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Published at Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania

MARCH, 1938

What famous author that we The Staff takes muoh pride in It's up to the women! IHow The monthly Pegasus meeting
Is an all-around American college
all know announcing that} in every|future held on Thursday, February 14,
girl- flippantly these words have been
Has the same name as Sara's edition of the Mereiad, there will used in the past! I say "past, it resulted in a pleasing exhibition of
Pleasing to look upon
*fnew beaut appear at least one article, writtdh for today that phrase is gaining poetic effort. The Valentine motif
* * *
blues eyes
by a member of the Mercyhurst light brown hair rapid respect. Women are occupy- was evident in a variety of meters
What lovely Miss with the Alumnae. This is to endeavor to a lovely smile ing almost every position and and words. One of the prize poems
iraven locks, create a new interest in the Mer- phase of life. They are becoming appears below. The Mereiad Staff
a delightful personality
Is known to blush when e'er eiad among the* Alumnae. We feel Is always willing to co-operate more highly respected in public congratulates the winners and calls
she talks? that they will be interested in offices each day. Mr. Roosevelt, for a united poetry effort in
* # *
reading something either about, or intelligently unwittingly perhaps, pays an im- March.
Who is the lass with the by other members. We ca 11 for con- Is an active participant in all mense tribute to the capabilities My Valentine
Paris gown tributions, and wish to state that school and club work — of womanhood by placing one in My Valentine,M came to him
With chinchilla trim that's the they may contain any style the President of— his cabinet as Secretary of Labor. Across a vast unknown
the talk of the town? f§ author wishes. What we really Parliamentary Procedure Club But this must not lead us to be- From babyhood, my memories dim
* • *

want to do is to save Mercyhurst f Kappa'|Chi lieve that we are reaching perfec- Proclaim him as my own.
Kay Ryan's eyes are a lovely blue, and your interests in her from be- jPegasus Club tion. We are far from it. Our
her hair has a saucy curl vanity sees to that, and if we are The one who loved and cherished
coming, after you have graduated, Vive President of—
I know, with me, you'll all agree, not careful, vanity will trip us. me,
merely at part of your past. We Senior Class
she's an all American girl. Entrusted to his care;
want her, through the Mereiad, to Secretary of— For example, at- I he present A Dad of priceless rarity
* * *
become a very vital part of your ISocietas Classina time, a fewtwomen have reverted
She has a heart like a mountain. Honest, fair and square.
present. We're most- anxious to She is none other than our loyal to physical attraction in order to
a jolly smile, read and ito hear something* by Editor-in Chief, KAY BARRETT He 'dubbed' himself the Skipper of
claim the publicity and {attention
Her initials are J. U. just you, Alumnae! We're sort of lone- Our little happy crew;
:-o-: which their talents have failed to
guess a while. some to see vour names signed to He fought the waves of life with
attracts for them. Tmagine women
* * * Mereiad articles, and the new stu- DUST love
in masculine attire! It is too per-
She's a dainty girl with a dents i are very anxious to know And in our hearts he grew
fectly absurd! And yet, they will
regal air, you who have helped to make The Lenten season is upon us. do it. Rather than use their brains, Until the Mightv King above
Whenever there's style — Bettie 's Mercyhurst and the Mereiad what Preachers everyhere are beckoning thev decide to trv their "wiles." 'Prepared a banquet fair
right there. they are! If we don't hear from man to the path of righteousness,
That is just one of the ^ridicu- For Valentine, the saint of love.
f * # * you, we'll think you don't care! and bidding him remember he is
lous* things a woman will do in He asked Dad to be there. ."
An accomplished horsewoman This month, we are publishing an dust, and to dust hejjmust return. u
a loyal friend, article, very appropriate in this, Whether it is the twinkle in Saint one of her weaker moments." And so my Valentine has gone
Jean Reese is a " p a l " right the Lenten season, ••Dust". It was Matthew's eye, or the perfectly We've got to think, girls I Now, His span of life is o'er,
to the end. written by Elizabeth Hamberger, flaxen curl on Saint Barbara's more than ever, wepnust meet the His sunnv smile, his kindly song
# * * •
'31, who was Editor of the Mer- shoulder that is causing me to dis- test, and not stumble lover some Will grace this earth no more.
She's an Irish miss with an eiad in her senior year. regard the very earnest priest and sillv idea that is brightlv lac-
j quered. The majority of us are And^ yet through space and life
Irish way, — Kay Barrett '33. his "dust awful" sermon, I don't
just realizing that we have ideals and time*
Virginia from Connellsville :-o-:
know, but I do know that f am
and a goal that must bejreached. In evening's ruddy glow,
grows sweeter each day. glad I'm dust.
HOME ECONOMICS CLUB We must push forward, not back- My Daddy-mine, my Valentine
# • * * To my mind, dust is one of the ward. Any goal is more splendid Is with me as I go.
The ends do justify the means, so On Thursday, February 23rd, a beauties of nature. It is common, for not having been reached too — Elizabeth Wilbert, '33.
one sophomore contends group of collegians gathered in the vou say. '(Well, so is everything quickly. The main thing is not to :-o-:
She isn't judging logically — she third floor Social Room and, under great. Tt is colorless, drab jjand lose our grip land do something SCIENCE CLUB NOTES
just means week-ends. the competent direction of Miss dark; yet the glorious night with- unbecoming. Let the men beimen
Ruth Whalen a new and, we hope, out the brillianov of the moon and with all their attributes. They have The Mercyhurst Science Club at
* * * " « • •

A freshman fair, always on the go, lasting Mercyhurst institution was the stars is more horrible. It is enough to do, being the "stronger its last meeting. February 21,
She's a sweet little lass, is formed. Clubs seem to have found cheap, lowly, and valueless, yet sex." Even though our work?does augmented its number by receiv-
Eleanor DeVeaux. infertile sou for growth at Mercy- God took a.handful, and fashioned not reach into mens' domain, ing the following new members:
His most precious creation, Man.
# * * hurst and, although our club is it is no reason why we should dis- Bertha McAllister, Ellen Steven
She's a cunnin' child with a late in forming, we have every con- Life has three things that make card our feminine characteristics. son, [Catherine Forquer, Betty
smile for all, fidence thafkit will be by no means it worth living, and each bears a It is up to the women! Let's be Shieds, Katherine McCarthy^ Eli-
Our Marg who lives at ithe end the least important. hint of dust. The first is a little women! zabeth Montgomery Bettv Killeen. i
The Home Economics^ Depart- bov's hands, tinv machines he- —Elizabeth Lippart. '33 Grace Marie Souders, Evelyn
of the hall.
ment of this ehoo! has grown with ginning|the world's {weaving. The Donahue,'Margaret Kenny, Marie
the college. The members of that second is a pressed flower, that : - o - :•
Dillon, and Marguerite Chaplin.
Kay Egan's smile is a thing of
department feel that they owe|it which every woman keepsiin me- The president, after her address
beauty, SIMILE
to themselves to hand togetherffor morvtof her first romance. of welcome, had the constitution
Smile often, Kay, make it a duty.
• * * * mutual improvement and enjoy- The third is a mother's eyes, rend for the benefit of the new
As an umbrella members. The customary program
She hails from Cleveland, she's ment. dust color, with love and sadness
On a rainy day. followed. Afpaper written by Lu-
liked a lot, We have in mind, as the purpose shading them into blue and brown.
So is a fungus* Ella Haff and read by Verle Mc-
She's not very big and her of the club, a nure perfect know- Someone has written a lovelv For the sun's ray. Quiston proved to be a very inter-
name is Dot. ledge of the field of our endeavor dream in the word^s:
* # # and the means used in mastering lt esting account of the prominent
Roses 'round the door, As the white hoar frosty French scientists. "Chemistry in
And then from Akron comes that?field. We feel, however that
Babies on the floor, On a field outspread, Medicine" was a most worthwhile
Jane all aglow, $f | even serious and hard-working
Who could ask for more?" So is the parasite and instructive paper presented by
She's| the "best est ^friend" as we students must have some relaxa-
But I'm not quite satisfied.. To the leaves now dead. Alice Summers. Regis O'Leary
all know. tion and so our club will also have
its social moments. As proof of Please God, can't I have a little read a practical paper pertaining
this, at our next meting, which will dust on the floor too? A house As an elf or fairv to health, from which muoh bene-
She's^a sweet little girl, do you
take place on the sixteenth of without dust is like a snow-covered On the Celtic lawn, fit was derived.
know whom I mean?
March, we plan to have a party. yard without childrens' foot- So isSilludens At the close of the meeting the
Her first name's Pat, her last
*We congratulate ourselves on tracks. It isn't real I In the earlv dawn. first edition of the Science Club's
rhymes with bean.
| (to be continued) m our choice of officers. With Regis Who ever saw anything more new paper was distributed. The
—Kay Callanan, '36 O'Leary president, Dorothy Myers beautiful than dusty sunbeans paper as yet does not have a name
As a golden bullfinch
secretary, and Ellen Stephenson through glass? I think God did a so it was decided to have a con-
-: -o-: On a dead stump,
The blind and cowardly spirit of treasurer, we feel we're off to a wonderful thing when He made me test for the purpose of choosing
So i&^sulphureusjj
evil is forever telling you that evil flying start. As honorary presi- out of dust and that someday He one. The one suggesting the most
On a rotten pump.
things are pardonable, and you dent we have chosen Mary Carlos will let me return. Perhaps I'll suitable name will receive her
shall not die for them, and that who we know will fulfill her duties fall upon a dew-sparkling spider copy of the paper gratis for the
good things are impossible, and charmingly. web, or, better still, the rain drops As is the waning rest of the year. The staff has
you need not live for them. And if Surely we have started out with may make a mud puddle of me, Of the golden sun, shown a great|deal of enthusiasm
you believe these things, you will the most propitious omens for the and I can mirror nature's beauty So is *all nature in editing this paper and are to
find some day, to your cost, that future. for a while. I'm glad I'm dust! To God's chosen ones. be congratulated on the success of
they are untrue —Buskin — Anna McGrath, '35. - Elizabeth Hamberger, A.B.,1'31 Apheles their efforts.!
Page Two THE MERCIAD March, 1933



Every normal college girl considers the affairs of

her college first on her lisi of social activities. School
Canisius, we thank you!
Did any of you miss it t If you
activities are an integral part of her college life. She did, you missed something very
Published inoiiililv by the students of Mercyhurst College much worth while. I am talkin n
Address all cummunicationsito takes part in every activiiy and willingly cooperates about the Glee Club Concert thai!
with both the facultv and the students. Such a girl is Canisius College gave us. Everv-
THE MERCIAD always ready to "boost" ratlier than to "condemn. w

Mercyhurst College Erie, Pennsylvania Her college becomes an ideal to champion. With un- one is still talking about it and
saying how much he enjoyed the
tiring zeal she endeavors to promote its welfare. Ego singing and the sociability of the
\ Subscript ion Re t es is forgotten. Prejudices, personal dislikes, and long- boys. The praise they are being
ONEbOLLAR THE YEAR cherished grudges are overlooked. Enthusiasm, initia- given is entirely due them.
tive, and cooperation become such a girl's by-words. The following numbers were pre-
A studenfcor an alumna who holds her College sented :
MERCIAD STAFF "first" is one who is well worthy of commendation. "Tinker Song from
EDJ TOR- CN-CHIEP She will go far for she has proven that she is appre- Robin Hood n^sJwA^ DeKoven
Kay Barrett, '33 ciative, helpful, and capable. Glee Club
! ASSOCIATE EDITORS f '? W To be this type of girl should be our ambition. Let ' \ Honey Town'' ^ . . ^ . Widener
Mary Carlos, '33 •; ;- Elizabeth Me Donald. !33 us all make our motto: "Mercyhurst First!" Quartet
NEWS EDITORS jk 1 | Mary Carlos, '33 tta
Sing Me A Chantey"—Wellseley
Eileen Foster, '34 ^ | Mary O'Dea, '35 Cantilena", — Cello and
1 Eugeniaf Sproat, '36 WHAT! NO MONEY? ERIE COMMUNITY MARKET Piano ....^^^...4..... Goltermann
Ruth Sterrett, '34 Jane Turgeon, '33 " I ' m sorry but we do not cash Anyone desiring a very inter- "My Grandfather's
checks." This is the familiar esting afternoon should visit the Clock Arranged
phrase to-day. For, under the Erie Community Market which is Glee Club
TEMPERAMENT President's order declaring: a bank situated in the Jareoki Manufac-
"Jubilate Dec" r i | ^ | | Wilkens
holiday, this great America has turing Plant; on East Ninth St.
Are you one of these people who have an idea that been transformed into a Tech- This organization, which was es- Quartet
they are "temperamental;" who^ actually! humor nocrat's Utopia — for^four days, tablished in May 1931, i an emer- "Old King Cole" ,,,,*Ji£ Porsvth
themselves into believing they are "temperamental;" at least. f gency plan for the relief of needy Glee Club
and who do all but shout it from the house-tops? Your The country has stoodfthe force people. The workers, of which r-Raindrop Prelude'' Chopin,
little quarrels and fault-findings, your petty jealousies of the financial and economic there are about ^thirty-five, are Mr. T. Maloney
and misunderstandings, your grouches and grudges, blow arid the people have been volunteers, and are for the most "Funicule Pienicula »$&«& Denza
do you take 1 lie blame upon your self, laying it to your patient and considerate, but Presi- part prominent citizens of Erie. Glee Club !
own personal tactlessness and indiscretion? Or, do dent Roosevelt lost no time,in act- The commissaries are carried on
Buttercup Serenade J r . " —-
you slide out from under it, saying: " I can'fe. help it! ing upon the banking question. very systematically. The plant is Cox and Box Zr^,..^u. Sullivan
I'm not to blame! It's my 'temperament' that makes This proclamation will stop what divided intolmany rooms and off- Duet fy >
me that way, and I justjean't do anything about i t ? " may be termed " a run on the ices; one of these, which is called Beautiful S h i p " from "Babe
If you are in this class, you are letting yourself fall nation's gold reserve" caused by the visitors' room, is also used as from Toyland" U ^ w ^ Friml
into a very bad habit, one that will bring you no end unfounded fear. Nevertheless, it the applicants' bureau. Mr. Peter Glee Club
of trouble, and one that will be most difficult to break. was striking at the basis of Ameri- Pulakos lias kindly donated some "Ave Maris Stilla" Rosewig
ca 's monetary standards and just booths vand these are most con- ;'• Trio | V
You begin by making alibis- to others for your had to be stopped. "There must venient for the interviews. Any "Winter Song" ...„.....^1. Bullard
anti-social acts and attitudes, and, before you knowf be an end to speculation with one applying for help is thorough- Glee Club Y
it, you are even making them to yourself JLetf us have other people's money," said the ly questioned as to the number of Mr. William H. Davenport was
fewer alibis for our unpleasant actionsf and disposi- President. adults and children in his family, the director.
tions, $nd a greater leaning toward self-responsibility! For once, you can truthfully (children are those under four- We hope that we shall have the
and good common sense. Cultivate the virtues of tact say, ' -1 haven't any money'' — teen), his occupation, rent and Glee Club down here again very
and diplomacy. - * and since almost everyfone else is general conditions. These are in- soon and we look forward with
Before you go to bed tonight, ask yourself this in the same boat they will believe vestigated regularly and if all pleasure to the receptions of such
| proves satisfactory to the investi-
question, and answer it truthfully; then, act accord-pyou. 1SS1 gladly pay you to- gating board, they are placed on
splendid entertainment.
ingly: ".Do I alibi my anti-social acts and attitudes! morrow for a hamburger today," the commissary list. At one time
— Jean Summers, '33.
under thefguise of temperament?" | will probably be our theme song. « *

it was the endeavor of this relief :-o-:

•Kay Barrett, '33 Yes, all the banks in the United
States have been given a holiday! | board to bring up the standards TAKE IT TO HEART!
This mnv be the climax of the de- of living of the families but be-
M INAUGURATION pression but what we want to cause of the great increase of School spirit! Bah I There is no
know is, why call 'em "Holi- cases it is now only possible to such thing. At least that is the
A NEW HAND GRASPS THEjWHEEL!!! days?"||| give them absolute*necessities. The fooling apparent* recently around
" I n this dedication of a nation we humbly ask the £' —Elizabeth McDonald, '33 : food, which is given out weekly in Mercyhurst. What' * wrong with
blessing of God. May He protect! each |and everyone proportion to the size of the fam- you? Yes, you — I'm talking to
of us. May He guide me in the days to come." :-o-: ily consists of bread, cabbage, on- you whoever vou are — for vou,
These are the words which stamp Mr. Roosevelt as TAPESTRIES ions, salt pork, beef, bacon, eggs, abov? all others must develop a
a man of.character and conscience. He could set the rolled oats, rice, dried beans, toma- new enthusiastic spirit about your
nation no finer example. Hethas struck a new and a toes, potatoes, lard, margarene, college and its funet innings. Do
Someday, in the Eternal Eastern peanut butter, dried prunes, sugar, you know what's wrong with yout
note £or an executive — a spiritual note! J Maiket of Paradise when the coffee, canned milk, flour, laundry You're afraid. You're afraid that
' This great nation will endure as it has endured, Great Merchant takes inventory soap and a pint of milk a day per you might exert a little effort. Do
will revive and prosper." He says that we are victims of the tapestries of mortal lives, child. The only choice given is that you want to be a success f Do you
of! our own fear|and that what we sadly need is a He mav come across a rather odd of beans or spaghetti as a vege- want your Alma Mater to prog-
"manifestation of the ^American spirit of the little bit of work. In the fineness table; cod liver oil may be had on ress? to lead when classed with
pioneer." I | of thef texture He will notice order. As soon as the fishing sea- other collegesf "Of course,'' you
woven in here and there many
Whether Mr. Roosevelt's measures bring about son opens there will be a decided answer languidly. Then why not
bright, brilliant splashes with just
the desired results or not, the nation may be sure occasionally! a dull, somber spot,
drop in the number of cases. help it? Initiative is the answer.
that it has a man in the White House who will not for so the weaver found life; in-
Although only food is given Do a trifle more^than is absolute-
hesitate to speak what he thinks and will address tense and vivid to the limit of
here, provision may be made for ly demanded of vou. Consider a
himself vigorously to every important measure. clothing and fuel. few phases of collegiate life other
leach day, only now and then a
The actual expense for the city than the scholastic record. Be
It is with faith in your sound judgment, Mr. Roose- hard, trying hour or two just for
of the commissary besides the an all-around Mercyhurst Girl.
velt, in your sterling patriotism and Zyour intensity balance. Blending into the pattern-
food is small, for the workers are Lend your presence, your talents
of purpose that we face the future with courage and scheme, a golden thread, once be-
volunteers and the gas and rent to the cause of Mercyhurst. Even
confidence. Your inaugural pledges are silently gun, interlaces its way to the very
are paid by the county. go out of your way, once in
echoed in the hearts of millions of other Americans. lend. To the buyers, standing near,
the Divine Dealer will, under- The Erie commissary is consi- awhile. Try new things — don't
We, the students of Mercyhurst College, join in a (
standing^, explain ' The precious dered one of the model organize be lopsided! Spread your interests
nation's greetings; a nation's hopes; a nation's eager- floss is not given to every one, tions in Pennsylvania and it well now to the support of your col-
ness to support the new leader who takes the helm of but I let come into this life a rare
repays a visit. lege — to its paper, its sports, its
a the ship of state.'' | Incidentally, it makes those of I special clubs, its lectures and
someone the knowing of whom
We're with yoit, Mr. President! Good luck! You| ' « us who possess more of this world 'a parties. Act now! Don't wait till]
have our prayers and our best wishes. fPray Gtfdfthat might be traced only in the golden goods grateful in using them and next year. Remember, the future
you may not falter! strand." *. more generous in dispensing them. mav never come.

Elizabeth McDonald, '33 —Martha Myer, '35 H — Catherine Tritle.i'36 —Margaret Clemens, '35
March, 1933 THE MERCIAD Page Three
MARCH WIND way > Stephanie contributed. 111 for good measure. Needless towinds, and tonight she was par- was kept for the playing of the
"People have much more time to say, she was extremely popular onticularly^ thankful and reminisc- games. As for entertainment, we
It was strange, their being to- plan them. And you know the fun ing.
the boat. One of the party, a law- had several games to divert the
gether here tonight Neither Paula, we always have at showers, yer, who had come for the lake "This reminds me of a ride we minds of our guests. The players
nor Anthony had ever thought Paula!" V rest after a strenuous case, had took about a year ago, Tony. *3t were very apt at the game show-
of their being paired off for even "O, don't wet But, Tony, do was a night just like this. Re- ing that they were accustomed to
two sons. The elder, out of college
five minutes. Anthony was in finish telling us about vour wed- in June, soon found himself member ?'' the new past time. The game of
love with Stephanie, and Ste- ding plans," begged Paula.

"head-over-ears" in love with "Do I remember? I'll always Tango was the next we partici-
phanie was Paula's dearest friend. "Well, I've a house to furnish Stephanie. He wanted to {make remember it, Paula. The most per- pated in and although it is very
Tonight, Stephanie was in the of course.'' her his happy bride, had almost in-
fect night of my life." well known and not new, it still
front seat withjthe driver, Jack, And Stephanie would have to sisted upon it. But to Stephanie, tt
Yes, I enjoyed it, too." brings much laughter and general
whom Paula knew only slhrhtlv. ask where it was. it was onlv another of the many Paula ".«& Something endear- fun. A few others were played to
< < T5

Paula, uneasy and pensive, knew "Inlhis mind, ho douhi," Jaok adventures which she thought lifeing about the quiet^way in which finish up the evening's entertain-
he seemed young, painfully young, toldjher. owedito her. he spoke her name. ment and we hope our guests liked
and was trying to act very grown- "Do him a lot of good there, She tried to pass it off. "Look them. ;
up, as though he were imita I ing After months of self-ana lysis,
won't i t ? " asked Stephanie, ex- Paula stumbled upon what she at all the new houses up there, Decorations were in red and
an older brother. pecting no answer. Tony. Aren't they dear? There are white, the two respective colors in
M was sure was her trouble. Senti-
0 , I'd just love to ride and "There's nothing I like better mentality, that's all it wasl It several of them open for inspec- ribbon being attached to a cupid
ride and ride. It's such a gorgeous than furnishing houses,"! said would have to eease. It never didtion. Look at the big light flashed in the center of the floor and ex-
night!'' Stepha nie sighed. Paula, "Need anv help, I'll en- on them. Don't you love to inspect tending to each respectiye place at
anyone any good to be sentimental,
Paula sighed too. She was so list!" and jit certainly wasn't going tohouses? We used to do it a lot the tables and therelattached to
proud of Stephanie, so foolishly "Lots of it, Paula, thanks. You help Paula. She!told herself she when we were kids." a nut shell in which a fortune was
proud, /because, she thought, see, it's in my head, but it's sort would have' to snap right out of "Paula, ifgyou really want to inbedded. The placecards were
Stephanie always managed to say of in parts, you know not quite see a house open for inspection, I heart-shaped, the name being
it. Crime to waste your young life
the right thing at the right time. altogether. away dreaming of a March,'gnow know a dandy! A fellow gave me printed in white ink. A crisp
Stephanie would always say the many months past, and a castle the kev this afternoon." salad made up of fruit, with sal-
Paula hesitated a brief moment ft

tines, cake and coffee comprised

things Paula herself would like to in the air, which was|really noth- "Love i t ! " and the light in her
before she answered: "Uh-huh! I the lunch, and brought to a pleas-
say, but couldn't when she felt ing more than an evervdayjbunga -eves told Tonv she meant it.
know! For instance, you know ant close a delightful party.
like this. low, when you came right down to Her heart pounded furiously as
what kind of a den you want; per-
' \ Where '11 we go ? " Jack asked, haps you have the living room all it.iTf she wanted to dream about she* went from one froom to an- I Jane Conner, '35.
with a 'We aim to please' air. settled, one or two bed-rooms; and a house, why not build a worth- other of the cozy little house. :-o-:
" 0 , anywhere, just so we can can't quite decide on the dining while one, as long as it was only There were four- poster beds, a , MISS WEIBLEIN
ride! I t ' s such aj glorious night! room and kitchen." in the air? Why not a mansion in blue and white bedroom, a pink On Thursday evening, February
Paula, don't you love it t " Ste- old Virginia, with no less than one, a yellow guest room, a nurs- 16, Miss Florence Weiblein of Erie
"Exactly. You're going to be a thirty guest rooms, poster beds,
phanie sighed again. great help to me, Paula. Now, ery, such as she had never dreamed spoke to the Secretarial}students
Paula wanted to say so many rag rugs, petticoated dressing about, pink and white and blue, of the college and seminary. It was
how'd you know all t h a t ? " tables, and* shin nig windows cur-
things. She wanted to say how and, when she reached the kitchen, O ft/

much she loved the night; what a "O, I've been planning one of tained with white, starched, ruf- Paula could scarcely speak. not a lecture; it was a very sim-
strange way + these March eve- my own for a long, long time. I fled things? No sentiment at- " Tonv mv rose J, ami ple, utterly charming little talk
nings had of stirring something can't settle on the living room or tached to a mansion in Virginia, ft ft.
given by a true business woman,
guest room, bu tie very thing else is orchid>,...;£$kitchen! You dear!" and enjoyed to the!fullest extent
• *

inside of you; how she adored the but it would be worthy of its
all fixed; and mv kitchen! Whv, name, "Castle in th "Paula, dear, did you really bv each of us.
way the March wind slapped that e air." At mean that, your kitchen? I'm the
stray lock of hair back and forth Tony, my kitchen is a dream!. It's this very moment, Paula waved " Miss Weiblein surprised all of
all done in orchid and rose. You "Good-bye" to her bungalow, happiest man alive, I think!" us — she is so unlike what we ex-
against her cheek. Instead of sav- n
know," and this last, rather wist- kitchen and all, and to Tony. It needn't be a big wedding, pected. She is small in stature and
ing the many things that were in Tony. Let's just have our families. build, and:/I might say, almost
her mind to say, Paula surprised fully, as though she' werevthinking 8
aloud, '"I'll never be quite satiss It" was September jfnow, and And Stephanie can be my brides- meek-looking; but her remarkable
and disappointed herself with a Paula was in the midst of correct maid. She'll wear her new blue personality dominated the situa-
half-hearted " Uh-huh 1" fied until I've met a man who'll
/ give me that kitchen." ing her papers, when Stephanie chiffon.fwho'll be best man?" Hon as she spoke, and even her
"And, you, Paula, a ny^ favorite™ called her on the 'phone. 3 "Wish you'd wear blue, but, physical '^appearance seemed al-
Late, that flight, after Paula had
drive!" ! I crawled into bed, she lay for a "Verv busy, dearfiO, hurry gee, come to think about it, tered. She is thoroughly interested
"No, Jack, none that' 3 can ft * '
vou'II make a lively bride with in her work and conveys this in-

long, long time, unable to sleep. Itthem up, and run over for a while. • ft

think of," Paula answered, still had all been so beautiful tonight, We'll play some three-handed the sun coming in through the terest to her listeners.
half-heartedlv. much too beautiful ever to be real. bridge, vou and Mother and me.
a stained glass windows of •£ the The importance of dignity, cour-
"Well," began Tony,j"I'm the | Funny, but she had never taken Who should be there when she Church. Best man? O, uh, why tesy, cooperation, and concentra-
only one who hasn't been asked. much notice of Tony before, had let's have Jack!"

| tion were the four big points

arrived, but* Tony, who, as Ste-
Guess I'll have to put my order never known how really fine a "Jack who? Oh, yes, perfect. stressed by Miss Weiblein for the
phanie happily explained, "blew
in. It's a funny one and a wild character he was/Was he think- He's a sillv kid, but, won't'.it be office worker. She has had nine or
in just in time to make a fourth. ft

one, but I'd like to go to Ripley!" ing, now, about the little home, I know how you hate playing splendid? Stephanie can have my ten girls working under her at
"Well, of all things, Tonylgj overlooking a lake, that they had three-handed, Paula." announcement party a real small one time or another, and, of
And, pray, what f o r t " all'had so much fun in planning? Paula found she could be really one, because I don't want many course, was well able to give us
"Whafcjdo people usually go Or was it still a game with^him, pleasant in Tony's? company. She parties." Her voice trembled and definite examples to substantiate
there for, Stephanie f" Tony the game he had started it out to found also that she was happy for broke in an ecstasy of happiness. what she said. Accuracy, tact,
laughed. be ? fWould she ever see Tony the first time in she couldn 't think. Tony shivered, "Hear the way spelling, the use of the dictionary,
"Be married, so I've heard!" again? Would he forget her? how long. Sometimes, it did one that wind's chasing itself around personal appearance, are all of the
Stephanie responded? triumphant- Would she forget him? Paula good not to see people for a long the house! Tt was real quiet when utmost importance and are essen-
ly. I feared that - she wouldn't, ever. time. It^sort of taught them howfl we came in." tial for the success of any office
March wind,
Feverishly, she tossed about, won- to be human* once more. "But, it's the | employee.
"Smart g i r l ! " Tony told the
crowd, who, (Jack and Stephanie, dering why she couldn't sleep. So, the winter passed, evenings Tony, the wind that gave us each There were also many other in-
at least), were sure Tony was "Dear God, let- me forget tonight at bridge, parties, theaters, fcon- other." I . -If teresting phases of Miss Weiblein's
about to pull a joke of some sort ever was! Bring back the peace I certs, lectures, always with Tony. "Silly wind.I' talk She answered questions asked
a gorgeous
on them. used to know! " § £ § The wind, With them were usually Stephanie "Silly You! It's her by the students, telling us facts
" 0 , but I shouldn't like to be changing tits course, blew through and her "flame of the moment." wind. that onlv a woman in the busi-
married that way," said Paula in her open window and lulled her to It seemed hardly possible to get so "And a gorgeous You!'' ness world could tell us. We were
sleep —Kay Barrett, '83 all loathe to see J her leave; herj
allow voice. much sheer enjoyment out of liv-
:-o-: ease, her natural, friendly air
Everyone was secretly delighted March wore on into April; April ing. "Speaking of the 'worthy use
that a chord had been struck in rained into May; May, flowered of leisure'," Paula began one 1 VALENTINE PARTY made her one of the loveliest
the conversation which appealed into June. There was a great void night on the way to a lecture by kiests we have had. We all hope
to Paula. Almost in unison, they and discontent in Paula's heart an eminent critic of poetry, "we The night of February 13, 1933, that Miss Weiblein will come
asked: "What is your idea of a which, frankly, she couldn't ex- all seem to be making mighty good was a time of much good fun in again, because we are sure that no
wedding, Paula?" plain, even to herself. Vacation use of ours. And, I'm always so the dining room of Mercy- mattor when she comes or what
time was coming. Jl Where to go ? " tired lately, when I get to bed, hurst College. The Sophomores her subjeot may be, she will have
^ 1 suppose that kind would be
all right for some people. I mean the eternal vacation question. Pau- that? I even forget to dream." were entertaining their sister a'message for us that will he truly
la had dozens of ads from summer March blew in like the pro- class, faculty and Sisters with an worthwhile.
they would be satisfied with it.
But I think they ' miss so much. resorts and excursions, but one verbial lion that year, but gradu- informal evening affair carried — Betty Danahy, '3s£
Besides all the religious advan- meant no more to her than an- ally calmed down. The evenings out in the spirit and colors of St. :-o-:
tages, a Church wedding is so other. In the end, she and Ste- are so strange, and weirdly dark. Valentine* day, "Many despair of the race be-
much more beautiful. Can't you phanie went up the Lakes for just before the beginning of Our guests entered the dining
cause they know nothing save what
see bridesmaids in pastel organ- twenty days on a freighter. At the spring. There is something so room by stepping through the they see in the mirror. 9 1
dies, summer garden flowers, and most, all Paula returned with was mysterious in the black of ajwincU*! large heart : which decorated the
a June sun making pretty pic- a>8plendid tan, and a little better less March night that one just- doorwav. The dining hall was : -o-*:
t C I

tures on the white marble altars appetite. Stephanie had had a can 't help thanking the God Who divided into two parts, the north "Trouble and perplexity drive
through the stained glass win- grand time on the trip. She was a made it all. It seemed to Paula end being used for the arrange- me to prayer, and prayer drives
dows T'' stunning girl to start with, and that she had always thanked Him ment of the tables, which was done away perplexity and trouble."
"And so many more parties that had a charming personality thrown for March nights, and March §j in clover fashion. The south end J * i —Melanchthon
Page Four THE MERCIAD • —•••
March, 1933

KAY'S SOLUM are in order to Mary Cronin who sessor of a most handsome patch more pleasant. All lab work is cretarial department, who haven't
has a position at 1 merson school quilt which is to be raffled for the done in this new room and all the vaguest idea of what the off-
IHere it is'March and we're in fcap What's this we hear about-M. benefit of the Merciad! Wonder lectures are held in the Biology ice practice room is or why it is
the midst of the Lenten season W. and K.T.?...i.<|What happened to what makes Iva so happy in the. Room. important.
once again, and, as we've promised Dotty Bryan's nose last week ?Ji* mornings is it that she's had a The Phylomeletic Club takes This room is for the use of the
to make a good Lent this year we Maryllrwin's mother returned re- good sleep, or has all her English this occasion to welcome the new advanced students in the secre-
must be very careful what we say cent lv from a several weeks' stay and Latin, or.*. WHAT? members. We're glad to have you tarial department, and is t he scene
Rumor has it that the Kolum in Florida Ain t you 'shamed, Mary Jo Cleary and Ruth a n d w o a r o mre t h a t y o n wiU en
" of the office practice class which
was verv sarcastic last month Gene Sproat? ,.v one little poem Eichci.laub are paisl.To Margaret 3 # fche Club's activities. meets once a week to acquire know-
wasn't ever meant to be perhaps from you in all the month's you've Mullanev: How manv times a day —Elizabeth McDonald, '83 ledge about indexing and filing.
just-the individuals' interpreta- been liere^,,.^ Terese A'Hcarn is 1 p until recently, the office near
do you use the 'Code Rap? Kay ._0_.
tion ... however we 're sorry if we nowfSteaehing at Erie Business the Community Room was serving
Egan is a stunning girl Elsie is | *
did step on anyone's toes, if you College And, by the way, Terese, a dual purpose — Mother Bene-
now§a full fledged licensed driver PARLIAMENTARY
wish to put it that way Alex- do you ever hear anything from dict a 's office and the office prac-
...Doesn't Mickey's sister re- PROCEDURE CLUB
andria taught her first Latin Ro e Deibcl?...^ Has'-Marg Canto- tice room; but now, the first room
semble her a lot ? Is Dot Cron- — —
class not lour ago, and we take it loupe been keeping herself in Far- just off of the entrance corridor
auer still keeping poetry ?.L How'd "Oh girls! Did you hear about
that she was pretty much thrilled rell all this time? to the class rooms is used for of-
Our "Uncle you like to make your obsession our new Club?'
about it the poor Latin students Dudley" gave some of the Seniors fice practice. •*'
known?.^Anna McGrath writes "New Club? Where? What's
have been pntiinf* up with a lot a lesson m grammer recently*sr Is the notes for the Hj>me Ec club it about? Oh, do tell u s . " It is a fairly spacious room, with
since Sister Ethcldreda hasn't everyone patronizing the Larkin Dot Mever has turned i n t o ^ a "Well,|you see, it's this way: tables and chairs, box files and
been feeling so w e l l ^ Mary Moran Store ? Not hinffflike boosting baker | and Alice Martin, a piano Sister Philippa is offering a the like. It also houses the dicta-
professes three loves. Lord Bvron, home industries, y 'know..,£; Is Gin- mover who dotes on Chili f course in Parliamentary Procedure phone, which is a new addition to

Edgar Allen Poe, and, preserve ny Duggan really as cynical as her Louise's Dadjdisagrees with those this semester. In order that the the secretarial department this
us! J. gingerbread with applesauce poetry would lead you to believe? who think his daughter can singE, | S i r i s wiI1
£e$ the necessary train- year. This is most interesting to
|.... Jeannette would like to know iUl What makes Libby feel so good Add to vour lis#of smart remarks: ™g in club formation the class is operate. And then, too, there is
how and where Ruth gets all her when she gets "Blessings on thee,

the new filing cabinet. Of late,

'Prof:f"Do not forget the im- forming a real club. New officers
information Who is the girl who little lamb?"....pMartha Myer is portance of mind over matter." are to be elected monthly soithat there has been much attention cen-
agrees with the taste of one of the very talented in writing Can you Smart student:" I don't mind, so everyone may have experience as tered around this cabinet by the
local society editors?....: Caroline, imagine a little girl like Betty you don't matter!" an office-holder. And, girls, a Stenography II pupils. |
now better known as "Sibby," O'Connor eating four hamburgs ' member of Parliamentary Proce- And have you noticed the other
- :-o- *
makes perfectly swellegant waf- at one sitting? During a class the •«$ I ' dure class must be present at every pieces of equipment in the secre-
fles ! •«& We saw a darling picture other day, the Professor asked one BIOLOGY 1 NOTES meeting of a club, society, or class tarial department ? In the account-
of Pat McAllister th'other day ii! of the § pupils to step out of the held in Mercyhurst to make sure ing room, there are two new add-

The Phylomeletic Club held its that all the meetings are conducted ing machines — a Burroughs and a
incidentally, we might say here room and over into the Community
third meeting February 16. There according to parliamentary proce- Dalton. That big monstrous ma-
that the McAllister sisters are two Room and remind the girls that
was an exceptionally large crowd dure. Isn't that 0 good idea chine near the desk is the Bur-
of the most popular girls on the the radio was not to be played
in attendance. A very well-pre- though?" • •.**• I roughs, and can perform wonders
campus Mary Carlos, who has during school hours and to add
pared paper was read by ^Anna "Pardon, just a question: How I with numbers. The Dalton.machine
bobbed her auburn locks, longs for that it annoyed the teachers,^par-
Mae Patton, the subject of which did you ever manage to get the I is smaller and is located on a steel
the time when she'll be married ticularly this one You can ima-
was "Diseases and Their Cures." ffjris together?" * I table near the windows. The chairs
and won't have to write any more gine this teacher's embarassment
Alice Summers, a new member of "Oh, it was all very clever. A I in the typing room are new, also.
editorials*,... The Sophomores sure when she was told it was not the
the club, read a paper on "Small- member pretended that she had They are of the latest modern
made a big hit in the Song Contest radio which she was hearing, but
pox." Both papers were most in- j u s t moved into a new town, "Par- type, and are very comfortable.
with their original song land the Sister Mercedes' victrola and
Freshies put many new lights on French records Someone wants to teres ting. • liamentary Procedure Town we And the most recent acquisition,
the College songs Did you ever, know if the Registrar is still so The Ecology Class are very busy shall call|jt, and found it lacking the Mimeoscope, must not be for-
ever see Mary Lucille when she strenously opposed to bright^ nail working on contracts. Here's a in girl's societies. So she issued gotten. This is an instrument used
wasn't?/'starving for some cherry poem I came £ across the other day invitationsfefor a tea to be held at | in collaboration with the mimeo-
polish ..imAside to Lucille Meelian: —I'm sure the Identification Class her home in Room 15, at Mercy- graph, and enables us to produce
pie a la mode ?'{ We beg to re-
Many thanks, Lucille for the many will enjoy it. It'sf title lis "Every hurst College, onJFriday February programs, papers and so'forth with
mind the Editors of the Science
favors you've done4... Kay Cal- Day Botany" by KatherinefH. 17, 1933 at nine o'clock. It was clever pictures i-ud drawings on
Bulletin that one of the reporters
lanan, Jean Reese, Eleanor De Perry. very lovely, and so interesting, for, them.
on their paper is unaware that Edi-
Veaux, Jane Upriehard %. we '11 Who doubts there are classes you know, it was an imaginary tea.
son is dead..... no offense meant Did you know that the secretar-
neverttforget you ... Your College jOf men like the grasses Then, the hostess gave a brief
we just thought scientists were ial department has a library of its
may be represented at the World's Andjflowers, subdivided in many speech asking what everyone
very exact, and found a chance to [ own? It contains volumes on all
trip one of them up Ruth Ster- Fair in Chicago this summer a way? thought of forming a club and subjects relative to the business
rett will henceforth be known as think of it! We've been asked You've seen them, I've seen them, asked for opinions. courses. Some newly-published
the "Official Tagger" around to contribute a number of our We've jostled between them, "Then, on Friday 'February 24, books have recently been added to
these parts..;... Marg. Clemens very student poems to be compiled in These manifold specimens — day the Parliamentary Procedure class the collection.
unsuspectingly let this bit of news an Anthology of Poetry by stud- after day,' convened with Miss Headley as — Dorothy Morord, '33
ents of accredited colleges in the acting chairman and Miss O'Dea
fall right into our pen as it were ;-o-:
tt United States This work is You've met nettles that sting you, as Secretary. The Misses Danahy,
Jack was home for the week-end,
and will be back home again in two under the personal direction of And roses that fling you Barrett, and Headley were nomi- AU REVOIR
weeks, at the most" (There, Mr. Anna Hempstead Branch herself, Their exquisite incense from nated for the office of president
Relihan* it took nearly two years and will be on exhibition at the warm, hidden hearts; and Miss Barrett was elected. Death can never take one 1
to discover the cause of that far- Fair. And bright morning glories Isn't that nice? After Miss Bar- we hold dear;
away look, but wasn 't it worth There were a few of us for- That tell their own stories, rett took the chair several points He is a monster we need
it ?).... Anna Mae Patton is here tunate enough to secure a personal With l'ound honest faces re- on procedure were discussed and never fear.
taking some special courses from interview with the Rev. George hearsing their parts. Miss Barrett appointed a commit- At his dread call we mav
Mother Pierre better be careful Erbe, who has just recently to our tee including Misses Danahy, ever smile,
country after having spent eleven Sometimes an old thistle Dugan, Blair and De Veaux to For parting lasts but a
of the microbes, Anna Mae ,.d
draw up a constitution. At our last little while; 1
"Them's dangerous things to be years doing missionary I work
• a
Will cluster and bristle,
meeting on March 3, Miss Danahy 'Tis not goodbye but merely
monkeying with!" [We'd like to among the Chinese..! Katherine When chance or necessity leadss
was elected Vice President and au revoir
see a silhouette of Genevieve Tritle has bobbed her hair • Are you his way;
Miss Connors Treasurer. In heaven all united as before.
Montague, that very charming new Mary Ann and Midge still faith- But do not upbraid ftim— •

Freshman who, hails from Union ful to their " Crushes ? " S Verle, He's just as God made him; "Of course, we're planning a
City....^ she has a perfectly perfect we hear you 're ill....* hurry and get Perchance some small good he number of things and all of the For in His garden of souls,
profile The Dean tells us that well, won' .You have the has done in his day. girls are so enthused. But, there's g God needs some wholly white,
the bell — sorry — but I'll have So he calls them from this
before very long we will be saying good wishes of all of us Eileen
hasn't 'just been herself lately I more to tell you next time. And earthly fight
our stations in the new Chapel Ah! never a flower,
now, wouldn't you like to be a That His dear bouquet may be
won% it be grand ? Each and all fagged out touch of the flu Blooming wild or injbower,
member, t o o ? " complete.
every loyal Mercyhurst girl should Mary Lou, you make a very charm- But lives in Humanity's 'flora
Oh; how can we say this is
get just as big a thrill of pride in ing directress.*.. Sister Dorothea anew; — Libby Lippart, '33
the new Chapel as the Sisters do did a good job the night she taught May I ask in conclusion, :-o-:
For though the earthly flower
Betty Danahy wears green so well Mim howfto use the dish-washer: Mid all this confusion, f
If Dibby Wilbert is never re- Mim 's an expert at it after one What flower we shall find if Have you heard of the new Off- Its fragrance in our lives still
membered for anything else, her night but she's a good teacher, we analyze you? ice Practice Room to which the I lingers on.
name will never be forgotten too,.,.,, who wants to learn how to The new Bacteriology lab is Secretarial Department has recent- | —Mary O'Dea, '36
around here for the very beautiful wash dishes ? Liz Bamberger completed! When the library was ly fallen heir ? There, you think
poem which she wrote to her Dad and LuElla honored the recent :-o-:
moved to the new building, the you know all about your college,
It won Dibby a prize at the re- Pegasus meeting by acting as vacated room was equipped for the and you have overlooked this big How poor are they that have
cent Pegasus Valentine meeting...... judges of the poems submitted Bacteriology and Anatomy classes. item I Of course, some of the stu- not patience!
Two per cent off for every Latin We'll see Winnie 0'Dell's name It is one of the largest? and dents know the "whys and where-1 I What wound did ever heal but by,
(student who misspells Sister Ethel- in Tin Pan Alley some one of these brightest rooms in the building— fores'' of it; while there are other degrees?
dreda's name Congratulations days....... Jane Turgeon is thejpos- and thus the long lab hours are students, some of them in the se- Shakespeare

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