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Answer 2

As per the case study agreeable employees are those who tend to be kinder and more accommodating.
The agreeable employee believes in team work, works respectfully so that the atmosphere of the
company remains motivational and healthy. Although agreeable employees think of ways to increase
organizational effectiveness they tend to earn lower salaries. Yes, I do feel as if employees should
choose between agreeable employees and those that are top performers especially pertaining to the
workload and expectations of the company. An agreeable employee can be an asset or a liable to a
company that is solely based on sales and not meeting the expectations of a customer. Whereas a top
performer will perform good or above expectations no matter what the circumstances. Agreeable
employers are more liked and are more willing to help and bend rules in an effort to being favoured by
the customer. However, top performers get the job done. The ability to nip conflict in the bud is a
serious factor to consider when hiring employees.

Answer 2

a. agreeable individual tends to choose to working in industries or occupations that earn lower
salaries, such as “caring” industries of education and health care. Agreeable individuals are also
attracted to jobs both in the public sector and in non- profit organizations. Therefore, working as
a Nurse or medical care assistant would be a job situation with an important virtue. Although, a
lot of registered nurses or medical assistants complain about being underpaid they love to help
and work along with patients. They tend to overlook being underpaid and look at the fact that
they get to do what they love, help and give back.
b. A harmful situation can be an agreeable person placed in a high authority such as a judge or
police. Agreeable people are very eager to avoid conflict and not disrupt the status-quo. They
will often leave the decision making to the colleagues, as they have a very difficult time saying
no to others which is potentially harmful in any position of authority. Imagine a judge torn
between sending someone to jail for life for a heinous crime and giving him a lesser sentence or
none at all to please the lawyer (his colleague representing him). An agreeable police can be
harmful also, if he turns a blind eye to crime based On the fact that he doesn’t want to offend
the person committing the act because they are friends. The ability to nip conflict in the bud is a
serious factor to consider when hiring employees.

Answer 3

There’s a difference how men is perceived between women. Men are Known to be strong, naturally
born leaders and head of the society. Hence men need to maintain the degree of masculinity in
order to gain The respect of the society. That’s the reason why men tend to be more Disagreeable
that women. While women are being more communicative and social than men and The society
perceived women as more agreeable than men. Agreeableness may be looked as a feminine feature
thus a man tend To show More agreeable traits may perceived By others As Feminizations and it
decreases the degree of being a man. So if a man land into a low paying job because of too much
kindness it Shows that that the degree of his masculinity is in questioned. That’s How the society
sees it, because for them men should earn more than Women. And men should hold more power
than women. This only Shows the degree of being agreeable really hurts men because of the
Misconception and judgments of the society.

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