ReadingWriting Outline

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Arellano University

Plaridel Campus

11 Reading & Writing

Ms. Krishia Angelica B. Balagtas

today's lesson
I. Definition of Outline
II. Outline Formats
III. Principles of Outlining
IV. Kinds of Outline
V. The Outlining Process
VI. Benefits of an Outline
Brainstorming Graphic Outline
Planning for writing
or creating a summary
that gives the
essential features of
a text.
Shows how the parts of a text are related
to one another as parts that are of equal
importance, or sections that are
subordinate to the main idea.

outline formats
Uses both letters Uses only numbers
and numbers as as labels.
principles of outlining

COORDINATION Requires ideas of the same relevance

to be labeled in the same way.

Shows that minor details have to be

SUBORDINATION placed under their respective major

DIVISION Requires that no cluster should

contain only one item.

PARALLEL Shows that minor details have to be

placed under their respective major
kinds of outline
A systematic
Uses complete arrangement of ideas
sentences as its using broad topics in
entries. Also known the form of words or
as EXPANDED OUTLINE. simple phrases as
Thesis statement: E-mail and internet monitoring, as currently
practiced, is an invasion of employees' rights ib the workplace.

I. The situation: Over 80% of today's companies monitor their employees.

a. To prevent fraudulent activities, theft, and other workplace-related violations.
b. To more efficiently monitor employee productivity.
c. To prevent any legal liabilities due to harassing or offensive communications.
II. What are the employee's privacy rights when it comes to electronic monitoring and
surveillance in the workplace?
a. American employees have basically no legal protection from mean and snooping
1. There are no federal or state laws protecting employees.
2. Employees may assert privacy protection for their own personal effects.
b. Most managers believe that there is no right to privacy in the workplace.
1. Workplace communications should be about work; anything else is a misuse
of company equipment and company time.
2. Employers have a right to prevent misuse by monitoring employee
Thesis: Among the pluralist, elitist, and neo-Marxist political
theories, neo-Marxism provides the most powerful analysis of the
current political scene.
I. Functions of Political theories III. Comparative analysis of U.S government
A. Tools to help understand A. Pluralism
governments 1. Analysis
1. Categorization 2. Weakness
2. Comparison B. Elitism
B. Limitation: Over Simplification 1. Analysis
2. Weakness
II. Three political theories C. Neo-Marxism
A. Neo-Marxism 1. Analysis
1. Definition 2. Critique
2. Description
B. Pluralism IV. Conclusion
1. Definition
2. Description
C. Elitism
1. Definition
2. Description
steps in creating an outline
1. Brainstorming
2. organizing
3. ordering
4. labeling
benefits of outlining
It easily shows the relationships of ideas.
It helps organize your ideas.
It simplifies and helps you save time in
It helps effective speaking.
share what have you
What are the importance of the
three techniques in selecting and
organizing information?

Send your answers to our gc!

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