1.2 - Terms and Factors - ME 522-ME41S3 - Power Plant Design With Renewable Energy

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2/19/22, 8:45 AM 1.

2: Terms and Factors: ME 522-ME41S3 - Power Plant Design with Renewable Energy

1.2: Terms and Factors


Connected load

It is the sum of the continuous ratings of all the equipment and outlets on the customer's

It is the total electric power-consuming rating of all devices (such as lamps or motors)
connected to a distribution system.

Maximum Demand (Load)

Is the highest level of electrical demand monitored in a particular period usually for a month

Demand factor 

Is the ratio of the sum of the maximum demand of a system (or part of a system) to the total
connected load on the system (or part of the system) under consideration. The
demand factor is always less than one.

Demand factor =

Average Load

It is the average power consumed by the load in a given period, usually, a day, a month, or a
year. It also represents the average power generated by the power station during the same
period (also neglecting transmission losses).
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2/19/22, 8:45 AM 1.2: Terms and Factors: ME 522-ME41S3 - Power Plant Design with Renewable Energy

Daily ave. load =

Monthly ave. load =

Yearly ave. load =  

Load factor

It is the average load over the time specified divided by the maximum peak.

It is a measure of the utilization rate or efficiency of electrical energy usage. It is the ratio of

total energy (kWh) used in the billing period divided by the possible total energy used within
the period if used at the peak demand (KW) during the entire period.

Load factor = 

Diversity factor

Is the sum of the individual maximum demands of the subdivisions of a system taken as they
may occur during the daily cycle divided by the maximum simultaneous demand of the system.
The diversity factor is always greater than 1.

Diversity factor =  

Plant Capacity Factor

It is the actual energy production divided by the maximum possible energy that might have
been produced during the same period.

Plant Capacity Factor =  

Annual Plant Capacity Factor

It is the actual energy production divided by the maximum possible energy that might have
been produced during the same period.

Annual Capacity Factor =  

Plant Use Factor

It is the annual kilowatt-hours production divided by the kilowatts of capacity times the number
of hours the plant was in operation.

Plant Use Factor =  

Plant Reserve Capacity

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2/19/22, 8:45 AM 1.2: Terms and Factors: ME 522-ME41S3 - Power Plant Design with Renewable Energy

It is the difference between load and capacity factors.

Plant Reserve Capacity = Load factor - Capacity factor

Reserve Over Peak

It is the difference between plant capacity and peak load.

Reserve Over Peak = Plant Capacity - Peak Load

Utilization factor

It is the maximum demands of the system divided by the rated capacity of the system.

Utilization factor =  

Operation factor

It is the duration of actual service divided by the total duration of the considered period.

Operation factor =    

Plant factor

It is the average load divided by the equipment rating supplying the load.

Plant factor =   

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