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AN AGREEMENT has been entered into between MR. AJISA AHMADU of P O Box
30096, CHICHIRI, Blantyre 3 on one part


MR. M.J. MANGISA of Saidi Village, T/A Nkalo, Chiradzulu, on the other part,
whereby it has been agreed as follows:


MR. M.J. MANAGISA herein under referred to as the ‘LESSOR’ demises all that
piece of land and all building thereof to MR. AHMADU herein referred to as the
‘LESSEE’ for two years commencing 1st July, 2020.


(a) The Lessor is responsible for the initial internal painting before occupation of
the premises and all structural repairs.

(b) The Lessee agrees to be responsible for internal repairs of decorative nature
and to deliver up the possession of the said premises upon determination of
the tenancy in good repair and condition, fair wear and tear expected.

(c) The Lessee agrees to secure and protect the premises from vandalism and

(d) The Lessee agrees to use the premises as a dwelling house for a family and
not to sublet or subdivide or part with the possession of the premises without
prior knowledge of the Lessor.

(e) The Lessee agrees to keep the premises clean and tidy at all times.

(f) The Lessee agrees to permit the Lessor or his Agent to enter upon the land
and premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the premises,
provided adequate notice has been given to the Lessee.

(g) The Lessee shall not, without previous consent in writing of the Lessor,
construct, remove or alter any part of the demised premises, fixtures of
fittings thereof.
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(h) If the rent hereby reserved is more than 7 days in arrears, whether formally
demanded or not, the Lessor shall be entitled to re-enter the premises and
the AGREEMENT shall thereupon cease.


The rent for the premises, servant quarters/cum guest house included, will be
K130,000 per month payable quarterly in advance.


Either party can communicate to the other party in writing at least two months
before the expiry of the lease agreement unless in unforeseen circumstances
whereby two months’ rent can be paid in lieu of notice (notwithstanding of ESCOM
and WATERBOARD bills) up to a day of departure.

Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………


Witness: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………


Witness: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………

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