BS Figurative Language - Broad Heath Primary School

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2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

We are continuing to ask parents to keep wearing a face covering, unless exempt.

Last week of clubs! 3/9
2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

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35 thoughts on “BS Figurative language”

1. Ismail Ali
31/03/2017 at 11:02 am •

Blanket of darkness filled the air,

The infinite sky is motionally above,

The worlds roof is ablaze,

Lightning struck like viscous a bullets!

The rain came down like tiny tears,

A severe flood washed up the city,

The city fell to its knees,

Destroying every living thing!

The powerful wind is rapidly blowing cars away,

People of the city are staying in there homes,

Praying because if they die they go to heaven,

Wishing there dreams come true!

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2. Esa Khan
31/03/2017 at 11:02 am •

The sky morphed into a creepy nightmare

Darkness fills the once bright sky,

Punishing the helpless Earth,

With its ferocious strikes of light.

The sky turned as black as ink,

It rakes its razor claws

Beating Earth to the limits

As the buildings fall.

By Faheem and Esa

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3. Marcel Maniecki
31/03/2017 at 9:40 am •

The umbrella emoji stands for rain ☔️.

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4. Faheem Shah
31/03/2017 at 9:40 am •

Image 1

Pitch black clouds covered the sky

The pitch storm clouds took over the once light sky

The sky morphed into a creepy nightmare

The fluffy clouds suddenly turned into a very dark day

Aryan & Faheem ⛈🌩😀

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5. Aliyah Hameed
31/03/2017 at 9:40 am •

The wind howled like a wolf across the earth.

The blinding lightning crashed into the ground.

A dark blanket rolled over the sky.

We are continuing to ask parents to keep wearing a face covering, unless exempt.

Gigantic tides splashed as the grey clouds huddled together like penguins.

Last week of clubs!

The helpless seas cried for help. 4/9
2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

The lightning was as bright as lanterns.

Tree stood in terror trying to avoid every strike of lightning.

The howling wind is a swirling storm.

The clouds are fluffy puffy cushions.

By Aliyah and Matthew

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6. Eesa Bashir
31/03/2017 at 9:39 am •

The Lightning sores through the pitch black sky. It rapidly strikes like a fireball. The Lightning looks like a fireball streaking across the sky.The horrible beast picks up
every thing in its path. The mighty waves clash against the jagged cliffs. The massive hurricanes demolish every thing alive. The darkness of the invincible hurricane
blocked if the light of heaven. The lightning struck like a hail of asteroids. Forced into the dark the sun had tiny beames of light pushing through the dark. The blanket of
darkness took over the world. The strong lightning burned the trees to ash (to its knees)

By eesa😎

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7. Rhys Fuller-Mapp
31/03/2017 at 9:36 am •

The sky was fierce and terrible

Darkness filled the aim

The city bathed in a dark mist

The sky is as black as ink

The sky is as black as coal

The golden sun sparkled like a diamond

The lightening was glowing brightly

The rain was like a bucket overflowing

The rain was like Giant tears

The waves sounded like a lions roar

The yellow jagged bolt stuck the earths surface

The Lightning sounded like a wolf pack

Out of the dense cloud the thunder came down

A volt of lightning soared through the air

Cushions of dark air filled the air


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8. Ismail Ali
31/03/2017 at 9:34 am •

It did not come out right!

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9. Marcel Maniecki
31/03/2017 at 9:34 am •

1.The squavy , blustery wind howled wildly.

2.The deadly,dazzling,violent lightening shook the floor.

3.Heavy ☔️fragmentats and washes all the deep scattering floods throughout the day.

4.The terrific and unexpected wind 💨 had a mission to break the world with a tornado.

5. The sky went painfully dark as the clouds engulfed the sky.

6.The sky was like a pillow filled with darkness.

By Marcel M and Zeinab Keita 😀😊🤓

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10. Ismail Ali
31/03/2017 at 9:32 am •

Storm- Lightening/Thunder- Flood-

Heavy Blinding light. Severe

Like a house ! It is like roots coming from the sky Stiff

Scary It’s like a documentary Damp







By Ismail and Leila🤑🤓😎😜

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Ismail Ali
31/03/2017 at 9:34 am •

It did not come out right!

We are continuing to ask parents to keep wearing a face covering, unless exempt.

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2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

11. Ridwan Said

31/03/2017 at 9:30 am •

(1).The winds is strong ,wild it is bright and light

(2).The Lightning is jagged ,golden and bright and dramatic evil lightning.

(3). The scale flood dashing the houses.

Ilhan and Ridwan.😎😋

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12. Nadal Ifeanacho
31/03/2017 at 9:29 am •

The dark clouds have taken over the bright sky.

The blanket of darkness has covered the light of heaven.

The jagged claws of a demon throwing lightning.

Nadal and Andreea

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13. David Hajduk
31/03/2017 at 9:27 am •

Storm:The storm is to pawerfull.

Wind:The wind is wind.

Flooding:The flooding is water.

Thunder:The thunder is strong.

Lightening:The lightening is like rots are white.

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14. Aryan Mattu
31/03/2017 at 9:26 am •

1st pic :





2nd pic :





3rd pic:





4th pic:





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Aryan Mattu
31/03/2017 at 9:27 am •

By Faheem and Aryan🌩⛈😀

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15. Murran Masterson
31/03/2017 at 9:22 am •

Lightening struck through the earth like a knife in someone’s heart.

The wind hit the windows like a hungry pack of wolves ready to charge.

The storm brutally tortured the sea.

The sky was as dark as a night mare.

The flood took over the city and the innocent civilians.

The rain shoot the innocent houses below

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16. Asia Anderson
31/03/2017 at 9:22 am •

We are continuing to ask parents to keep wearing a face covering, unless exempt.

The flood was as big as a ocean whale.

Last week of clubs! 6/9
2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

The lightening struck dead.


The cotton wheel clouds ☁️blocked the sun passing by.

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17. Isa Kabir
31/03/2017 at 9:22 am •

1)The sky split like a daggers cut.

2)The lightning was struck down by devils .

3) The thunderstorms shocking the heavens.


1) The wind is a humans exhale.

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18. Malaikah Hussain
31/03/2017 at 9:22 am •

The haze of the deepening storm haunted the gloomy sky.

The storm was black as ink.

The lightening gazed upon the clouds.

The ferocious flood came closer crashing into the deadly waves.

The wind was like a pitch black heart that was split into two.

The wind was an angel of darkness.

The thundery thunder emerged from behind the clouds staring at the grey sky.

The storm brutally attacked the flood water.

The fearless flood was like a shower being on.

The frightening flood was like a tap dripping.

The fears flood was like a child tears.

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19. Sana Khan
31/03/2017 at 9:21 am •

The lightening cut through the EARTH!

The earth started to shake like a volcano underneath them was about to explode.

Trees wacking against the walls.

The twigs were bony fingers.

The twigs were like hands running up your spine

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20. Faiz Iqbal
31/03/2017 at 9:21 am •

Litning struck like a knife stabing though a heart.

The under world was opening up.

The litning stabs the earth in half.

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21. Julia Krusinowska
31/03/2017 at 9:21 am •

Thunderstorm as loud as a child screaming of pain waking up all of the citizens in the city. As sharp as a knife cutting through the earth like butter. World split in half like
a broken heart. Flood as strong as an overflowing shower.

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22. Fathiya Mohammed
31/03/2017 at 9:21 am •

Furious flooding flooded the strong buildings. Lightening scored the sky cutting the earth. The sun peered through the cave of darkness. Terrible thunder swirled like
someone stirring soup. The world was as dark as a cave. The sun pushed the THE moon out of the way. The thunder was a pack of wolves. The sea flooded the wolves.

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23. Bethany Macho
31/03/2017 at 9:21 am •

Thunderous roars howled through the city .Rain fell like an overflowing shower bursting.The wind swirled capturing the town .Lightening struck like a blade splitting the
world in half.The wind sounded like a moan from the Gods .Clouds ran towards safety .

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24. Martyna Pawlewicz
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

The lightening cut through the earth like a knife.

The wind howled like a pack of hungry lions.

We are continuing to ask parents to keep wearing a face covering, unless exempt.

The sky was covered in a blanket of darkness.

Last week of clubs! 7/9
2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

The storm tortured the inoffensive sea below.

The furious flood attacked the houses below.

The rain dropped like a child’s tears.

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25. Farhaad Namdar
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

1- The deafening wind conquered the clear blue sky.


2-The bright fireworks soared straight through the misty and murky clouds

3- The thunder scowled across the dark and ferocious atmosphere.

4- The flood was overflowing the deepening pavements.


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26. Naly Ali
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

The thunder split the world in half like a broken heart.

The ravenous winds howled.

The ravenous storm was aproching slower than a snail.

The ravenous flood devoured the houses.

The sky was as black as ink.

The ravenous winds howled like a blood thirsty tiger.

The ravenous flood devoured the animals.

The ravenous winds slapped the windows.

The ravenous flood devoured the trees.

The brutal storm destroyed the houses.

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27. Joshan Joydon
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

frightful lightning attacks the innocent seas

The lightening stabs the earth in half.

The tornado devours anything in sight.

Black snakes and white snakes fight to take over the clouds

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28. Denis Gabrans
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

The tornadoe🌪 ript the ground in half as wall as the trees 🌲.

The lightning ⛈ cut through the ground like nives.

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29. Murtaza Ali
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

The misty clouds rolled across the dim sky like snooker balls.

The thrashing lightning cut through the innocent tree like a axe.

The ravenous wind howled while the flood ferociously flushed the world.

The aggressive thunder slapped the windows.

The dashing rain poured while giving blind vision.

The furious tornado curled up wisps of smoky particles.

From Murtaza.

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30. Lataya Jackson
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

The lightning cut through the sky like Knives.

The sky was Pitch black like ink.

Rain pored like a Giants tears.

Rain pored like a dripping pipe

Personification .

Clouds ran through the sky.

The night struck dead.

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31. Zaynab Bibi
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am • We are continuing to ask parents to keep wearing a face covering, unless exempt.

Last week of clubs! 8/9
2/15/22, 2:00 PM BS Figurative language | Broad Heath Primary School

Furious water floated and broke the houses in to pieces.

Alarmingly,lightening struck to the ground like a glass smashing to the ground.

The aggressive wind pushed the trees branches as hard as it could.

Rain poured towards the ground like a leaking pipe.

The furious lightening is scratching the sky with its nail.

From Zaynab!!!!!

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32. Ryan Chiwade
31/03/2017 at 9:20 am •

The storm pushed the trees of the cliff.

The lightening cuted through the clouds like butter.

The lightening shot the car into the sea like a boat is sinking under the ocean.

The clouds got dark because of the lightening was a strong as a engine or the sea or the boats trying to get out from the oceans all the way to bestest beach in the world.
The storm was crashing to the trees and road the lightening was as fast as jaguar and it roared like a lion roaring to call his families and his food.

Rain pored like a tap which can’t close so it is flooded into the road.

The lightening cuted the tree down like a dagger cutting into your heart.

The lightening was as loud as a lions roar.

The lightening was like a dagger which is going to hurt you.

The over world was like opening up to a nover world the lightening was so scary like a jaguar trying to eat you.


The lightening struck like a knife.

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Eesa Bashir
31/03/2017 at 11:01 am •

The lightning split the earth 🌏 in half like a broken heart💔

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