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1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. F

Learning Task 1


Upon reading lesson 1: General Concepts, do Juxtaposition Activity. In short bond paper, choose 2
objects found in your house. Draw the object and answer the questions without using any references
such as books or internet search engine. Write as n=many answer as you can. A sample format was
provided below. For rubrics, please refer to the Rubrics page at the end of the module. (Handwritten

a. What is the science behind the object?

b. b. What is/are the technology involve?
c. c. What is/are the issues and concerns?
d. d. Who is/are the scientist/s involve?

Object 1. Ballpen

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Science Behind Technology Involve Issues and Concerns Scientist/s Involve
 Gravity Forces  Ballpen uses a  The ink flow  László
 The ink down so called unevenly Bíró
into the tip of ballpoint that  The ink is too  John J Loud
the Ballpen rotating. slow to dry so
 Technology sometimes its
makes the ink spread in your
to flow more paper.

Object 2: Mirror

Science Behind Technology Involve Issues and Concerns Scientist/s Involve

 Rays of light  The material  It strange  Justus von
 Our eyes see a that is used in sometimes Liebig
reflected image mirror is affect  It can create 
as a mirror the quality of illusion image.
image and the mirror.
bounce back at
sane angle.

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Learning Task 2


1. Choose 1 Philippine Invention from the “Lesson 1: Historical Antecedents” material.

2. In a 1/8 illustration board, draw or attach picture of the invention chosen. Determine the antecedents
that cause/lead to the invention. Include also the description of the invention. Be creative in designing
your card.

3. Write your name, course and section in the output. Submit it to your instructor.

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Is the systematic study and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social wordls
using evidence-based method.


Is science information that is applied to solve problems or create useful tools.


It is a term that used to describe the organized relationship and structures that exist within a large group
of people.


Science and Technology affect society and had a impact and it is still growing each year.

Science and Technology has give an opportunity to pursue social issues like in production, in business
and also in government. Also it gives as well as to build communities and it improve human culture and
conditions by making life easier.

The History of Science and Technology in the Philippines


The issue of weakness in science and technology, which is closely linked to the credibility of their political
sovereignty and economic self-reliance, is a major source of concern among Third World countries.
Science and technology, on the other hand, have been strongly linked in modern times.

Science and technology evolved independently in the past, with the latter primarily being the product of
trial and error in response to a specific human need. Science and technology, on the other hand, have
been strongly linked in modern times. The internet has aided many technological breakthroughs.

Before the arrival of the Spaniards in 1521, there is very little accurate written knowledge regarding
Philippine society, history, and technology. As a result, current archaeological discoveries, accounts from
early traders and foreign travelers, and narratives about circumstances in the past must all be used to
piece together a picture of the past. Early Filipinos gradually learned to make metal tools and
implements out of copper, gold, bronze, and, eventually, iron.

From the second or third century B.C. to the tenth century A.D., the Iron Age is thought to have lasted.
Iron slags have been discovered in Philippine graves and work sites. These indicate that Filipinos were
present during this period.

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Chao Ju-account Kua's from 1225 is the most commonly cited Chinese account in Philippine history
textbooks. He represented the societies and trading activities on the islands of Ma-i (Mindoro) and San-
hsu (literally "three islands," according to modern historians, referring to the Palawan and Calamian
Islands). Beeswax was traded between Ma-i and San-hsu. Tortoise shell, cotton, genuine pearls

In the Philippines, the origins of modern science and technology can be traced back to the Spanish
colonial era. The Spaniards built schools, hospitals, and began scientific study, all of which had a
significant impact on the growth of the country's professions. However, the course and rate of scientific
and technological progress

Science and Technology During American Regime

During the American regime, science and technology progressed rapidly in the Philippines. This was
made possible by the government's simultaneous encouragement and funding for a comprehensive
public education system, the awarding of science and engineering grants, and the organisation of science

As soon as civil government was established on the islands, the Americans implemented a system of
secularized public school education. Act No. 74, which established a Department of Public Instruction in
the Philippines, was promulgated on January 21, 1901, by the Philippine Commission, which served as
the executive and legislative body for the Philippines until 1907. Philippines is a country in Southeast
Asia. It called for the establishment of schools that would educate children.

Science and Technology During Commonwealth Period

The government, which was now entirely under Filipino control, began to expand its public school
system in order to accommodate the growing number of students. Grade VII was discontinued as the
final grade in the elementary curriculum, and the "double-single session" scheme was implemented as a

The Commonwealth government has also taken steps to promote and assist private Filipino
entrepreneurs in establishing industries and manufacturing businesses. It established new departments,
such as the Bureau of Mines, to provide assistance to mining entrepreneurs.

Science and Technology During Independence

Since 1946, the number of state universities and colleges has increased. Their expansion, on the other
hand, has not followed a logical path. The establishment, location, and staffing of these institutions is
often influenced by partisan political considerations. As a result, many of them were ill-equipped and
unable to provide high-quality higher education. Especially in the sciences and engineering, education is
important. University of the state

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