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Journal 2011 Karen Cloete

January 30th
Michelle says:
 You have a mean mom
 The tattoo mark on your moms arm which have been lasered off, is
so ugly.
 Your mom have messy handwriting
 We pray for your mom to become a better Christian.
January 31th
 Jean is sick school called me to pick him up, I am at class, Nic’s
mom pick him up-Nic at work
 Send Nic email to pick Jean up at his convenience, he refuses
threatens me with audio recordings he is making at the other side
of the phone. He knows Jean is in the room , he just talked to him
before Jean handed me the phone.(email was send at 3.30pm)
 He did not want to pick up Jean, but he was accusing the school of
calling me instead of him, why would he pick Jean up from school
but not from my home.
 Picked Jean up at 7.30 pm.
February 1st
 Receive email from Nic telling me Francois has no pants to wear
this morning. I send clothes to his home every time he asked me in
the past. This weekend the boys were at my house she could catch
up with laundry- why no pants?
 I bought Francois a new winter coat- January 14 ($94.49), he had it
on the day to wear it to his dad’s house and never came back with
the coat.
February 4, 2011
 Francois and I arrive from Fair Glen, Nic promised Jean to be with
him at the school to greet me, Michele said no, Nic broken his
promise to Jean and did not bring him.
 Nic told Francois, College is for stupid people.
February 9, 2011
 I call to say goodnight, Gets an answer machine, I call Nics
cellphone and Michelle hangs up on me.

February 18, 2011
 Francois informs me he has to write out lines at his dads house, his
stepmom gives him this punishment, when he forgets his glasses or
are rude according to her to her children.
February 22, 2011
 Kids called this morning 7.55 am
 Francois tells me they are sick cant go to school
 Nic tells me, he has to go to work cannot bring them
 Nic tells me kids have to go on bus, and I pick them up at school
 I confirm with the children I will pick them up from school
 I waited at the school from 8.20 until 8.35 when they arrived
 Nic did not notify the school, I contacted school.
April 4, 2011
 The boys refuse to go on bus 2, it is a long bus ride, kicking out of
seats, Jean finds it anxious to go on that bus.
 I have to pick them up and drive them to Caledonia, Nic doesn’t
offer to pick them up.
 This past weekend, the boys were given a written quiz, by Nic and
Michelle. They had to write to answers down.
 Some of the question were the following:
o What would mom say if she saw F and J showing love to
Allison and Michelle?
o What happens if F and J would not show love to Allison and
Michelle and if God were there?
o They answered:
 J-Mom will be happy
 F-Mom will say nothing.

Things to remember:

Agenda Book-Michelle communicates mostly with me.

Homework Book-Michelle does homework with the boys.

Nic and Michelle get council from councilor to blend family-councilor
suggested to question boys about my attitude about Michelle and Allison.



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