Assignment M.10 Rural and Agricultural Sociology - Shafiyyah Ramadhani Arafa

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Name : Shafiyyah Ramadhani Arafa

Class :E
Student Number : 20504010011013

Assignment M.10 Rural and Agricultural Sociology

1. Name and forms of organizing agricultural production (e.g. in rural areas and
a. Farmer Welfare Improvement Program
- Training of farmers and agribusiness actors
- Anti Poverty Program (APP) in Agriculture
- Jalinkesra Handling Very Poor Households
b. Food Security Improvement Program (Agriculture/Plantation)
- Guidance and development of farmer facilities and infrastructure
- Development of irrigation network for farming, village
- Development of organic fertilizer
- Agricultural farming business development
- Identification, monitoring and dissemination of agricultural program
- Protection of food crops and horticulture
- Statistical data management of food crops and horticulture
- Agricultural technology development
- Development of food crops
- Community Education in Order to Support the Protection of Food Crops
and Horticulture
- Productive Community Education in the context of Food Crops
c. Agribusiness Development Program
- Development of agribusiness system
- Development of product quality and quality
- Improved post-harvest handling and product processing
- Improved product quality standards
- Increased marketing of commodity products
- Development of Inter-regional Cooperation
2. The role of social groups and organizations in the development of agricultural
enterprises? (examples in the agricultural and rural sectors)
In the agricultural sector in the village there are social groups commonly called
farmer groups. Farmer groups role as:
- Channeling technological innovations from research institutes to farmers
- Farmers' learning forum to increase productivity
- A place for cooperation between farmers
- An innovation feedback platform

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