an instrument-type READER INFORMATION CARD
current transformer to sense cur-

982 | SEPTEMBER 1960

Tempilstik: . Cmpetalire
~~ inditaling cwayone

TEMPILSTIKS® provide a simple and accurate means of determining

preheating and stress relieving temperatures in welding operations.
Tempilstiks® are widely used as a standard method of checking temperatures
in all heat treating—as well as in hundreds of other heat-dependent processes
in industry. Available in 80 different temperature ratings..... $2.00 each.
Most leading welding supply houses carry Tempilstiks®. If yours is an exception
then write direct to us for further information.
Tempil CORPORATION © 132 West 22nd St., New York 11, %. ¥
Visit us at Booth 428—ISA Show—New York Coliseum——Sept. 26-30
For details, circle No. 25 on Reader information Card
Lightweight Face Shield pliable polyethylene to fit perfectly. In the wobble-head welding ma-
For details, circle No. 106 on chine, the electrode is a circular cup-
A lightweight, low-priced face Reader Information Card. type die running on an adjustable
shield, designed for industrial use eccentric drive. The cup die works
and protection, is now being dis- on edge, touching the workpiece
tributed by its manufacturer, The Wobble-head Seam-welding
with rolling —not sliding——-point con-
Fibre-Metal Products Co., 5th and Machines
tact. An electrode cup die is chosen
Tilghman St., Chester, Pa. The wobble-head seam-welding which is slightly larger in diameter
machine, recently developed by than the weld to be made, and the
Precision Welder and Flexopress specified ring diameter of weld is
Corp., 3520 Ibsen Ave., Cincinnati attained by adjusting the tilt of the
9, Ohio, is said to bridge the gap cup die.
between circular seam wheel welding For details, circle No. 107 on
machines and ring projection weld- Reader Information Card.
ing machines. It is suited to han-
dling ring welding jobs from °* , to
6 in. in diam. Fume Exhaust
The “Flex Air Mover,” a device
for exhausting welding fumes and
smoke from closed work areas,
has been placed on the market by
the Arcair Co. of Lancaster, Ohio.
The unit is comprised of a special
intake nozzle which is joined to a
Designated as ‘“‘Feather-Lite F- jet pump casting by a length of
90," the new face shield weighs flexible tubing. From this point,
only 3'/, oz complete with a 6 x smoke is exhausted through another
11'/,x0.020-in. window. It features
replaceability of any of its parts and
enables the use of a great variety
of windows or screens.
Its headband (adjustable in '/ sths
from 6° «ths to 8) is of softly


connecting section of tubing to any
discharge point. It is powered
MILWAUKEE entirely by compressed air. If
required, additional lengths of tub-
VAADINE _ MACHINERY ing may be added with no reduction
in velocity or volume of smoke re-
LDits moved.
The manufacturer reports that
ESTABLISHED 18936 operation requires merely con-
necting it to an air line positioned
to carry the smoke and fumes away
from the work area, with the intake
and near the source.
For details, circle No. 108 on
Reader Information Card.
ACR@® general purpose spot-projection-butt-seam re-
sistance welding machines.
Longitudinal Welding Positioner
® special purpose production welding ma- A recent development incorporat-
chinery employing automatic arc welding ing a miniaturized ram assembly to
processes. provide accurate longitudinal move-
ment of welding head in conjunction
ACROMATIC ©special purpose production welding with a longitudinal welding posi-
machinery employing resistance welding ~~ tioner has been announced by Air-
line Welding and Engineering, 15899
processes. S. San Pedro, Gardena, Calif.
The ram assembly is_ located
ACRO-MAGNETIC ® magnetic force spot, projec-
above and to the rear of the posi-
tion, and percussion welding machines. — tioner mainstay, and consists of an
integral control and drive mech-
anism, ram type boom, and mount-
For details, circle Ne. 78 on Reader Information Card ing brackets for any one of the small

984 | SEPTEMBER 1960


Huge swaging press went out of action when

deep cracks opened in its 25-ton cast steel frame.

Weld repair posed problems: heat danger to base

metal; high strength demands.

Only EUTECTIC had the answer.- Cracks were veed

out with ChamferTrode,

then EutecTrode 680

was deposited at high speed with low amperage.

Frame never got hot. Bond gave tensiles up to

120,000 psi, ee Shock resistance. Press back

in production. ..downtime and money saved.

Please send:
AND 200 MORE ...The above is but one example.
Eutectic’s research has resulted in over 200 other
' [ Complete literature on EutecTrode 680
problem-solving ‘‘Low Temperature Welding Alloys.’’"
Repeatedly, our exclusive Low Heat Input Process
results in better, safer, permanent weld repairs. To
get the most from your maintenance welding, get the
advice of your local Technical Representative; he’s
ready to help any time, anywhere.
F Reg. T.M. Eutectic Welding Alloys Corp.
40-40 172nd Street, Flushing 58, New York


Originator of the Low Heat Input Process . . . The ONLY welding alloy manufacturer in the world
capable of producing welding rods and electrodes from virgin metals to finished products in
ANY metal.
For details, circle No. 26 on Reader Information Card
shell and the side seam is welded.
After the weld is consummated
the forming clamps release and the
transfer mechanism ejects’ the
welded part from the machine.

NOW—join any
popular tungsten-arc machine weld-
commercial metal ing torches.
The manufacturer states that the
to any other location and general configuration of
the ram assembly is designed to
provide maximum visibility and
All-State provides the right alloy, accessibility to the positioner.
right finish, right flux, and the For details, circle No. 109 on
right service so you can join any Reader, Information Card. The seam is approximately 5 in.
commercial metal toany other—on long. Weld pressure is approx-
imately 1200 lb at 60 psi. Weld
production line or in maintenance
Safety Holsters speeds adjustable from 200 to
If you have a welding, brazing or 400 ipm. A 200-kva welding trans-
soldering problem (automatic or A line of “Fast-Draw” safety former supplies the welding power.
holsters is announced by Atlas Weld- For details, circle No. 111 on
manual) there is an answer
ing Accessories, Inc., 707 E. Lewis- Reader Information Card.
among All-State’s specially pro ton, Detroit 20, Mich.
duced alloys and fluxes Bench Welding Machine
This answer may be as near as A midget bench welding-machine
the nearest of over 1000 All-State control for resistance welding
distributors here and abroad. Or weighing only 21 lb and measuring 6
just write or phone (WHite Plains in. wide, 10 in. deep, 10 in. high
8-4646) our Technical Depart has been announced by Robo-
ment and Laboratories, White tron Corp., 21300 W. 8-Mile Rd..,
Plains, N. Y. A few minutes and Detroit, Mich.
a few pennies might save you Designed primarily for the elec-
tronic tube industry, the tiny unit
thousands of dollars

The holsters are made of heavy

full-grain saddle leather and are
offered in 3 models. Model 19 pro-
vides for carrying practically any
type of hammer. It has an adjust-
able belt loop.
To help you know the line and Model 21, designed particularly
select the alloy and flux best for carrying combination weld chip-
suited for each job, All-State brush tools, protects the user’s
fingers and clothing.
publishes a 56-page INSTRUCTION
Model 192, “‘Dual-Case”’ is a full
MANUAL, free to interested users length case with belt loop and bot-
Also, a special ALUMINUM tom and holds not only the chip-
MANUAL containing 36 pages of ping tool, but a supply of welding
data on aluminum alloys and rod. no bigger than a small portable
how to join them. If you work For details, circle No. 110 on radio—is said to be a true synchro-
with aluminum, ask for a copy Reader Information Card. nous precision bench welding-ma-
tate maintains 3 factorie chine control in function and per-
hite Plains, N. Y.—St. Lou formance.
south Gate, California — Toronto Travel-head Seam-welding Machine
ntario, Canada) and a central Technical Referred to as model 10E76E-C,
Department and Laboratory at headquarters A travel-head seam welding ma- the Robotron midget is used on very
chine with forming clamps has small welding machines which can
been developed by The Federal be operated within the limits of a
Machine and Welder Co., Warren, 12-amp, 50% duty cycle, thyratron
MZ; ALLOYS CO., INC. Ohio. contactor with input voltage of 115
WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK This machine transfers the blank or 230 v, 50 or 60 cycle only.
from the load position into the form- For details, circle No. 112 on
For details, circle No. 34 on Reader Information Card ing unit, where it is formed into a Reader Information Card.
98 | SEPTEMBER 1960
© Copyright 1960


Home Plant and Offices:

9701 S.E. McLoughlin Bivd., OLive 4-6531
Portland 22, Oregor
Eastern Distribution Center
10515 Reading Road, PRincetor
ncinnati 41, Ohio
OMARK Industries (1959), Ltd.
165 York Road, Guelph, Ontario
Sporting Arms, Ltd.
Adelaide, South Australia
Kopparberg, Swede
OMARK-Northeast, Inc.
Southwest Park, Routes 1 and 128
Westwood ssach tts, DAvis 6-5680
_— Northeast,
“FASTEN ONTO New Yo Division, 40-18 Cres
Long Island City, N.Y., EMpir
OMARK-Mideast, inc.
5801 Torresdale Ave., Pt
Ploneer 3-1219
OMARK-Mideast, Sas.
4153 Hayward Dr
Liberty 2-5474
806 West F
8-3 a838
WHO CAN SHOW YOU HOW 1543 N.W. 54th Street
OXford 1-678
a Southeast,
Specifically, for multiple fastening to all kinds of metal .. . thick or thin . . . for light load GArden 4 =
or heavy . . . with equipment you take to the job (as in building and construction), or OMARK- misery
work you take to the fastening machine (as in product manufacture and assembly)... it Atlanta 3., JAck
pays to know the man irom OMARK.
ee eee. Inc
He not only offers you a system of burn-and-distortion-free stud welding which solves
your metal fastening problems. He also brings you dependable on-the-job counsel, and can OMARK- adel,
engineering service to help you specify exactly the right studs and equipment you need. 5404 West F
TUxedo 9-2662
Join the increasing numbers of manufacturers and contractors who are finding that, in OMARK- “St» konta,
8610 N is] dg
the field of metal fastening, the man from OMARK is “the man who can show y 5 HArr 8-2702
Phone him at your nearest OMARK direct factory branch. OMARK-St Louis,
4008 Baltimore
Plaza 3-4935
OMARK-Ohio, Inc.
OMARK Stud Welding System 10515 Rea Road
437 Holtz Ohio, AverInc.
Clearbrook 8.5322
arbrook 4-493
Metaire-New + Bre
OMARK- Southern, Inc.

OMARK-Sourhwest, Inc.
1305 Akard Street, Dallas, Texas
Riverside 7-700
OMARK-Southwest, Inc.
3713 S. Littlejohn, Ft. Wort
JEfferson 4-4314
OMARK-Southwest, Inc.
3111 Leeland Avenue, Hcustor
CApitol 5-4865
OMARK-West Coast,
746 Ellis Street, San Franc
PRospect 5-6243
OMARK-West Coast, Inc.
401 E. Washington Bivd., Los A
Richmond 7-0091
OMARK-Wes? Coast,
1815 Hancock Street
CYpress 6-6146
For details, circle No. 27 on Reader Information Card
Transistor Welding Machine
A new automatic transistor weld-
ing machine, described as incor-
porating design innovations which
add versatility and economy to
high production and great accuracy,
has been developed by National
Electric Welding Machines Co.,
1846 Trumbull St., Bay City,

‘ 4
The console type machine is es-
sentially a basic unit which uses
standard key components and which
Job Report Courtesy of can be tooled for either dial feed or
Leader Iron Works, Inc., Decatur, Ill. single point operation.
A 3- x 4-ft table, 32 in. high,
forms the top of the unit’s base and
For peace of mind is designed specifically to accom-
modate a standard dry box.
on any stainless welding job For details, circle No. 113 on
Reader Information Card.
This vacuum separator, made of 54" Type 316 stainless steel, is designed
for 100 psi test pressure. To assure predictable results, Arcos Chromend Flame Hardener
K Mo Electrodes (Type 316) were selected for a combination of top physical,
A roller-fiange flame hardener,
metallurgical and chemical properties. For maximum benefits in welding designed to increase the hardness of
stainless—consistent quality, low cost weld metal, and reliability in service rebuilt tractor rollers and so pre-
you can count on ARCOS. vent flange roll-over, is now avail-
able through its dealers, announces
Victor Equipment Co., 844 Folsom
ee St., San Francisco 7, Calif.

wan wma a 4 ~~
for quality weld meta/

Roll-over causes most premature

failures of rebuilt flanges, according
to tractor maintenance experts.
This machine is said to flame harden
STAINLESS + LOW ALLOY + ALUMINUM + MILD STEEL 50 Rockwell C. Dual torches en-
able the machine to flame harden
both the inside and outside of the
ARCOS CORPORATION - 1500 South 50th St., Philadelphia 43, Pa.
For details, circle No. 35 on Reader Information Card
988 | SEPTEMBER 1960
rebuilt roller simultaneously, thus
preventing distortion.
For details, circle No. 114 on
Reader Information Card.

Ultrasonic Seam-welding Machine

A self-tuning ultrasonic seam-
welding machine for aluminum foil
and other thin metals, which can be
applied in a system with one gener-
ator serving several welding heads,
has been developed by Interna-
tional Ultrasonics, Inc., Rahway,
N. J., an affiliate of Aero Supply
Mfg. Co., Inc. Applications in-
clude foil manufacture and con-
version, packaging, winding of foil
condensers and transformers, and
joining of thin refractory metals
for space vehicles.

Job Report Courtesy of

Ingersoll-Rand Co., Phillipsburg, N. J.

When low alloy welds

must withstand 2000 psi

The welding machine is available
with traversing heads for rolling This centrifugal compressor is one of many used in offshore gas repressuring.
mills and other applications where The pressure of nearly 2000 psi is nearly twice the highest former working
the seam crosses a stationary web,
or stationary heads for package pressure. Arcos Tensilend 70 Electrodes were used to produce the high
sealing or other operations along a strength welds required. When you need sound, high strength weld metal,
continuously-moving web. use Arcos Low Alloy quality controlled electrodes for reliable performance.
Material as thin as 0.00017 in. and
as thick as 0.006 in. has been suc-
cessfully joined with this unit.
For details, circle No. 115 on aw* 2
Reader Information Card. nak é
e *s
Arc Spot-welding Gun
Bren Weld Corp., Brooklyn, LOW ALLOY ELECTRODES
N. Y., announces their new and im-
proved Model H arc spot-welding for quality weld metal
This gun features the exclusive
automatic time control to insure uni-
form and consistent welds from one



ARCOS CORPORATION «+ 1500 South 50th St., Philadelphia 43, Pa.

For details, circle No. 36 on Reader Information Card
Co., 844 Folsom St., San Francisco
7, Calif.
The manufacturer states that
Model B was developed to offer the
economies of automatic rebuilding
to smaller repair shops, contractors,
loggers, miners and other fleet users
of track-type tractors.
Built-in jib crane, rated '/,-ton
For twenty five years S-M-S capacity, it is said to enable the
Corporation has been making operator to position rollers and large
new contributions to Resistance idlers with ease. Controls are cen-
Welding Industry in Ejector tralized to save operator movement.
Holders of all types. Modular design of electronic controls
simplifies maintenance and trouble-
Adjust-A-Pressure Holders shooting.
Special Holders to Customers For details, circle No. 117 on
Specifications Reader Information Card. display packaged cutting-heating-
Standard and welding-brazing outfit specifically
Electrodes —
Special for use with LP-gas. It is to be
known as ‘Big 98LP.”’
Elkonite for Resistance Welding
and (Electrical Discharge Ma- Automatic Welding of “Big 98LP” contains a new braze-
chining) Contour Joints welding tip which makes the outfit
Castings and Forgings in RW- completely functional for use with
MA Classes of Alloys A mechanical follower-tracer LP-gas. This tip does fusion weld-
welding system that permits the ing of metals up to 14 gage, accord-
Special Welding Fixtures
joining of metal parts having un- ing to the company, and can be used
Bar Stock trimmed, straight line or contour for brazing on any thickness.
weld-line edges in a continuous The LP cutting tip included cuts
lf it is unusual we make it. up to 4-in. metal, but the cutting
assembly accepts all of the cutting
$-M-S CORPORATION tips in the Smith line, with capacities
2254 Cole Ave. for cutting up to 8 in.
Birmingham, Michigan The “Big 98LP”’ outfit also has
a mid-range soldering tip and
For details, circle No. 37 on Reader Information Card

side without back-up. No triggers
or buttons are used during welding CONTACTOR
The Model H gun weighs 2 lb, STOPS
and welds 14 gage to any thickness
minimum 2 pieces 26 gage). It ACCIDENTAL
welds mild steel, galvanized and
stainless. ARCING
For details, circle No. 116 on ... Prevents Injuries
Reader Information Cards. and Equipment
Surfacing Unit The Arcair Contactor’s positive on-
the-job control of high secondary
A new, lower-cost machine for automated welding operation has currents, up to 600 amperes at high
automatic rebuilding of tractor roll- been developed by Expert Welding rate of interruptions eliminates
ers and idlers, the Victor Model B, Machine Co., 17144 Mt. Elliott Ave. injuries and damage caused by
is announced by Victor Equipment accidental arcing. The rugged, com-
Detroit 12, Mich. pact unit, 814” wide, 10” deep and
This system was developed for 20” high, fits anywhere, will give
welding automotive frame siderails long maintenance-free service. It’s
and crossmembers, because the ver- the ideal accessory for Arcair Q-3
automatic torch, or for use when
tical contour of siderail and cross- Arcair or welding power sources are
member channel halves often de- located at a distance from the work
viates from print dimensions as area. Contactor unit operates on
much as */;, in. 115 volt, single phase, 60 cycle cur-
rent and is priced at $195.00 includ-
For details, circle No. 118 on ing on/off signal-light, terminal strip
Reader Information Card. and remote control switch. For
further information write

LP-gas Outfit
A CAL eso
Smith Welding Equipment Corp., Bremerton, Washington
2633 Fourth St. S. E., Minneapolis 431 S. Mt. Pleasant St., Lancaster, Ohio
14, Minn., has announced a new For details, circle No. 38 on Reader information Card

9909 | SEPTEMBER 1960

adapter for use with LP-gas and air.
For details, circle No. 119 on
Reader Information Card.

Bench Welding Machine

A bench’ welding machine
equipped with air-press operation,
an electric foot switch, and squeeze-
weld timing controls has been de-
veloped by Alphil Spot Welder
Manufacturing Co., 1058 Pacific St.,
Brooklyn 38, N. Y. According to
manufacturer, the squeeze-weld
timer permits the electrodes to com-

press the work before welding, and with

allows for much finer control of the
operation. ASEASVETS
Suitable for dental equipment,
radio tubes, lamps, garages, toys, flash
electrical parts and _ novelties,
Alphil’s new Model BW, rated at
'/,to 3 kva, measures 15 in. in
height, 8'/, in. in width, 9 in. in
length and weighs 90 lb complete.
For details, circle No. 120 on
Reader Information Card.
See why the SVU ASEASVETS Chain Welder is universally acclaimed wherever employed:
welding of metal or alloy down to 1/100 of maximum welding section can be done
Portable X-ray Unit without changing gears or cams. 100% tensile weld strength is assured even on high
The Baltospot 150, a lightweight, alloys. Clamping speed is high, clamping force low. No need to change welding
portable X-ray unit available in 2 dies to get concentric or eccentric welding variation. Welding capacities up to 40
model versions featuring a power square inches. Maximum clamping force 66 tons. Maximum upsetting force 44 tons.
range of 150 kv-3ma and penetra-
tion of 1’/;-in. steel, has been an- Other ASEASVETS welding machines include: Tube Welding Mills—for butt-seam weld-
nounced by the Balteau Electric ing. Seam Welders—foot and air operated for steel, stainless steel or non-ferrous
Corp., 5 New Street, Stamford, metals. Projection Welders—for mass production of small and imedium sized parts.
Conn. Spot Welders—highly economical for materials usually soldered or riveted. Resistance
According to the manufacturer, Heaters—for bolt blanks. Electrodes—Ordinary,
and with unusually deep penetration.
etration. Send coupon
today, get the ASEA Welding Information you yon


Flash Welder 500 Fifth Avenue, New York 36, N. Y.
Please send me your booklet on:
C) Seam Welding C) Flash Weiding
C) Spot Welding [] Chain Welding
C) Tube Welding Mills C) Resistance Heaters
[] Electrodes
Name |
For details, circle No. 39 on Reader Information Card
Welders’ Gloves
Only $110 USE
Additions to its welders’ line
for 3,000 Ib. model have been made by Riegel Textile READER
Corp., 260 Madison Ave., New INFORMATION CARD
York 16,N.Y. They include extra-
large, jumbo size, spot and heavy
Plate Beveler
A new type of plate beveler is
announced by American Pullmax
New Gauge Co., 2455 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago
14, Ill.
Measures Welding A serrated cutting wheel feeds the
ELECTRODE FORCE work through the machine as a pre-
Rugged all mechanical design—-no leaky determined bevel is neatly cut from
hydraulic units or sensitive electrical circuits to the edge of the plate.
cause trouble
in multiple gun welding presses several load
cells can be set in position and force read with
only a single dial indicator
Design of load cell (only %” between load
points) is ideal for checking electrode force, as
well as setup and maintenance of other me
chanical or hydraulic equipment.
1554 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis 3, Minnesota
For details, circle No. 40 on Reader information Card welder gloves. The gloves can be
obtained both with and without
the Baltospot 150-P incorporates a linings, and will be made of the
newly designed 360 deg X-ray same quality materials as their
tube for circumferential radiography regular size counterparts.
but is also adaptable to single-beam For details, circle No. 123 on Pullmax X-8 bevelers are avail-
or directional use by means of an Reader Information Card. able in models that cut 30, 37' . or
easily adjustable diaphragm. The 15 deg. bevels.
Baltospot 150-D features a new wide Oxygen-cutting Machine For details, circle No. 125 on
angle 60 deg. tube which allows up Reader Information Card.
to 50°; greater linear exposure at any The ‘“‘Gloor Expeditor,” a new
given distance. The port areas on Swiss-made oxygen-cutting machine
both versions are end positioned for described by the manufacturer as When You Weld Cast Iron
easy access to internal sections too being capable of meeting the need
for a fast, accurate, highly versatile Select the Correct
small even to accept the entire head.
For details, circle No. 121 on production tool for design, develop-
Reader Information Card. ment and prototype work, limited
Aluminum Welding Fittings
A line of cast-pipe aluminum fit-
tings, with good weldability, is now CAST IRON WELDING RODS
being manufactured by Wheaton OR ELECTRODES
Brass Works, Springfield Road,
Union, N. J.
FUSE-WELL No. 11, Squore—Gray Cast |
Iron Welding Rod for Acetylene use in |
filling or building up new or worn
castings producing machineable welds.
FUSE-WELL No. 12, Round—Hes the|
same uses and analytical ingredients
production runs, and making dupli- as Fuse-Weil No. 11.
cate parts for field repair and main-
tenance work, is now available to the
American metalworking industry FUSE-WELL No. 14, Moly—An Iron
through Earth Equipment Corp., Base Rod with alloys added for finer
grain structure and greater strength.
Importer, 1409 Santa Fe Ave., Los
Angeles 21, Calif. PUSE-WELL NO 27
The “‘Expeditor”’ is said to permit FUSE-WELL No. 22, Electrode — Light
The fittings are cast in Aluminum an operator to duplicate directly
356-T6, and include four types of coated Rod to be used for AC or DC
from a sketch or drawing by man- welding in the fabricating and repair-
welding reducers: aluminum weld- ually controlled tracing pencil. It ing of cast iron castings.
ing elbow, aluminum welding neck is made in Burgdorf, Switzerland,
flange, aluminum slip-on welding by Gloor Bros. & Co.
flange and aluminum blind flange. THE CHICAGO HARDWARE FOUNDRY CO.
For details, circle No. 124 on
For details, circle No. 122 on Reader Information Card. NOR Be cocnea, tiie
Reader Information Card. For details, circle Ne. 41 on Reader information Card
992 | SEPTEMBER 1960
What Are the Advantages

of Electron Beam Welding?

**Un-weldable”’ is a word to be used with caution. Operation under high vacuum prevents con-
Dissimilar materials, such as aluminum and steel, tamination, eliminates costs and uncertainties
of inert gas.
can now be fusion welded by electron bombardment.
There is no electrode to contaminate the work.
Pieces of widely varying thickness can be joined in
Surface oxides are cleaned up.
a single pass. Foil is easy. And weldments, even of
Wide variations in total power and in power
reactive and refractory metals, look and perform concentration are easily made.
almost like a solid piece.
Spot size can be varied from 10 mils to more
These and other triumphs are possible with electron than 6 inches.
beam welders because: Depth to width ratios of 4/1 are possible.

What Have Been the Disadvantages?

In most equipment the electron beam is generated pumping systems and automatic protective
by applying a high voltage between the work and devices add greatly to equipment cost and
the electron source, with the geometry of the latter
focusing the beam. Disadvantages include: Short focal lengths of 12 to 1 inch pose prob-
lems in welding anything but flat pieces and
1. Gas bursts and metallic vapors cause frequent simple cylinders.
high voltage discharges. At best, these result
in annoying interruptions, discontinuous Because the work piece is the anode, the
welds, and short source life, and at worst, ex- electric field often changes as the weld pro-
tensive damage to the equipment. Attempts to gresses. This affects the beam and makes
reduce discharges by using large vacuum precision welding difficult.

How Has NRC Cured These?

NRC has developed, proved, and applied for a patent sign. Special shielding protects the gun against gas
onan electron beam welder which is as simple to oper- bursts and metallic vapors and prevents high volt-
ate as a television set. It assures complete freedom age discharges. Electro-magnetic focusing makes it
from high voltage discharges and makes precision easy to change the focal length from 1 to 10 inches
welding easy. Work geometry no longer is a problem; and spot size from 10 mils up. Since the area below
even corrugated pieces can be welded successfully. the gun is field-free, the electron path is unaffected
Secret of the NRC Welder’s success is its gun de- by the shape of the work.


A Subsidiary of National Research Corp Dept

160 Charlemont St., Newton 61, Massachusetts
SALES OFFICES: Boston « Chicago « Cleveland « Detroit
Houston « Los Angeles « New York « Palo Alto « Pittsburgh
ELECTRON BEAM WELDER Lineor or circulor welds can be ELECTRON BEAM FURNACE Reoctive
made at speeds of 0 — 0.5 inch per second with the or refractory metals can be melted in oa
standard Model 2405 Electron Beam Welder. Offered standard Model 2460 Electron Beam
with a choice of 1, 3, or 6 KW power supply, it is easily Furnace to produce ultra high purity
adapted for end or girth welding ingots up to 3” in diameter and 14” in
length. Operation is easy and free from
interruption. Special shielding prevents high
voltage discharges.
For details, circle No. 28 on Reader Information Card
tion is accomplished by a twin rack
and pinion drive, one rack being
INSTRUCTIONS mounted on each of the vertical
columns. A _ brake-motor supplies
the power. The ram travel is also
FOR rack and pinion driven, with power
being supplied through a speed re-
ducer and a variable speed d-c
The controls for the unit are
mounted in a pendant station in a
Authors who plan to submit socket at the front end of the ram.
Sequence controls for control of the
are can be furnished. Inc., 1541 W. Devon Ave., Chicago
papers for publication in the Weld- The tower rotates 360 deg on a 26, Ill. According to manufacturer,
very large diameter ball-thrust bear- this unit not only removes fumes
ing and a cam operated band brake but, by saving 80% of the heat lost
ing Journal are invited to send for a through conventional ventilation to
provides a positive clamp for this
motion. eliminate fumes, it also reduces fuel
free copy of the booklet “Instruc- For details, circle No. 126 on bills and keeps premises comfortable.
Reader Information Card. A lifetime-magnet base holds the
receptor intake securely right on the
tions and Suggestions for Authors.” work, or on any nearby steel. At-
Miniature Torch the-source efficiency draws off the
A miniature torch which uses gas fumes directly, before they come to
All requests should be addressed to or acetylene to produce intense pin- the welder’s breathing line. Long,
point flames for delicate and close flexible weldproof tubing permits
tolerance work is now available fast, easy positioning of the receptor
Editor, Welding Journal, American from Microchemical Specialties Co., in a wide work range.
1825 Eastshore Highway, Berkeley A single fan draws off all gases,
10, Calif. smoke, heat and fumes from both
Welding Society, 33 W. 39th St. receptors.
For details, circle No. 128 on
New York 18, N. Y Reader Information Card.

Cylinder Testing Gages

New cylinder testing gages for
Ram-type Manipulator checking amount of gas in all types
of cylinders have been introduced by
The ‘“Weldram,” a heavy duty
ram-type manipulator, has been Western Enterprises, Inc., Bay Vil-
announced by Berkeley-Davis, Inc., lage 40, Ohio.
1021 Bahls St., Danville, Il.
The machine comes in combina-
tions of horizontal and _ vertical
travel from 6 ft 0 in. thru 24 ft 0 in.,
in 2 ft increments. According to manufacturer, this
A feature of the machine, accord- torch is only 7 in. long from tip to
ing to the manufacturer, is the gas connection and weighs just 3 oz.
“twin-post”” construction of the It features fingertip mixer controls
vertical column. The ram saddle for fine adjustment of flame and is
is carried between a pair of heavy furnished with three tips, 0.008,
vertical columns, and the ram there- 0.015, and 0.020-in. bore diam.
fore is very rigidly held. Eleva- Other tips ranging from 0.004 to
0.030 in. are available.
Misco’s torch is well-suited for
small-scale soldering applications in
the missile and aircraft industries;
for working quartz fibers, brazing,
welding and fine pyrex-glass work.
It can weld up to */\.-in. round iron Available in two types—400 lb
when used with the 0.020-in. tip for all acetylene cylinders, and 3000
and acetylene. lb for hydrogen, nitrogen, argon and
For details, circle No. 127 on oxygen—the testing gages are said
Reader Information Card. to eliminate the need for carrying
regulators on cylinder deliveries, and
also can be used by customers to
Table-type Exhauster check amount of gas in cylinder
A dual-table fume-exhauster stocks.
installation for welding shops is For details, circle No. 129 on
announced by Car-Mon Products, Reader Information Card.

Brazing Preforms Catalog No. 13920 by Central permit downhand welding. The
Preforms for tubular brazing ap- Scientific. turn-table is T-slotted diagonally to
plications have been introduced by For details, circle No. 131 on allow the work to be clamped easily
Lucas-Milhaupt Engineering Co., Reader Information Card. and securely in place.
5051 South Lake Drive, Cudahy, The unit features a toggle lever
Small Size Needle Gun and the segmented drive gear de-
Wis. These include curved washers
and shims that are now being custom A pocket-size “Von Arx’’ needle sign tilts the turn-table and delivers
manufactured of silver alloys to gun to meet the many requesis of maximum thrust with minimum
meet individual requirements. industry for a compact tool is being horsepower, according to the manu-
marketed by the Marindus Co., Inc., facturer.
51 Pine St., New York 5, N. Y. For details, circle No. 133 on
Reader Information Card.
Tracer Welding Machine
¢ OU
A mechanical-follower tracer weld-
ing machine that automatically
follows the irregular weld-line con-
tour and welds an untrimmed ‘‘U’’-
shaped steel plate to a “‘U’’-shaped
steel rib in the production of tractor
J grille assemblies is now available
from Expert Welding Machine Co.,
17144 Mt. Elliott Ave., Detroit 12,
Mich. The tracer system, designed
Applications on which one tube is
radiused or saddled to fit over an-
other are sometimes difficult to
preform with a washer or shim.
The stiffness of the washer may Lightweight and handy, this
hold the radiused member away tool is said to take over where the
from the other tubes. By curving larger needle guns leave off. Air op-
the washer to the curvature of the erated, reciprocating needles strike
tube, the problem is minimized. the surface being worked, thus clean-
For details, circle No. 130 on ing, descaling and derusting partic-
Reader Information Card. ularly confined and _ inaccessible
places. Needles adjust to contours
automatically, easily and rapidly
Cylinder Support Bracket cleaning uneven surfaces such as
Gas cylinders used in laboratories rivets, crevices, weld seams, grooves
or set up for temporary use can be and corners, according to the manu-
held rigidly in place on the edge of facturer.
a lab bench or table with a simple Because of its light weight, 3.3 lb,
little bracket clamp, according to it is conveniently carried for use in
Central Scientific Co., 1700 Irving structural work.
Park Rd., Chicago, Il. For details, circle No. 132 on for high-production contour welding
The 2',.-lb cast iron bracket is Reader Information Card.
of any untrimmed joint, is used in
clamped onto a table edge by means this particular application to produce
of two thumb screws. The cylinder Work Positioner
high-quality, eye-appealing weld
is placed vertically into the bracket A line of toggle-tilt work posi- sears at relatively low production
and is securely held there by an ad- tioners said to simplify weldment rates. The machine is capable of
justable heavy webbed strap. handling and facilitate both weld- producing up to 20 grille assemblies
The new bracket is listed as ing and finishing operations has per hour.
been added to the Welco line of For details, circle No. 134 on
mechanized-welding equipment by Reader Information Card.
the World Electric Co., 4614 Pros-
pect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Antiweld Compound
Adaptable to a variety of appli- Lehigh Chemical Co., Industrial
cations, the machine rotates and Lubricants Division, Chestertown,
tilts the turn-table electrically to Md., is marketing a synthetic anti-
seize compound for extreme high-
temperature applications.
Called Anderol L-751, it is a mix-
ture of a thermally stable silicone
oil with a_ solid-type lubricant
blended to the consistency of a
medium-soft grease. Its thermal
stability and antiweld properties
meet the requirements for high
temperature ranges of 400 to 600° F.
For details, circle No. 135 on
Reader Information Card.


Basic Spot-welding Unit For details, circle No. 136 on excess flash from thin or thick strip—
Reader Information Card. flush with the parent metal. A
Among the many features claimed butt welded machines have a triple-
for the Series 300 Spot-welding Flash-butt Welding Machine heat feature which enables the weld-
Machine made by Peer, Inc., 1200 ing of thin gage materials. The
Milton St., Benton Harbor, Mich., is A resistance-welding machine ca- built-in trimmer is of the multiple-
the ease with which the machine is pable of making flash-butt welds in built-in notcher for strip edges may
converted to various specific appli- strip ranging from 0.048 to 0.375 in. be provided.
cations. The adjustable features, in thickness and a maximum of 39- For details, circle No. 137 on
in. width has been announced by Reader Information Card.
The Taylor Winfield Corp. 1048
me. Mahoning Ave., Warren, Ohio.
Other machines under construction Strip Seam-welding Machine
will handle 52-, 62-, and 75-in.
maximum strip widths. A new utility strip seam-welding
As described by the manufacturer, machine which can be used in steel
these hydraulically operated flash- mill processing lines already
equipped with a shear and other
components, has been introduced
by National Electric Welding Ma-
chines Co., 1846 Trumbull St.,
Bay City, Mich.

simplicity and rugged design are

said to be the basis for the versa-
tility and usefulness of the machine.
The unit operates on 220- or 440-v
service and has a class H silicone- cutter, drawcut, hydraulically op-
insulated transformer. erated type, capable of cleaning the

Built to specifications, the ma-

chine welds clean or galvanized
metal up to 48 in. wide and from 16
to 30 gage thick at a speed of 30 fpm
on clean stock. Welding power is
provided by a 150 kva transformer.
For details, circle No. 138 on
Reader Information Card.

Electrode Holder
A “tong type” electrode holder
that allows the operator to easily
adjust the spring tension to his own
preference has been announced by
The Duro Engineering Co., 510
Oregon Ave., Hamden 17, Conn.
The aluminum model rates at 300
NOW... . complete and inex caps. The easily installed Sun- amp and weighing only 12 oz is said
pensive pipe sealing for street, shine Pipe Caps are stamped
road, and highway sign posts...... and formed from 10-gauge steel to handle almost all welding jobs.
for metal fence posts and to plug for long-life and ‘‘absolute’’ pro-
pipelines carrying pressures up tection from rust.
to 1000 psi. This WELD-ON pipe NOTE: Also available on special
cap eliminates the expense of order in 4” Aluminum and Stain-
“orange-peel’’ and threaded pipe less.
S” 2" ”" ”
3” 4
15¢ 25¢ 30¢ A5¢


601 W. Murphy © Odessa, Texas @ FEderal 7-6651 A bronze model is also available.
For details, circle No. 139 on
For details, circle No 77 on Reader information Card Reader Information Card.

996 | SEPTEMBER 1960 For details, circle No. 29 on Reader information Card-—>
AZ Cod
com ene mre

o Qual
7, eG 5% Ol Oe A OP.S
By is bb

Quality in Design

im Manufacture

Quality in Service

Quality starts with raw materials —this The royal blue flames of automatic gas braz
gleaming stock of copper and brass is used ng mé strong, smooth, uniform joints in
n the manufacture of Airco welding and Airc orches. This machine brazes parts in
cutting torches, tips and regulators brass, bronze, copper and stainless steel

Costly special machines flawles j p orifices 0.025” Tips must test out at top quality, also—every one is tested separately for
in diameter—one more qual p if f accuracy of hole alignment and stability of gas flow
Cutting Torch Tips
Whatever your welding and cutting needs—whether they call for high precision or high production, or both—you'll get the finest results
with quality Airco torches, tips and regulators. These photographs, taken at the Air Reduction Equipment Manufacturing Plant, Union
N. J., help give a small idea of how quality is the keynote from start to finish in every product that’s marked AIRCO


Photographs: Robert Yarnall Richie


--- backed by the most experience


When you buy Airco products, you've bought the finest that You'll find an Air Reduction Sales Office, or an Authorized
modern manufacturing techniques can produce. But there’s Airco Distributor in your classified telephone directory, listed
more than that to Airco quality. under ‘Welding Equipment and Supplies.” Use these outlets
as your source, not only of welding and cutting torches, tips
Airco Products are backed by a nationwide network of sales
and regulators—but also for electrodes, arc welding ma-
offices and Authorized Distributors. This country-wide staff
chines, gas-shielded arc welding equipment, supplies and
of experts is willing and eager to help you with your own accessories and all industrial gases. For any welding or
special problems. cutting need—call Airco

September, 1960
Cerd valid until November 30, 1960
READER INFORMATION CARD Please send me, without cost or obligation, further
information and literature on items circled below:
76 101 126
52 77 102 127
53 78 103 128
54 79 104 129
55 80 105 130
56 81 106
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60 85 110
61 86 111
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63 88 113
64 8&9 114
65 90 115
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986 All-State Welding Alloys Co., Inc.

932, 933 Alloy Rods Company
875 American Platinum & Silver Division
Engelhard Industries, Inc.
American Society for Metals
The Arcair Company
g Arcos Corporation
ASEA Electric, Inc.
S883Bastian Blessing Company
S o Bateman Foundry & Machine
Branson Instruments
Cam-Lok, Div. of Empire Products, Inc.
Chicago Hardware Foundry Co.
Eastman Kodak Co.
Electric Arc, Inc.
F Eutectic Welding Alloys Corp.
RE Fibre-Metal Products Company
33 New
39th General Electric, X-Ray Department
Handy & Harman
States 4¢
BY Harnischfeger Corporation
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International Nickel Co., inc.
msde Jackson Products
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Card valid until November 30, 1960
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Maitlen and Benson, Inc.

fMetal & Thermit Corporation

Bs B8&
Miller Electric Mfg. Co., Inc.
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8 National Cylinder Gas
National Welding Equipment Co.
NRC Equipment Corporation
Omark Industries, Inc.
Phoenix Products Company
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Thomson Electric Welder Co.
Union Carbide Corporation,
Linde Company
E Victor Equipment Company
Wall Colmonoy Corporation
segWestinghouse, X-Ray Department

Research Sponsored by the Welding Research Council

of the Engineering Foundation


Spot Welding of Wrought HK31A, HM21A,

and ZE10A Magnesium Alloys

Information is presented on the spot welding of

the newer wrought magnesium-base alloys using three-phase,

low-frequency, converter-type spot-welding equipment


ABSTRACT. This paper presents the force. The HM21A and ZEI10A weld developed ZE10A alloy or the high-
results of spot-welding evaluation tests nuggets show a duplex type of weld temperature HK31A and HM21A
on the wrought magnesium-base alloys, structure, whereas the HK31A nugget thorium-containing alloys. It isthe
HK31A sheet (Mg — 3.3%, Th — 0.7' structure is uniform throughout
Zr), HM21A sheet (Mg - 2.0% Th object of this paper to present infor-
0.6% Mn) and ZE10A sheet (Mg mation on the spot-welding charac-
Introduction teristics of these newer alloys using
1.3% Zn-0.17% RE) using three-
phase, low-frequency, converter-type The use of magnesium in both mili- three-phase, low-frequency, conver-
spot-welding equipment. These alloys tary and commercial fields has in- ter-type spot-welding equipment.
all possess excellent spot-welding char creased rapidly over the past few
acteristics. Optimum electrode tip life years because of increased emphasis Characteristics of the Alloys
in all the alloys is obtained with on light weight. As a result, large The composition and physical
a chromic-sulfuric precleaner which quantities of wrought and cast properties of alloys commonly used
yields 3 to 13 times longer tip
life than wire-brush cleaning. Single magnesium alloys are being used in in spot-welding applications are
electrode forces were sufficient to pro the missile and aircraft industry for given in Table 1. The ZEI10A
duce spot welds meeting the radio ground and airborne equipment and sheet and plate alloy is a recent
graphic, metallographic and strength in commercial fields for such items as addition to the list of commercially
requirements of MIL-W-6858A for luggage, truck bodies, dockboards available magnesium alloys. It
Class A welds on all the alloys except and furniture. Light weight, how- possesses a distinct advantage over
the 0.125-in. thick HK31A and HM21A ever, is not the only attribute that most Mg-Al-Zn alloys, e.g.,
where equipment limitations required magnesium has to offer. It is the AZ31B, AZ61A, AZ80A, in that it
the use of forge force to produce sound does not require a post-weld stress
welds. Short-time elevated-tempera- easiest of all metals to machine, is
ture spot strength of welds in HM21A weldable by most of the major relief after arc welding.
and HK31A alloys are within 80 and joining processes, has excellent hot The AZ31B, AZ61A, AZ80A and
95% of their respective room-tempera- formability and offers alloys for use ZE10A alloys are generally used for
ture strength at temperatures up to at temperatures as high as 800° F. room-temperature applications, but
500° F. The major type of weld With the increased use of magne- can be used at temperatures up to
unsoundness occurring in these alloys sium in these various fields, the about 300° F. The high-strength
is a shrinkage-type void and/or crack emphasis on spot welding as a ZK60A extrusion alloy is primarily
which occurs at insufficient electrode joining method has also increased. used in room-temperature applica-
Although some literature has ap- tions. The thorium-containing
LLOYD LOCKWOOD is associated with the peared in the past dealing with spot- alloys possess excellent elevated-
Metallurgical Laboratory, The Dow Metal Prod welding characteristics of several of temperature properties. HK31A is
ucts Co., Midland, Mich the older magnesium alloys (e.g., generally used for service tempera-
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall M1A, AZ31B, AZ61A),'~* no infor- tures up to 550-600° F while
Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26
29, 1960 mation has appeared on the newly HM21A and HMS3i1A are useful up


Table 1—Composition and Properties of Wrought Magnesium Alloys Commonly Used in Spot Welding
tivity, Thermal
Approxi- (mi- conduc- Specific
mate“ crohm- tivity, heat per Typical 70° F tensile
solidi- centi- cgs unit properties
ASTM Nominal composition, % fication meters), units, volume, 1000 psi
designation Temper Mn Zr RE Al Zn range, ° F 68° F 68° F 68° F E,% TYS CYS TS
Sheet and plate alloys
AZ31B H24 0.40 3.0 ; 1050-1170 15 32 26 42
HK31A H24 1092-1195 8 32 29 40
HM21A T8 1121-1202 10 25 15 34
ZE10A H24 1100-1195 12 28 26 38
Extruded solids and shapes
AZ31B F 1050-1170 15 14 38
AZ61A F 950-1140 16 19 45
AZ80A T5 oa 910-1115 7 35 55
HM31A T5 3.0 a 1121-1202 10 25 42
ZK60A T5 5.5 970-1175 PM
SOO 9 - 34 52
? Solidus to liquidus temperature

to 700-800° F. the highest properties of the tho- and 4 clearly demonstrates the
A comparison of the short-time rium-containing alloys up to about superiority of HM31A at tempera-
tensile properties of several of the 600° F. At higher temperatures, tures above 300° F.
sheet alloys at various temperatures HM21A shows a decided strength
is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. AZ31B advantage. Procedure
has the highest room-temperature A similar comparison between All spot-welding tests were con-
strength and the lowest elevated- HMS3IA alloy and several of the con- ducted on an air-operated press-type
temperature strength. HK31A has ventional extrusion alloys in Figs. 3 150-kva three-phase, low-frequency,

HK 3IA-H24
ee - HM2IA-TSB
——-— AZ3IB-H24



200 300 400 $00 600 700 800 ¢ 500 600

Fig. 1—Tensile strength of magnesium-sheet Fig. 3—Tensile strength of extruded magnesium
alloys (0.040-0.250-in. sheet) alloys (extruded bars, rods and shapes)

HK 3IA-H24 HM 31A-TS
HM214-TS Az3i8-F
—— AZ3IB-H24 ZK60a-TS
——— AlZ6iA-F

300 ; 400 500 “600 700 aan or 400 $500 600 700 800 900
Fig. 2—Tensile-yield strength of magnesium-sheet Fig. 4—Tensile-yield strength of extruded magnesium
alloys (0.040-0.250-in. sheet) alloys (extruded bars, rods and shapes)

370-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Fig. 6—Test panel for evaluation of electrode-tip life
Black spots are contamination from the electrodes

meter of 1 in. and a dome radius of termined by szlecting at least four

3, 4, and 6 in. were used in the values of current in the range from
Fig. 5—View of 150-kva spot-welding ma several tests. The electrode tips cud (no-weld) to expulsion and
chine used for all tests. Inset photo- were cleaned with No. 320 grit cloth measuring the resulting strength
graph shows close-up view of the control at the start of each seven-spot weld current relationship. Welding cur-
coupon. Electrode force was meas- rent was measured by placing a
ured by a _ dial-type force gage 200-amp, 50-mv shunt in the third
converter-type spot-welding ma- which was placed between the elec- phase of the welding primary and
chine having a 36 in. throat and a trode tips. recording the current across the
maximum available welding force of The sheet stock used in all tests shunt as a function of the voltage
5000 Ib. The machine is equipped was received with a pickled surface drop by means of an oscilloscope
with a standard type of three-phase free of oil and grease. With the equipped with a photographic cam-
frequency-converter control having exception of a few tests designed to era. The secondary current was
the following adjustable heat and determine the effect of chemical then calculated by multiplying the
timing functions: weld current, cleaning on electrode-tip life, metal primary current by the transformer-
postheat current, squeeze time, weld preparation consisted of wire-brush turns ratio and a second factor
time, hold time, postheat time, cleaning just prior to welding. based on the weld frequency used
forge-delay time and off time. A Each test piece contained seven pulse time), and the inductive re-
wave pattern of full cycle, one-half welds spaced in accordance with the actance of the machine and trans-
cycle alternate polarity and one-half minimum requirements of MIL-W- former. It is estimated that the
cycle unipolarity is also available. 6858A, e.g., l-in. spot spacing and current values calculated on the
The spot-welding machine is shown sheet overlap for 0.040-in. sheet, basis of these empirical formulas
in Fig. 5 with an inset view of the and 1!/.-in. spot spacing and overlap are accurate to within +5% of the
control panel. for 0.063 and 0.125-in. material. true welding current.
Water-cooled electrodes (RWMA The effect of welding force on After welding was completed, the
Class A, Type 2) with a shank dia- spot-welding characteristics was de- seven-spot-weld coupons were ex-

Table 2—Effect of Surface Preparation of 0.063 in. Sheet Alloys on the Electrode-tip Life
No. of spots
before onset Percent
Cleaning of copper Spot weld Spot strength, Ib/spot Radiographic
method pickup diam., in.penetration / Min Max examination
43 31 33 855 935 Sound spots
395 33 45 915 1080 Sound spots
98 4 46 915 1060 Sound spots
194 51 1034 940 1155 Sound spots
HM21A 6 ; 28 668 602 723 Sound spots
80 33 36 830 795 855 Sound spots
6-10 35 44 931 865 1000 Sound spots
6 32 40 756 705 825 Sound spots
11 29 34 811 760 840 Sound spots
Nr 35as 26 28
oooocooqoeocoo 718 655 774 Sound spots
Ww> 23 26 1032 995 1075 spots
41. Wire brush: Wire-brush clean all con to make 1 gal. 4 Acetic nitrate plus dilute Welding conditions were as follows
tacting surface. 2. Chromic-sulfuric spot chromic acid pickle: Pickle minin eS fi HK31A HM21A
weld cleaner: Immerse 3 min in 24 oz CrO;; oz glacial acetic acid; 62/; 0z NaNO;; water— Electrode force,
0.065 fl oz H:SO,; water—to make 1 gal. 3 to make 1 gal; rinse in cold water; and im Ib 3200 2400
Ferric nitrate pickle: Immerse 2 min in 24 oz merse minin , of 1% CrO; solution Approximate rms
CrO;; 40z Fe(NO;),-9H,O; 0.4 0z NaF; water— current, 1000
We'd pulse,
Weld time, cycles
radius, in. 4 s
Polarity Anti Normal


amined radiographically and the evaluated according to the number ZE10A alloys. In all cases, the
first five welds were cut into test of spots which could be made before chromic-sulfuric spot-weld cleaner
bars (1 in. wide for 0.040-in. sheet, the start of copper pickup. In currently recommended for use on
1'/, in. wide for 0.063- and 0.125-in. order to determine accurately the AZ31B alloy is superior to the other
sheet) for single-spot shear tests. onset of copper pickup, the welded chemical cleaners. Electrode-tip
The remaining two welds were panels were given a ferric-nitrate life is increased thirteenfold on
sectioned for microscopic examina- pickle (see Appendix for composi- HM21A alloy, ninefold on HK31A
tion to determine weld soundness tion). Welds having traces of cop- alloy and threefold on ZE10A alloy
and penetration. The composition per on the surface appear darker by using this chemical cleaner in-
of the several etchants used in after this treatment. Thus, in the stead of wire-brush cleaning.
the metallographic work is given in sample panel shown in Fig. 6, 13 The slight variation in spot
the Appendix. Weld diameter was welds were made before the onset of strength with the several cleaning
measured on the fractured shear- copper pickup. The chromic-sul- methods is a reflection of minor
test specimens. All the _ results furic spot-weld cleaner and the differences in the surface or contact
were then rated in terms of MIL-W- acetic-nitrate + dilute chromic acid resistance of the cleaned sheet which
6858A requirements for Class A pickle evaluated in this phase of the affects the heat input (J*R) to the
(primary structural application) and investigation are currently used to weld. If current were adjusted to
Class B (secondary structural appli- clean AZ31B prior to spot welding, give the same spot diameter for each
cations) spot welds. while the ferric-nitrate pickle is a cleaning method, no difference in
Evaluation of mechanical and general purpose “‘bright pickle’’ for spot strength would be expected.
chemical sheet-cleaning methods for use on all magnesium alloys. In all cases, spot soundness is not
spot welding was carried out on affected by the cleaning method.
0.063-in. thick material. After Results and Discussion
cleaning in the desired manner (see Effect of Single-weld Force
Table 2), two sheets were overlapped Effect of Sheet Cleaning
The data for spot welds in several
and a series of spot welds were made The results of the study made to thicknesses of HK31A, HM21A and
until copper pickup occurred on the evaluate chemical and mechanical ZE10A alloys with single-weld force
surface of the spot. Copper pickup sheet-cleaning methods for spot are summarized in Table 3. The
is detrimental to the corrosion re- welding are summarized in Table 2. welding current, spot-shear strength,
sistance of the sheet and, in some In general, chemical cleaning gives spot diameter, spot-strength varia-
cases, interferes with normal chemi- equivalent or better electrode-tip tion and percent penetration are
cal-finishing treatments. Therefore, life than mechanical wire-brush shown as a range and grouped to in-
the several cleaning methods were cleaning on HK31A, HM21A and dicate the type of weld ouality
MIL-W-6858A, Class A or B).
Class A welds are radiographically
and metallographically sound while
Class B welds are unsound but
within the specified limits.
Individual strength and spot-di-
ameter values have been plotted in
Fig. 7—Spot-weld Figs. 7, 8 and 9 to show the relation-
strength of various ship between spot strength and spot
gages of HK31A-H24 diameter. Even though some of
sheet as a func- the spots are not sound, the points
tion of spot dia- fall very close to the curves shown.
meter In all cases, spot strength increases
with increasing spot diameter. It
is believed that at somewhat larger
spot diameters, the strength will
tend to level off as has been shown
for AZ31B magnesium alloy.


Fig. 8—Spot-weld strength of various gages of Fig. 9—Spot-weld strength of various gages of
HM21A-T8 sheet as a function of spot diameter ZE10A-H24 sheet as a function of spot diameter

372-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

The data also indicate that, for The graphs shown in Figs. 11, 12 within the required shear-strength
each gage of the three alloys, there is and 13 show the strength—current variation generally occur at the low
a certain minimum single electrode characteristics of welds in 0.040- end of the current range where av-
force below which sound spots can- 0.063- and 0.125-in. HK3I1A, erage strength is also below specifica-
not be obtained. Above this mini- HM21A and ZEI0A alloys. All tion. In general, a large range of
mum, sound spots are obtained in at the curves show the same general spot strength is caused by the shunt-
least a part of the current range. shape. The change from a convex ing of current through adjacent
Eventually, at some higher elec- curve to a concave curve at the spots after the first weld is made.
trode force, sound spots are ob- higher electrode forces on 0.125-in. Clamping a panel at a point close to
tained over the entire current range. thick material is a consequence of the first spot so that shunting also
A plot of the minimum electrode reaching the current capacity of the occurs on this spot usually decreases
force required to produce sound machine. The range of current the range of spot strength signifi-
spots in several gages of HK31A, dud to expulsion) over which welds cantly. In one instance, the range
HM21A and ZE10A alloys is shown can be made on the several alloys in- of spot strength was decreased 30
in Fig 10. The minimum electrode creases with increasing electrode 50% by using this technique. This
force required for sound spots in- force. The minimum current emphasizes the necessity of uniform
creases with increasing sheet thick- needed to produce spots with clamping if consistent spot strengths
ness in all the alloys. HK31A re- strengths meeting the requirements are to be obtained.
quires the highest minimum elec- of MIL-W-6858A also increases with
trode force, followed in order by increasing electrode force. Ob- Effect of Forge Force
ZE10A and HM2I1A alloys. taining adequate weld penetration It has been shown in the preced-
Information on the operating in HK31A, HM21A and ZEI10A ing section that sound welds in
characteristics of welds in 0.125-in. alloys does not appear to be a prob- 0.125-in. HK31A and HM21A alloys
HK31A and HM21A alloys at elec- lem as spots meeting the strength with a single-electrode force system
trode forces above the minimum re- requirement of MIL-W-6858A gen- could be obtained only at very high
quired for sound welds is limited be- erally meet the 20-28% weld pene- electrode forces and then the upper
cause of the current capacity of the tration required by this specification. limit of the current range could not
machine. In order to obtain a Most spots meeting the strength be reached because of machine
wider sound-spot range on these requirement of MIL-W-6858A also capacity. This led to a study of the
alloys, it was necessary to use forge meet the 0.25 shear-strength varia- effect of forge force on these alloys
force in combination with lower weld tion (ratio of range of spot strength to determine if a dual-force system
currents. These results are de- to average spot strength) allowed by would produce sound spots at lower
scribed in a later section. the specificat ion. Spots not falling welding forces and currents. In

—-—X ZEIOA-H24

w yw < =

w Cc C oO

3 oO

EL ~ oO > >

| |
020 060 080 100 30 35 40
Fig. 10O—Minimum electrode force required to produce sound Fig. 11—Strength-current characteristics of welds in 0.040-in.
spot welds in HK31A-H24, HM21A-T8 and ZE10A-H24 alloys HK31A, HM21A and ZE10A alloys at several electrode forces


0063" HK3IA-H24 0125 HK3IA-H24


FOR _MIL-W-68S6A _ _ FOR MIL-W-6858A

FOR MiIL-W-6858A

nm °o o >

ali i i 1 i 1
35 3+ 3y 50 55 50
“ l CURRENT, 1000 AMPs }
Fig. 12—Strength-current characteristics of welds Fig. 13—Strength-current characteristics of
in 0.063-in. HK31A, HM21A and ZE10A alloys at welds in 0.125-in. HK31A, HM21A and ZE10A
several electrode forces alloys at several electrode forces

order to study the effect of forge strength-spot diameter relationship for welds in HM21A are the same for
force directly, the weld-pulse cycles of the individual welds made with either the single- or dual-force weld
and weld-time cycles* were not the dual-force system have been systems. However, for HK31A
changed from those used in the study plotted in Fig. 15. For reference, alloy, the spot strength is approxi-
of single-electrode force. The ratio the strength-spot diameter relation- mately 200 lb lower for welds made
of forge to weld force was varied from ship obtained in the single force with forge force than those made
1.0 to 1.8 to determine the mini- welds are also shown. without forge force. The decrease
mum forge force required to produce For all practical purposes, the in strength is caused by an annealing
sound spots. The point of applica- strength-spot diameter relationship effect which occurs in the spot weld
tion of the forge force was also varied
to determine what effect this might +.—
have on weld soundness.
The results showing the effect of
various forge to weld force ratios on
HK31A and HM21A alloys are
shown in Fig. 14 as a function of the
weld force used. In both cases, the
weld force required to produce a
sound spot decreases with increas-
ing ratios of forge to weld force. At
equivalent weld forces up to about
2600 Ib, HM21A requires higher
forge forces than HK31A to produce
sound welds. Above 2600-lb weld
force, HM21A requires lower forge
forces than HK31A.
A summary of the data for dual-
force welds in HK31A_ (2400-lb | 1 |
weld force, 3200-lb forge force) and 320 19)3600
[ WELO FORCE, t ;4
HM21A (2000-Ib weld force, 3600-lb
forge force) for forge delays of 1 to 5 Fig. 14—Ratio of forge force to weld force required to produce
cycles is given in Table 4. The sound spot welds in 0.125-in. HK31A-H24 and HM21A-T8 sheet

374s | SEPTEMBER 1950

Table 3—Summary of Welding Conditions for MIL-W-6858A Class A and Class B Spot-Weld Quality
in Several Thicknesses of HK31A, HM21A and ZE10A Alloys with Single Electrode Force

Penetration Penetratio

1267-1354 ||0.34-0

f spot strength to average spot strength.

mit iS maxizum evailable from the machine under stated

“ Above 3200 lbs.

electrode force.
Up 3200 lbs.
electrode force.

Table 4—Summary of Effect of Forge Force on Spot Welds in 0.125-in. HK31A and HM21A
Magnesium Alloys (Mil-W-6858A Class A Welds)
- Range of———— —. ————
Forge Electrode Shear Welding Shear-
delay force, Ib strength, current strength Weld
Alloy cycles Weld Forge Ib/spot di , 1000 amp variation penetration
HK31A-H24 2400 3200 440-173 3 52.4-52.6 0.03-0.06 58-68
3200 216-146 ). 34-0 49.4-52.4 0.01-0.03
3200 25 0.3 49.8
3200 1319-15) 0.37-0 48 .5-50.9 0.0 0.1
3200 ¢ 0.0 8-0.1
HM21A-T8 3600 Pcie P ioe
3600 254-1365 ). 36-0. 38 ; 0.04-0.07
3600 3 . 0.08
3600 1314 9 0.24
2000 3600 0.37-0.42 ; 0.07-0.09
@60-cycle base
» Ratio of range of spot strength to average spot strength
Welding Conditions: 6-in. radius dome electrodes. Weld pulse—5 cycles, low frequency. Weld time—3 cycles, low frequency.


a I T T
0.125" HK3IA-H24 0.125" HK3IA-H24
2400 LBS. WELD FORCE 49,000 amps

a °o © 1 if

0.125" HM2iA-TS

> ° Om

1 i 1 L
2 3 4 5
©} | Fig. 16—Effect of forge delay on spot strength
30 40 of welds in 0.125-in. HK31A and HM2I1A alloys
Fig. 15—Effect of forge force on spot-weld strength
of 0.125-in. HK31A and HM2I1A alloys higher at the weld force than it is at
the forge force. Thus, the longer
the forge-delay time, the higher the
as a result of the long weld time re- its better property stability after ex strength because weld heat input is
maining after the initiation of the posure to high temperature. greater.
forge force. This in essence can be The effect of forge-delay cycles on
likened to a postheat current which the strength of welds in HK31A and Elevated-temperature Strength of
HM21A alloys at a constant current Spot Welds
has been shown to decrease the weld
strength of AZ31B alloy.' At the is shown in Fig. 16. Spot strength The effect of temperature on the
setting of 5 pulse cycles and 3 weld increases rapidly with increasing spot strength of the HK31A and
cycles (5 °/:; low-frequency cycles forge-delay cycles for both alloys, HM21A elevated-temperature serv-
second), the total time the current because resistance to current flow is ice alloys is shown graphically in
flows is 0.55 sec. Ata forge delay of
5 cycles (60-cycle base), the forge
force is applied after 0.083 sec.
This means that, during the balance
of weld-cycle time, the current can
act as a postheat current. To dem-
onstrate that this was the cause of
the decreased strength, a series of
welds were made at a setting of 5
pulse cycles and '/, weld cycle
(0.091 sec weld time). At forge
delays of 3, 4 and 5 cycles (0.05, LBS7SP
0.066 and 0.083 sec), the strength ° —O HK3IA-H24 0063 SHEET
spot diameter relationships obtained SHEAR @----——@ HM2IA-TS 0063 SHEET
were the same as those observed for
the single-weld force. Thus, the
previously observed decrease in
strength with forge force for HK31A
alloy is a postheat annealing effect | | ae
caused by the long weld time. The 200 300 400 500 600
relative insensitivity of HM21A {TEST TEMPERATURE °F |}
alloy to the postheat annealing Fig. 17—Elevated-temperature strength of spot welds
effect can probably be attributed to in 0.063-in. HK31A-H24 and HM21A-T8 sheet

376s | SEPTEMBER 1960


0.063-in. HK31A-H24. Partially recrystallized 0.063-in. HM21A-T8 sheet. Cold worked and 0.063-in. ZEIOA-H24 sheet. Partially recrystal-
worked structure (phospho-picral etchant) aged structure (phospho-picral etchant) lized, worked structure (acetic-picral etchant)
Fig. 18—-Microstructure of wrought HK31A, HM21A and ZEI10A alloys. x 100

Fig. 17. Spot strength of the less of whether the spot is sound or equiaxed grains while the outer zone
HK31A alloy is within 95% of the unsound. The weld heat causes is composed of coarser columnar
room-temperature strength at tem- some grain growth to occur in the grains.
peratures up to 500° F, while spot heat-affected zone of the HK31A
strength of the HM2iA alloy is and ZE10A welds but not in the Summary
within 80°; of the room-temperature HM21A weld. It has been shown that HK31A,
strengthup to 600° F. The HK31A The HK31A spot welds occasion- HM21A and ZE10A alloys possess
alloy possesses superior spot strength ally contain particles of compound excellent spot-welding characteris-
up to about 575° F but, at higher believed to be Mg-Th oxide and /or tics. Spot welds meeting the sound-
temperatures, the spot strength of hydride) at the junction of the ness and strength requirements of
HM2I1A is decidedly better. original sheet interface in the heat- MIL-W-6858A can be easily made
affected zone (Fig. 19). However, by proper selection of electrode force
Metallography of Spot Welds and weld current. Single-electrode
the presence or absence of this com-
The typical microstructures of pound does not affect the strength forces are adequate for welding
the HK31A, HM21A and ZE10A of the weld. The nugget structure 0.040- and 0.063-in. sheet thick-
wrought alloys are shown in Fig. 18. of the HK31A weld consists of very nesses of all the alloys. For the
The HK31A and ZEI10A alloys fine, recrystallized grains. 0.125-in. HK31A and HM21A
show a partly recrystallized, worked The HM2I1A welds generally show alloys, a dual-force (forge) welding
type of structure. The HM21A some eutectic extrusions in the heat- system will reduce the electrode
alloy is a coarser-grained structure affected zone as a result of the weld force and current required to pro-
which has been cold worked and heat and pressure. The appearance duce sound spots.
aged. of the extrusions is quite similar to Spot strength increases with in-
The appearance of sound and un- that observed in AZ31B alloy.' The creasing spot diameter in both the
sound spots, nugget microstructure HM21A weld nugget usually con- single- and dual-electrode force sys-
and nugget heat-affected zone are sists of a duplex-type structure as tems. The minimum single-elec-
shown in Figs. 19, 20 and 21 for the shown in Fig. 20. The inner zone is trode force required to produce
HK31A HM2I1A and ZEIOA alloys, generally an equiaxed-grain-type sound spots increases with in-
respectively. The major type of structure while the outer zone con- creasing sheet thickness. In dual-
unsoundness in all these alloys is tains a columnar-type grain. force systems, the amount of forge
shrinkage cracks andor voids The ZE10A spot welds, particu- force required to produce sound
caused by insufficient electrode force larly in the 0.125-in. sheet, have a welds decreases with increasing weld
during the solidification of the weld tendency to develop a slight duplex- force. The strength of spot welds in
nugget. Nugget contour of the type nugget structure as shown in HM21A and HK31A alloys remain
welds is generally uniform regard- Fig. 21. The center zone of the within 80 and 95% of their respec-
duplex structure consists of fine tive room-temperature strengths at

Heat-affected zone (HAZ) of spot-weld nugget Microstructure of unsound weld nugget show
showing compound formation (believed to be ing shrinkage voids which occur at too low ar
(Top) Sound spot weld. (Bottom) Unsound Mg-Th oxide and/or hydride) at junction of electrode force. xX 100. (Reduced by one-
spot weld showing voids and/or shrinkage original sheet interface. x 100. (Reduced by third upon reproduction)
cracks or porosity. x 4 one-third upon reproduction)
Fig. 19--Appearance of spot welds in 0.063-in. HK31A-H24 sheet (Phospho-picral etchant)


temperatures up to 500° F. Opti-
mum electrode-tip life in all the
alloys is obtained with a chromic-
sulfuric spot-weld cleaner. ‘Tip life
is improved approximately 3 to 13
times over wire-brush cleaning by
using this cleaner. The major type
of weld unsoundness in all the alloys
is shrinkage cracks and/or voids
caused by insufficient electrode
force. The HM21A and ZE10A weld
nuggets have a duplex-weld struc-
ture, whereas the HK31A nugget
structure is uniform throughout.
(Top) Sound spot weld. Note the duplex spot Heat-affected zone (HAZ) of spot weld. Note Acknowledgment
weld structure. (Bottom) Unsound spot weld eutectic extrusions at the junction of the orig- The data on spot welding HM21A
showing voids and/or shrinkage cracks or inal sheet interface. x 100. (Reduced by
porosity. x4 one-third upon reproduction) with single-electrode force are from
work carried out on Contract No.
AF 33(616)-2337 sponsored by the
Materials Laboratory, Wright Air
Development Center. Data on
spot welding HK31A with single-
electrode force are from work carried
out on Contract No. DA-20-018-
ORD-15588 sponsored by the Army
Ballistic Missile Agency of the Army
Ordnance Missile Command. The
helpful suggestions of J. Paul
Thorne of National Electric Welding
Microstructure of unsound weld nugget show- Microstructure of the inner and outer zone of Machine Co. are also greatly appre-
ing shrinkage cracks and voids which occur the duplex weld-nugget structure. x 100.
at too low an electrode force. x 100. (Re (Reduced by one-third upon reproduction) ciated.
duced by one-third upon reproduction)
Fig. 20—Appearance of spot welds in 0.063-in. HM21A-T8 sheet. (Phospho-picral 1. Klain, Paul, Knight, D. L., and Thorne,
etchant) J. P., “Spot Welding of Magnesium with Three-
Phase Low-Frequency Equipment,” THe WeLp-
ING JOURNAL, 32 (1), 7-18 (1953).
2. *“‘Welding Magnesium Alloys,’ Magazine of
Magnesium, 1-7 (February 1952)
3. Hess, W. F., Cameron, T. B., and Ashcraft,
D. J., *““The Chemical Surface Treatment of
Magnesium Alloy Sheet for Spot Welding,” Tue
WeLpING JouRNAL, 26 (3), Research Suppl.
170-8 to 190-s (1947
4. Hess, W. F., Cameron, T. B., Ashcraft,
D. J., and Winsor, F. J., “Optimum Welding
Conditions and General Characteristics of Spot
Welds in Magnesium Alloy Sheet,” Jbid., 26 (5)
Research Suppl., 268-s to 282-s (1947
5. Hess, W. F., Cameron, T. B., and Wyant,
R. A., “Observations of Electrode Tip Pickup and
Tip Life in the Spot Welding of Magnesium Alloy
Sheet,”’ /bid., 26 (8), Research Suppl., 433-8 to
442-s, 484-s (1947).
6. Winsor, F. J., ‘‘Metallurgical Characteris-
tics of Spot Welds in Magnesium Alloys,”
Aluminum and Magnesium, 2, 10-13, 18, 20, 21
July 1946
(Top) Sound spot weld. (Bottom) Unsound Heat-affected zone (HAZ) of spot weld. x 100. Compositions oj Etchants for Magne-
spot weld showing voids and shrinkage cracks (Reduced by one-third upon reproduction) sium Alloys
and/or porosity. x 4 Phospho-picral etchant
Orthophosphoric acid, ml 0.7
Picric acid, gm. 4.0
Ethyl alcohol (95%), ml 100
Acetic-picral etchant
Saturated picric acid in
95 % ethyl] alcohol, ml 100
Glacial acetic acid, ml. 10
Distilled water, ml 5
Composition of Ferric-nitrate
Chromium trioxide (CrQ;),
Microstructure of inner and outer zone of du- Microstructure of unsound weld nugget show-
plex weld structure observed in some welds in ing shrinkage cracks which occur at too low an Ferric nitrate (Fe(NO;);),
0.125-in. material. x 100. (Reduced by one electrode force. x 100. (Reduced by one- oz rae |.
third upon reproduction) third upon reproduction Sodium fluoride (NaF), o0z.. 0.47
Fig. 21—Appearance of spot welds in 0.063-in. ZE10A-H24 sheet. (Acetic-picral etchant) Water To make one gallon

378s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Brittle-Fracture Tests of Six-Foot Wide Prestressed Steel Plates

Series of tests is conducted to determine the effects

of a residual-strain field on brittle-fracture propagation.

Fracture speed and strain field associated

with propagating crack are studied


SYNOPSIS. This investigation, in effect Introduction Principal efforts were directed to-
a continuation of an earlier investiga- ward a study of the fracture speed,
tion involving 2-ft wide prestrained Often there has been discussion as to
what effect a residual-strain field and the strain field associated with
plates, was undertaken to study the
propagation of a brittle fracture in 6-ft may have on the propagation of a the tip of the propagating crack.
wide prestressed steel plates. Pri- brittle-type crack. Over the years The initial phase of this investiga-
mary emphasis was placed on a study a considerable amount of data has tion consisted of selecting the most
of the fracture speed and strain field been collected relative to the im por- suitable procedure for prestraining
associated with the propagating crack. tance of residual strains in connec- the specimens. It seemed that a
Brittle-fracture tests were conducted tion with the initiation of brittle satisfactory strain pattern would be
on five prestressed plates in which the one that involved a high tensile
residual strain field was produced by fractures. However, at present
there is comparatively little informa- strain at the initiation edge of the
welding tapered slots cut in the edges specimen and a compressive-strain
of the specimens. Strain gages and tion concerning the effect of residual
crack-speed detectors, whose signals strains on the propagation charac- region in the central portion of the
were monitored during the fracture teristics of a brittle fracture. For plate if the studies were to follow
process, provided records of fracture example, it has yet to be determined along the lines of those previously
speed and surface strains. The re- to what extent a residual compres- nade. After some experimenta-
corded fracture speeds were much sive-strain field limits fracturing po- tion, it was found that this particu-
lower than any previously recorded in tential; it would be of interest to lar strain pattern could be produced
tests of 6-ft wide plates made as a part in much the same manner as was
of this program. The measured frac- know how the fracture speed and
the strain field surrounding the tip done in the studies of 2-ft wide
ture speeds ranged from about 4000 fps plates, i.e., by welding tapered slots
in the region of high tensile strains of the advancing fracture are altered
near the initiation edge to as low as 50 by the presence of a residual com- cut in the edges of the plate.
fps in the compressive-strain region. pressive-strain field. Also it would The test results from five speci-
The strain response, as measured by be desirable to know under what mens prestrained in the manner just
gages located at various points across conditions such strain fields might noted are reported in this paper.
the plate, showed that the peak strain arrest a propagating brittle fracture. Three of the plates were tested with
magnitudes and the strain field associ- Previous studies of brittle-frac- no external applied stress, whereas
ated with the moving crack tip dimin the other two plates were tested with
ished as the speed of the fracture de ture propagation in 2-ft wide pre-
strained steel plates, conducted as a a low applied stress of approximately
creased. 3000 psi. The plates were cooled
For specimens with no_ external part of this same program, indicated
applied stress, the brittle fracture that an induced residual-strain field prior to testing and the fractures
propagated across a portion of the did have a marked effect on the prop- initiated at an edge notch by the
plate width and arrested in the com- agation characteristics of a_frac- notch-wedge-impact method of frac-
pressive-strain region. For specimens ture.*. However, in the 2-ft plates, ture initiation. Four of the five
with a very small external applied the magnitude and extent of the specimens were instrumented with
stress of approximately 3000 psi, the strain field was necessarily limited SR-4 strain gages to provide a record
fracture propagated completely across of strain response and crack speed as
the plate. It is evident that the com- by the size of the specimens and it
was not possible to separate easily the fracture propagated across the
pressive-strain field in the central por- plate.
tion of the specimen retarded fracture the effects of the various parameters
propagation and, under certain condi- involved. As the test results have
tions, arrested the fracture. The re- verified, it was believed that similar Description and Preparation
sults of this series of tests indicate tests on 6-ft wide plates would
clearly that a residual-strain field does facilitate a study of the factors in- of Specimens
have a marked effect on the initiation fluencing the propagation of a frac- All specimens were prepared from
and propagation of a brittle fracture. ture through a residual-strain field. a semikilled steel-plate material
F. W. BARTON is Research Assistant in Civil The primary purpose of this in- in. thick, 6 ft wide and with lengths
Engineering and W. J. HALL is Professor of Civil vestigation was to study the effects varying from 48 to 60 in. For
Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Il
ofa residual-strain field on the prop- identification purposes, the speci-
Paper to be presented at AWS National Fall agation characteristics of a brittle mens are hereafter designated as
Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29,
1960 fracture in 6-ft wide steel plates. Specimens A through E and the


Welding of the slots in Specimens
Table 1—Specimen and Test Information A. D and E was carried out with the
Specimen designation — A (43)" B (45) C (46) D (47) E (48) end of the specimens unrestrained;
Size, in. 1X 72x 48 °/,x72x60 */4x72x48 */,x72x60 */,x72x60 in the case of Specimens B and C, the
Depth of tapered slots, in. 18 18 20 20 20 specimen inserts were welded first to
Width of slot at plate edge, the pull-plates of the testing ma-
in. ; 5/6 5/16 8/; chine prior to the welding of the
Avg. net applied stress, slots. The resulting strain readings
psi 0 3000 0 indicated that the additional re-
Test temperature, ° F 12 0 0 straint offered by the pull-plates had
Test support conditions Simply Welded Welded a negligible effect on the over-all re-
sup- to pull- to pull- . 5
ported plates plates sidual-strain pattern. ie
Recorded speeds, fps ; The measured longitudinal re-
High Not 4500 4200 sidual-strain distribution in each
measured specimen resulting from the welding
Low Not 100 50 250 50 of the tapered slots is shown in Fig.
measured 3. The strain readings were ob-
Test results 56 in. Complete Complete 25 in. 36 in. tained from both SR-4 strain gages
fracture fracture fracture fracture fracture and a 6-in. Berry mechanical gage.
@ Numbers in parentheses correspond to test program designation. The initial strain readings, which
established the zero-strain level,
were taken with the specimen slotted
and in position for welding. The
more important details of each opposite faces of the specimen. For final strain readings were taken after
specimen, including the test condi- the particular dimensions ofthe slots the slots had been welded and the
tions, are summarized in Table 1. and specimen, a total of six passes plate had cooled to room tempera-
Representative mechanical, chemi- was required to completely close ture. The difference between the
cal and Charpy V-notch data for the the slot. This same procedure was final strain readings and the initial
steel material used in these test are then followed on similarly located zero-strain readings are those
presented in Table 2. 4-in. segments of the remaining plotted in Fig. 3. As noted earlier,
The five specimens were pre- three slots. Four-inch lengths were the warping of the plates during the
strained by welding tapered slots cut chosen so that one electrode would welding process resulted in a strain
in the edges of the plate. Two last for a complete pass. E7016 gradient through the thickness of
tapered slots 12 in. apart were cut in electrodes were used throughout. the plate; thus, the results pre-
each edge of the plate as indicated in All four slots were then welded sented in Fig. 3 represent the
Figs. 1 and 2. The length and again in the same manner, this time residual strains as determined from
width of the slots were varied slightly beginning at a point 8 in. from the averaging back to back gage read-
in successive specimens to obtain tip of the slot and proceeding to the ings. In all cases, it will be noted
greater contraction and_ theoreti- previously completed weld. The re- that a reasonable balance exists be-
cally a greater compressive strain in mainder of the slot length was tween the tensile and compressive
the central region of the plates. The welded following the sameprocedure. areas in Fig. 3, as required by equi-
details of the slots for each particular This particular welding technique librium considerations. At the edges
specimen are presented in Table 1. was selected in order to keep the of the specimens, the residual tensile
The width of each slot tip was ' , in. warping of the plate to a minimum strain was in the yield range; across
in all specimens. and because it was felt that also it the central portion there was a fairly
The procedure used for welding of would produce the maximum con- uniform compressive-strain region,
the tapered slots was similar for all traction at the edges of the plate. and in the case of Specimens B, C
specimens and a typical sequence Actually, however, there was some and D, the compressive strains
was as follows. Welding began warping in every specimen as a re- averaged about ~400 microinch ‘in.
initially at a point 4 in. from the tip sult of this welding procedure as
of one slot and proceeded to the tip = evidenced by visual observation and Test Procedure
of that slot. This 4-in length was strain readings from opposite faces SR-4 Type A-7 single-element
welded using alternating passes on of the specimen. strain gages and Type AR-7 strain
rosettes, both with ' ,-in. gage
lengths, were used to measure the
dynamic strains. The signals of
Table 2—Representative Material Properties the gages were recorded from oscillo-
scopes during the tests and thus pro-
Tensile-test data vided a continuous strain-time re-
Yield Maximum Elongation, Reduction cord. Crack speeds were measured
stress, ksi stress, ksi %, in 2 in. in area, % using a system of surface-crack de-
Longitudina| 33.8 61.8 41 67 ite tile ‘Apr wes
Transverse 34.0 61.8 40 61 tectors which broke as the fracture
traversed the plate; these crack de-
Check analysis% Charpy V-notch data
Temperature, Absorbed eneray, tecrstors£ consisted
; sis x -4 y ype A-9
of SR A
x°F ft-lb single-wire strain gages with : a 6-in.
0 1 gage length. The breaking of a
10 13 crack detector opened an electrical
15 14 circuit and fed step voltages to the
= recording channel. From a knowl-
40 30 edge of the distance between detec-
tors and the elapsed time between

380-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

successive interruptions of the cir-
cuit, the average fracture speed
could be computed. The average
speed also could be checked by
noting the time difference between
peaks of the strain traces from indi-
vidual strain gages a known distance
apart. Dynamic records were
taken from Specimens B through E;
only static measurements were made
on Specimen A.
A complete description of the re-
cording equipment and the data re-
duction procedure may be found in
reports and papers issued previously
as a part of this program and may
be traced through the cited refer-
In most respects, the apparatus
and test procedure used for these
tests were similar to those used in
earlier tests made as a part of this
program. The general procedure
consisted of cooling the specimen to Fig. 1—Tapered slots prior to welding—Specimen B
the desired temperature, applying
the test load if an external stress was
to be employed and initiating the propagation. Asa matter of interest completely arresting the fracture in
fracture by means of an impact that and comparison, in earlier 6-ft wide Specimens A, D and E and, as dis-
drives a wedge into a notch in the plain-plate tests in which there was cussed later, apparently almost
edge of the plate; an impact of no residual-strain field, an average causing arrest in the other two speci-
1000 ft-lb was used for fracture applied stress in excess of 15,000 psi mens.
initiation. Although the initiation was necessary to insure initiation The fracture speeds in the com-
notches were cut in the plate after under similar test conditions. In pressive-strain region are consider-
the prestraining procedure, their contrast, in the tests reported herein, ably lower than any previously re-
small size resulted in an insignificant brittle fractures could be consist- corded on tests of 6-ft wide plate
change in the residual-strain pattern. ently initiated with no external specimens conducted as a part of
applied stress. this program. A plot of detector
Discussion of Test Results While the residual tensile strains location versus detector breaking
Brittle-fracture tests were con- materially aided fracture initiation time for a typical prestrained speci-
ducted on all five prestrained speci- and propagation, the residual com- men and, for comparative purposes,
mens. Specimen A was tested in a pressive-strain field in the central for an earlier typical nonprestrained
vertical position on the floor of the portion of the test specimens had plain-plate test is given in Fig. 4.
laboratory, supported only along its just the opposite effect. In addi- The prestrained plate, Specimen C,
lower edge; all other edges were tion to causing greatly reduced had an external applied stress of
completely unrestrained. The re- speeds throughout the central por- approximately 3000 psi and the
maining specimens (B through E tion of the plates and a contraction stress in the plain-plate specimen
were welded to the pull-plates of the of the strain field surrounding the was approximately 19,C00 psi. In
3,000,000-lb testing machine prior moving crack tip, the compressive- Fig. 4 the slope of the curve is a
to testing. A nominal load of strain field also acted as an arrester, measure of the fracture speed for
150,000 lb, corresponding to a net
applied stress of approximately
3000 psi, was applied to Specimens -~—
B and C primarily to reduce warp- |
ing. Specimens D and E were
tested with zero applied load. A TAPERED SLOTS a
summary of test conditions and re- CRACK DETECTORS
sults is presented in Table 1.
Brittle fractures were successfully if |
initiated in all specimens tested,
even those in which no external load
was employed. In Specimens B
and C, in which a small load was
applied, complete fracture resulted | 1S
while in the remaining three speci-
mens the fractures arrested in the

compressive-strain region. The fact | a

that brittle fractures resulted in
every prestrained specimen seems |

to indicate that residual tensile

strains are an important factor in
the mechanics of initiation and Fig. 2—Plate layout—Specimen C


any particular time. As may be the initiation edge and continued for detectors was found to be in the
seen from the figure, the fracture most of the remainder of fracture range of 4500 fps and occurred in the
speeds for the two tests are almost travel at a greatly reduced value. tensile-strain field adjacent to the
identical for approximately the first In general, a brittle fracture prop- initiation edge while the lowest
20 in. of crack travel. This distance agated across the entire width of a average speed was found to be about
varied in the different tests only nonprestrained plate in approxi- 50 fps and occurred in the com-
slightly, always falling within the mately 3 msec while a complete frac- pressive-strain region in the central
range of 15 to 25 in. from the initia- ture of a prestrained specimen re- portion of the plate.
tion edge. From the curve for the quired as much as 25 msec or more. In Specimens B and C, in which
plain-plate specimen, it can be seen The high initial speeds and the the fracture propagated completely
that the high speed continued sudden decrease to a much lower across the plate, an increase in speed
throughout the fracture travel, de- value were probably a result of two occurred at approximately 15 to 17
creasing only slightly across the plate factors, namely, the initiation con- msec, at which time the fracture had
width, whereas the fracture speed in ditions employed and the nature of propagated across about three-
the prestrained plate specimen de- the residual-strain field in the plate. quarters of the plate width. This
creased sharply at about 20 in. from The highest average speed between period of increased speed was of
short duration lasting less than a
millisecond; thereafter the speed
reduced sharply and continued to
decrease slightly for the remainder
of the fracture travel. This phenom-
enon is apparent in Fig. 4. This
sudden increase in speed from a
value that was approaching zero toa
much higher value may likely be the
result of load or stress redistribution.
It seems likely that the extent and
magnitude of the residual compres-
sive-strain field in its initial state
was sufficient for arrest in each test
after the fracture had propagated
well into the compressive-strain
region; however, for the two speci-
mens which were tested under a
— small external load, the length of
time required for fracturing was ap-
parently long enough to permit redis-
tribution of load and, thus, sustain
The effect of the residual-strain
12 48 60
field on the propagation characteris-
DISTANCE FROM INITIATION EDGE — in. tics also was apparent from the dy-
Fig. 3—Longitudinal residual strain distribution—Specimens A-E namic-strain records obtained during
the tests. The strain-time traces as
recorded from the various tests were
similar, and a typical set of strain
| time traces, taken from the records
of the test of Specimen C, is shown
in Fig. 5. The traces shown are for
T4 PPni vertically oriented strain gages lo-
cated at the positions indicated in
PLATE — TEST 37 Fig. 2; in the test of Specimen C,
the fracture propagated completely
across the plate. The traces for
“70 od gages located in the initial tensile
region exhibited the usual response
DETECTOR BREAKING TIME of vertical gages, i.e., a sharp ten-
sile-strain peak as the fracture prop-
STRAIN GAGE PEAKING TIME agated by the gage, and an imme-
diate return to the approximate zero
bi level of the gage. A trace of this
— type is illustrated by the response of
Gage 5 in Fig.-5. As the fracture
A] X\ SLOPE = SPEED propagated into the compressive-
strain region, the peak magnitude
GAGE of the recorded strain decreased.
Strain gages located in the central
region of relatively low compression
exhibited a response similar to that
TIME — milliseconds of Gage 5 but with greatly reduced
Fig. 4—Typical fracture speeds peak magnitudes; a relaxation was

382-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Region of high speed


10 15 20
TIME — milliseconds Region of low speed
Fig. 5—Typical strain-time records—Specimen C Fig. 6—Fracture texture in regions of
high and low speed—Specimen B

often noted before the gage peaked urements were recorded across the Ewnp of Surpace
into tension. For those gages located entire plate width; however, this
in the compressive-strain region, effect also was evident even in the Fracture
the width of the strain pulse in- case of the specimens in which the
creased noticeably, averaging ap- fracture arrested. Gages located 2
proximately 1.5 msec as compared to in. above and 3 in. below the fracture
a pulse width of about 0.1 msec for tip, in the region where the fracture
gages in the region of high tensile arrested, showed no noticeable re-
strain. The width of the strain sponse, and gages located less than
pulses became progressively wider 1 in. from the fracture tip, in the
for gages located toward the far same region, showed only a very
edge of the plate, sometimes having small peak as a result of the fracture. Fig. 7—Arrest region—Specimen E
a width as great as 5 msec; the The crack path for all specimens
pulse shapes were similar to that of was similar to that observed in the fracture arrested, were cut longi-
Gage 14 in Fig. 5. earlier plain-plate tests in that it tudinally beyond the tip of the
A relaxation in strain, apparent to remained essentially flat in_ its fracture and subsequently pulled
some degree in most of the gages travel, but exhibited a symmetrical apart to permit examination of the
before peaking, is particularly variation that may have been in- fracture texture and particularly the
noticeable for gages in the sensitive fluenced by the direction of the region of arrest. The texture of the
region on the far side of the specimen. principal strain. A sketch of the fracture surface was essentially the
The fact that gages farthest from crack path for Specimen C may be same as that observed in the speci-
the initiation edge exhibited the seen in Fig. 2. The texture of the mens which fractured completely
greatest relaxation indicates that fracture surface was noticeably dif- with the rougher texture occurring
there was a marked bending relaxa- ferent in regions of fast and slow near the initiation edge where the
tion in the plane of the plate which speeds. In every test the surface highest speeds were recorded. Exam-
was associated with the low-velocity texture had a rougher appearance in ination of the arrest region revealed
fractures. This may be seen clearly the vicinity of the initiation edge that the interior fracture extended
by noting the traces of gages 12 and where the highest speeds were re- only a fraction of an inch beyond the
14 in Fig. 5. corded. Throughout the compres- visible surface fracture. The arrest
The fact that the peak strain sive-strain region, the texture was region of Specimen E is shown in the
magnitude decreased as the prop- very smooth and remained smooth photograph of Fig. 7.
agating fracture slowed down indi- as long as the speed was low. Photo-
cates that the moving strain field graphs of typical crack textures in Summary
associated with the tip of the crack regions of high and low speed are The purpose of this series of tests
was diminished by the residual com- shown in Fig. 6. On the basis of was to determine the effects of a
pressive-strain field in the plate. this series of tests, it may be stated residual-strain field on brittle-frac-
The strain-time records from the that the smoothest crack textures ture propagation in 6-ft wide steel
specimens in which the fracture seem to be associated with the slower plates. Principal efforts were di-
propagated completely across the speeds while the rougher textures rected toward a study of the fracture
plate show this effect most clearly occur in the region of higher speed. speed and strain field associated
since, in these tests, dynamic meas- Specimens D and E, in which the with the propagating crack.


The residual-strain field was pro- tests of 6-ft wide plates. In the definite aid to initiation, while re-
duced in each specimen by welding earlier tests of nonprestrained plates, sidual-compressive strains retard
tapered slots cut in the edges of the fracture speeds measured across the propagation and may act as an ar-
plate; the resulting strain distribu- plate width were in the range of rester.
tion consisted of high residual ten- 2500 to 4000 fps; in the test of pre-
sion at the edges of the plate and a strained specimens, speeds of the
region of residual compression across same order of magnitude were re- The work described in this paper
the central portion of the plate. corded near the initiation edge in was conducted in the Structural
Brittle-fracture tests were conducted the region of high residual tension. Research Laboratory of the De-
on five specimens prestrained in the However, a marked reduction in partment of Civil Engineering, Uni-
manner noted. The specimens were speed occurred as the fracture trav- versity of Illinois, under sponsorship
cooled prior to testing and the frac- ersed the compressive-strain region. of the Ship Structure Committee
tures initiated by the notch-wedge- Speeds as low as 50 fps were re- through the Bureau of Ships, U. S.
impact method of fracture initiation. corded in the compressive-strain Navy, Contract NObs 65790. The
One plate specimen was tested on region, even in the case of specimens authors gratefully acknowledge the
the floor of the laboratory in an un- in which the fracture propagated assistance of the many persons who
restrained condition with no applied completely across the plate. have contributed to the various
stress. Of the four remaining speci- The appearance of the surface tex- phases of this program. The opin-
mens, two were tested with an ap- ture of the fracture was noticeably ions expressed in this paper are
plied stress of 3000 psi and two were different in regions of high- and low- those of the authors and do not
tested with zero applied stress; fracture speed. Near the initiation necessarily represent those of the
these four specimens, which were in- edge of the plate, where the highest Ship Structure Committee or its
strumented to provide a record of speeds were recorded, the surface member agencies. The members
strain response and fracture speed texture was rougher that that ob- of the Brittle Fracture Mechanics
during propagation, were welded to served in regions of much lower Advisory Committee under the cog-
the pull-plates of the 3,000,000-lb speeds. This difference in surface nizance of the Committee on Ship
machine before testing. texture was apparent in all of the Structural Design of the National
Brittle fractures were initiated in specimens tested. Academy of Sciences—National Re-
all five specimens, even in those in Strain response, measured on the search Council, have acted in an
which no external stress was applied. plate surface during fracture prop- advisory capacity for this program.
The two specimens tested with a low agation, showed that the maximum Bibliography
applied stress fractured completely, values of strain associated with the 1. Hall, W. J., Mosborg, R. J., and McDonald
while in the remaining three speci- moving crack diminished as the V. J., “Brittle Fracture Propagation in Wide Steel
mens the fractures arrested in the fracture propagated through the Plates,’ THe WELDING JouRNAL, 36 (1), Research
Suppl., 1-s to 8-s (1957
compres3ive-strain region. In earlier compressive-strain region. In ad- 2. Rolfe, S. T., and Hall, W. J., “Brittle Frac
brittle-fracture tests of nonpre- dition, the width of the strain pulse ture Tests of Two-Foot Wide Steel Plates with a
Residual Compressive Strain in the Central Por-
strained plate specimens, an applied in the recorded strain-time traces tion,” Jhid., 38 (4), Research Suppl., 169-8 to
stress in excess of 15,000 psi was increased noticeably in regions where 75-8 (1959
neces3ary to insure initiation under 3. Rolfe, S. T., Lynam, T. M., and Hall, W. J.,
the reduced fracture speeds were “Studies of the Strain Distribution in Wide
similar test conditions, whereas in recorded. Plates During Brittle Fracture Propagation,”
the tests of prestrained plate speci- Ship Structure Committee Report Serial No
On the basis of this series of tests, SSC-118, Washington National Academy of
mens reported herein fractures could Sciences-National Research Council, Dec. 39,
be consistently initiated with no the results indicate clearly that a 1959
residual-strain field does have a 4. Barton, F. W., and Hall, W. J., “Studies of
applied stress. Brittle Fracture Propagation in Six-Foot Wide
Measured fracture speeds in the marked effect on the initiation and Steel Plates with a Residual Strain Field,’ Ship
compressive-strain region were lower propagation of a brittle fracture. Structure Committee Report Serial No. SSC-130,
Washington National Academy of Sciences,
than any previously recorded in High residual tensile strains are a National Research Council

Authors who plan to submit papers for publication in the WELDING JOURNAL
FOR | are invited to send for a free copy of the booklet ‘“‘Instructions and Suggestions

for Authors.’ All requests should be addressed to Editor, WELDING JOURNAL,

American Welding Society, 33 W. 39th St., New York 18, N. Y.

384-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Investigation of Weldability of Ultra-High-Strength Steels

The production of full-penetration welds

meeting a minimum yield-strength requirement of 220 ksi

is object of laboratory investigation. Four steels are welded

with five commercial filler wires


ABSTRACT. Four ultra-high-strength case motors in order to reduce the process should be free of all con-
steels were welded with five commer- weight of the inert components of taminants. Weld joints should be
cial filler wires. The automatic inert- the rocket propulsion system. The covered when not being worked
gas-shielded tungsten-arc process was ability of the weldment to achieve upon.
employed and the various welding pa-
rameters recorded. The purpose of this the strength and ductility level In addition to the aforementioned
investigation was to produce full necessary for satisfactory chambers problems, there is also the one con-
penetration welds meeting a minimum becomes more difficult with each cerned with communication between
yield-strength requirement of 220 increase in design requirements. the welding engineer and the various
ksi. No difficulty was encountered in The weldment must be able to meet personnel involved in the design and
welding any of the steels with any par- the base-metal strength after heat fabrication of the missile case.
ticular filler wire. More than 90°; of treatment in addition to the re- Joint designs, mismatch allowances
the welded specimens met the mini- quired ductility. A refined grain and material thickness variations
mum yield-strength requirement. structure must be obtained after are only some of the areas requiring
Ductility, however, was below 5‘; in
every case. Butt joints (square) showed heat treatment from a coarse den- close attention. Close contact with
greater consistency in the results ob- dritic cast structure, if the latter manufacturing personnel is of prime
tained than those of vee-joint speci property is to be realized. importance.
mens. No particular advantage was Much more attention must be While there is some latitude in the
found in using low-alloy steel filler paid to the variables involved during choice of welding equipment, weld-
wires. Low-carbon, plain-steel filler fabrication if the above require- ing parameters, filler metals, fixtures
metal yielded equivalent results in the ments are to be met. The welding and tools, there is little to choose
thickness range of 0.072 to 0.109 in process, filler metals, fixturing and from in the realm of rocket-case
Further investigation into the use of all the procedures and techniques materials. Some of the ultra-high-
low-carbon plain-steel filler wire for
high strength weldments is recom involved in getting a satisfactory strength steels presently available on
mended. weld must be checked closely. the market have shown promise in
Welding equipment with proper meeting the design requirements for
Introduction controls can produce assemblies rocket-motor cases. An investiga-
Solid rocket-propellant missiles re- that will meet missile requirements. tion was initiated to determine the
quire the use of material having a Careful control of the welding pa- weldability and properties of various
high strength to weight ratio, good rameters such as voltage, amperage, steels heat treated after welding.
weldability and adequate ductility. wire feed, carriage travel, gas-flow This paper concerns itself with data
These properties must be present in rates, torch alignment, preheat and accumulated for hot-work die (5%
both the base metal and the weld if postheat temperature and many Cr—Mo-V) and low-alloy high-
the missile is to be considered re- others that are particular to the silicon type steels.
liable. ‘The material must also per- operation involved is a necessity. Air-hardening steels have the ad-
mit heat treating readily with a Filler wires have strict chemical vantage of reduced distortion and
minimum of distortion. composition restrictions; thus, size change as a result of a slower
There are several difficulties en- proper control of impurities intro- cooling rate when compared to the
countered in the fabrication of duced through manufacture and oil- and water-hardening steels.
pressure vessels for missile applica- handling and packaging must be In general, molybdenum is the most
tions that are normally not present exercised to produce satisfactory important element in promoting air
when welding pressure vessels for hardware. hardening.
other applications. As stated pre- Cleanliness should be a by-word For the past three decades there
viously, a considerably higher when welding rocket-motor cases. has been a group of proprietary
strength level is required for rocket- Areas in which the welding is to be steels used in special dies that com-
performed should be as clean as monly experience temperatures near
MELVIN J. ALBOM is associated with the Fab- those in which brazing is accom- 1000° F. These steels are known as
rication Research Department, and CHARLES C
TITHERINGTON is Supervisor at Aerojet Gen plished. If possible, humidity “thot-work tool steels,” “hot-work
eral Corp., Folsom, Calif. should be controlled to reduce the die steels’ or sometimes “‘die steels.”’
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall possibility of porosity. The fixtures Hot-work steels, as the name im-
Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29,
1960. and tooling used in the fabrication plies, are used when temperatures in


Table 1—Chemical Composition of Table 3—Welding Schedules (Nominal Values)
Ultra-high-strength Steels (Percent) Parameters Steel A Steel B Steel C Steel D
Steel Steel Steel Steel Thickness, in. 0.078 0.109 0.072 0.080
B C D Current type DCSP DCSP DCSP
Amperage 50 50 55
Soon oo Voltage TF 15 15
‘01 01 Shielding atmosphere Argon Argon Argon
,.01 .02 ', Shielding-gas flow rate, Cfh 30
97 Backing atmosphere Argon
20 ; Backing-gas flow rate, Cfh 10
i : Carriage travel, ipm 4
Wire feed, ipm 14
Preheat, ° F 425
Ooo Joint gap, in. 0.025

Table 2—Chemical Composition of Commercial Filler Wires (Percent)

Filler Wire
Designation Mn

the range up to 1200° F are con- method of hardening has been ex- Scope
templated. These steels maintain plained. These steels have the The scope of this investigation
high hardness or resistance to soften- highest strength-to-weight ratio be- was to determine the welding param-
ing in the above mentioned tempera- tween 400-1000° F of any commer- eters and procedures necessary to
ture range. The reason is that they cial structural metal. produce full-penetration welds with
can be tempered at much higher
temperatures to obtain equivalent
strengths when compared to con-
ventional steels. Three elements, s-B -——_—— 12.00 a
chromium, tungsten and molyb- |
denum, are all effective in promoting |
this property. These elements also Berm } |
induce deep-hardening character- er ‘i
istics and so these will harden by air ae
quenching. The advantage of this ( l
; A }——— 10.000 bd \ 375 DIA im os
Mies 4 A PA
Fig. 3—Plate—standard restrained


a oS| 63Vv {
} ‘
Fig. 1—Automatic inert-gas-shie!lded — » * ae * |
tungsten-arc welding equipment 6
200R . 2
Fig. 2—Weld-restraint
test fixture Fig. 4—Standard flat tensile specimen

386-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

a 220-ksi yield-strength minimum. Materials filler metals and their properties
The automatic inert-gas-shielded follows:
tungsten-are process was employed. The base metals used in this in-
vestigation were hot-work die steels Filler wire A is used to weld
Four ultra-high-strength steels were mild- and low-alloy steels. It is
used for base metal in conjunction of the air-hardening variety. The
chemical compositions of the as- highly deoxidized wire that pro-
with five commercial filler metals. duces sound welds with tensile prop-
received material are given in Table
erties ranging from 60,000 to 200
1. The material used was rolled
steel sheet having thicknesses in the 250,000 psi depending upon en-
range of 0.072-0.109. richment of welds due to the base
Table 4—Heat-treatment Schedules material.
Five filler wires were used in this
Hardening cycle Tempering investigation and each of these was Filler wire B used in the missile
Heat, Quench temp., °f, available from commercial sources. and aircraft field during 1958 re-
°F in Approx. Three filler wires were products of sponds to heat treatment in the
Steel A 1900-1950 = Air 1000 one vendor, while the two other range of 200-250,000 psi yield
Steel B 1875-1925 Air 1000* wires were products of another strength. Actual values depend on
Steel C 1850-1900 Air 1000* vendor. The chemical composition the enrichment factor.
Steel D 1700-1750 = Air 700'
of each of the filler metals actually Filler wire C has replaced filler
* Double temper: two hours plus two hours used is given in Table 2. wire B and is used extensively in
® Two hours A short description of the various missile fabrication. Heat treat re-
sponse in the range of 200—250,000
psi yield strength levels depends on
Table 5—Mechanical Property Data* of Transverse-weld Test Specimens, Butt Joints
Filler wire D is used to weld mild-
Yield Ultimate Elonga- Rc and low-alloy steels and is similar to
Spec Base strength, strength, tion,2in., Base filler wire A in _ characteristics.
no metal Weld wire ksi ksi metal It can be heat treated to strength
Al01-1 Steel C Filler B 201 218.2 e 54. levels of 200—250,000 psi yield
Al01-2 Steel C Filler C 220. 264. § : a. strength, depending on the en-
Al01-3 Steel C Filler D 221 Noo 259. ' 55. richment.
Al01-4 Steel C Filler E 222 9 253 . 55 wo Sw
A101-5 Steel C Filler A 234. 0 247 ] 56. Filler wire E is used primarily for
A102-1 Steel B Filler A 254 .6 256 58 welding chrome-moly steels. The
Al102-2 Steel B Filler B 259 vik 290 3 - weld responds to heat treatment in
Al02-3 Steel B Filler C 253 .0 290.4 the range to 200—250,000 psi yield
A102-4 Steel B Filler D 260. 6 300. ~ strength, depending upon enrich-
A102-5 Steel B Filler E 264. 0 298 ment due to the base metal.
A104-1 Steel A Filler A 222 6 242
A104-2 Steel A Filler B 929 .6
£56 270 The term enrichment relates to
A104-3 Steel A Filler C 228 5 274 the welding of alloy steels with a
A104-4 Steel A Filler D 266. filler metal of a dissimilar steel
A104-5 Steel A Filler E 232 259 i.e., the base metal contains 5%
A100-1 Steel D Filler A 213. 249 chromium and a filler metal of plain-
A100-2 Steel D Filler B 234 250 carbon steel). During welding, a
A100-3 Steel D Filler C 222 260. portion of the base metal is melted in
A100-4 Steel D Filler D 222 241 order to insure a perfect joint. The
A100-5 Steel D Filler E 222 Do
ww 227 OODNOKK
mixture of the molten base metal and
@ Each figure represents a minimum of 5 test specimens filler which forms the weldment con-
tains some chromium. The en-
richment of the filler metal has re-
sulted from mixing with the molten
Table 6—Mechanical Property Data of Transverse-weld Test Specimens, Vee Joints base metal.
Yield Ultimate Elonga Re Alloying elements only pass from
Spec. Base Weld strength strength tion, 2in., Base base metal to weldment and not in
no metal wire ksi y metal the reverse direction. The weld
A101-0 Steel C Filler B 206. 220.5 54. wo picks up (enriches) elements as a
Al01-7 Steel C Filler C 220. 257 9nu 54. result of melting part of the base
Al01-8 Steel C Filler D 221. 255.2 54 metal into the molten pool. The
A101-9 Steel C Filler E 218. 245 .° 54.
A101-10 Steel C Filler A 240 248 alloying element is not abstracted
56. Ww=“IN from the base material. In order
A102-6 Steel B Filler A 255 276 NDw 56
A102-7 Stee! B Filler B 258 277 for the base metal to become en-
A102-8 Steel B Filler C 263. 283 55 riched due to the filler metal, the
A102-9 Steel B Filler D 251. 267 we
NNR 55 alloying elements would have to
A102-10 Steel B Filler E 259. 284. pass through the crystals of the
A104-6 Steel A Filler A 219 238 solid material. Even at high tem-
A104-7 Steel A Filler B 220 252. peratures, this process is extremely
A104-8 Steel A Filler C 225. 264.
A104-9 Steel A Filler D 227. 256. slow (i.e., nitriding and case car-
A105-10 Steel A Filler E 267. burizing).
A100-6 Steel D Filler A 242 7 P)—‘ The weld, subsequent to enrich-
A100-7 Steel D Filler B 248 ment, contains alloying elements
A100-8 Steel D Filler C 265.
A100-9 Steel D Filler D 22, J that will allow it to be heat treated
A100-10 Steel D Filler E ~CoNmOoOoWNK
PROC to particular stress levels. ‘The
strengths obtainable depend, of


course, upon the extent of the en- ing components: (c) Carriage: side-beam carriage
richment of the weld metal and the a) Power Supply: transformer, with welding control.
original composition of the wire. rectifier type 200 amp d-c (d) Torch: tungsten-arc torch.
e) Wire Drive: wire-feed unit.
Equipment source. A photograph of the welding
The equipment used in this in- b) Head: automatic welding ma- equipment is shown in Fig. 1.
vestigation consisted of the follow- chine. Additional equipment used during
this test was a weld-restraint test
fixture. This fixture is shown in
Fig. 2.
The amperage was recorded from
the settings on the power source,
while the voltage was read from a
voltmeter placed into the circuit.
Experimental Procedure
Weld, partially refined grains Heat-affected zone, refined Base metal, refined grains Materials Preparation
grains The base-metal sheets were cut
Fig. 5—Steel A welded with Type A filler wire; heat treated. into test-plate size in accordance
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) with Fig. 3. Half of the plate
assemblies used for welding were
machined with square-butt joint.
The remaining test-plate assemblies
contained the beveled joint. The
material thickness (0.062--0.109) fell
in a range where either joint was
permissible. The test plates were
then degreased and a 1-in. wide area
- e eae
Re 4a, ion a ic on either side of the joint (both
Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains faces) was cleaned by means of a
refined grains wire brush. This procedure re-
Fig. 6—Steel A welded with Type B filler wire; heat treated. moved any oxide film and surface
X100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) contaminants that could possibly re-
sult in defective welds. Start and
stop tabs (2 x 2 in. x T base-
metal thickness) of the same base
metal were also used. The tabs
were cleaned in the same manner as
the base metal. Two test plates
(4!/, x 12 in. x T) were placed in a
fixture for assembly (Fig. 2). A
gap of 0.025 in. was maintained at
Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains the joint using shim stock for all
refined grains test-plate assemblies. The start
Fig. 7—Steel A welded with Type C filler wire; heat treated and stop tabs were then tack welded
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) to both ends of the assembly. The
plate was subsequently cleaned in
the area near the tabs and the joint
was ready to be welded.
Welding Plates
Prior to welding the test plates re-
ported in this investigation, pre-
liminary runs were made to es-
tablish the welding parameters.
Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains Essentially, full-penetration welds
refined grains having a narrow heat-affected zone
Fig. 8—Steel A welded with Type Dfiller wire; heat treated were used as the deciding factor in
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) establishing the welding schedule.
Each test plate was welded with
filler-metal additions and all welds
were completed in one pass. For
the thickness of material involved a
single pass was considered most
After tacking the start and stop
tabs on the test plates, maintaining
Weld, partially refined grain a 0.025-in. gap for record purposes,
refined grains the assembly was cleaned and placed
Fig. 9—Steel A welded with Type E filler wire; heat treated. in the weld-restraint fixture (Fig.
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) 2). The steel fingers were bolted in

388-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

place. Restraint of the test-plate The test specimens were then Stress-strain curves were recorded
assemblies was accomplished pulled in a 120,000 universal-type using an extensometer and a re-
through clamping and its attendant test machine and the mechanical- corder.
frictional forces. The tip of the property data were recorded. The
welding head was aligned with the results of these tests will be found in Technical Discussion
joint to insure centering of the weld. Tables 5 and 6. No difficulty was encountered in
A copper backing bar with holes
drilled into it was used in conjunc-
tion with argon purging gas. A
preheat of 425° F was obtained by
using a torch and a contact pyro-
meter for recording temperature.
No postheat treatment was applied
to the test-plate assemblies sub-
sequent to welding. However, a
temperature of 300° F was recorded
4 min after completion of welding, grains
during the cooling cycle. The test
plates were then allowed to cool to Fig. 10—Steel B welded with Type A filler wire; heat treated.
X100. (Reduced by 20% upcn reproduction)
room temperature. The welding
parameters and their values were
recorded for each welding schedule.
Table 3 lists the nominal values for
each parameter for the particular
steels welded.
Testing Procedure
Prior to stress relieving, all welded
test plates were examined visually i_ s
and then X-rayed to determine the Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
soundness of the weldments. De- refined grains
fects were recorded and correspond- Fig. 11—Steel B welded with Type B filler wire; heat treated.
ing areas on the test plates were X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
marked to insure the testing of only
sound weldments. The defective
weldments were discarded. Sub-
sequent to X-ray inspection, the
welded test plates were stress re-
lieved (furnace) at 1150° F for 2 hr.
The purpose of holding the speci-
mens for 2 hr at stress-relieving
temperature, for the thickness em-
ployed, was to transform any re- Weld, coarse dendritic grains
tained austenite that may have been refined grains
present, in addition to relieving the Fig. 12—Steel B welded with Type C filler wire; heat treated.
residual stress resulting from the X100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
welding process.
The stress-relieved plates were
then cut into strips and machined
into transverse tension specimens in
accordance with Fig. 4.
The tension specimens were then
heat treated per schedules in Table 4
to obtain a minimum yield strength
of 220,000 psi. The heat-treat cy-
cles given in the table were de- Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
veloped at the authors’ plant. refined grains
The heat-treat cycle consisted of a Fig. 13—Steel B welded with Type Dfiller wire; heat treated.
quench and double temper treat- X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
ment. The first temper treatment
was applied to transform com-
pletely any retained austenite after
quenching and to temper the mar-
tensite formed during the hardening
cycle. The second cycle was used
to temper the martensite thus
The test-specimen weldments
were machine ground flush with base Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
metal on both sides of the weld. refined grains
An RMS 63 finish was given to the Fig. 14—Steel B welded with Type E filler wire; heat treated.
gage length section. X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)


welding any of the ultra-high- gave a minimum amount of porosity of the weld. Preheat was employed
strength steels with any particular in the weldments. It is believed in every case. Each test plate was
filler metal. Satisfactory full-pene- that the occurrence of some porosity X-rayed and found free from cracks.
tration welds were obtained with no was due to the filler metal not being The use of preheat has long been
necessity to rerun test plates. The absolutely clean. Good weld-bead established as a method to prevent
gas coverage and backing protection contour was obtained on both sides cracking during the welding of alloy
steels. In addition, there results a
reduction in hardness, minimized
distortion and a _ prevention of
shrinkage stresses. No postheat
was used. However, the restrained
weld assembly was checked with re-
gard to temperature after welding.
Temperatures approximately 300°
F were recorded, using a contact
Weld, partially refined grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains pyrometer 4 min after completion of
refined grains welding.
Some variation in yield strengths
Fig. 15—Steel C welded with Type A filler wire; heat treated. were obtained after tension testing.
X100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
However, more than 90% of the
specimens met the minimum yield-
strength requirement of 220,000
psi. The mechanical-property data
for welded plates having a butt joint
showed more consistent results when
compared to the vee-joint test
plates. The fact that more filler
metal was added to the latter might
gS 4 ‘ explain the reason for the greater
Weld, partially refined grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains variation.
refined grains
The reduced transverse tension
Fig. 16—Steel C welded with Type B filler wire; heat treated. specimen will indicate the strength
X100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) of the weld only, if the weld is
weaker than the base metal. The
fractures occurred in the weld metal
in every case tested. It follows
that the true fracture stress of the
weldments was actually measured
in these tests. The load-carrying
ability of the weld to meet the
minimum yield-strength require-
ment of 220 ksi is shown in Tables
Weld, partially refined grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains 5 and 6.
refined grains
The ductility data measured over
Fig. 17—Steel C welded with Type C filler wire; heat treated. a 2-in. gage length were below the
X100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) arbitrarily defined 5% minimum
value for ductile joints. Normally,
welds are less ductile than the base
material due to the coarse-grain
structure, segregation of impurities
and alloying elements found in the
cast structure. A review of the
photomicrographs reveals a coarse
dendritic type of grain structure in
the majority of the weldments.
Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains This structure was retained after
refined grains heat treatment with no significant
Fig. 18—Steel C welded with Type Dfiller wire; heat treated. refinement.
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) No significant differences in me-
chanical properties were noted when
comparing the specimens of any
particular steel welded with low-
carbon-steel filler wire to those
3 thyx yt Sgt
‘4 welded with medium-carbon steel-
— r . 2 alloy filler wire. This would in-
~al a ¥ dicate that the enrichment of the
filler metal took place to such an
Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains extent that the strength of the
refined grains weldments on the basis of results
Fig. 19—Steel C welded with Type E filler wire; heat treated. were at least equivalent to the
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction) minimum jyield-strength require-

390-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

ment (220 ksi). It then follows
that it is possible to use low-car-
bon steel as a filler metal in lieu
of medium-carbon low-alloy filler
wire to obtain a 220,000 psi mini-
mum yield strength. However,
prior to employing this filler metal
as a substitute for presently em- Weld, partially refined grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
ployed filler wires, additional ex- refined grains
perimental work in the laboratory
Fig. 20—Steel D welded with Type A filler wire; heat treated.
and on the production floor should X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
be performed.

Figures 5 through 24 show the
microstructures of each of the base
metals welded with the five com-
mercial filler metals. The photo-
micrographs are shown at x 100
and reveal three areas: base metal,
heat-affected zone and weld. The
samples used were in the heat- Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
refined grains
treated condition. It will be noted
that the microstructure of the var- Fig. 21—Steel D welded with Type B filler wire; heat treated.
ious steels show a tempered mar- X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
tensite condition with a ferritic
boundary. Although the _ weld-
ments have gone through heat
treatment, there is still evidence
in the majority of the photomicro-
graphs of a dendritic-grain structure
remaining. This may account, in
part, for the low ductility values
obtained during testing, i.e., larger
grain size due to insufficient grain Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
refinement during heat treatment refined grains
as compared to the base metal.
Fig. 22—Steel D welded with Type C filler wire; heat treated
It should be noted that partial grain
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
refinement did occur in weldments
containing low-carbon plain-steel
filler metal.

More consistent results were ob-
tained with square-butt joints than
with the vee joints.
The minimum yield strength of Poakod
220,000 psi was attained with the Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
majority of the weldments. Suf- refined grains
ficient enrichment of the filler Fig. 23—Steel D welded with Type D filler wire; heat treated.
metal from the base metal resulted X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
in welds that met this minimum re-
quirement. Ductility, however, was
below the 5° minimum in every
There is no particular advantage
to using alloy filler metal with the
particular steels welded. Low-car-
bon-steel filler wire also met the
minimum jyield-strength require-
ment of 220 ksi in Steel A, Steel B
and Steel C, in thickness range of Weld, coarse dendritic grains Heat-affected zone, partially Base metal, refined grains
refined grains
0.072 to 0.109 in.
Fig. 24—Steel D welded with Type E filler wire; heat treated
X 100. (Reduced by 20% upon reproduction)
Further investigation into the
use of low-carbon-steel filler metal,
with regard to meeting design re- view of the fact that vacuum- be advantageous to investigate
quirements of 220-250 ksi yield melted material is sounder and con- vacuum-melted low-carbon plain-
strength, should be made. In tains enhanced properties, it would steel filler metal.


Studies on Repair Welding

Age-Hardenable Nickel-Base Alloys

Main objective of laboratory investigation is to

develop and evaluate techniques of repair welding that would

prevent failure during subsequent heating to the

temperatures where their ductilities are low


ABSTRACT. Repair welding of two age- welded into highly restrained parts and results of these experiments are
hardenable nickel-base alloys, René 41 for aircraft applications and the discussed in the following sections.
and Astroloy, was studied in this in- parts are subsequently heated to
vestigation. Repair welds were made Equipment and Materials
aging temperatures, cracking often
on restrained, aged material by several All welds were made manually by
techniques. Samples were then sub- occurs. This cracking may occur
in weld metal, but usually base- the inert-gas-shielded tungsten-arc
jected to thermal cycles simulating jet- process. Welding power was sup-
engine operation. metal cracks are more prevalent,
particularly cracks along the weld plied by a single-phase direct-cur-
The experimental studies showed that
René 41 alloys could be repair welded fusion line. At times, many repair rent rectifier operated on straight
and subjected to temperatures in the welds have to be made during polarity. The voltage during welding
aging range (around 1400° F) without manufacture before parts can be of all of the specimens was between
failure, if the repair welds were given a put into service. Repair welds also 10and 12 v. Thickness of material
localized solution treatment at 1950° F are required in the maintenance and determined the current during weld-
or were hammer peened at room tem- overhaul of engines that have been ing. The currents were from 37
perature. One specimen of Astroloy to 50 amp for sheet that ranged
was repair welded and reaged at 1650 in service. This paper describes a
study of two age-hardenable alloys, from 0.030 to 0.075 in. thick. The
F without failure. It was necessary to René 41 filler wire was sheared
develop techniques for preventing René 41 and Astroloy.
cracking in the base metal of Astroloy The main objective of this in- strip measuring 0.040 in. thick and
during the solution and aging heat vestigation was to develop and 0.10 in. wide. Hastelloy ““W” and
treatments that followed the original evaluate techniques of repair weld- Hastelloy “‘X”’ filler wires were
welding operation. Hastelloy ““W”’ and ing both alloys that would prevent 0.060 or 0.030 in. in diameter.
René 41 filler metals produced less stop- failure during subsequent heating Argon gas of 99.995% purity was
start cracks during the preparation of to the temperatures where their used for shielding. The argon gas
René 41 restrained-type weld specimens ductilities are low. Other objec- flow rate was 15 cfh through the
than did Hastelloy “X.’’ Hastelloy torch and 4 cfh in the groove of a
““X”’ was the only filler metal used in tives of the program were to eval-
uate filler materials and to determine copper backing. The groove in the
Astroloy; therefore, no evaluation of copper backing was 0.060 in. wide
fillers used with this alloy was possible. the minimum heating rate required
to prevent cracking of welded and 0.010 in. deep.
Introduction specimens when they are heated The compositions of the base and
The use of nickel-base alloys of the through the aging-temperature filler metals used in this investiga-
age-hardenable type has been in- range during solution heat treat- tion are given in Table 1. The
creasing in importance where high ment. figures for the René 41 alloys
strength is required at elevated tem- are reported analyses while those for
peratures. The high strengths of Repair-welding Experiments Astroloy and the filler metals are
the alloys are obtained by precipita- Repair-welding experiments were typical compositions. Included in
tion processes. At the aging tem- originally carried out to check Table 1 are the hardnesses of the
peratures, some of the age-harden- similar experiments conducted at base metals in the mill-annealed
able alloys exhibit decreased duc- other laboratories. To facilitate conditions.
tilities. When these alloys are comparisons of results obtained at Table 2 presents the various heat
the various laboratories, the Pierce treatments applicable to each mate-
Miller restrained-type weld speci- rial that was used in the welding
W. J. LEPKOWSKI, Principal Metallurgical experiments. All heat treating was
Engineer, R. E.MONROE, Aasistant Chief, and men was used. Later, experiments
P. J. RIEPPEL, Chief, Metals Joining Division, were conducted to establish repair- done in air.
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio weld procedures and to study sev- All material was descaled after
Paper to be presented at AWS National Fall eral base-material compositional heat treatment by immersion in a
Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept
26-30, 1960 changes. The materials, techniques salt bath for 5 min at 930° F and

392-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Table 1—Compositions of Base Metals and Filler Metals
Base metal, Mill-annealed Chemical composition, %
heat no. hardness Mn Ss Fe Co Mo Ni Others
Base metals
René 41, KH 111 : O08: 2. 11.0 Bal
René 41, TV 195 07 11.17 Bal
René 41, TV 208 78 10.40 Bal
René 41, TV 250 48 11.03 Bal
Astroloy, 27-400 2a 15
Filler metals
René 41 11
Hastelloy "X”
Hastelloy "W" 2.5

then by a pickle in an acid solution.

The composition of the acid bath, by Table 2—Heat Treatments of Reneé 41 and Astroloy
volume, was 45% nitric acid, '/.% Heat treatment Rene 41 Astroloy
hydrofluoric acid and the balance
water. Other cleaning methods, Mill anneal 1950° F, » hr, WQ; or, 2100° F, hr, AC;
2150° F, hr, WQ plus 2000° F
such as vapor blasting or acid pick- hr, WQ
ling alone, required a very long time Solution treatment 1950° F, hr, AC 2100° F, hr, AC
to clean the oxidized material. Aging treatment 1400° F, 16 hr, AC 1650° F, 4 hr, AC
Gritblasting cleaned the material Reaging treatment 1400° F, 2 hr, AC 1650° F, 2 hr, AC
very efficiently but also caused
Procedures mill-annealed material, the welded welding operations, all specimens
Figure 1 shows the component specimen was solution heat treated were radiographed by X-ray. Dye-
parts of the Pierce Miller restrained- and aged by means of the appro- penetrant inspection was used as a
type weld specimen that was used priate schedule given in Table 2. check on the radiographic technique.
in the fusion-welding experiments. The work involved up to this point, The radiographic method of in-
The specimen was composed of a in most cases, was merely to prepare spection was found to be very re-
strongback of A-286 material, a 4- the required highly restrained part liable. Actually, when failure oc-
by 4-in. plate with a _ centrally needed to study repair-welding tech- curred during heat treating or re-
located hole that was 2 in. in di- niques. aging after repair welding because
ameter and a circular patch that All repair welds were made on of cracking, the size of the cracks
fit into the 2-in. hole. Both the material in the aged condition. and the extent of damage were
plate and the patch were of the A specimen was prepared for repair readily visible to the eye.
material being studied. The welding, actually a simulated repair,
by grinding out a 90-deg segment of Development of Special Techniques
strongback measured about 8 in. in
diameter, was */; in. thick and had a the original weld. Where possible, Although it was known that re-
3-in.-diam hole in the center. stop-start cracks in the weld metal pair welds on René 41 would fail
Figure 2 shows a specimen after were removed. The specimen was upon reaging treatments, usually at
assembly and prior to the heat- then repair welded and reheated to the fusion line, no special preweld or
treating and repair-welding opera- the aging temperature of the alloy postweld treatments were applied in
tions. The 4- by 4-in. plate was for 2-hr cycles to simulate engine the initial part of the program. A
welded to the strongback by using operation. The reheat cycles were number of specimens were welded
AWS E347-16 (AISI Type 347 continued until the total time at the in different heat-treated conditions
stainless steel) electrodes and was aging temperature equaled the nor- with various types of filler materials
centered over the 3-in.-diam hole of mal aging time for the alloy. and with varying degrees of re-
the strongback. The circular patch After the original and repair- straint to learn more about the
was then clamped in position over a
copper backing that fit the 3-in.
hole and was tacked in four spots, 90
deg apart. With the clamp in
place, the patch was welded to the
plate in two operations. A single
weld bead was laid on one-half of
the specimen. The weld was com-
pleted in the second run after the
copper backing had cooled. Rate of
welding was approximately 2 ipm;
total weld time was between 2 and
3 min. Fig. 1—Component parts of restrained-type patch Fig. 2—Welded assembly of
After completion of the initial test for fusion-weliding studies (Left to right) strong- restrained-type patch test
weld, which was generally made on back, 4- by 4-in. plate, 2-in.-diam patch


(a) Base-metal crack extension (b) Heat-affected zone and repair weld metal
showing fusion-line failure
Fig. 3—Typical crack pattern of
solution-treated astroloy Fig. 5—Intergranular cracking of a restrained-weild specimen. x 100. (Reduced by
one-half upon reproduction)
Failure occurred after first reaging cycle Specimen of low-carbon René 41, Heat X-1068 and
repair welded without postweld treatment. Etchant: 30 cc glycerin, 30 cc HCI, 10 cc HNO).

solution treatment. Figure 3 shows

the usual type of failure encoun-
tered. The results of the studies on
René 41 indicated that the applica-
tion of two of the above techniques
during the first welding operation of
Astroloy might prevent cracking
during the subsequent heat treat-
ments. These were: (1) the ham-
mer-peening operation at room tem-
perature, and (2) the water-cooled
Fig. 4—Astroloy specimen that had copper top plate.
been processed without failure Results
The results of the studies for
evaluating the methods for improv-
problem associated with the crack- ing the service life of repair-welded
ing of the alloy. After these pre- specimens of René 41 are summar-
liminary experiments, several meth- ized below. Treatments (4), local
ods were devised that would be ap- solution heat treating, and (6),
plied to the repair-welding opera- hammer peening, were the tech-
tions for the remainder of the experi- niques successfully employed.
ments. The techniques that were 1. The effectiveness of the tech-
evaluated were: niques used for repair welding was
1. Minimizing heat input by using not directly related to the carbon or
as thin a filler wire as possible. The boron content of René 41.
wire used in these experiments was 2. The size of the filler wire did not Fig. 6.—Microstructures of a specimen of
30 mils in diameter. affect the results of the studies on low-carbon René 41 that failed during re-
2. Minimizing temperatures in the repair-welding techniques. Mini- aging cycle. x 100. (Reduced by one-
heat-affected zone by using a water- mizing heat input by using small half upon reproduction)
cooled copper top plate during the filler wire might be offset by the Top photograph is base metal, R. 35; bottom
welding operation. steeper temperature gradient that photograph is weld and heat-affected zone
3. Preheating the specimen be- might result at the fusion line. Weld is Hastelloy ‘“‘W,"" R. 25.5. Etchant: 30
cc glycerin, 30 cc HCI, 10 cc HNO
fore the solution treatment that 3. The water-cooled copper top
followed the original welding oper- plate for minimizing temperatures
ation. Preheat temperature was in the heat-affected zone was not
1000° F. effective when used during repair 5. A double-aging treatment that
4. Solution treating the repair welding. The effect of the water was to improve the ductility of René
weld at 1950 F for 5 min with a cooling is comparable with that of 41 at elevated temperatures did not
gas torch. the small-diameter filler wire. affect the performance of repair-
5. Improving the ductility of the Based on a single experiment, this welded specimens.
base metal at the aging temperature technique was successful when ap- 6. Hammer peening of the speci-
by using a double-aging treatment. plied during the original and the men at room temperature after the
6. Cold working the surface of repair-welding operations. repair-welding operation was very
the repaired specimen by a hammer- 4. A localized solution heat treat- effective in preventing welded speci-
peening operation at room tempera- ment of the repair weld at 1950° F mens from cracking during subse-
ture. for 5 min prevented failure during quent reaging treatments. Thick-
7. Preheating at 1000° F before the reaging treatment. There wasa ness of the materials determined the
repair welding. minimum time that this technique amount of peening.
The studies on Astroloy were more had to be employed to be applicable 7. Preheating for welding did not
involved because welded specimens when used on 60-mil sheet. While a prevent cracking during the reaging
of Astroloy usually cracked in both 5-min solution heat treatment was cycle.
the base and weld metals during effective, a 2-min treatment was not. The results of the studies on

394-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Fig Montage of a specimen of standard René 41 repair we
100. (Reduced by one-half upon reproduction)
Photograph on the left air weld Hastelloy
loy ‘‘W*‘W''; photograpt base metal 3 Etchant

Fig. 8—Montage of specimen of standard René 41 repair welded, hammer peened and recycled
through five 2-hr cycles at 1400° F x 100. (Reduced by one-half upon repr iction)

“Bers > cane :

LD as ‘ 4 : >a ; te
A LY ae : ) ’ _
Fig. 9—Montage of low-carbonC René 441 repair welded, localized solution treatment and recycled
through one 2-hr reaging cycle at 1400° F without failure ] 00. (Reduced t ne-half upon reproduction)
Photograpt weld, Hastell t is base metal, R- 35. Et

Fig. 10—Montage of a specimen of low-carbon René 41 repair welded, localize solution treatment and recycled
through eight 2-hr cycles at 1400° F without failure x 100. (Reduced by one-half upon reproduction)
Photograph on the left is repair weld, Hastelloy ‘‘W,’’ R, 26; photograph on the right base metal, Re. 36. Etchant: Glycereg


Astroloy are summarized below. a 2-min peen after the solution treat- the carbon content did not prevent
Treatments (5) and (6), both ment prevented cracking during the failures from occurring when re-
hammer-peening operations, were solution and aging heat treatments. paired materials were reheated to
successful for processing and welding 6. A 1-min localized peening after service temperatures in the aging
Astroloy without the occurrence of repair welding the Astroloy speci- range.
cracking. men as treated in (5) was effective in This project was devoted exten-
1. Minimizing temperatures dur- preventing cracking during the reag- sively toward developing techniques
ing welding and increasing the cool- ing treatment. for improving the performance of
ing rate after welding in the heat- Figure 4 shows the Astroloy speci- the repair welds. The _ results
affected zone by using a water- men that was successfully welded, showed that improved performance
cooled copper top plate prevented heat treated, repaired and recycled. of welded René 41 was achieved by
cracking during the solution heat applying a localized solution treat-
treatment of a weld specimen of ment to the repair weld or by cold
Astroloy. This technique, how- The cracks in repair-welded speci- working the surface of the entire
ever, was not always effective. mens of René 41 that failed during specimen by a hammer-peening oper-
2. Employing the same principle reaging treatments were intergranu- ation. Theeffects of these operations
as in (1) but using plates on the top lar. Figure 5 is a photomicrograph on the microstructures of repaired
and bottom of the specimen during of this type of failure of a weld speci- specimens are shown in Fig. 6~10.
the welding of Astroloy did not pre- men that was prepared from an ex- Figure 6 shows the microstructure of
vent cracking during the solution perimental heat of low-carbon, low- a specimen of low-carbon René 41
treatment. The cooling action may boron René 41. The specimen was that was given no postweld treat-
have been too drastic and may have repaired without any postweld treat- ment and subsequently failed dur-
created high quenching stresses. ment and failed during the first ing the reaging treatment. Figure
3. Hammer peening the original reaging cycle. Cracking initiated 7 shows the microstructure of a re-
weld of Astroloy for 5 min at room at the fusion line and extended into
paired specimen of standard compo-
temperature prevented cracking the base and weld metals.
sition that had been hammer peened
during the solution treatment. Early welding difficulties of René
41 were related to the effect of the at room temperature for 5 min.
4. Hammer peening for 5 min
solution temperature upon. the Figure 8 shows a hammer-peened
after the solution heat treatment did
not prevent cracking during the sub- amount of carbon in solid solution. repair weld of standard René 41
sequent aging treatment. The Part of the difficulties were allevi- after completing five 2-hr cycles at
combined effects of the 5-min peen- ated merely by reducing the solu- 1400° F without failure. Recrys-
ing after welding and solution treat- tion-treating temperatures. The tallization, diffusion and _ grain
ing probably overworked the mate- next step, then, was to modify the growth have occurred in the heat-
rial. original alloy by lowering the carbon affected zone. There remains only
5. A 3-min peen after welding and content. However. the lowering of a fine-grain size at the fusion line.

és 7]ed

, ;
(a) Base metal, solution-treated condition (b) Heat-affected zone, solution-treated con solution-treated conditior

(d) Base metal, aged (e) Heat-affected zone, aged (f) Weld metal, aged
Fig. 11—Solution-treated and aged microstructures of an unrestrained weld specimen of René 41. x 1000.
(Reduced by one-third upon reproduction.) Etched electrolytically in 100 cc alcohol, 20 cc ethylene glycol, 20 cc HNO

396-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

The effect of hammer peening, then, tion of carbides by the fast cooling niques that were not effective for
was to refine the grain structure of associated with the local solution repair welding. Two methods, in
the heat-affected zone. An addi- treatment. It can be seen that particular, are worthy of additional
tional result of the hammer peening some recrystallization of the grains comment: (1) minimizing heat in-
that might have occurred was a re- in the heat-affected zone occurred. put by using as small a filler wire as
duction in the peak reaction stresses. It is possible, also, that the localized possible, and (2) minimizing tem
Figure 9 shows a repaired weld solution treatment effected a stress peratures during welding with a
specimen of low-carbon René 41 relief. water-cooled copper plate. Un-
locally solution treated and cycled Of the other methods that were doubtedly, both techniques pro-
for 2 hr at 1400° F. Evidence of applied in connection with the duced the desired effects. In each
banding from prior processing is repair-welding studies, only the case, the volume of base metal
seen by the line of small grains in the effect on preheating before the affected by the heat of welding
base metal. Precipitation is gen- solution heat treatment on the would be reduced. Temperatures
erally heavier here than anywhere microstructures of welded specimens at a given location thus would be
else due to the segregation. When was determined. The effects of lower. But because the temperature
the specimen was viewed at x 500, preheating on the microstructures of the weld metal is essentially the
the localized solution heat treatment can be seen in Figs. 11 and 12. same, the resultant temperature
was shown to have reduced coring of Figure 11 shows a weld specimen gradient from the weld to the un-
the weld metal. Precipitation has that was preheated at 1000° F. affected base metal would be in-
occurred on slip and twin planes and Knoop hardnesses of each specimen creased. The steepest gradient
along the grain boundaries. There are shown in Fig. 13. When the would be always at the fusion line,
also appears to be a lack of carbides. hardnesses of the specimens in the where failure of repair welds always
Figure 10 shows a specimen of low- solution-treated condition are com- occurred upon reaging heat treat-
carbon René 41 that had _ been pared, no significant differences are ments.
locally solution treated after the apparent. In the aged condition, The restrained-type weld speci-
repair-welding operation and cycled the hardness of the specimen that men as used in this program did not
through the entire eight 2-hr treat- was preheated is consistently lower permit comparison of the welda-
ments at 1400° F. A comparison of than the hardness of the specimen bility of René 41 of standard carbon
the structures in Figs. 6, 9 and 10 heat treated without preheat. It content and that of the low-carbon
indicates that the effect of the local- would appear, then, that the effect modification. Presuming that car-
ized solution treatment was: ] of preheating was to produce an bides have been responsible for the
to homogenize the weld metal, (2 overaged structure. failures of welded René 41, there
to cause the aging precipitate to be In the preceding section of this should be no question that the lower
more uniformly and finely distrib- report, a few brief remarks were carbon content would be desirable.
uted and (3) to prevent precipita- made concerning some of the tech- Furthermore, the lower the carbon

(d) Base metal, aged (e) Heat-affected zone, aged (f) Weld, aged
Fig. 12—Microstructures of an unrestrained weld specimen of René 41 showing the effects of preheat. X 1000
(Reduced by one-third upon reproduction.) Etched electrolytically in 100 cc alcohol, 20 cc ethylene glycol, 200 cc HNO


content, the higher the boron con- An electrical-resistance furnace that those three and were thus restrained.
tent that can be tolerated by the would produce heating rates up to (e) A specimen in which a weld
base alloy, if boron is a desired and 75° F per minute was used in most bead was located along each side of
essential element. Also, a_ rela- of these tests. Some experiments a 4- by 4-in. plate of the type that
tively low-carbon content probably were conducted with preheated fur- was used in the restrained-weld
would mean that less TiC would be naces to give heating rates up to patch tests.
formed. The titanium then would 1000° F per minute. (f) A restrained-type patch speci-
be available to substitute for alumi- Experiments were conducted with men as used in the weldability
num in the gamma-prime phase. various types of René 41 and Astro- studies.
Because the strength of the alloy is loy specimens. Descriptions of the (g) A specimen in which two
obtained from the precipitation of weld specimens were as follows: pieces of material were joined by
Ni,;(Al, Ti), the increased content 1. René 41. (a) Three specimens four welds. Two end welds were
of titanium in the precipitating with three parallel weld beads in made first, followed by two center
phase might increase both the over- which the center weld was restrained welds. The first center weld was
aging temperature and the hot by laying this weld last. placed next to one of the end welds.
strength. (6) Two specimens in which two In this way, varying degrees of
pieces of material were joined to- restraint were imposed upon it.
Evaluation of Filler Materials gether with three longitudinal welds. The last weld was placed between
The center weld was placed last and the first center weld and the other
Filler materials of René 41 was restrained by the presence of the end weld, thus imposing a higher de-
Hastelloy ‘“‘X’’ and Hastelloy ““W” end welds. gree of variable restraint.
were evaluated by observing the (c) Two specimens of the ‘“H” 2. Astroloy. (a) Two specimens
occurrence of cracks in the welds of type in which the cross weld was similar to 1.(5).
René 41 as revealed by radiographs placed last, thus being restrained by 6) Four specimens with just a
of welded specimens. The mate- the two parallel welds. single weld bead.
rials also were evaluated by their (d) A specimen similar to (}), but c) One specimen as in l.(e).
tensile properties as weld deposits joined by five welds. The end and d) One specimen in which a weld
on tensile coupons of both standard center welds were made first. The was placed from each corner toward
and low-carbon René 41. The ten- other two welds were placed between the center on one-half of a 4- by 4-
sile coupons were prepared by plac-
ing welds of a filler metal longitudin-
ally on the centerline of the coupon.
The specimens then were ground to
obtain uniform thicknesses for the
determination of the tensile prop- L egend
erties. O— Solution treated, i950F, $ hr, AC
Of the three types of filler mate- @— Solution treated aad oged, Aged
rials studied, René 41 and Hastelloy I400F, I6 hrs, AC
“‘W”’ produced the least number of -- Solution trected with preheat OOO F,
cracks in the welds on René 41. 5min , 950F, 3h AC
Generally, any cracks in the welds x —- Solution treoted ond aged with preneot
line 1000 F, Smin, S50 F, = hr, AC 400F
were located at the stop-start po- 6nrs A
sitions of where the circular patch
had been tacked to the 4-in.-sq
plate. Hastelloy ““X’’ was the only
filler material used to prepare the
weld specimens of Astroloy. Again
there were frequent occurrences of
cracks in the weld deposits.
The cracks in the welds of René
41 usually did not affect the proc-
essing and repair-welding opera-
tions. In the specimens of Astro-
loy, the weld cracks may or may not
have affected subsequent processing Number
since the Astroloy specimens ex-
hibited cracking over an extensive
The results of the tensile tests
are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. The
specimens welded with either René
41 or Hastelloy ““X”’ appear to have
better properties than the material
welded with Hastelloy ““W.”

Heating-rate Experiments on
Rene 41 and Astroloy Welds
Weld specimens were heated at
various rates through the aging 0.1 0.1 0.2 03
Distonce From Fusion Line, cm
temperatures to determine the mini-
mum rate of heating that would pre- Fig. 13—Hardness of unrestrained weld specimens of
vent restrained welds from cracking. René 41 showing the effects of preheat

398-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

in. plate of the type that was used in the performance of repair welds of weld heat treatments, size of filler
the patch tests. René 41 subjected to reaging treat- wire and the water-cooled copper
e) One specimen with a weld ments consisted of: (1) locally solu- top plate were not effective when
bead placed diagonally to each of tion treating the repair weld, (2 evaluated in the _ repair-welding
the original corners of one-half of a hammer peening the entire weld operation. The water-cooled plate
4- by 4-in. plate. specimen, (3) minimizing tempera- was applied successfully in a single
None of the specimens of René 41 tures during welding by a water- experiment in which it was used
cracked at heating rates as low as cooled copper top plate, (4) mini- during both the original welding and
10° F per minute. Conversely mizing heat input by using a small- repair-welding operations of a René
none of the specimens of Astroloy, sized filler wire, (5) preheating be- 41 specimen.
welded in the mill-annealed condi- fore welding, (6) improving the Only a limited evaluation of
tion, could be prevented from crack- ductility of René 41 at the aging Astroloy was made, because the
ing even at a heating rate of about temperature by a _ double-aging major emphasis in the fusion-weld-
1000° F per minute. Welds on treatment and (7) preheating before ing experiments was concerned with
cold-rolled Astroloy did not crack the solution treatment of the orig- René 41. Specimens of Astroloy
with a heating rate of 25 deg per inal weld. The experiments were would crack during the solution
minute. This indicated that un- conducted on the standard compo- treatment after welding. The fail-
less a postweld treatment was per- sition of René 41, which contained ures were mainly in the base metal
formed on Astroloy, hammer peen- about 0.10° carbon and 0.005% and transverse to, or through, the
ing for example, welded material boron, and the low-carbon modifica- weld metal. It was necessary, there-
would crack regardless of the heating tion, which contained about 0.03% fore, to develop and apply post-
rate through the aging-temperature carbon and 0.011% boron. Four weld treatments after the first weld-
range. Hammer peening of a re- thicknesses of material were used in ing operation. A postweld ham-
strained-type weld specimen has the investigations, 0.030, 0.045, mer-peening operation at room tem-
verified this conclusion. 0.060 and 0.075 in. Regardless of perature was successfully used to
composition and plate thickness, prevent cracking of an Astroloy
Summary the only techniques that prevented specimen during the solution heat
Restrained-type weld specimens repair welds from cracking during treatment. The same _ technique
were used to study the performance the reaging treatment at 1400° F was used successfully for the aging
of fusion-welded René 41 and Astro- were a localized solution treatment heat treatment and for the reaging
loy alloys. The methods that were at 1950° F for 5 min or hammer treatment after repair welding.
employed in attempts to improve peening at room temperature. Pre- Investigations were made also to


1 a |S
Room —— 1400F —— —1400F —
temperature ™peroture
Fig. 14—Results of tensile tests at room temperature and 1400 Fig. 15—Results of tensile tests at room temperature and 1400
F of standard René 41 heat KH110, with longitudinal welds of F of low-carbon René 41 heat TV250 with longitudinal welds of
various filler materials. Specimens tested in aged conditions. various filler materials. Specimens tested in the aged condi-
Tensile tests performed by GE-AGT tions. Tensile tests performed by GE-AGT


determine the minimum heating specimens. When René 41 was tive performance of each filler
rate to solution treating tempera- welded with Hastelloy “‘X’’ filler material difficult. No evaluation of
tures which would prevent cracking material, more stop-start cracks filler materials for Astroloy was
of welded specimens of Astroloy and were produced in the weld metal made since Hastelloy ‘‘X’’ was used
René 41 alloys. The results of the than when Hastelloy ‘““W” or René in all welding experiments on Astro-
investigation on Astroloy showed 41 were used. Tensile properties of loy.
that regardless of the degree of re- the filler materials at room tempera-
straint, heating rate was not the ture and 1400° F were obtained on Acknowledgment
only major factor in preventing specimens of standard and low-car- The authors wish to express their
cracking of mill-annealed material. bon René 41 on which longitudinal, gratitude to the General Electric Co.
For René 41, a specimen could not centerline welds were made. These for permission to publish this infor-
be made that possessed sufficient specimens were prepared at Battelle mation. Guidance and assistance
restraint to cause failure during and submitted for the evaluation of were given by R. J. Morris and W.
heating, even at a low rate of 10° F the tensile properties. The results H. Couts, Jr., of the Flight Pro-
per minute. pulsion Laboratory and Aircraft
of the tension tests indicate that
The quality of welds made with Gas Turbine Division of General
various types of filler materials was there is little difference in the tensile Electric, Evendale, Ohio. Ac-
determined by the number of cracks properties of specimens welded with knowledgment is given also to
that were formed at stop-start and the various filler materials. How- James R. Siders, of Battelle, for his
tack-weld locations as revealed by ever, scatter in the data makes any contributions in the preparation of
radiographic examinations of welded definite conclusions about the rela- the weld specimens.

Titanium Welding joints in titanium mill products.

Recent advancements in _ tita- Engineering Index
RESEARCHNEWS nium welding— including use of inert
gas-shielded metal-arc welding in The Engineering Index is a compi-
production of titanium assemblies lation of abstracts from world-wide
New Technique for Measuring the are reported in a study released technological literature. The 1532
Hydrogen Content of Steels through the Office of Technical pages of the 1959, 75th edition, con-
Services, Business and Defense Serv- tain over 39,100 annotations of
The British Welding Research articles reviewed in some 1700 pub-
ices Administration, U. S. De-
Association has recently described a partment of Commerce. lications of engineering, scientific
new rapid technique for measuring and technical societies; engineer-
The Welding of Titanium and
the quantity of hydrogen dissolved ing and industrial periodicals, and
Titanium Alloys by C. E. Faulkner
in steels. and C. B. Voldrich, Defense Metals publications of government bureaus;
Hitherto, the determination of engineering experiment stations, uni-
Information Center, Battelle Me-
hydrogen in steel has generally been morial Institute. Dec. 1959. 69 versities and other research organi-
made by heating the sample to zations. Selection of articles appear-
pages. (Order PB 151079 from
about 600-700° C under a high OTS, U. S. Department of Com- ing in these publications is made on
vacuum and the gas is drawn out. the basis of how they deal with the
merce, Washington 25, D. C.,
This method, is expensive and the $1.75.) A revision of a titanium art and science of engineering.
analysis takes quite a long time. welding report published in Febru- Articles on pure science, economics,
The new BWRA technique, which commerce and trade, editorials, news
ary 1956, this latest report discusses
was described at a recent symposium items, notices of meetings, trade
advances in titanium welding, in-
on “Determination of Gases in Me- announcements, etc., are omitted if
cluding the use of inert gas-shielded
tals,” uses a carrier gas principle. metal-arc welding in the production not considered of primary impor-
Argon, an inert gas, is passed over of titanium assemblies. Other ad- tance. The Engineering Index is
the sample of steel, which is heated vances described are the assembly arranged under 249 “‘field of inter-
in a furnace. The gas evolved is welding of titanium alloys Ti-5Al- est” divisions of engineering, with a
swept along to a hydrogen-sensitive 12-page list of technical publications
2.5Sn and Ti-6Al-4V (which pre-
cell from which the result is plotted viously were either riveted or fabri- reviewed and a 96-page index of
directly on an electrical graph re- cated from commercially pure tita- authors. Of the technical publica-
corder in the form of a peak. The nium) and the ASME approval of tions reviewed, 710 come from 44
system is so accurate that as little unalloyed titanium for the fabrica- countries and about 1000 from the
as 1 ppm hydrogen can be detected United States.
and measured. The analysis time tion of unfired pressure vessels.
The study also covers general welding Published by the Engineering
with this apparatus is 15 min com- Index, Inc., 29 W. 39th St., New
pared with about 2 hr for the con- procedures, surface cleaning, quality
York 18, N. Y.
ventional instrument. A patent ap- control, stress relief treatment and
plication has been made. the mechanical properties of welded (Continued on page 416-s)

400-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

A New High-Temperature Manganese-Base Brazing Alloy

Brazing alloys having good self-fluxing properties,

so that no special cleaning practice after brazing are

required, have been developed to meet the demands

of the jet and rocket industry


introduction advantage that they are usually wettability and, in some cases,
The advent of the jet and rocket weak at high temperatures and are are prone to room- or elevated-tem-
industry has caused an increasing de- virtually useless at temperatures perature aging which reduces their
mand for brazing and coating ma- approaching their initial melting inherent ductility.
terials with good mechanical prop- points. Also some of these are
A New Alloy
erties, high resistance to oxidation, rather sluggish during brazing.
Joints made with the high-tem- Recently, a new manganese-base
wear and corrosion at low and high alloy, which combines many of the
temperatures to meet the needs perature nickel alloys differ in
metallurgical characteristics from advantages of both the silver and
which exist when brazing com- nickel high-temperature brazing al-
ponents for their varied service re- joints made with copper, silver
solders and even some manganese loys has been examined at the
quirements. Because of the complex- author’s plant for some of the rocket-
ity of the components, it is neces- alloys in that they approach closely
the mechanical properties, corrosion engine applications. This alloy
sary that the high-temperature braz- contains approximately 16° nickel,
ing alloys have good self-fluxing and oxidation resistance of the
stainless and heat-resistant alloys 16% cobalt, less than 1°% boron,
properties so that no special clean- balance manganese. It has been
ing practice, after brazing, is re- for whose fabrication they are
largely intended. Some of these developed to provide inherent duc-
quired. In order to meet one or tility in the brazing alloy and to
more of these requirements, the newer alloys possess great fluidity,
while others are comparatively slug- reduce the alloying effect which is
base elements of these new alloys characteristic of the nickel-base
usually have been silver, manganese gish. Variations in flow character-
istics of the several types of nickel alloys. In addition to improve-
or nickel. Metal elements such as ment on the latter properties, other
lithium, boron and or silicon have alloys are necessary to meet par-
ticular conditions existing during advantages have become evident.
been added to achieve the low-tem-
perature flow characteristics and the braze cycle and to produce the Discussion
good self-fluxing qualities. end result desired. However, there
are certain disadvantages with these The following discussion presents
Where a major increase in hard- the results of the tests which have
ness was required, additions of boron alloys. The low-melting nickel-
base brazing alloys are moderately been performed to date on the
were made and improvement in Mn-Ni-Co-B _ alloy. Since our
oxidation resistance in some of these ductile when alloying occurs with
the base material. The high-tem- immediate interests lay in the ap-
alloys was achieved by the use of plication of this alloy to the brazing
varying amounts of chromium. perature melting alloys, because of
their flow requirements in the tem- of Type 347 thin-walled tubing,
The one thing in common with much of what is to be said concern-
most of these alloys has been the perature range of 2050-2200° F,
produce excessive grain growth in ing the comparison tests centers
necessity for a rigid atmosphere itself around this application. Our
control during brazing. This con- the base metal. It is of interest to
note that most of the low- and high- first requirement was to determine
trol has become a fairly common- the optimum flow temperatures for
place procedure as more and more temperature-melting nickel-brazing
alloys tend to promote grain growth this alloy. Subsequent tests in-
experience has been gained in the dicated that, depending upon the
use of dry inert or reducing gases and this condition is particularly
prominent in the heavy filleted application, good flow character-
or, recently, partial or full vacuum. istics were obtained between 1850
areas of the higher-melting nickel-
Advantages and Disadvantages base alloys. Another disadvantage and 1950° F. It should be noted
of Basic Types with many of the latter materials here that all work, except where
Silver alloys have the big dis- welding was performed, was con-
is that care must be exercised in the
ducted in a dry-hydrogen atmos-
use of excessive quantities of braze phere with a dewpoint of —60° F
alloy to prevent severe under- max. The time at brazing tempera-
RAYMONDC. KOPITUK is associated with the cutting of the base metal caused
Reaction Motors Div., Thiokol Chemical Corp ture ranged from 15 to 30 min.
Denville, N. J by the flowing braze alloys. The flow and wettability of this
Paper to be presented at the AWS National Fall The manganese-base alloys have alloy were determined to be com-
Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26-29
1960 moderate oxidation resistance, fair parable to that obtained with AMS


Brazing temperature was 1900° F. the braze alloy even though penetra-
By comparison, Fig. 4 shows that tion of the braze alloy into the base
there is little or no undercutting metal is low.
when using large fillets of Mn-
Ductility and Strength
Ni-Co-B alloy and that there is
still relatively small grain size. A comparison of the ductility of
The grain size is of two types: a the brazed joints for this design
smaller grain size on the outside was done by taking samples of
diameter of the tubing and a slightly brazed tubing and bending this tub-
larger grain size in the rest of the ing until failure of the joint oc-
tubing. The smaller grains on the curred. ‘Type 347 stainless-steel
outside diameter are _ probably tube specimens, * , in. OD, 0.035-
caused by recrystallization of cold- in. wall were used. Figures 5, 6
worked material—the cold working and 7 show the results of these
being performed during the straight-
Fig. 1—Grain growth in tubing material ening operation on the tubing during
(lower part) as a result of brazing with a mill fabrication. Since this sample
high-temperature nickel-brazing alloy at was brazed at 1950° F, it indicated
2150° F x 10
that the Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy pro-
moted little or no grain growth.
41777 (nickel-base alloy containing Note also the lack of alloy penetra-
approximately 4° silicon, 7° chro- tion as compared to that seen in
mium, 3°% iron and 3° boron). Fig. 3. All tubing received from
the mill showed a grain size of
Grain Growth, Undercutting and Alloying 5-7 ASTM.
Other properties which were of Since the nickel-base brazing
concern were the effect of large
alloys are noted for their ability
brazed fillets on grain growth, to alloy readily with the base metal
undercutting and braze-alloy pene- and so approach the melting point
tration. of the latter, tests were conducted
Figure 1 shows the grain growth Fig. 3—Joint brazed with AMS 4777 nickel-
to determine the remelting tempera- brazing alloy at 1900° F. Note lack of
which was obtained as a result
tures of brazed joints, again on undercutting. Grain size has increasedin
of brazing with a high-temperature
type 347 thin-walled tubing. The vicinity of braze material. x 7
nickel brazing alloy (brazing tem-
initial brazing temperature was
perature 2150° F). Base material 1950° F for 15 min. Tubing was
was 0.035-in. wall type 347 stain-
cylindrical in cross section and ad-
less-steel tubing. Note the ex-
jacent tubes had line contact during
tremely large grains with some grain
the brazing operation. Obviously,
boundaries extending completely
the braze alloy in that area where
across the wall of the tubing.
tubing had line contact would be
Figure 2 is a reduced magnifica-
expected to alloy readily, but the
tion of the same area, showing the primary interest was to know how
severe undercutting which has oc-
much alloying would occur in the
curred adjacent to that area.
Figure 3 shows the effect of large fillet areas. Results of these tests
braze fillets when using AMS 4777. showed that the remelt temperature
Fig. 4—Joint brazed with Mn-Ni-Co-B
There is no undercutting present was approximately 2250° F. Ap- brazing alloy. Note lack of undercutting
but there is a tendency toward grain parently, there is considerable dif- and retention of relatively small grains.
growth and rapid alloy diffusion. fusion of base-metal elements into x7

Fig. 5—Bend test of 347 stainless-steel

tubes brazed with AMS 4777. Crack may
Fig. 2—Severe undercutting of the tubing as a result of brazing with an be seen in center where specimens broke
excess quantity of high-temperature nickel-brazing alloy at 2150°F. x 8 during test. xX 1'/,

402-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

tests. Originally the 4 tubes in each ture nickel braze (Fig. 7) (brazing with the Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy was
sample were in the same horizontal temperature 2150° F) were ex- desirable during fabrication for re-
plane. Bending occurred around pected, for this material had pre- pair purposes and as a primary
the axis of the line of braze created viously shown good ductility in filler rod for welding thin 300 series
in bending the tubes together. other tests. stainless-steel structures. It was
Note that a sample brazed with A comparison of the strength of found that no cracking occurred
AMS 4777 (Fig. 5), although it the joints was made with Mn-Ni- either in the fillet or braze joint
did show some ductility, failed Co-B, AMS 4777 and the low- when welding with the Mn-Ni-Co-B
after a 10-deg bend. The sample boron high-temperature nickel alloy. alloy as the primary joining ma-
brazed with Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy (Fig. The interest lay particularly in terial or as an overlay to a previously
6) showed exceptionally good duc- determining the strength of the brazed Mn-Ni-Co-B joint. Con-
tility. Although there was a severe joint, in tension, between the brazed siderable trouble has been en-
amount of deformation on _ the tubing. Care was taken in designing countered in the past on other
tubing sample, there was still no the fixture so that a minimum of brazing alloys where welding over
evidence of cracking in the joint eccentric loading was encountered complex brazed joints was required.
or base metal adjacent the joint. during tensile tests. The load was The age-hardening part of the
The results on the high-tempera- applied in a direction perpendicular program consisted of two phases.
to the line of the brazed joint and Phase I was a study of the effect
mandrels were fitted inside the tubes of various aging temperatures upon
so that a minimum of bending of the the properties of the joint. Phase
tube walls occurred during loading. II was a study of the effect of
Every effort was made to have Inconel X heat treatment upon the
approximately the same size braze properties of the joint. The latter
fillets in all samples. The width of was of particular interest since the
the gap was 0.003 in. The results immediate application of this braze
of this work showed that the alloy was to a component which
strength when using AMS 4777 also contained Inconel X and which
or the low-boron high-temperature was heat treated during and after
nickel brazing alloy was from 1400 fabrication to obtain optimum heat-
to 2000 lb /linealinch. The strength treated properties for the Inconel X.
of the Mn-Ni-Co-B brazed joints The Type 347 stainless-steel tube
Fig. 6—Bend test of 347 stainless-steel was from 2900 to 4500 Ib lineal specimens described previously were
tubes brazed with Mn-Ni-Co-B brazing inch. The tensile properties of furnace brazed using Mn-Ni-Co-B
alloy. X2 the Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy have been alloy (—150 mesh). Brazing tem-
reported to be similar in yield and perature was 1950° F. Specimens
ultimate strength and ductility to were held at brazing temperature for
Type 347 stainless steel at room 15min. Anoverlay of weld bead was
temperature. placed on top of the furnace-brazed
specimens using ' /»-in. diam Mn-Ni-
Aging Tests Co-B welding rod. The overlay was
Since certain manganese-base applied by inert-gas-shielded tung-
brazing alloys have proved to be sten-arc welding. Additional spec-
susceptible to age hardening at room imens were joined by welding with
and elevated temperatures, it was Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy rod as primary
necessary to determine what effect filler. The width of the gap be-
various heat treatments would have tween the tubes was 0.003 in. max.
upon the properties of brazed and A summary of the specimens tested
Fig. 7—Bend test of 347 stainless- brazed-welded joints. Braze welding are as follows:
steel tubes brazed with high-
temperature nickel alloy. x 1

Fig. 8—Gas tungsten-arc welded Mn-Ni- Fig. 9—Weld metal heated at 300° F for 1 Fig. 10—Weld metal heated at 400° F for
Co-B alloy. Room-temperature specimen. hr. Etched in mixed acids. x 150. 1 hr. Etched in mixed acids. xX 150.
Etched in mixed acids. x 150. (Reduced (Reduced by one-third upon reproduc- (Reduced by one-third upon reproduc-
by one-third upon reproduction) tion) tion)


Table 1—Tensile Strength of Mn-Ni-Co-B Brazed Tube Joints Subjected to Various Aging Temperatures
Aged at 300° F Aged at 400° F Aged at 600° F Aged at 800° F
Room temperature for 1 hr for l hr for lhr for lhr
Tensile Loca- Tensile Loca- Tensile Loca- Tensile Loca- Tensile Loca-
Type of strength, tion of strength, tion of strength, tion of strength, tion of strength, tion of
specimen Ib/lin in. break® Ib/ break Ib/lin in. break Ib/lin in. break Ib/lin in. break
Furnace brazed 3420 T 3500 F 3190 3280 3310 F
3150 al 3630 3570 3950 3015
3840 F 2780 3130 3120 3920
3720 3850 3340 3920
Inert-gas-shielded tung-
sten-arc welded 3310

Furnace brazed and inert-

gas-shielded tungsten-
arc welded 4710 3960
4700 4730
3820 4120

= Break occurred in tube. F = Break occurred

in filler material.

1. Furnace-brazed tube — speci- three types of specimens to a heat

mens (Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy). treatment duplicating, as closely
2. Furnace-brazed (Mn-Ni-Co-B as practical, the Inconel X com-
braze alloy) tube specimens ponent heat treatment. The heat
with an overlay of Mn-Ni-Co-B treatment that these specimens were
weld bead. subjected to is as follows:
Inert-gas-shielded tungsten-arc Srep 1: 1950° F for 5 min, dry-
welded tube specimens (Mn- hydrogen atmosphere cooled to
Ni-Co-B weld rod). room temperature—air blasted
The above specimens were heated heated at 400° F. for 1 hr
at 300, 400, 600 and 800° F for air cooled.
1 hr in air atmosphere. Speci- STEPs 2, 3, 4: A repeat of Step 1.
mens (including ‘‘as-brazed’’ speci- Srep 5: 1900 F for 1 hr, dry-
mens) aged at each of these tem- hydrogen atmosphere cooled
peratures were later tensile tested to room temperature—air
in the manner described previously. blasted.
One specimen from each of the Srep 6: 1300° F for 20 hr Fig. 13—Photomicrograph of joint be-
temperature groups was prepared air atmosphere—air ccoled. tween stainless-steel tubes brazed with
for metallographic examination and Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy. Etched in mixed acids.
Sree 7: 400° F for 1 hr. <x 150. (Reduced by one-half upon re-
microhardness tests.
Phase II consisted of exposing the The treatment described above production)

a |
Fig. 11—Weld metal heated at 600° F for Fig. 12—Weld metal heated at 800° F for Fig. 14—Weld metal after Inconel X
l hr. Etched in mixed acids. x 150. l hr. Etched in mixed acids. x 150. chamber heat treat. Etched in mixed
(Reduced by one-third upon reproduc- (Reduced by one-third upon reproduc- acids. x 150. (Reduced by one-half
tion) tion) upon reproduction)

404-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

curred between the Mn-Ni-Co-B
Table 2—Hardness Values Obtained from alloy and the 347 stainless-steel Table 3—Tensile Strengths and Hard-
Mn-Ni-Co-B Braze Alloy When Subjected tubes. The alloyed zone has a ness of Specimen Subjected to Inconel X
to 1 hr Aging Time at Various Tempera- Heat Treatment
tures. (Each number is an average of 5 hardness close to that of 347 stain-
readings in R,, converted from DPHN) less steel. On the other hand, the Tensile Loca-
welded Mn-Ni-Co-B does not flow strength, tion of
Furnace brazed into the joint and alloy. The hard- Hard Ib./lin frac-
Unaged 300°F 400°F 600°F ness values for the welded fillet is Condition ness, R, in ture
48” 51 53 50 close to the actual hardness of the Brazed 48 3240
50 53 53 50 Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy.
50 50 The macrographic examination of
Welded the fractures of the tube specimen
64 65 from the tensile tests) revealed a Braze +
63 63 ductile type of fracture. weld
59 64 There were no observable changes
62 61 in the microstructure of the filler
Furnace brazed and weld-bead overlay material of the specimens subjected
] 60 63 63 66 to the 300, 400, 600 and 800° F Welded
57 64 66 66 heat treatments. For the welded
64 57 60 specimens, this is shown in Figs.
66 62 8 to 12. (Mixed acid with the com- ee
56 57 position 92% HCl, 5% H.SO, and
50 58 3° HNO; by volume was used as
57 60 Average of 5 specin ens Five readings on
etchant. Figure 13, showing a each specimen Hardness w as taken in weld
furnace brazed joint, is typical of or braze fillet as applicable
the braze-alloy structure observed T, Break occurred in tube. F, Break oc
Hardness in this group taken in weld bead curred in braze fillet or weld bead
Hardness in this group taken in braze before and after aging treatments.
fillet Note that due to a minimum amount strength and _ ductility surpass
of braze alloy present, alloying many of the presently available
is not a normal heat-treat cycle for has progressed rapidly and a normal high-temperature brazing alloys.
Inconel X but it does represent the austenitic type of grain structure 2. There was no significant effect
complicated cycle needed in fabricat- exists across the joint area. on the tensile strengths of the joints
ing the component which contained Metallographic examination of subjected to the various aging
the brazed section. the specimens subjected to the treatments.
In addition to tensile testing, a Inconel X heat treatment (Phase II 3. To the limits of the tests per-
specimen of each type was pre- revealed a marked change in the formed, Mn-Ni-Co-B alloy does
pared for metallographic examina- microstructure of the Mn-Ni-Co-B not age harden either when furnace
tion and microhardness testing. weld bead. The usual dendritic brazed or braze welded as evi-
structure has been replaced by one denced by the microhardness tests
Results of Aging Tests consisting of a randomly dispersed, after temperature treatments.
The results of the tensile tests of curved, needlelike constituent with- 1. The samples underwent no
Phase I are shown in Table 1. in the matrix and, also, as closely change in microstructure when sub-
Results of Phase II tensile and grouped very small fine needles jected to 300, 400, 600, or 800° F
microhardness tests are shown in appearing as large bands in the for 1 hr.
Table 3. The spread in tensile photomicrographs). Figure 14 5. The welded sample when sub-
properties of the tube specimens for shows this structure. No effort jected to the Inconel X assembly
the same heat treatment and type is was made in this investigation to heat treatment revealed a change in
caused by many factors (wettability, determine the nature of this struc- microstructure from the _ typical
quantity, inclusions, etc., of the ture since strength and ductility dendritic structure, but this change
filler material). However, there changes were of primary interest. had no effect on the short-time
was no significant change in tensile However, the change in structure physical properties of the joint.
strength due to the different aging had little effect on the tensile prop-
temperatures. erties. Acknowledgment
Microhardnesses are shown in The author wishes to express his
Table 2. The differences noted in Conclusions thanks to Messrs. T. Cape, inventor
the hardness values of the furnace- From the results of this in- of the alloy, W. Rutherford and C.
brazed fillet and the tungsten-arc- vestigation, the following con- Forester of Coast Metals, Inc. for
welded fillet of the Mi-Ni-Co-B clusions may be drawn: their technical assistance and
alloy is explained by the location of 1. A new versatile high-tempera- Messrs. D. Bedford, E. Smiles and
the filler material. The furnace- ture alloy has been developed which E. Stack of the Reaction Motors
brazed fillet is located at the closest is suitable for brazing and or weld- Division for their invaluable assist-
point between the tubes. Within ing as a primary or repair filler for ance in acquiring the necessary lab-
this narrow zone, alloying has oc- high temperature applications. Its oratory and production data.


Brazing and Soldering of Beryllium

Methods investigated, equipment and material used,

and experimental results obtained from the initial developmental

investigation of the brazing and soldering of

beryllium are described by the authors


ABSTRACT. The brazing of beryllium was that it should have a tensile

to itself by furnace-brazing, induction- strength approaching that of beryl- Table 1—Typical Chemical Analysis and
brazing and soft-soldering techniques lium. Density of Beryllium
was investigated. Undercoatings for The joining of beryllium by braz-
subsequent tinning, soldering or braz- Constituent Weight, % Density, g/cc
ing were applied by flame spraying, ing or soldering seems to be plagued Be 99.64 1.842
electrodeposition, torch coating and with difficulties largely due to the BeO 0.95
by molten-metal dipping. ease of oxidation of the metal, par- Fe 0.060
As beryllium possesses strong re- ticularly at elevated temperatures. Al 0.045
activity with oxygen, particularly at This characteristic necessitates that Mg 0.025
elevated temperatures, it was necessary particular attention be paid to the Ni 0.010
to carry out the brazing operations in a removal and exclusion of surface Cr 0.008
vacuum or inert atmosphere. Fluxes oxide films during joining opera-
were not used in the actual joining
operation because of possible corrosion tions.
problems presented by their use. Beryllium is extremely notch sen-
Good surface coatings were obtained sitive and has very limited duc- specified for the hot-pressed metal.
by electroplating beryllium with copper tility. Consequently, sharp corners A typical chemical analysis and
or silver from cyanide or acid solutions. or abrupt changes in section thick- density of the beryllium metal is
Furnace brazing in an electric muffle ness must be avoided in the joint given in Table 1.
furnace was most successful when pure design to prevent premature joint A number of brazing alloys and
silver, BAg-1, or 70 wo silver — 30 failure because of cracks or notches.
w/o aluminum was used with samples soft solders were tested for their
Because of the potential health suitability in joining beryllium.
mechanically cleaned or chemically
etched. Excellent joints were ob- hazard derived from the toxicity These materials are listed in Tables
tained using magnesium to precoat the of beryllium and its compounds, 2 and 3.
beryllium. Precoating with the mag- particular attention was devoted to
nesium and subsequent brazing was the design of equipment installa-
best accomplished by induction heat- tions to exhaust hazardous dusts or
ing. fumes from the breathing zones.
Soft soldering was found to be an Operators wore approved respirators Table 2—Srazing Alloys for Beryllium
effective method of joining beryllium during those operations which were
when the design of the joint permitted Nominal composition,
particularly hazardous as _ deter- Material w/o
the use of a press fit.
mined by air sample counts. With Ag-Al 70 Ag, 30 Al
Introduction these precautions, no difficulty was Al-Ag 70 Al, 30 Ag
experienced in controlling any opera- Flame-sprayed Ni, Cr (% unknown)
Before the nuclear, physical and tion within permissible AEC toler- Ni-Cr
mechanical properties of the metal ances for the material. Bronze 92 Cu, 8 Sn
beryllium can be used to the best It is the purpose of this paper to Cu Electrolytic grade
advantage in the missile and nuclear describe the methods investigated, Ag-Cu-Zr 70.1 Ag, 27.4 Cu, 2.5 Zr
fields, it is necessary to develop Ag-Cu-Ti 70.1 Ag, 27.4 Cu, 2.5 Ti
equipment and materials used and BAg-8 72 Ag, 28 Cu
methods for joining the metal to the experimental results obtained Ag 99.999 Ag
itself and to other metals. The from the initial developmental in- BAg-1 45 Ag, 15Cu, 16 Zn, 24Cd
major purpose of this investigation vestigation of the brazing and Ti Comm. pure Ti
was to examine methods by which soldering of beryllium. Zn Comm. pure Zn
beryllium could be joined to itself 1100 Al 99.0 Al (min.)
by brazing and soldering. The Material BAISi-4 88 Al-12 Si
ultimate requirement of the joint The beryllium used for this in- BAISi-3 86 Al, 10 Si, 4 Cu
vestigation was vacuum-hot-pressed BAISi-1 95 Zn, 5 Al
Mg 1.2 Mn, 0.05 Sn (max),
R. W. KEIL, G.S. HANKS and J. M. TAUB are metal processed from powder. 0.05 Cu (max), 0.01
associated with the University of California, Specifications required a — 200 mesh
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, Ni, 0.12 Ca, other im-
N. Mex powder with a beryllium content purities 0.3, balance
Alternate paper for AWS 41st Annual Meeting not less than 98.00 w/o. A mini- Mg
held in Los Angeles, Calif., Apr. 25-29, 1960 mum density of 1.80 g/cc was

406-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

diam specimens was done with a face consisted of three general pro-
10-kw, 450-ke generator as shown cedures: hot-dip coating, metal
in Fig. 1. An induction unit was spraying and electroplating. Be-
designed to accommodate 6-inch fore coating, it was first necessary to
cylindrical sections. Power for this remove the surface oxide of the
unit was supplied by a _ 100-kw, beryllium by wire brushing, acid
10-kc generator operating through etching or by suitable fluxing.
a transformer of 6:1 ratio and Beryllium was first successfully
dip coated by dipping a sample
into a molten aluminum flux, con-
Table 3—Soft Solders for Beryllium sisting of tin and chlorides, at 250
to 275° C for 20 to 30 sec. An ex-
Nominal composition, cellent metal coating was obtained
Materials w/o
by dipping beryllium into a molten
Sn alloy High Sn (comp. unknown)
Sn-Ag-Cd 94.5 Sn, 3.5Ag, 1.0Cd bath of 70 w/o Ag—30 w/o Al at 726
50 Pb, 50 In to 822° C for 15 to 60 sec. The
50 Pb, 50 Sn bath was covered with a molten
50 Sn, 50 In layer of flux composed of 60 w/o
Comm. pure LiF—40 w/o LiCl.
Pb-Sn-Zn 41.6 Pb. 31.6 Sn, Good adherence was obtained by
B-21 j1 Sn, 8 Zn, 1 Ni flame-sprayed coatings of metal
B-32 15 Sn, 20 Ag, 3Cu,2Zn powders of type 1100 Al, nickel-
chromium alloys, and wire-sprayed
bronze. Blanks were cleaned by
primary voltage of 400 v maximum. acid etching; they were preheated to
The induction chamber contained 150° C before spraying. The acid
a mechanism for lowering and rais- etch solution was composed of 10 ml
ing the beryllium through the H;PO,, 2 ml HCl, 85 ml H.O and 3
oe Tem field of the inductor. This unit is g CrO,.. The black oxide resulting
shown in Fig. 2. from the etching solution was re-
Fig. 1—Physical setup (top) and sche- Flame-coatings were applied to
matic diagram (bottom) of induction unit moved by immersion for 20 to 30
used to braze 1- and 3-in. diam beryllium beryllium by use of standard wire sec ina 5v/o HF (48%) solution.
specimens feed and power-feed flame-spraying Good coatings were obtained by
equipment. All spraying was per- electroplating beryllium with copper
formed in a hood to protect the or silver. Standard silver-cyanide
operator from possible beryllium high-speed and silver-strike solu-
Equipment dusts. tions and acid copper sulfate and
Furnace brazing was performed Pressure testing of joined beryl- cyanide copper strike solutions were
in a standard electric-resistance lium cylinders was performed in a used.
muffle furnace. Furnace tempera- locally designed and built air-
hydraulic booster unit. This unit Furnace Brazing
tures within the muffle were meas-
ured by thermocouples and _ re- is shown in Fig. 3. Beryllium disk specimens 1'/, in.
corded on standard recording in- diam. by '/; in. thickness and flat
Preliminary Investigations
struments. A flow of helium was lap-joint specimens appropriate for
maintained within the furnace to The first experiments in joining tensile testing were used in a fur-
minimize oxidation of the beryllium. involved the investigation of several nace-brazing investigation. The
Out-flowing gas was evacuated methods of coating beryllium with brazing was performed in an elec-
through a hood located over the another metal which would ac- tric muffle furnace in a helium at-
furnace opening. tively support the joining process. mosphere with samples held at tem-
Induction brazing of 1- and 3-inch The methods used to coat the sur- perature for 10 to 15min. Pressure

Fig. 2—Induction chamber and high-frequency transformer Fig. 3—Air-hydraulic booster unit used for
employed in brazing 6-in. diam specimens pressure testing joined beryllium cylinders


was applied to the disks and lap-
joint specimens during brazing by Table 4—Data on Furnace-brazed Beryllium Specimens
means of a static weight. Brazing
Initial attempts to furnace braze temp, Breaking Fracture
beryllium disks together were made Brazing material Surface treatment Cc load, Ib stress, psi
using Ag-Cu eutectic (72 w/o Ag-—28 Ag Etched 960 1885 3850
w/o Cu) or titanium or zirconium Sn alloy Tin chloride flux 435 420 660
modifications of the alloy as the BAg-1 Etched 700 1030 1310*
brazing metal. Various surface BAg-8 with 2.5% Zr Ag plate 880 1025 1260
treatments such as copper plating, B-Ag-8 with 2.5% Zr Ag plate 880 625 770
silver plating, flame-sprayed copper, Sn alloy Tin chloride flux 450 1375 1740*
fiame-sprayed nickel-chromium al- Ag Ag plate 960 1880 2350
loy, titanium hydride, titanium Ag Ag plate 960 1650 2040
70w/o Ag-30w/oAl 60 w/o LiF-40 w/o LiCl flux 700 1000 1270*
foil, as-machined and etched were Ag plate 1000 345 650
given the beryllium disks. The Ag plate 1000 396 1100
titanium hydride and titanium foil Mechanically cleaned 1050 135 209
were used in an effort to flux the 70w /o Ag-30w/oAl Mechanically cleaned 975 2220 2820*
beryllium surface. 70 w/o Ag-30w/o Al Etched 975 1905 2420*
In general, the joints obtained in
* Failure occurred through the beryllium
these tests appeared to be unsatis-
factory. The copper-coated sam-
ples, both plated and flame-sprayed because of the corrosion problem, and test results for a group of speci-
were first heated to 850° C for 15 it was decided initially to investi- mens brazed with the aid of ti-
min for diffusion of the copper into gate the strength of joints made tanium flux. In some of these tests,
the beryllium. In the subsequent using flux under optimum brazing the fracture stress is reported for a
reheating operations for brazing, conditions in order to screen out fracture in which the assumption is
these samples were characterized materials which were not suitable. made that the failure occurred in
by separation of the diffusion layer Hollow cylindrical specimens with a simple shear. This assumption is
from the beryllium base metal. 90-deg step joint in the center and not entirely correct as demonstrated
Silver-plated specimens showed with threads on each end were made by test No. 40. In this specimen,
some areas of good bonding; how- for use with an induction-brazing the brazing material was distrib-
ever, there were many voids indic- unit. These specimens were so de- uted only on the joint surfaces
ative of unsatisfactory silver dis- signed that a twofold evaluation which were loaded in tension; fail-
tribution. could be made: (1) the joints were ure occurred in the beryllium im-
The uncoated samples exhibited a to be leak tested with a helium leak mediately adjacent to the beryl-
large number of voids at the beryl- detector and (2) the joints were to lium-solder interface. The value
lium-solder interface. Additions of be evaluated for strength by a ten- reported compares favorably to
titanium and zirconium to _ the sile test in a conventional testing test No. 39 in which failure also
Ag-Cu eutectic alloy were ap- machine. Brazing was done in the occurred through the _ beryllium.
parently of no avail in promoting induction-brazing unit shown in Because the data in Table 5 do not
wetting action. Samples brazed Fig. 1. An adequate inert atmos- furnish the strength of a joint in
with the 72-28 Ag-Cu eutectic, plus phere was secured by a 45 cfh simple shear, it is difficult to state
titanium foil or titanium hydride, flow of helium through the induction accurately what proportion of the
formed an alloy layer of titanium chamber with the use of a 2- to 3- load is sustained in shear and what
and beryllium; however, the bond- min purging period to clear the proportion is sustained in biaxial
ing between this layer and the chamber of air before heating. tension. Although the joint fail-
beryllium was quite poor. Table 5 shows brazing conditions ures reported in shear do not ade-
A number of flat lap-joint speci-
mens were furnace brazed after
which they were pull tested for
joint-strength evaluation. Brazing Table 5—Induction Brazing of 1-in. Specimens, Titanium Flux
conditions and test results are
Breaking Fracture
shown in Table 4. Shear-strength load, |b stress, psi Location and type of failure
Testno. Brazing material
values given for these tests repre-
32? BAg-8 wire 3575 12,400 Failed through joint in shear
sent the highest shear strength sus- 33” BAg-8 wire 3450 11,900 Failed through joint in shear
tained during the test and not the 34 BAg-8 wire 6125 Failed partially through joint and
ultimate shear strength of the Be
joints. 35 BAg-8 with 2.5% Zr 1790 6,200 Failed through joint in shear
Joints of moderate strength were 36 BAg-8 with 2.5% Zr 3720 Failed partially through joint and
made on acid-cleaned or mechani- Be
cally cleaned surfaces without the 37 BAg-8 with 2.5% Zr 5400 16,000 Failed through joint in shear
use of a flux. From this series of 38" Ag wire 6460 10,100 Failed through Be; value is frac-
tests, the braze materials which ture stress of Be
39" Ag wire 8540 17,100 Failed through Be; value is frac-
seemed to indicate the most promise ture stress of Be
were silver, BAg-1, Sn alloy, and 40 Ag wire 5140 17,400 Failed through Be adjacent to
the alloy containing 70 w/o Ag-30 joint, in tension
w 6 AI. 41 BAI Si-4 wire 2480 Failed through joint
42° BAI Si-3 wire 2000 Failed through joint
43 BAI Si-1 wire 1100 Failed through joint
Induction Brazing
Although fluxes were to be elimi- @ Surfaces mechanically cleaned
® Surfaces Ag plated
nated in the final brazing operation ¢ Surfaces acid etched

408-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Table 6—Three-inch Cylinder Soldering Tests
Surface Bursting Shear stress
Test no. Solder treatment press, psig in joint, psi
92 Pb-Sn-Zn, no flux Flame-sprayed Ag 1650 1830°
93 Pb-Sn-Zn, no flux Flame-sprayed Ag 2620 29007
94 50/50 Sn-In Ag plate 620 1460
tin chloride flux
95 50/50 Sn-in 50/50 Sn-in 1100
tin chloride flux tin chloride flux
96 50A, no flux 50/50 Sn-In
tin chloride flux
1 Shear stress sustained—fractured , verylium
> Fracture stress of joint, in shear

quite well for coating beryllium Scaled-up tests were conducted

with magnesium or BAI Si-4 alloy. on 3- and 6-inch, diam cylindrical
2.620 PS! | Titanium flux was used in either samples by induction brazing.
case and an inert atmosphere was However, results obtained from
eee mandatory with magnesium but not brazing these larger sized samples
Fig. 4—Fractures in two 3-in. diam beryl- absolutely necessary with the BAI were not as encouraging as the
lium cylinders joined with solder contain- Si-4 alloy. After precoating, the results from the 1-in. specimens.
ing 41w/o Pb-32w/oSn-27w/oZn. The flux residue was removed by wash- Problems were encountered in heat-
beryllium surface was prepared by flame- ing in water or by wire brushing. ing the joint uniformly because the
spraying with silver. Test 92 is shown at Three 1-in. diam _ cylindrical in. long step joint was longer
top and test 93 at bottom specimens were prepared for in- than the current inductor. Also,
duction brazing with the following difficulty was experienced in getting
quately describe the stress patterns surface preparations: (1) one pre- the top half of the specimen to
in the joint, they are reported in this coated with BAg-1 and a tin chloride settle uniformly onto the bottom
manner only to serve as a basis for flux, (2) one flame-sprayed with 70 half during the fusion of the brazing
comparison. Al-30 Agalloy and (3) one induction material because of the length of
The specimens brazed with the coated with magnesium plus ti- the step joint. Sufficient time was
aluminum alloys exhibited quite un- tanium flux. These samples were not devoted to the brazing of these
satisfactory joints, as the distribu- then induction brazed with pre- larger specimens to overcome the
tion of the brazing alloy was ir- placed magnesium foil used as the problems encountered.
regular and spotty. With the ex- braze metal. The sample which
ception of the tests made with these was induction coated with the Soft Soldering
aluminum alloys, all joints were magnesium was found to be superior In this phase of the investigation,
leak tight as determined by the in strength. This sample fractured the beryllium surface was coated
helium-leak detector. through the beryllium in the same prior to soldering. Ultrasonic tin-
The data from Table 5 indicate manner as the silver-brazed sample ning, tinning with flux, flame-
silver to be an effective brazing in Test 40 (Table 5 The fracture spraying, silver plating and copper
material when used with a properly stress of the beryllium was 17,000 plating were methods used. Wire
fluxed beryllium surface. It seemed psi as compared to 17,400 psi for brushing or machining was found
to make little difference whether the Test 40. The other two joints were to be the best surface preparation
joint was mechanically cleaned or unsatisfactory because of low break- for the coatings.
acid etched prior to brazing. ing strengths. Although good coat- Three-inch diameter cylindrical
An effective means of precoating ings of BAg-1 alloy and flame- specimens, previously precoated,
beryllium was found to be by sprayed aluminum-silver alloy were were soldered by heating the parts
heating the beryllium, with pre- obtained, the preplaced magnesium, on a hot plate. In the tests where a
placed brazing metal and flux, by used as the brazing material, did flux was used, its purpose was to
induction. This process worked not appear to wet these materials. flux the beryllium for coating pur-


Fig. 5—Metallic coatings formed on beryllium by dip coating in a molten bath


beryllium must be preheated to
150° C.
2. The following processes are
-BAg-8+25%2Zr also effective in coating beryllium:
BRAZE METAL a) Electroplating with silver and
copper, (6) hot-dip coating with 70
wo silver — 30 w o aluminum, (c)
BERYLLIUM BERYLLIUM torch coating with BAg-1l, (d)
hot-plate coating with 50/50 tin
indium, B-21 solder, B-32 solder
and tin, (e) induction coating with
magnesium and BAI Si-4.
3. Furnace brazing, using a_ he-
lium atmosphere and no flux, appears
to be only moderately successful
with the following materials: pure
BRAZE METAL silver, BAg-1, and 70 wo silver
30 wo aluminum. It apparently
makes no difference whether the
beryllium surface is mechanically
BERYLLIUM cleaned or acid etched prior to
4. Strong, leakproof joints can
be made by induction brazing,
using a helium atmosphere and
TEST 36 titanium flux with the following
brazing materials: (a) silver-copper
Fig. 6—Induction-brazed joints showing interface eutectic alloy on silver-plated or
between the braze metal and beryllium mechanically cleaned beryllium, (6
silver-copper eutectic containing 2.5
w o zirconium on acid-etched or
silver-plated beryllium, (c) pure
silver on mechanically cleaned or
poses only and was removed prior alloying between the beryllium and acid-etched beryllium. These joints
to joining. No protective at- brazing or soldering § material. showed the greatest strengths.
mosphere was used and the opera- Excellent metal coatings were ob- 5. Induction brazing, without
tion was carried out under ventila- tained by dipping beryllium into flux, using Magnesium on a magne-
tion. baths of tin chloride flux and of 70 sium-coated surface furnished a leak-
A press-fit joint was employed as w o silver — 30 w/o aluminun, Fig. proof joint comparable in strength
the joints were machined with a 5. Photomicrographs of induction- to the silver-brazed joint.
taper on the step. The joints were brazed joints from tests 32, 35, 6. Soft soldering is an effective
found to be leaktight when leak 36 and 38 (Table 5) are shown in method of joining beryllium when
tested and then they were evaluated Fig. 6. Test 32 shows a good bond the design can make use of a press
for strength by a hydrostatic pres- between the braze metal and beryl- fit in the joint, The solders
sure test. To facilitate this test, a lium. A few small voids were and surface treatments’ which
;-in. OD 304 stainless-steel tube found in the beryllium immediately worked best are: (a) Pb-Sn-Zn solder
was brazed into one end of each adjacent to the braze metal-—beryl- on silver flame-sprayed beryllium,
specimen with BAg-1 and a fluoride lium interface. Voids were more b) 50 wo lead-— 50 w/o tin on
flux. No failures of the tube joints numerous in tests 35, 36 and 38, beryllium coated with 50 w/o tin
were experienced. Test results are although adhesion of the _ braze 50 w o indium using tin chloride
shown in Table 6. metal to beryllium was good. flux, (c) B-21 solder on copper-plated
Two of the tests (Nos. 92 and 93 beryllium, (d) B-32 solder on copper-
failed in the beryllium. The frac- Conclusions plated beryl ‘ium.
ture stress of the beryllium in No. 1. Beryllium can be successfully
92 was 5700 psi and that of No. 93 coated by the flame-spray process to Acknowledgment
was 4840 psi. As these values are furnish good undercoating for sub- Appreciation of the authors is
quite low for beryllium, it is believed sequent tinning, soldering or braz- expressed to the following personnel
that the pronounced notch sensi- ing. Good coatings were obtained for their valuable assistance in this
tivity of the metal contributed to with 1100 aluminum, nickel-chro- investigation: E. L. Brundige, T.
premature failure. Photographs of mium alloy, bronze, copper, BAI L. Crisler, D. T. Doll, W. E.
these two tests are shown in Fig. Si-4 alloy, 70 w/o silver —30 w/o Ferguson, D. S. Fisher, W. D.
4. aluminum alloy, and pure silver. Frazier, D. E. Hull, T. I. Jones,
There are two prerequisites for R. S. Kirby, R. O. Montoya, A. L.
Metallography obtaining good metal-sprayed coat- Pinkerton and V. Vigil. All person-
Metallographic examination was ings. These are: (a) the beryllium nel are employed by the Los Alamos
made of most of the specimens must be acid etched immediately Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos,
to determine the amount, if any, of prior to spraying, and (6) the N. Mex.

410-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Some Factors Affecting the Weldability

of the Cupro-Nickels

Investigation covers the reason for fusion-line

cracking, the source of most of the welding difficulties

encountered with cupro-nickel alloys


ABSTRACT. Cupro-nickel alloys, like Their record of extensive use and

most other commonly welded ma- successful fabrication makes it evi-
terials, have not been immune to dent that these are weldable mater-
welding problems which occur from ials, and investigators who have
time to time. This paper is the result
of an investigation to determine the studied their welding characteristics
reason for fusion-line cracking——the have’ confirmed _ this. How-
source of most of the welding difficul- ever, there have been problems with
ties that have been encountered with fusion-line cracking from time to
these alloys. time. This study is the result of an
This study, which involved the investigation conducted to learn
preparation of nearly 250 compositions why these failures occur.
of cupro-nickel and close to 500 welds,
showed that fusion-line cracking in Approach
cupro-nickel welds is primarily the Fig. 1—Tee-joint-fillet weldability
result of low-melting point inter Some limited unpublished work test specimen. X
dendritic segregates that form at the on the weldability of 70-30 cupro-
weld interface when certain trace ele- nickel which was done some time the more severe welding applica-
ments or impurities are present in the ago showed that welds made on tions encountered in industry. The
base metal in sufficient quantities plate having a high-phosphorus con- tee-joint fillet-weld specimen,’
Other factors, such as welding-energy tent were susceptible to fusion-line modifications of which have been
input and filler-metal composition, cracking. Since that time, there used extensively as_ weldability
that control the degree of segregation,
also influence the susceptibility to have been other instances where tests,'’:'* was found to offer a rela-
fusion-line cracking. fusion-line cracking was traceable tively simple, reliable and repro-
to the presence of phosphorus, but in ducible means of testing material
no case was there conclusive evi- for susceptibility to weld fusion-line
dence that the cracking was the re- cracking.
Copper-nickel alloys are well known sult of high-phosphorus content
for their resistance to corrosion, alone.
erosion and the destructive effects of It seemed reasonable that if
sea water.'~‘ For over twenty phosphorus was detrimental to
years the United States Navy has weldability, other elements might
made extensive use of 70-30 cupro- also have a similar effect. Some
nickel, and during the last few preliminary tests on copper-nickel
years, the more recently developed heats to which elements such as
90-10 alloy has also found wide ac- lead, bismuth and sulfur, as well as
ceptance. phosphorus, were added one at a
Modern power stations, too, have time, verified this suspicion. On
recognized the advantages of using this basis, an extensive program
cupro-nickel tubing in condensers, was planned which would evaluate
and heat exchangers such as feed- the effects of most of the more com-
water heaters, where the ability of mon elements that have a reputa-
these alloys to withstand the me- tion of contributing either directly or
chanical stresses, as well as the corro- indirectly to hot shortness in copper
sive and erosive forces, pays divi- or nickel alloys.
Cc. E. WITHERELL is associated with the Method of Evaluating Weldability ATs . P
Research Laboratory of The International Nickel Welding test conditions were
Company, Inc.. Bayonne, N. J
Paper presented at AWS 4ist Annual Meeting chosen which would be sufficiently Fig. 2—Gas metal-arc welding of tee-
held in Los Angeles, Calif., Apr. 25-29, 1960 demanding to approximate some of joint-fillet test specimen


This test specimen, shown in Fig. The series of photographs shown ceived the addition of only one im-
1, consists of a cross bar of an appro- in Fig. 3 illustrates the various steps purity. All base compositions con-
priate material of any thickness, involved in preparing the plate formed to the ASTM-B-171-58 and
depending on the degree of restraint material. The 1l-in. diam ingots MIL-C-15726A (SHIPS) specifica-
desired, fillet welded to an upright were worked to '/, x 1'/.-in. strips tions shown in Table 1.
member of '/, x 1'/, x 5-inch cupro- about 3 ft long, which were an-
nickel. nealed and sheared into 5-in. lengths Test Procedure
The inert-gas-shielded metal-arc for weld testing. Annealing, both The '/, x 1'/. x 5-in. piece of
consumable-electrode process, here- final and intermediate, was carried cupro-nickel was tacked at each end
after referred to as gas metal-arc out at 1450° F for about 2 hr to the cross bar. Materials such as
welding, was chosen for most of the followed by an air cool. mild steel or 70% nickel — 30%
work since it offers an efficient No attempt was made to study copper alloy were used for the cros3-
method that is used by many fabri- the effects of two or more of these bar of the tee joints to avoid the
cators for joining the cupro-nickels. elements present together; there- possibility of cracking the fillet
Figure 2 shows one of the fillets fore, each series of compositions re- along this member, which would
being welded. Some welding was
also done manually with covered
stick electrode for comparison pur-

Welding Equipment and Materials

A 600-amp d-c motor-generator
machine was used as a source of cur-
rent for all gas metal-are welds; a
200-amp rectifier welding machine
was used for covered-electrode weld-
ing. Welding current and voltage
measurements were made during
each test with a recording ammeter
and voltmeter.
An automatic gas metal-arc weld-
ing head, mounted on a motor-
driven travel carriage, was used for
all gas metal-arc welding. All cov-
ered-electrode welds were made
manually. Argon was used as (a) Melting
shielding gas for the gas metal-arc
welds, at a flow rate of about 60 cfh.
Preheat, when applied, was done
using an oxyacetylene torch. Tem-
perature measurements of the pre-
heated surfaces were taken, using a
contact pyrometer.
The gas metal-arc welds were
made at two welding speeds—40
and 20 ipm. Welding’ current
varied from 280 to 350 amps,
D.C.R.P., depending upon the filler
material being used.
Three types of inert-gas filler
wire were used during the test pro-
gram: nickel, 70% nickel — 30%
copper alloy, and 70-30 copper-
nickel, all of 0.062 in. diam. Both
nickel and 70-30 copper-nickel,
»-in. diam covered electrodes were
also used. (b) Pouring ingots

Preparation of Plate Material

All compositions of cupro-nickel
plate used for this investigation
were 30-lb virgin-metal heats which
were air-induction melted. Each
30-lb charge of metal was split six
ways to allow increasing additions
to be made to the same base com-
position to provide a series of com-
positions increasing in the amount
of the variable from a very low
(c) Ingots ready for forging (f) Rolling to '/,in. thick
value to some arbitrarily chosen
maximum. Fig. 3—Preparation of plate material for weldability tests

4l2-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

Table 1—Chemical Composition Requirements ASTM B171-58 and Mil-C-15726A
(Ships) Specifications
——ASTM B171-58——— —Mil- C-15726A (Ships)—
Element 70-30 90-10 70-30 90-10
Copper 65.0 min 86.5 min 65.0 min Balance
Nickel 29 .0-33.0 9.0-11.0 29.0-32.0 9.0-11.0
Manganese 1.0 max 1.0 max 1.0 max 0.75 max
lron 0.7 max 0.5-2.0 0.40-0.70 1.00-1.75
Zinc 1.0 max 1.0 max 1.0 max 1.0 max
Lead 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.05 max
Fig. 4—Fusion-line crack in fillet
weld. About X 1

Table 2—Tolerable Limits for Individual Trace Elements in 70-30 Cupro-nickel’ (as complicate interpretation of the
Determined by Tee-joint-Fillet Weldability Tests) test results.
Maximum amount Maximum amount After welding one side of the fillet,
tolerated when tolerated when the specimen was examined at 15X
Maximum using 70-30 using for evidence of cracking. When
content copper-nickel nickel filler this examination was completed,
Element evaluated, % filler, % (see Note 1), % Comments the other side of the tee was welded
Silver 0.08 and similarly examined. After this,
Arsenic 0.07 _ a re-examination of the first side
Boron 0.06 )2 See Note 2 was made to determine if the stress
Beryllium 0.03 exerted by the second fillet may
Bismuth 0.003 ;
Carbon 0.20 See Note 3 have opened up any cracks on the
Cadmium first side that might have gone un-
Phosphorus noticed in the first examination.
Lead Figure 4 shows a close-up of one of
Sulfur the fillet welds that cracked severely
Antimony along the fusion line.
Tin Results
Tellurium Effect of Trace Elements in Plate
Zinc Material on Weldability
It was found that most of the ele-
@ With all other impurities and trace elements kept at lowest possible level ments that are notorious for con-
> No threshold established; no fusion-line cracking obeerved in material having content shown under
“maximum content evaluated.” tributing to hot-shortness in copper
Including free graphite or nickel alloys are also capable of
? Cadmium recoveries found to be very poor in 70-30 cupro-nickel
NorTes 1) This filler does not offer optimum welding response in welding 7! copper-nickel, and is causing fusion-line cracking in
shown for purposes of information and comparison only Although no fusion-line cracking occurred cupro-nickel welds, when present in
in welds made using 70-30 filler, and 70-30 plate containing un to 0.06 boron veld metal cracking was sufficient amounts.
observed in welds made in plate having greater than about 0.03‘ boron 1) No detrimental! effect noted
to limit ef solid solubility Table 2 lists the maximum
amounts of the various elements
that could be tolerated in 70-30
cupro-nickel base metal before any
evidence of fusion-line cracking was
Table 3—Tolerable Limits for Individual Trace Elements in 90-10 Copper-nickel (as
Determined by Tee-joint-Fillet Weldability Tests) observed in tee-joint fillet welds.
Table 3 shows the values that were
Maximum amount Maximum amount obtained for the 90-10 alloy. It
tolerated when tolerated when will be noted that, in general, the
Maximum using 70-30 using 70-30 alloy showed a greater tol-
content copper-nickel nickel filler
evaluated, % erance for trace elements than 90-10
Element filler, % (see Note 1), % Comments
Silver 08
Boron .05 It is not the intention of Tables 2
02 See Note 2
Bismuth 005 and 3, or of this paper, to fix limits
Cadmium 01 on trace elements for cupro-nickel
Phosphorus 0.02 0? alloys. The values in these tables
Lead 0.02 02 are shown merely to illustrate the
Sulfur 08 general over-all effects that these
Antimony 05 impurities had in the weldability
Selenium 0.03 ©ooooeoo°o
02 tests, and to demonstrate the need
Tin for maintaining the levels of these
Tellurium 0.02
co© 005
impurities as low as possible.
It is important to recognize, in
* With all other impurities and trace elements kept at lowest possible level interpreting the data of Tables 2
No threshold established; no fusion-line cracking observed in material having content shown under and 3, that the cupro-nickel plate
“maximum content evaluated.”
NorTes 1) This filler does not offer optimum welding response in welding 90-10 cupro-nickel, and is material used for these tests was
shown for purposes of information and comparison only 2) Although no fusion-line cracking occurred produced under rather ideal condi-
in welds made using 70-30 filler and 90-10 plate containing up to 0.05% boron, weld-metal cracking was
observed in welds made in plate having greater than about 0.03% boron tions, and is practically free of all


impurities except the one added in- cupro-nickel which contained boron 600-900° F preheat was equally
tentionally to each group of ingots. in amounts greater than about beneficial to the weldability of
It was not feasible to investigate if 0.03% which, of course, is unusually certain compositions containing sub-
synergistic relationships exist among high. The amounts of trace ele- stantial quantities of harmful trace
the trace elements in these alloys, ments and impurities present in elements as the decrease in welding
but it is possible that they exist and, filler wire and electrode compositions speed from 40 to 20 ipm.
if so, the values shown in Tables 2 are usually held to lower levels than It was obvious in these tests on
and 3 might be lowered considerably those shown in Tables 2 and 3 for '/.-in. plate that the use of both a
for a given alloy, depending on the plate material. The 70-30 cu- preheat and a slower welding speed
what other trace elements were pro-nickel filler wire used for gas without a decrease in current would
present. metal-arc welding, for example, is result in overheating of the test
It should be mentioned that the produced to a 0.01% maximum on specimen, and not afford any more
commercial grades of 70-30 and lead and sulfur, and typical analyses benefit than preheat or speed de-
90-10 cupro-nickel currently avail- usually reveal about half that crease alone. In the welding of
able seem to be quite low in harmful amount. The levels of other ele- heavy sections, it is likely that a
trace elements, and the record of ments that are known to be detri- combination of welding conditions,
weldability of these alloys reflects mental to weld quality are also plate and filler composition that
this; however, it is felt that the re- carefully balanced to afford opti- would cause fusion-line cracking
sults of this investigation should mum welding response.’ As a re- might benefit from both a preheat
serve to shed some light on the prob- sult, weld-metal cracking is seldom a and speed decrease.
lem of fusion-line cracking, and problem in welding the cupro-
help explain why certain lots of nickels. Effect of Welding Process
material are sometimes mysteriously As the levels of harmful trace ele- When it was discovered that
sensitive in this respect. ments in the base metal increase, filler-metal composition was related
There are several factors related the amount picked up in the weld to the weldability response, it
to welding procedure that will in- deposit by dilution will also increase; seemed advisable to evaluate at
fluence the amounts of impurities or however, unless the levels of im- least some of the compositions with
trace elements that can be tole- purities in the base metal are un- both nickel and _ copper-nickel
rated. These will be discussed in usually high or the welding condi- covered welding electrodes to find
subsequent sections. tions are such that dilution becomes out if the process used had any
excessive, weld-metal cracking will effect. The welding response with
not become troublesome. covered electrodes was, in general,
Effect of Filler-metal Composition Considering that producers of no different from that observed
Because of availability or some filler materials for welding these with the gas metal-arc welding
other reason, fabricators occasion- alloys have found it necessary to process.
ally use nickel or a 70% nickel — 30% control the levels of harmful trace
elements for optimum response, it Effect of Restraint
copper alloy in preference to copper-
nickel filler to weld the cupro- does not seem unreasonable that It was thought that degree of re-
nickels. A review of the case his- certain constituents in the plate straint imposed during the solidifica-
tories of fusion-line cracking in material are capable of causing tion and cooling of the weld might
these alloys showed that many of fusion-line cracking if permitted to strongly influence the occurrence of
the difficulties occurred when cupro- exceed certain limits. fusion-line cracking. To investi-
nickel was welded with other than gate this, several series of composi-
matching filler. This suggested tions of cupro-nickel plate were
that the composition of the filler Effect of Welding-energy Input fillet welded to 1-in. thick m/‘ld-steel
somehow influences the occurrence Preliminary work showed that a cross bars instead of the '/,-in.
of fusion-line cracking, and an exten- fast welding speed increased the thick cross bars. Comparisons of
sive study was made to uncover tendency for fusion-line cracking to the welding response of tee-joint
more about this apparent effect. occur; therefore a 40 ipm travel fillets made using both '/,-in. and
Comparisons of the welding re- speed was chosen for this work so l-in. thick cross bars showed that
sponse on the same heat of plate that the effects of subtle changes in the additional restraint imposed on
using nickel, 70% nickel 30% composition or technique would be the weld by the heavier cross bar
copper alloy, and cupro-nickel re- more clearly reflected in the weld- had very little influence on incidence
vealed that the composition of the ability tests. Supplementary tests or degree of fusion-line cracking.
filler material, whether deposited by at 20 ipm were also run on some Effect of Condition of Plate Material
the gas metal-arc process or by compositions to confirm the indica- After all rolling operations were
covered electrode, had a greater tions in the preliminary work that a complete, some of the plate from
effect on the occurrence of fusion- fast welding speed aggravates the several compositions was left in the
line cracking of the cupro-nickels tendency for fusion-line cracking. as-cold-rolled condition to determine,
than perhaps any other welding These tests showed that whenever by welding tests, if the condition of
variable. The results showed that, compositions of plate that showed the plate material had any effect on
in most cases, the tolerance for cracking at the fusion line at weldability. The same welding re-
harmful trace elements and impuri- welding speeds of 40 ipm were sponse was observed on the as-cold-
ties in the base metal decreased con- welded at 20 ipm with no change in rolled material as on fully annealed
siderably when nickel or 70% filler, the cracking was reduced con- plate of the same composition.
nickel —30° copper alloy was sub- siderably.
stituted for matching cupro-nickel The welds made at 20 ipm were, of
Analysis of Results and
filler. The tolerance was lowest course, hotter after welding than
with nickel filler. those made at twice that speed. Discussion
During this investigation, weld- This suggested the possibility of It is not immediately apparent
metal cracking was only encountered some benefit from preheating. Sub- how the occurrence of fusion-line
in welds made on 70-30 and 90-10 sequent trials confirmed that a cracking is influenced by the three

4l4-s | SEPTEMBER 1960

base metal, which did not have as the weld cooled, the amount re-
sufficient time to diffuse to any ex- maining would still be harmful (see
tent into the weld bead. This Tables 2 and 3).
could easily have occurred since the This explanation is further sup-
higher-melting-point nickel weld ported when the weldability-test re-
metal would have solidified a short sults are considered together with
time before, thus preventing the the limits of solid solubility of the
mixing of the two. various trace elements in copper.
What is probably more important, It is found that those elements that
though, the high rate of solidifica- have low solid solubility in copper,
tion, which is characteristic of the such as bismuth and lead, were detri-
welding process,'’ would prevent the mental to weldability and, in gene-
Fig. 5—Fusion zone of a 70-30 cupro- nickel and copper atoms within this
nickel weld made using 70-30 cupro- ral, detrimental about in the inverse
nickel filler (gas metal-arc process). segregated zone from diffusing to order of their solubilitv. Elements
X 300. (Reduced by two thirds upon any degree, with the result that the such as zinc and tin that have
reproduction) primary dendrites which form will rather high solid solubility in copper
be made up of the higher-melting- had no noticeable effect on weld-
point constituents, nickel in this ability. It is recognized, however,
case, with the lower-melting-point that obviously there are other fac-
constituents solidifying on subse- tors involved, in addition to the
quent layers of the dendrites. The solubility limit, such as the forma-
skin, or outerlayer of the dendrite tion of eutectics and variations
branches, which solidifies last, will in rate of solution.
consist mainly of the lowest-melting-
Since the use of preheat and
point constituents, and will be far
different in composition from the slower welding speeds were shown
interior of the dendrites, or of the to relieve the tendency for fusion-
original composition of the alloy, as line cracking somewhat, it might be
melted.*” The strength of the segre- suspected that these measures, by
Fig. 6—Fusion zone of 70-30 cupro-nicke| gated material then becomes the decreasing the cooling rate, thereby
weld made using nickel filler (gas metal- strength of the outer envelope of the reduced the stresses exerted on the
arc process). X 300. (Reduced by two dendrites. If stress is applied to weld. Comparative microexamina-
thirds upon reproduction) this cored structure, such as is gene- tions of the fusion zone of welds
rated by a cooling and contracting made at low-energy input with those
mass of weld metal, the cored zone
made at high energy input, how-
will hold together only as long as the
factors that this study has shown to applied stress does not exceed the ever, showed that welds made at a
be closely related, namely: strength of whatever low-melting- high level of energy (slow speeds or
point constituents surround the den- preheated) had less coring at the
1. Kind and amount of impurities interface. Therefore, it would seem
present in the plate material. drite branches. Once this strength
is exceeded, a crack would likely that while the higher energy input
2. Filler-metal composition. may have reduced the stress level
3. Level of welding-energy input. proceed across the entire segregated
area to relieve the stress. somewhat, the major effect was to
In the weld of Fig. 6, which was permit more time for diffusion to
Microexaminations of the fusion
zone of cracked and_ uncracked made with nickel filler, it is prob- take place.
welds, however, shed some light on able that very little of the low-
this. Figure 5 is a photomicrograph melting-point constituent would go Conclusions
of the interface of a fillet weld made into solution with the nickel because
of the wide differential in melting 1. Fusion-line cracking in cupro-
using 70 — 30 copper-nickel filler on a
composition of 70-30 cupro-nickel points and the limited solubility of nickel welds is primarily the result of
most of the trace elements in nickel. low-melting-point segregates that
plate to which 0.02% lead was added
during melting. Compare this to The copper remaining after the pri- form at the weld interface when cer-
mary nickel dendrites form might tain trace elements or impurities are
the photomicrograph in Fig. 6,
which shows a weld made on the absorb a certain quantity of the im- present in the base metal in sufficient
same plate material, and under the purity, depending on its solubility, quantities.
same conditions as the weld in Fig and reject the rest which would form 2. The cracking seems to occur
5, except that the weld in Fig. 6 was on subsequent layers of the dendrite when the stresses generated by the
made with nickel filler instead of branches on top of the layers of cooling mass of weld metal exceed
matching cupro-nickel filler metal. copper. the strength of the low-melting-
In Fig. 5, the weld-metal den- If instead, however, a 70-30 cop- point segregates. Trace elements
drites grow out from the base metal per-nickel filler had been used, as in that have low solid solubility in
with practically no intermediate the weld of Fig. 5, there would be a copper, or form low-melting-point
zone between, but the weld in Fig. 6 much larger quantity of copper sur- eutectics with copper are chiefly
contains a severely segregated zone rounding the primary nickel den- responsible.
along the interface. Note that the drites that might absorb all of the 3. The use of nickel or a high-
crack follows this segregated region. trace element. No weakening phase nickel-copper filler, or welding con-
The appearance and_ etching would then be present, and the struc- ditions that promote fast cooling
characteristics of this segregated ture would be capable of sustaining rates and rapid solidification of the
region suggest that, for the most the weld-shrinkage stresses. Of deposited weld metal, tend to favor
part, it is probably a zone where the course, if the amount of impurity the segregation of low-melting-point
nickel weld metal became highly di- present exceeded the amount that constituents and thereby increase
luted with the 70-30 copper-nickel the copper was capable of absorbing the likelihood of fusion-line cracking.


Acknowledgments 3. Stewart, W. C., and LaQue, F. L., “‘Carro- Part V—The Effect of Bismuth on Copper,”
sion Resisting Characteristics of Iron-Modified Jnl. Inst. Metals, 37, No. 1, 169-181 (1927).
The author expresses his apprecia- 90-10 Cupro-Nickel Alloy,”’ Corrosion, 8, 259-277 13. Archbutt, S. L., and Prytherch, W. E.,
1952) Effect of Impurities in Copper, Research Mono-
tion to The International Nickel 4. Butts, A., Copper—The Science and Tech- graph No. 4 of the Britisn Non-Ferrous Metals
Co., Inc., for their encouragement nology of the Metal, Its Alloys and Compounds, Research Assn., R. Clay and Sons, Ltd., Great
Reinhold Publ. Co., New York, N. Y., pp. 386 Britain, pp. 34-35, 46, 77 (1937)
during the investigation and for per- 389 (1954). 14. Technical Bulletin T-2, Fusion Welding of
mission to publish this paper. 5. LaQue, F. L., “Corrosion Resistance cf Nickel and High Nickel Alloys, The International
Much of the early study of fusion- Cupronickel Alloys Containing 10 to 30 Percent Nickel Co., Inc., pp. 3-6 (1960).
Nickel,”’ Corrosion, 10, No. 11, 391-399 (Nov. 15. Pease, G. R., “The Practical Welding
line cracking in these alloys was done 1954 Metallurgy of Nickel and High-Nickel Alloys,”
by L. M. Petryck of Inco, D & R, 6. “Alloys for Heat Exchange Problems in THE WeLpINnG JouRNAL, 36 (7), Research Suppl
Modern Power Plants,” The International 330-s to 334-s (1957)
New York, and his contributions are Nickel Co., Inc., Publication (1955) 16. WeLpING HaNpsBook, Feurth Edition,
gratefully acknowledged. A word Imperati, J., and Hook, I. T., ““The Weld- Section 1, 3.9
ing and Brazing of Copper Alloys,” THE WELDING 17. Ibid., 9.18.
of thanks is also due B. E. Bothwell JOURNAL, 30 (12), 1106 (1951). 18. Ibid., 9.22 to 9.27.
who collected a large portion of the 8. Hawthorne, L. H., “Inert Arc Welding of 19. Henry, O., and Claussen, G. E., Welding
data on the 70-30 alloy. )-10 Cupro-Nickel,” Jbid., 32 (1), 31-35 (1953). Metallurgy, Second Edition, AMERICAN WELDING
9. Pease, G. R., and Kihlgren, T. E., “Welding Society, p. 68 (1949)
»f 90, 10 Copper-Nickel Alloy,”’ /bid., 33 (4), 329 20. Birchenall, C. E., Physical Metallurgy,
References 338 (1954 McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 74-75 (1959)
10. Hawthorne, L. H., and Burth, R. F
1. LaQue, F. L., “The Behavior of Nickel “Welding the Cupro-Nickels by the Inert-Gas- 21. Hansen, M., Constitution of Binary Alloys,
Copper Alloys in Sea Water,”” Jni. Am. Soc Shielded Arc Processes,”” Jbid., 35 (8), Research McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 169-162, 248-249,
Naval Engineers, 1, No. 53, 29-64 (1941) Suppl., 401-s to 408-s (1956) 308-309, 415-416, 697-611, 622-629, 638-640,
2. Tracy, A. W., and Hungerford, R. L., ‘““The 11. Pease, G. R., and Kihlgren, T. E., op cit., 649-653 (1958)
Effect of Iron Content of Cupro-Nickel on Its p. 329 22. Barrett, C.S., Structureof Metals, McGraw
Corrosion Resistance in Sea Water,’’ Proc. Am 12. Hanson, D., and Ford, G. W., “Investiga- Hill, New York, pp. 220-230 (1952
Soe. Testing Matl., 45, pp. 591-617 (1945 tion of the Effects of Impurities on Copper: 23. Birchenall, C. E., op cit., pp. 78-79

The Ship Structure Committee tary of the. Treasury, recognizing

was formed in 1946 by the Secretary the responsibilities of the Federal
RESEARCH NEWS of the Treasury. Today its member- Government to the safety of our
ship includes four federal agencies, Merchant Marine, formed a research
the Navy’s Bureau ofShips and Mili- organization, the Ship Structure
(Continued from page 400-s tary Sea Transportation Service, the Committee, for the purpose of im-
Coast Guard and the Maritime proving the hull structures of ships.
Administration, and one private The Ship Structure Committee
organization, the American Bureau has found that other steel fabricat-
Ship Structure Subcommittee of Shipping. The Ship Structure ing industries have suffered similar
Gets New Chairman Subcommittee, consisting of repre- problems. Steel bridges, pipe lines,
sentatives of the member agencies and storage tanks have a history of
A new chairman of the Ship and liaison representatives from brittle fracture tracing back to the
Structure Subcommittee assumed other interested organizations is the very origin of the use of steel plates
his duties on May 27th, as Captain working arm of the Ship Structure in structures. Thus, the Ship
J. J. Stilwell relieved Captain N. Committee. Under the direction Structure Committee has many
Sonenshein in this post. This and guidance of the Ship Structure allies, both in shipbuilding and in
change was recently announced by Committee, the Subcommittee plans, other industries, in its task of carry-
Rear Admiral E. H. Thiele, USCG, organizes and administers the pro- ing out a research program. Other
chairman of the Ship Structure Com- gram of the Committee. government agencies, technical so-
mittee. The work of the Ship Structure cieties, industry and foreign ship-
Captain Stilwell comes to his new Committee is an outgrowth of ship building research activities have
duties in this research program with failures that occurred in World War shared an interest in its research
a long background in ship design and II. During the war when thou- program.
construction. Graduating from the sands of U. S. Merchant ships were Many earnings have already come
Naval Academy in 1938, Captain built to supply our fighting men, from the research work of the ship
Stilwell, served on the battleship several of these ships suffered frac- Structure Committee. Most signif-
California until assigned for gradu- tures of their hulls. Seven of these icant is that there has not been a
ate study at MIT. Receiving a de- ships broke completely in two dur- serious fracture of a postwar Ameri-
gree of Master of Science in Naval ing the war years. One was lost, can built ship. Further, the regula-
Construction and Engineering in while all or a part of the remaining tory bodies, shipyards and ship-
1943, he was then assigned to duty six were salvaged. Four others owners, supporting and benefiting
at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. were lost due to sudden fracture of from the research of the Committee,
His duties since that time have been part of the hull. Twenty-six lives have been able to modify World War
primarily associated with ship de- were lost as a result of the failures. II built ships so that even those ves-
sign, construction or repair. At The government and industry real- sels have not suffered a serious frac-
present, he is Head of the Prelimi- ized that there were important un- ture since the loss of the tankers
nary Design Branch of the U. S. answered questions regarding the Fort Mercer and Pendleton off Cape
Navy, Bureau of Ships. hull structures of ships. The Secre- Cod in February 1952.

4l6-s | SEPTEMBER 1960



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For details, circle No. 75 on Reader Information Card
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