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Lolcat - Linux Cat Command Make

Rainbows & Unicorns
Managing Linux Systems nauseous Saturday, 16 March 2019 484 Hits

What is lolcat?
Linux lolcat Rainbow and Categories
 Managing Linux
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Make instillation and documentation fancy with lolcat which makes cat into rainbow and
unicorns.  Tutorial and Install
Install lolcat    Subscribe via RSS

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gem install lolcat Authentication
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Make lolcat Display Colors  Awareness System
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sha1sum * | tail -n 10 | lolcat -F 0.3

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lolcat /etc/yum.conf
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How to and
Make lolcat permanent with aliases for the command cat.   Subscribe via RSS
Edit the .bashrc if using bash shell and change the below

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vim ~/.bashrc

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 Apply the settings.

source ~/.bashrc

Now let's test our results of the change

cat ~/.bashrc

You can also nd more details here on downloading lolcat from Github and building from

A colorful Linux cat command to display awesome colors can be set by adding an alias to
your commands like you see above.

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Tags: unicorn Rainbow lolcat Managing Linux Linux

 Installing Puppet Opensource & Deploy - Part #1 SUSE Linux Proxy 


nauseous(27332 Points)
  


Nauseous is a developer, blogger and Linux enthusiast. Nauseous real name is John and is
an expert in Hadoop, Spark and Linux performance. John has produced a new record @ 2
minutes 57 second running a terasort on Hadoop/Spark with 10 servers, 48 core, as well
as Aerospike at 12.1 million packets which is the highest record today.   
John is also a professional in security, application deployment, performance and web
applications. Currently John has the best record for NginX and Apache performance
running a single machine with 4 cores.  
John manages all the server here at

Author's recent posts More posts from author

 Create a LAB BIND9 DNS Server Tuesday, 09 April 2019

 Installing Puppet Opensource & Deploy - Part #1 Friday, 05 April 2019

 Lolcat - Linux Cat Command Make Rainbows & Unicorns Saturday, 16 March 2019

 SUSE Linux Proxy Friday, 22 February 2019

 Disabling GUI Login Mode on Redhat, CentOS, Scienti c and Related Servers Sunday, 03 February 2019

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