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HOPIA BASAHIN MO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

College students spending too much time on online games every week tend to suffer from
worsened learning ability, concentration problems, poor academic performance, and
decreased interactions with other people. Because of this, the researcher was prompted
and desires to know if the selected College Student are not studying or focusing well to
their studies just play online games and what are possible effects of this said topic. This
study is trying to show the relationship of the academic performance and playing Online
Games to the selected College students. The result of this study will depend upon the
response of the said population


A. General

What are the Effects of playing online games towards the academic performance of
College students in Congressional Campus?

B. Specific

This study aims to investigate the effects of playing on line games to the college students.
It analyzes the possible effects of playing online games and the possible ways to control

Particularly, this study is connected to answer the following problems:

1. What are the physical effects of playing online games to the college students?

2. What type of games do the students play in majority?

3. Is playing online games hindrance on the students such as?

a. Doing of assignments

b. Attending school matters? Activity?

c. Does the students affect their academic performance at school?

4. Length of time the respondents play online games (in terms of months)

5. Length of time the respondents play online games in a week (in terms of hour)

6. Amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day)

Scope and Delimitation

We the student of University of Caloocan City wants to inform other students that
our research proposal will study this case as the major ability of the students where
in they will undergo the newest and latest design of online gaming in our
generation . We would like to inform everyone that we need your cooperation in
this thesis proposals.

In this generation our technology was develop completely by the people who was
addicted at online games, they are the one who are created and established this
games where in people will likely to game it. It will surely give other people some
time at there own and also this is the advantage of people who are only wants to
enjoy their self alone.

The disadvantage of this online games is that they will always angry when it
comes to their enemies. They want to win the fight against the others. They will
surely do that if they will always focus on their selves.

For us as a student we need to be centralized in every situation of a student

whether on studying, family, friends etc..

Significance of the study

This research requires the most efficient way to easy undergo the type of
research, we create some other ideas that could make the research grow from
what other people would like to. We always make some of the references
good and being able to process the way they want to act as the basic way of
it. We would like to know and gain knowledge about it.

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