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COURSE: Ingles IV.



ACCOUNT NUMBER:201910110172

HOMEWORK: number2

SECTION: Online.





In this present report a series of questions will be drawn up with which my specific opinion of said
questions will be taken into account in order to ask it in a real and true objective way about what
happens what I think about technology and its different areas aspects and questions of this same
in the daily life of our present time and also thinking about the future with technological advances.



Talk about how technology has changed in your life.

Well the truth is that technology has scrambled the world in many aspects and well
referring directly to my life because I can say that everything has made it much easier since
for example I have distant relatives but now with a single call the distance is reduced In a
device like the cell phone and the computer and I see perfectly and real time and it is
something incredible. Also video games and consoles, how I can simulate stories and
manipulate impressive graphics and that is something that I like when I am fond of video
games because it fascinates me that everything is so real.

What do you think has been the most important new invention of the last 100 years?

Well, it is very difficult to decide on just one, especially because it can be defined by the
area, there are many anaces for example in health that are very important, as well as in
sports, in industry and family, but when choosing one it would be telematics It results from
the union of two different sciences: telecommunications and computer science. Today the
term is frequently used to refer to telematics solutions used in commercial fleet vehicles.

Are there any new gadgets that you really want to buy?

I imagine a gedget that just saying a word can do everything I ask, like closing the door, the
window or turning on the tv or turning down the light or the air conditioning, it would be
incredible to have it now.

What do you think the next big technological advance will be?

Well the robots are no longer theory, if not, a reality that little by little will happen to do
more functions that do them, they are already looking for progress so that these robots do
things like clean the house, wash the car and do things that until the day of Today only the
human does it, as well as wanting to recreate to the human being something that if it is true
is very far but that cannot be ruled out and not desir of the cars that fly that something else
that is already about to occur and that it is going to do something spectacular.



How can countries help create more inventors?

Well it is clear that everything is sought with objectives for a benefit with which I think that
countries that have less capital or less economy can seek help from other countries and try
to imitate and do the same to advance as they do. and thus a very effective strategy to move

What is your favorite technology?

uf something very complicated to choose, especially because of how diverse these are but it
really seems amazing how they can make you in place when you are in a room, I mean the
power of illustrating those tridemcional lenses that make you be somewhere else just with
connect and that amazing that without moving a muscle they do it seems something
fantastic to me.

How will computers change in the future?

The computers will be of much greater capacity, they will be designed in a way that is very
light and does not take up much space even if it is a desktop computer, the number of
transistors per unit of surface in integrated circuits would double and everything will be
more better in all aspects than this complies.

Do you think that there will be more or less new innovation in the future?
I definitely do believe that because technological progress is something that is constantly,
which I think that in the coming years the innovation of new technological advances in
information technology and other areas will advance in a very significant way in which
Well, within all that we we have known this will have much more advancements than what
we now know.



Is there a piece of technology that you really want that doesn’t exist? (i.e. flying cars,
teleportation, etc.)
I do not know if there is a possibility that it exists but really what is a time machine is
something simply fantastic just thinking about it something incredible that if it happened
we would really be on another level we are and technological advances have been
incredible but something that I have always thought that time travel would be something
spectacular as I said I do not know if it would exist but if it did, it would be something that
humanity simply had no words to describe what it would feel like to travel in time.

Give some examples of technology that have made the world worse.
GPS. Internet. The drones. All these inventions arose thanks to military research, and then
have become part of the life of the common citizenry. Weapons of Mass Extermination are
born, the most modern advances in science and technology are used to produce nuclear
weapons, chemical and biological. The atomic bomb was not "invented", but developed, in
record time, as a conscious industrial project, as a work of engineering.

What do you think is the most important thing humans have created?

The wheel, the printing press, and penicillin are some of the best-known inventions that
changed history and made people's lives better. The initiative of scientists, often without
knowing what they were, made it possible for things to happen that were unthinkable in
their day. And we go further, the sales in the health area are incredibly important as well as
the satellites and the machines to travel in space to discover further and our atmosphere.

Do you think that people will travel outside of our solar system? How will they get

As I already answered In my opinion in the previous question, I think that traveling has
been like a type of addiction for man, going further, that is a more important challenge for
us, I think that it is something that looks complicated, it looks difficult but without
However, it is not impossible and I think in some other way in future years man will reach
Beyond the solar system easily with the technology that was invented and when that
moment comes to do something as an advance and that he already predicted that one day it
would come.



Do you like new gadgets or do you prefer to use technology you are comfortable with?

The truth is that I am one of the people who love new phones with advances, camera,
processor, screen, storage, and different features that they contain. It is simply incredible, it
makes it easier, makes it much more effective, much more efficient, technology in terms of
advances in Phones is something incredible does not mean that the phones of before have
been bad but if we compare it with the need it is that now we have that now we simply have
better the new ones.

What are the possibilities of technology in clothing?

Smart fibers, microelectronics, nanotechnology and sensors are just some of the ways of
including technology in the textile world. ... Nanotechnology applications offer endless
possibilities that can mean a before and after in the industry.

What is the future of transportation?

The technology of the future in transport is marked by the collection and analysis of data,
electrical and autonomous systems, robotization and automation of processes and
collaboration between companies in the sector to meet the objective of promoting customer
satisfaction at the lowest cost .

How often do you use a cell phone?

Much the truth is almost always with him, of course, when I do other responsibilities I do
not use it but the rest of the activities I have it always at hand, in social networks, games,
Netflix and many more activities so I use it very frequently.



How often do you shop online?

Currently almost everything I buy online may sound strange but now I feel safer of course
that I buy only in reliable places where I am guaranteed my product arrives in quality.

What is your favorite texting app?

Well I use a lot or I'm almost always on WhatsApp other times because I find myself on
instagram sometimes used by Facebook and others like messeger and snapchat.

Does technology make people lazy?

regularly affects in a very significant way in terms of other activities since somehow we do
not get addicted to one thing we stop doing the rest with things and this causes a lot because
we lose time only on one thing. how is the technology.

How often do you use email?

Much, almost all my information is through my e-mails, whether it be the university, work
and my social networks.

Could you live without technology

Living Yes of course but it would be something very complicated since we are very
adapted to the present and with the advances that are being made, so living would be
something very difficult to adapt but clearly The question is to live but if we can live
without technology but if something very complicated in the method of adapting to living
without technology



Do you prefer PCs or Apple computers?

One of the main reasons why Apple's operating system is better than Windows is that your
productivity will improve since everything is much more intuitive and this will push us to
be more creative.

How often do you play video games?

This is really what I do the most, I am almost simply playing on my console or on my PC,
the truth is I do it very frequently and it is like my favorite activity apart from being with
my cell phone and my girlfriend.

How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?

I do not know a clear time but I must say that all I spend is with the internet so a long time.

You have a cell phone?

Yes of course.

Would you rather text or call your friends?

I prefer to send a text message to interact better I go out with them.

Do you usually download free applications or buy applications?

Both things I usually download a lot of things for free but I usually buy a lot and that has to
do with applications.



What is your favorite website?

Although I have netflix almost always happens on a site that talks a lot
about games, series and movies as well as on Twitch.

The internet will become obsolete.

Not at all, I think that now more than ever the Internet is not a luxury but a necessity with
which it is extremely important and necessary.

Technology in education: why should textbooks be replaced by online resources and

modern technological innovations?

Well, I don't know if it is the best, but you have to look for reasons why it would be a
wise decision, New educational technologies are a tool to strengthen teaching and learning,
increase opportunities to access knowledge, develop collaborative skills or instill values,
among others.




can come to the conclusion that technology is more than necessary in our lives it has been
for a long time and it will surely continue to be in future years I think that technology is not
only a luxury but also a necessity which has come to benefit us humans either for our
health, economy, our industries and our luxuries as people, this has been in all areas in
nothing, with which I think that technology has advanced in a very significant way and
clearly this has come to benefit by being This thesis has helped me to realize many things
with which I did not know.And now to think about it and answer many questions I have
come to a conclusion that technology is very important and will continue to do so for many


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