Grammar Tenses in Context

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Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
A: Hello, (1) __________________ you from Australia?
B: No, I (2) __________________.
A: Where (3) __________________ you from?
В: I (4) __________________ from the United Kingdom.
A: (5) __________________ this your partner?
B: No, he (6) __________________. He (7)__________________ __________________ my
A: (8) __________________ he from the United Kingdom, too?
B: No, he (9) __________________ from Portugal.
A: (10) __________________ you on vacation here?
B: No, we (11) __________________ here on business.
A: And what about you?
В: I (12) __________________ on vacation.
  A В C D
1 am is are be
2 ’m not not am isn’t
3 is are am be
4 be is are am
5 Are Is Am Be
6 not aren’t isn’t am not
7 be are am is
8 Is Are Isn’t Am
9 is are am aren’t
10 Is Am Are Be
11 are am isn’t aren’t
12 is am am not are
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-9) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Maria (1) __________________ to improve her Spanish. Therefore, she (2)
__________________ a language course in Madrid at the moment. She (3)
__________________ with a host family and must (4) __________________ the tube to get to
her language school. It (5) __________________ only a five-minute walk to the nearest tube
station. The train (6) __________________ at half past eight. The first lesson (7)
__________________ 9 o’clock. In the afternoons, the school (8) __________________
sightseeing tours in and around Madrid. Tomorrow, the students of the language school (9)
__________________ on an excursion around the city.
  A В C D
1 want wanting wants to want
2 to do is doing does do
3 stay to stay is staying stays
4 to take taking takes take
5 is be to be is being
6 leave leaves leaving is leaving
7 to begin begins beginning begin
8 offering is offering offers offer
9 are going is going go goes
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Sam lives in a little village. He is in his last year at school. After school Sam (1)
__________________ to become a manager. So, this week, he (2)_______________________ a
practical course in a bank. There (3) __________________ a bank in a nearby town, but Sam (4)
__________________ to take a bus to get there. The bus (5) __________________ at 6.00 in the
morning and (6) __________________ at 8.00 in the evening. Sam (7) __________________ to
spend so much time in town before and after work, waiting for the bus. Therefore, this week he
(8) __________________ with his aunt who (9) __________________ in town. Sam usually
(10) __________________ jeans and T-shirts, but while he (11) __________________ for the
bank now, he (12)__ a suit and a tie.
  A В C D
1 want wanting wants is wanting
2 is doing does do doing
3 be is am are
4 have is having has to have
5 leave leaving is leaving leaves
6 returns return is returning are returning
7 not like doesn’t like don’t like not likes
8 stays stay staying is staying
9 is living live lives living
10 wears wearing is wearing wear
11 work is working works is work
12 is to wear wearing wears is wearing
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-9) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Banks in the United Kingdom (1) __________________ at 9.30 a.m. and (2)
__________________ at 3.30 p.m. They aren’t open at weekends, but they (3)
__________________ at lunchtime. More and more people (4) __________________ cheque
cards and credit cards nowadays. Cheque cards (5) __________________ a special number. In
shops, the assistants (6) __________________ it on the back of the cheque. The number (7)
__________________ the cheque. The bank will always pay cheques with a number. A credit
card (8) __________________ different. You can buy a lot of things with a credit card, and (9)
__________________ only one cheque to the credit card company, probably four or five weeks
  A В C D
1 opens are opening open is opening
2 closes close are closing is closing
3 don’t close aren’t closing doesn’t close isn’t closing
4 carry are carrying is carrying carries
5 has are having have having
6 puts put are putting is putting
7 guarantees guaranteed is guaranteeing guarantee
8 am is are be
9 pays is paying are paying pay

Read the text below. For each empty space (1-9) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Ben Doe is Britain’s most successful runner. He (1) __________________ five medals in the
Commonwealth Games last year. He (2) __________________ harder than anybody else. He
usually (3) __________________ yoghurt for breakfast, steak and salad for lunch, and salad in
the evening. He (4) __________________ in Norwich and he still (5) __________________
there. He (6) __________________ two years ago, and his wife always (7)
__________________ with him. They (8) __________________ in London yesterday, and we
(9) __________________ both of them.
  A В C D
1 wins won win is winning
2 trains is training trained train
3 have is having has had
4 born was born were born is born
5 lived living live lives
6 was married married were married marries
7 is travelling travels travel travelling
8 was is were are
9 interview interviewing interviews interviewed
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-8) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
In November 1963 someone (1) __________________ President John F. Kennedy when he (2)
__________________ Dallas. He (3) __________________ later in hospital. The police (4)
__________________ Lee Harvey Oswald. Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner, (5)
__________________ Oswald at the police station. November 22nd (6) __________________
one of the most important days in the modern American history. Most Americans can remember
what they (7) __________________ when they (8) __________________ about the news of
Kennedy’s assassination.
  A В C D
1 shoot shoots shot shooting
2 was visiting visited visit visits
3 die was dying dies died
4 catch caught catches was caught
5 killing kills kill killed
6 is are was were
7 were doing did do does
8 hearing hear hears heard
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Two days ago, a murder (1) __________________ in Market Street at about 7 p.m. Yesterday,
Sherlock Holmes (2) __________________ at the crime scene to investigate. He (3)
__________________ one of the tenants in the house:
“What (4) __________________ yesterday at seven?”
“I (5) __________________ a book,” (6) __________________ one of them.
“(7) __________________ you alone? “
“Yes, I (8) __________________.”
“(9) __________________ anything suspicious?”
“Yes, about seven o’clock, two people (10) __________________ in the hallway. But the book
was so interesting. I (11) __________________ anything more.”
  A В C D
1 was happening happen was happened happened
2 was arriving had arrived arrived arrives
3 was asking asked asks asking
4 were you doing do you do did you do were you to do
5 read reading had to read was reading
6 was answering answer answered was answered
7 was were be are
8 were was is are
9 Did you hear Have you heard Were you heard Heard
10 argued arguing were arguing argue
11 wasn’t hearing didn’t hear not heard don’t hear
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-10) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
A: What (1) __________________ yesterday at 8 p.m.?
В: I (2) __________________ the pub with Sam. Why?
A: I (3) __________________ to the sports centre at that time to play squash with a few friends.
As we only players, I (4) __________________ to ring you if you would like to come as well,
but I (5) __________________ you at home.
B: Why (6) __________________ on my mobile?
A: I actually (7) __________________ to ring on your mobile, but by accident I (8)
__________________ William’s number. He (9) __________________ anything special at the
moment and really (10) __________________ the idea of playing squash with us.
  A В C D
1 did you do were you doing you did did you
2 sat was to sit was sitting sitting
3 were driving drove did drive was driving
4 was trying tried trying was to try
5 wasn’t reaching hadn’t reached didn’t reach not reached
6 wasn’t you ringing didn’t you ring weren’t you ringing not you rang
7 wanting had wanted wanted wants
8 dialed was dialing were dialing was to dial
9 didn’t do was to do were doing wasn’t doing
10 like liked liking was liked
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-9) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Dear Mary,
What (1) __________________ at the weekend? I (2) __________________ shopping with my
mum. My neighbour (3) __________________ a party on Friday and Mum says she (4)
__________________ me some new clothes. I am sure I (5) __________________ something
On Sunday we (6) __________________ our grandparents - we go every Sunday. The car’s at
the garage, so we (7) __________________ a bus. We’ve already got our tickets. I don’t think
we (8) __________________ home late because the last bus is at half past five.
Well, that’s the news for the moment, I (9) __________________ again soon!
Love, Sally.
  A В c D
1 will you go are you doing are you going to do do you do
2 go shopping goes shopping am going shopping am going shop
3 is having has will have having
4 is buying will buy is going to buy buys
5 finds is finding will find find
6 visit are visiting is visiting will visit
7 take taking will take is taking
8 is getting gets is going to get will get
9 is going to write writes is writing will write
Read the text below, For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Hello Bill,
I (1) __________________ to school any more. I (2) __________________ to college. In fact I
(3) __________________ to college at the moment. I hope you can read my letter as I (4)
__________________ it on the train. It isn’t very comfortable. A boy (5) __________________
next to me and he (6) __________________ to a Walkman. It’s very loud. I usually (7)
__________________ the 9 o’clock train but today I (8) __________________ the 9.30 one as I
got up late.
I (9) __________________ badminton with Sue this evening. She still (10)_____________
__________________ to school, so I don’t see her during the day. We (11)
__________________ badminton every Tuesday.
We (12) __________________ at my station now, so I’ll stop for the moment.
   A В C D
1 not go don’t go am not going not going
2 goes am going go have gone
3 am travelling travel will travel have travelled
4 write am writing wrote writing
5 sits sat is sitting sit
6 is listening listen listened listens
7 caught have caught has caught catch
8 take took have taken will take
9 will play play am playing have played
10 go is going has gone goes
11 play are playing have played will play
12 arrived arrive arriving are arriving
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-9) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Oxygen and water (1) __________________ necessary for life. Our planet, Earth, (2)
__________________ both. So, (3) __________________ the earth the only planet in our solar
system with life? People (4) __________________ about this for many years. Some (5)
__________________ the skies and seen unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Some even say
they (6) __________________ aliens from other worlds. Every year millions of people (7)
__________________ books and (8) __________________ to see films about outer space. The
film ’ET The Extraterrestial’, about an alien left behind on Earth, (9) __________________ one
of the most popular films ever made.
  A В C D
1 is isn’t are aren’t
2 have have had has has had
3 aren’t is am are
4 have wondered wondered has wondered wonder
5 watched has watched watch have watched
6 meet have met meets has met
7 reads have read read has read
8 have gone has gone goes go
9 is are be am
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
At one time people (1) __________________ there (2) __________________ life on the moon
and little green men on Mars. For many years some people (3) __________________ Venus (4)
__________________ a natural garden because it (5) __________________ green. Some
scientists (6) __________________ there (7) __________________ life in the clouds over
Today we (8) __________________ these things (9) __________________ true. Earth (10)
__________________ to be the only planet in our solar system with life. But we will continue to
wonder, “ (11) __________________ we alone?”
  A В C D
1 have thought think thought has thought
2 was is were are
3 think thinks have thought thought
4 were was am are
5 are be is has been
6 thought has thought think have thought
7 were was has been have been
8 have known has known knows know
9 are not is not am not was not
10 seem seemed seems has seemed
11 Are Is Were Was
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Recently scientists (1) __________________ more about life on planet Earth and now they (2)
__________________ better where to look for life in outer space.
For a long time, scientists (3) __________________ that life (4) __________________ on
sunlight for energy. Then, in 1978, a submarine (5) __________________ to the bottom of the
Pacific Ocean. Although there (6) __________________ no sunlight, they (7)
__________________ tube worms, clams and crabs, and other life forms.
Since then scientists (8) __________________ at the life on earth in other difficult environments
— dry, cold and hot - and (9) __________________ that water is the key. Wherever there (10)
__________________ water, life (11) __________________ exist. So scientists (12)
__________________ to search for water in the solar system.
  A В C D
1 found out has found out find out have found out
2 knew have known know known
3 believe believed believes have believed
4 depended depend depends have depended
5 dive have dived has dived dived
6 were was has been have been
7 have found finds found has found
8 have looked looked looks has looked
9 found have found has found finds
10 was has been is be
11 could will be able was able can
12 began has begun have begun begin
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Earth is the name of the planet on which we (1) __________________ . It is a huge ball of rock
(2) __________________ through space. No one is sure when earth (3) __________________,
but some scientists think that, between 10 and 20 billion years ago, there (4)
__________________ a huge explosion, (5) __________________ the big bang. Gradually, over
millions of years, stars and planets (6) __________________ to form. One of these planets was
  A В C D
1 are living lived live have lived
2 spin spinning span is spinning
3 began begins begin begun
4 was were have been is
5 calling was called called has called
6 have started started was started starts
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Planet Earth is a ball of rock and metal, (1) __________________ up of four layers. The thin,
cool, outside layer (2) __________________ the crust. People live on the surface of the crust.
The three layers inside (3) __________________ and (4) __________________ than the crust.
No one (5) __________________ exactly what earth is like deep inside, but we do know that (6)
__________________ part is in the middle.
  A В C D
1 made make making was made
2 called calling calls is called
3 is thicker are thicker is thickest are thickest
4 more hotter much hot much hotter more hot
5 knows know is known known
6 hotter hot the hotter the hot
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
An earthquake (1) __________________ when there are sudden movements in Earth’s crust that
make the ground shake. Most earthquakes are small, and we (2) __________________ them, but
during large earthquakes, rocks (3) __________________. The land may split apart along a
crack in the crust (4) __________________ a fault line. Some large fault lines (5)
__________________ above places where (6) __________________ plates meet.
  A В C D
1 happened happen happens has happened
2 didn’t notice don’t notice not notice not noticed
3 are trembling tremble trembled trembling
4 calls call called were called
5 are lying lay lie lying
6 Earth’s Earth Earths Earth’
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
An earthquake (1) __________________ deep underground, but makes rocks on the surface (2)
__________________ open. Windows break and walls crack. People find it difficult (3)
__________________. Fires break out because gas pipes and electrical wires (4)
__________________. When water pipes burst, it is difficult for firefighters (5)
__________________ fires. When the shaking (6) __________________ stronger, buildings
crumble and bridges collapse.
  A В C D
1 start is starting starts have started
2 to crack cracking crack cracked
3 stay standing to stay standing staying stand stay stand
4 damaged were damaged are damaged have damaged
5 having put out putting out to put out to putting out
6 become becomes has become became
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
All rocks are mixtures of tiny grains called minerals. (1) __________________ minerals are soft
and light, (2) __________________ are hard and dark. Gold and iron are types of minerals,
called metals, that (3) __________________ rocks. Diamonds and the opal are rare minerals,
called gems.
The grand canyon in Arizona (4) __________________ up of many layers of rock that (5)
__________________ away by water. One of the main kinds of rock in the canyon is sandstone,
which (6) __________________ sand and (7) __________________ pieces of rock. It can be cut
and shaped easily, so it (8) __________________ for building.
Most fossils are (9) __________________ of ancient animals and plants that (10)
__________________ in rock over millions of years and turned to stone. Sometimes fossils are
the signs (11) __________________ by animals, (12) __________________ footprints, burrows
or droppings.
  A В C D
1 Something Any Some Several
2 other another different others
3 found are found have been found were found
4 is made made was made were made
5 have been worn worn was worn has been worn
6 made of is made of was made up made up  
7 some others other another  
8 often used often is used is used often is often used  
9 the remains remains the remain remain  
10 hardened has hardened have been hardened have hardened  
11 left left behind were left were left behind  
12 such so as such as as  
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-8) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
The world’s (1) __________________ mountain range, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, runs
down_____ the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean is (2) __________________ all the land on Earth put together. (3)
__________________ place on Earth is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It plunges
down for 36,198 feet (11,033 m).
The Sahara, in Africa is (4) __________________ desert in the world. It covers an area almost
(5) __________________ the United States. (6) __________________ of the Sahara is stony,
but in sandy places, the wind blows the sand into (7) __________________ hills called dunes.
When the wind blows really (8) __________________, the sand flies through the air in a
  A В C D
1 long the longest longest longer
2 biggest as bigger than biggest than the biggest
3 Deeper Deepest The deeper The deepest
4 bigger big the bigger the biggest
5 as big as big big as so big as
6 More Most Many Much
7 bigger biggest big as big
8 hardly harder hardest hard
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-8) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
A constellation is a group of stars that (1 __________________ a pattern in the sky.
Astronomers (2) __________________ 88 constellations and given each of them a name. The
constellations (3) __________________ their shape, but as the night (4) __________________,
they seem (5) __________________ across the sky. This happens because Earth (6)
__________________ around. The constellations themselves (7) __________________ really
__________________. People see different constellations (8) __________________ on where
they live in the world.
  A В C D
1 make makes made have made
2 counted was counted counts have counted
3 do not change didn’t change aren’t changed weren’t changed
4 pass passes have passed was passed
5 moving to move moved were moved
6 spins was spinning is spinning spin
7 are not moving don’t move were not moving have not moved
8 depended depending depend are depended

Read the text below. For each empty space (1-8) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Many constellations, or group of stars, got their names thousands of years ago. Some, such as the
Great Dog or the Whale, (1) __________________ after the animal. Others, such as the Centaur,
(2) __________________ their names from creatures or people in ancient stories. In the past,
sailors (3) __________________ across the ocean used the constellations (4)
__________________ their way. During (5) __________________ voyages, some new
constellations (6) __________________ . They (7) __________________ names, such as the
Sails, after parts of a ship.
Some constellations, such as Orion, (8) __________________ in the southern sky for half of the
year and the northern sky for the other half.
  A В C D
1 are named named naming were named
2 took have taken takes take
3 was travelling travelling travelled travel
4 find to find finding found
5 this that those these
6 discovered discover have discovered were discovered
7 were given given gave gives
8 seen can be seen can see be seen
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-8) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
On a clear night, you can see about 3,000 stars (1) __________________ the sky without (2)
__________________ a telescope. (3) __________________ star that astronomers (4)
__________________ is nearly 40 times (5) __________________ than the sun. In about five
billion years, the sun (6) __________________ to a giant star. It (7) __________________ large
enough (8) __________________ Earth.
  A В C D
1 on in at above
2 use used using uses
3 The hot Hot The hotter Hotter
4 found has found have found finds
5 hot hotter hot the hot
6 swells up will swell up is swelling up swelling up
7 may become may have become may be become may became
8 swallow up swallowed up to swallow up swallowing up
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Saturn is (1) __________________ dense planet in the solar system, and if it (2)
__________________ on an enormous sea it would float. It also (3) __________________
around so fast (4) __________________ it bulges out in the middle. (5) __________________
moons orbit Saturn than any other planet. Astronomers (6) __________________ 18 so far.
Some of Saturn’s moons (7) __________________ on the right.
Saturn has (8) __________________ and the widest rings of (9) __________________ of the
gas planets. They are thin and flat and (10) __________________ of pieces of ice. (11)
__________________ pieces can be tiny flakes or chunks (12) __________________ a house.
  A В C D
1 little the least less the less
2 placed have placed placing were placed
3 spin spinning spins were spinning
4 that this these those
5 Most Many More Much
6 counted count are counting have counted
7 show showed are shown have shown
8 the brightest brighter the brighter bright
9 some no anything any
10 make up making up made up have made up
11 These That This Those
12 so large as as large as as larger as so largest as
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
It was nine o’clock in the evening. Steve (1) __________________ in the reclining chair and
thought about the day. What a busy day it (2) __________________! This was his first night in
his own flat. He (3) __________________ his entire life in the family home, and now for the
first time, he (4) __________________ on his own.
He sat surrounded by boxes that they (5) __________________ to unpack during the day. It (6)
__________________ months to get all these things together. His mother (7)
__________________ very generous, buying him things like towels and mugs. He (8)
__________________ into the kitchen and got a coke from the fridge. He suddenly (9)
__________________ very tired and yawned. No wonder he (10) __________________! He
(11) __________________ up since six o’clock in the morning. He (12)
_____________________________________________________ to finish his coke and go to
  A В C D
1 was sitting down had sat down sitting down sat down
2 was has been had been be
3 lived had lived has lived has been living
4 is was had been has been
5 not managed didn’t manage hadn’t managed hasn’t managed
6 has taken took had been taking had taken
7 was had been has been being
8 has gone had gone went had been going
9 felt was feeling had felt feeling
10 tired was tired had been tired has been tired
11 was had been being has been
12 has decided deciding had decided decided
 Read the text below. For each empty space (1-8) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I wish I (1)
I gave my husband one million dollars and he ran away with my best friend. I wish I (2)
__________________ him any money. The police can’t find them. If only they (3)
My children have changed. They are always asking me for money, and they won’t do their
school work. I wish they (4) __________________.
I left my job at the factory which was a big mistake. If only I (5) __________________ it! I
(6)_______________________________________ __________________ all my friends. I
bought a big new house in an expensive part of town but I can’t find any friends here and I’m so
lonely. I wish I (7) __________________ some friends. My life is miserable. I wish I (8)
__________________ back to my old life.
   A В C D
1 didn’t win hadn’t won had won did won
2 gave didn’t give hadn’t given haven’t given
3 will be able can are able could
4 would will would be will be
5 didn’t leave hadn’t left left leave
6 wouldn’t lose didn’t lose wouldn’t have lost won’t lose
7 can make could make could made could
8 can go could have gone could go go
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Nick and I had our first big row last night - all about our vacation. It was horrible. We shouted at
each other!
He told me that it (1) __________________ my fault that we (2) __________________ to
Turkey and that it (3) __________________ a fortune and (4) __________________ the worst
holiday he had ever had.
I said there was nothing wrong with Kemer, it was very beautiful, but the travel firm (5)
__________________. Their brochure (6) __________________ all kinds of things about the
hotel and it (7) __________________ lies. I told him that he (8) __________________ to blame
me and I started crying.
Nick said he was sorry and that he (9) __________________ that it wasn’t my fault really. He
said that he would go to the travel agency first thing in the morning and that he (10)
__________________ them about everything that (11) __________________. I said that I would
go, too, because I (12) __________________ to ask for our money back.
  A В C D
1 is has been was had been
2 went go had gone are going
3 cost had cost would cost costs
4 been was has been had been
5 were to blame was to blame are to blame is to blame
6 promised had promised was promising has promised
7 all was all had been had all been was all
8 has no right have no right had no right has had no right
9 knew know knows had known
10 tell would tell will tell tells
11 has gone wrong had gone wrong gone wrong went wrong
12 am going going was going be going
Read the dialogue below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
A: My car (1) __________________ a service, but garages are so expensive nowadays.
B: Can’t you service it yourself?
A: I don’t know (2) __________________ about cars!
B: Then if I (3) __________________ you, I’d (4) __________________. The garage that I (5)
__________________ is very reasonable. And have the radiator (6) __________________ with
anti-freeze. They say it’s going to be a cold winter.
  A В C D
1 needs need needed is needing
2 something anything nothing no
3 be were am have been
4 it service had it services have it serviced serviced
5 have used use used using
6 filled fill filling fills
 Read the sentences below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
1. I want you __________________ her.
2. You must __________________ up.
3. They learn __________________.
4. I can __________________ along some packages of crisps.
5. Do you __________________ English?
6. __________________ causes cancer.
7. __________________ football is not allowed here.
8. __________________ in this park at night can be dangerous.
9. __________________ your summer holidays watching TV is a waste of time,
10. Jenny is afraid of __________________.
11. Bob wants __________________ to Japan. 12. I cannot __________________ you the bike.
   A В C
1 thank to thank thanking
2 hurry to hurry hurrying
3 cook to cook cooking
4 bring to bring bringing
5 enjoy to enjoy enjoying
6 Smoke To smoke Smoking
7 Play To play Playing
8 Walk To walk Walking
9 Spend To spend Spending
10 fly to fly flying
11 travel to travel travelling
12 give to give giving
 1. Carla enjoys __________________.
2. Garth is good at __________________ jokes.
3. __________________ to London has become rather cheap.
4. __________________ is prohibited at petrol stations.
5. __________________ is good for your breath.
6. __________________ is one of my hobbies.
7. __________________ is impossible on this sandy ground.
8. I enjoy __________________ on holiday.
9. He used to __________________ in the country.
10. She is used to __________________ in the country.
11. I am tired of __________________. 12. Ellen made me __________________.
   A В C
1 shop to shop shopping
2 tell to tell telling
3 Fly To fly Flying
4 Smoke To smoke Smoking
5 Swim To swim Swimming
6 Travel To travel Travelling
7 Cycle To cycle Cycling
8 go to go going
9 live to live living
10 live to live living
11 wait to wait waiting
12 laugh to laugh laughing
 Read the text below. For each empty space (1-14) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
What can we do (1) __________________ a healthy way of life? In our society people spend
more and more time (2) __________________. So we often don’t bother (3)
__________________ healthy meals. In order (4) __________________ time, we tend (5)
__________________ fast food. At fast food restaurants, we can (6) __________________ quite
a lot without (7) __________________ (8) __________________ a fortune. And children enjoy
(9) __________________ chips and burgers and (10) __________________ lemonade and cola.
That’s a problem because eating habits are hard (11) __________________. The high amount of
carbonhydrates in fast food and sugary drinks is blamed for (12) __________________ the
body’s regulation of appetite. So we keep on (13) __________________ (14)
__________________ more.
   A В C
1 live to live living
2 work to work working
3 prepare to prepare preparing
4 save to save saving
5 buy to buy buying
6 eat to eat eating
7 have to have having
8 pay to pay paying
9 eat to eat eating
10 drink to drink drinking
11 shake to shake shaking
12 destabilise to destabilise destabilising
13 want to want wanting
14 eat to eat eating
 Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
Bad eating habits result in people (1) ______________ obese. Obese people risk (2)
___________ from heart diseases. We can (3) __________________ such diseases by (4)
__________________ (5) __________________ healthy food. Be careful though. Some people
are convinced (6)___________________ _ something for their health by (7)
__________________ on energy bars or cornflakes. And this is what the advertising for these
products wants (8) __________________ us. In reality, however, these foods are often heavily
sugared (9) __________________ them flavour. But sugar is not mentioned as clearly as the low
fat - that’s why experts warn against (10) __________________ on the ads. To live a healthy
life, we ought (11) __________________ our food wisely. We should (12) ____________
regular meals and ways of (13) __________ more.
   A В C
І become to become becoming
2 suffer to suffer suffering
3 avoid to avoid avoiding
4 risk to risk risking
5 choose to choose choosing
6 eat to eat eating
7 live to live living
8 give to give giving
9 give to give giving
10 reply to reply replying
11 choose to choose choosing
12 eat to eat eating
13 have to have having
 Read the Conditional Sentences (Typel) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct
answer (A, В or C).
1. If we (1) __________________ to London, we (2) __________________ the Tower.
2. If the shop (3) __________________ open, I (4) __________________ a souvenir.
3. If she (5) __________________ the bus, she (6) __________________ here on time.
4. He (7) __________________ me if he (8) __________________ the answer.
5. Jane (9) __________________ you in if I (10) __________________ here.
6. If you (11) __________________ an ice-cream, I (12) __________________ a hot chocolate.
  A В C
1 go goes will go
2 visit visits will visit
3 be is will be
4 buy buys will buy
5 miss misses will miss
6 not get doesn’t get won’t get
7 help helps will help
8 know knows will know
9 let lets will let
10 am not don’t be will not be
11 eat eats will eat
12 have will have has
Read the Conditional Sentences (Typel) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct
answer (A, В or C).
1. If she (1) __________________ a computer, her brother (2) __________________ her his
2. If we (3) __________________ time this afternoon, we (4) __________________ tomorrow.
3. He (5) __________________ to her if you (6) __________________ to do it.
4. You (7) __________________ the game if you (8) __________________ the rules.
5. If you (9) __________________ the dishes, I (10) __________________ dinner tonight.
6. If my dad (11) __________________ time next week, we (12) __________________ my
  A В C
1 need needs will need
2 give gives will give
3 don’t have doesn’t have not have
4 meet would meet will meet
5 would talk will talk talks
6 not want wouldn’t want don’t want
7 won’t win don’t win not win
8 not know will not know don’t know
9 will wash wash would wash
10 will cook would cook cook
11 will have has would have
12 paint will paint would paint

Read the Conditional Sentences (Typel) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct
answer (A, В or C).
1. You (1) __________________ a lot about British history if you (2) __________________ the
2. If the weather (3) __________________ too bad tomorrow, we (4) __________________
3. We (5) __________________ there on time, if we (6) __________________ the bus.
4. If you (7) __________________ out with your friends tonight, I (8) __________________
5. I (9) __________________ a lot of money if I (10) __________________ this job.
6. If she (11) __________________, we (12) __________________ the bus.
  A В C
1 learn will learn would learn
2 visit will visit visits
3 not be will not be isn’t
4 play will play would play
5 not get will not get don’t get
6 not catch will not catch don’t catch
7 go will go would go
8 watch will watch watching
9 earn will earn would earn
10 get will get not get
11 doesn’t hurry will not hurry would not hurry
12 miss will miss misses
 Read the Conditional Sentences (Type II) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the
correct answer (A, В or C).
1. If I (1) __________________ more time, I (2) __________________ to play the guitar.
2. If she (3) __________________ harder, she (4) __________________ better marks.
3. If we (5) __________________ more about history, we (6) __________________ afraid of
the test.
4. I (7) __________________ jogging with Tom and Sue if they (8) __________________ here
this week.
5. It (9) __________________ me if she (10) __________________ you.
6. If he (11) __________________ harder, he (12) __________________ his goals.
  A В C
1 have had would have
2 learn would learn will learn
3 study studies studied
4 get gets would get
5 know will know knew
6 not be won’t be wouldn’t be
7 go would go will go
8 be are were
9 surprise would surprise surprises
10 not help wouldn’t help didn’t help
11 try tried would try
12 reach will reach would reach
 Read the Conditional Sentences (Type і and II) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the
correct answer (A, В or C).
1. If you need the car in the afternoon, I (1) __________________ shopping in the morning.
2. If I (2) __________________ a hat, I would look like an old woman.
3. I’ll buy this bag if they (3) __________________ it in blue.
4. She wouldn’t pay cash if she (4) __________________ a credit.
5. If I didn’t have you, I (5) __________________ what to do.
6. If 1 knew about it I (6) __________________ you.
7. They would come if we (7) __________________ them.
8. I (8) __________________ around the world if I won the lottery.
9. If he (9) __________________ my address, he will send me a letter.
10. She will go shopping if she (10) __________________ some free time.
11. If I (11) __________________ you, I wouldn’t go there alone.
12. I would recognize the man if I (12) __________________ him at the party.
   A В C
1 go would go will go
2 wear wore am wearing
3 have had will have
4 get would get got
5 not know wouldn’t know won’t know
6 call will call would call
7 invite invited would invite
8 would travel will travel travelled
9 have had has
10 has have will have
11 will be were would be
12 would see see saw
 Read the Conditional Sentences (Type III) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the
correct answer (A, В or C).
1. If we (1) __________________ to the radio, we (2) __________________ the news.
2. If you (3) __________________ on the lights, you (4) __________________ over the chair.
3. She (5) __________________ to our party if she (6) __________________ on holiday.
4. She (7) __________________ me to the station if her car (8) __________________ down.
5. If it (9) __________________ yesterday, we (10) __________________ sailing.
6. Even if I (11) __________________ a wet-suit, I (12) __________________ scuba-diving.
   A В C
1 listened had listened would listen
2 would have heard would hear heard
3 switch had switched would have switched
4 did not break would break wouldn’t have broken
5 would have come would come came
6 would go would have gone hadn’t gone
7 would take would have taken will take
8 hadn’t broken didn’t break wouldn’t break
9 had not rained didn’t rain wouldn’t rain
10 wouldn’t go won’t go would have gone
11 had had had would have
12 wouldn’t have gone wouldn’t go won’t go
Read the Conditional Sentences (Type, I, II, III) below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the
correct answer (A, В or C).
1. If I (1) __________________ stronger, I’d help you carry the piano.
2. If we’d seen you, we (2) __________________.
3. If we (3) __________________ him tomorrow, we’ll say hello.
4. He would have repaired the chair himself if he (4) __________________ the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it (5) __________________.
6. If I hadn’t studied, I (6) __________________ the exam.
7. I wouldn’t go to school by bus if I (7) __________________ a driving license.
8. If she (8) __________________ him every day, she’d miss him.
9. I (9) __________________ to London if I don’t get a cheap flight.
10. We’d be stupid if we (10) __________________ him about our secret.
11. It (11) __________________ silly if we tried to walk there.
12. I (12) __________________ the film only if the reviews are good.
  A В C
1 be had been were
2 will stop would stop would have stopped
3 will meet meet would meet
4 have had had had
5 will break breaks would break
6 will not pass wouldn’t have passed didn’t pass
7 will have had would have
8 wouldn’t not see doesn’t see didn’t see
9 will not travel wouldn’t travel wouldn’t have travelled
10 will tell told would tell
11 be will be would be
12 will watch would watch would have watched
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
Once upon a time there lived a certain man and his wife, who had on the farm three cows, two
(1) __________________ (ox), five (2) __________________ (sheep), six (3)
__________________ (deer), seven (4) __________________ (mouse) and thirteen (5)
__________________ (goose). Twelve of the kids were called by names common in the country,
but the thirteenth (6) __________________ (child) got a strange name of Merrymind.
  A В C
1 ox oxes oxen
2 sheep ships sheepes
3 deers deer dears
4 mouths mice mouse
5 geese goose gooses
6 child children childs

Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
H.G. Wells (1) __________________ (write) in 1911 that “London is (2) __________________
(interesting), beautiful and wonderful city in the world to me”. In the 21st century London, the
(3) __________________ (world) capital, (4) __________________ (keep) its heart. Its
historical monuments are among (5) __________________ (famous) buildings in the world.
Today London is an exciting world which many visitors from abroad (6) __________________
(see) every day.
  A В C
1 has written wrote had written
2 the more interesting the most interesting most interesting
3 world’s worlds’ worlds’s
4 had kept keeps is keeping
5 more famous most famous the most famous
6 see are seeing have seen
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
The Cornish Peninsula (1) __________________ out westwards far into the Atlantic. The
climate here is (2) __________________ in Britain. The population (3) __________________ a
good business in early flowers and vegetables. This (4) __________________ the place going.
Besides, there (5) __________________ a big trade in granite here. The Thames Embankment
and Westminster Bridge (6) __________________ of Cornish granite.
  A В C
1 stretches stretch are stretching
2 mildest the mildest milder
3 do are doing does
4 keeps has kept is kept
5 always was has always been always is
6 are built have been built was built
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
The last point of the Cornish Peninsula (1) __________________ Land’s End. It (2)
__________________ a wild place with the waves (3) __________________ against the rocks.
A mile beyond this tip of land, the Longships Light (4) __________________. The lighthouse
(5) __________________ out like a traffic policeman (6) __________________ ships round the
dangerous corner from Bristol into the English Channel.
  A В C
1 called calls is called
2 is be to be
3 are breaking breaking broken
4 clearly seen clearly see is clearly seen
5 stands out is standing out has stood out
6 guide to guide guided

Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
At the beginning of the 17th century only the wigwam of the Indians (1) __________________
where the sky-scrapers of New York now (2) __________________ to the clouds. In 1626 (3)
__________________ deal in US history (4) __________________ with the Indians. The island
(5) __________________ from the simple-hearted Indians with several bottles of gin and a
handful of trinkets that cost twenty-four dollars. Later it (6) __________________ the island of
  A В C
1 were standing had stood stood
2 reach are reaching have reached
3 most profitable the most profitable more profitable
4 concluded have concluded was concluded
5 was bought had been bought bought
6 named has been named was named
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
“It happened that it (1) __________________ the first class on the very first day at school.
Ancient history books (2) __________________ to the class and Miss Shenstone (3)
__________________ us to turn to page 192. I wondered, “Why (4) __________________ to
page one for the first lesson? “ I (5) __________________ my name and I (6)
__________________ honestly, “William Saroyan”. (After W. Saroyan)
  A В C
1 had been to be was
2 were distributed was distributed had been distributed
3 was asked asked was asking
4 not we turn didn’t we turn don’t we turn
5 was asked asked was being asked
6 was answered answered had been answered
Read the text below. For each empty space (1- 6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
(1) __________________ anything about jazz? Jazz is a type of music and the only art form that
(2) __________________ in the United States. Many blacks (3) __________________ from
Africa to America as slaves. Different native songs (4) __________________ by the black slaves
and the music of their homeland (5) __________________ in America.
Jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It (6) __________________ of the music of
West Africa, the work songs of the slaves and religious music.
  A В C
1 Did you ever hear Have you ever heard Had you ever heard
2 created have created was created
3 were brought brought have brought
4 sang were sung sung
5 played had played was played
6 made up is made up was made up
 Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
The first jazz bands (1) __________________ at the end of the 19th century. They (2)
_________ in bars and clubs. Nowadays people from all over the world (3)
__________________ to New Orleans to hear jazz. Improvisation (4) _________ an important
part of jazz. This (5) _______ that jazz (6) ____________ or created on the spot.
   A В C
1 were formed formed forming
2 had played played were played
3 have come come came
4 is are was
5 mean meaning means
6 is made up made up has made up
 Read the text below. For each empty space (1-6) choose the correct answer (A, В or C).
A jazz song (1) _____________ a little different each time it (2)__________. With time jazz (3)
____________ more and more popular. By 1940s you (4) _________ jazz in concert halls too.
Today jazz (5)________ _ all over the world. On every continent special festivals (6) ________
where jazz musicians from different countries meet and share their music.
   A В C
1 can sound can be sound can sounded
2 played have played is played
3 became become has become
4 can hear could hear could be heard
5 is played played playing
6 are held held had held
 Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Linda Birtish was an outstanding teacher who felt that if she had the time, she (1) ________ to
create great art and poetry. When she was 28, however, she began to get severe headaches. They
told her that her chances of surviving an operation were about 2 percent. Therefore, rather than
operate immediately, they chose to wait for six months.
During those six months she wrote and drew feverishly. All of her poetry, except one piece, (2)
_______ in magazines. Ali of her art, except one piece, (3) __________ and sold at some of the
leading galleries.
At the end of six months, she had the operation. The night before the operation, she decided to
literally give herself away. In case of her death, she wrote a “will,” in which she donated all of
her body parts to those who needed them more than she (4) __________.
Unfortunately, Linda’s operation was fatal. Her eyes went to an eye bank in Bethesda, Maryland,
and from there to a young man, age 28. Furthermore, he said he wanted to thank the parents of
the donor. He (5) _________ the name of the Birtish family and he decided to fly to see them on
Staten Island. He arrived (6) __________and rang the doorbell. After hearing his introduction,
Mrs. Birtish reached out and embraced him. She said, “Young man, if you’ve got nowhere to go,
my husband and I would love for you to spend your weekend with us.”
He stayed, and as he (7) ___________ around Linda’s room, he saw that she (8) ___________
Plato. He’d read Plato in Braille. The next morning Mrs. Birtish was looking at him and said,
“You know, I’m sure I (9)_______ you somewhere before, but I don’t know where.”
All of a sudden she remembered. She ran upstairs and pulled out the last picture Linda (10)
______. It was a portrait of her ideal man. The picture was virtually identical to this young man
who (11) __________ Linda’s eyes. Then her mother read the last poem Linda (12) ________ on
her deathbed. It read: “Two hearts passing in the night falling in love never able to gain each
other’s sight.”
   A В C D
1 liked would like likes like
2 published publishes had published was published
3 has been shown showed was shown shows
4 would will be to be
5 gave was given has given was to give
6 unannounced unannouncing unannounce to unannounce
7 looked had been looking was looking looking
8 has read had read read was reading
9 had seen was seen saw have seen
10 had ever drawn has ever drawn ever drew ever draws
11 received had received was received has received
12 written has written had written wrote
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
 Two inseparable friends, Sam and Jason, met with an accident on their way to Boston City. The
following morning, Jason woke up blind and Sam was still unconscious. Dr. Berkeley (1) _____
at his bedside looking at his health chart and medications with a thoughtful expression on his
face. When he saw Sam awake, he asked.” How (2) ________ today, Sam?” Sam smiled back
saying, “Absolutely wonderful Doctor. I am very grateful for all that you (3) ________ for me.
“Dr. Berkeley was moved at Sam’s deed. All that he could say was, “You are a very brave man,
Sam”. While he (4) _______ on to the next patient, Sam called back at him almost pleading,
“Promise me you won’t tell Jason anything”. “You know I won’t do that. Trust me!” and walked
away. “Thank you”, whispered Sam.
Months later when Jason (5) ___________, he stopped hanging around with Sam. He felt
discouraged to spend time with a disabled person like Sam. Sam was lonely and disheartened,
since he didn’t have any body else other than Jason to count on. Things went from bad to worse.
And one day Sam died in despair. When Jason (6) _________ on his burial, he found a letter
waiting for him. Dr Berkeley gave it to him and said” This is for you Jason. Sam (7) ________
me to give it to you when he was gone”.
In the letter he had said: “Dear Jason, I (8) ________ my promise in the end to lend you my eyes
if anything had happened to them. You will always be my best friend...Sam”. When he (9)
_______ reading Dr. Berkeley said “I (10) _________ Sam to keep his sacrifice he made a secret
from you. But now I wish I (11) ________ it because I don’t think it was worthy it”.
All that (12) ______ for Jason while he stood there with tears of regret and memories of Sam for
the rest of his life. Lesson of the story: No matter what if we make a friend, we should stick by
him till the end. Life is meaningless without a friend.
   A В C D
1 stood was standing standing stands
2 you feel you are feeling are you feeling you feeling
3 had done did were done have done
4 moved moving was moved was moving
5 recuperated was recuperated recuperated had recuperated
6 called was called calls calling
7 asked was asked had asked ask
8 kept was keeping have kept keeps
9 was finished had finished has finished finished
10 had promised promised was promised has promised
11 hadn’t stuck wasn’t stuck hasn’t stuck didn’t stick
12 left was left had left was leaving
Read the text below. For each empty space (1-18) choose the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
Some jobs (1) __________________ very demanding, but some (2) __________________ to do
them. Recently Partnum & Brown (3) __________________ for a new chocolate buyer. The
company (4) __________________ advertising a salary of Ј35,000 a year.
The successful applicant (5) __________________ to travel the world to find the best
chocolatemakers. He or she (6) __________________ as much chocolate as possible, and then
(7) __________________ which (8) __________________ the best for their customers. They (9)
__________________ top quality for the world renowned Food Hall.
The company (10) __________________ expecting a lot of applications for the job. They (11)
__________________ looking for someone who (12) __________________ hard, (13)
__________________ food, (14) __________________ a keen eye for packaging and (15)
__________________ able to control a budget. They also (16) __________________ someone
who (17) __________________ enthusiastic, energetic and (18) __________________
  A В C D
1 be is are was
2 have has have been were
3 is was were will be
4 was were have been had been
5 has have have been has been
6 taste tastes Is tasting tasted
7 decided decide deciding decides
8 is are be was
9 expect expecting expects will expect
10 is was were are
11 be being are were
12 working worked work works
13 enjoy enjoys enjoying enjoyed
14 have having has to have
15 was is were will be
16 want wants wanting wanted
17 is was were will be
18 loving love loves loved

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