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OED Worksheet 1 Look and write. catch afish see wildlife findwood eat marshmallows ga-camping make afire drink hot chocolate ~wearboots sleep ina tent 3 9 write about Mariana’s last holiday. Use one word from each box. wer didnt make ate didetwear made didn'teat J 4 1 (wore / didn't wear) v XK) sg ‘wear She dic 2 (ate / didnt eat) & &, afire pizza beets sandcastle ahat marshmallows 3 (made / didn't make) Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets ° Oxford University Press OED Worksheet 2 © Look and write. Which one is missing? Draw. tram hotairballoon taxi campervan belicepter ferry og helicopter 6 ® order the words to make questions. Then write answers for you. Use Yes, I did or No, I didn't. 2.) Did ) (football) (play } (today d you play football today? ize 2 (travel ||taxi)(?_) you (to school ) Did) by 3 (cap) (Did )( on holiday (a ) (you) (wear)? } 4 (Did ) eat (biscuit) you)? )(a ) | today Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press @rD wnt © complete the words. Then match the opposites. BB Look and complete the sentences. Write answers that are true for you. Use the words in the boxes. easier more difficult more exciting more boring 1 Surfing is than riding a bike, 2. Playing table tennis surfing 3 Riding a bike playing table tennis. easiest most difficult most exciting most boring 4 Surfing is the 5 Riding a bike . 6 Playjng table tennis . Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets ° Oxford University Press OID Worksheet 2 Look and write. send texts send postcards write letters send emails talk on the phone _use-the-intemeT Bi circle and complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. This is my Grandpa now and when he was a boy, 80 years ago! sendemails sendtexts _ talk on the phone travelbyploné use the intemet write letters, could )(couldnt) travel by plane 80 years ago. could | couldnt 80 years ago. could |(couldnt 80 years ago. 80 years ago. 80 years ago. 80 years ago. Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press ‘@ painting the moon planets to the café the gift shop 6 look at asculpture 7 leam about avideo 8 visit ona tour 1 Shes going to. study stones. 2 He goona tour. 3 She copy a painting. 4 He watch a video. 5 Shes__ make a sculpture: Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press OrD — © complete the puzzle. What's the extra rule? ev ue | 7 CL -_s Pag °., eS ie: 2a You mustn't ® ! BD Look and write the rules. Use the rules in the box, and must or mustn't. Then draw and write one more rule. use-mebilepHOTIES listen to the teacher do yourhomework shout _eat in the classroom Honeybee School ° Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press OrD an @ Find and complete the words. BD Look, read and match. Then answer the questions. Use the words in the box. Yesterday Last week —_ Last year Last summer Last month 1. When did she last do origami? 2. When did she last do a jigsaw? . g 18th October & 206 a 3 When did she last make cupcakes? « ® 9th June 4 When did she last play cards? . 207 ° ‘ith Jul 5 When did she last make amode?« ° aoe july Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press OED Worksheet 2 Look and write the verb phrases. Then match the pictures. vy Nt fae ver fer ier EE] Br wh ee a climbing tunnel 4 Lr WW W Ly sity RAAA wall frame | through | 5 Ly Br LW LY & i iP iS iP slide write the adverb. Use the words in brackets. Then match. ° x 1 They painted quietly (quiet) . 2 Heran (quick) { 82 Eg 3 She played the drums (loud) ¢ " Ali 4 He street danced (good) . Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press OED Worksheet 1 o 1 (they )( Where (going }( go ) (are )\ to )(? Theyre going to go to the zoo. Theyre going to goto the safaripark, {|_| 2 (going )(see )( to )( What )( they )( are )(? Theyre going to see the pandas. WU Theyre going to see the tigers. 3 (What )/( going )/( do }/( are )/( they )/(to )(? Theyre going to film the animals. UW Theyre going to draw the animals. () Bright Ideas 4 — Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press ID renee Complete the phrases. BD Look and write. Use has to and doesn't have to, and words from each box. feed buy pick feed wash apizza thepanda the rhino She has to pick oranges. nave to. Bright Ideas 4 — Reinforcement worksheets Oxford University Press (6) unit ] Worksheet 1 Write. Find the letters which are the same to write the mystery word. supermarket tiger museum sportscentre _ bus station park library townhall benk’ cinema map sate” Kite 2 Mysecondietterisin = 3. My third letter is in ra A 4 My first letter is in fe 5 Mysixth letter is in ‘and in ald © My fifth letter isin Se and in a 12 place where I ead Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press EXEETSSITETa GID BD L00k, circle and match. Worksheet 2 BD Read and complete the crossword. 4 Then number the pictures. 1 Bright Ideas 4 This is a person who builds houses. This is a person who does experiments. This is a person who helps people and keeps us safe. This is a person who brings your food in arestaurant, This is a person who teaches children, This is a person who works on a farm. This is a person who looks after sick animals, This is a person who helps poorly people. yo Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press ts ye Grp Werseet Find, circle and write. olelwis[alale|a|t]s claf{zfe[ifxlalo]sle n{klefe{t]ilelole|k ele|rjo};o;|nja]/kjojna mir{[t}ifuyloa}efelrja ifs[ula miifeft}i a] © my xlol- solu ololo o|x|s glo ]sfo x]o lu alo lo ie BAS BD Look and write. Use your own ideas for question 5. & fe & | Sees rink To flowers 2 Why did he go to the travel agent's? ve ver fe ee 3 Why did he go to the greengrocers? bananas: she buy have coke we choose 44 Why did he go to the florists? | wet a holiday some yoyo 5 Why did he go to the ? % a S Bright Ideas 4 — Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press GID Worksheet 2 @ match. Then write. @ vote) @ tin) @ carton) @ pocket) @ bog) O jar @ four) O@ tuna’ @ tomatosauce QD water) M mik @_ biscuits On, O o | BD Look and complete. | alotof many much 1 We've got A pancakes, 4 milk. 2 We havent got egqs. 5 flour. 3 We havent got____chocolate. 6 ____ strawberries. Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets Oxford University Press IUNREITETTa @rD = Look and write. Gq th yt 1. She's watching a scifi film, She usually watches comedies. iD 2 She's watching a western. She usually watches cartoons. Girl 3 Girl C: She 4 Gin A: BD Answer for you. What films do you usually watch? I usual Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets Oxford University Press ‘Worksheet 2 exD> Complete the crossword. ye “fh BD Look and write sentences. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Ye Pred ‘Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun play football Ww ¥ ¥ Y¥ ¥ ¥ playtennis wv v ‘watch film tidy up v v 1 Ben 2 Alicia 3 Alicia Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets v gotoschol Ww vw vw vw play video vvvde games tidies up twice a week © Oxford University Press OL=II=D Unit 1 Worksheet 1 1 Look and write. 1 gocamping 2 sleep inatent 3 make a tre 4 eat marshmaliows 5 drink hot chocolate 6 wear boots 7 findwood 8 catchafish 9 see wilde 2 Write about Mariana's last holiday. Use ene word from each box. 1 She wore boots. She didnt wear a hat. 2 She ate pizza. She didnt eat marshmallows. 3 She made a sandcastle. She didnt make a fire. Unit 1 Worksheet 2 1 Look and write. Which one is missing? Draw. Theicopter 2 hot-irballoon 3 toxi 4 fery 5 trom 6 campervan 2 Order the words to make questions. Then write ‘answers for you. Use Yes, I did or No, I didn't. 1 Did you play football today? 2 Did you travel to school by taxi? 3 Did you wear a cap on holiday? 1s Did you eat abbiscuit today? Unit 2 Worksheet 1 1 Complete the words. Then match the opposites. 1easy 2 modem 3 cheap 4 exciting 5 oldfoshioned 6 boring 7 difficult 8 expensive ‘easy ~ 7 ifficut, 2modem - 5 old fashioned, ~ 8 expensive, 4 exciting - 6 boring 2.Look and complete the sentences. Write answers ‘that are true for you. Use the words in the boxes. Students own answers Unit 2 Worksheet 2 1 Look and write. 1 use the ntemet 2 send postcards 3 send emaits 4 witeletters 5 send texts 6 tak on the phone 2 Cirele and complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. 1 He could travel by plane 0 years ago, 2 He couldn't use the intemet 80 years ago, 3 He couldn't send emails 80 years ago. 14 He could tak on the phone 80 years ago. 5 He could write letters 80 years ago. 6 He couldn't send texts 80 years ago. Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press Answer key Unit 3 Worksheet 1 4 Match and write the letters (a-h). 1b gotothe café. 2 f watch a video 3e qocnatou 4 a make ascupture 5 c copyapanting 6 g look at the moon 7 d lean about planets 8 h visit the gftshop 2 Look and complete the sentences. Use going to or isn’t going to. 1 She's going to study stones 2. He isnt going to go on a tour. 3 She isnt going to copy a pointing. 4 He's going to watch a video. 5 She's going to make a sculpture. Unit 3 Worksheet 2 1 Complete the puzzle. What's the extra rule? 1 isten 2 whisper 3 touch 4 runaround 5 eatatokeaway 6 shout 2 Look and write the rules. Use the rules in the box, ‘and must or mustn't. Then draw and write one more rule. 1 You mustnt use mobile phones. 2. You must do your homework. 3 You mustnt shout. 4 You must listen to the teacher. 5 Yourmustnt eatin the classroom, 6 Students! own answers Unit 4 Worksheet 1 1 Find and complete the words. 1 make amodel 2 play cards 3 make afim 4 docrigami 5 plant seeds 6 do ajigsaw 7 moke cupcakes 8 read amagazine 9 ploy with friends 10 doa quiz 2 Look, read and match. Then answer the questions. Use the words in the box. 1d Yesterday, 2c Last year. 3 b Last month, 4a Last week 5 & Last summer. Unit 4 Worksheet 2 1 Find and write the verb phrases. Then match the pictures. 1a godownaside 2 f cimba dimbing wal 3d swing onaswing 4 b swing ona rope 5 e gothrougha tunnel 6 ¢ cmb a dimbing frame 2 Write the adverb. Use the words in brackets. ‘Then match. 1b They painted quiet, 2.@ He ran quickly 3. She played the drums loudly, 4c He street danced wel. OETII=D Unit 5 Worksheet 1 1 Complete the words. 1 frog 2 rhino 3 bt 4 panda 5 tiger 6 lizord 7 seaton 8 chimpanzee 9 alligator 10 kangaroo 2 Order the words to make questions. Then look ‘and tick the correct answers. 1 Where are they going to go? Theyte going to go to ‘the z00, 2 What are they going to see? Theyre going to see the tigers. 3 What are they going to do? Theyte going to film. the animals. Unit 5 Worksheet 2 1 Complete the phrases. 1 feed the ducks 2 wash the van 3 help Mum 4 look after the horse 5 observe the cows 6 dean the cages, 2.Look and write. Use has to and doesn't have to, ‘and words from each box. 1 She has to pick oranges. 2 She doesnt have to feed the bear, 3 She doesnt have to buy a pizza. 14 She has to feed the panda 5 She hos to wash the rhino, Unit 6 Worksheet 1 ‘1 Write. Find the letters which are the same to write ‘the mystery word. 1 Fourth letter: bank /kite =k 2 Second letter: park / bus station = a 3 Third letter: sports centre / library 14 Fist letter: museum /map = m 5 Sixthletter tiger / town hall= t 6 Fifth etter: supermarket / cinema 7 Where am I? Imin the market. 2 Write sentences for you. Students own answers Unit 6 Worksheet 2 1 Look, circle and match. 1 actor 2 wardrobe assistant 3 director 4 stunt person 5 makeup artist 6 cameraman 2Read and complete the crossword. Then number the pictures. 1d builder 2 f scientist 3 ¢ police officer 4a waiter 5 e teacher 6 b farmer 7h vet 8 g doctor Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets © Oxford University Press Answer key Unit 7 Worksheet 1 1 Find, circle and write. nfelw[slalg a T k t e s k x] s ele[pto mlel[n 1 department store 2 bakers 3 sports shop 4 toyshop 5 chemists 6 bookshop 7 newsagent’s 2 Look and write. Use your own ideas for ‘question 5. 1 To buy a coke. 2 To choose a holiday, 3 Tobuy some bananas. 4 Tobuy some flowers. '5 Students own answers Unit 7 Worksheet 2 4 Mateh. Then write. 1 1-aabottle of water 2 &-batinoftura 3 te acarton of mik 4 12-fa packet of biscuits 5 7-dabagoffiour 6 9-cajar of tomato sauce 2 Look and complete. 1 We've got a lot of pancakes. 2 We havent got many eggs, 3 We haventt got much chocolate, 4 We've got alot of mik. 5 Weve got alot of flour. 6 We haven't got many strawberries. OI=I= unit 8 Worksheet 1 1 Look and write. 1 cartoon 2 wildife fim 3 westem & scififin 5 historical lm 6 adventure film 2 Read and write which girl. Then write sentences about the other girls. 1Gi1D 2Gi18 3 Girl C: She's watching a scifi fim. She usually watches scary films. 14 Gill A She's watching a western. She usually watches scifi films. 3 Answer for you. ‘Students own answers Unit 8 Worksheet 2 1 Complete the crossword. 1wig 2 gloves 3 boots 4 Tshirt 5 shoes 6 socks 7 jeans 8 hat 9 sandals 10 scart 2. Look and write sentences. 1 Ben tides up twice a week 2 Alicia plays tennis three times o week. 3 Aca plays veo games four times aweek 44 Ben watches a fim once a week 5 Ben plays football every day / seven times o week 6 Alicia goes to school ve times a week Bright Ideas 4 Reinforcement worksheets ° Oxford University Press Answer key

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