PERSON 1: The Internet Has Turned Our Lives Upside Down. It Has Transformed

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Good day folks.

We were talking about Internet, on how things nowadays are


PERSON 1: The Internet has turned our lives upside down. It has transformed
communications to the point where it is now our preferred medium of daily
communication. We use the Internet for almost every aspect of our lives. Ordering a
pizza, purchasing a television, sharing a moment with a friend, and sending a picture
via instant messaging are all examples of actions that belong in this category. Before
the Internet, if you wanted to stay up to date on the news, you had to go down to the
newsstand when it opened in the morning and buy a local edition covering the
previous day's events. Today, however, a single click is all that is required to read
your local newspaper as well as any news source from anywhere in the world that is
up to date. The Internet has undergone a transformation. In its early days, which
were still relatively recent from a historical perspective, it was a static network meant
to transport a tiny freight of bytes or a short message between two junctions; it was a
repository of information where content was generated and maintained only by
skilled coders. Today, however, vast amounts of data are posted and downloaded
through this electronic giant, and the content is very much our own, as we are all
commentators, publishers, and creators at this point.

PERSON 2: Why is it important to be connected?

It is difficult to imagine a world without the internet. That is why the internet's
significance should be discussed. Our daily tasks, communication, and enjoyment
are all heavily dependent on the internet. The internet, according to its definition,
connects users to various types of mobile phones and computer systems.
The sharing and exchanging of ideas, information, and news all require an internet
connection. The internet connects computers and businesses, people, government
schemes, lives, and stories all over the world. The internet provides a large social
platform for people to use their ideas in whatever way they want. The internet plays
various roles in some various fields.
PERSON 3: Here is example of internet of things:

For students: The internet contains a wealth of useful blogs and articles on a variety
of topics. Teachers and students from all over the world can use them to learn and
Different types of information are easily accessible from any domain, such as
personal, organizational, or government. They are available to students at any time
and can be used to complete their research or assignments.
Similarly, teachers can use them to prepare lessons for their students or to provide a
detailed analysis of any topic.

For businesses: The internet now plays an important role in the digital marketing of
any brand or product. The internet enables businesses to reach a diverse range of
audiences all over the world.
You've probably seen pop-ups or advertisements when you play a game or open a
page to read an article. These pop-ups are one of the business techniques for
reaching out to the general public.
The companies use various platforms to reach out to various audiences all over the
world. Some of them achieve success in their fields by combining digital marketing
with traditional methods.
These businesses thrive because they cater to a diverse range of tastes,
preferences, and dislikes. They also interact with people of various ages.

And lastly for Globalization: It focuses on establishing a global economy,

exchanging goods and services, culture, or population by removing physical barriers
between nations and businesses.

PERSON 4: How to protect your identity in the internet.

There are the 10 ways to protect your identity in the internet

Use Strong Passwords

The most common method for securing your online identity is to concentrate on
creating strong passwords. When creating a password, choose something that
cannot be cracked or decoded easily. Never use a word or number that can be
linked to you, such as your first, middle, or last name, the name of your spouse or
child, your address, phone numbers, employers, or other identifying letters or
numbers. Mix up the letters and numbers used in your password and use symbols
and a combination of upper and lowercase numbers whenever possible in order to
protect yourself from online security breaches. Furthermore, it is critical that you
never share your password with anyone. It is possible that you will need to change
your passwords several times per year.

Install Security Suites

Security suites are programs that prevent malicious people and programs from
infecting your computer and stealing your information and data. This includes
preventing the installation of malicious software such as spyware, viruses, and
phishing scams while you are online. Norton Antivirus, McAfee Virus Protection, Ad-
Aware Pro Security, and AVG Internet Security are some of the most popular
security suites. To protect your personal information online, make sure to purchase
and install one of these suites.

Enable Cookies on Your Web Browser Only When Required

Look for Encryption
Turn on Web Browser Blacklisting
Avoid Phishing Scams
Get Private Data Protection
Password-Protect Your Wireless Router
Hide Your Personal Information
Protect Your Credit Card Info

PERSON 1: And lastly we will explain on how to be responsible internet users

In order to be a responsible internet users we must follow some of these guidelines

1. Respect yourself and other online - When you're online, use proper etiquette.
Follow proper online standards of conduct and procedure to practice digital
etiquette. Be an example of appropriate online behaviour and be willing to
teach and discuss digital etiquette with others, both online and in person.
Most importantly, be courteous! Strive to project a positive image of yourself
2. Exchange information properly - Digital communication, or the electronic
exchange of information and correspondence, is quickly becoming the primary
means of communication between people. However, be cautious about what
you post on the internet. Personal information should not be shared
electronically with people you do not know or on websites you do not trust.

3. Follow the law - The use of electronic technologies is governed by specific
legal rights and restrictions. Understand that you are legally responsible for
your online behaviour. If you are unsure about the legality of acquiring any
form of media available online, educate yourself about copyright and fair use

4. Pay attention to your health - Though you may not consider sitting at a
computer to be dangerous or unhealthy, your digital lifestyle has an impact on
your health and wellness. Be mindful of the physical and psychological
consequences of living in a digital world. Protect yourself from these threats,
and encourage others to do the same.



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