Module 2 Exercises

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I. Identify the symbols of the following sets terminologies:

1. Subset _____________________
2. Set Membership _____________
3. Non Membership ____________
4. Difference __________________
5. Union _____________________
6. Intersection _________________
7. Null Set ____________________
8. Complement ________________
9. Not a Subset ________________
10. Universal Set _______________
II. From the given Venn Diagram below, identify the elements of the following sets:
1. A = { }
2. B = { }
3. C = { }
III. Identify the elements on the following set operations from the given Venn Diagram:
1. (Ac) ∪ B _____________________________________________________________
2. A∪B _____________________________________________________________
3. (Ac) ∩ C _____________________________________________________________
4. (A ∪ B) ∪ C _____________________________________________________________
5. ((A ) ∪ B) ∪ C _____________________________________________________________
c c

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