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* 강의노트 활용법
1. 강의를 보기 전, 교재 해당 문제 답의 빈칸을 영작하며 읽어본다.
2. 강의를 보기 전, 동일한 주제에 대한 Jen 선생님 자료의 빈칸을 예상해서 채워본다.
(TASK 1 빈칸은 차트/그림을 보면서 채우고, TASK 2 빈칸은 한글 힌트를 보면서 채운다.)


■ ________________________________ ■ ________________________________

 ______________________________  ______________________________

Ex. ______________________________ Ex. ______________________________

There is disagreement regarding the issue of whether the government should sometimes infringe on people’s

freedom for the security of society. The main point of contention is related to __________________________

__________________________ (이런 정부의 행동의 적절성), but personally, I believe that this infringement on

people’s freedom should be prohibited because the freedom of citizens is more important than social safety.

In most cases, infringing on civil freedom should be prohibited because this can lead to positive outcomes.

This is because ________________________________________ (자유를 보호하는 것) means that people can

pursue their wants and dreams without any limitations from the government. For example, people from

western countries like the United States emphasize the importance of personal freedom as ______________

_________________________ (사회의 핵심 가치), and this is the value that allows them to follow and achieve

their dreams. As a result, letting people live freely without __________________________________________

________ (정부의 방해) is the most appropriate relationship between a government and its citizens. This shows

that infringing on the freedom of citizens should not be allowed in the majority of circumstances.

In contrast, it is true that allowing the government to limit people’s freedom can help a society to remain safe

from _________________________________________ (폭력적인 범죄). This is because harsh government

regulations that restrict people’s freedoms will _______________________________________ (범죄를 방지하다).

For example, strong government prohibitions on the civil right to own a gun helps to keep society safe from

____________________________________________ (총기관련 대학살) in public places like shopping malls and

movie theaters. As a result, people can feel comfortable and safe when they visit crowded places. This shows

that limiting some civil freedoms can increase ___________________________________________________

(전체 사회의 안전).

In conclusion, infringing on the freedoms of citizens is __________________________________________

(논쟁을 불러일으키는 주제) because there are opinions that support and oppose this idea. However, I

personally believe that the government should not infringe upon the rights of citizens unless it is absolutely



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