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Publishedfat Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania


College Notes Increase I HEAD GLEE CLUB Practice Teachers Start
Enrollment For This Year jsjfAs has been the custom in the At Academy High School
past, Mercyhurst is again making
Seven Countries and Fifty Cities Represented, Fresh- arrangements for another suc- Senior Dignity Put to Test As They Join Peda-
men Are 58 Strong.?. cessful Glee Club. This year, the i i gogical Ranks
club will be run on a little differ-
Who's afraid of the big bad MERCYHURST ORCHESTRA ent basis. Previously, organization MERCIAD TO HAVE STAFF PRACTICE TEACHERS START
wolf? Not the present generation GETS UNDER WAY! was started a few weeks before IN AT ACADEMY
certainly, for despite the fact that comencement, which made it
the depression lurks at our door- Mercyhurst college commit tes necessary to prepare musical num- Seventeen members of the
ways in the shape of a wolf, Mer- will not have much longer to worrv bers rather hurriedly. ^However, Along with the rest- of the
Senior class started out September
" IT I
over orchestra prices for dances. organizing was started! early this changes that the new year brings,
eyhurst 's enrollment has increased 29 with quaking heart and peda-
In a short while we will be having year, with the hope of making the the Staff proudly announces that
nearly twenty-five percent, Per- gogical mien to Academy High
our own orchestra, to be formed club a dominant figureVin musical it is soon to be established in an School where they will spend a
usuol of the college records shows
by Professor C. C. Morel li. circles around Erie. official newspaper office to be semester learning the finer points
that out of this number there are
Mr. Morelli, who recently opened known as the Staff Room and its of teaching.
thirty-four non-Catholic students, Mercyhurst has been very fortu- location to be directly tojthe left
seven nationalities and a represen- a studio locally, has been directing "How* did vou like i t ? " in-
school orchestras for jthe Jpast nate in securing the assistance of of the Dav Students Recreation
tation from fifty municipalities. Mrs. -Mamie Wilbert asIdirector ouired the Merciad ^reporter of
twenty-five years and has been Room. This room is to be used by Miss Dorothy Cronauer.
This would certainly seem to in- of the college Glee Club. Mrs. Wil-
identified with musical activities ihe staff for the writing of their
dicate that the serious-minded in- bert^isjjthe daughter of Mr. Harry assignments; all business trans- " I ' m a wreck," answered Miss
dividual who really wants an edu- throughout this fcountrv — and Kennedy, well known ventriloquist Cronauer weakly, as she staggered
Europe, where he received his action relating to the Merciad—
cation will go after it at any cost— and song writer, whose composi- all staff meetings and in short— into her room.
and what is more — get it. It is training. For the past seven years tions included* many popular old Not to be daunted our inquiring
he has been director of public for everything fpertaining to the
this type off student that makes favorites of the 'nineties, such as paper. We hope to have it ready young representative next ap-
for higher standards of culture school bands and orchestras at CI Empty as the Cradle", "Molly proached Miss Clarke. "What
Huntingdon, Pa., and has come foj occupancy shortly and would
and knowledge for they have and I and the Baby", and "Say appreciate it if the student body statement can you give the paper
neither the time nor the money back to Erie onlv recentlv, where in regard to practice teaching,
he has taken up his work with pri- An Revoir but not Goodbve" would render assistance by donat-
to fritter away on merej"good Mrs. Wilbert brings to her work ing such spare chairs, tables, type- Miss Clarke?" ;
times.'' Not that they don't have vate students. "Well, to be perfectly frank, as
I —R. S. natural talent and the rich ex- writers, calendars,' etc., as they
good times — they do — but not perience of many years. She made a teacher, I'd rather spend my
:-o-: might have relegated to their at-
to the point of neglecting the her debut in New York Gitv with day in an office," answered Miss
DEPRESSION HAS ITS? AS- tics or barns.
things which will later mean their John Philip Sousa's band. She al- Clarke. "However, :*I really do
bread and butter. It is? for this— m ? SETS % :-o-: like it. The *vstein at Academy
so sang with Pryor's band, starr- • -

the highest type of culture that The first tiling that has been ing with Eugene Cowles. For the YEA, MERCYHURST! runs so efficiently that even a
Mercyhurst exists. So — with an heard in favor oi the depression past twenty years she Las been a young teacher after the first few
enrollment increase like that—in is that divrirar these years of trials teacher of voice and director of moments of fright cannot help but
times like this—is it any wonder and tribulations thero hasfbeen a choruses in manv musical clubs. What! Onlvk three sweaters!
Whv vou'U freeze! Whv, aren't acclimate herself quickly."
that we feel proud? stimulating effect upon higher

Our news hunter next tried sev-
—Rita Rectenwald, '37 vou jroinsr up there and run around
education. eral other of the student teachers
:-o-:- :-o- : anyway?
According to D. Clarence, J. but found them all so engrossed
MANY FACULTY MEMBERS West, and Miss Callie Hull of the INTELLIGENCE PAYS GIRLS Why? Whv, don't you know in their various aspects of the
*& ATTEND WORLDS' PAIR? National Research Council, the de- we're going down to Edinboro work that she didn't dare disturb
grees granted by the Universities this year. With that delegation o£ them. So she tip-toed away decid-
As stated bv Dr. M. J. Juty of
Sr. Mary Esther attended the freshmen, we could take the array ing that anything that demanded
and Colleges of America have Iowa State College, "Intelligence
Tri-State Commercial Teachers' on for a score of 0-0. In the fresh- such hard work that was done so
steadily increased in the last four ratings of boys and girls whose
Convention in Pittsburgh the men class we find a face which willingly must not onlv be fun but
years. engagements were announced in
week-end of October 13-14. opposed us many times last year very interesting and a statement
Is it because they have time for the college newspaper show that
Mother M. Borgia, Dean, and and we are here saying that we wouldn't be needed.
studies now or have lost interest the men tended to choose girls of
Sister Mary Alice, Registrar, paid are mighty glad to have Sally fac- " I t ' s an axiom" said the re-
in becoming millionnaires? equal or superior (intelligence,
a flying Visit to the Century of ing the same goal as we are. The porter — leaving the ! harassed
Would it be possible that this either intentionally or unintention-
Progress early in September. other new freshmen look "plen- editor totlook it upland find out
has its effect on Mercyhurst? al! v." I i w
Other faculty members who helped tee'' good, too, but we can't well that the term means — "self evi-
Perhaps! it does account! for the Finally the much discussed but pass our opinion yet, as we haven't
to swell the admissions there, dent t r u t h " * -j
large classes, especially in the never proved idea thati work is
were Sister Pierre, Sister Colette,
Science department. easier in the morning hours has them in action.
had many opportunities to see M —R. s.
Sister Fidel is and Sister Angelica. :-o-:
In deference to the sensitive ol- been discovered to be certaintv by
Mercyhurst's new chaplain,
factory organs of non-scientific Dr. G. L. Freeman of Northwest- With these new faces in the HOOKEY TEAM HOLDS MEET
Rev. James M. Powers, M. A.,
students, a new fan has been in- ern University. line-up, the old familiar ones back A meeting of the hockey candi-
heads the philosophy department.h
stalled inlthe Chemistry labrntory, again and the voice of our coach dates was called bv the Physical
|Mr. Relihan spent ten days in Maybe that's why the sciences
its purpose. being to prevent the guiding us on our cry is Education teacher. Miss Geruldine
Boston after the close of ? the are listed at 8:10 in our modern i
Mercyhurst Summer School, giv- odoriferous fumes from spreading It
Down with Edinboro, up with M. Heil, to be held in the gym
throughout the school. college.
ing a course in educational meth- —Jane Uprichard, '36 Mercyhurst.'' October 1. In response to this call
ods to the Missionary Franciscan Sister M. Pierre reports the only many of last year's squadland a
Sisters. new addition she ha*, is about large number of freshmen an-
fifty new girls.
Father Sullivan takes time off
from his duties as past or J of St.
£ —Jane Uprichard, '36 Attention! swered. The meeting gave to those
who expected to make the hockey
:-o-: squad of Mercyhurst, an idea of
Lawrence's Church, Albion, to
LOCKERS FOR COLLEGIANS The Merciad staff will be pleased to accept all contribu- what it was all about. It began
continue as professor of sociology
at Mercyhurst. Mother Benedicta wishes to an- tions, from all students at all times. To facilitate the work with a few fundamental ques-
of the staff however, we ask you to meet the following re- tions regarding hookey and ended
Father Powers and Mr. Relihan nounce that blockers may be rented quirements :
were "Among those present" at from her for the small sum of 1. All copy must, be typewritten, on one side of the with the call to report to the field

the Notre Dame-Carnegie Tech. twenty-five cents per person. Two paper *only — double spaced — sheets! numbered and the following day for practice.
game in Pittsburgh, October 21. people may rent one together for fastened together. :-o-:
Father Duering spent several the price of one key. xhe locker i4 2. All heads written with copy or separately with by- " I t is the anecdote tbat best
lino attached. i * ^ J
weeks in Europe the past summer, accomodations are spacious and 3. When copy is completed indicate by the usual sign— defines the personality.''
most of the time in Germany. the safest place in which to keep —Emil Ludwig
g Miss Wkalen paid several visits books and personal valuables. The 4. All oopv should be proof read before handing into — :-o-:—
to the Century of Progress during locker room is located directly at the re-write editor. $ Teacher: Willie, give a defini-
the summer' vacation; her home the foot of the stair leading to 5. Be sure to verify your facts. tion of home.
town, Peoria, . being within easy the auditorium. Anyone wishing 6. Identify your article at the top — marking it —
editorial, feature story etc. f Willie: Home is where part of
driving distance of| Chicago. to take advantage of this offer '%. 7. Hand material in before deadline to any offtthe edi- the family waits until the others
Miss Heil was a summer visitor may make the necessary arrange- tors or leave it in the staff {room. are through; with the oar.
at Bantam Lake, Connecticut. ments with Mother Benedicta. i—"mapolis Log
Published monthlyiby the students of Mercyhurst College S K I P P E R ' S LOG HAVE YOU BEAD? AMONG T H E POETS
Address all communication s i to I By Eugenia Sproat 4
THE MERCIAD Ahoy there you landlubbers. I t " T H E LTFE O F RICHARD
Mercyhurst Go 11 ege Eric, Pennsylvania was rough sailing Hie first week W A G N E R " , by Ernest Newman, A recent issue of the New York
Subscription Rates of school bufcf everything has is the highlj dramatic history of a j Ties gives us advance notice of a
O N E DOLliAR T H E Y E A H calmed down to a smooth routine celebrated and famous man by :i new poem that is expected to cre-
again. W e were all pretty home- celebrated biographer. This beau- ate considerable sensation in lit.
utn sick al first, but we've got our tifully illustrated book is one that ! erary circles J* * Give your Heart to
^ ^ T S ? ! ™^£?mr r.u h F^M^^#®i-" wM% - 4 ^ Sterrett arouses an interest in knowing the H a w k s " is its amazing title.
ASSISTANT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF yl^^^^^M^l. Virginia Renz " s e a l e g s ' ' now, the lookout Robinson Jeffers, the author, is a
BUSINESS MANAGER Costcllo Ressler pro mi es fair weather ahead and about this genius not only Jin
EXCHANGE EDITOR .'..-..•...;, ;...»•......... •. "....-. ....; Miss Bryan it's going to be clear sailing for musicians and composers but al o compromise between a genius and
S U f I M ASSOCIATE BDITORS: M St ? the rest of the year. Let's see in those who have little or no an uncivilized beast in his works.
Mary O'Dea — Betty Banner — Martha Meyers — Betty Streubei Jeffers writes with a swiftness
•* - Jean Reese — Jane Uprichard — Eug'enia .Sproat —*• what "s in the log for I his month knowledge of the music world. As
Jean St. Lawrence * I t see HIS nice to see so many a musician and composer, he ap- and flexibility that is inspiring.
STAFF REPORTERS J new faces around school The peals to music lovers; as a dra- He has an almost uncanny insight
Miss Burd — Miss Bigler — Miss Rectonwald —fMiss Lyman practice teachers are taking to matist, he attracts the the atten- into the emotions of his characters
FIELD CORRESPONDENTS £ teaching like ducks to water .... tion of actors and actresses; and, and at the same time seems to take
Miss Barre 11 — Miss Moonev as a romantic adventurer, he in- morbid delight in their mental
Evelyn!still*gets that phono call
terests the people who ask for a agonies. I n all of the works of
every noon What little Freshie
A WORKABLE SCHEME IN EMBRYO is soooo homesick Jeanne Grif- thrilling story. Robinson Jeffers one sees an al'
Newman's biography lis by far most perverted love of cruelty. At
fin is the most obliging person
In accordance j( with our new policy, the editors of and loads of fun too ,We hear the best told and fullest i n con-, no time, ihowever, does he appear
the Uerciad, wish to extend the appreciation of the that Francoise Riblet has quite the tent of any 1 have ever read—ho to lack the sensitivity that marks
student body, to fthel Faculty, for the new cafeteria dramatic ability Peg MacDon- makes us see Wagnei as a living the true artist. Such a combination
is the keynote of his startling per-
service installed this year. Its benefit will be felt by ald from Buffalo is plenty smooth man, a hero, an extremist, an idol,
both student and school. The non-resident students Jane Mulheirn is practice an exile and a debtor. Many
may now spend their money here instead of I in the teaching at Jefferson! this year writers have tried to darken the " G i v e Your Heart to the
norizon of Wagner's life, b u t H a w k s " has as its theme the age-
city and get in return for it, more varied and whole- Marge Alge lias gorgeous red Newman gives both sides to the old " t r i a n g l e " problem. I | ; is
hair..:. She looks well in that
some food for lialf the price Ithey could get it else- brown swagger outfit Every- story with no partiality shown. W e saved from banality by Mr. Jef-
where. body misses Marg Boyd's sense of struggle side bv side, with Wagner fers individuality in its develop-
The resident students too, find! the new scheme humor K a v Egan is the best V W If
W W *

through the early years of his


ment. The husband kills his wife's

adaptable and enjoyable and the school in turn is en- *F W
embittered, disillusioned, busy lover and she, forthwith, tries to
cook Just get her to give you
abled to incorporate bigger and better things for our a taste of those delicious cookies lii'c.III convince her husband that the
convenience, bv the use of thisimonev which hereto- she makes Wef ought to have To quote Mr. Newman:
crime was but a "dreadful
fore was being spent in less deserving places. Hence some hockey team this year what d r e a m " , and that the unfortunate
" H e wasja born borrower. He
it behooves every loyal Mercyhurst student to patro- with all the girls that have turned lover has fallen from a cliff. The
was so convinced that some day
wife says:
nize the cafeteria in her own interest as well as that of out ...One can't help liking Mar- he would have an enormous vogue a
the school. gery and Jean St. Lawrence &j that the money he asked for, and But if your dreadful dream were
true, I know you are strong
This is the sort of thing we like to see — and to en- they're so nice Peg Reichert is generally received, appeared to
courage, a new project that is for the community an interesting conversationalist | him not as a loan granted as a
Everybody likes the new cafeteria favor, but as a mere business ad- To give your heart to the hawks
good — a| common good towards which we can all vance that would!be realized to without a ery
cooperate enthusiastically. I service at noon «... Helen Lobelenz *

has a double in Florence Bibolry the lull l a t e r . " I n exchange for And bear it in lonely silence to
The Merciad Staff would like to offer an embryonic " I t z " Meyers writes the loveli- the end of l i f e " .
loans on debts or responsibilities
suggestion in connection with the cafeteria system. est poetry .... Jane and Lolly are for thorn, he would give^them his j From then on the jpoem is the
We sugg^fet thai* since there is such & large grottp^to rooming together this year , copyrights. * " "$ story of " h a w k s of remorse. tear-
serve at noon thati.another semester,punch periods be Marty Kettering has more pep ...j

Wagner was a great man but ing at the heart" of the man and
arranged separately — that is — allow one half hour Jack and Ginny are still going to- illogical in all matters other than woman. Eventually the husband
for lunch instead of an hour,|and divide the student gether It may be ajlittle late, music. He was temperamental and takes his own life. It is evident
body into two groups.* Thus* the upper classmen but the heartiest of congratula- imaginary. Restraint and conven- that Mr. Jeffers has a fair knowl-
would eat, letfus say, from 11:30 to 12:00 while the tions to Mr. and Mrs. Richard tion were two words that, to him, edge of psychology. It is more evi-
lower classmen were in class. Then from 12:00 to 12:30 ing wife Sara Brown is missed Williams. Carly will make a darl- were odious beyond description. dent that he knows the literary
the upper classmen would begin the afternoon ses- greatly by all her friends She's Music lovers and dramatists, value of "totality 4 f effect",
particularly, owe a huge debt of rather than of painstaking detail.
sion while the alternate group were at lunch. In this working in one of her Father's gratitude to this man who was One's first impression on reading
way the cafeteria rush would be easily handled—no stores now..|,...Lucille Meehan is persecuted so much while he lived "Give Your Heart to the Hawks"
one would have tofwait and the ensuing congestion, dearest little thing |j£ary Lou and who is idolized so much at is that it possesses a breathtaking
and indigestion wouldfbeflessened. Neville's sisters looked exactly the present day. force, a thunderous power. And
Then over and above that, the! half hour saved at like her ...J They're both very ^at- Mr. Newman concludes iris bio- yet as it ends, one has a peculiar
noon may be chopped off our afternoon schedule very tractive §|. What Sophomore al- graphy at the time of the upris- sense of relief as if escaping
comfortably so thatfboth student body and faculty most started a revolution or some- ing of the revolution of 1848, the from a vise, or perhaps from a
thing in class the other day?4..We time that marked t h e downfall devasting windstorm.
can look forward to an extra free half hour.—Some- think this definition of poetry is
thing which in this school, despite the prevailing talk lovely - 'l Poetry is music in and subsequent death of Richard Briefly, it must be /admitted
on what to do with our leisure time—is not tofbe search of a word" Like itl.i.... Wagner. The period that the that Robinson Jeffers has written
biographer chooses for the ending* a poem that is striking. Whether
sneezed at. Well, readers, are you withfus, or "agin" Ruth Sterrett is the cleverest of his history is to my mind a very it will survive beyondfthis age,
Wr writer.'. She makes a marvelous appropriate one; for, what better time alone can tell.
—Ruth Sterrett, '34 teacher.......... It's been rumored time could havefbeen chosen for H. G. Wells made an interesting
:-o- : around that all the big,* dances his conclusion than that just pre- comment on books and human pro-
LET'S BE FRIENDS will have to stop at 12 o'clock on ceding the last chapter of a mas- gress at a recent public appear •
account of the Pennsylvania Blue ter's life, especially when t h a t ance. While we cannot always
Laws.... Up to this! time Erie has last chapter was so full of sad- agree with that gentleman, we
This yearlthe Merciad will strive more than ever to been lucky in getting away with
be the representative sheet of the entire student body. it .... Nominated for the month's ness, misunderstanding! and men- think that the expressed a worth-
tal anguish? while thought when he said;
In order to satisfy this aim we urge you to write best tunes - "The Last Roundup" This biography is published by f' The mills of books grind
letters to the editor. We want the Merciad to befthe ..:.....t i The Moment I Looked In the Alfred A. Knopf Company, slowly, but they grind exceedingly
medium of expression for both student body and Your Eyes"f§|."This Time];It's New York. It is beautifully illus- small. Men may suffer and men
faculty. Anyone who has some idea for school better- Love"...!.''I'11 Be Faithful'' trated and though quite expensive, may die, but human thought, em-
ment, some novel idea for extra-curricular activities Irving Berlin's latest, " A Thou- it would nevertheless, prove to be bodied in science and literature
or some suggestion for improvement is asked to ex- sand Cheers" Things I Never a worthwhile addition to any li- goes marching on. Let us get back
press herself in a letter to.the editor. These letters Noodle Now §... Present Junior brary. {Every one should t r y to to enduring things. Let us get
will be carefullyfread and fairly judged. We shall do College is operating under Villa become acquainted wilh Wagner back to our books." •
our best to help carry out all suggestions which are g i e " in c h a r t e r ^ . T h e word " d o g - through this book. This may not concern an item
•the song " T h e Last sorts I by Pearl Buck of poetical importance, but it is
wise. I 11 •. f R o u n d u p " refers to calves and
Onoe morefPearl Buck presents too valuable for any lover of lit-
Unless|our readers express their wishes we cannot not dogs as 'Jjrou would naturally
to the world a vivid novel that is erature, whether prose or poetry,
hope to know their will. Let us have helpful and|con- think Clark Gable has false
picturesque, and nauseatingly full to miss. Wo|refer to "The Illit-
structive criticism. Let us voice our opinions with teeth What a blow Tom War- of pathos and homely humanity eracy of the Literate", by H. R.
good-will and without fear. Letlthere be no laggards, ing does all the •>announcing for and impregnated!with desires of Huse, of the University of North
Fred gWaring's orchestra M..T hose the Sons for fame, money* and Carolina, which bemoans (and sug-
no group sulking in the corner, unhappy andlunheard. twin sweater setsi are going over
Let us join hands and we shall have|a bright future glory. W e see | China •— not the gests a remedy for!) the misuse of
big with college girls We like land of cherry blossoms and laugh- our language. Mr. Huse gives a
one formal and all for one. jf (Continued on Page 3) \__ (Continued on Page 3)
I\... Virginia Renz, '84. (Continued on Page 3)
himself in favor of the House
$The College student knows less an< mft T dd witu from an authoritative position.:
So many walk with aching Lucille Becks: ?| * y « >
of what is going on in the world hearts along the old highway. To ^Plaid ginghams Q%% starched apologies to those who would Chance brings the action to a
outside his own small sphere than some a little cheery word would white collars lolly pops and offense at the above pleasing close, which leaves a good
any other group of educated peo- be like a magic touch. Their souls, roller-skates 2Lsocks and patent- classification; I really have taste in one's mouth, and with
ple. An occasional glance at a oast so far iinto the depthsfof leal her slippers. not J the common connotation one is the feeling that fate has
newspaper makes up his knowl- hopelessness, would once again be- Anna McGrath: ° that word Thespian ?in pulledfthe right strings at last.
edge of current events. But what gin to aspire — for howf much Bu Ellissi Landi, Juliette Compton,
| 2 A fireplace andl books and mind. * n° matter...,^.
is going on in the other Colleges easier it is to succeed when some- b o o k s i l odd $ handkerchiefs.^* " Ann Viokei
V the ,atest novo1 and David Torrence add to this
of the nation f.|How are the stu- one cares. Many lonely ones to tweeds and wire-haired terriers^... y Sinclair Lewis caused much delightful story which has a mor-

dents: of the other colleges taking whom life's journey seems rough the best seller of the month. • comment a year or so ago in mod- al J See it! I
their places in the world ? The next and steep would be spurred on ern
Mr. Relihan: 1 literary circles. It was ac- :-o-:
time you are in the library you if only someone understood. Sad- -Arrow-Shirtf advertisements L a claimed by most and the/dissenters SKIPPERS LOG
will find it well worth your time dened eyes could be brightened, hearty handshake James Whit- l w e r e few
» probably because Lewis
and effort to look over the ex- ebbing spirits strengthened, if we, combjltiley's poetry. I 3 P las a
reputation and those who (Continued Prom Page 2
change material, the papers of mindful of our own griefs, would Margaret Clark: didn't like|the book just couldn't the way Bet tie Steuber braids her
other colleges. try to lighten those of others bv a Butterfly wings J L daffodils $$ . stand by themselves. The story hair. I t ' s so d i fferen t ^.. Anne
I particularly recommend an sympathetic glanceror a friendly old china tea-cups (a nutritive h a s bee11
enacted by some film Heilman has more than her share
article fin the La Salle Collegian. word. I simile) .*, a dash pf whipped favorites and is being shown at of brains Jane Uprichard is a
This § article ' ' Students Should But there are times when words cream.' the Warner Theatre the first of likeable person Kay Reiser is
Study New Deal" shows us the fail, and when sympathy fails. The Grace Marie |Souders: week. Irene Dunne and Walter having lots of fun up at the Prac-
part that is ours, as college stu- help we give often must be of a Afternoon teas 4 - strands of Huston, both excellent dramatists, tice House Eleanor DeVeaux
dents, in the program outlined by more substantial nature. In the pearls^0_"dinners at eight"....;.... starred in the film, supported wears good looking clothes . .. j
an able cast
President Roosevelt, to defeat name of love for our neighbor we full, flowing|sleeves. M & including Edna Bobbie McEvoy has the prettiest
"Old Man Depression''. are asked tofprovide forlhis? ma- Bertha McAllister: §| May Oliver, Conrad Nagle, and dark eyes ...Alice Martin has a
Br sweet voice Have something on
In the July issue of Harper's terial wants.} We aref. asked to Black taffeta IPuffedf sleeves "<* Cabot.
Magazine, Burges Johnson,ta Pro- caretfor his body that hisjpoul and lace scent of lavender £ Sinclair Lewis! is supposed to your mind? Don't forget the So
fessor at Syracuse University has may live. someone from "Little Women" have paid the modern American dality's Question j Box in the Main
written an article which condemns soft pinks and high blues. J girl isfportrayed in Ann and for Hall .......It seemed like on old home
There are* many channels na
college activities on the ground through which we may show our Eleanor De Veaux: ^ ^ reason alone I think it worth week with Mary Lou Neville,
that the campus is distracting love for our fellowman. Of these College proms ....*, raccooni coats your while to see. You '11 be in- Midge Hall and Ellen Stephenson
from the classroom. A very in- the Community Chest has ever | | . . country clubs ... pigskin gloves.! suited, but pleasantly, for if the sauntering through the [halls jfe^-
teresting article can be found in been most active, most untiring in Evelyn Donahue* show i* at all similar to thesbook, Lucille Meehan week-ended at
the October issue of the Varsity its efforts. £ A bouquet of garden flowers ^ Lewis's style will cover the hurt Marie Dillon's Marv Stout and
News, which takes up the other navy blue and white t "April!? well, and you'll admit he's done a Marian Carlin are missed by their
side of this question. The "Activi- Anyone with true charity in his Showers" perfume. W 2 ood
jobjin the writing of what many Mercy hurst friends . Pat
ties versus Classroom Question'' heart twill feel it his duty to put Lucille Meehan: would be labeled a " c h e a p " book Dean is commuting now ... What
is one which is being discussed his shoulder to the wheel that an Boxes done with tissue paper ^ Lewis had not|lent his pen to meanie put a certain Freshie's
throughout the collegian world to- organization with so noble a pur- and ribbons Pierre, the hair- *t. * * | hat in the wastepaper basket ? . *,.
day. This article takes the side pose may carry on. dresser ..|...Women's Clubs ad- "Doctor Bull" is Will Rogers' Jean Schlaudecker is a very ac-
of the activities, pointing out that fe It is at times like these that dresses sweet peas and snap- test venture in screen roles. He comodating person .4 Do you have
the ability to organize leadership we, the more''fortunate, may show dragons is convincingly- a country? doctor your date for the' Hallowe'en
is as important as book knowledge. the gratitude that PI A. Robinson Laura La Cavera: with the usual wide range of ac- Dance yet? Better hurry, there's
Activities as a rule do not lower speaks of in his splendid lines: Organdv ruffles cocky tivities-fwhich extend from be- not much time left Eugenia
the participants' grades, and prac- "There are two kinds ,of grati- hats „. :lPeter Pan l,air-rfb- mg ^Wterinary, to nurnng ailing Sproat should be happy after hav-
- 1 f £&•••& -«*K Iranians. His small town -patients ing her mother and sister with
tical knowledge is essential for tude: the sadden kind we feel for bons. . . . . . ,
entrance to the business world. what we ta'-e. the larger kind we r> i.u n/r A..~ gossip with friendly interest about her for three days Winnie Welch
Bobby McAvoy: f. . .
What do college activities mean feel for what we give". T» • ' • » ,„ XT his calling on a widow in town has a good looking brother . . . . . . .

Russian princesses ..$**^New •» . < Mercyhurst was well represented

to you? —Alexandra Kacprowicz, '34 -C7- . 1 „ smasi „I«„K., for an occasional glass 01 cider.
Years balls opera cloaks , °
The Freshmen may well profit bl 1 . , . V In taking care of a calf one 1 at the Vincent-East football
scarlet velvet. ,° * •:
by reading an editorial also in the deified beings, who brook no re- TX , . n day he discovers the cure for a last Saturday ;L Bobbie MacEvoy
Dorothy Cronauer: f , is all smiles after having a certain
La Salle Collegian which deals straint and have no law but their TtT' i ; £ i *n „ -i u««i.„ spinal ailment after experimenting e
Wind upon a hill sailboats " £ * male visitor Sunday Grace
with the proper attitude a student own. f. ix. 1 „ • . with serums, and not long after
(to those who can appreciate * . . . I? »
should entertain upon entering •*\ v - £u 1 „ J -11. JL«« heftakes a chance in injecting J & the Marie Souder, Muriel Lehman and
Pearl Buck tells the story in a it) a slice of bread and jelly when .

college. "The main objective of a purely oriental fashion. It is slow , u :•• same serum into the veins of a Bessie Green attended the Niaga-
you're hungry. , . _ __ & , , ra-St. Bonaventure 's game Sunday
college education is the college in action and vague in presenta- •mi L —« iu . J.« dying boy. J The boy miraculously
I 11 get you the next time. ° ° $ •; Susan Neiner makes a perfect
education. Our Alma Mater invites tion — in fact, the tone is rather ? '} T n e shodow recovers, j Doctor ^Bull's fortune is
all to enter an di not! only bids God prophetic and inclined to balladry. • . assured, and he and the widow I Lady MacBeth i Who's afraid of
speed along the way, but also It is a novel of the people and lan t0 marry and move in the big bad wolf?
offers a helping hand when the not a superficial survey of the town, for his success demands it. Skipper, '35
hills of difficulty become steep." people. Even if propaganda is (Continued from Page 2) The plot is rather dull and not :-o-:-
If you do not feel that you can present it serves its purpose, general survey of the nature of at all up to Will Roger's stand- CAMPUS NEWS
stand anymore "educating" dur- which is that of giving a relatively language, its origin, and develop- ard. If you like lots of Will Rog-j
ing those few moments you have to clear conception of the home life ment. Then he describes the power ers- -even in an overworked role The Feast Day! of our most
spend, you can find many lighter of tortured China. and emotional Iforce off words, you'll enjoy it. worthy dean, Mother M. Francis
subjects to amuse you. You, who :-o-: points out our intellectual weak- Ronald Colraan, a universal fa- Borgia was celebrated on Tuesday,
are sport lovers will find all the "Black Sheep, Black Sheep" ness in allowing sales people, pub- vorite with theatre-goers, can gain October 10. A verv entertaining
football! news your heart desires (by Warwick Deeping) lic officials, and such, to ''lead only wider acclaim by his work in program was arranged by Ruth
in "The Notre Dame Scholastic" Again war is the cause of a us around by the nose" merely "The Masquerader", the play Sterrett. Margaret Clark gave a
or "Saini% Mary's Collegian". plot; a revenrrrt, a penalty, and a because they understand the taken from the novel by Kathryn very appropriate introductory
Book reviews, poetry, essays, reward. Though the battle fields psychology of words. Most impor- Thurston, and now showing at the speech expressing the good wishes
short stories! and such can be as backgrounds are old and grim, tant|of all, to us who love litera- Colonial Theatre. of the students of Mercyhurst.
found by those who wish to read there are thousands of readers ture, are his notes on the "right Col man's work was particularly Margaret Alge rendered a piano
the literary work of our college perusing novels of this sort, of the word" to use, and his statement difficult, for he played a dual role, solo and our talented Mary Moran
eontempories. It it is humor you past and the present and they that one must learn the "function and was surprisingly convincing entertained us with two vocal
seek, you will find plenty. Get are clamoring for those of the of words" their emotional, magi in both. One role is that of an solos.
the habit of reading the exchange future. Deeping's novel, however, cal, and [hypnotic effects." unmarried and struggling writer, A clever skit was given from

material. is relatively "war-free". The hero It is a book worth the reading interested in politics in London. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar with
—Dorthy Bryan returns on leave to be disillusioned and one which has that rare facul- The other is that of$a one time Mary Lucille O'Donnell as Brutus
;-o-: bv the infidelity of his wife. In tv of being able to instruct and prominent speaker of the House, and Lucille Meehan as Cassius.
HAVE YOU BEAD? a fit of rage he murders the man at the same time entertain who has become a physical wreck Next we must congratulate Su-
and is confined to prison. How he We recommend " Points^ E a s t " through self-indulgence. He is mar- zanne Neiner, Marie Dillon, and
(Continued Prom Page 2 is pardoned and finds happiness by Rachel Fields to anyone who ried, but carries on intrigues on Elisabeth Dawson on their inter-
jng carefree maids, but the land of in the reconstructing of \the shat- loves Maine. It is a beautiful the side and is a thoroughly de- pretation of the scene from Mac-
mud, of filth, of jealousies, ambi- tered remnants of his life; how a collection of poetical tributes to spicable oharaoter. ^ beth. 'M is. I
tions, fraternal rivalries and suspi- woman's faith and Jove encourage that glorious state. Oddly enough the chance pre- Mary Ciaola favored the student
cions. China lis vividly portrayed him and make all else trivial, is One oflthe cleverest of the new sents itself for their changing body with a piano solo.
as a dismembered giant, and told in Deeping's own character- volumes of poetry is' 'Theatre places, and it is most^successfully Nan O'Brien and A lice Reeder
its unity is prevented by the cease-l Guyed" by Rea Irvin. With flip- accomplished as the men are iden- were presented in a skit entitled
istic manner. As usual it is highly
less streams of robbers who over- pant wit and humor the author tical,^ and the dissipated man of "The Impudence of the Crea-
run the peasant's fields and dramatic and ' intensely interest- tells in verse the stories of well the world desires to sink himself ture*" I
townsmen's homes, of leaders who ing, holding the reader's interest known plays such as ".Cyrano", into forgetfulness, while the inex- Kathorine Egan then recited an
are crafty, selfish, ambitious, setf- to the very end. "Romeo and Juliet", and the like. perienced writer had been wishing (Continued on Page 4)
Page Four
CURRENT COMMENTS having a Symposium on Sunday tion of the Orchestra, the Glee although it wasn't easy she leftL
evening, October? twenty-ninth at Club, Students' Activity Pee and them all behind to enter what
We read that George Bernard Sodality were topics discussed others called, her career, and thev
Dear Editor: eight o'clock. This might be called
Shaw talks while he sleeps. That's during the meeting. laughed las they mentioned it.
nothing} we sleep while ho talks. What would you think of hav- a miniature of the Annual Sympo-
The -Germans are up in arms mg a Post Office right here at sium given by the Western^Con- The Science Club will hold their "Nancy, here is a ^letter fr o m
I isfurativtdy but not literally. school for the purpose of^deliver- ference. "Margaret Clark is chair- Annual Meeting on October 24th, Marcia and it's so thick I'm sure
ing the mail to the students? man, and she has arranged an in- when they will elect new officers she has a lot of interesting news
Westminster Abbey was given a
skimmed milk bath — no stopping Now, don't think that | I am teresting program. There will be for the year. Will you tell us what new things
this older generation. criticizing the present mail de- three speakers, Eugenia Sproat, The Silver Quill Club will hold she is doing now, she has such an
The United States as usual is livery. Oh! no! Fa.r be it from Martha Myer and Inez Bollotti. a Constitutional meeting next exciting life?" asked one of the
the power behind the throne in me to do that because I ami so Musical numbers will be offered Tuesday. This is, the ^Literary college freshman of Nancy as she
the league, of nations — if it pleased when I receive a letter by Mary Moran, Costello Ressler, Club of the School. walked into her room.
doesn't watch out there may be a that I probably wouldn't know Jane Conner and Alice Martin. The Pegasus| Club will reorga- " A letter from Marcia; Where
how I got it, who handed it to me, The Senior Class gave its nize in the near future. They ex- is it"? It's.\so seldom she writes
throne behind the power.
or what, but some of I he young welcome to the Freshmen pect to spend an evening discuss- any more that it is a real event.
Ja pa no phobia is called, by For-
{l ladies arc used? to the fee line: of in the form of a breakfast on ing the Ballad. Yes, I wonder too what new things
um— -A. diet of corrosive poi-
receiving an occasional letter and Saturday morning, October four- Practice is being held for the she has been doing", returned
sonous minds upsetting war food"
we could have a more systematic teenth at nine thirty o'clock. After Athletic Association Play, "Como Nancy in an excited fashion as she
—we called it " H a s h " .
wayj of passing out Jibe mail. a delightful breakfast of waffles Out: of the Kitchen", winch will tore open the letter.
Therefore, I present my plan to and sausages, the Freshen followed be produced sometime in Novem-
IN ACTION — streamer in Ame- Reading rapidly and being hun-
you. J '. the trail of a treasure hunt.
rican Observer — slow motion we ber. It is under the oapable direc- gry for happenings at home and
The typo of Post Office I am The treasure proved to be a room tion of Miss Ruth Sterrett.
presume ? anxious to relate them, she talked
thinking of might be nicknamed arranged with card tables and the veaux, Jean Reese and Jean
Chiang Shek president of Chi- on.
"The Pigeon Hole". We could facilities for playing " Crazy'!
nese government in Nanking. Sproat are going to spend this
take a cabinet having pigeon holes Bridge. "Everything is all ready Ifor
Nankins: is doing everything to week-end in Cleveland.
and mark a letter of the alphabet During the first few days in debut and she has been in New
check communism — Shek and Jean Hutchinson and Mary
under each one. Then, all the College this year, .the "Big Sis- York buying the most beautiful
double Shek. mail addressed to students whose t e r s " entertained the Freshmen Louise Corby will spend t his week-
new clothes. She has met some of
TWO NEWLYWEDS RIDE IN end with {Caroline Paquin at her
last names begin with " A " by having an informal gathering the most interesting -men, one of
UNDERTAKERS CAR ON would be placed in the pigeon in the dining room of the school. home in Jamestown. N. Y.
HONEYMOON—Well, to some it which she seems to he interested
hole marked ''A'Yjand so on. I There was dancing and games. Congratulations, practice house i n | especially," related Nancy to
means life; to others death. hostesses, on the success of your
am sure that we could find a very Marjorie A Ige walked off with the the two girls in her room.
Henrv-Ford's refusal to sign housewarming. The faculty and
convenient place to put this cabi- prize for ' ' Going to Jerusalem ''. • V a t

the automobile code has already students like your temporary home "To think we are sitting up
net. In this cabinet there could We all had loads of fun and felt
lost him manv customers—Lizzie and your charming hospitality. We here week in and week out trying
be two special pigeon holes, one more at ease with our upper class-
will be without a boyfriend yet. wish you a successful and pleasant to get an education when we could
for packages and one for special men.
fjjj SPAIN IN MIDST OF POLITI- term of housekeeping. be leading much more engaging
delivery letters. Any messages, After leading the Freshmen to
CAL ^STRUGGLE—headline. Yet —Alice Lyman, '87 lives", said Rachel Ames, con-
such as, telephone calls, etc., expect an initiation of terror, the
or again? sidered at that time just one of
could be left in this post office. Sophomores surprised them by :-o-:
We see by the papers that the freshmen.
Don't you see how useful this giving a Baby Party instead. The
Americans still believe in Good- COLLEGE BRED Nancy too was wondering just
would be? party took place on Monday eve-
ness and quantity — we agree on what this life was about, because
Of course my idea is probably ning, October second. Lacking
the quantity end of it. " I just can't see it Nancy; although she was sure she was do-
about as clear as mud but I hope lolly-pops and drawling baby
UNITED STATES' EDUCA- what difference does it make if ing the right thing, now it seemed
you do get at least anf inkling of phrases, the Freshmen, dressed as
TION f OFFICE HELPFUL| TO one is college-bred or not? 12 feel maybe she wasn't going to get out
what I mean. Do' you? JL children, had a jolly time.
SCHOOLS—Well, well a f t * all I have acquired all the poise and of it vwhat she thought. However,
If any other students have any Each fresHman was presented to
these years, knowledge necessary for a girl; she kept on for four years and
suggestions tofmake, I hope they the members of the faculty. Miss
Germans see new hope — we and anyway I have to get pre- long before that time she knew
will send them in to your Vox Mary Lucille Burd was chosen as
read. Well,|they have been living pared for my debut, and when I she had not been mistaken. The
Discipularum department so that chairman of the program by the
on faith, hope and charity for come out the men will think about depression came and she sympa-
all of us may give them some Freshmen Faculty?Advisor. Sr. M.
some vears now, and so far charitv whether I am charming or not and thized with Marcia because of her
thought. Philippa.
has proved the most substantial. whether I can create a success- financial setbacks, for Marcia
—Margaret Bacon, '34 The program was entire-
CUBAN UNREST — Something ful social gathering, or pour tea could not have her superb parties
:-o-: ly impromptu and congratulations
they ate no doubt I gracefully. I never knew a man and beautiful clothes! to help her
SONG FOR * AN OLD WOMAN are extended to Mary Katherine
Governor and Mrs. Pinehot vet that liked to discuss his busi- along in the world any more Eco-
Gaughn, Marjorie Alge, Inez Bel- i •

visited Albion latelv — all! great ness affairs with a girl. Women nomically her family were far be-
The sorrel smoulders up the hill loti, Frances Riblet, Mary Klan,
people seem to be flocking there are in a different sphere than low their former position and
Consuming all but me; MarylCiaiola, Helen Dundes, Ade-
these days. men altogether'% said Marcia she was in a very helpless state.
The sorrel creeps on bright and line Morelli, Clara Surgo, Rita
"Our deeds from day to day Thomas as she took one last^look By this time she had met a man
still— 3j£| K % Rectenwald and Alice Lvman fori
lead the patterns of our lives"— at herself in riding clothes, for she who was by far a different type
While I go silently. f their splendid performances.
Cobb. We bet that's what started had what she termed a very im- than she had ever known before.
crazy quilt fad. Mother Borgialended the eve-
portant date. He was a real business man and
Andlever silently I go ning by talking to the Freshmen
Mussolini is planning? another it everyone said he would go far in
For I've forgotten quite and giving them encouragement I t ' s queer we could be such
cabinet shake-up; int-as uch as he his field. However, when he had
The song that I killed years ago and advice. good friends and vet have such
holds seven places in the cabinet some large project on the just
One lonely, starless night. On Friday, October 27th, the different views especially when we
right now it looks like just another couldn't help bring it up when in
annual Hallowe 'en Dance will be have been brought up in the same
game of "cabinet, cabinet, who's Marcia's \company. Soon she no-
Sorrel burning through dusty held. This being- the first dance atmosphere. I know you think me
goll the cabinet 1" ticed he began to turn to Nancy, |
grass of the year it is a much discussed peculiar enough to be going to
Gandhi wins again — they just whom ho had met a short time
Is beautiful to see, topic around the halls and is college but I can't imagine just
won't let the old fellow diet after she had returned from
Yet even sorrel must I pass eagerly anticipated by all the stu- what vou think of mv taking any-
these da vs. school. They seemed to get along
With my heart dead in me. dents. thing so practical as a Secretarial
—Jean! Reese, '36 famously enough. She became an
—A. E. Heilman On Friday, October 6th, Miss course. However, I really love
: -o-: business and want to be a small assistant accountant in a large
:-o-: Dorothy Mooney, Prefect called a
IMAGINE! cog in the large wheel that makes business concern. This man didn't
CAMFUSsNBWS meeting of the Sodality. After we
Ruth Sterrett and Marg Clark's the world go around. To me it's care at all whether a girl had
room ever looking^ tidy five had all assembled the meeting was
H | (Continued from Page 3) an ambition and fto you it's a social position, looked charming in
minutes after inspection - (or brought to order with prayer. The
appropriate poem concerning our officers were then presented by waste of time", returned Nancy a fragile fashion, or could pour
before either). | tea correctly. At least as time
Dean on her feast day. Mother Borgia and they are as Carver as she ^prepared to take
The English seventeen class, not her departure from Marcia's went on it began to be proven to
Following the program was the follows: Prefect, Dorothy Moo-
constantly bickering over i the house. Marcia that her view point was|
presentation of a gift to Mother ney; Secretary, Catherine Egan;
possession of the lone volumne of wrong and she was the loser in
selected poetry assigned for out- Borgia by Ruth Sterrett*in behalf Our Lady's Committee, Catherine This was always the trend of
of the students of Mcrcyhurst. Egan; Chairman, Regis O'Leary, every way. Now Nancy could have
side reading. conversation whenever Nancy and
Mother Borgia then talked to the Catherine more luxuries than she could have
•Sister Philippa without a sup- Forquqr; Treasurer, Marcia were ^together because fit
student body and expressed her Margaret Clark; Eucharist Com- for her family could no longer
plementary train bearing her per- meant they were to be separated
thanks in her own gracious way. do for her whereas Nancy had her
sonal library. mittee. Margaret Clark, Chairman, in a few weeks to travel along
own means of support.
Louise Pasquiliechio getting After ^Mother Borgia's talk the Lara La Cavera, Betty Killeen; very different paths. Nancy had!
anywhere on time. girls sang Mercyhurst College Mission Committee, Mary Skene; the harder road to go over, and The moral of this little narra-
Allie Rceder without her chew- songs and as they left the audi- Chairman, Costella Ressler, Marie most every one of her friends tive is urged upon the Freshmen.
ing gum. torium each student offered feli- Dillon; Catholic Literature Com- agreed with Marcia because they It is always harder during your
Lucille Meehan with her hair citations to Mother Borgia. mittee, Mary Jo Cloary; Chairman, too were preparing to lead the first year to realize the value of
The Feast of Christ the King Carmelita Gill, Bertha McAllister. life of the social butterfly and it education, but as time goes on
has a special significance for us Mother Borgia called the first was the easier way out of a things look different. It pays to
The author of this getting by
this year because our chapel bears general assembly of the year on complex situation. Nevertheless complete ^your college course.
with the above remarks without
that name. For that reason we are Thursday, October 5th. Organiza- Nancy fought it outs herself and —Jane Conner, '36

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