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OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHANDLER-EVANS WATER INJECTION CONTROLS SUPPLEMENT To DOUBLE WASP (R-2800) OVERHAUL MANUAL Part No, 166497 WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Table’ of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Porasroph Powe 1 INTRODUCTION 1 MW Test eRocEDURE a Principles of Operation Ww 2 Colibration of Variable Flow Control 9.37 28 Purpose oe Flow Test Limits Constont Flow... 9-92-37 Ml OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS 6 Flow Test Limits Variable Flow 33629 Assembly — Constant Flow Control. 24915 ¥ General 31 a ‘Assembly — Variable Flow Control, 2-58 19 Jest Equipment — Constant Flow... 35 21 Cleaning 27 2 eee Disassembly 247 Test Equipment — Variable Flow... 314 22 Inspection 272 Ps Test Instructions — Constant Flow 331 26 Overhaul Toots a 6 Repair or Replacement 235 13 Test Instructions —Veriable Flow 3.95 27 WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Section 1 Paragraphs 1-1 to 1-4 SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1-1. This publication comprises the overhaul instructions for the Water injection Controls listed in the following table. These controls are used withthe listed engine models manu- factured by Pratt aad Whitney Aircraft, Division of United Aircraft Corporation, East Hartford 8, Connecticut. [WATER INJECTION CONTROL {DENTIFICATION TABLE Pont No Engine Moda Frat & | Chor [Goran Flow Tosa | — 807 1386 eis Navatie Fw vaare | 6590 | cans (alerts) cae 1-2. For installation, maintenance, and operating instruc- tions, see the water injection control supplements in the Part No, 1094¢S (R-2800) and Part No, 115636 (R-4360) Mointenence Manuals. 1-3. PURPOSE. 1-4. The function of the control isto meter the water entar- ing the Fuel system in such manner that the flow of water will be directly proportional to the mass airflow. The water re- places the fuel normally used to coo! the combustion charge below the detonation point when operating in the extreme power range, thus effecting fuel economy while at the some time permitting @ safe increase in power output for @ period of time limited by the emount of water availoble. Listed in the table and illustrated in [Figure 1—1] are the constant- flow ond the variable-flow types of controls GONSTANT FLOW VARIABLE FLOW Sextion t Paragraphs 1-5 to 1-£ 1-5. The operation of the constant flow control is satisfactory ond provides for @ constant water-air ratio at all power conditions. It follows that this type of con: trol must be set to provide for sofe operation at the highest power requirement, thus allowing an excess flow fof water at the lower settings resulting in unnecessary water consumption, 1-6, The variable flow control provides an enriched water flow for the higher power requirements ond a leaner mixture for the lower limits of the extreme power range. An added feature of this contro} is that below a set power requirement the water flow is automatically cut off. The variable control, mounted directly on the engine accessory cote, utilizes cared passages thus mini- izing the necessity for external lines. 1-7. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. WATER INJECTION CONTROLS 1-8, CONSTANT FLOW CONTROL. Figure 1-2 illus: trates the operating principle of the control. Water entering the control through the solencid valve opens the spring loaded check volve [2], but cannot pass through the meter- ing pressuce control valve [4] until pressure is built up in chamber "A." This pressure opens the unmetered fuel valve [8] admitting unmetered fuel Ye chamber B” which opens the metering pressure control valve [4] Yhcough the ection of the large diophragm. Water then begins to flow to the fengine through the control at a rate proportional to the unmetered fuel pressure which, in turn, is proportional to moss airflow. The metering jet [5] controls the quan- tity of water injected into the engine. During the time shat presture is being built up in chamber “A,” pressure is olso being built up to actuate the derichment valve on the carburetor through aa external line connected to the control. This action reduces fuel flow to best power mixture setting for water injection operation, WATER INJECTION CONTROLS, Section t DERIGHMENT VALVE WATER CONTROL (ATTACHED 70 CARBURETOR) 1. WATER INLET SOLENOID CONTROL VAIVE WATER PRESSURE GAGE HERE s1er oer ue vnessre UUNMETERED WATER PRESSURE TRANSFER LINE 2. CHECK VALVE 2. STRAINER 4. METERING PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE ‘meTERED WATER WATER UNDER ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE UUNMETERED FUEL 5, WATER METERING JET 6. PRESSURE EQUALIZING BIEED 7. DELAY BLEEDS. 8. UNMETERED FUEL SHUTOFF METERED FUEL VALVE VAPOR VENT LINE WATER cumuTITY case venr VENT INES: AIR BALANCE LINE: WH Yi a) i qo @ WATER FED LINE Figore 1-2. WATER IRDECTION CONTROLS TO ENGINE DISCHARGE NOZZLE es Za UNMETERED WATER SEES] meveren warer WATER UNDER ATMOSPHERIC 3 vase Be UNMETERED FUEL IereRED FEL [—__] vent umes DERICHMENT VALVE ATTACHED TO CARBURETOR PRESSURE TRANSFER LINE FLOW INDICATING LIGHT CONNECTION TO CARBURETOR UNMETERED FUEL CHAMBER DERIGHMENT LINE WATER PRESSURE GAGE CONNECTION WIRING DIAGRAM BBL vent ume sovenoio vaive BATTERY FLOW INDICATING LIGHT- WATER FEED LINE VAPOR VENT LINE TANK DRAIN FILLER NECK TO REAR Oft PRESSURE Ol PRESSURE SWITCH COCKPIT CONTROL SWITCH WATER PUMP venT 1. VENT LINE SOLENOID VALVE 2. WATER CONTROL CHECK VALVE 3. WATER INLET STRAINER 4. METERING PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE ‘5. MAIRE WATER JET 6, WATER ENRICHMENT JET 7. FUEL DERICHMENT VALVE RESET CONTROL 8. INTERMEDIATE REAR CASE 9. WATER ENRICHMENT VALVE 10, WATER INLET CHECK VALVE 11, CARBURETOR FUEL DERICHMENT VALVE 12, REGULATING VALVE CIRCULATING BLEED WATER QUANTITY GAGE WATER INJECTION CONTROLS 1-9, VARIABLE FLOW CONTROL. Figure 1-3 illustrotes ‘the variable flow feature ofthe control. Unmetered fuel pres- sure feom the carburetor builds up @ pressure on the dia- phragm of the metering prossure control valve and holds this valve open. When the water injection switch is closed water pressure is built up in the valve chamber, counteracts the pressure on the diaphragm and closes the valve. As the metered fuel pressure increases in response to greater engine ower requirements, the water pressure against the dia- phragm is unbalanced and the valve opens. However, water does not enter the engine until sufficient metering force is developed to permit water pressure to build up and ‘open the check valve [2]. At a predetermnied power, the check valve begins to open, giving @ ropid increase in water-air ratio as the power is increased. When woter Section | Paragraph 1-9 starts to flow through the main water jet [5] the pressure differential thus set-up is transmitted 0 the digphragm controlled valve [7] which, when opened, allows water pressure to build up on the carburetor derichment valve diaphragm. This valve closes ond reduces fuel flow through the carburetor to @ predetermined setting for best power mixture ratio, Further increase of pressure differential with increased airflow causes the enrichment valve [9] to start opening. When the enrichment valve is completely open in response to power demands, the water-air rotio levels off at a constant value determined by the enrichment jet. This enriching actinn, or increase in water-cir ratio, corresponds to the ection of the en- richment valve and jet in the pressure type carburetor. Section Il WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Paragraphs 2-1 to 2-3 SECTION II OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS 2-1, OVERHAUL TOOLS. 2.2, SPECIAL TOOLS, This peragraph indexes the names tand numbers of the special tools facilitating the overhaul ‘work described in this Hondbook. Each tool number is lo- cated by the name of the part with which the Yooh it identi- fied, The names of the parts and assemblies are in alpho- betical order. 2-3. STANDARD TOOLS. No attempt has bean made to list either inthis paragraph or in the procedural part of this Handbook, all of the standard tools which might be used Name Check valve seat driver (assembly ond dissosombly) Insert (helical) 10-24 assembly driver 10-24 extroctor 10-24 gage 1/420 driver 1/4-20 extractor 1/420 gage 1/4-20 insert hole finish top. 1/420 ineort hele rough tap 5/1618 assemibly driver 5/16-18 extractor — 4 inches feng 5/1618 extractor ~ 4 1/2 inches long 5/168 gage 5/16-18 insert hole finish top 5/1648 insert hole rough tap Metering valve seat retainer ‘wrench (assembly and disassombly) Screw bushing 5/16-18 bushing driver 5/\6A8 lockring drift Unmetered fuel valve diaphragm balt hold for the overhaul operations. If a tool not specified for tan operation which obviously requires one, it is assumed thot @ suitable standard tool will be used. Note In the following table, “type” refers to the type cf control to which the associated tool number is applicable. The symbols are identified as fellows, Y = Constont Flow Z= Verieble Flow Tool No. PWA.4265 PWAs9-1 PWA-2261-1 PWA.9347-1 PWA.3349.2 PWA.2261-1 PWA3347-2 PW A.3345-4 PWA3345.3, PWA-3349-3 PWA-2261-2 PWA.2261-3 PWA.3347.3, PWA3345.6 PWAS345.5, PWA-3196 PwA2450 PWA-3451 PWA-4263, Type WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Section Il Paragraphs 2-4 to 2-5 UNMETERED FUEL VALVE DIAPHRAGM COVER CHECK VALVE CHAMBER VENT PLUG. WATER TRANSFE! PIPE PAD UNMETERED FUE! INLET JET COVER PLUG WATER CIRCULATING LINE OPENING. CHECK VALVE CHAMBER OPENING WATER PRESSURE DRAIN PLUG WATER METERING VALVE COVER Figure 2-1. 2-4, DISASSEMBLY. 2-5. CONSTANT FLOW TYPE, 2. Unscrew the four bolts attaching the water control unit to its bracket on the right side of the accessory drive case. Remove the bolts, washers, and the control. Note As the water control unit is disassembled, place the component parts in clean container b. Detach the five fiber nuts ond the washers holding the water inlet control solenoid valve [Figure 2-1] to the control assembly, and remove the valve and gasket; then disassemble the solenoid from the assembly and re- move the valve and its retaining spring. «. Lift the water screen from the check valve cham- ber [Figure 2-2], and, using PWA-4265 Driver, un. screw the check valve seat from the housing. Separate the valve spring, and the valve. 4, Remove the .375 inch jet cover plug (Figure 2-1] from the front face of the water control housing, end, using @ jet driver, remove the water metering jet . SOLENOID VALVE MOUNTING PAD. ~~-CHECK VALVE “CHECK VALVE ‘SEAT \ screen \ GASKET VALVE SPRING. Figure 2-2. Section Il Paragraphs 2-5 to 2-6 WATER INIECTIC ION CONTROLS unuereneo ovmpumaon 7 N METERING VALVE ee DIAPHRAGM PUATe unmereRco J UNMeTERED! ware PME Z f./" SSRs eens ghee spring as Lsewnut vaLy® sear merehine | wasnen Ge. coder — Figure 2-3 ©. Loosen the eight filter head screws attacking the water metering valve diaphragm cover [Figure 2~3] to the housing, and remove the screws, washers, ond the f, Unscrew the unmetered fuel valve slotted retaining plug from the diaphragm cover and remove the gosket, the valve spring, ond the valve, 9. Back out the four fister head screws retaining the unmetered fuel valve diaphragm cover: then lift off the cover and the diaphragm. h. Using PWA-4263 Holder, remove the slotted nut, plate, and diaphragm from the diaphragm bolt. i, Remove the five filster head screws and the wash- ers, and take off the water matering volve cover ond sgosket. i. Remove the valve spring, spring spacer, and cover insert from the cover, k. Using © wrench inserted in the internal hex end of the water metering valve stem to hold the stem steady, unscrew the locknut; then holding the hex head of the volve, unscrew the stem from the valve in a clockwise di- rection, being careful not to damage the diaphragm cossombly. |. Lift out the metering valve, and withdsow the dio phragm and valve stem assembly from the housing 1m. Holding the diaphragm bolt with a wrench, loosen the éiepheagm retaining nut; then remove the gaskets, the diaphragm, ond plates fram the diaphragm belt 1. Using PWA-3136 Wrench, back out the water meter- ing valve seat retciner, ond carefully push the valve seat from the housing. ©. Lift out the packing washer and the neeprene packing which seals the valve seat in the housing . Remove the drain plug and gasket trom the iower face of the housing, and take out the two plugs beside the water metering valve cover pad 2-6, VARIABLE FLOW TYPE, [See Figure 2~4.] Note Place the discssembled component parts of the unit in @ clean container WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Section Il ENRICHMENT valve ‘AJUSTMENT Ya EXTERNAL UNMETERED FUEL CONNECTION (2300) ~ RETURN ayronaric check Valve ADJUSTENT RESET TAP TO EARBUAE TOR DERICHMENT VALVE WATER pRessuRe “GAUGE CONNECTION AbausT MEN / ve WATER INLET ENRICHMENT. “e RESS\ semen, NN aaa Main METERING JET METERED FUEL PRESSURE | -\enaicrovent vee aod ent OR neser VALVE, ADLUSTMENT ORAIN, Figure 2-4, Section tT Poragraph 2-6 ©. Refer to Figure 2-5. Unfosten the four screws [25] cond remove the solenoid valve pad cover [26] om the main metering valve diaphragm cover b. Remove the sx infernal hex serews [28] and lift off the main metering valve diaphragm cover [31]. . Holding the metering valve [43] by the flats on the end of the valve, remove the dicpheagm assembly re- taining aut [32]; then lift out the diophragm [35], die- phragm supports (34 and 36), and the seal £37]. 4. Unfasten the theee internal hex screws [38] hold ing the metering valve assembly in poston; then with- drow the essembly and seol [41.] Remove the locking [42] securing the metering valve [43] in the housing [40] cond withdraw the valve €. On the left side of the housing, adjacent to the nome plate, remove the six internal hex scrows [94]; then liftoff the enrichment valve cover (92] and spring [99]. f. Remove the diaphragm end valve ossombly: then remove the not [91] from the top of the valve [85] and separate the valve, supports [87 and 90], seal [86], and diaphragm (88.] 3g. Remove the three intersal hex screws [247 holding the enrichment valve seat hovsing [82] in postion; then withdraw the housing and gosket (81). h. Remove the six internal hex screws [6] from the front face of the housing, ond liftoff the check valve cover [9] ond spring [8]; then withdraw the diophvagm cssombly WATER INJECTION CONTROLS J. Remove the nut {11] from the top of the valve (14); then separate the velve, diophragm [13], end support 12]. J; Remove the three internal hex screws [15] hold- ing the check valve seat housing [17] '9 position; then withdraw the housing ond gasket [78]. k. Remove the four internal hex screws [64] from the square cover on the bottom of the control housing: then lift off the derichment reset control valve and housing ossembly. | Remove the cover [66], spring [63], and valve cossembly, m. Remove the nut [68] from the top of the valve 173]; then separate the valve, supports [69 ond 71], seal 172], and diaphragm [70] 1. Remove the four internal hex serews [52], and lift Off the water inlet cover [50] ond gasket [49]; then ‘withdraw the screen [48] and gosket (47). ©. Remove the water control unit drain cover [55] and gosket [56]. . Using @ jet driver, remove the enrichment meter- ing jet and the moin jet (Figure 2-4] from the mouat- ing face side of the water control unit 4. Remove the external unmetered fuel connection bushing [Figure 24] from the top of the water control housing. 1. Check Vale Beaprogm ag inert 14. Check Vale Xe. Soot Bush 17 Cheek Vale Seat 18. Check Yoho Seot Gasket Seat Seem Inlet Sreen 1. Check Valve Adjusting Ser Locut “4 Over Diaphraam Support @F. Caverpin 2 Rajstmant Sel 45. Main Metering Volvo Diophrogm 8. Diaphragm etsining Not 5 Chock Valve Adivsing Screw 236, Inner Diophroom Supper! 9. Digpvagn Ovir Suppor? 4 Adjusting Serow Gover 437. Diaphragm Seal 70, Reet Const Vale Blophrogm 5 Rajnting Serew Spring Follower 435. Vale Set Reining Screw 2%. Diophropm Inner Suppart &, Diaphregn Cover Sera BP. Sea bashing 72, Baphropm Seal 7 Cover Busing 4. fain hcering Valve Se 73: Rent Conral Volve 3. Chock Vale Spring 20. Valve Sect Seal 74, Dowel 9. Chack Valve Diopieagm Cover 22. Valve Retaining Lokring 75, vet Conrai Valo Soot 1 Eaters 2. aw Matorig’ Vole 76. Cop 11 Diaphragm Retaining Not 2, Vote Seer Genel 77. Derechment Tobe Fiing 12 Outer Dephragm Support 3S, Water Conte! Howsog 78, Pog 79. Vale Seat Gasket set 80. Contal Mowing Insert 8 Enihment Valve Swot Gonket Screen Cover Gasket 82. Ewidment Valo Seot Come 85. Slot Bushing Bd, Shot Rotini Screw 19, Conta! Bato Plot eve Serew 52, Cove Retening Sow Bb: Ewthnent Valve 20: contol Dota Pate 53, Drain Cover Ratoining Nut 8, Diaphragm Ses! 2: og Be Washer 7, Disphvagm Inner Support 22. Sach Pipe Plog 435. Gontal Unit Drain Cover EE. Ewachmart Vole Diephrogm 23: Unnctered Fock Connection Bushing 56. Drain Cover Gasket BF. Coverpin 24; Gasket BF Sd 0. Biophragm Oster Sepport 25 Solanid Valve Pod Cover Retaining Serew 58. Plog 81: Diapivegm Retining Ret 28, Solania Valve Pod Cover 59. net Control Volvo Aating Somme 92. Ennchmont Vale Diopragm Cover Z Solenold Valve Pad Gonket {eka 93. Cover banking 18 Moin Metering Vale Biaphrogm Cover 60. Resa Va Adjuting Stew 94. Cover Reining Seren Screw 1. Aajusing Ser Gane 95. Enrichment Vale Adjusting Screw Gasket 28. Dinphrogm Cover Bushing 2. Adjusting Seow Spring Follower 36. Adjontng Sere 30 ioe 5, Revo Valeo Spring 97, Aajusting Seow Lockrut 31: Nain Metring Valve Digphragm Cover 64. Cover Raining Serew 98. Aajating Seow Spring Follower 532. Main Metering Valve Digphrgm Raining 65. Cover Bushing 59. Eorchnam Valve Spring ner 16. Rett Valve Bioghragm Cover 10 Envchont Jet TOT. Main Marin Jet WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Section It VARIABLE FLOW Figure 2-5. Section Il Paragraphs 2-7 to 2-28 2-7. CLEANING. 2-8, PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS. After the cortral has been disassembled in accordance with the instructions in paragraphs 2~4 through 2~6, the parts must be cleaned ‘ond prepored for inspection. {caution Do not use carbon tetrachloride or any clkali cleaning agent on these parts as this will clam. fge the phenolic resin coating covering the in- terior of the control 2-9. It is important that all diaphragms and gaskels be removed before cleaning 12 prevent loose particles from becoming lodged in small drilled passages, Stee! parts not protected by preservative coating should be covered with @ thin coat of ight ol 10 prevent cust and corrosion: 2-10. GENERAL Oil, sludge, geeose or soft carbon de- posits may be removed from the control parts by any of the following methods 2.11. SPRAY. Spray the ports in @ cleaning booth which has positive ventilation-to the outdoors, The cleaning fluid should be kerosene or white furnace oll. After spraying, blow off any excess cleaning agent with compressed air. 2-12, WASHER, Ports may be cleaned in @ washer using kerosene or white furnace oll. After removing the parts from Ye washer, blow off any excess cleaning agent with com pressed olt 2-13. BATH. Immerse the parts in a cleaning agent such fs kerosene or white furnace oil. A saft brush may be used to facilitate removal of dirt or grease accumulations. After removing the parts from the bath, blow off any excess cleoning egent with compressed air, 2-14. VAPOR, Place the parts in steam-heated tank Which contains the cleaning vapor. The vapor will condense fon the parts and thoroughly degrease them. Unprotected parts cleaned by this methed will be absolutely dry and free trom oil and grease when they are rentoved from the tank, ‘and therefore, should be sprayed with alight cil immediately to protect them against rust and corrosion. The cleaning fd should be stabilized trichlorathylene, 2-15. Any port showing signe of extensive corrosion may be cleaned for reuse 2-16, Caretuily blew out, with compressed air, all drilled passages in the control housing and covers. 2-17, INSPECTION. 2-18. Examine each port for chipping, cracks, splits, dis WATER INJECTION CONTROLS tortion, corrosion, and excessive wear. Check the condition of the paint on the exterior of the housings. Check all mat- ing surfaces for smoothness and general condition, 2-19. tn-ll constant-flow type controls the check valve seat, the water metering valve seat, and the inner surface of the control housing are coated with @ phenolic resin varnish for corrosion preventive purposes. The surface presents @ trans: parent golden oppearance (dark bive in later models) ond should be examined carefully at overhaul. It should be rea- sonably free from bubbles, craters, pinholes, cracks or chips. The inner surfaces ofall now-hesitating variable controls are coated with Heresite, an improved form of corrosion resisting coating, which should be examined as described above, 2-20. IF the inner coating shows cracks, peeling, or other serious surface breaks, the part should be processed ‘ot the overhau! activity to renew the protective coating, or should be returned to Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Airport Department, East Hartford 8, Connecticut 2-21. All internal surfaces of the eantrol housing, including drilled possages, are to be coated, and although the external ‘enamel should not be painted on a surface where a dio- phragm or gasket is to be wsad, the phenolic varnish or Here site should cover these areas ond may exerspray onto the ‘enamel 2-22. Inspect valves and seats to see that the seating sur- feces are not deeply ringed, pitted, or otherwise defective, Replace any defective part which cannot be cleaned up by lapping. Make sure the water metering valve stem (constant- flow type) is properly secured 40 the diaphragm bolt and that itis not worn at the head end. 2-23. Check the threads of the diaphragm bolt and the volve stem, ond see that the stem retaining washer Is fiemly set in the diaphram bolt 2-24. Examine the screen for breaks, ond see thet it is clean, 2-25. Inspect the ground surface of the solenoid valve ond the valve seat fer nicks, cuts, oF other damage. If damage is found, the valve and seat should be replaced as © unit 2-26. if any damage to the ground face of the solensid ‘armature oF col is evident, the unit should be replaced. 2.27. Inspect the solenoid unit on variable flow controls in the same manner ot described in poragraphs 2-25 ond 2-26, 2-28. All diaphrams and seals should be replaced at each overhaul. Note Replace all riveted diaghragm assemblies with new non-riveted diaphsagms and supports WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Se 2-29. Check all springs for signs of wear or ny evidence: of other domage. 2-30. Inspact the derichment reset conttal valve (vari ‘able-flow type), and replace the valve if the rubber end is worn, Polish the outer surface of the valve with crocus cloth and cil, if pits or scratches are evident. 2-31. Check the studs et the water transfer tube, the solenvid volve, and the control unit drain locations for looseness or domaged threads. 2-32. Examine the serrated serew bushings in the mounting pod of the control (constantflow type) for looseness or damaged threads. 2-33. Check all inserts in the housing, and replace all loose or damaged units. 2-34. Examine the formica bushings used under the in ternal hex screws, Replace any cracked bushing 2-35. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT. 2-36. SOLENOID CONTROL. Check the electromagnet ‘ossembly for on open or grounded coll at described be- low: ©. Connect on ammeter in series with the electromagnet circuit; then cisse the electric ciruit. If the ammeter fils 10 register, the coil is open and must be replaced. b. Test the coil with an ohmmeter. The coil resistance ot room temperature should be between 36 and 40 ohms. If the resistance is not within these limits, the coll should be replaced. 2-37, SCREEN. Replace the screen if it is broken at any point or cannot be cleaned satisfactorily 2-38. sTUDs. 2-39. Studs which are stretched, loose, or have dom coged threads should be replaced by oversize studs, Wher: ever @ stud which is olready oversize requires replace ment, ceplace it with the next oversize. Where the threads of stud hole have become damaged or stripped, it is possible, # there is sufficient material around the hole, 10 rill and retap the hole for @ special stepped stud. Use o standard stud diver of the proper size to install new studs. 2-40, Figure 2-6 illustrates the various methods of marking oversize studs for identification. The identi- fying mark is on the anchor end of the stud. The conical projection or green dye for .004 inch oversize studs, the conical cup or red dye for 098 inch oversize studs, and the drilled hole or purple dye fer .012 inch oversize studs are the Prott & Whitney Aircraft standard identify ing marks. The other marking methods sre illustrated, be- cause they are used by various vendors and may be en- countered in the field, When installing an oversize stud In @ stud hole which goes completely through © port, make sure that the anchor end of the stud does not pro: ject beyond the hole sufficiently 1o cause interference with ion Paragraphs 2-29 to 2-43 other pars. If necessary, file off the anchor end enough to insure agoinst such interference; then reidentify the stud with the proper oversize mark. C =] witness] inserensrs| — @ O|S|O\@| ZIS|O@ zuma [| O Figure 2-6. 2-41. If the torque in pound-inches required to drive @ stud to the correct projection length should not come up to the minimum or should exceed the moximum, another stud should be selected 2-42. SERRATED SCREW BUSHINGS, Replace any loose or damaged serrated screw tushings in the following ©. Using a piloted counterbore slightly smaller than the root circle of the lockring outer serrations (.477-,480 inch diameter), carefully bore the screw bushing and lockring to @ depth of about .198 inch, Collapse the lockring and remove it from the housing b. Remove the remaining portion of the screw bush: ing from the housing with on Ezy-ovt, and clean the recess of chips ond dirt ‘6 Using PWA-3450 Driver, install @ new screw bush- ing to @ point 005.015 inch below the surface of the housing. 4. Aligning the mating serrations of the lockring and the screw bushing, install the ring with PWA-3451 Drift, 0 .005..015 inch below the housing surface. 2-43. INSERTS. The following is a typical procedure for replacing a damaged insert ©. Seat PWA.2261-1 Extractor in the outer thread of the demaged insert by tapping it once sharply with a hammer. Turn the tool counterclockwise to remove the insert bb. Clean up the threads in the housing with PWA.3345.9 Rough Tap ond PWA.3345-4 Finish Tap. «. Place the new insert on PWA-3349-2 Driver and install the insert in the threaded hole in the housing. Seat the insert flush with, or slightly below, the surface of the housing, d. Break the tang from the insert by installing PWA. 9349-2 Driver and turning the tool counterclockwise fe. Remove the broken tang from the insert recess with tweezers or by blowing air into the hole. Section Il WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Paragraphs 2-43 to 2-45 f. Check the insert threads with PWA-3347-2 Gage. 2-45. VALVES AND SEATS. 2-44, WATER METERING VALVE DIAPHRAGM STEM. If 8 Using « fine grade of lapping compound, lap the ‘the washer which secures the stom in place appears to be valves and seats Nightly to remove scratches or small pits loose, it may be tightened by carefully restoking the bolt from the seating surfaces. head around the washer. CONSTANT FLOW NON-HESITATING TYPE 1. Unntered Fuel Vale Diophrogm 17 thin Metering Vale Diaphragm 5. Check Velve Chamber Baia Plog over Sere ring Nat 36. Gasket 2, Unmotared Foal Vale Dioprom 18, Bapirage Set 7 Solanold Vole Movtting Std cover 18, Diaphragms Outer Support 38, Cont 3, Convrpin 20. Naim Wetting Valve Diophroge 39. Veot Pog 4 Dicphrogm Retaining Net 21: Diaphragm ner Suppor 10, Mein Metering Jet 5 Disphrogm Over Suppor BA. han Matering Valve tom 12 Check Waive Chombor Plog & Foel Vale’ Siaphrage 23, Vole Seat 12 Solenoid Vale Anembly 2. ed fuel Yale Bianhrogm 2A. Main Materng Yale 48, Moin Motoring Vai Cover 35. Solenoid Vole Pad Cover 6, Gasket 8, Nake Metering Valve Oiaphreom fag mt 48. Spring Guide Cover 26. Washer 48, Spring Spacers Metering Valve Diophvoam 37. Sconsld Mounting Pa Cover “2, Voie Spring Cover Sow 28. Gout 418, Voie Aju Lockout 10, Wor 29. Water Inlet Seroon 49. Vote Cover Retaining Seave M1 Unrtored Fuel Vole Se 430. Check Valve ond Seot 450! Valve Sear Rotiner 12 Unmetered Fuel Valve 3 Genkat 51. Vale Sect Packina Washer ‘Spring 32. Spring 432. Vane Seat Poskng 435, Ueknng —Secroted Serew Bush 59. Weter Tomer Tube Adapter 24, Sete Screw Bushing 54 Main Metering Jet Cover Plog Figure 2-7 “ Section I Paragraphs 2-45 to 248A . Lop the ports to « smooth, satin finish being careful to avoid excessive lapping or pressure. . Clean the housing and valves thoroughly efter this operation. d, Light scratches on the valve surfaces moy be reduced with crocus cloth and ol 2-46, HOUSING THREADS. ‘©. Using the proper tap, chose the threads In the various tapped holes of the control housing where minor damage to the threads exists b. Carefully blow out all drilled passages in the control housing to remove dirt or chips resulting from repair opera- 2-47. GASKETS AND PACKINGS. Replace all packings, ‘gostels, ond seals at reassembly. 2-48. PAINT. Ifthe outer surfaces of the control are badly WATER INJECTION CONTROLS chipped or peeled, sttip the old paint and refinish the sur- foes. 248A. TORQUES, The following are the recommended torque values for the nuts, bolts, and serews on the various water injection con trols listed below: ‘0. Constant Flow Injection Controls. Torque Inch Nome Pounds No. 10:32 elastic stop nuts 35-45 No. 10-24 screws except as noted below by 35-40 “No. 10-24 screws for 101840 unmetered. fuel valve cover on the non hesitating water injection con- trols 25-20 No. 10:24 serews for main diaphragm cover 40-50 4A WATER INJECTION CONTROLS Part No. 101834 or 79314 poppet valve adjustment lock nut 25-30 Part No. 79304 main diaphragm lock nut 3545 not to exceed 45 to olign cotterpin ». Variable Flow Injection Control No. 10-24 socket head screws 40-45 1/4-20 socket head screws 55-60 1/4-20 hex head bolts 55-60 1/428 elastic stop nut 70-85 Where the nuts, bolts, or screws are clamping diaphragms or soft gaskets, the units must be initially torqued to the values sgiven and then rechecked, and if necessary, retorqued after 20 minutes to the recommended values, This will permit ad- ‘equate time for the diaphragms or gasket to take @ final set 0 that after retorquing, the nuts will not loosen at « later date, 2-49. ASSEMBLY OF CONSTANT-FLOW TYPE CONTROL. [See Figure 2-7.) 2-50, SOLENOID VALVE, ©. Install the valve on its seot in the valve body, and se- cure it in position by connecting the spring to its retaining pin installed in the opposite side ofthe valve body. b. Install the thin metallic diaphragm in its groove above the valve, «. Install the solenoid control and secure it with the four filster hood screws 4d, Install the plug in the valve body covering the spring retaining pin 2-51. SOLENOID VALVE TEST. Test the valve ossembly for leaks os follows Figure 2-8: ©. The solenoid valve assembly should be fastened to a suitable test block or plate having a fitting which moy be vented to water [1]. Install on air base connection at the water inlet opening [2], and place a rubber tube over the ‘electrical connection of the solenoid valve [3]. Apply on air pressure of 17 pounds per squore inchto the inlet side of the valve [2], and submerge the ends of the lst block fitting [77 ‘and the rubber tube [3] 10 @ depth of % inch in clear water. Any continued bubbling in excess of 18 bubblos per minute from the test block fitting or the electrical connection indi- cates a poorly seating valve or a leaking electrieai unit, re- spectively. Note ‘An alternate leakage test procedure may be used if desired, This procedure employs the same test ‘equipment but requires that no leakage be «> Section I Paragraphs 2-488 to 2-52 perienced when the solenoid valve is subjected to ‘water at 30 pounds per square inch pressure 'b, Remove the rubber tube from the electrical connection ‘and remove the end of the test block iting from the water. €. Make @ properly grounded connection between the solenoid valve and « 24 volt battery with the battery switch open [4]. 4. Apply an air pressure of 17 pounds per square inch 10 the woter inlet connection [2]; then close the battery switch. Prosture air should immediately start to escape from the t block fitting [1], showing a proper opening of the solenoid valve. {@. Open the battery switch. The air excaping from the test block fitting should cease, showing a proper closing of the valve f. Recheck the closed valve for leakage by dipping the tend of the test block fitting in the water as in the leckage test described in step a. of paragraph 2~51. 2-52, WATER METERING VALVE DIAPHRAGM COVER, ©. Astomble the unmetered fuel valve diaphragm to the bolt with its support, and slotted nut; then cotterpin the nut, Place the assembly in position on the water metering valve diophragm cover and attoch the valve cover with four fils: ter head screws and washers. , Place the valve in its recess in the opposite end of the metering valve diophragm cover, and complete the assembly with the valve spring, a new gasket, and the slotted retaining plug. cessed See | Figure 2-8. 15 Section il Paragraphs 253 to 2-54 2-53, WATER METERING VALVE DIAPHRAGM COVER TEST. Test the cover assembly for leakage as follows [Fig ure 2-9}: ‘8. Leakage tests for the unmetered fuel valve ond Siophragm require @ test cover which must form an ir ‘ight seal wih the mating face of the ossembled water metering valve diaphragm cover in which these parts are contained. The test cover must also seo! the No. 40 bleed possage and contain three topped holes, one 19 mate with the water pressure inlet, one to mato with the unmatered fuel inlet, ond the third equipped with en L fitting and ‘opening into the center of the cover chamber. 'b Install the test cover and © gasket on the faco of the water metering valve diaphragm cover, oligning the proper pessoges, and complete the assembly with eight bolt and nuts, Plug the topped hole leading to the water pressure passage and install an air hose fiting in the unmetered fuel hole, Apply air pressure of 5 pounds per square inch to the unmetered fuel inlet and sub- merge the end of the L fitting to @ depth of 14 inch in clear woter. Maintain the air pressure ot § pounds per squore inch for two minutes while the end of the L fiting is submerged. Continued bubbling will indicote that the unmetered fuel valve is seating improperly. Eliminate the leakage by lapping or replacing the valve. « With the test cover properly installed on the foce of the woter metering valve diaphragm cover, plug the tapped hole leading to the unmetered fuel passage and instoll the air hose fiting in the water pressure passoge. Apply sir pressure of 10 pounds per square inch to the water pressure inlet and submerge the ond of the L fit ting to @ depth of % inch ia clear water. Maintain the cir presture ot 10 pounds per square inch for two minutes while the end of the L fiting is submerged. Any con- finyed bubbling will indicate that the unmetered fuel valve diaphragm is ruptured and should be replaced 16 WATER INJECTION CONTROLS 2-54, HOUSING ASSEMBLY, ©. Install the water metering valve diaphragm and the wo digphragm support plates on the diaphragm belt, using © new gosket between the inner plate and the bolt. Place new gosket over the outer plate and install the locknu, Secure the lacknut wih « cotterpin. b. Slide a new rubber packing into place in the bous- ing, making sure that it is seated evenly; then place the washer in position over the packing. Install the meter- ing valve seat, inserting it from the diaphragm side of the hewsing. See that the washer and packing ore stil ‘evenly: seated; then, using PWA-3136 Wrench, secure the valve seat in place with the valve seat retainer. Lock: wire the seat to the retainer . Place the metering valve diaphragm and valve stem ‘ossembly in the housing and, holding it in postion, start the metering valve on the stem threads. Using a hex wrench, screw the valve stem into the velve in count: erclockwise direction. Avoid turning or twisting the dio- phragm. Attach the special shouldered jam nut to the fond of the valve stem and tighten it against the head of the valve, adjusting it ond the valve 22 thet 1% to 26 threads of the valve stem protrude from the exter face fof the nut. Lockwire the nut to the valve, 4d, Install the spring guide in the water metering valve cover, and place the spring spacer and the spring within the guide with the spring's smallest coil outward. Place the spring and cover assembly, together with a new gasket, in position over the valve nut shaulder, being careful to place the smallest coil on the nut shoulder. Attach the cover with the five screws ond washers @. Do not lockwire the screws until the woter meter- ing valve opening point has been bench-checked. It moy be necessary 10 take off the cover to add or remove spring spacers for proper setting of the valve, The procedure and equipment for setting the opening point are described ia paragraph 2-55, ond the operation is performed before the water metering valve diaphragm cover is assembled to the control f. Place @ new gasket on the check valve seat shoulder [Figure 2-10], and install the spring, volve, and seat in the housing. Tighten the check valve seat in place, using PWA.4265 Driver. Install the screen ia place over the check valve and attach a plugged test cover ond gasket over the solencid valve mosating pod in preparation for setting the metering valve, g. Install the metering jet in the opening provided ot the front of the water control unit [Figure 2-1], using the jet driver: then screw a .375 inch pipe plug into the ‘outer end of the opening h. Install the drain plug with its gasket, and instoll the check valve chamber vent and opening plugs.

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