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Mary the innkeeper has been missing for 3 moons now, Clair invites her friends for a
séance to try to contact Mary to find out what happened to her.

But during a séance the ghost of Patrina appears. The ghost only answers in “yes”, “no”
and single letters.

Patrina helped Rodrik by luring in handsome men.

She tells about a sad tree and a house in the woods.

The Inn The Library

Gertruda, Mary’s mother, now runs the inn. She tells Sarena, the librarian, doesn’t want to point fingers. She
about Mary and her obsession with adventure stories. loves facts. And there is a fact she’s happy to share. A
handsome man with elven ears came to borrow a very
She also mentions Robbert, the hunter, who had a
old book but hasn’t returned it yet. He said he would
relation with Mary until a year ago. They had an
return it after 2 moons.
argument when they broke up.
The Cemetery
The Hunter’s Cabin
The graves have been robbed from limbs, but people
Robbert confirms Gertruda’s story. He wanted Mary to
thought it was only gossip and stories to scare children.
live with him in the woods to enjoy the freedom and
Nobody thought someone would really dig open graves
nature. But Mary didn’t want to leave her inn.
for body parts, who would do such a thing?!
He knows the location of the weeping willow.
In the chapel a hidden passage can be found which leads
The Weeping Willow to the woods. Coming out of the tunnel on the other
The place where the bodies of Rodrik’s victims are side, the lights from town can be seen behind and the
buried. Swarms of Zombie Limbs and Strahd Zombies weeping willow in the distance in the front.
start attacking when the soil is disturbed.
The Swamp
A Gallows Speaker, the collection of the victim’s souls,
A dangerous terrain to travel through. Nature/Survival
roams the area. This Gallows Speaker knows the location
(DC 10) to spot tiny islands of bog.
of Rodrik’s house but attacks as soon as it learns the
party works for Patrina because she is also accountable Make Acrobatics checks (DC 12) to hop over the wetland
for the murder of a couple of its souls. using the bog.
<8: Fall prone. Mound attacks.
9-12: Stuck. Make STR save (DC 15) or mound attacks.

What is Rodrik’s motive?

Rodrik is an herbalist who is very capable in making
tinctures. In his childhood he was always made fun of
because of his own ears. One day he decided to cut his
own ears off and wear the ears he found most pretty,
elven ears. To let the ears bond to his head he
developed a tincture.

This tincture worked so well he started collecting other

body parts to become as handsome as possible.
His loneliness drives him to create a child and wife.

Rodrik’s location is linked to the time as he has his own

schedule this evening/night.

Time Location Activity
18:00 Home Cleaning
20:00 Cemetery Digging graves
22:00 Home Colleting body parts
00:00 Willow Burying the remains
02:00 Home Cleaning
04:00 Home Sleeping

Rodrik’s house
Investigating Rodrik’s house is necessary to find out what Rodrik’s motive is. Spot secret door DC15 Perception
The rooms are neat and cozy. The house is prepared for the next victim. The Spot trap DC15 Investigation
room is cleaned, bed is made, fireplace ready to be lit.
Disarm trap DC15 Thieves’ Tools
The basement has a secret entrance in the stairs and is trapped. For good
Trap +8 to hit, 1d4 piercing
reason because Elise and Caroline are down there along.
DC15 CON save 2d10 poison or half
The basement can also be entered via the trapdoor in the barn. Spot glyph DC15 Investigation
Elise is warded with a glyph (DC 15 to spot) which triggers when a creature Rune DC15 DEX save 5d8 lightning
comes within 10 ft of it without saying the password "Elise". damage, or half on save.

Explosive Rune. When triggered, the glyph erupts with magical energy in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the
glyph. The sphere spreads around corners. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A
creature takes 5d8 lightning damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. Elise fails
her saving throw, but the lightning damage amps her to life.

Main floor Bedroom Basement


Rodrik and Ed

Elise and Caroline
Rodrik’s creations

Combined Souls
Rodrik’s victims



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