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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
St. Paul School of San Jose Batangas

I. Objectives
A. Use personal pronoun in dialogues.
B. Identify the personal pronouns in the sentence.
C. Cooperate with the activity about personal pronoun.

II. Subject Matter: Personal Pronoun

Reference: Crossing Boundaries Through English 1
Materials: Television, visual aid (different pictures)

III. Procedure
a. Preliminary Activities
 Daily routine
Classroom cleanliness
Checking of Attendance

b. Motivation
The students read the dialogue.

Please help I will help you.

my pet! Where is your pet?
Is it up a tree

Yes, my little cat is

up there. It cannot
go Did you tell
your mother
about this?

No. She in her How about

clinic. She is a your father?
He is at work Okey then. Let’s
too. get your pet. It
will be safe.

c. Analysis
1. What did you notice about the dialogue?

d. Abstraction
Pronoun -Take the place of nouns.

Personal Pronoun
You, I, She, He, It

 You- refers to the person being talked to.

 I- refers to the person talking.
 She- refers to a female.
 He- refers to a male.
 It- refers to an animal or a thing.

e. Application
Write the correct personal pronoun for each picture
f. Evaluation

Choose the best personal pronoun in each sentence.

1. ( I, You ) bring my pets to the clinic regularly.

2. ( She, It ) loves my pet dog the most.
3. My dog’s name is Scout. ( He, It ) is friendly and playful.
4. Do ( it, you ) have a prt, too?
5. My young brother is afraid of dogs. ( He, She ) is still young

g. Assignment
Cut the picture of having a personal pronoun.

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