14th Meeting - Quiz 2

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Please copy and paste this file and type your answer directly in bold red color.
Complete the story with the correct forms of the words in parentheses. (15 points)
1. Aaron is carrying two tires. He (change) _____________ the tires on car.
2. Next week (be) ____________ the beginning of winter and the weather forecast says that
there (be) __________ snow tomorrow.
3. That’s why many of the garage’s customers have made an appointment and (call in)
________ today to get their winter tires.
4. By the end of the day, Aaron (mount) ____________ about 80 tires.
5. He (be/probably) _______________ tired after that. It’s a lot of work for one day, but his
customers promise that next year they (have) _____________ their tires changed earlier.


No. 1 – 5 Please correct this following sentence. (15 points)
1. Here is your car. I just washed it.


2. I knew Peter since last year.


3. Were you ever here before?


4. I practice skiing since my childhood.


5. Did you order the magazine yet?


No. 6 – 10 Complete this following dialog using simple past or present perfect tense. (25 points)

6. A : (be/you/see) ________________ Greg lately?

B : No, I (be/not) _______________ . I (talk) _________ to him at the airport two weeks ago.
But I (not/see) _______ him since then.
7. A : Where (he/travel) ______________?
B : He (fly) ___________ to Greece for holiday.
8. A : I (be) ___________ Greece three times. I love Greece.
B: Really? My wife and I (spend) ____________ a week in Turkey in 1996, but I (never/be)
____________ Greece. By the way, (be/Greg/come) _____________ back yet?
9. A : Yes, he (be) _____. I (meet) ____ him yesterday. He (look) _________ extremely
B : (be/he/get) ______________ suntanned in Greece?
10. A : To tell the truth, I don’t really know. He (always/look) ___________ suntanned since I
(meet) ___________ him for the first time.
B : Okay see you!

No. 1 – 7 Use must not, do not have to, should, must/have to in the following. (16 points)
1. I’ve already finished all my work, so I _____________ study tonight. I think I’ll read for a while.
2. I ____________ forget to take my key with me.
3. You ____________ introduce me to Dr. Gray. We’ve already met.
4. A person ____________ eat in order to live.
5. If you want to become a doctor, you ____________ go to medical school for many years.
6. This pie is very good. You ___________ try a piece.
7. This pie is excellent! You ____________ try a piece.
8. Sir, you _________ park in this street. The car park is round the corner.
No. 8 – 10 Complete the sentences by using must or may/might/could with the expressions in the
following list. (9 points)

Be about ten be very proud like green

Be at a meeting feel terrible miss them very much
Be crazy fit Jimmy
Be rich have the wrong number

9. A: Have you noticed that Professor Adams wears something green every day?
B: I know. He ____________________________________________________________
10. A: Look at the man standing outside the window on the fifteenth floor of the building!
B: He ___________________________________________________________________
11. A: I’ve heard that your daughter recently graduated from law school and that your son has
gotten a scholarship to the state university. You _________________________________
B: We are.
Use either active or passive, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in parentheses. (20 points)
1. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the
world’s oxygen (produce) ____________ there.

2. The entire valley (see) ____________ from their mountain house.

3. He is wearing a gold band on his fourth finger. He (marry) ____________.

4. The game (win, probably) ____________ by the other team tomorrow. They’re a lot better than
we are.

5. There was a terrible accident on a busy downtown street yesterday. Dozens of people (see)
____________ it, including my friend, who (interview) ____________ by the police.

6. Last week, I (offer) ____________ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept it.

7. A child (give, not) ____________ everything he or she wants.

8. She is very lazy. If you want her to do anything, she (push) ____________.

9. We can’t wait any longer! Something (do) ____________ immediately!

10. In my opinion, Ms. Hansen (elect) ____________ because she is honest, knowledgeable, and


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