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Herbal Monographs

Herbal Medicinal Products
Food Supplements

Maria Spiteri

Department of Pharmacy
University of Malta
This book was compiled by Maria Spiteri as part of a project carried out for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy
(Hons.). The study was carried out under the supervision of Professor Anthony Serracino-
Inglott, at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta, to whom I owe my gratitude
for his guidance.

Information compiled has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable in order
to provide information that is complete and generally in accordance with the standards
accepted at the time of writing. Readers are encouraged to check the product information
on the packaging of the product and/or package insert to be certain that no changes to dose,
contraindications or drug interactions have been made due to recent research and clinical

The author makes no representation, expressed or implied, with regards to the accuracy of
the information contained in this book, and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability
for any errors or omissions that may be made.

© Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta 2011

Set and printed by Print Right Ltd, Qormi


Preface v

Introduction vi

About this herbal handbook vii

Acknowledgements viii

Abbreviations ix

Monographs 1

References 169

Indications Index 191
Contraindications Index 217
Herb Name Index 223
Product Index 229


Acerola 1 Birch Leaf 16

Agnus Castus 1 Bitter Orange 16
Alfalfa 2 Black Cohosh 17
Aloe Vera 3 Bladderwrack 19
Angelica 6 Blessed Thistle 19
Aniseed 7 Boldo 20
Arnica 8 Boneset 21
Artichoke 10 Boswellia 21
Bamboo 11 Brahmi 22
Baobab 11 Buchu 23
Barberry 12 Buckthorn 23
Barley 13 Buckwheat 24
Bilberry 13 Burdock 27

~ iii ~
Butcher’s Broom 27 Ginger 66
California Poppy 28 Ginkgo 68
Caraway 29 Ginseng Korean 73
Cardamom 29 Goldenseal 77
Cascara Sagrada 30 Gotu Kola 78
Cat’s Claw 31 Grapeseed 78
Catnip 32 Green Coffee 81
Cayenne 32 Green Tea 82
Celery 33 Griffonia (5-HTP) 85
Centaury 34 Grindelia 86
Chamomile, German 34 Guarana 87
Chickweed 35 Guar Gum 88
Chicory 36 Gymnema 89
Cinchona 36 Hawthorn 89
Cinnamon 37 Hoodia 90
Cleavers 38 Hops 91
Clove 39 Horehound 92
Colt’s Foot 40 Horny Goat Weed 92
Comfrey 40 Horse Chestnut 93
Corn Silk 41 Horseradish 94
Couch Grass 41 Horsetail 95
Cranberry 42 Hydrangea 95
Cranesbill 44 Hyssop 96
Damiana 44 Iceland Moss 96
Dandelion 45 Ivy Leaf 97
Devil’s Claw 46 Juniper 97
Dong Quai 47 Karela 98
Echinacea 49 Kelp 99
Elder 51 Kidney Bean 100
Elecampane 52 Kola Nut 100
Ephedra 53 Lavender 101
Eucalyptus 54 Lemon Balm 102
Evening Primrose 55 Lemongrass 103
Eyebright 57 Licorice 104
Fennel 58 Linden 105
Fenugreek 59 Luffa 106
Feverfew 61 Maca 107
Flaxseed 61 Magnolia 108
Gamboge 63 Mallow 108
Garlic 64 Marigold 109
Gentian 66 Marshmallow 110

~ iv ~
Maté 111 Sage 139
Meadowsweet 111 Sarsaparilla 140
Milk Thistle 113 Saw Palmetto 141
Muira-Puama 115 Schisandra 142
Mullein 116 Scotch Pine 143
Myrrh 116 Senna 144
Nasturtium 117 Shiitake Mushroom 145
Neem 117 Siberian Ginseng 145
Nettle 118 Slippery Elm 148
Oats 119 Sorrel 148
Olive 120 St. John’s Wort 149
Oregon Grape 121 Starflower 150
Papaya 122 Sundew 152
Parsley 123 Sweet Clover 153
Passionflower 124 Tamarind 153
Pau D’Arco 125 Tea Tree 154
Peony 125 Thyme 155
Peppermint 126 Tragacanth 156
Pineapple 127 Turmeric 157
Plantain 128 Uva-Ursi 158
Pomegranate 128 Valerian 159
Prickly Ash 129 Velvet Bean 160
Psyllium 129 White Willow 161
Pumpkin 131 Wild Lettuce 161
Pygeum 132 Wild Oregano 162
Raspberry 132 Wild Yam 162
Red Clover 133 Witch Hazel 163
Rhodiola 133 Wolfberry 164
Rhubarb 134 Wood Betony 164
Rice 135 Wormwood 165
Rose Hip 135 Yarrow 165
Roselle 137 Yellow Dock 166
Rosemary 137 Yohimbe 166
Safflower 138 Yucca 167
Saffron 139


Students in the department of pharmacy are encouraged to develop skills to

give advice and support patients on the use of medicines. In order to reach
this goal, students have to present a project in an area of pharmacy. Maria
Spiteri worked on a project to device a formulary of herbal medicines
available locally under the supervision of Professor Anthony Serracino-
Inglott. The department is grateful to all those who helped Maria in this
project leading to the publication of this book.

This book has an academic value as it is the result of careful research

by Maria Spiteri and is of practical use since it is intended to be used by
healthcare professionals during their day to day work.

In this day and age when the health professionals are giving significant
attention to pharmacovigilance, such work presents a good opportunity to
advance the process of vigilance over medicine use. One may state that the
case of herbal medicines, and also for food supplements, merits an extra
dose of input as present sources of information are lacking compared to
what is available on conventional medicine.

This book is meant to promote guidelines. The references provide for

further reading. In practice one should not rely solely on facts presented
in this book, however diligently it was prepared.

Professor Lilian M. Azzopardi

Head, Department of Pharmacy

~ vi ~

The focus of medicinal use has shifted from herbal medicines to synthetic
drugs in the last century. There is a movement to reconsider the benefits
of herbal medicines. There is a school advocating the use of traditional
medicine in addition to a more western type of therapy. Herbal medicines
are, however, contrary to common belief, not immune to adverse effects.
Consequently doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals as
well as patients themselves need to extend their knowledge on herbal
medicines. Patients are continuously taught how to take care of their own
health. Since a number of herbal medicines are used in self care a greater
awareness of the benefits and the possible unwanted effects that may occur
is needed. A good glance into the Maltese islands shows that potentially
harmful reactions could result from use of such medicines since many
believe herbal therapy presents a possibility of causing harm. On the one
hand lack of knowledge on the subject not only by patients but also by
some health professionals could potentially be a cause for adverse effects
while on the other hand misconceptions about herbal medicines may limit
the number of patients who could benefit from their use. Easy access to
patients makes community pharmacists the ideal health care professionals
for offering the necessary information and advice. Pharmacies have the
advantage of being conveniently located and the community pharmacist
is easily accessible and may be approached without the need of a prior

The aim of this book on herbal medicines is to provide enough information

to arouse the interest of the reader for further reading. Hence the well
referenced nature of this work.

It was a pleasure to supervise this work by Maria Spiteri who has worked
hard to deliver such a useful service listing the herbal medicines available
in Malta including those classified as borderline products.

Professor Anthony Serracino-Inglott

Department of Pharmacy

~ vii ~
About this Herbal handbook

Each monograph summarizes in a concise form the most useful scientific

research and review information on a plant drug, together with brief
information on the herbal medicinal products and food supplements
available in Maltese community pharmacies and health food shops. As
a reflection of the volume of scientific literature available, in most of the
monographs, the proportion of reference papers published since the year
2000 is remarkably high. Internet access to free databases and abstracts
of new papers, especially from major journals published in English, has
greatly enhanced awareness of the available literature. The acquisition of
scientific papers not available at the UOM library was time-consuming
and costly, but essential for documentary research of this kind.

This book aims to address the practical needs of all healthcare

professionals, particularly pharmacists, who advice patients who take
complementary medicines. The monographs provide information on the
classification, indications, cautions, contraindications, side-effects, drug
interactions and dose. The indications in the monographs are subdivided
into principal, major, minor and others in order to give an indication on the
actual and potential use of the herbal medicinal product. Such information
is well referenced, with over 500 references. For a great number of herbs
there is an abundance of research to draw on, whereas for some others the
research is scarce and much is still speculative or based on traditional or
historical use. To make the book more practical for use by pharmacists a
comprehensive indications index is presented. The book was developed
considering current evidence-based practice and was validated by a panel
of experts and also by laymen through a one-to-one interview.

Recent EU legislation, brought about to ensure patients’ safety, gave rise

to a change in the classification of what was previously ambiguously
referred to as herbal products. While many herbal products are medicines,
others are not, and so do not require registration as medicinal products.
Herbal medicinal products, fall into two main categories, depending on
whether they fulfill the criteria for the definition of a traditional herbal
medicinal product or a medicinal product. This re-classification of herbal
products, done by the Malta Medicines Authority, is very lengthy and
time-consuming process, and to date the classification is incomplete. Both
food supplements and herbal medicinal products were included in this

~ viii ~

Putting together a book of this kind is a great task. It took about three
years of planning, researching, reviewing, writing and rewriting. It also
took patience, resourcefulness and help from some key people in order for
it to become a ‘real’ entity.
Foremost I offer my sincere gratitude to Professor Lilian M. Azzopardi,
Professor Anthony Serracino-Inglott, Dr Maurice Zarb Adami and Dr
Claire Shoemake from the Department of Pharmacy for suggesting the
title of this project which was the start of my love for complementary
medicine and for their support, advice and guidance throughout.
I am particularly indebted to Dr Everaldo Attard not only for his invaluable
help in the compilation of the indications and contraindications indices
but also for magnificent support in other ways, from book design to the
supply of scientific information and computer assistance.
Many thanks also to all the healthcare professionals and herbal specialists
who helped in the validation process for their professionalism, dedication
and passion because they truly believed that this is a very useful job
resulting in a book which is much needed by most local healthcare
Particular thanks are expressed to all the local distributors who have
patiently provided me with complete lists of herbal products that each
and every one of them distributes to the local market and later confirming
that all the products are still available and/or advice about new products
or products which have been discontinued.
Sincere thanks and warm gratitude goes to many, many people that have
provided emotional support and encouragement particularly my parents
and eldest sister Miran, as well my youngest siblings for their patience. I
am also thankful to my aunt, Mary Fenech, for providing me with literature
on herbal products and her help during the validation stage by suggesting
healthcare professionals specialized on complementary medicine, as well
as all my other close relatives and friends.
Finally, a very special thanks to all those who believed in my work and
were willing to help financially so as to be able to print both volume 1
and eventually this book. Particular thanks goes to Mr Gaetano Buttigieg,
managing director of Print Right Ltd, for sponsoring a substantial part of
the printing costs of this book and its copies.

~ ix ~

5-HTP 5-hydroxytryptophan
ACE Angiotensin converting enzyme
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity
AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency
BP British Pharmacopoeia
BPH Benign prostatic hypertrophy
CHF Congestive heart failure
CLA Conjugate linoleic acid
CNS Central nervous system
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary
DHA Docosahexaenoic acid
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
EFA Essential fatty acid
EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid
EPO Evening primrose oil
Equiv Equivalent
EU European Union
FA Fatty acid
FDA Food and drug administration
GI Gastrointestinal
GLA Gamma linolenic acid
HIV Human influenza virus
HMP Herbal medicinal product
HRT Hormone replacement therapy
HSV Herpes simplex virus
IBD Irritable bowel disease
INR International normalised ratio
LA Linoleic acid

LDL Low density lipoprotein
MAOI Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
mcg Micrograms
mg Milligrams
MSM Methyl Sulphonyl Methane
NNRTI Non-nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitor
NSAIDs Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
NYHA New York Heart Association
OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder
OCP Oral contraceptive pill
OTC Over the counter
oz Ounce
PABA Para amino benzoic acid
PMS Premenstrual syndrome
ppm Parts per million
SARS-associated CV SARS-associated coronavirus
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake
tsp Teaspoon
UOM University of Malta
UVA Ultraviolet A
UVB Ultraviolet B
UVC Ultraviolet C

~ xi ~


Malpighia glabra
Family: Malpighiaceae beneficial synergistic effect with soy
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, fruit. & alfalfa4.

Indications: Dose: 40-100mg daily2.

Principal: Common cold (acerola is a
source of vitamin C)1, 2 . Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) see
Others: Prophylaxis of scurvy3, Ginger
prophylaxis of atherogenesis in Children’s Echinacea (HealthAid) see
patients with increased risk of Echinacea
coronary heart disease4.
Cranberry (Arkopharma) see Cranberry
Cautions: Patients allergic to latex2.
Ester-C® 1000mg Plus Vitamin C
Contraindications: None noted.
Tablets; Vitamin C 1000mg, citrus
bioflavonoids 200mg, acerola fruit
Side-effects: Nausea, stomach powdered extract 25mg, powdered rose
cramps, sleepiness, insomnia3. hip 25mg, rutin 25mg.
Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
Drug interactions: Decreased
Formula VM-75 (Solgar) see Buckwheat
activity of fluphenazine and warfarin3,

Vitex agnus-castus
Family: Lamiaceae postmenopausal women6.
Medicinal Parts: Fruit.
Contraindications: Oestrogen or
Indications: progesterone sensitive tumours,
Principal: PMS, irregularities of pregnancy5.
the menstrual cycle, mastalgia,
mastodynia, poor lactation5, 28. Side-effects: Nausea, headache, GI
Major: Acne5, mastopathy, hot flushes disturbances, menstrual disorders,
and sleep disturbances in pre- and acne, pruritus, erythematous rash5, 7.


Drug interactions: Dopamine Agnus Castus Herbal Complex (Vega)

antagonists, oral contraceptives5. Capsules; Agnus castus berry extract
(5:1) 60mg (equiv. to 300mg agnus castus
berry herb); Vega Phytoantioxidant
Dose: Aqueous alcohol extract: 30- BaseTM 330mg providing antioxidants and
40mg daily8; Fruit: 0.5-1g three times prebiotics: apple & mixed wild berries
daily9. concentrate 8:1, equiv. to herb 528mg,
prebiotic acacia gum 264mg.
Acne-n-Pimple Cream (Himalaya) see Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Aloe Vera Ltd.

Agnus Castus (A.Vogel) Femmevit® (HealthAid) see Starflower

Liquid; Tincture of chaste tree dried fruit,
extracted in alcohol (69% v/v). Herbal Female Complex (Solgar) see
Local Distributor: Health Plus Black Cohosh

Agnus Castus (HealthAid) Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai

Liquid; Agnus castus extract 1:3 (equiv. to
330mg of agnus castus herb in 1ml). Vitex Agnus Castus 1000mg (Lamberts)
Tablets; Agnus castus powder 550mg. Tablets; 1000mg Vitex agnus-castus
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea (provided by 100mg of a 10:1 extract).
Local Distributor: Health Plus

Medicago sativa
Family: Fabaceae children under 1813, pregnant or
Medicinal Parts: Whole flowering breast-feeding9, 12.
plant, germinating seeds.
Side-effects: Photosensitivity11, mild
Indications: GI symptoms (stomach discomfort,
Principal: Hypercholesterolemia; diarrhea, flatulence), hypoglycemia,
used as a source of nutrients including muscle pain, fatigue, abnormal blood
vitamins9. cell count13.
Major: Diabetes11, 28; malfunctioning
of the thyroid gland28. Drug interactions: HRT, anti-
Minor: Kidney, bladder & prostate oestrogen therapy, contraceptive pill,
disorders; asthma; arthritis10, 11. anticoagulants14.

Cautions: Undergoing HRT, taking Dose: 5-10g dried herb three times
birth control medications12, diabetes13. daily; 5-10ml liquid extract (1:1 in
25% alcohol) three times daily9, 12.
Contraindications: History of SLE,

aloe vera

Alfalfa (Arkopharma) Healthy Mega (HealthAid) see

Tablets; Medicago sativa powder 435mg. Buckwheat
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Slim-Rite (HealthAid)
Alfalfa 500mg (Power Health) Tablets; Alfalfa leaf powder 200mg,
Tablets; Alfalfa powder 500mg. buckthorn extract 75mg, cascara sagrada
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. extract 50mg, birch extract 40mg, taurine
40mg, dandelion extract 20mg, uva
Alfalfa Leaf (HealthAid) ursi extract 20mg, bladderwrack extract
Tablets; Alfalfa leaf powder 700mg. 17mg, barberry root powder 10mg, ginger
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea root powder 5mg, chicory powder 3mg,
parsley seed powder 2mg, nasturtium
EyeVit (HealthAid) see Eyebright extract 2mg, juniper berry powder 2mg,
curcuma root powder 250mcg.
Formula VM-75 (Solgar) see Buckwheat Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Aloe barbadensis
Family: Aloeaceae Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Medicinal Parts: Leaves. to aloe or with nausea, vomiting or
signs & symptoms of GI obstruction5,
Indications: GI obstruction, appendicitis,
Principal: Topically as an emollient abdominal pain of unknown origin,
for wounds, burns, sunburn, mild children under 128, pregnancy and
abrasion15, 16, 17. lactation, chronic constipation, kidney
Major: Occasional constipation15, 16, 17. disorders, haemorrhoids, irritable
Minor: Ulcers, psoriasis, genital bowel conditions15.
herpes, radiation-induced dermatitis,
type 2 diabetes, HIV infection, Side-effects: Cramping, diarrhoea,
ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel dependency or worsening of
syndrome, lung cancer prevention5, constipation, red urine16, 17,
16, 17
. hypersensitivities and contact
dermatitis to aloe5.
Cautions: Thyrotoxicosis5, heart
disease, electrolyte abnormalities, Drug interactions: Antidiabetic
diabetes or hypoglycemia16. Avoid therapy, laxatives, cardiac glycosides,
excessive and long-term use (more antiarrhythmic drugs18; thiazide
than 2 weeks), as potassium losses diuretics, corticosteroids, licorice
may occur, which may alter cardiac roots – cause exacerbation of
electrophysiology5. potassium depletion14.

aloe vera

Dose: Single dose: powdered aloe aloe vera gel 25mg.

vera, 50-200mg at bedtime; tincture Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
(1:40, 45% ethanol), 2-8ml. Aloe vera
Aloe Vera 5000mg (HealthAid)
should be taken for a maximum of Capsules; Aloe vera (200:1) gel extract
8-10 days15. equiv. to 5000mg of fresh aloe vera.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Active Mature 50+ (Vega)
Tablets; Aloe vera whole leaf extract 200:1 Aloe Vera 10,000mg (Lamberts)
equiv. to herb 2000mg, ginkgo biloba Capsules; 10,000mg aloe vera extract
leaf extract 50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg, equivalent to 50mg of a 200:1 extract.
deodorized garlic clove extract 10:1, equiv. Local Distributor: Health Plus
to herb 100mg, magnesium 90mg, vitamin
C 60mg, niacin 30mg, betaine hydrochloride Aloe Vera ESI® (ESI)
30mg, bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv. to Gel; Aloe vera, tea tree, vitamin E.
herb 30mg, cruciferous vegetable (cabbage, Juice; Aloe vera.
broccoli, sprouts) concentrate 30mg, Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
pancreatin (vegetarian source) 30mg,
shiitake mushroom powder 30mg, vitamin Aloe Vera Herbal Complex (Vega)
E 30mg, pantothenic acid 18mg, zinc 15mg, Capsules; Aloe vera whole leaf extract
choline bitartrate 10mg, inositol 10mg, 200:1 equiv. to herb 500mg; Vega
vitamin B6 10mg, iron 7mg, beta carotene Phytoantioxidant BaseTM providing
4.8mg, vitamin B2 4.8mg, vitamin B1 antioxidants and prebiotics: apple & mixed
4.2mg, alpha lipoic acid 2mg, lutein esters wild berries concentrate 8:1 equiv. to herb
2mg, folate 600mcg, manganese 0.5mg, 624mg, prebiotic acacia gum 312mg.
selenium 200mcg, chromium 100mcg, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
copper 100mcg, vitamin B12 5mcg, vitamin
D2 5mcg. Aloe Vera Juice (Kelkin)
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd. Juice; Aloe barbadensis miller leaf juice
(filtered), citric acid anhydrous E330,
Acne-n-Pimple Cream (Himalaya) potassium sorbate E202, sodium benzoate
Cream; Lentil, silk cotton tree, alum, aloe E211.
vera, chaste tree. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Local Distributor: Grefed Worldwide
Trading Aloe Vera Juice (Power Health)
Juice; 99.7% aloe vera.
Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini) see Mallow Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Aloe Vera (HealthAid) Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care)

Cream, lotion; Aloe vera, lavender oil, Syrup; Pineapple concentrate 9.46g, aloe
patchouli oil, sweet almond oil. leaf 400mg, elder leaf 30mg, liquorice
Gel; Aloe vera. 30mg, fructose 25mg, mint leaf 20mg,
Soap; Aloe vera leaf juice 3%, lavender oil, green aniseed 20mg, xanthane gum 5mg,
patchouli oil. pineapple flavour 2.5mg, pineapple juice
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea extract 2mg, artichoke extract 1.5mg,
papaya dry extract 1mg, potassium sorbate
Aloe Vera 5000 (Power Health) 1mg, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate
Capsules; Aloe vera (200:1) equiv. to fresh 1mg.

aloe vera

Tablets; Di calcium phosphate 268mg, Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita) see
calcium carbonate 105mg, micro Senna
crystalline cellulose 100mg, aloe vera
concentrate 80mg, pineapple extract Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega)
50mg, fennel seed extract 30mg, Capsules; Aloe vera whole leaf extract
chamomile extract 30mg, papaya latex 200:1 equiv. to herb 2000mg; oat bran
extract 20mg, magnesium stearate 14mg, 50mg; aniseed fruit oil and powder
lactobacillus acidophilus 1mg, peppermint 20mg; caraway fruit/seed oil and powder
essential oil 1mg, silica 1mg. 20mg; deglycyrrhised liquorice root
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. extract 20mg; ginger root powder 10mg;
cardamon pod oil 10mg; cinnamon bark
Bromelain Complex (Vega) oil 10mg; activated organic charcoal
Capsules; Aloe vera whole leaf extract 50mg; prebiotic fructooligosaccharides
200:1 equiv. to herb 2000mg, bromelain 50mg; lipase 10mg; peppermint leaf
200mg, vitamin C 60mg, DL-phenylalanine powder 10mg; protease 10mg; Vega
50mg, flaxseed seed powder 50mg, malic Phytoantioxidant BaseTM 50mg providing
acid 50mg, pumpkin seed powder 50mg, antioxidants and prebiotics: apple and
niacin 18mg, vitamin E 10mg, zinc 7.5mg, mixed wild berries concentrate 8:1, equiv.
pantothenic acid 6mg, vitamin B6 2mg, to herb 80mg, prebiotic acacia gum 40mg.
vitamin B2 1.6mg, vitamin B1 1.4mg, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
manganese 0.25mg, folate 200mcg,
selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg, vitamin Herbal Cream (HealthAid) see Arnica
B12 1mcg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd. Multi-Gyn® ActiGel (MultiGyn)
Gel; Aloe barbadensis extract, *2QR-
Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature) see complex.
Flaxseed Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co. Ltd.

Multi-Gyn® FemiWash (MultiGyn)

Colonease (HealthAid)
Emulsion; Aloe barbadensis extract, lactic
Capsules; 25mg Aloe vera (200:1), 5mg
acid, 2QR-complex*.
peppermint oil, 5mg parsley seed oil, 1mg
Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co. Ltd.
clary sage oil.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Multi-Gyn® LiquiGel (MultiGyn)
Gel; Aloe barbadensis extract, *2QR-
Dermavital (HealthAid)
Lotion; Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera),
Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co. Ltd.
Lavandula angustifolia (lavender oil),
water, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol (from palm Multi-Gyn® Tablets (MultiGyn)
oil), isopropyl palmitate (from palm oil), Effervescent tablets; Sodium bicarbonate,
dimethicone, ceteareth-20, stearic acid, cetyl citric acid, aloe vera powder, lactose,
alcohol (from palm oil), phenoxyethanol, ascorbic acid.
ethylhexylglycerin, pogostemon cablin Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co. Ltd.
(patchouli oil), triethanolamine, tetrasodium
EDTA, carbomer, tocopheryl acetate Multi-Mam® BabyWash (Multi-Mam)
(vitamin E), linalool, limonene & geraniol
from natural essential oils .
* Patented bio-active polysaccharides derived
Local Disributor: Galea & Galea from Aloe barbadensis inner leaf gel by
molecular filtration process.


Emulsion; Aloe barbadensis extract, lactic Lip Balm; Aloe vera, shea butter, beeswax,
acid, lavendula angustifolia, 2QR-complex. vitamin E.
Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co. Ltd. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Multi-Mam® Compresses (Multi-Mam) Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with

Compresses; 2QR-complex, glycerin (plant Cucumber, Witch Hazel and Calendula (dr.
origin), xanthan gum. organic®)
Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co. Ltd. Gel; Aloe vera, cucumber, calendula, witch
hazel, arnica.
Neo Fermental Max (ESI) Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Capsules; Aloe vera 20mg, vitamin B2
1.4mg, vitamin B6 1.4mg, vitamin B1 Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
1.1mg, vitamin B12 2.5mcg, bacillus Organic Tea Tree Oil and Arnica (dr.
coagulans, fructooligosaccharides. organic®)
Sachets; Aloe vera 60mg, vitamin B2 1.4mg, Gel; Aloe vera, tea tree oil, witch hazel,
vitamin B6 1.4mg, vitamin B1 1.1mg, arnica.
vitamin B12 2.5mcg, bacillus coagulans Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd. Organic Lavender (®) see
No-Dol (ESI) see Devil’s Claw
Organic Pomegranate (®) see
Organic Aloe Vera (®) Pomegranate
Cream; Aloe vera, shea butter, cocoa butter,
sweet almond oil, panthenol. Organic Tea Tree (®) see Tea tree
Eye gel; Aloe vera, butcher’s broom, horse
chestnut, gotu kola, calendula, liquorice, Rash Relief Cream (Rapaid)
eyebright, panthenol. Cream; Aloe vera, tea tree oil.
Gel; Aloe vera. Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.

see Pineapple

Angelica archangelica
Family: Umbelliferae such as mild GI spasms, flatulence,
Medicinal Parts: Seed, whole herb, eructation, bloating or sluggish
root. digestion; loss of appetite, anorexia
nervosa8, 9, 19, 28.
Indications: Major: Bronchitis, respiratory catarrh,
Principal: Dyspeptic complaints rheumatic and arthritic conditions,


menstruation complaints9, 19, 28. Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,

Minor: Peripheral vascular disease thrombolytic agents, low molecular
(a specific treatment for Buerger’s weight heparins28.
Others: Liver & biliary duct Dose: Three times daily: dried root
conditions, body lice28. and rhizome, 0.6-2 gm or as an
infusion (1 in 20); liquid extract 1:1 in
Cautions: Avoid prolonged exposure 25% alcohol, 0.5-2 ml; tincture 1:5 in
to sunlight for the duration of 50% alcohol, 0.5-2ml19.
treatment with Angelica or its
preparations19, 28. Carbogas (Sella) see Fennel

CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) see Aniseed

Contraindications: Pregnancy9, 19, 28.
Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see
Side-effects: Photosensitization Meadowsweet
of the skin is possible due to
furanocoumarins8, 19, 28. Menophase (Higher Nature) see

see Aniseed

Pimpinella anisum
Family: Umbelliferae Minor: To stimulate lactation9, 19.
Medicinal Parts: Essential oil from External
ripe & dried fruit. As diluted anise oil to treat lice and
scabies9, 19.
Internal Cautions: Pregnancy, lactation
Principal: Dyspeptic complaints such (increases milk secretions, promotes
as flatulence and colic especially in menstruation & facilitates birth),
children, nausea, indigestion9, 19. patients on OCP, HRT or MAOIs9, 14.
Major: Catarrhs of the respiratory
tract, bronchitis, whooping cough, Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
spasmodic cough9, 19, 20. to anise or related plants in the


Umbelliferae family such as fennel, Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe
cumin and coriander14. Vera

CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita)

Side-effects: Contact dermatitis, Capsules; Charcoal 202.5mg, green anise
photodermatitis, asthma9, 21. fruits dry extract 202.5mg, fennel fruits
dry extract 202.5mg, standardised at 0.5%
Drug interactions: Caution with in essential oil, angelica root dry extract
patients on MAOIs, warfarin22, 202.5mg, peppermint leaves micronized
contraceptive pill, HRT. powder 135mg, balm-mint leaves dry
extract 135mg, standardized at 2% in
rosemary acid, pineapple stem dry extract
Dose: Dried, crushed fruits, 3g as an 135mg, oats fruits dry extract 135mg.
infusion or equivalent preparation; Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
anise oil, 0.3g19.
External use: Preparations containing Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera
5-10% of anise oil19.
Ivy-Thyme Complex (A.Vogel) see Thyme
Alito Fresco e Balsamico (Sella) see
Karbofin Forte (ESI) see Fennel
Potter’s Sugar Free Cough Pastilles see

Arnica montana†
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Minor: Furunculosis, phlebitis,
Medicinal Parts: Flowers, leaves, cardiac insufficiency, angina pectoris,
rhizome, roots. myocarditis8, 9, 19, 20.
Others: Oedema during the early
Indications: postoperative period23, 24, phrophylaxis
Principal: Bruises, sprains23. of pain in tonsillectomy25.
Major: Unbroken chilblains,
dislocations, inflammation caused by Cautions: For use only on unbroken
insect bites, oedema associated with skin19.
fractures, rheumatic complaints in
muscles and joints8, 9, 19, 20. Contraindications: Other known
hypersensitivity to other family
members of the family Compositae,
† Arnica should not be taken internally except
in suitable homeopathic dilutions. Oral
and Tagetes spp. (Marigold)14, 19, 20, 26,
administration of arnica is often accompanied
by severe side effects and may even lead to


Side-effects: oil, ylang-ylang.

Fairly common: Skin irritation and Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Arnica (Sella)
Others: Prolonged use on damaged Gel; Arnica montana 10%.
skin e.g. on injuries or crural Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
ulcer, relatively frequently causes
oedematous dermatitis with ArnicareTM (Nelsons)
blistering; eczema may also arise Cream, gel; Arnica montana.
with prolonged use; primary toxic Local Distributor: Serolf Trading Agency
skin reactions with blistering or even
Atrogel (A.Vogel)
necrosis with dosage forms of higher Gel; 1g contains 500mg arnica extract,
concentrations8, 19. equiv. to 160mg fresh arnica flowers.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Drug interactions: Potential
interaction with aspirin14. Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet

Herbal Cream (HealthAid)

Dose: Cream; Sweet almond oil, neem oil, tea
Infusion for compresses: 2g of arnica tree, arnica, rosemary oil, peppermint oil,
flower to 100ml of water. aloe vera, vitamin E.
Tincture 1:10 in 70% ethanol: for Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
compression, tincture diluted 3- to
10-fold with water; for mouthwashes, Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
Cucumber, Witch Hazel and Calendula
tincture diluted 10-fold with water; (®) see Aloe Vera
in ointments or gels, 10-25% of
tincture19. Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
Organic Tea Tree Oil and Arnica (dr.
Arnica (Bios Line) organic®) see Aloe Vera
Ointment; Sweet almond oil 3%, arnica
glycerin maceration 4%, centella glycerin Organic Pomegranate (®) see
maceration 2%, witch hazel hydrolat 5%. Pomegranate
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Organic Tea Tree (®) see Tea
Arnica (HealthAid) tree
Cream; Sweet almond oil, arnica, lavender


ARTICHOKE Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see

Cynara scolymus L. Grapeseed

Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe

Medicinal Parts: Leaves.
Altaflora® Transit (Alta Care) see
Indications: Rhubarb
Major: Loss of appetite, dyspepsia,
liver and gallbladder complaints8, 28, Artichoke (Arkopharma)
Capsules; Artichoke 200mg.
31, 32, 45
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Minor: Irritable bowel syndrome,
prophylactic treatment against Artichoke (HealthAid)
the recurrence of gall stones, Tablets; 190mg artichoke powder, 204mg
hypercholesterolaemia5, 9, 28, 29, 30, 31. artichoke extract standardised for min.
Others: Alcohol-induced hangovers5, 2.5% cynarin (equiv. to 8160mg raw
artichoke powder).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Cautions: Pregnancy, lactation, ColestroforteTM (HealthAid) see

known allergies to other composites Fenugreek
(including chrysanthemes, arnica
Cynara (A.Vogel)
pyrethrum)5, 9, 28, 31. Liquid; Tincture of organically grown
fresh globe artichoke leaves, extracted in
Contraindications: Bile duct alcohol (66% v/v).
obstruction, gallstones5, 8, 9, 28, 31. Local Distributor: Health Plus

Side-effects: Flatulence, weakness, Detoxil (Vitabiotics)

hunger, contact dermatitis5, 31. Tablets; Artichoke conc. extract 25mg,
grapefruit conc. extract 25mg, dandelion
root extract 25mg, vitamin A 200mcg,
Drug interactions: No known vitamin D 2.5mcg, vitamin E 15mg,
or reported drug or supplement vitamin C 60mg, thiamin 6mg, riboflavin
interactions with artichoke leaf 2.5mg, niacin 13.5mg, vitamin B6 5mg,
extract31. folacin 200mcg, vitamin B12 10mcg,
biotin 15mcg, pantothenic acid 25mg, iron
Dose: Average daily dose is 6gm of 2.5mg, magnesium 25mg, zinc 7.5mg,
drug in divided doses; single dose is manganese 2mg, copper 0.5mg, iodine
100mcg, selenium 60mcg, betacarotene
500mg of dry extract28, 31. 1mg, N-acetyl cysteine 15mg, methionine
20mg, phosphatidylcholine 5mg.
2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Ibisene® (Lamberts) Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma) Tablets; Artichoke extract 8000mg
see Fenugreek providing cynarin 16mg.

~ 10 ~

Local Distributor: Health Plus Milk Thistle Complex (HealthAid) see

Milk Thistle
Livercare® (HealthAid) see Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle Plus (FSC) see Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle & Artichoke (Higher Nature)
see Milk Thistle

see Tragacanth

Arundinaria japonica
Family: Poaceae evidence to safely recommend the use
Medicinal Parts: Young shoots. of bamboo.

Indications: Asthma, arthritis, Bamboo Gum (Arkopharma)

coughs28. Capsules; Bamboo dry extract 314mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos
Contraindications: None known.
Organic Pomegranate (®) see
Side-effects: No health hazards are
known in conjunction with the proper Organic Tea Tree (®) see Tea
administration of designed therapeutic tree
Silica 250mg (HealthAid)
Capsules; Bamboo extract 357mg whichh
Drug interactions: None known. provides silica 250mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Dose: There is not enough scientific

Adansonia digitata
Family: Bombacaceae urinary disorders28.
Medicinal Parts: Roots, fruit, leaves. Major: Malaria, ulcer, skin problems,
Principal: Fever, mild diarrhoea, Cautions: The plant contains tartaric

~ 11 ~

acid which is mildly irritating in high Reintegra MgKB Balance (Erba Vita)
concentrations28. Sachets; Baobab fruit pulp 325mg,
magnesium 375mg, potassium 300mg,
vitamin B3 27mg, vitamin B6 3mg,
Side-effects: None known. vitamin B2 2.4mg, vitamin B1 2.1mg,
vitamin B9 200mcg, vitamin B12 2.5mcg.
Drug interactions: No human drug Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
information is available.

Berberis vulgaris
Family: Berberidaceae Contraindications: Pregnancy14, 28,
Medicinal Parts: Fruit, root, bark. use of NSAIDs28.

Indications: Side-effects: None at normal doses14,

Principal: Liver malfunction, kidney 19, 28
. Lethargy, nosebleeds, dyspnoea,
stones, gall bladder disease, urinary nephritis, GI discomfort, hypotension,
tract disorders, diarrhoea, indigestion8, flu-like symptoms, cardiac damage
19, 28
. occurs in excessive doses14, 28.
Major: Jaundice, splenopathy, renal
disease8, 28. Drug interactions: NSAIDs,
Minor: Gout, rheumatism, arthritis, antithrombotic and antirheumatic
lumbago, malaria, leishmaniasis14, 19, therapy14.
Others: Dry skin disease, opium or Dose: Dried stem or root bark: 1.5-3
morphine withdrawal19, 28. gm; liquid extract: 3-6ml; tincture:
Cautions: To avoid polyherbal
remedies containing goldenseal Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion
and oregon grape due to a high
Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa
total content of berberine, patients
receiving antithrombotic or Livercare® (HealthAid) see Milk Thistle
antirheumatic therapy14.
Milk Thistle Complex (HealthAid) see
Milk Thistle

~ 12 ~

Hordeum distichon
Family: Graminaceae Dose: Boil 1 part barley in 9 parts
Medicinal Parts: Polished grain water for 20 minutes and strain; a
without the husk. dose is from 1 to 4 oz28.

Indications: Convalescents, Performance Detox (Arkopharma)

diarrhoea, gastritis, inflammatory see Green Tea
bowel conditions28. Shape Up Day & Night
Contraindications: Pregnancy28. (Arkopharma) see Green Tea

Bambu® (A.Vogel) see Chicory

Side-effects: No health hazards
are known in conjunction with the Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed
proper administration of designated
therapeutic dosages. Venalta® Ampoules (Alta Care) see
Drug interactions: None known.

see Kidney Bean

see Uva Ursi

see Wood Betony

Vaccinium myrtillus
Family: Ericaceae Principal: Prevention of cataract
Medicinal Parts: Dried leaves, dried worsening, impaired night
ripe fruit or fresh fruit. vision, macular degeneration33,
haemorrhoids5, 8, 14, 28, 36.
Indications: Major: Non-specific acute diarrhoea,
Fruit inflammation of the mouth and

~ 13 ~

pharynx, vomiting, bleeding5, 14, 28. the recommended dose is 60-160mg

Minor: Poorly healing skin ulcers, three times daily28.
wound healing, diabetes, bleeding
gums, nose bleeds, peptic ulcers, Active Mature 50+ (Vega) see Aloe Vera
spider veins5, 28.
Active Women’s Multivitamins &
Others: Dysmenorrhea, diabetic
Minerals (Vega) see Siberian Ginseng
retinopathy, coronary artery
relaxation34, chronic fatigue Antioxidant Selenium-ACE Formula
syndrome35. (Vega)
Capsules; Bilberry standardised extract
Leaves 120mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins),
Principal: Prevention & treatment of green tea standardised extract 50mg (min.
40% polyphenols), grape standardised
diabetes mellitus5, 8, 28, 37. extract 20mg (min. 95% polyphenols),
Major: Complaints of the GI tract, vitamin C 150mg, vitamin E 200mg,
kidneys and urinary tract, arthritis, vitamin A 400mcg, selenium 100mcg,
poor circulation, functional heart Vega Phytoantioxidant BaseTM providing
problems5, 8, 28. antioxidants and prebiotics: apple and
Minor: Gout, dermatitis, mixed wild berries concentrate 8:1, equiv.
to herb 160mg, prebiotic acacia gum
haemorrhoids, inflammation of the 80mg.
oral mucosa28, eye inflammation38, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
burns28, anti-carcinogenic properties:
repair and protect genomic DNA Bilberry (A.Vogel)
integrity, reduce age-associated Liquid; Tincture of fresh bilberry leaves
oxidative stress, improve neuronal and stems, extracted in alcohol (66% v/v).
Local Distributor: Health Plus
and cognitive brain function39.
Bilberry (HealthAid)
Cautions: Not to be used in high Liquid; Bilberry extract 1:3 (equiv. of
doses or on prolonged use as chronic 330mg of bilberry herb in 1ml).
intoxication may arise14. Tablets; Bilberry powder 210mg, bilberry
extract 65mg (standardised to 25%
Side-effects: GI disorders including
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
nausea5, 8, 14, 28.
Bilberry Extract (Power Herbs)
Drug interactions: Increased risk of Tablets; Bilberry extract (100:1) 25mg
bleeding or bruising with high doses equiv. to fresh bilberries 2500mg.
in patients taking oral anticoagulants Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
or platelet-inhibiting drugs14.
Brain Fuel Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo

Dose: For commercially available Cardiohealth Formula (Vega) see Garlic

tablets and capsules that are
standardised to 36% anthocyanosides, Cellulite Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo

~ 14 ~

Eyewise® (Lamberts) see Grapeseed Visionace (Vitabiotics)

Capsules; Vitamin A 300mcg, vitamin
Grapeseed Antioxidant Formula (FSC) D 2.5mcg, vitamin E 60mg, vitamin C
see Grapeseed 150mg, thiamin 7.5mg, riboflavin 5mg,
niacin 9mg, vitamin B6 4.5mg, folacin
Hematinic Blood Co-Factors (Vega) see 250mcg, vitamin B12 4.5mcg, pantothenic
Ginkgo acid 10mg, vitamin K 45mcg, iron 3mg,
magnesium 50mg, zinc 7.5mg, iodine
Immune + (Higher Nature) see Elder 100mcg, copper 1mg, manganese 2mg,
selenium 100mcg, chromium 50mcg,
Maxijoint Formula (Vega) natural mixed carotenoids 3mg, citrus
Capsules; Bilberry standardised fruit bioflavonoids 15mg, bilberry extract
extract 4:1 equiv. to herb 30mg 60mg.
(min. 20% anthocyanadins), green Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
tea standardised leaf extract 30mg
(min. 40% polyphenols), pine Visionace Plus (Vitabiotics)
standardised bark extract 2mg (min. Tablets and capsules.
70% proanthocyanadins), MSM 250mg, Tablets; Vitamin A 300mcg, vitamin
vitamin C 60mg, citrus bioflavonoids D 2.5mcg, vitamin E 60mg, vitamin C
30mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin E 10mg, 150mg, thiamin 12mg, riboflavin 4.8mg,
zinc 7.5mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, beta niacin 18mg, vitamin B6 10mg, folacin
carotene 2.4mg, alpha lipoic acid 2mg, 400mcg, vitamin B12 9mcg, pantothenic
vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin B2 1.6mg, acid 20mg, iron 6mg, magnesium 50mg,
vitamin B1 1.4mg, vitamin B12 1mcg, zinc 15mg, iodine 100mcg, copper 1mg,
manganese 0.25mg, folate 200mcg, manganese 4mg, selenium 150mcg,
selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg. chromium 50mcg, natural mixed
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons carotenoids 3mg, citrus bioflavonoids
Ltd. 5mg, bilberry extract 60mg, lutein esters
Multi Antioxidant Complex (Vega) see Capsules; Omega-3 fish oil 600mg
Ginkgo (providing DHA 300mg, EPA 60mg),
lutein esters 8mg.
Multibionta® Probiotic Multivitamin 50+ Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
(Seven Seas) see Ginseng Korean
VisualEyes (Higher Nature)
Multigluco Tolerance Factor (Vega) see Capsules; Vitamin A 250mcg, vitamin
Ginkgo C 30mg, vitamin E 5mg, lutein complex
30mg, zeaxanthin complex 30mg,
Opticare Formula 20:20 (Vega) see bilberry standardised extract 18mg
Ginkgo (25% anthocyanidins), vitamin B2 2mg,
selenium 75mcg, zinc 3mg, tomato
Super Antioxidant (Higher Nature) see powder.
Chicory Local Distributor: Health Plus

TotallyWise (Vega) see Green Tea Vitalize Regenerative Formula (Vega) see
Siberian Ginseng
Vein Support Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo
V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut

~ 15 ~
birch leaf

Betulae folium
Family: Betulaceae Contraindications: Oedema in
Medicinal Parts: Bark, leaves & cardiac or renal insufficiency8, 19.
Side-effects: None known in
Indications: conjunction with the proper
Internal administration of designated
Principal: To promote diuresis in the therapeutic doses8, 19, 28.
treatment of ailments which require
it including irrigation in bacterial and Drug interactions: None known8, 19,
inflammatory disorders of the urinary 28
tract and for kidney gravel8, 19, 28.
Major: In adjunct therapy for Dose: 2-3g of dried leaf several times
rheumatic ailments and in gout8, 19, 28. daily in infusion or as an equivalent
External aqueous or hydroethanolic extract8, 19.
Hair loss, dandruff 28.
HaemoVit Liquid GoldTM (HealthAid) see
Cautions: Ensure copious fluid Sarsaparilla
intake8. Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa

see Kola Nut

see Karela

Citrus aurantium
Family: Rutaceae including dyspepsia & vomiting, loss
Medicinal Parts: Fresh & dried of appetite5, 8, 28, 40.
fruit peel, flowers, seeds, extracted Major: As a sedative41 for nervous
essential oil. tension & insomnia, gout, sore throat,
anorexia5, 8, 19, 28.
Indications: Minor: Obesity42.
Principal: Gastric complaints Others: Chronic bronchitis28.

~ 16 ~
black cohosh

Cautions: Pregnancy5, hypertension43, and P-glycoprotein5, 28, 40. This

skin sensitization and phototoxicity results in increased absorption of
are possible with the essential oils dextromethorphan and felodipine‡ 40.
and thus, exposure to UV light
sources should be avoided for at least Dose: Daily dose: drug: 4-6g; extract:
12 hours after dermal application5, 1-2g; tea: 1 cup half-hour before
28, 44
. Sensitization can result in meals; tincture: 2-3g 28.
erythema, swelling, blisters, pustules,
dermatoses leading to scab formation Altadrine® Fat Burner (Alta Care)
and pigment spots28. Tablets; Bitter orange 200mg,
maltodextrin 175.75mg, guarana extract
100mg, micro-crystalline cellulose 80mg,
Contraindications: Do not apply lactoserum protein 50mg, magnesium
essential oils to eyes or undiluted to oxide 50mg, vitamin C 40mg, tri calcium
mucous membranes5. phosphate 40mg.
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Side-effects: Abdominal pain, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, skin Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care) see
sensitization, photosensitization,
cardiotoxicity5. Controller (Alta Care) see Lemon Balm

Drug interactions: Bitter Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) see

orange juice inhibits CYP3A Linden

Cimicifuga racemosa
Family: Ranunculaceae cycle and urogenital symptoms
Medicinal Parts: Fresh and dried (vaginal dryness & itching)5, 28, 45, 46,
root. 47, 48
Major: Premenstrual complaints,
Indications: dysmenorrhoea, uterine spasm5, 45.
Principal: Menopausal disorders Minor: Muscular rheumatism,
including neurovegatative rheumatoid arthritis, mild depression,
symptoms (hot flushes, fits of tinnitus, sore throat, bronchitis28, 45.
perspiration, night sweats, sleep
disorders), psychological symptoms
(nervousness, mood swings, ‡ Interactions may occur with the fruit and fruit
depressed mood, physical and mental products. There are no known interactions
fatigue), disturbances of the menstrual between the essential oils and conventional

~ 17 ~
black elderberry

Cautions: Cimicifuga racemosa black cohosh extract 250mg (standardised

should not be substituted for HRT with for min 2.5% triterpene glycosides).
oestrogen - no studies to date show Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
cardioprotective effects or protective Black Cohosh 1000mg (Lamberts)
effects against osteoporosis5, 28, liver Tablets; Black cohosh 1000mg (provided
disease5. by 250mg of a 4:1 extract).
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Contraindications: Pregnancy,
breastfeeding5, 28, 45. Black Cohosh Herbal Complex (Vega)
Capsules; Black cohosh standardised
root extract 300mg (min. 2.5% triterpene
Side-effects: glycosides); Vega Phytoantioxidant
Major: GI disturbances BaseTM providing antioxidants and
(gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting), prebiotics: apple and mixed wild berries
mild rashes5, 28. concentrate 8:1, equiv. to herb 320mg,
Minor: Dizziness, headache, tremors, prebiotic acacia gum 160mg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
giddiness, muscle damage5, 28, liver
Others: Headache, nausea, vomiting, Herbal Female Complex (Solgar)
vertigo, visual disturbances & Vegicaps; Black cohosh root powdered
hypotension in case of overdosage5, 28. extract (4:1) 100mg, soy bean germ
powder (providing 2mg [2%] isoflavones)
Drug interactions: 100mg, motherwort aerials powdered
extract (5:1) 75mg, standardized agnus
Immunosuppressants: azathioprine & castus powdered extract (providing
cyclosporine; antihypertensives; iron- 0.38mg [0.5%] agnuside) 75mg,
containing products28, 50; tamoxifen50. standardized dong quai root powdered
extract (providing 0.75mg [1%]
Dose: Alcoholic-aqueous extract ligustilide) 75mg, raw astragalus root
corresponding to 40mg drug daily. powder 75mg, standardized milk thistle
extract (total flavonoids including
The herb is not recommended for silymarin 40mg [80%]) 50mg, raw dong
treatment longer than 6 months unless quai root powder 50mg, PhytO2X ä
advised by a physician28. (powdered blend of beta-carotene prep.
and ascorbic acid).
Black Cohosh (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
Liquid; Black cohosh extract 1:3 (equiv.
of 330mg of black cohosh herb in 1ml). Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai
Tablets; Black cohosh powder 55mg,

see Elder

~ 18 ~

Fucus vesiculosus
Family: Fucaceae failure, acne, allergic reactions28.
Medicinal Parts: Dried and fresh
thallus. Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
antiplatelets, thrombolytic agents,
Indications: low molecular weight heparins,
Principal: Obesity associated hypoglycemic agents28.
with iodine deficiency and
hypothyroidism8, 28, 45. Dose: Daily dose: dried thallus, 0.8-2
Major: Lymphadenoid goiter, gm; liquid extract (1:1, 25% ethanol),
arteriosclerosis8, 28, 45. 1-2 ml; tincture (1:5, 25% ethanol),
Minor: Digestive disorders, sprains8, 4-10ml45.
, rheumatism45.
Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see
Cautions: Long-term use of Grapeseed
bladderwrack is not recommended;
Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) see
avoid using iodine supplements while Green Tea
taking bladderwrack28.
Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion
Contraindications: Hyperthyroidism,
cardiac problems, pregnancy, Silvia® Women Formula (Alta Care) see
lactation28, 45.
Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa
Side-effects: Exacerbation or
induction of hyperthyroidism, renal

Cnicus benedictus
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae externally for wounds and ulcers28.
Medicinal Parts: Dried leaves, upper
stems. Cautions: Drug exhibits a strong
potential for sensitization due to
Indications: cross-reactions with other members
Principal: Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, of the Compositae family particularly
flatulence8, 9, 28. mugwort and cornflower9, 28.
Minor: Anorexia, fever & colds,

~ 19 ~

Contraindications: Pregnancy9, 28. Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see

White Willow
Side-effects: Rarely allergic
Vegilax® (HealthAid)
reactions28. Tablets; 25mg blessed thistle extract (3:1),
25mg cascara sagrada extract (3:1), 25mg
Drug interactions: None noted. licorice root extract (3:1), 25mg fennel
seed extract (3:1), 16.7mg buckthorn bark
Dose: Dried extract: 4-6 gm of drug; extract (3:1), 16.7mg prune extract (3:1),
Aromatic bitter: 1 cup ½ hour before 16.7mg uva ursi extract (3:1), 16.7mg
yellow dock extract (3:1), 12mg senna
meals; Tea: 1 cup three times daily28.
leave extract (3:1), 12mg rhubarb root
extract (3:1), 10mg parsley leaf extract
CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow (3:1).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Peumus boldo
Family: Monimiaceae pregnancy8, 9, 19, 28, existing kidney
Medicinal Parts: Leaves. disorders9.

Indications: Side-effects: None known in

Principal: Minor hepatobiliary conjunction with the proper
dysfunction9, 19, 28, 36. administration of designated
Major: Mild spasmodic disorders therapeutic doses.
of the GI tract especially functional
disorders of the bile duct, gall stones, Drug interactions: None known.
liver or gall bladder pains, dyspeptic
complaints8, 9, 19, 28, 36. Dose: Three times daily: dried leaf,
Minor: Urinary tract inflammation 60-200mg, or as an infusion19.
including cystitis, rheumatism19, 36.
Boldo Multi-Herbal Complex (Healthlife)
Cautions: Elderly patients with fatty Tablets; Boldo extract 13mg equiv. to herb
65mg, sea kelp extract 11.5mg equiv. to
liver51, use of boldo leaf in gall stones
herb 46mg, dandelion root extract 6.25mg
only after consulting a physician8, 9, 19, equiv. to herb 25mg, uva-ursi extract
, use of warfarin and related drugs52. 8.25mg equiv. to herb 33mg, cleavers
extract 6.25mg equiv. to herb 25mg.
Contraindications: Bile duct Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
obstruction, severe liver disorders,
Sollievo (Aboca) see Senna

~ 20 ~

Eupatorium perfoliatum
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Contraindications: Pregnancy,
Medicinal parts: The herb after lactation9.
Side-effects: Sensitization after skin
Indications: contact with the plant, outbreaks of
Principal: Influenza9, 14, 28, 53. sweat, diarrhoea28, nausea14.
Major: Acute bronchitis9, 53.
Minor: Nasopharyngeal catarrh, Drug interactions: None noted.
febrile diseases9, 28, 53.
Dose: Herb: 1-2 gm or by infusion
Cautions: Hypersensitivity to other three times daily; Liquid extract:
members of the Asteraceae family9, 1-2ml three times daily; Tincture:
14, 28
. 1-4ml three times daily9.

see Starflower

Boswellia serrata
Family: Burseraceae Cautions: Pre-existing gastritis28.
Medicinal Parts: Resin gum exuded
when incisions are made in the bark Contraindications: None noted.
of the trunk.
Side-effects: Retrosternal burning,
Indications: nausea, abdominal fullness, epigastric
Principal: Inflammatory bowel pain, anorexia, dermatitis28, skin
disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s rash14.
disease)54, 55, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
arthritis14, 28, 56 . Drug interactions: Possibly, food
Major: Collagenous colitis (a cause of may increase bioavailability of
chronic diarrhoea)28, 56, 57, asthma28, 58. boswellic acids; drugs that inhibit
Minor: Dysentery, pulmonary disease, P-glycoproteins and/or cytochrome
ringworm14. P450 isoenzymes but data is sparse56.

~ 21 ~

Dose: For arthritis: 400mg 3 times Boswellia (HealthAid)

daily; for asthma: 300mg 3 times Capsules; Boswellia 400mg (standardised
daily. to contain 65% boswellic acids), boswellia
resin powder 120mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Bacopa monnieri
Family: Scrophulariaceae Dose: Dried aerial parts of herb:
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts mainly 5-10 g/day; Fluid extract (1:2) or
the leaves and stems. equivalent oral dose form: 5-13 ml/
day in divided doses. Cognitive
Indications: activator effects: 300mg/day§ 5.
Principal: Improve cognitive function
– learning, memory, intelligence; Brainvit® (HealthAid)
neuroprotection against Alzheimer’s Tablets; 150mg brahmi extract (20:1)
(equivalent to 3000mg powder), 60mg
disease59; anxiety5, 60, 61, 62.
ginkgo biloba extract (50:1) (equivalent
Major: Gastric ulcers61, bronchitis to 3000mg powder) (standardised to
& asthma, epilepsy at high doses, min 24% gingkoflavonglycosides & 6%
diarrhoea-predominant form of triterpene lactones), 30mg gotu kola
irritable bowel syndrome5, 60. extract (4:1) (equivalent to 120mg of
Minor: Hypothyroidism, gotu kola powder), 67mg vitamin E,
60mg vitamin C, 50mg L-tyrosine, 50mg
cardiovascular disease5, 60.
L-phenylalanine, 50mg L-methionine,
50mg L-arginine, 50mg alpha lipoic acid,
Cautions: Hyperthyroidism5. 34mg natural mixed carotenoids, 25mg
phosphatidyl choline, 25mg phosphatidyl
Side-effects: None known with the serine, 20mg Co-Q10, 20mg acetyl-L-
therapeutic doses. carnitine, 20mg L-glutathione, 20mg
L-glutamine, 18mg niacin, 15mg thiamin,
14mg zinc, 14mg iron, 12mg pantothenic
Drug interactions: Cholinergic acid, 3.2mg riboflavin, 400mcg folic acid,
drugs5 including perphenazine, 200mcg selenium, 50mcg vitamin B12.
prochlorperazine, thioridazine63. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

§ 3 months’ use is required before clinical effects

are observed5.

~ 22 ~

Barosmae folium
Family: Rutaceae stomach45; signs of irritation with the
Medicinal Parts: Leaves. volatile oil28.

Indications: Drug interactions: Loop diuretics,

Principal: Dysuria, cystitis, urethritis, spironolactone, thiazide diuretics,
prostatitis9, 28, 45. triamterene63.
Major: Inflammation and infection of
the kidneys and urinary tract8, 14, 28, 45, Dose: 1-2 gm daily. Fluid extracts of
, bladder disorders including stones 0.3-1.2 ml are taken 3 times daily.
and inflammation14, 28, 45. Dosage for the tincture is 2-4 ml up
Minor: Gout, rheumatism14, 28. to 3 times daily. Infusion usage is
Others: Stomach ache14, 64. typically 1 gm per cup28, 45.

Cautions: Patients taking lithium64. Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion

CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow

Contraindications: Pregnancy28, 45.
Cysticare® (HealthAid) see Cranberry
Side-effects: Occassional GI
intolerance - avoid taking on an empty Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see
White Willow

Rhamnus catharticus
Family: Rhamnaceae Cautions: Pregnancy, lactation. Not
Medicinal Parts: Whole, ripe, dried suitable for long term use28.
fruit; fresh ripe fruit.
Contraindications: Intestinal
Indications: obstruction, acute inflammatory
Principal: Constipation, bowel intestinal diseases, appendicitis,
movement relief in cases of anal abdominal pain of unknown origin,
fissures & haemorrhoids28. children under 12 years of age28.
Major: After recto-anal surgery, in
preparation for diagnostic intervention Side-effects:
in the GI tract, to achieve softer Major: Spasmodic GI complaints28.
stools28. On long term use: Potassium
Others: Poor digestion28. deficiency, nephropathy, oedema,

~ 23 ~

accelerated bone deterioration28. cup mornings and evenings.

Administration should be limited to a
Drug interactions: Thiazide few days28.
diuretics, oral corticosteroids63,
licorice root. Effect of cardiac Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita)
glycosides & heartbeat-regulating see Rhubarb

drugs is altered in chronic use/ Linoforce® (A.Vogel) see Flaxseed
Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa
Dose: 2-5 gm drug corresponding
to 20-30 mg hydroxyanthracene Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle
derivative per day; Tea: 1

Fagopyrum esculentum
Family: Polygonaceae 50 Plus Once A Day (Quest)
Medicinal Parts: Fresh aerial parts, Tablets; Vitamin A 375mcg, beta carotene
3mg, alpha carotene 45mcg, cryptoxanthin
leaves and flowers collected during
10.6mcg, zeaxanthin 10.6mcg, lutein
the flowering season and later dried. 6.8mcg, vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E
17mg, thiamine 19.5mg, riboflavin 25mg,
Indications: niacin 25mg, vitamin B6 5mg, folacin
Principal: Chronic venous 100mcg, vitamin B12 25mcg, biotin
insufficiency, hypertension, 29mcg, pantothenic acid 25mg, vitamin C
prophylaxis to prevent general 75mg, calcium 77mg, phosphorus 43.9mg,
iron 7.5mg, magnesium 30mg, zinc 5mg,
hardening of the arteries28. copper 500mcg, manganese 500mcg,
Major: Type-2 diabetes, venous stasis, iodine 50mcg, selenium 16mcg, chromium
varicose veins28. 12.5mcg, molybdenum 12.5mcg,
vanadium 12.5mcg, choline bitartrate
Cautions/contraindications: None 25mg, inositol 25mg, methionine 25mg,
known. PABA 25mg, bioflavonoids 14.3mg, lysine
HCl 11mg, lecithin 15mg, papain 1mg,
rutin 1mg, betaine HCl 6mg, hesperidin
Side-effects: None known. 5mg, cysteine 0.3mg.
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
Drug interactions: None known.
Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see
Dose: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules Grapeseed
every 30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to
Day-vit® Probio (HealthAid)
3 times daily (chronic)28. Tablets; Rutin 8mg, papain 6mg,

~ 24 ~

bromelain 5mg, apple pectin 5mg, other carotenoids 12mcg, iodine 150mcg,
hesperidin complex 20mg, silica 3mg, zinc 10mg, citrus bioflavonoid complex
CoQ10 5mg, lutein 2mg, vitamin A powder 25mg, betaine hydrochloride
800mcg, vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin 25mg, rutin powder 25mg, boron 0.5mg,
E 10mg, vitamin C 60mg, thiamin copper 1000mcg, vitamin D 10mcg,
1.4mg, riboflavin 1.6mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin B12 75mcg, biotin 75mcg, iron
vitamin B6 2mg, folic acid 200mcg, 1.3mg, selenium 25mcg, hesperidin 5mg,
vitamin B12 1mcg, biotin 150mcg, folic acid 400mcg, powdered herbal base
pantothenic acid 6mg, vitamin K 30mcg, 4mg (alfalfa, acerola extract, kelp, parsley,
calcium 100mg, phosphorus 50mg, watercress, rose hip), chromium 25mcg.
iron 14mg, magnesium 50mg, zinc Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
15mg, iodine 150mcg, copper 1000mcg,
manganese 2mg, potassium 5mg, selenium Hawthorn Compound (Power Herbs)
100mcg, chromium 40mcg, molybdenum Tablets; Green buckwheat powder 80mg,
50mcg, chloride 5mg, choline bitartrate garlic powder extract (2.5:1) 60mg,
50mg, inositol 100mg, probiotic cultures hawthorn powder extract (5:1) 8mg, citrus
(Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Bifidus, bioflavonoids 6.3mg.
Lactobacillus Rhamonosus) 2 billion. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Healthy Mega (HealthAid)
Ester-C® 1000mg Plus Vitamin C Prolonged release tablets; Rutin 25mg,
(Solgar) see Acerola alfalfa powder 10mg, guar gum 10mg,
kelp powder 10mg, golden seal root
Ester-C Formula (Vega) see Rose Hip powder 7mg, papain 6mg, horse grass
powder 5mg, apple pectin 5mg, bromelain
Fema45+ (Lamberts) 5mg, betain hydrochloride 30mg, vitamin
Tablets; Rutin 10mg, vitamin A 30mcg, A 375mcg, vitamin D 11mcg, vitamin
vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E 50mg, vitamin E 90.6mg, vitamin C 300mg, thiamine
C 60mg, thiamine 2mg, riboflavin 2mg, 85mg, riboflavin 100mg, niacin 18mg,
niacin 9mg, vitamin B6 4mg, folic acid vitamin B6 60mg, folic acid 400mcg,
200mcg, vitamin B12 50mcg, biotin vitamin B12 110mcg, biotin 0.2mg,
0.075mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, vitamin pantothenic acid 51mg, vitamin K 12mcg,
K 0.025mg, calcium 100mg, iron 3.75 calcium 139mg, iron 10mg, magnesium
mg, magnesium 75mg, zinc 7.5mg, iodine 40mg, zinc 8mg, iodine 235mg, boron
75mcg, manganese 2mg, copper 0.6mg, 100mcg, choline 41mg, chromium
selenium 100mcg, chromium 50mcg, sulphate 200mcg, copper 400mcg, inositol
choline bitartrate 2.5mg, inositol 2.5mg, 100mg, manganese 2mg, molybdenum
querceptin 12.5mg, PABA 2.5mg, boron 10mcg, para amino benzoic acid 50mg,
1mg. potassium 27mg, selenium 15mcg,
Local Distributor: Health Plus glutamic acid 25mg, lecithin 10mg, citrus
bioflavonoids 50mg, hesperidin 10mg,
Formula VM-75 (Solgar) silica 2mg, di-calcium phosphate 133mg,
Tablets; Vitamin C 250mg, calcium 64mg, acacia 20mg, vegetable stearic acid 36mg,
vitamin E 100mg, thiamin 75mg, vitamin vegetable magnesium stearate 8mg.
B6 75mg, pantothenic acid 75mg, vitamin Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
B2 92mg, niacin 75mg, inositol 75mg,
choline 31mg, magnesium 32mg, natural Horse Chestnut Complex (Lamberts) see
source betacarotene 4.5mg providing Horse Chestnut

~ 25 ~

MegaMultiTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng 570mg (provides natural source rutin

Korean 30mg).
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Omega-H3 (Vitabiotics)
Capsules; PABA 30mg, vitamin B1 Vein Support Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo
15mg, vitamin B2 3mg, nicotinamide
25mg, calcium pantothenate 3mg, Venalta® Ampoules (Alta Care) see
vitamin B6 5mg, vitamin B12 10mcg, Grapeseed
biotin 5mcg, folic acid 100mcg, vitamin
C 60mg, vitamin A 2000IU, vitamin Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1000mg High
D 200IU, vitamin E 10mg, iron 12mg, Strength (Vega)
lecithin 40mg, wheat germ oil 100mg, Tablets; Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
lysine 40mg, methionine 60mg, rutin 1000mg, citrus bioflavonoids 100mg,
10mg, calcium 52mg, phosphorus 40mg, hesperidin 25mg, rose hip powder 25mg,
potassium 2mg, zinc 8mg, copper 1mg, rutin bean extract 25mg.
manganese 2mg, iodine 50mcg, Siberian Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
ginseng 5:1 conc. extract 4mg. Ltd.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1500mg Super
Pregnazon® (HealthAid) Strength (Vega)
Tablets; Rutin 10mg, vitamin D 5mg, Tablets; Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
vitamin C 75mg, riboflavin 3mg, vitamin 1500mg, citrus bioflavonoids 50mg,
B6 10mg, vitamin B12 6mg, pantothenic hesperidin 15mg, rose hip powder 15mg,
acid 6mg, calcium 100mg, magnesium rutin bean extract 15mg.
100mg, iodine 150mg, selenium 35mg, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
choline 10mg, vitamin E 25mg, thiamine Ltd.
4mg, niacin 20mg, folic acid 400mg,
biotin 150mg, vitamin K 75mg, iron Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate) (Vega)
20mg, zinc 15mg, copper 1000mg, Capsules (500mg); Vitamin C (as calcium
chromium 5mg, inositol 25mg. ascorbate) 500mg, citrus bioflavonoids
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea 50mg, hesperidin 25mg, rutin bean extract
Rutin and Vitamin C 500mg (Lamberts) Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Tablets; Rutin 50mg, vitamin C 500mg, Ltd.
citrus bioflavonoid complex 100mg,
hesperidin 50mg.
Wintervits® (HealthAid) see Tragacanth
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Zinc-C Formula (Vega) see Green Tea
Rutivite Original (Power Health)
Tablets; Finest dried green buckwheat

~ 26 ~

Arctium lappa
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae combined due to the alcohol content28.
Medicinal Parts: Ripe seed, fresh/
dried roots. Dose: Dried root 2-6 gm by infusion
3 times daily; Liquid extract 2-8 ml 3
Indications: times daily; Tincture 8-12 ml 3 times
Principal: Ichthyosis, psoriasis, daily; Decoction 500 ml per day9.
seborrhea of the scalp (used
externally)28, 65. 2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk
Major: Ailments & complaints Thistle
of the GI tract, as a diaphoretic
Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion
and diuretic66; rheumatism; blood
purifying8, 28. Burdock (HealthAid)
Minor: Carbuncles, ulcers, erythema Tablets; 140mg standardised burdock root
of the skin, gout, acne, sore throat9, 28. extract and raw powder (Arctium lappa)
Others: Cancer66. 4:1 equiv. to 560mg of raw burdock root
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Cautions: Excessive doses may
interfere with existing hypoglycaemic CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow
Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see
Contraindications: Pregnancy 9, 28
. Meadowsweet

Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see

Side-effects: Skin sensitization28. White Willow

Drug interactions: Burdock tincture Milk Thislte Plus (FSC) see Milk Thistle
or alcohol extract with disulfiram
or metronidazole should not be Perfectil (Vitabiotics) see Echinacea

Ruscus aculeatus
Family: Ruscaceae insufficiency67 such as pain &
Medicinal Parts: Herb, rhizome. heaviness28, 68.
Major: Cramps in legs, itching &
Indications: swelling28, 67.
Principal: Haemorrhoids, varicose Minor: Orthostatic hypotension69.
veins, discomfort of chronic venous

~ 27 ~

Contraindications: None known. CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow

Side-effects: Rarely stomach Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see

White Willow
complaints, nausea28.
Horse Chestnut Complex (Lamberts) see
Drug interactions: No interactions Horse Chestnut
Organic Aloe Vera (®) see Aloe
Dose: Raw extract, equivalent to Vera
7-11 mg total ruscogenin (determined
Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed
as the sum of neoruscogenin
and ruscogenin obtained after Venis® Sollievo (Erba Vita) see Grapeseed
fermentation or acid hydrolysis)28.
Vitiven® ultra cold (Arkopharma)
Butcher’s Broom (HealthAid) Gel; Butcher’s broom, horse chestnut, red
Liquid; Butchers broom extract 1:4 (equiv. vine, witch hazel.
of 250mg of Butcher’s broom herb in Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut

see Marigold

Eschscholtzia californica
Family: Papaveraceae vegetative-dystonic disorders,
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts vasomotor dysfunction, vegetative-
collected during the flowering season endocrine syndrome, constitutional
and dried. weakness of the nervous system,
vasomotor cephalgia28.
Principal: Insomnia28, 70, 71. Contraindications: Pregnancy28, 70.
Major: Aches, nervous agitation,
enuresis nocturna in children, Side-effects: None known.
bladder & liver diseases, depression,
neurasthenia28, 70, 71. Drug interactions: Benzodiazepines,
Minor: Neuropathy, mood swings, CNS depressants70.
weather sensitivity, organic neuroses,

~ 28 ~

Dose: Average single dose for the Californian Poppy (Arkopharma)

liquid extract is 1-2 ml28. Capsules; Californian poppy aerial part
powder 300mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.

Sedivitax (Aboca) see Passionflower

see Cayenne

Carum carvi
Family: Umbelliferae Side-effects: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Fruit; oil obtained
from the squashed fruit when ripe. Drug interactions: None known.

Indications: Dose: Average single dose of oil: 2-3

Principal: Dyspeptic complaints such drops on sugar; caraway, 1-5 gm.
as flatulence, eructation, bloating and Average daily dose of oil: 3-6 drops;
mild spasmodic pains in the GI tract, caraway, 1.5-6 gm28.
including flatulent colic of infants19,
26, 72
. Finocarbo Plus (Aboca) see Fennel
Others: Loss of appetite,
Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see
dysmenorrhoea, to stimulate flow
of milk in breast-feeding mothers,
bronchitis, laryngitis (as a gargle), Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera
hyperglycaemia19, 26, 73.
Sollievo (Aboca) see Senna
Contraindications: None known.

Elettaria cardamomum
Family: Zingiberaceae dyspeptic complaints8, 19, 74.
Medicinal Parts: The oil extracted Major: Morning sickness, vomiting &
from the seeds and fruit & seeds diarrhoea, loss of appetite, Roemheld
harvested shortly after ripening. syndrome26.
Minor: Hypertension, epilepsy74.
Indications: Others: Mouth freshener19.
Principal: Flatulent dyspepsia,

~ 29 ~
cascara sagrada

Contraindications: Presence of Dose: Average daily dose is 1.5 gm

gallstones19, 28. of drug; when using a tincture, the
dosage range is 1-2 gm19, 28.
Side-effects: Gallstone colic19, 28.
Drug interactions: None known. CandawayTM (Lamberts) see Cinnamon

Rhamnus purshiana
Family: Rhamnaceae impaction, nausea, vomiting,
Medicinal Parts: Dried bark. appendicitis, abdominal pain of
unknown origin, pregnancy, breast-
Indications: feeding, children under 12 years of
Principal: Constipation8, 9, 28, 45, 75, age8, 14, 28, 45.
defecation with anal fissures or
haemorrhoids¶ 28, 45. Side-effects:
Major: Recto-anal post-operative Common: Spasmodic GI complaints8,
treatment28, 45. 14, 28
Minor: In diagnostic preparation of On long term use/abuse: Disturbances
the GI tract28. of electrolyte balance especially
Others: Rheumatism28. potassium deficiency, albuminuria,
haematuria, pigmentation of the
Cautions: Avoid excessive laxative colonic mucosa, heart arrhythmias,
use & prolonged use**, adequate neuropathies, oedema, accelerated
fluid intake (may lead to electrolyte bone deterioration8, 28.
Drug interactions: Cardiac
Contraindications: Intestinal & glycosides especially digoxin63,
bowel obstruction, acute inflammatory potassium-depleting diuretics,
intestinal disease (colitis, Crohn’s corticosteroids8, 14, 28, 45, 75.
disease, irritable bowel), foecal
Dose: 20-30 mg hydroxyanthracene
derivatives daily28.
¶ Preparation should be used only if no effects
can be obtained through change of diet or use of Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita)
bulk-forming products8.
see Senna

Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa

** Cascara Sagrada is not recommended for use
for longer than 1 or 2 weeks unless medical
advice is sought8, 28. Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle

~ 30 ~
cat’s law

Uncaria tomentosa
Family: Rubiaceae molecular weight heparins (cat’s claw
Medicinal Parts: Root bark. may increase risk of bleeding if taken
with these medications)28.
Principal: All forms of arthritis, Dose: 250-1000 mg daily; Decoction
rheumatism and other inflammatory dosage: 60ml once daily in the
diseases14, 28, 76. morning on an empty stomach28.
Major: Gastric ulcers; viral diseases
including herpes zoster, herpes Arthur’s Formula Ltd (Power Health) see
simplex, HIV, cancer14, 28, 77, 78, 79. Devil’s Claw
Others: Diarrhoea, gastritis, treatment
Cat’s Claw (HealthAid)
of wounds, asthma80, menstrual Liquid; Cat’s claw extract 1:3 (equiv. of
irregularity, as a contraceptive28, 78, 79. 330mg of cat’s claw herb in 1ml).
Tablets; Cat’s claw powder 315mg, cat’s
Cautions: Drugs metabolized by claw standardised extract 160mg.
P450 3A4 enzyme should be taken Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
with caution14, 28, patients receiving
Cat’s Claw (Power Herbs)
antihypertensive therapy. Tablets; Cat’s claw bark powder extract
34mg (containing 3% total alkaloids and
Contraindications: Autoimmune 15% polyphenols).
disease, immunosuppressants, bone Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
marrow transplantation, pregnancy,
breast-feeding28. Cat’s Claw Herbal Complex (Vega)
Capsules; Cat’s claw inner bark powder
300mg (equiv. to 1000mg cat’s claw inner
Side-effects: Reduced serum bark herb); cat’s claw inner bark extract
oestradiol and progesterone with (4:1) 175mg (min. 15% polyphenols, 3%
long term use, renal failure81, alkaloids).
hypotension14, 28. Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
Immuno baby (Erba Vita) see Echinacea
antiplatelets, thrombolytic agents, low

~ 31 ~

Nepeta cataria
Family: Labiatae Contraindications: Pregnancy28.
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts of the
plant. Side-effects: None known.

Indications: Drug interactions: CNS depressants,

Principal: Colds, colic, fever, teething drugs acting on the CNS14.
in children28, 82.
Major: Nervous disorders, migraine28. Dose: 3 cups of tea daily28.
Others: Gynaecological disorders28.

Capsicum species
Family: Solanaceae after use unless treating the hands28, 83.
Medicinal Parts: Fresh or dried
fruits. Contraindications: Open wounds
or eyes, stomach ulcers or stomach
Indications: inflammation, chronic irritable bowel,
Principal: Muscular pain in areas of GI, hepatic or renal disease9, 28, 83.
shoulder, arm & spine of adults and
school-age children8; rheumatism; Side-effects:
digestive ailments; dyspepsia; Common: Burning, stinging & redness
frostbite83; chronic lumbago9, 28. of the skin (these effects lessen or
Major: Prophylactic therapy for disappear over a few days time with
atherosclerosis, stroke & heart repeated application)28.
disease83; sea sickness28. Others: Diarrhoea, intestinal &
Minor: As a gargle for hoarseness, gallstone colics (with internal
sore throat, infected throat28, 83. administration); blister, ulcer
Others: Loss of appetite (in formation (with external
compound preparations); for lowering applications)9, 28.
the temperature in malaria, yellow
fever, scarlet fever & typhus; Drug interactions: Aspirin
alcoholism28. (beneficial interaction)28, 63; ACE
inhibitors; anticoagulants, antiplatelet
Cautions: Pregnancy, breast- agents, thrombolytic agents,
feeding83. Wash hands immediately low molecular weight heparins;

~ 32 ~

barbiturates; theophylline28. gm powdered rhubarb root; 2 cups per

External daily dose: 10 gm drug. Cardiohealth Formula (Vega) see Garlic
Semisolid preparations: max 50 mg
Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
capsaicin in 100 gm neutral base. The
cream is applied to the affected area
not more than 3 or 4 times daily28. Prostate Formula (Vega) see Saw
Internal application: Decoction: ½ Palmetto
litre water with 5 gm powdered drug,
3 gm powdered cascarilla bark and 5 V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut

Apium graveolens
Family: Umbelliferae (beneficial interaction), phenobarbital,
Medicinal Parts: Root, above-ground thyroxine, warfarin (when celery is
foliage and stems, fruit (seeds), oil taken in high doses)5.
extracted from seeds.
Dose: Seeds: 1.2 to 4 gm; Infusion: 1
Indications: gm drug28.
Principal: Arthritis, rheumatism,
gout5, 8, 9, 28, 45, 84, 85. Performance Detox (Arkopharma)
Major: Urinary tract infection, fluid see Green Tea
retention, high total serum cholesterol
& triglycerides86, prophylactic for Shape Up Day & Night
colon cancer development5, 28. (Arkopharma) see Green Tea
Minor: Nervousness, hysteria, Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
exhaustion, loss of appetite, cough, see Green Tea
helminthic infections5, 8, 28.
Others: Mosquito repellant87. Celery Seed 200mg (Power Herbs)
Capsules; Celery seed 200mg.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
kidney disorders5, 8, 28, 45.
MSM Glucosamine Joint Complex
(Higher Nature)
Side-effects: Allergic reactions8, 45. Tablets; Vitamin C 30mg, zinc 5mg,
copper 250mcg, boron 250mcg, MSM
Drug interactions: NSAIDs 450mg, glucosamine 180mg, ginger
75mg, nettle 75mg, celery seed powder
†† Use should be limited to 2 days and should 75mg, korean ginseng 15mg, kelp 5mg.
only be used again after 2 weeks28. Local Distributor: Health Plus

~ 33 ~

Centaurium erythraea
Family: Gentianaceae Contraindications: Stomach or
Medicinal Parts: Dried aerial parts of intestinal ulcers28, 88.
the flowering plant.
Side-effects: None known.
Principal: Disorders of the upper Drug interactions: None known.
digestive tract, mainly dyspepsia 8, 9,
19, 28, 88
. Dose‡‡: 3-4 times daily: dried herb,
Major: Loss of appetite, anorexia8, 9, 1-3 gm, usually as an infusion; liquid
19, 28, 88
. extract 1:1 in 25% alcohol, 1-3 ml19.

Matricaria recutita
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Medicinal Parts: The entire to any member of the Asteraceae/
flowering herb or only the flowers. Compositae family, history of atopic
hay fever or asthma5, 28.
Principal: Stomach upset, minor Side-effects: Allergic reactions
illness (colds, fever, flatulence, including emesis in high doses,
diarrhea, headache, nausea, vomiting, allergic conjunctivitis, contact
poor digestion)5, 28, 89, 90, insomnia, dermatitis, eczema5, 9, 28.
anxiety91, 92.
Major: Dyspepsia, travel sickness91, Drug interactions: Anticoagulants89,
colic & teething pain in children5, 28, 93, alcohol, benzodiazepines28, NSAIDs,
haemorrhoids (topically)5. drugs metabolized by CYP 3A45.
Minor: Nasal catarrh, restlessness28, 91,
chemotherapy induced oral mucositis5. Dose: Internal single dose: 3 gm
Others: Skin & mucous membrane as an infusion; Liquid extract: 1-4
inflammations, bacterial skin ailments, ml or 1 cup of freshly made tea –
gingivitis, wounds & burns28, 94.
‡‡ Taken 20-30 minutes before meals and sipped
Cautions: Babies, pregnancy, breast- slowly. The tonic effects take time to fully
develop and several weeks of treatment would
feeding9. be advisable19.

~ 34 ~
chaste tree

administered 3-4 times daily; Washes Tablets; 550mg chamomile extract

& gargles: administered several times 4:1 equiv. to 2200mg of raw powder
a day28. (standardised for 2.5% apigenin).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe
Colic Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden
Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) see
Ad-muc® (Merz)
Mouth cream; Chamomile extract,
myrrhae tincture.
Femmevit® (HealthAid) see Starflower
Local Distributor: George Farrugia &
Sons Ltd.
Finocarbo Plus (Aboca) see Fennel
Calma Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden
Karbofin Forte (ESI) see Fennel
Chamomile (HealthAid)
No-Gas® enzimi (Giuliani) see Ginger
Liquid; Chamomile extract 1:3 (equiv. of
330mg of chamomile herb in 1ml).
St. John’s Wort Herbal Complex (Vega)
see St. John’s Wort

see Agnus Castus

Stellaria media
cause allergic skin reactions – allergy
Family: Caryophyllaceae
sensitive individuals should try a
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts –
small amount first5.
leaves, stems, flowers.
Side-effects: None noted.
Internally: Rheumatism, gout,
Drug interactions: Nitrates95.
stiffness of joints, tuberculosis,
bronchial phlegm, bronchitis, diseases
Dose: Tincture (1:5): 2-10 ml three
of the blood5, 28, 95.
times daily; Infusion of dried herb:
Externally: Poorly healing wounds,
1-5 gm three times daily; Chickweed
haemorrhoids95, inflammation of the
is commonly incorporated into a
eyes, eczema, urticaria, other diverse
topical ointment or cream base for
skin diseases5, 28.
external use (1 part chickweed to 5
parts base) and applied as required5.
Cautions: Rarely, chickweed can

~ 35 ~

Cichorium intybus
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Dose: 3 gm comminuted drug daily.
Medicinal Parts: Dried leaves & Single dose: 2-4 gm whole herb for an
roots collected in autumn, whole plant infusion28.
collected and dried in the flowering
season, fresh plant and root. Shape Up Day & Night
(Arkopharma) see Green Tea
Indications: Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
Principal: Loss of appetite, see Green Tea
dyspepsia8, 28.
Others: Jaundice, gallbladder & Bambu® (A.Vogel)
liver problems, intestinal worms, Granules; Chicory, wheat, malted barley,
diabetes96. figs, acorns.
Local Distributor: Health Plus

Cautions/Contraindications: None Sollievo (Aboca) see Senna

Super Antioxidant (Higher Nature)
Side-effects: Potential for Tablets; Chicory root 10mg, bilberry fruit
sensitization via skin contact with the 10mg, vitamin A 1133mcg, vitamin C
167mg, vitamin E 45mg, riboflavin 5mg,
drug28. zinc 4mg, manganese 1.3mg, selenium
50mcg, N-acetyl cysteine 5mg, L-cysteine
Drug interactions: None noted. 5mg, glutathione 2.5mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus

see Dong Quai

Cinchona pubescens
Family: Rubiaceae Major: Dyspeptic complaints97,
Medicinal Parts: Dried bark of 6- to flatulence with a sense of fullness8, 28.
8-year-old trees. Others: Feverish infections, malaria98,
, flu, muscle cramps, muscle pain,
Indications: gastric disorders28, cancer28, 99.
Principal: Loss of appetite8, 28, 45.

~ 36 ~

Cautions: Recommended dosages increased tendency of bleeding28, 45.

should not be exceeded as it contains
quinine alkaloids that are toxic in Drug interactions: Digoxin,
large doses28. anticoagulants28, 45, flecainide28.

Contraindications: Pregnancy28, Dose: Total daily dose: 1 to 3 gm of

hypersensitivity to quinine8, gastric or drug; liquid extract daily dose: 0.6
intestinal ulcers45. to 3 gm of cinchona liquid extract;
standard single dose of the extract is
Side-effects: Hypersensitivity 0.2 gm; liquid extract single dose is
reactions (skin allergies, fever), 0.5 to 1 gm45.

Cinnamomum verum
Family: Lauraceae from cinnamaldehyde (the major
Medicinal Parts: Oil extracted from component of the essential oil)5, 8, 19.
bark, bark of younger branches, leaf oil.
Drug interactions: Hypoglycaemic
Indications: agents5, 100.
Principal: Digestive disorders such
as nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia & GI Dose: Three times daily: dried bark,
colic; loss of appetite5, 8, 19, 28, 100. 0.5-1 gm as an infusion; liquid extract
Major: Diarrhoea in children, (1:1 in 70% alcohol), 0.5-1 ml;
common cold, influenza, winter chills, tincture, 2-4 ml19.
poor circulation19.
Minor: Type 2 diabetes5, 101, Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)
see Fenugreek
gestational diabetes, Helicobacter
pylori infection5. Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) see
Others: Cancer102. Ginger

Contraindications: Pregnancy CandawayTM (Lamberts)

(except in amounts normally used in Capsules; Cinnamon bark 3750mg
foods)5, 8, 19, 28, allergy to cinnamon (provided by 750mg of a 5:1 extract),
olive leaf 800mg (provided by 200mg of a
or Peru balsam, in cases of fever of
4:1 extract), fennel seed 400mg (provided
unknown origin, active stomach or by 100mg of a 4:1 extract), cardamom oil
duodenal ulcers5, 8. 100mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Side-effects: Allergic skin and
mucosal reactions may occur in Cinnamon (HealthAid)
sensitive individuals, arising mainly Capsules; Cinnamon bark powder 250mg,

~ 37 ~

cinnamon extract 30mg (equiv. to 600mg 0.5mg, co-enzyme Q10 2.5mg, lecithin
of powder). 7.5mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Dietrim (Vitabiotics) Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera

Capsules; Conjugated linoleic acid (80%)
400mg, papain (papaya extract) 10mg, Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
cinnamon bark extract 10mg, vitamin Korean
A 100mcg, vitamin D 2.5mcg, vitamin
E 2.5mcg, vitamin C 15mg, vitamin B1 Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng
2.5mg, vitamin B2 0.5mg, vitamin B3 Korean
5mg, vitamin B6 2.5mg, folacin 100mcg,
vitamin B12 2.25mcg, biotin 11.25mcg, Red Sterol Complex (Higher Nature)
pantothenic acid 7.5mg, iron 2mg, Tablets; 250mg cinnamon bark, 250mg
magnesium 12.5mg, zinc 3mg, iodine plant sterols, 50mg red yeast rice, 25mg
7.5mcg, manganese 0.125mg, copper vitamin E.
0.25mg, chromium 37.5mcg, selenium Local Distributor: Health Plus
31.25mcg, natural mixed carotenoids
VeinTain® (Lamberts) see Ginger

see Lemongrass

Galium aparine
Family: Rubiaceae Drug interactions: Loop diuretics,
Medicinal Parts: Dried aerial parts thiazide diuretics, spironolactone,
collected during the flowering and triamterene63.
fruiting period.
Dose: Three times daily: dried herb,
Indications: 2-4 gm or in infusion; expressed juice,
Principal: Ulcers, breast lumps, skin 5-15 ml; liquid extract (1:1, 25%
rashes, dysuria9, 26, 45, 103. ethanol), 2-4 ml; tincture (1:5, 25%
Major: Cystitis, as a diuretic for ethanol), 4-10 ml45.
dropsy, bladder catarrh, retention of
urine (ischuria)26, 45, 103. Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion

Cautions/Contraindications: None Boldo Multi-Herbal Complex

known. (Healthlife) see Boldo

Side-effects: None noted.

~ 38 ~

Syzygium aromaticum
Family: Myrtaceae agents, low molecular weight
Medicinal Parts: Dried flowerbud, heparins28.
leaf, stem.
Indications: Internal: Three times daily: dried
Principal: Toothache9, pain & buds, 120-300 mg or as an infusion
inflammation of the mouth and throat of 2 cloves to a cupful of hot water;
mucosa, for buccal hygiene5, 19, 28. tincture, 20 drops; clove oil, 0.05-0.1
Major: Stomach ulcers, flatulence, ml (2-4 drops)19.
colic, abdominal bloating, nausea, Local: For toothache, undiluted oil
headache, colds5, 19, 28. dab 1-2 drops of clove oil on to cotton
Minor: Coughs, treatment of wool and rub over affected tooth. In
small wounds, sores, acne & other mouthwashes, the equivalent of 1-5%
inflammatory conditions (locally)19, of essential oil19.
chronic anal fissures104, herpes
simplex virus type 15, 105. Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature) see
Others: Neuralgia, bronchitis, Flaxseed
whooping cough19.
Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita)
see Senna
Cautions: None known.
Jointace Gel (Vitabiotics) see Ginger
Contraindications: Liver function
impairment, patients taking Jointace Patch (Vitabiotics) see Ginger
paracetamol or anticoagulants19.
Natural Herbal Inhalant Oil (Numark)
see Eucalyptus
Side-effects: Contact dermatitis,
irritation to mucous membranes Neuralta® Migren (Alta Care) see
on local application in sensitive Peppermint
Teenstick (Arkopharma)
Roll-on; Essential oils of clove, geranium,
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants, palmarosa, tea tree, ylang ylang.
antiplatelet agents, thrombolytic Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.

~ 39 ~
colt’s foot

Tussilago farfara
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae disease) and carcinogenic
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, flowers. pyrrolizidine alkaloids8, 9, 14, 28.

Indications: Contraindications: Pregnancy,

Principal: Treatment and prevention breastfeeding9, 28.
of diseases and ailments of the
respiratory tract such as cough, Side-effects: Contact dermatitis in
hoarseness, bronchial catarrh, acute patients sensitive to the Compositae
& chronic bronchitis, asthma, colds, family and cross-reactivity may occur
influenza, inflammation and irritation with other compositae14.
of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa,
sore throat, tonsillitis, swelling of the Drug interactions: None known.
glands and tuberculosis of the lymph
nodes8, 9, 14, 28. Dose: The total daily dose is 4.5 to
Major: Smoking addiction28. 6 gm of drug. The maximum daily
Minor: Diarrhoea, for the stimulation dose must not be more than 1mcg of
of metabolism8. total pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1.2
Others: Wound treatment8. unsaturated necine structure. The drug
should not be taken for more than 4 to
Cautions: Colt’s foot contains 6 weeks a year28.
hepatotoxic (hepatic venoocclusive

Symphytum officinale
Family: Boraginaceae Others: Arthritic pain28, cough14.
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, rhizome, root.
Cautions: External administration
Indications: should only be on areas where the
Principal: Bruises, sprains, pulled skin is unbroken, and only with
muscles & ligaments, promotion of industrially produced pyrrolizidine
bone healing, skin inflammation, alkaloid-free extracts28.
varicose ulcers [externally]8, 9, 14, 28, 45 .
Minor: Gum disease, pharyngitis, Contraindications: Previous liver
strep throat [as a mouthwash or kidney disease, pregnancy,
and gargle]; gastritis, GI ulcers breastfeeding8, 9, 28.
[internally]28, 45.

~ 40 ~
corn silk

Side-effects: Hepatotoxicity9, 14, 28. Comfrey Cream (A.Vogel)

Cream; Each gram contains 200mg
Drug interactions: None known. comfrey extract.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Dose§§: Unless otherwise prescribed, Jointcare ComfrelieveTM (Seven Seas)
ointment or other preparations for Cream; 35g liquid extract (1:2) from
external use with 5 to 20% of dried Comfrey root.
drug or equivalent preparations45. Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co.

Zea mays
Family: Poaceae Side-effects: No health hazards are
Medicinal Parts: Seeds. known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designed therapeutic
Indications: Disorders of the urinary dosages.
tract28 such as dysuria, cystitis45,
urethritis, nocturnal enuresis, Drug interactions: Corticosteroids63.
prostatitis, and specifically for acute
and chronic inflammation of the Dose: Three times daily: dried drug,
urinary tract9. 2-8 gm or in infusion; liquid extract
(1:1, 25% ethanol), 4-8 ml; tincture
Cautions: None known. (1:5, 25% ethanol) 5-15 ml45.

Agropyron repens
Family: Gramineae the urinary tract, particularly cystitis,
Medicinal Parts: Rhizome collected but also urethritis, prostatitis and
in spring or autumn. irritable bladder; renal calculi8, 9, 19, 28.
Major: Gout, rheumatic pain19, 28,
Indications: chronic skin disorders19, 28, 106.
Principal: Ailments and infections of
Cautions: Ensure copious fluid intake
§§ Comfrey should not be used orally for more for irrigation therapy28.
than 4 weeks if pyrrolizidine alkaloids might
be present. Comfrey should only be applied to
intact skin28.

~ 41 ~

Contraindications: No irrigation rhizome, 4-8 gm, usually in decoction

therapy if oedema is present due to or infusion; liquid extract (1:1 in 25%
cardiac or renal insufficiency8, 28. alcohol), 4-8 ml; tincture (1:5 in 40%
alcohol), 5-15 ml19.
Side-effects: None known.
CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow
Drug interactions: None known.
Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see
White Willow
Dose: Three times daily: dried

Vaccinium macrocarpon
Family: Ericaceae Dose: To prevent urinary tract
Medicinal Parts: Fruit. infections, 30-300 gm cranberry juice;
in children 15mg/kg body weight. In
Indications: type 2 diabetes, 200-400mg28.
Principal: Prevention and treatment
of urinary tract infections5, 28, 107, 108. Cranberola® (Arkopharma)
Major: Blood disorders110, digestive Capsules; Cranberry powder and berry
extract 400mg.
ailments, prevention of H. pylori 109
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
and dental plaque5, 28.
Others: Anorexia, cancer treatment110, Cranberry (Arkopharma)
diabetes111, scurvy, wound care, Capsules; Cranberry fruit powder, acerola
gout28. powder, vitamin C, cellulose.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Cautions: Pregnancy28, diabetics
Cranberry (HealthAid)
when using commercially prepared Tablets; Cranberry (25:1) extract 200mg
cranberry juices because of the high equiv. to 5000mg of cranberry powder.
sugar content5. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Contraindications: None known. Cranberry (NatraHealth)

Tablets; Cranberry extract 3500mg.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Side-effects: GI discomfort,
diarrhoea5, 28. Cranberry (Quest)
Tablets; Cranberry fruit extract 200mg
Drug interactions: Warfarin107, providing 60mg organic acids, equiv. to
proton pump inhibitors, H2 5000mg herb powder.
antagonists5, 28. Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.

~ 42 ~

Cranberry Complex (Lamberts) Cysticare® (HealthAid)

Powder; Per 5 gm (1 teaspoon): cranberry Tablets; Cranberry extract (4:1) 250mg,
powder 2470mg, fructooligosaccharides dandelion root powder 50mg, parsley
(derived from chicory root) 2470mg, powder 50mg, sage 50mg, bearberry
vitamin C 60mg. extract (4:1) 25mg, stinging nettle extract
Local Distributor: Health Plus (4:1) 25mg, buchu leaf extract (4:1) 25mg,
vitamin C 125mg.
Cranberry Cyst (ESI) Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Tablets; Cranberry 700mg, bearberry
200mg, grapefruit seed 100mg, ortosiphon Ellegyn® Cysti (Alta Care)
100mg, goldenrod 100mg. Capsules; Omega 3 (350mg), cranberry
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd. seed oil (100mg), EPO (50mg).
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Cranberry Extract (Numark)
Tablets; Cranberry extract 80mg, equiv. to Natural Cranberry with Vitamin C
2000mg herb. (Solgar)
Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare Vegicaps; Cranberry concentrate powder
440mg, vitamin C 60mg.
Cranberry Juice Concentrate (Power Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
Tablets; Cranberry juice concentrate Super Strength Cranberry (Higher
(25:1) 180mg equiv. to fresh cranberries Nature)
4500mg. Capsules; Cranberry (standardised
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. cranberry fruit extract and infused whole
fruit) 500mg.
Cranberry Plus Formula (Vega) Local Distributor: Health Plus
Capsules; Cranberry standardised
extract 200mg (min. 40% organic Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed
acids), caprylic acid 100mg, deodorized
garlic standardised clove extract 10:1 WellTeen® Plus Omega-3 (Vitabiotics)
equiv. to herb 100mg (min. 0.5% allicin WellTeen tablets; Cranberry extract
content), bromelain 50mg, prebiotic 100mg, green tea extract 40mg,
fructooligosaccharides 50mg, lactobacillus L-carnitine tartarate 50mg, co-enzyme
acidophilus 30mg, vitamin C 30mg, niacin Q10 2mg, natural mixed carotenoids 2mg,
18mg, zinc 7.5mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, vitamin A 400mcg, vitamin D 20mcg,
beta carotene 2.4mg, vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin E 8mg, vitamin C 80mg, vitamin
vitamin B2 1.6mg, vitamin B1 1.4mg, B1 6mg, vitamin B2 3mg, vitamin B3
manganese 0.25mg, folate 200mcg, 18mg, vitamin B6 8mg, olic acid 400mcg,
selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg, vitamin vitamin B12 15mcg, biotin 75mcg,
B12 1mcg. pantothenic acid 6mg, magnesium 94mg,
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons iron 12mg, zinc 15mg, copper 1000mcg,
Ltd. manganese 2mg, selenium 55mcg,
chromium 50mcg, iodine 130mcg.
Cys-control® Cranberola (Arkopharma) Omega-3 capsules; Omega-3 ish oil
Sachets; Cranberry, rich in 541mg (providing EPA 165mg & DHA
proanthocyanidins (36mg). 116mg), vitamin E 5.5mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

~ 43 ~

Geranium maculatum
Family: Geraniaceae Drug interactions: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Dried rhizome, leaf,
root. Dose: Three times daily: dried
rhizome, 1-2 gm as an infusion or
Indications: decoction; liquid extract 1:1 in 45%
Principal: Haemorrhoids, peptic & alcohol, 1-2 ml19.
duodenal ulcers, diarrhoea, heavy
menstruation, dysmenorrhoea19, 28. Citronella Geranium Aerosol Free
Major: Acute bronchitis, tonsillitis, Nebuliser (Sella) see Lemongrass
upper respiratory tract infection, sore
Citronella Geranium for Children (Sella)
throat, mouth ulcers, infected gums19. see Lemongrass
Minor: Bleeding of mucous
membranes19, 28. Citronella Geranium Stick (Sella) see
Contraindications: None known.
Evening Primrose (HealthAid) see
Evening Primrose
Side-effects: No health hazards
are known in conjunction with the Teenstick (Arkopharma) see Clove
proper administration of designated
therapeutic dosages.

see Turmeric

Turnera diffusa
Family: Turneraceae stimulation during exertion
Medicinal Parts: Leaves harvested (overwork), for boosting and
during the flowering season. maintaining physical and mental
Indications: Minor: Anxiety & depression
Principal: Sexual dysfunction, associated with hormonal changes
decreased libido5, 8, 9, 14, 28, 112. (e.g. menopause), nervous dyspepsia,
Major: For strengthening & constipation5, 28, 45.

~ 44 ~

Cautions: Patients with Damiana Leaf (HealthAid)

hypoglycaemia9, 113. Liquid; Damiana extract 1:4 (equiv. of
250mg of damiana herb in 1ml).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Patients with
overactive sympathetic nervous Energizer Formula (Vega) see Siberian
system activity5. Ginseng

Side-effects: None known. Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng

Drug interactions: Hypoglycaemic
Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng
agents5. Korean

Dose: Three times daily: dried drug, Zotrim (Nature’s Remedies) see Maté
2-4 gm or in infusion; liquid extract
(1:1, 60% ethanol), 3-6 ml45.

Taraxacum officinale
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
Medicinal Parts: Dried leaves & antiplatelet agents, thrombolytic
roots. agents, low molecular weight
heparins, fluoroquinolones,
Indications: potassium5, 28, 115.
Principal: Water retention due to
various causes114, 115, insufficient Dose: Tincture: 10-15 drops three
production of bile5, 9, 28, 45, 115. times daily; a cup of freshly made tea
Major: Dyspeptic complaints, urinary can be taken mornings and evenings28.
tract infections, liver & gall bladder
complaints, loss of appetite8, 28. 2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk
Others: Diabetes, rheumatic Thistle
conditions, urticaria, eczema5, 28. Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
see Green Tea
Contraindications: Bile duct
obstruction, gall bladder empyema, Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)
ileus5, 8, 28. see Fenugreek

Side-effects: Superacid gastric Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see

complaints, sensitization reactions28.

~ 45 ~
devil’s claw

Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) see Detoxil (Vitabiotics) see Artichoke
Green Tea
Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita)
Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Rhubarb
Tablets; Dandelion root powder 80mg,
bladderwrack powder 80mg, buchu leaf Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see
powder 80mg, uva ursi powder 80mg, White Willow
juniper berry powder 80mg, yellow dock
root extract 80mg, cleavers powder extract Lass-B (Erba Vita)
80mg, burdock powder 80mg, parsley Syrup; Manna 15%, decoction of figs
leaf powder 75mg, barberry bark powder 10%, tamarind fruit pulp extract 5%,
15mg. dandelion root extract 7.5%, concentrated
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea and purified propolis extract (total
flavonoids expressed as galangin 12%,
Boldo Multi-Herbal Complex (Healthlife) according to HPLC, 28%, UV method).
see Boldo Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.

CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow Livercare® (HealthAid) see Milk Thistle

Cysticare® (HealthAid) see Cranberry Menophase (Higher Nature) see

Dandelion (HealthAid)
Liquid; Dandelion extract 1:4 (equiv. of Milk Thistle Complex (HealthAid) see
250mg of dandelion herb in 1ml). Milk Thistle
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Milk Thislte Plus (FSC) see Milk Thistle
Dandelion Root (HealthAid)
Tablets; 140mg dandelion root extract and Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa
raw powder 4:1 equiv. to 560mg of raw
dandelion root powder. Sollievo (Aboca) see Senna
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Harpagophytum procumbens
Family: Pedaliaceae Major: Acute low back pain, loss of
Medicinal Parts: Dried tuber/root. appetite5, 28, 118.
Minor: Allergies, kidney, bladder &
Indications: gall bladder disorders28, 118.
Principal: Dyspeptic complaints,
inflammatory disorders including Contraindications: Stomach or
arthritis, gout, myalgia, fibrositis, duodenal ulcers8, 28, 45, gallstones,
lumbago & rheumatic disease5, 8, 9, 28, 45, acute diarrhoea, pregnancy5.
116, 117, 118, 119

~ 46 ~
dong quai

Side-effects: Diarrhoea5. Devil’s Claw (HealthAid)

Liquid; devil’s claw extract 1:3 (equiv. of
Drug interactions: Warfarin, 330mg of devil’s claw herb in 1ml).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
antiarrythmic drugs5, antiplatelet
drugs, NSAIDs116. Devil’s Claw Herbal Complex (Vega)
Capsules; Devil’s claw root extract
Dose: Three times daily. 4:1 150mg (min. 2.5% harpagosides);
For dyspepsia or lack of appetite: devil’s claw root powder 150mg (equiv.
dried tuber, 0.5 gm in decoction; to 750mg devil’s claw root herb); Vega
Phytoantioxidant BaseTM 140mg providing
tincture (1:5, 25% ethanol), 1ml.
antioxidants and prebiotics: apple and
For other indications: dried tuber, mixed wild berries concentrate 8:1 equiv.
1.5-2.5 gm in decoction; liquid extract to herb 224mg, prebiotic acacia gum
(1:1, 25% ethanol), 1-2ml45. 112mg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Arthur’s Formula Ltd (Power Health) Ltd.
Tablets; Devil’s claw powder 225mg, cat’s
claw bark extract 34mg, alkaloids 1mg, Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet
willow bark powder 40mg, garlic powder
40mg. Flodolor® Flexi (Alta Care) see Papaya
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Neuralta® Plus (Alta Care) see Papaya
Atrosan® (A.Vogel)
Tablets; Devil’s claw extract 480mg. No-Dol (ESI)
Local Distributor: Health Plus Capsules; Glucosamine 250mg,
chondroitin sulfate 100mg, MSM 100mg,
Devil’s Claw (Arkopharma) devil’s claw 100mg, manganese 5mg, aloe
Capsules; Devil’s claw powder 435mg vera 15mg.
(containing 9.5mg glucoiridoids). Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Phytorhuma (Arkopharma)
Devil’s Claw (A.Vogel) Gel; Devil’s claw extract 30%.
Liquid; Tincture of devil’s claw dried root, Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
extracted in alcohol (66% v/v).
Local Distributor: Health Plus

Angelica sinensis
Family: Umbelliferae such as menstrual cramps & scanty
Medicinal Parts: Whole root. menstruation; uterine contractions;
menopausal symptoms5, 28, 120.
Indications: Major: Arrhythmia, asthma &
Principal: Menstrual complaints bronchitis, cardiovascular disorders,

~ 47 ~
dong quai

kidney problems5, 28. 121. Dong Quai Herbal Complex (Vega)

Others: Constipation, migraine, Capsules; Dong quai root powder 350mg;
neuralgia, hypertension28. dong quai root extract (6:1) 200mg (min.
1% lingustilides) equiv. to 1550mg dong
quai root herb.
Cautions: Patients taking large Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
doses of Dong Quai, or using it Ltd.
concurrently with blood thinners,
should be monitored for increases in Dong Quai Root Extract (Solgar)
prothrombin time and INR28, 122, limit Vegicaps; Raw dong quai root powder
200mg, standardised dong quai root
sun exposure & use sunscreen28.
extract (2mg [1%] ligustilides) 150mg,
PhytO2X ä (powdered blend of beta-
Contraindications: Pregnancy, carotene prep. and ascorbic acid).
hemorrhagic disease, Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
hypermenorrhoea, chronic diarrhoea,
abdominal bloating, acute infections Herbal Female Complex (Solgar) see
Black Cohosh
including cold & flu5, 28.
Menovital® (HealthAid)
Side-effects: GI disturbances, Tablets; Dong quai 6:1 standardised
increased bleeding, photodermatitis5, extract 167mg (min. 1% lingustilide)
28, 123
. equiv. to 1000mg of dong quai powder,
flaxseed oil powder 100mg (provides
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants, 20mg alpha linolenic acid), siberian
ginseng 5:1 extract 100mg, sage powder
low molecular weight heparins, 100mg, starflower oil powder 100mg
thrombolytic agents, benzodiazepines, (provides 7mg GLA), red clover blossoms
beta-adrenergic blockers, nifedipine, 50mg, liquorice standardised extract
testosterone, tolbutamide5, 28, 63. 25mg (min. 20% glycyrrhizinc acid),
black cohosh standardised extract 20mg
Dose: 2-3 gm 2 to 3 times daily (provides 1mg of deoxyacetin), agnus
castus 5:1 standardised extract 8mg (min.
(liquid extract, tablet)28. 1% lingustilide) equiv. to 40mg powder,
vitamin C 60mg, vitamin B6 10mg, zinc
Dong Quai (HealthAid) 15mg, soya isoflavone extract 50mg
Liquid; Dong quai extract 1:4 (equiv. of (provides 40% isoflavone), vitamin E
250mg of dong quai herb in 1ml). 5mg, iron 14mg, L-tyrosine 50mg.
Tablets; Raw dong quai powder 210mg, Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
standardised dong quai root 160mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 48 ~

Echinaceae species
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Drug interactions: Caffeine,
Medicinal Parts: Roots, leaves or midazolam, basiliximab, azathioprine,
the whole plant in various stages of corticosteroids, cyclosporine,
development, depending on varieties. daclizumab, muromonab,
mycophenolic acid, mycophenelate
Indications: acid, sirolimus, tacrolimus28, 126.
Principal: Upper respiratory tract
infections including common cold & Dose:
influenza5, 9, 19, 28, 124, 125, 126, 127. Internally: 6-9 ml of the expressed
Major: Poorly healing superficial juice28.
wounds; digestive, respiratory & Externally: 50 ml of a decoction from
urinary tract infections; inflammatory root, three times daily19.
and purulent conditions including Avoid prolonged use.
furunculosis, carbuncles, abscesses &
acne5, 19, 28, 127. Altacura® Infludrink (Alta Care) see
Minor: Mild septicaemia, burns, Meadowsweet
eczema, leg ulcers5, 19, 28, 127. Children’s Echinacea (HealthAid)
Others: Treatment of leucopenia Liquid; Per 1ml average: Echinacea
following radio & cytostatic therapy extract (1:1) 100mg derived from
and in support of anti-infectious Echinacea angustifolia root powder,
chemotherapy5, 28, 128. acerola cherry extract 25% 240mg which
provides 60mg of vitamin C in a base of
cherry juice concentrate.
Cautions: Diabetes may worsen in
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
diabetic patient receiving Echinacea
intravenously28. Concentrated Echinacea 500mg
Contraindications: Pregnancy, Tablets; Echinacea root extract 500mg.
hypersensitivity to Compositae plants, Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis,
Echinacea (A. Vogel)
leukosis, collagenosis, AIDS or HIV Lozenges; Fresh echinacea extract,
infection, other autoimmune diseases5, glucose syrup, cane sugar, honey, caramel
. sugar syrup, menthol, peppermint oil,
citric acid.
Side-effects: Local Distributor: Health Plus
Rare: Allergic reactions5, 28.
Echinacea (HealthAid)
Others: Short-term fever reactions, Liquid; Echinacea extract 1:5 (equiv. of
nausea and vomiting can occur when 200mg of echinacea herb in 1ml).
used parenterally28. Tablets; Pure Echinacea purpurea powder

~ 49 ~

500mg. Local Distributor: Natural Remedies

Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Echinacea Forte (A.Vogel)
Echinacea (NatraHealth) Tablets; Echinacea purpurea herb and root
Tablets; Echinacea purpurea equiv. to extract 750mg equiv. to 810mg of whole
1000mg, providing polyphenols 10mcg. fresh plant.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd. Local Distributor: Health Plus

Echinacea 300 (Power Herbs) Echinacea Herbal Complex (Vega)

Tablets; Echinacea (3:1) dry extract Capsules; Echinacea (angustifolia and
100mg equiv. to fresh echinacea 300mg purpurea) leaf/root powder 750mg,
(providing echinacosides 4mg). echinacea (angustifolia and purpurea)
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. root extract (5:1) 140mg (min. 4%
echinacosides) equiv. to 1450mg
Echinacea 1000mg (Lamberts) echinacea leaf/root herb.
Tablets; 1000mg echinacea (Echinacea Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
purpurea) provided by 250mg of a 4:1
extract. Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus
Local Distributor: Health Plus Herbal Complex (Vega)
Capsules; Echinacea (purpurea) root
Echinacea 1000mg & Goldenseal extract 5:1 equiv. to herb 250mg (min. 4%
2000mg (Lamberts) echinacosides), ginseng korean (panax)
Tablets; 1000mg echinacea (Echinacea root extract 5:1 equiv. to herb 250mg
purpurea) provided by 250mg of a 4:1 (min. 20% ginsenosides), astragalus
extract, 2000mg goldenseal provided by root extract 4:1 equiv. to herb 200mg,
100mg of a 20:1 extract. deglycrrhised liquorice root extract 50mg
Local Distributor: Health Plus (<1% glycyrrhisin), ginger root powder
50mg, ginkgo biloba leaf powder 50mg,
Echinacea & Black Elderberry (Higher schisandra fruit powder 50mg, shiitake
Nature) mushroom powder 50mg.
Capsules; 127.5mg echinacea extract 4:1, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
85mg black elderberry extract 4:1, 170mg
olive leaf extract 4:1, 50mg myrrh. Echinacea (Purpurea & Angustifolia)
Local Distributor: Health Plus (Health Aid)
Tablets; Echinacea purpurea extract
Echinacea Cream (A.Vogel) 180mg equiv. to 900mg raw echinacea
Cream; Each gram contains tinctures of: powder (standardised for min 4%
echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) 50mg, polyphenols), echinacea tri spectrum
wild pansy 50mg. 25mg equiv. to 100mg echinacea powder.
Local Distributor: Health Plus Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Echinacea Extract (Solgar) Echinacea Root 500mg (FSC)

Vegicaps; Raw echinacea aerials Tablets; Echinacea root (Echinacea
powder 300mg, standardised echinacea purpurea) extract equiv. to dried herb
root powdered extract (5mg [4%] powder 500mg.
echinacosides) 125mg, PhytO2X ä Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
(powdered blend of beta-carotene prep.
and ascorbic acid).

~ 50 ~

Echinacea Throat Spray (A.Vogel) (3.8% naphthoquinone 2.85mg), cat’s

Spray; Tinctures of: fresh Echinacea claw dry extract 75mg (1.05% of total
purpurea (echinacea) herb 190mg, fresh alkaloids ossindolici 0.79mg).
salvia officinalis (sage) leaves 95mg, fresh Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Echinacea purpurea (echinacea) root
10mg. Milk Thistle & Artichoke (Higher Nature)
Local Distributor: Health Plus see Milk Thistle

Echinaforce® (A.Vogel) Perfectil (Vitabiotics)

Tablets; 6.2 mg echinacea (Echinacea Capsules; Echinacea extract equiv.
purpurea) herb and root concentrate equiv. to 195mg, burdock extract equiv. to
to 270mg whole fresh plant or 60mg of 80mg, vitamin D 2.5mcg, vitamin E
whole dried plant. . 40mg, vitamin C 30mg, thiamin 10mg,
Local Distributor: Health Plus riboflavin 5mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin
B6 20mg, folacin 500mcg, vitamin B12
Echinaforce® Forte (A. Vogel) 9mcg, biotin 45mcg, pantothenic acid
Tablets; 1,140mg of Echinacea purpurea 40mg, iron 12mg, magnesium 50mg,
extract from fresh herb and 60mg of zinc 15mg, iodine 200mcg, manganese
extract from fresh root. 2mg, silicon 3mg, copper 2mg, chromium
Local Distributor: Health Plus 50mcg, selenium 100mcg, cystine 10mg,
betacarotene 5mg, PABA 30mg.
Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Phytocold (Arkopharma)
Immuno baby (Erba Vita) Capsules; Powdered roots of Echinacea
Syrup; Quantities for maximum daily dose purpurea 250mg.
(15ml): Blackcurrant buds 0.3ml, rosehip Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
berries 0.3ml, Echinacea angustifolia root
dry extract 150mg (0.1% of echinacoside Uva-ursi complex (A.Vogel) see Uva-Ursi
0.15mg), tabebuia bark dry extract 75mg
Wintervits® (HealthAid) see Tragacanth

Sambucus nigra
Family: Caprifoliaceae as coughs, laryngitis, shortness of
Medicinal Parts: Bark peeled from breath9, 28, 129, 130.
branches, air-dried flowers, fresh &
dried leaves, fresh & dried ripe fruit, Cautions: Diabetics28.
dried roots, fresh leaves.
Contraindications: None known.
Principal: Common cold, feverish Side-effects: Dizziness, headache,
conditions9, 28, 45, 129, 130. convulsions, GI distress, nausea,
Major: Respiratory disorders such vomiting, diarrhoea, tachycardia28.

~ 51 ~

Drug interactions: Iron, 25mg bilberry standardised extract (2%

magnesium28, antidiabetics, morphine, anthocyanidins), 25mg blackcurrant fruit
phenobarbital130. 4:1 extract (min. 2% anthocyanidins),
500mg vitamin C, 2.5mg zinc.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Dose: Three times daily: dried flowers,
3-5 gm in infusion; liquid extract (1:1, Mucovit® Sciroppo Adulti (Erba Vita) see
25% ethanol), 3-5 ml; tincture (1:5, Grindelia
25% ethanol), 10-25 ml45.
Mucovit® Sciroppo bambini (Erba Vita) Performance Detox (Arkopharma) see Grindelia
see Green Tea
Sambucol For Children (Sambucol)
AllergforteTM (HealthAid) see Nettle Liquid; Black elderberry (berry extract)
0.95g, vitamin C 32.5mg.
Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Sambucol® Immuno Forte Formula
Echinacea & Black Elderberry (Higher (Sambucol)
Nature) see Echinacea Liquid; Black elderberry (berry extract)
1.9g, zinc (as gluconate) 1.3mg, vitamin
Elderberry (HealthAid) C 55mg.
Liquid; Elderberry extract 1:3 (equiv. of Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
330mg of elderberry herb in 1ml).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Sambucol® Original Formula (Sambucol)
Liquid; Black elderberry (berry extract)
Immune + (Higher Nature) 1.9g.
Tablets; 40mg black elderberry Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
standardised extract (2% total flavanoids),

see Elder

Inula helenium
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae
Medicinal Parts: Dried or fresh worm infestations (roundworm,
rhizome. threadworm, hookworm, whipworm)9,
stomach ulcers, menstrual complaints,
Indications: headaches28.
Principal: Bronchitis, coughs,
bronchial catarrh, dry irritating cough Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
in children9, 28, 45, 131. to other plants in the Asteraceae
Others: Urinary tract infections, family9, pregnancy, lactation28, 45.

~ 52 ~

Side-effects: Occasional allergic Dose: Three times daily: Dried root,

reactions28, 45. 1.5-3 gm in decoction; liquid extract
(1:1, 25% ethanol), 1-2 ml; tincture
Drug interactions: Hypoglycaemic & (1:5, 25% ethanol), 3-5 ml45.
antihypertensive treatment9.

Ephedra sinica
Family: Ephedraceae Side-effects: Headache, dizziness,
Medicinal Parts: Young canes, dried irritability, motor restlessness,
rhizome with roots. sleeplessness, urinary disorders,
nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, cardiac
Indications¶¶: arrhythmias, myocardial infarction,
Principal: Asthma, allergies, nasal haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke,
congestion, related upper respiratory seizures28, 133.
symptoms14, 28, 132, 134.
Major: Bronchitis, hayfever, colds28, Drug interactions:
. Contraindicated: Isocarbixazid,
Others: Weight gain133, decreased cyclopropane, halothane, selegiline,
libido14. rasagiline.
Major risk: Iproniazid, MAOIs,
Cautions: For short term use only due procarbazine, pargyline, nialamide,
to danger of addiction28, 133. furazolidine, tranylcypromine,
phenelzine, caffeine.
Contraindications: Diabetes, Moderate risk: Guanethidine,
heart disease, hypertension, iobenguane, bethanidine,
hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, theophylline, sodium bicarbonate and
individuals under 18 years, anorexia, other antacids.
bulimia, states of anxiety and Potential interactions:
restlessness, insomnia, depression, Antihypertensives, cardiac
suicidal tendency, mental, emotional glycosides, corticosteroids, digoxin,
or behavioural disorders, stomach NSAIDs, phenylpropanolamine,
ulcers, pheochromocytoma, angle- pseudoephedrine, reserpine14, 28, 134.
closure glaucoma, use before or
during strenuous exercise, use with Dose: Depends in the alkaloids
other stimulants28. content in the form used. Ephedra is
administered as a comminuted herb,
¶¶ Ephedra has become liable to abuse as a as well as other galenic preparations
stimulant and slimming aid. The US FDA for internal use28.
banned all the dietary supplements containing
ephedrine alkaloids28.

~ 53 ~

Eucalyptus globulus
Family: Myrtaceae Dose: Internal: Dried leaf in infusion,
Medicinal Parts: Oil extracted from 4-6 gm daily, average single dose 2g;
fresh leaves and branch tips; dried Tincture (1:5 in 45% ethanol), 5-20
leaves. ml daily19.

Indications: Alito Fresco e Balsamico (Sella)

Principal: Infections of the upper Spray; Eucalyptus, aniseed, lemon,
common sage, thyme.
respiratory tract including common
Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
cold, catarrh, bronchitis, sore throat,
sinusitis, asthma5, 8, 9, 19, 28. Altacura® Broncotuss (Alta Care) see
Major: Rheumatism, wounds, burns, Meadowsweet
ulcers (topically)5, 19, 28.
Minor: Insect repellant5, 28. Ivy-Thyme Complex (A.Vogel) see Thyme

Jointace Gel (Vitabiotics) see Ginger

Cautions: Eucalyptus may interfere
with hypoglycaemic control in Jointace Patch (Vitabiotics) see Ginger
Mucovit® Sciroppo Adulti (Erba Vita) see
Contraindications: Eucalyptus Grindelia
oil: should not be administered
Mucovit® Sciroppo Bambini (Erba Vita)
internally to children, people with see Grindelia
inflammatory GI tract disease or
impaired liver function or during Natural Herbal Inhalant Oil (Numark)
pregnancy19; should not be applied Oil; Eucalyptus leaf oil, peppermint oil,
to the face, especially of infants and cajuput oil, juniper berry oil, clove oil.
young children because of the risk of Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
bronchospasm and irritation28.
Neem Cream (A.Vogel) see Neem

Side-effects: GI upset19 (nausea, Neem Oil (A.Vogel) see Neem

vomiting), burning epigastric pain,
esophagitis,diarrhoea may occur Neuralta® Migren (Alta Care) see
occasionaly28; urticaria, contact Peppermint
dermatitis, skin irritation with topical
Pectovit® (Erba Vita) see Grindelia
Potter’s Decongestant Pastilles (Potter’s)
Drug interactions: CNS depressants, Pastilles; Eucalyptus oil 0.6%v/w, menthol
drugs metabolized by CYP 450, 0.8% w/w.
hypoglycaemic agents5, 28. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

~ 54 ~
evening primrose

Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Cream (Lanes) Vapour Rub (Numark)
see Witch Hazel Cream; Eucalyptus globulus leaf oil,
turpentine, menthol.
Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare

Oenothera biennis
Family: Onagraceae phenothiazine medications28.
Medicinal Parts: Fixed oil from the
seed. Drug interactions: Oral
anticoagulants, antiplatelets,
Indications: phenothiazines5, 28, 137.
Principal: Atopic eczema135, Dose***:
mastalgia136, 5, 9, 28, 137. Atopic eczema: Adults 4-8 gm daily in
Major: PMS, menopausal symptoms, divided doses; Pediatrics 2-4 gm daily
perimenopausal hot flushes, ADHD in divided doses.
in children, high cholesterol levels138, Mastalgia: 3-4 gm daily in divided
chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes5, 9, doses28.
14, 28, 137
Minor: Rheumatoid arthritis139, Cardiosterol® Krill (Alta Care)
hypertension, thrombosis, Capsules; Omega 3, gelatin, glycerol,
EPO, water, astaxanthin.
autoimmune disease such as multiple
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
sclerosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon139,
5, 9, 19, 28
. Cardiosterol® SLO (Alta Care)
Others: Asthma, whooping cough, GI Capsules; Omega 3, shark liver oil (20%
disorders5. alkylglycerols), EPO (71% omega 6 &
External omega 9).
For the relief of dry or inflamed Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
skin137. Chalet® Hair Stimulant (Alta Care) see
Saw Palmetto
Contraindications: Patients with
epilepsy5, 28, 135. Ellegyn® Cysti (Alta Care) see Cranberry

Side-effects: Mild GI effects such Evening Primrose (HealthAid)

Cream, lotion; Sweet almond oil, evening
as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, primrose, rosemary oil, geranium oil.
flatulence & bloating5, 9, 28; seizures
in schizophrenic patients that
*** Treatment with EPO may require up to 3
were treated with EPO along with months duration before positive results are
attained for all indications listed above28.

~ 55 ~
evening primrose

Soap; EPO, lavender, ylang-ylang. 9mg.

Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Local Distributor: Natural Remedies

Evening Primrose 500mg (Quest) Evening Primrose Oil 500mg High

Capsules; EPO 500mg, providing 10% Strength (Vega)
GLA. Capsules; Evening primrose seed oil
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd. 500mg (providing GLA 9.5% 47.5mg),
vitamin E 10mg.
Evening Primrose 1000mg (Quest) Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Capsules; EPO 1000mg, providing 10% Ltd.
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd. Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg
Evening Primrose Oil (Arkopharma) Capsules; EPO 1000mg, which provides:
Capsules; Pure first cold pressed EPO GLA 100mg (min. GLA 10%), vitamin E
520mg. 20mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Evening Primrose Oil (HealthAid) Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg

Oil; Pure EPO 1000mg (10% GLA). (Healthlife)
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Capsules; EPO 1000mg of which GLA
80mg, vitamin E 10mg.
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Capsules; EPO 500mg, which provides:
GLA 50mg (min. GLA 10%), vitamin E Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg
10mg. (Lamberts)
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Capsules; EPO 1000mg providing 84mg
GLA, vitamin E 10mg.
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Lamberts) Local Distributor: Health Plus
Capsules; EPO 500mg, vitamin E 10mg,
GLA 45mg. Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg (Numark)
Local Distributor: Health Plus Capsules; EPO 1000mg of which GLA
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Numark) Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
Capsules; EPO 500mg of which GLA
43mg. Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg Extra
Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare High Strength (Vega)
Capsules; Evening primrose seed oil
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Power 1000mg (providing GLA 9.5% 95mg),
Health) vitamin E 10mg.
Capsules; EPO 500mg. Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. Ltd.

Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Solgar) Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg

Softgels; EPO 500mg providing: linoleic (HealthAid)
acid 365mg, gamma linolenic acid (GLA) Capsules; EPO 1300mg, vitamin E
50mg, oleic acid 35mg, palmitic acid 13.4mg, which provides: cis-linoleic acid
30mg, other fatty acids 20mg, vitamin E (73%) 949mg, GLA 130mg, oleic acid

~ 56 ~

(7.5%) 98mg, other fatty acids (10%) 280mg, GLA 80mg, fish oil concentrate
130mg. 250mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.

Evening Primrose Oil Formula (Vega) One A Day Pure Cod Liver Oil Plus
Capsules; Evening primrose seed oil Evening Primrose (Seven Seas)
powder 33% 250mg (min. 10% GLA), Capsules; 650mg cod oil blend providing
green tea leaf extract 30mg (min. 40% 200mg omega-3 nutrients of which 162mg
polyphenols), magnesium oxide 30mg, EPA & DHA, 200mg EPO of which
vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate) 30mg, 15.2mg GLA, 5mcg vitamin D.
vitamin E 20mg, niacin 18mg, zinc 7.5mg, Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co.
iron 7mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, vitamin Ltd.
B6 4mg, beta carotene 2.4mg, vitamin
B2 1.6mg, vitamin B1 1.4mg, manganese Organic Optimum Oil (FSC) see Flaxseed
0.25mg, folate 200mcg, iodine 150mcg,
selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg, vitamin Premenstrual Formula (Vega) see Oats
D2 5mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Pure Evening Primrose Oil (Efamol)
Ltd. Capsules; Pure EPO 1000mg of which
GLA 115mg, vitamin E 10mg.
Evening Primrose Oil with Starflower Oil Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation
1000mg (Lamberts)
Capsules; EPO and starflower oil 1000mg, Pure Evening Primrose Oil (Seven Seas)
GLA 120mg, vitamin E 10mg. Capsules; EPO 1000mg providing 74mg
Local Distributor: Health Plus GLA, Vitamin E 6.7mg.
Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co.
Nicosolven® Astaxanthin (Alta Care) Ltd.
Capsules; Omega 3 (449.5mg), gelatin
(139.0mg), glycerol (53.9mg), EPO Royal 3 (HealthAid)
(50.0mg), water (9.65mg), astaxanthin Capsules; EPO 500mg, Korean ginseng
(0.5mg). extract (5:1) 250mg, royal jelly (natural)
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. 150mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Omega 3 & 6 (Quest)
Capsules; EPO 500mg of which LA Wellwoman (Vitabiotics) see Starflower

Euphrasia officinalis

Family: Scrophulariaceae blepharitis, conjunctivitis, stye,

Medicinal Parts: The flowering eye fatigue symptoms, eye strain,
plant. oversensitivity to light, weeping eyes,
functional eye disorders of muscular
Indications: & nervous origin9, 28.
Principal: Eye complaints including Others: Cough, hoarseness28.

~ 57 ~

Cautions/Contraindications: None Eyebright (HealthAid)

known. Liquid; Eyebright extract 1:3 (equiv. of
330mg of eyebright herb in 1ml).
Tablets; Eyebright extract powder (4:1)
Side-effects: None known following 138mg equiv. to 550mg of powder, raw
the proper administration of eyebright powder 250mg.
designated therapeutic dosages. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Drug interactions: None known. EyeVit (HealthAid)

Prolonged release tablets; Eyebright
120mg, alfalfa 50mg, rutin 25mg,
L-glutamine 60mg, L-cysteine 25mg,
Dried herb: 2-4 gm or by infusion 3 bioflavenoids 30mg, vitamin A 751mcg,
times daily. beta-carotene 3mg, vitamin D 2.5mcg,
Liquid extract: (1:1 in 25% alcohol) vitamin E 16.8mg, vitamin C 50mg,
2-4 ml 3 times daily. riboflavin 25mg, niacin 30mg, zinc 1.4mg,
Tincture: (1:5 in 45% alcohol) 2-6 ml selenium 25mcg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
3 times daily9.
Organic Aloe Vera (®) see Aloe

Foeniculum vulgare
Family: Umbelliferae conjunctivitis, blepharitis (as an eye
Medicinal Parts: Seeds, oil extracted wash), sore throat, pharyngitis (as a
from ripe fruit and dried ripe fruit. gargle)19, 28.

Indications: Contraindications: Hypersensitivity

Internal to other plants of the Umbelliferae
Principal: Dyspeptic complaints family, pregnancy, pediatrics19, 28.
including flatulence, infantile colic,
eructation, sluggish digestion, appetite Side-effects: Cross sensitivity among
suppressant, feeling of fullness14, 19, 28, patients with celery allergy28, allergic
140, 141
. reactions of the skin and respiratory
Major: Cough, bronchitis, catarrh of tract19.
the upper respiratory tract14, 19, 28, 141.
Minor: Anorexia, amenorrhoea, Drug interactions: Ciprofloxacin63,
dysmenorrhoea, to stimulate milk .

flow in nursing mothers19.

External Dose: Daily dose: 5-7 gm drug; 10-20
Principal: Idiopathic hirsutism142, gm fennel syrup or fennel honey,

~ 58 ~

or 5-7.5 gm of compound fennel Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature) see

tincture19. Flaxseed

2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita)
Thistle see Rhubarb Performance Detox (Arkopharma) Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita)

see Green Tea see Senna Shape Up Day & Night Finocarbo Plus (Aboca)

(Arkopharma) see Green Tea Capsules; Fennel fruits phytocomplex
250mg, chamomile extract 135mg, Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma) charcoal 208mg, caraway fruit
see Green Tea phytocomplex 110mg, cumin fruit
phytocomplex 80mg, essential oils of
Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care) see fennel and mint 25mg.
Nettle Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.

Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe Jointace Gel (Vitabiotics) see Ginger
Jointace Patch (Vitabiotics) see Ginger
Candaway TM
(Lamberts) see Cinnamon
Karbofin Forte (ESI)
Carbogas (Sella) Capsules; Vegetable coal 150mg, fennel
Tablets; Sweet fennel extract, angelica 30mg, chamomile 25mg, fennel oil extract
extract, stinging nettle extract. 5mg, anise oil extract 5mg, mint oil
Local Distributor: Premier Healthcare extract 5mg.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) see Aniseed
Sollievo (Aboca) see Senna
Colic Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden
Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle

Trigonella foenum-graecum
Family: Leguminosae-Fabaceae Major: Digestive disorders (including
Medicinal Parts: Ripe, dried seeds. constipation, dyspepsia & gastritis),
gastric ulcers148, loss of appetite149
Indications: especially in convalescence5, 9, 19, 28, to
Internal increase milk production19, 150.
Principal: Non-insulin Minor: Upper respiratory catarrh19, 150.
dependent diabetes mellitus144, Others: Tuberculosis, menopausal
, hypercholesterolaemia, symptoms151.
hyperlipidaemia146, 147, 5, 14, 19, 28.

~ 59 ~

External artichoke extract 50mg, cinnamon extract

Principal: Local inflammation, 40mg.
wounds, leg ulcers, eczema, burns, Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
boils5, 9, 19, 28. Cholestro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Garlic

Cautions: Monitor patients with ColestroforteTM (HealthAid)

thyrotoxicosis when using the herb at Tablets; Fenugreek seed powder 100mg,
doses above usual dietary intake5. gugulipid extract (3:1) 100mg, artichoke
extract (3:1) 50mg, fermented red rice
yeast 200mg, inositol hexanicotinate
Contraindications: Pregnancy
125mg, pantethine 50mg, chromium
(except in small amounts as food 100mcg, L-taurine 50mg, oat bran fiber
flavouring)5, 9, 19, 28, known allergy to 10mg, soy isoflavone concentrate 100mg.
the herb or to chickpeas because of Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
possible cross-reactivity5.
Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature) see
Side-effects: Mild GI symptoms such
as diarrhoea & flatulence, rare allergic Fenugreek (Arkopharma)
reactions5, 19. Capsules; Fenugreek seed powder 495mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Drug interactions: Antidiabetic
agents, anticoagulants, low molecular Fenugreek (HealthAid)
weight heparins, thrombolytic Capsules; Fenugreek seed powder
200mg, fenugreek seed extract 100mg
agents28, 147. (standardised for min 60% saponins).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Internal: 6 gm of the drug or FootCare Cream (Himalaya)
equivalent preparations. Cream; Fenugreek, turmeric, sal tree,
External: 50 gm of powdered drug to honey.
Local Distributor: Grefed Worldwide
250 ml of water19. Trading Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma) TestofenTM (Power Herbs)
Capsules; Fenugreek extract 100mg, grape Capsules; Fenugreek extract 300mg
extract 100mg, bean pod extract 80mg, standardised to 50% fenuside.
green tea extract 60mg, maté extract Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
60mg, kola extract 60mg, green coffee
extract 60mg, dandelion extract 50mg,

~ 60 ~

Tanacetum parthenium
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae swelling, glossitis5, 28, 45.
Medicinal Parts: Leaf.
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
Indications: thrombolytic agents, antiplatelet
Principal: Migraine prophylaxis152, 153, agents, NSAIDs5, 28.
, arthritis, rheumatic diseases5, 9, 28, 45.
Major: Cough, colds, fever, allergies5, Dose: Daily dose: dried herb, 50-200
. mg (normally in tablets or capsules);
Others: Tinnitus, vertigo, toothache, tincture (1:5, 25% ethanol), 5-20
insect bites, asthma, menstrual drops45.
disorders, difficulty during labor5, 28, 154.
Feverfew (HealthAid)
Cautions: Patients on platelet Liquid; Feverfew extract 1:3 (equiv. of
330mg of feverfew herb in 1ml).
aggregation inhibitors such as aspirin Tablets; Feverfew powder 250mg
and dipyridamole28. (standardised for min 0.2% parthenolide).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Pregnancy,
breastfeeding, children under 2 years Feverfew Herbal Complex (Vega)
of age, hypersensitivity to plants in Capsules; Feverfew leaf powder 240mg,
feverfew leaf extract (4:1) 190mg (min.
the Asteraceae family5, 28, 45.
2.5% parthenolides) equiv. to 1000mg
feverfew leaf herb.
Side-effects: Mouth ulcers, GI Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
symptoms, allergic dermatitis, lip

Linum usitatissimum
Family: Linaceae hypercholesterolaemia5, 9, 28, 155, 156, 157,
Medicinal Parts: Oil extracted from 158
, arthritis.
the seeds†††. Major: Insulin sensitivity/metabolic
syndrome156; Sjogren’s syndrome159;
Indications: breast160, colon, & prostate cancer5, 9,
Principal: Reduce mortality 28, 158
in coronary heart disease, Minor: Bronchitis, coughs,
constipation, irritable colon,
††† The oil should be kept out of direct light and diverticulitis, burns (applied
in refrigeration to preserve it; should never be
heated as it becomes mutagenic28. externally)9, 28.

~ 61 ~

Others: Colons damaged by laxative Bromelain Complex (Vega) see Aloe Vera
abuse, gastritis, enteritis, mild rectal
Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature)
inflammation9, 28.
Capsules; High lignan flax 900mg, fennel
seed 150mg, fenugreek seed 150mg,
Cautions: Overweight people (should liquorice root 90mg, cloves 60mg, aloe
only use the whole seeds) due to the vera 30mg, lactobacillus sporogenes 18
considerable caloric content of the million viable organisms.
fixed oil28. Local Distributor: Health Plus

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity Flax Seed Oil 1000mg (HealthAid)

Capsules; Flax seed oil 1000mg, vitamin
to other members of the family E 2mg.
Compositae, pregnancy, intestinal Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
obstruction, stricture of the
oesophagus and in the GI area, acute Flax Seed Oil 1000mg (Lamberts)
inflammatory illness of the intestine, Capsules; Flax seed oil 1000mg, alpha-
linolenic acid 500mg, linoleic acid 122mg.
oesophagus and stomach entrance5, 9, 28.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Side-effects: Loose stools rarely5. Flax Seed Oil 1000mg (Power Health)
Capsules; Flax seed oil 1000mg of which
Drug interactions: May delay alpha linolenic acid 484mg, vitamin E
the absorption of other drugs 10mg.
taken simultaneously (flaxseed Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
contains mucilage & cellulose)28,
Linoforce® (A.Vogel)
anticoagulants, antiplatelets158. Granules; 100g typically contains:
Linseed 43.03g, senna leaves 12.91g,
Dose: alder buckthorn 1.07g, crystallised sucrose
Lower cholesterol: 35-50 gm 12.05g, vanilla 0.02g, ginger essence
daily of the crushed seed as a fiber 0.02g, excipients to 100g.
supplement. Local Distributor: Health Plus
Decrease platelet aggregation: 1 to 2 Menopace® Plus (Vitabiotics) see Sage
tablespoonfuls flaxseed oil daily.
Constipation: 1 dessertspoon of whole Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai
or bruised (not ground) seed with at
least 150 ml of liquid 2 to 3 times Omega Excellence Flax Seed Oil 1000mg
daily. (Higher Nature)
Capsules; Alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3
Topical: 30-50 gm flaxseed flour for a EFA) 329mg, linoleic acid (omega 6 EFA)
hot moist cataplasm or compress28. 103mg, oleic acid (omega 9 FA) 103mg‡‡‡.

Active Women’s Multivitamins &

Minerals (Vega) see Siberian Ginseng ‡‡‡ Flax Seed Oil is rich in omega 3 EFA &
alpha-linolenic acid. It also provides the
AntiStress (Erba Vita) see Maca omega 6 EFA linoleic acid & oleic acid, and
the omega 9 monounsaturated FA.

~ 62 ~

Oil; 5ml provides: alpha-linolenic oil, cold water fish omega-3 oil, vitamin E.
acid 2890mg, linoleic acid 585mg, Local Distributor: Ruth & Marcel
monounsaturates 720mg. Degabriele
Local Distributor: Health Plus
wellKiD® Smart Chewable (Vitabiotics)
Organic Flax Oil (Arkopharma) Tablets; Flaxseed oil powder (providing
Capsules; Organic flax seed oil 500mg. 20% omega-3 fatty acids) 114mg, vitamin
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. A 400mcg, vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin
E 10mg, vitamin C 40mg, vitamin B1
Organic Optimum Oil (FSC) 0.9mg, vitamin B2 0.8mg, vitamin
Capsules; Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential B3 9mg, vitamin B6 0.7mg, folic acid
fatty acids in the ratio 2:1:1 by blending 200mcg, vitamin B12 3mcg, biotin
certified organic flaxseed, sunflower, 25mcg, pantothenic acid 4mg, magnesium
evening primrose and sesame seed oils. 75mg, iron 7mg, zinc 7.5mg, copper
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. 100mcg, manganese 0.2mg, selenium
20mcg, chromium 10mcg, iodine 75mcg.
Tri-Omega EFA (Sci-MX) Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Capsules; Flaxseed oil, EPO, blackcurrant

Garcinia hanburyi
Family: Guttiferae Drug interactions: Digoxin,
Medicinal Parts: Resin extracted warfarin, diuretics, stimulant
from the plant. laxatives, corticosteroids161.

Indications: Digestive disorders, Dose: The appropriate dose of

particularly constipation28, 161. gamboge depends on several factors
such as the user’s age, health, and
Contraindications: Pregnancy, several other conditions. There is
breastfeeding, stomach pain, ulcers not enough scientific information to
or obstruction, Crohn’s disease, determine an appropriate range of
ulcerative colitis, appendicitis161. doses for gamboge28, 161.

Side-effects: Abdominal pain,

vomiting28, 161.

~ 63 ~

Allium sativum
Family: Liliaceae ACE inhibitors, alcohol,
Medicinal Parts: Whole fresh bulb, chlorzoxazone, isoniazid, protease
dried bulb, oil of garlic. inhibitors, saquinavir5, 14, 28, 167.

Indications: Dose: Average daily dose: 4 gm of

Principal: Hypertension, garlic or 8 gm of essential oil. One
hypercholesterolaemia, arteriosclerosis fresh garlic clove, 1 to 2 times daily28.
& atherosclerosis, diabetes with
hyperlipidaemia, peripheral arterial Active Mature 50+ (Vega) see Aloe Vera
occlusive disease5, 8, 9, 28, 45, 162, 163, 164, 167.
Arthur’s Formula Ltd (Power Health) see
Major: Infections including Devil’s Claw
tinea pedis, tinea corporis, tinea
cruris, vaginitis, Helicobacter Cardiohealth Formula (Vega)
pylori infection165, common cold Capsules; Deodorised garlic clove extract
prevention166, colorectal cancer162, 5, 10:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 0.5%
28, 167
. allicin content), bilberry fruit extract
4:1 equiv. to herb 100mg (min. 20%
Minor: Respiratory infections and
anthocyanadins), vitamin C 60mg, vitamin
catarrhal conditions, whooping cough, E 40mg, L-taurine 25mg, pantothenic
bronchitis, GI ailments particularly acid 12mg, cayenne fruit powder 12mg,
digestive disorders with flatulence and chinese red yeast 10mg, grape seed extract
GI spasms5, 28, 45. 10mg (min. 95% polyphenols), N,N-
Others: Menstrual pains, corns, dimethylglycine 10mg, soy isoflavones
concentrate 10mg, niacin 9mg, vitamin B6
calluses, otitis, muscle pain, neuralgia,
8mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, beta carotene
arthritis, sciatica28, 45. 4.8mg, vitamin B2 2.8mg, vitamin B1
2.8mg, alpha lipoic acid 2mg, co-enzyme
Cautions/Contraindications: Q10 2mg, pine bark extract 2mg (min.
Garlic may increase risk of bleeding 70% proanthocyanadins), folate 800mcg,
and should be discontinued at least manganese 0.5mcg, selenium 200mcg,
10 days before elective surgery, copper 100mcg, vitamin B12 4mcg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
breastfeeding5, 8, 28. Ltd.

Side-effects: Breath & body odour8, Cardiosterol® Garlic + Co. Q10 (Alta
allergic reaction, nausea, heartburn, Care)
flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea5, Capsules; Garlic oily macerate
9, 28
. 501mg, gelatin 82.1mg, water 13.9mg,
ubidecarenone 10.3mg.
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants
particularly warfarin, antiplatelets,

~ 64 ~

Cholestro-Vit Formula (Vega) Hawthorn Compound (Power Herbs) see

Capsules; Deodorised garlic clove extract Buckwheat
10:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 0.5%
allicin content), oat bran 100mg, chinese HeartMaxTM (HealthAid) see Grapeseed
red yeast 50mg, fenugreek seed extract 4:1
equiv to herb 50mg, soya lecithin powder Hi-Garlic Perles Odourless (Power
25mg, vitamin C 60mg, choline bitartrate Health)
25mg, inositol 25mg, L-methionine 25mg, Capsules; Deodorised garlic oil 2mg.
pantothenic acid 12mg, niacin 9mg, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
vitamin B6 8mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg,
vitamin B2 3.2mg, vitamin B1 2.8mg, Kyolic Garlic 1000 (Quest)
vitamin B12 4mcg, manganese 0.5mg, Tablets; Aged garlic extract 1000mg.
folate 800mcg, selenium 200mcg, copper Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Multigluco Tolerance Factor (Vega) see
Ltd. Ginkgo

Cranberry Plus Formula (Vega) see Odourless Garlic (Healthlife)

Cranberry Capsules; Odourless garlic powder 2mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Garlic (Wassen)
Tablets; Garlic granules 320mg which Odourless Garlic (NutraHealth)
typically provides 1600mcg of allicin Capsules; Odourless garlic oil 2mg.
(equiv. to 960mg of fresh garlic). Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Odourless Garlic Gems (FSC)
Garlic Extra High Strength (Deodorised) Capsules; Odourless garlic 2mg.
(Vega) Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Capsules; Deodorised garlic standardised
clove extract (10:1) 150mg (min. allicin Odourless Garlic Pearls (Numark)
content 750mcg) providing fresh garlic Capsules; Garlic oil 2mg.
bulb 1500mg, Vega Phytoantioxidant Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
BaseTM 260mg providing antioxidants and
prebiotics: apple and mixed wild berries One A Day Pure Cod Liver Oil Plus
concentrate 8:1 equiv. to herb 416mg, Garlic (Seven Seas)
prebiotic acacia gum 208mg. Capsules; 800mg cod liver oil blend
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons providing 160mg omega-3 nutrients of
Ltd. which 120mg EPA & DHA, 6mg garlic
extract, 5mcg vitamin D.
Garlic Max 4000 (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co.
Capsules; 40mg pure garlic extract. Ltd.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Super Strength Supergar 8000 (Higher
Garlic Oil (Solgar) Nature)
Softgels; Garlic oil concentrate 1mg from Tablets; 500mg extra high allicin garlic
approx 500mg fresh garlic bulbs in a (providing 8000ppm allicin, 20,000ppm
natural base of safflower oil. alliin and 8500ppm thiosulfinates).
Local Distributor: Natural Remedies Local Distributor: Health Plus

~ 65 ~

Swiss Garlic (A.Vogel) Wellman (Vitabiotics) see Siberian

Capsules; 270mg rapeseed oil extract Ginseng
of fresh garlic, equiv. to 270mg of fresh
garlic. Whole Bulb Garlic (FSC)
Local Distributor: Health Plus Capsules; Dried garlic 300mg equiv. to
fresh garlic 1070mg.
Triple G - Ginseng, Ginkgo, Garlic Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
(Power Health) see Ginseng Korean

Gentiana lutea
Family: Gentianaceae
Medicinal Parts: Root and rhizome. Side-effects: Headache5, 9, 28, 45, nausea
& vomiting with high doses5.
Principal: Dyspepsia, flatulence5, 9, 28, Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Loss of appetite5, 9, 28, 45. Dose: Average daily dose: 1 gm of
Others: Anorexia, GI atony9, 45. the drug; daily dose: 2-4 gm. Average
daily dose of tincture: 1-4 ml 3 times
Cautions: Pregnancy5. daily. Liquid extract: 2-4 gm; root 2-4
Contraindications: Stomach or
duodenal ulcers5, 9, 28, 45. Kalms (Lanes) see Valerian

see Cranesbill

Zingiber officinale
Family: Zingiberaceae pregnancy168, 169, 170, postoperative
Medicinal Parts: Rhizome. nausea171, chemotherapy-induced
nausea172, 173.
Indications: Major: Dyspeptic complaints,
Principal: Sore throat, upper osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis174,
respiratory tract infections, motion migraine175, anorexia5, 28, 45, 177.
sickness, morning sickness in Minor: Colds, shortness of breath28.

~ 66 ~

Others: Primary dysmenorrhoea176, Ginger (Arkopharma)

mastitis (externally)5. Capsules; Ginger root powder 365mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Cautions: Gastric ulcers or reflux, Ginger (Lamberts)
gallstones, children under 6 years, Capsules; Ginger root 14,400mg
pregnancy. Suspend use of high dose (provided by 120mg of a 120:1 extract).
supplements (>10g) 1 week before Local Distributor: Health Plus
major surgery5.
Ginger (Quest)
Tablets; Ginger root extract 250mg,
Side-effects: Gastric irritation,
providing gingerols & essential oils.
heartburn, bloating, contact dermatitis Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
with topical use5.
Ginger Root (HealthAid)
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants Liquid; Ginger root 1:3 (equiv. of 330mg
(warfarin), antiplatelets, thrombolytic of ginger root herb in 1ml).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
agents, nifedipine5, 28, 177.
Ginger Root Extract (HealthAid)
Dose: Tablets; Standardised ginger root extract
Liquid extract (1:2): 0.7-2.0 ml/day. (4:1) 138mg (standardised to contain at
Dried root: 1-3 gm daily in divided least 5% ginerols extract) equiv. to 550mg
doses or 1-2 gm taken as a single dose of ginger root powder.
for nausea and vomiting. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Infusion: 4-6 slices of fresh ginger Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) 280mg
steeped in boiling water for 30 (Power Herbs)
minutes5. Capsules; Ground ginger root 280mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
AllergforteTM (HealthAid) see Nettle
Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) Guarana
Ampoules; Hydroglycerin extracts of:
ginger extract, wild yam extract, red vine Jointace Chondroitin (Vitabiotics)
leaf extract, fructose, guarana powder, Tablets; Ginger root extract equiv. to
acerola extract, vanilla flavour, ginseng 40mg, glucosamine sulphate 500mg,
root, vitamin C, cinnamon essential oil, chondroitin sulphate 200mg, vitamin D3
black pepper essential oil. 5mcg, vitamin E 20mg, vitamin C 30mg,
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. folic acid 200mcg, vitamin B12 10mcg,
zinc 5mg, manganese 2mg, copper 0.5mg,
Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus selenium 60mcg.
Herbal Complex (Vega) see Echinacea Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Femmevit® (HealthAid) see Starflower Jointace Collagen (Vitabiotics)

Tablets; Ginger root extract equiv. to
Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera 40mg, glucosamine sulphate 500mg,
chondroitin sulphate 50mg, vitamin D3

~ 67 ~

5mcg, vitamin E 20mg, vitamin C 30mg, omega-3 fish oil 700mg (providing EPA
folic acid 200mcg, vitamin B12 10mcg, 170mg, DHA 115mg), cod liver oil 300mg
zinc 5mg, manganese 2mg, copper 0.5mg, (providing EPA 20mg, DHA 30mg),
selenium 60mcg, collagen 150mg. vitamin A 400mcg, vitamin D 5mcg,
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. vitamin E 10mg, ginger extract 3.5mg,
pineapple juice concentrate 1466mg,
Jointace Fizz (Vitabiotics) orange juice concentrate 353mg, medium
Effervescent tablets; Glucosamine chain triglycerides 0.2mg.
sulphate 500mg, chondroitin 100mg, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
vitamin C 60mg, magnesium 50mg, Ltd.
ginger extract 40mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. MSM Glucosamine Joint Complex
(Higher Nature) see Celery
Jointace Gel (Vitabiotics)
Gel; Ginger oil, eucalyptus oil, sweet No-Gas® enzimi (Giuliani)
orange oil, clove oil, lavender oil, fennel Tablets; Passionflower, German
oil, menthol, glucosamine sulphate, chamomile, ginger.
chondroitin sulphate. Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
SiberSlimTM (HealthAid) see Siberian
Jointace Patch (Vitabiotics) Ginseng
Patches; Ginger oil, eucalyptus oil, sweet
orange oil, clove oil, lavender oil, fennel Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa
oil, menthol, glucosamine sulphate,
chondroitin sulphate. VeinTain® (Lamberts)
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. Capsules; Ginger 3600mg, ginkgo
biloba 3000mg (providing 14.4mg
JointCare Sport (HealthAid) see Ginseng flavonglycosides), cinnamon bark
Korean 1500mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
JointWise (Vega)
Syrup; Glucosamine hydrochloride V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut
500mg, chondroitin sulphate 100mg,

Ginkgo biloba
Family: Ginkgoaceae Major: Acute ischaemic stroke180,
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, seeds generalized anxiety disorder181,
separated from the fleshy outer layer. peripheral vascular disease including
intermittent claudication & Raynaud’s
Indications: syndrome5, 28, 179, 182.
Principal: Mild to moderate dementia Minor: Vertigo, tinnitus, sudden
of the Alzheimer type178, memory deafness5, 183.
loss5, 9, 14, 19, 28, 179. Others: Macular degeneration,

~ 68 ~

glaucoma, retinopathy, prevention Active Mature 50+ (Vega) see Aloe

of altitude sickness, PMS, asthma, Vera
sexual dysfunction, cancer
prevention5. Brain Fuel Formula (Vega)
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 24%
Cautions: If unusual bleeding or ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene
bruising occurs stop use immediately, lactones), bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv.
history of convulsive disorders, to herb 100mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins),
suspend use for 1 week prior to major siberian ginseng root extract (10:1) 100mg
surgery5, 28. (min 0.8% eleutherosides), vitamin C
60mg, choline bitartrate 50mg, inositol
50mg, L-glutamic acid 50mg, L-glutamine
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity 50mg, L-phenylalanine 50mg, L-tyrosine
to the herb or any of its constituents28, 50mg, niacin 36mg, pantothenic acid
pregnancy5. 12mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, acetyl
L-carnitine 5mg, alpha lipoic acid 5mg,
Side-effects: GI upset, headache, vitamin B6 4mg, vitamin B2 3.2mg,
dizziness5, 9, 28. vitamin B1 2.8mg, vitamin B12 2mcg,
folate 400mcg, manganese 0.25 mg,
selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg.
Drug interactions: Aminoglycosides, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
antiplatelets, antiepileptics,
benzodiazepines, calcium-channel Brainvit® (HealthAid) see Brahmi
blockers, ciclosporin, cisplatin,
Cellulite Formula (Vega)
doxorubicin, haloperidol, insulin,
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
NSAIDs, phenobarbital, propranolol, 50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 24%
protease inhibitors, proton pump ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene
inhibitors, risperidone, St. John’s lactones), bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv.
Wort, theophylline, tolbutamide, to herb 100mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins),
trazodone, valerian, warfarin and kelp seaweed powder 60mg (providing
min. 0.1% iodine), acetyl L-carnitine
related drugs5, 28, 179.
60mg, potassium 60mg, vitamin C 60mg,
choline bitartrate 30mg, inositol 30mg,
Dose: niacin 18mg, L-arginine 10mg, L-lysine
Asthma: 40 mg three times daily. 10mg, L-methionine 10mg, L-tyrosine
Dementia & memory impairment: 10mg, PABA 10mg, pantothenic acid
120-240 mg standardised extract daily 6mg, vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin B2 1.6mg,
in divided doses. vitamin B1 1.4mg, vitamin B12 1mcg,
manganese 0.25mg, folate 200mcg, biotin
Intermittent claudication, vertigo: 150mcg, selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg.
120-320 mg standardised extract daily Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
in divided doses.
Normal tension glaucoma: 120 mg Centrum Performance (Centrum)
standardised extract daily5. Tablets; Vitamin A 800mcg, vitamin
D 5mcg, vitamin E 26.8mg, vitamin C
120mg, vitamin B1 4.2mg, vitamin B2

~ 69 ~

4.8mg, vitamin B6 6mg, vitamin B12 (provided by 120mg of a 50:1 extract),

18mcg, folic acid 400mcg, niacin 36mg, flavonglycosides 28.8mg, ginkgolides A, B
biotin 40mcg, panthothenic acid 10mg, and C and bilobalide 7.2mg.
vitamin K 25mcg, calcium 100mg, Local Distributor: Health Plus
phosphorus 48mg, iron 14mg, magnesium
45mg, zinc 7.5mg, iodine 150mcg, copper Ginkgo Biloba (A.Vogel)
700mcg, manganese 4mg, potassium Liquid; Tinctures of fresh ginkgo biloba
80mg, chloride 72mg, chromium 120mcg, leaves, extract in alcohol (66% v/v).
molybdenum 75mcg, selenium 70mcg, Local Distributor: Health Plus
ginkgo biloba extract 60mg, ginseng
extract 50mg. Ginkgo Biloba (HealthAid)
Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation Liquid; Ginkgo biloba extract 1:4 (equiv.
of 250mg of ginkgo biloba herb) in 1ml.
Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Herbal Complex (Vega) see Echinacea
Ginkgo Biloba (NatraHealth)
Efalex (Efamol) Tablets; Ginkgo biloba standardised
Capsules, liquid; Fish oil (of which extract equiv. to 6000mg, providing
omega-3 nutrients, DHA, EPA), ginkgo 28.8mg ginkgo flavonglycosides, 7.2mg
biloba standardised leaf extract (providing terpene lactones.
24% ginkgoflavone bilobalides), Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
phosphatidlyserine, vitamin E, folic acid,
vitamin B12. Ginkgo Biloba (Quest)
Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation Tablets; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 150mg,
providing ginkgo flavonglycosides 36mg,
Efalex Active 50+ (Efamol) ginkgolides A, B & C 4.5mg, bilobalide
Capsules; Fish oil (of which omega-3 3.8mg.
nutrients, DHA, EPA), ginkgo biloba Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
standardised leaf extract (providing 24%
ginkgoflavone glycosides, 8% gingkolide Ginkgo Biloba 500mg (FSC)
and bilobalides), phosphatidlyserine, Tablets; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract equiv.
vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B12. to dried herb powder 250mg, ginkgo
Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation biloba dried herb powder 250mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Gericaps® Active (HealthAid) see Ginseng
Korean Ginkgo Biloba Herbal Complex (Vega)
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf powder
Gincosan (Pharmaton) 400mg, ginkgo biloba leaf extract (50:1)
Capsules; Standardised ginkgo biloba 60mg (min. 24% ginkgoflavonglycosides
extract, standardised Panax Ginseng & 6% terpene lactones).
extract. Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf 180mg (Power Herbs)
Ginkgo (Arkopharma) Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf powder
Capsules; Ginkgo leaf powder 250mg. 180mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Ginkgo 6000mg (Lamberts) Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract (Solgar)

Tablets; Ginkgo biloba leaves 6000mg Vegicaps; Standardised ginkgo biloba leaf

~ 70 ~

powdered extract 90mg (providing 21.6mg acid 18mg, zinc 15mg, iron 14mg, vitamin
[24%] ginkgoflavoglycosides, 5.4mg [6%] B6 6mg, vitamin B2 4.8mg, vitamin B1
terpene lactones), raw ginkgo biloba leaf 4.2mg, folate 600mcg, manganese 0.5mg,
powder 45mg, PhytO2X ä (powdered selenium 200mcg, copper 100mcg, vitamin
blend of beta-carotene prep. and ascorbic K 100mcg, vitamin B12 10mcg.
acid). Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
Mega Potency Ginkgo 6000 (Higher
GinkoVitalTM (HealthAid) Nature)
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba (50:1) extract Tablets; 120mg ginkgo biloba guaranteed
100mg (equiv. to 5000mg of ginkgo biloba standardised extract 50:1 providing
powder) standardised to 24% flavones minimum: 24% ginkgo flavones
glycosides & 6% terpine lactones. glycosides, 6% terpene lactones
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea (ginkgolides A, B, C & bilobalides).
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Ginkgo Vital 3TM (HealthAid) see Siberian
Ginseng Memory Plus Formula (Vega)
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
Goldcare 50+ (Vitabiotics) 50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 24%
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba extract 10mg, ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene
vitamin D 10mcg, vitamin E 20mg, lactones), bacopa leaf extract 150mg (min.
vitamin C 80mg, vitamin B1 12mg, 20% bacosides), soy lecithin powder
vitamin B2 5mg, vitamin B3 20mg, 67mg, choline bitartrate 50mg, inositol
vitamin B6 20mg, folic acid 500mcg, 50mg, niacin 36mg, acetyl L-carnitine
vitamin B12 20mcg, pantothenic acid 30mg, alpha lipoic acid 30mg, L-glutamic
10mg, iron 6mg, magnesium 75mg, zinc acid 30mg, L-glutamine 30mg, L-tyrosine
15mg, iodine 130mcg, manganese 2mg, 30mg, pantothenic acid 12mg, vitamin
copper 1mg, boron 1mg, chromium B6 4mg, vitamin B2 3.2mg, vitamin B1
100mcg, selenium 150mcg, citrus 2.8mg, folate 400mcg, manganese 0.25mg,
bioflavonoids 16mg, natural mixed selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg, vitamin
carotenoids 3mg. B12 2mcg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.

HaemoVit Liquid GoldTM (HealthAid) see Multi Antioxidant Complex (Vega)

Sarsaparilla Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg, green tea leaf
Hematinic Blood Co-Factors (Vega) extract 20mg, grape seed extract 5mg, pine
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract bark extract 2mg, broccoli floret extract
50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 5mg, Vega phytoantioxidant BaseTM 100mg
ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene providing apple & mixed wild berries
lactones), bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv. concentrate 8:1 equiv. to herb 160mg,
to herb 100mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins), prebiotic acacia gum 80mg, bilberry fruit
Vega Phytoantioxidant BaseTM 100mg extract 4:1 equiv. to herb 80mg, vitamin C
providing antioxidants and prebiotics: 60mg, niacin 36mg, citrus bioflavonoids
apple & mixed wild berries concentrate 30mg, vitamin E 20mg, pantothenic acid
8:1 equiv. to herb 160mg, prebiotic acacia 12mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, beta carotene
gum 80mg, citrus bioflavonoids 60mg, 4.8mg, vitamin B6 4mg, vitamin B2
vitamin C 60mg, niacin 54mg, pantothenic 3.2mg, vitamin B1 2.8mg, alpha lipoic

~ 71 ~

acid 2mg, L-glutathione 2mg, lycopene E 20mg, pantothenic acid 12mg, taurine
7.5% 2mg, N,N-dimethylglycine 2mg, 10mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, beta carotene
manganese 0.5mg, selenium 200mcg, 4.8mg, vitamin B6 4mg, vitamin B2
copper 100mcg. 3.2mg, vitamin B1 2.8mg, vitamin B12
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd. 2mcg, alpha lipoic acid 2mg, co-enzyme
Q10 2mg, L-glutathione 2mg, lutein esters
Multigluco Tolerance Factor (Vega) 2mg, lycopene 2mg, manganese 0.5mg,
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract folate 400mcg, selenium 200mcg, copper
50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 100mcg.
24%ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
lactones), bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv.
to herb 100mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins), PowerplusTM (HealthAid) see Siberian
deodorized garlic clove extract 10:1 equiv. Ginseng
to herb 100mg (min. 0.5% allicin content),
java plum fruit extract 100mg (min. 2.5% Refreshall® (Lamberts)
bitter principles), vitamin C 60mg, taurine Tablets; Ginkgo biloba 3000mg, lemon
50mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin E 10mg, zinc balm 500mg, sage 500mg, rosemary 50mg.
7.5mg, iron 7mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, Local Distributor: Health Plus
beta carotene 4.8mg, alpha lipoic acid
2mg, co-enzyme Q10 2mg, L-glutathione Sexovit® forte (HealthAid) see Ginseng
2mg, lutein esters 2mg, vitamin B6 2mg, Korean
vitamin B2 1.6mg, vitamin B1 1.4mg,
manganese 0.5mg, chromium 400mcg, Triple G - Ginseng, Ginkgo, Garlic
folate 200mcg, selenium 200mcg, copper (Power Health) see Ginseng Korean
100mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd. Vein Support Formula (Vega)
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
Neuroforte® (HealthAid) 50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 24%
Tablets; Ginkgo biloba extract (50:1) ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene
20mg (equiv. to 1000mg of ginkgo lactones), bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv.
biloba powder, contains min. 24% to herb 100mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins),
flavoglycosides), vitamin C 60mg, rutin bean extract 60mg, pine bark extract
nicotinamide 18mg, vitamin B6 5mg, 2mg (min. 70% proanthocyanadins), citrus
magnesium 100mg, lecithin 50mg, bioflavonoids 60mg, hesperidin 60mg,
L-phenylalanine 100mg, L-tyrosine vitamin C 120mg, niacin 18mg, zinc
100mg, L-glutamine 100mg, choline 7.5mg, iron 7mg, pantothenic acid 6mg,
50mg, inositol 50mg. beta carotene 4.8mg, alpha lipoic acid
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea 2mg, vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin B2 1.6mg,
vitamin B1 1.4mg, manganese 0.5mg,
Opticare Formula 20:20 (Vega) folate 200mcg, selenium 200mcg, copper
Capsules; Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 100mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg.
50:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 24% Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
ginkgoflavonglycosides, 6% terpene
lactones), bilberry fruit extract 4:1 equiv. VeinTain® (Lamberts) see Ginger
to herb 120mg (min. 20% anthocyanadins),
grape seed extract 2mg (min. 95% Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed
polyphenols), citrus bioflavonoids 60mg,
vitamin C 60mg, niacin 36mg, vitamin V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut

~ 72 ~
ginseng korean

Panax ginseng
Family: Araliaceae Dose§§§: Daily dose (taken in the
Medicinal Parts: Dried lateral roots. morning): dried root, 0.6-2 gm or by
Principal: Physical or mental Altacura® Ginseng (Alta Care)
exhaustion, stress, fatigue5, 9, 28, 45, 184. Ampoules; Panax ginseng root dry extract
1000mg, guarana powder extract 500mg,
Major: Hyperglycaemia185, erectile
magnesium 75mg, orange flavour 50mg,
dysfunction186, menopausal vitamin B6 2mg, purified water.
symptoms, thrombotic & Capsules; Panax ginseng root 400mg.
cardiovascular diseases187, Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
degenerative conditions associated
with aging5, 9, 184. Altacura® Infludrink (Alta Care) see
Minor: Cancer prevention188, 189.
Others: Gastroprotection during Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) see
heart surgery5. Ginger

Cautions: Cardiovascular disease, Centrum Performance (Centrum) see

diabetes, hyper and hypotensive Ginkgo
disorders, with all steroid therapy9, 28,
Day-vit® Active (HealthAid)
. Tablets; Ginseng 50:1 extract 12mg
(standardised to 25% ginsenosides)
Contraindications: Acute illness, equiv. to 600mg Panax ginseng
haemorrhage, during the acute period powder, CoQ10 5mg, vitamin A
of coronary thrombosis, pregnancy, 800mcg, vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin
use of other stimulants5, 9, 45. E 10mg, vitamin C 60mg, thiamin
1.4mg, riboflavin 1.6mg, niacin
18mg,  vitamin B6 2mg, folic acid
Side-effects: Insomnia, epistaxis, 200mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg, biotin
headache, nervousness, vomiting5, 9, 150mcg, pantothenic acid 6mg, vitamin
28, 45
. K 30mcg, calcium 100mg, phosphorus
50mg, iron 14mg, magnesium
Drug interactions: Albendazole, 50mg, zinc 15mg, iodine 150mcg, copper
1000mcg, manganese 2mg, potassium
alcohol, antidiabetics, digoxin assays,
50mg, selenium 100mcg, chromium
guarana, MAOIs, tamoxifen and other 40mcg, molybdenum 50mcg, chloride
oestrogen antagonists, warfarin and 45mg, L-lysine HCI 25mg, L-carnitine
related drugs, zidovudine5, 28, 184.
§§§ Panax ginseng should not be taken
continuously for periods exceeding 3 months;
occasional use or courses of 1 month followed
by a 2-month interval are recommended45.

~ 73 ~
ginseng korean

34mg, di-methionine 40mg, L-arginine Ginseng Forte (Arkopharma)

HCI 40mg, choline bitartrate Capsules; Panax ginseng root powder
50mg, inositol 50mg, lutein 2mg, silica 310mg, Panax ginseng root extract 70mg,
10mg. together providing 50mg ginsenosides,
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea equiv. to 2000mg ginseng dried root.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus
Herbal Complex (Vega) see Echinacea Ginseng Korean Herbal Complex (Vega)
Capsules; Ginseng korean (panax) root
Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see powder 300mg, ginseng korean (panax)
Meadowsweet root extract (5:1) 100mg (min. 20%
ginsenosides) equiv. to 800mg ginseng
Gentlemen’s ThreeTM (HealthAid) korean root herb.
Capsules; Koregin® standardised Korean Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
ginseng extract (5:1) 350mg, standardised
muira puama extract (10:1) 240mg (bark Herbal 3 (HealthAid) see Pumpkin
& root), standardised saw palmetto fruit
extract (10:1) 160mg, pumpkin seed oil JointCare Sport (HealthAid)
50mg, zinc 3.5mg. Capsules; Korean ginseng extract 10mg,
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea ginger extract 6mg, glucosamine sulphate
200mg, omega-3 nutrients 100mg,
Gericaps® Active (HealthAid) chondroitin sulphate 50mg, GLA 5mg,
Capsules; Standardised Panax ginseng vitamin E 5mg, beta-carotene 2mg,
extract 120mg, ginkgo biloba extract calcium 135mg, iron 7mg, zinc 7.5mg,
30mg, vitamin A 1.5mg, vitamin D selenium 25mcg.
10mcg, vitamin E 10mg, vitamin C 60mg, Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co. Ltd.
thiamin 5mg, riboflavin 5mg, niacin
20mg, vitamin B5 5mg, vitamin B6 6mg, Korean Ginseng (HealthAid)
vitamin B12 3mcg, folic acid 500mcg, Liquid; Korean ginseng extract 1:3 (equiv.
inositol 50mg, biotin 150mcg, di-methyl of 330mg of Korean ginseng herb) in 1ml.
amino ethanol bitartrate 20mg, DL- Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
methionine 30mg, choline bitartrate 50mg,
calcium 75mg, phosphorus 58mg, iron Korean Ginseng (NatraHealth)
15mg, copper 2mg, potassium 2mg, iodine Tablets; Korean ginseng extract.
300mcg, manganese 2.5mg, magnesium Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
10mg, zinc 4mg, selenium 50mcg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Korean Ginseng (Numark)
Tablets; Korean ginseng extract 60mg,
Gincosan (Pharmaton) see Ginkgo equiv. to 6000mg herb.
Local Distributor: Premier HealthCare
Ginkgo Vital 3TM (HealthAid) see Siberian
Ginseng Korean Ginseng 1200mg (Lamberts)
Tablets; Korean ginseng extract 1200mg
Ginsana (Pharmaton) (min. 20mg ginsenosides).
Capsules, syrup; Standardised Panax Local Distributor: Health Plus
ginseng root extract.
Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation. Korean Ginseng 250mg (HealthAid)
Capsules; 250mg Korean ginseng powder.

~ 74 ~
ginseng korean

Local Distributor: Galea & Galea damiana extract 4:1 equiv. to 400mg
powder; 100mg maca extract 5:1 equiv.
Korean Ginseng Extract (IL HWA) to 500mg powder; 60mg pussy willow
Capsules, tea bags; Pure Panax ginseng extract 4:1 equiv. to 240mg powder;
extract. 50mg cinnamon extract; 50mg kola nut
Local Distributor: Tongil Trading Co. Ltd. extract 4:1 equiv. to 200mg powder; 50mg
puncture vine extract; 25mg saw palmetto.
Korean Ginseng with Multivitamins & Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Minerals (Red Kooga)
Tablets; Korean ginseng root extract Male MaxTM (HealthAid)
37.5mg (equiv. to Korean ginseng root Tablets; 250mg korean ginseng
powder 300mg), vitamin A 800mcg, standardised extract 2:1, 150mg
vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E 10mg, vitamin ashwagandha standardised extract, 100mg
C 60mg, thiamin 1.4mg, riboflavin 1.6mg, velvet bean extract 4:1, 100mg muira
niacin 18mg, vitamin B6 2mg, folic acid puama extract 4:1, 100mg guarana extract
200mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg, pantothenic 4:1, 100mg pumpkin extract 4:1, 100mg
acid 6mg, calcium 140mg, phosphorus damiana extract 4:1, 100mg cinnamon
110mg, iron 14mg, zinc 15mg, iodine extract, 100mg maca extract 5:1, 60mg
150mcg, copper 500mcg, manganese 1mg, pussywillow extract 4:1, 50mg kola nut
selenium 50mcg. 4:1, 25mg puncture vine standardised
Local Distributor: George Borg Barthet Ltd. extract, 25mg Saw Palmetto standardised.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Koregin® 3000 (HealthAid)
Capsules; Korean ginseng 5:1 extract MegaMultiTM (HealthAid)
600mg, standardised to 8% ginsenosides, Prolonged release tablets; Ginseng 100mg,
equiv. to 3000mg of ginseng root powder. rutin 25mg, vitamin A 750mcg, vitamin
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea D 6.25mcg, vitamin E 2mg, vitamin C
300mg, thiamin 50mg, riboflavin 65mg,
Kwai® ACE (Kwai) niacin 75mg, vitamin B6 10mg, folacin
Tablets; Dried garlic 300mg, vitamin 300mcg, vitamin B12 5mcg, biotin
A 540mcg, vitamin C 80mg, vitamin E 0.08mg, pantothenic acid 60mg, calcium
20mg. 50mg, iron 10mg, zinc 4mg, iodine
Local Distributor: Vivian Corporation 150mcg, choline 20mg, chromium 6mcg,
copper 35mcg, inositol 40mg, manganese
Kwai® One-A-Day (Kwai) 0.10mg, para amino benzoic acid 30mg,
Tablets; Dried garlic 300mg. selenium 10mcg, citrus bioflavonoids
Local Distributor: Vivian Corportation 30mg, L-lysine 60mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Male Formula (HealthAid)
Tablets; 250mg korean ginseng extract MSM Glucosamine Joint Complex
2:1 equiv. to 500mg powder, standardised (Higher Nature) see Celery
5% ginsenosides; 150mg ashwagandha
extract, standardised to 1.5% Multibionta® Activate (Seven Seas)
withanolides, 1% alkaloids; 100mg velvet Capsules; Ginseng extract 10mg (equiv.
bean extract 4:1 equiv. to 400mg powder; to ginseng root 40mg), schisandra fruit
100mg muira puama extract 4:1 equiv. to 7.5mg, vitamin A 800mcg, vitamin
400mg powder; 100mg pumpkin extract D 5mcg, vitamin E 10mg, vitamin C
4:1 equiv. to 400mg powder; 100mg 60mg, thiamin 1.4mg, riboflavin 1.6mg,

~ 75 ~
ginseng korean

niacin 18mg, vitamin B6 2mg, folic d-panthenol 1.25mg.

acid 200mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg, biotin Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
0.15mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, calcium
90mg, phosphorus 38mg, iron 5mg, Pharmaton® (Pharmaton)
magnesium 45mg, zinc 5mg, iodine Capsules; Standardised ginseng extract
100mcg, chloride 4.5mg, chromium G115 (made from the roots of Panax
25mcg, manganese 0.4mg, molybdenum ginseng) 40mg, vitamin A 2667IU, biotin
25mcg, selenium 30mcg, potassium 5mg, 150mcg, thiamin 1.4mg, riboflavin 1.6mg,
coenzyme Q10 2mg. pyridoxine 2.0mg, cyanocobalamine
Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co. Ltd. 1mcg, ascorbic acid 60mg, cholecalciferol
200IU, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate 10mg,
Multibionta® Probiotic Multivitamin 50+ nicotinamide 18mg, folic acid 100mcg,
(Seven Seas) iron 10mg, calcium 100mg, copper 2mg,
Capsules; Ginseng extract 20mg (equiv. to magnesium, 10mg, zinc 1mg, selenium
80mg ginseng root), bilberry extract 1mg 50mcg, lecithin 100mg.
(equiv. to 100mg fresh bilberry), vitamin Local Distributor: Aldox Ltd.
A 800mcg, vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E
10mg, vitamin C 60mg, thiamin 1.4mg, Power Ginseng GX 2500+ (Power Health)
riboflavin 1.6mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin Capsules; Korean ginseng extract 100mg
B6 2mg, folic acid 200mcg, vitamin containing typically 30% ginsenosides.
B12 1mcg, biotin 0.15mg, pantothenic Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
acid 6mg, calcium 90mg, phosphorus
38mg, iron 5mg, magnesium 45mg, PowerplusTM (HealthAid) see Siberian
zinc 5mg, iodine 100mcg, manganese Ginseng
0.4mg, chromium 25mcg, molybdenum
25mcg, selenium 30mcg, chloride 4.5mg, Revive (Kelkin) see Guarana
potassium 5mg, lutein 100mcg.
Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co. Ltd. Royal 3 (HealthAid) see Evening
Neovita® (Savoy Laboratories)
Capsules; Ginseng 100mg, vitamin A Sexovit® forte (HealthAid)
2400IU, thiamin mononitrate 2.5mg, Tablets; 60mg Korean ginseng 10:1
riboflavin 2.5mg, pyridoxine 1mg, extract (standardised to 20% ginsenosides)
calciferol 240IU, dl-alpha tocopheryl equiv. to 600mg powder, 50mg ginkgo
acetate 2mg, cyanocobalamin 4.9mcg, biloba extract (standardised to 24%
nicotinamide 20mg, calcium pantothenate glycosides & 6% terpenoids), 100mg
10mg, ascorbic acid 40mg, magnesium vitamin C, 67mg vitamin E, 15mg zinc,
oxide 10mg, zinc oxide 5mg, magnesium 200mcg selenium, 250mg L-arginine HCl,
sulphate 2mg, copper sulphate 2mg, 50mg L-carnitine, 50mg L-methionine,
ferrous sulphate 33mg, lecithin 9.5mg, 50mg L-phenylalanine.
calcium phosphate 100mg. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Syrup; Ginseng extract 17.5mg (equiv.
to 87.5mg root), vitamin A 450IU, Triple G - Ginseng, Ginkgo, Garlic
thiamin hydrochloride 625mcg, (Power Health)
riboflavin 625mcg, pyridoxine 250mcg, Tablets; Pure korean ginseng powder
cyanocobalamin 0.875mcg, ascorbic 250mg, standardised 24% ginkgo biloba
acid 4.2mg, sodium ascorbate 6.525mg, extract 60mg, pure garlic powder 2mg.
calciferol 45IU, nicotinamide 5mg, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

~ 76 ~

Hydrastis canadensis
Family: Ranunculaceae Side-effects: Digestive disorders,
Medicinal Parts: Root, rhizome. mucous membrane irritation,
constipation, excitatory states,
Indications: hallucinations, occasionally deliria if
Internal taken over an extended period5, 9, 28.
Principal: Digestive ailments
including infectious diarrhoea, Drug interactions: Benzodiazepines,
hypercholesterolaemia190, CHF5, 28, 45. cytochrome P450 3A4-metabolized
Minor: Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, drugs, indinavir, paclitaxel, vitamin
peptic ulcer, colds & fever, recurrent B28, 191.
ear infections, vaginitis, urinary tract
infections5, 28. Dose: Three times daily: dried
External rhizome & root, 0.5-1 gm; tincture
Principal: To clean wounds, skin (1:10, 60% ethanol), 2-4 ml; liquid
infections including ringworm & extract (1:1, 60% ethanol), 0.3-1 ml5,
athlete’s foot5, 9, 28. 45
Major: Reduce haemorrhoids, soothe
canker sores5. Echinacea 1000mg & Goldenseal
Others: Conjunctivitis, blepharitis9. 2000mg (Lamberts) see Echinacea

Golden Seal (HealthAid)

Cautions: Not to be used as a Liquid; Golden seal extract 1:5 (equiv. of
douche due to potential for mucous 200mg of golden seal herb) in 1ml.
membrane irritation5, 28. Tablets; Golden seal root powder 315mg,
standardised golden seal root extract
Contraindications: Kidney disease, 160mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
pregnancy, lactation, hypertension,
people with glucose-6-phosphate- Healthy Mega (HealthAid) see
dehydrogenase deficiency5, 9, 28, 45. Buckwheat

~ 77 ~
gotu kola

Centella asiatica
Family: Apiaceae used topically), photosensitization,
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, stem. infertility28.

Indications: Drug interactions: None known.

Principal: Skin scars, ulcers,
burns192 & wounds193, 194, memory Dose: Daily dose: 0.6 gm of dried
enhancement, neurodegenerative leaves or infusion taken 3 times daily;
disorders28, 195. normal single dose is 0.33 to 0.68
Major: Rheumatism, venous gm28.
insufficiency circulatory disorders,
anxiety, epilepsy196, 197. Brainvit® (HealthAid) see Brahmi
Minor: Prevention of cancer, diabetic
Gotu Kola (HealthAid)
microangiopathy, oedema, venous
Liquid; Gotu Kola extract 1:3 (equiv. of
hypertension197. 330mg of gotu kola herb) in 1ml.
Others: Leprosy, eczema197. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Cautions: Diabetes, Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see

hyperlipidaemia28. Guarana

Organic Aloe Vera (®) see Aloe

Contraindications: Pregnancy28. Vera

Side-effects: Skin irritation (when Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed

Vitis vinifera
Family: Vitaceae Minor: Pancreatitis, preventing
Medicinal Parts: Seeds, grape skins. reperfusion injury, reduces sun burn5.
Others: Headache, dysuria,
Indications: scabies, gonorrhoea, haemorrhoids,
Principal: Fluid retention, peripheral vomiting28.
venous insufficiency, capillary
resistance, diabetic retinopathy5, 28, 198, Cautions/Contraindications: None
. known.
Major: Eye strain, hyperlipidaemia,
enhances dermal wound healing, Side-effects: Dry, itchy scalp,
aging skin, cancer5, 198, 199, 200. dizziness, headache, hypertension,

~ 78 ~

hives, indigestion, nausea200. Tablets; Grapefruit seed extract 100mg.

Local Distributor: Health Plus
Drug interactions: Warfarin & other
Eyewise® (Lamberts)
anticoagulants198, ascorbic acid, Tablets; Grapeseed 500mg (provided by
midazolam201. 10mg of a 50:1 extract), bilberry 200mg
(provided by 50mg of a 4:1 extract),
Dose: blackberry 200mg (provided by 50mg of
To protect against free radical a 4:1 extract), lutein 10mg, zeaxanthin
damage (oxidation): 25 - 150 mg 400mcg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
of a standardised extract (40 - 80%
proanthocyanidins or 95% OPC Grapeseed Antioxidant Formula (FSC)
value), 1 - 3 times daily. Capsules; Grapeseed extract 50mg
Chronic venous insufficiency: 150 - (providing 25mg polyphenols 50%),
300 mg daily. selenium 15mcg, green tea leaf 50mg,
Oedema: 200 - 400 mg daily for 10 - citrus bioflavonoid 60mg, bilberry fruit
30 days198.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma) Grapeseed Extract (HealthAid)
see Fenugreek Tablets; Grapeseed extract (500:1) 100mg
containing 95% total phenolic compounds.
Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Ampoules; Grapeseed, bromelain, green
tea, papaya, artichoke, dandelion, fructose, HeartMaxTM (HealthAid)
magnesium citrate, bladderwrack, witch Capsules; Grapeseed extract 25mg, garlic
hazel, meadowsweet, exotic fruit aroma, oil (100:1) 1.25mg equiv. to 125mg
vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, beta- of fresh garlic bulb, lycopene 5mg,
carotene, lemon juice, wild carrot, tomato, chromium 50mcg, fish oil concentrate
selenium yeast, buckwheat, potassium 400mg which provides 132mg EPA &
sorbate, sodium benzoate. 88mg DHA, L-carnitine 125mg, L-taurine
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. 125mg, lecithin 100mg, alpha lipoic
acid 50mg, coenzyme Q10 30mg, citrus
Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) see bioflavonoids 5mg.
Green Tea Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) see Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
Ginger Guarana
Antioxidant Selenium-ACE Formula Horse Chestnut Complex (Lamberts) see
(Vega) see Bilberry Horse Chestnut
Cardiohealth Formula (Vega) see Garlic Multi Antioxidant Complex (Vega) see
Citricidal (Higher Nature)

Liquid; Grapefruit seed extract Multi Max® (Lamberts)

concentrate. Tablets; Grapeseed 500mg (provided

~ 79 ~

by 1mg of a 500:1 extract), vitamin A dioscorea 100mg, bilberry flavour 10mg,

1948mcg, vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E sodium benzoate 10mg.
100mg, vitamin C 150mg, thiamin 25mg, Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
riboflavin 25mg, niacin 25mg, vitamin B6,
folic acid 400mcg, vitamin B12 10mcg, Venalta® Ampoules (Alta Care)
biotin 0.15mg, pantothenic acid 25mg, Ampoules; Red Vine leaf extract 3750mg,
calcium 62mg, iron 14mg, magnesium barley extract 2500mg, buckwheat extract
50mg, zinc 15mg, iodine 150mcg, choline 1000mg, witch hazel extract 1000mg,
bitartrate 25mg, inositol 25mg, PABA vitamin C 60mg, vitamin E 10mg,
25mg, manganese 4mg, copper 1.2mg, grapefruit natural flavour 50mg, citrus
molybdenum 500mcg, selenium 200mcg, limonum 10mg.
chromium 200mcg. Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Venis® Sollievo (Erba Vita)
Multi-Max Advance (Lamberts) see
Gel; Grapeseed extract, butcher’s broom
Turmeric extract, blueberry extract, ivy extract,
escin, lavender oil.
Opticare Formula 20:20 (Vega) see Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Vitiven® ultra cold (Arkopharma) see
Perfectil Platinum (Vitabiotics) see Green Butcher’s Broom
Wellman® Tricologic (Vitabiotics)
Phytobronz (Arkopharma) Tablets; Proanthocyanidins (red grape
Capsules; Grape seed extract, vitamin extract) 5mg, vitamin D 15mcg, vitamin
E, carotenoids, squalene, starflower oil, E 60mg, vitamin C 180mg, vitamin B1
IHA (Intense Helio Active) Arkopharma’s 10mg, vitamin B2 8mg, vitamin B3 36mg,
unique compound of natural extract of red vitamin B6 10mg, folic acid 400mcg,
palm oil, capsicum & tomato. vitamin B12 20mcg, biotin 150mcg,
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. pantothenic acid 90mg, magnesium 50mg,
iron 8mg, zinc 15mg, copper 100mcg,
TotallyWise (Vega) see Green Tea manganese 0.5mg, selenium 150mcg,
chromium 50mcg, iodine 150mcg, PABA
Venalta® (Alta Care) 30mg, silicon 15mg, betacarotene 2mg,
Capsules; Omega 3 (350mg), grape lignans 150mg, choline 100mg, myo-
seed (100mg), grapeseed skin (37.5mg), inositol 50mg, N-acetyl cysteine 50mg,
grapeseed whole fruit 12.5mg. L-cystine 50mg, L-methionine 50mg,
Patches; Acrylates copolymer, propylene L-lysine 50mg.
glycol, grapeseed extract, horse chestnut Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
extract, butcher’s broom extract, gotu kola
extract, ginkgo biloba extract, glycine Wellwoman Tricologic® (Vitabiotics)
soya oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, Tablets; Grapeseed extract 5mg, vitamin
sweet orange oil, limonene, Linalool. D 20mcg, vitamin E 60mg, vitamin C
Syrup; Honey sugar free 6400mg, 60mg, vitamin B1 10mg, vitamin B2
cranberry juice 2000mg, grapeseed 8mg, vitamin B3 36mg, vitamin B6
400mg, barley 280mg, witch hazel 250mg, 10mg, folic acid 400mcg, vitamin B12
cranberry extract 200mg, butcher’s broom 20mcg, biotin 150mcg, pantothenic acid
root 200mg, soya isoflavones 150mg, 90mg, magnesium 50mg, iron 14mg, zinc

~ 80 ~
green coffee

15mg, copper 1000mcg, manganese 2mg, marine collagen 200mg, L-cystine 100mg,
selenium 150mcg, chromium 50mcg, L-methionine 50mg, inositol 90mg.
iodine 150mcg, silicon 60mg, natural Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
mixed carotenoids 3mg, hydrolysed

Coffea arabica
Family: Rubiaceae Drug interactions: Antidiabetics,
Medicinal Parts: Seed. antihypertensives, iron compounds,
nicotine, phenylpropanolamine203.
Principal: Stimulation of the nervous Dose: Average daily dose: 9 gm of
system, increasing arousal and ground drug; Average single dose: 3
vigilance, reducing fatigue202. gm of powder28.
Major: Diarrhoea, inflammation of the
mouth & pharynx, festering wounds28, Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
. see Green Tea
Minor: Hepatitis, oedema, neuralgia, Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)
migraine, fever, asthma, to treat see Fenugreek
opium and alcohol intoxication28, 202.
Green Coffee (Quest)
Cautions: Patients with sensitive Tablets; Green coffee bean extract 200mg,
cardiovascular systems, kidney chlorogenic acids 90mg.
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
diseases, hyperthyroidism, higher
disposition to convulsions, certain Green Coffee Bean (Power Health)
psychic disorders (including panic Capsules; Green coffee bean powder
anxiety states), pregnancy28. 133mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Side-effects: Hyperacidity, stomach
irritation, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, Pure Green Coffee Extract (Lamberts)
Tablets; Decaffeinated green coffee
sleeplessness, anxiety, tremor, extract 200mg.
nervous restlessness, palpitations and Local Distributor: Health Plus
withdrawal headaches28.

~ 81 ~
green tea

Camellia sinensis
Family: Theaceae Performance Detox (Arkopharma)
Medicinal Parts: Leaf. Vials; Green tea, maté, pawpaw, kola,
turmeric, elder, fennel, celery, chicory,
barley malt, fructo-oligosachharides.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Principal: Atherosclerosis204,
, hypercholesterolaemia206, Shape Up Day & Night
dental caries207, gingivitis, cancer (Arkopharma)
prevention208, 209. Capsules;
Major: Sunburn protection210, 211, Yellow day capsule: Green tea extract
85.5mg, maté extract 85.5mg, barley malt
weight loss, weight maintenance212. powder 45mg, kola seed powder 39mg,
Minor: Inflammatory bowel disease, fennel fruit powder 30mg, celery seed
diabetes5, 28. powder 15mg.
Others: Headache, diarrhoea, fatigue, Brown night capsule: Lemon balm extract
vomiting, dyspepsia & other digestive 60mg, grape seed extract 60mg, kidney
symptoms, migraine5, 28. bean powder 60mg, hawthorn powder
20mg, chichory powder 20mg.
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Cautions: Weak cardiovascular
system, renal disease, Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
hyperthyroidism, elevated Liquid; Green tea leaves, green coffee
susceptibility to spasm28. beans, fennel seed, maté leaves, guarana
seeds, celery stalks and leaves, chicory
roots, dandelion roots, kola seeds, black
Contraindications: Hypertension, radish roots.
cardiac arrhythmias, severe liver Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
disease, anxiety disorders, insomnia5. Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)
Side-effects: CNS stimulation, see Fenugreek
diuresis, hyperacidity, gastric Active Women’s Multivitamins &
irritation, reduction in appetite when Minerals (Vega) see Siberian Ginseng
consumed in large amounts5, 28.
Altadrine® Aquadrain (Alta Care)
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants, Capsules; Green tea leaf 250mg, sodium
carbonate 50mg, potassium carbonate
hypoglycaemic agents, iron, CNS 50mg, magnesium gluconate 50mg.
stimulants, CNS depressants, Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
diuretics, drugs metabolized by
CYP1A25, 28. Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see
Dose: 3-5 cups of green tea per day28. Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care) see

~ 82 ~
green tea

Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) Grapeseed Antioxidant Formula (FSC)

Ampoules; Aqueous extracts of: cherry see Grapeseed
peduncle 4000mg, green tea 800mg,
dandelion roots 800mg, stinging nettle Green Tea (Arkopharma)
aerial parts 680mg, meadowsweet 400mg, Capsules; Green tea leaf powder 390mg.
red vine leaf 400mg, ground ivy 240mg, Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
orange concentrated juice 454mg, orange
flavour 40mg, lemon flavour 40mg, Green Tea (HealthAid)
bladderwrack 15mg. Liquid; 1:4 extract of Camellia sinensis
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. (equiv. of 250mg green tea extract and
100mg polyphenols).
Antioxidant Selenium-ACE Formula Tablets; Green tea extract 100mg (equiv.
(Vega) see Bilberry to 1000mg of green tea powder).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Bodylean® CLA Plus (HealthAid)
30 CLA capsules & 30 bodylean tablets; Green Tea (Quest)
Each CLA capsule contains 1000mg Tablets; Green tea leaf extract 100mg,
CLA oil (80% CLA) derived from providing polyphenols 60mg.
sunflower & safflower oil, which provides Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
800mg free CLA. Each bodylean tablet
contains 100mg green tea polyphenols, Green Tea 1000mg (Power Herbs)
125mg L-ornithine, 125mg L-carnitine, Tablets; Green Tea (5:1) extract 200mg
125mg creatine, 15mg CoQ10, 200mcg equiv. to green tea 1000mg (40%
chromium. catechins).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Carboslim® Phase 2 (HealthAid) Kelp Plus Greens Formula (Vega) see

Capsules; 100mg standardised green tea Kelp
extract (min. 60% polyphenols & 35%
catechins), 500mg phase 2 (from kidney Maxijoint Formula (Vega) see Bilberry
bean extract), 100mcg chromium.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Menopace® Plus (Vitabiotics) see Sage

Diet Shake (Sci-MX) Menopause Formula (Vega) see

Powder; Green tea extract, corn source Starflower
maltodextrin, whey protein concentrate,
soya protein isolate, skimmed milk, Molkosan Vitality (A.Vogel)
milk protein concentrate, cocoa powder, Powder; Green tea extract, maize starch,
fructose, insulin fibre, MCT-oil, rice concentrated whey powder, lactic acid,
starch, conjugated linoleic acid, whey fructose, orange flavour.
protein isolate, egg albumin, cellulose Local Distributor: Health Plus
gum, potassium, lactase enzymes, niacin,
iodine, folic acid, biotin. Multi Antioxidant Complex (Vega) see
Local Distributor: Ruth & Marcel Ginkgo
Multibionta® Immune Support Probiotic
Evening Primrose Oil Formula (Vega) Multivitamin (Seven Seas)
see Evening Primrose Capsules; Green tea extract 100mg,

~ 83 ~
green tea

vitamin E 20mg, vitamin C 150mg, beta carotene 4.8mg; vitamin B6 2mg;

folic acid 400mcg, zinc 7.5mg, selenium vitamin B2 1.6mg; vitamin B1 1.4mg;
100mcg, total bioflavonoids 30mg. manganese 0.5mg; copper 250mcg;
Local Distributor: Associated Drug Co. selenium 250mcg.
Ltd. Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Multi-Max® Advance (Lamberts) see
Turmeric SiberSlimTM (HealthAid) see Siberian
Perfectil Platinum (Vitabiotics)
Tablets; Bio marine collagen 100mg, TotallyWise (Vega)
lycopene extract 5% 5mg, grape seed Multivitamin & mineral tablet; Vitamin
extract 7.5mg, pine bark extract 4mg, A 800mcg, vitamin D3 10mcg, vitamin E
green tea extract 10mg, blackcurrant seed 20mg, vitamin C 120mg, thiamin 2.8mg,
oil 25mg, alpha lipoic acid 20mg, enzyme riboflavin 3.2mg, niacin 36mg, vitamin
Q10 2.5mg, betacarotene 2mg, vitamin B6 4mg, folic acid 400mcg, vitamin B12
D3 2.5mcg, vitamin E 25mg, vitamin 2mcg, biotin 300mcg, pantothenic acid
C 45mg, thiamin 4mg, riboflavin 2mg, 12mg, calcium 200mg, magnesium 75mg,
niacin 9mg, vitamin B6 5mg, folacin iron 14mg, zinc 15mg, iodine 150mcg,
200mcg, vitamin B12 4.5mcg, biotin manganese 2mg, chromium 120mcg,
75mcg, pantothenic acid 20mg, iron 6mg, molybdenum 10mcg, copper 1mg,
magnesium 50mg, zinc 7.5mg, iodine selenium 25mcg, silicon 1mg.
100mcg, copper 500mcg, manganese Omega-3 fish oil capsule; Concentrated
0.25mg, selenium 500mcg, chromium fish oil 630mg (providing EPA 150mg,
25mcg, silicon 25mcg, L-cystine 10mcg. DHA 100mg), total omega-3 fatty acids
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. 320mg, sweet orange oil 16.2mg, olive
oil 9.3mg, tomato lipids 0.7mg, medium
Pine Bark Complex (Vega) see Scotch chain triglycerides 0.3mg.
Pine Antioxidant tablet; Alpha lipoic acid
20mg, CoQ10 2mg, N-acetyl cysteine
Premenstrual Formula (Vega) see Oats 40mg, beta-carotene 2mg, lycopene
1.5mg, lutein esters 1.5mg, pomegranate
Rejuvadeen Formula (Vega) extract 7mg, green tea extract 10mg,
Capsules; Soy protein isolate 100mg; grape skin extract 5mg, querceptin
Vega Bio-Marine ComplexTM 100mg 5mg, soy isoflavones 5mg (providing
providing chitosan 30mg, glucosamine 2mg isoflavones), soy protein isolate
sulphate 30mg, blue green algae 10mg, 18mg, pine bark extract 1mg, bilberry
chlorella broken cell algae 10mg, kelp extract 10mg, blackberry extract 5mg,
seaweed 10mg, spirulina algae 10mg; blackcurrant extract 5mg, blueberry
vitamin C 60mg; citrus bioflavonoids extract 5mg, blackcherry extract 5mg,
20mg; collagen type II 20mg; zinc 15mg; watercress extract 5mg.
beta 1,3 glucans 10mg; green tea leaf Prebiotic & probiotic capsule;
powder 10mg (min. 60% polyphenols); Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL60,
L-cysteine; silicon 10mg; vitamin E lactobacillus acidophilus CUL21,
10mg; grape seed extract 5mg (min. 95% bifidobacterium lactis CUL34,
polyphenols); L-glutathione 5mg; soy bifidobacterium bifidum CUL20.
isoflavone concentrate 5mg (min. 40% Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
isoflavones); superoxide dismutase 5mg; Ltd.

~ 84 ~
griffonia (5-htp)

Vitalize Regenerative Formula (Vega) see 120mcg, chromium 75mcg.

Siberian Ginseng Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Wellwoman 50+ (Vitabiotics) WellTeen® Plus Omega-3 (Vitabiotics) see

Tablets; Lutein esters 2mg, green tea Cranberry
extract 20mg, phosphatidylcholine 10mg,
Co-Q10 2mg, L-carnitine 10mg, alpha Zinc-C Formula (Vega)
lipoic acid 20mg, citrus bioflavonoid Tablets; Green tea leaf extract 100mg
complex 10mg, natural mixed carotenoids (min. 40% polyphenols), rutin bean extract
2mg, vitamin D 10mcg, vitamin E 15mg, 30mg, vitamin C 240mg, pantothenic
vitamin C 60mg, thiamin 14mg, riboflavin acid 60mg, citrus bioflavonoids 30mg,
4mg, niacin 30mg, vitamin B6 10mg, hesperidin 30mg, zinc 15mg, manganese
folacin 500mcg, vitamin B12 5mcg, biotin 0.5mg, selenium 200mcg, copper 100mcg.
50mcg, pantothenic acid 6mg, iron 10mg, Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
magnesium 25mg, zinc 15mg, manganese Ltd.
0.5mg, copper 1000mcg, selenium

Griffonia simplicifolia
Family: Leguminosae Drug interactions: Carbidopa,
Medicinal Parts: Seeds. MAOIs, SSRIs28, 213.

Indications: Dose:
Principal: Depression, anxiety, other Depression: 50 mg three times daily.
psychiatric and neurological disorders Insomnia: 100-300 mg before
where there is a deficiency of neural bedtime.
serotonin, insomnia28, 213. Fibromyalgia: 100 mg three times
Major: Fibromyalgia, obesity, chronic daily28, 213.
headache, migraine28.
Minor: To reduce risk of artery 5-HTP (HealthAid)
Prolonged release tablets; 50mg 5-HTP
& heart spasm, management of
from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract.
Parkinson’s disease & epilepsy28. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Contraindications: Pregnancy, 5-HTP (Solgar)

lactation28. Vegicaps; 5-HTP (from standardized
Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract)
Side-effects: Heartburn, stomach 100mg, valerian root powdered extract
100mg, magnesium 50mg, vitamin B6
pain, flatulence, diarrhoea, vomiting, 10mg.
decreased libido28, 213. Local Distributor: Natural Remedies

~ 85 ~

Grindelia robusta
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Medicinal Parts: Dried leaves,
flowering branches. GrinTuss (Aboca)
Paediatric & adult syrup; Plant extracts of
grindelia, plantain, helichrysum.
Indications: Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
Principal: Catarrhs of the upper
respiratory tract19, cough, bronchitis28. Mucovit® Sciroppo Adulti (Erba Vita)
Others: Asthma, whooping cough19. Syrup; Acacia honey 11250mg, grindelia
flower heads 1135mg, vegetal extracts:
eucalyptus leaves 900mg, scotch pine
Cautions/Contraindications: None
buds 675mg, thyme flowers and leaves
known. 675mg, european elder flowers 675mg,
fir buds and berries 450mg, adhatoda
Side-effects: Gastric or renal irritation vasica leaves 225mg, scotch pine needles
rarely19. essential oil 22.5mg, vitamin C 22.5mg.
Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Drug interactions: None known.
Mucovit® Sciroppo Bambini (Erba Vita)
Syrup; Acacia honey 5625mg, grindelia
Dose: Daily dose: 4-6 gm of the drug flower heads 675mg, vegetal extracts of
or 3-6 gm of grindelia fluid extract; eucalyptus leaves 450mg, scotch pine
tincture (1:10 or 1:5, ethanol 60-80% buds 450mg, european elder flowers
v/v), 1.5-3 ml19. 450mg, fir buds and berries 450mg, thyme
flowers and leaves 225mg, vitamin C
Broncovit® (Erba vita) 22.5mg, orange peel essential oil 22.5mg.
Syrup; Grindelia summit 1125mg, Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
extracts of maidenhair fern summit
900mg, common sundew flowered plant Pectovit® (Erba Vita)
675mg, iceland moss whole plant 675mg, Ointment; Grindelia extract, eucalyptus
peppermint leaves 675mg, blackcurrant essential oil, pine essential oil, lavender
berries 450mg, dry extract of grapefruit essential oil, tea tree oil, niaouli essential
seed 11.25mg, peppermint essential oil oil.
22.5mg, acacia honey 5625mg, vitamin C Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.

~ 86 ~

Paullinia cupana
Family: Sapindaceae Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
Medicinal Parts: Seeds. see Green Tea

Indications: Altacura® Ginseng (Alta Care) see

Principal: Chemotherapy-related Ginseng Korean
fatigue214, 215; lack of alertness, energy
Altacura® Infludrink (Alta Care) see
or stamina5, 216, 217. Meadowsweet
Major: To promote weight loss,
enhance athletic performance5, 28, 215. Altadrine® Fat Burner (Alta Care) see
Others: Headache, dysmenorrhoea, Bitter Orange
fever, digestion problems28.
Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) see
Cautions: Patients taking other Ginger
drugs or herb supplements containing
CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow
caffeine or any other stimulant
products, diabetes, sensitive Guaramax® 1000 (HealthAid)
cardiovascular system, renal disease, Capsules; Guarana seed 4:1 extract
hyperthyroidism, gastric ulcers, 250mg, standardised to 10% caffeine,
chronic headache, pregnancy, nursing equivalent to 1000mg guarana seed
mothers5, 28. powder.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Hypertension,
Guarana 500mg (Power Herbs)
cardiac arrhythmias5. Capsules; Stoneground amazon guarana
seeds 500mg.
Side-effects: Nervousness, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
restlessness, irritability, insomnia14.
Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid)
Drug interactions: Liquid; Red grape juice, purified water,
Antihypertensives, Ephedra & gotu kola, muira puama, guarana seed,
kava herbal medicines215, OTC Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia),
nasal decongestants, sedating Siberian ginseng, disodium hydrogen,
phosphate anhydrous, citric acid,
antihistamines, antinausea agents14,
potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate.
diuretics, anticoagulants, antiplatelets, Tablets; Guarana powder 250mg, siberian
digoxin5. ginseng 175mg, bee pollen 50mg, gotu
kola 20mg, bissy nut 20mg, spirulina
Dose: 20mg, ginger root 20mg, mullein 20mg,
Cognition, alertness, mood: 37.5-75 liquorice 20mg, hawthorn berry 20mg,
mg every 6 hours. yellow dock 20mg, papaya fruit 20mg,
Other indications: 2.5-4 gm guarana/ capsicum 19mg, pepsin 1mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 87 ~
guar gum

Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see soy lecithin 50mg, bladderwrack 25mg,
White Willow potassium gluconate 20mg, vitamin E
20mg, sodium chloride 20mg, magnesium
Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng oxide 20mg, zinc gluconate 15mg,
Korean magnesium stearate 14mg, royal jelly
14mg, vitamin A 10mg, lutein 8.23mg,
Revive (Kelkin) marigold extract 5mg, vitamin B2 1.60mg,
Effervescent tablets; Guarana extract vitamin B1 1.40mg, vitamin B6 1mg,
50mg, Panax ginseng 15mg, vitamin C vitamin B12 1mg. Night (blue tablets):
85mg, vitamin B1 1.2mg, vitamin B2 Cellulose 200mg, tri calcium phosphate
1.5mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin B6 1.5mg, 200mg, lithothamnium calcareum 100mg,
folic acid 220mcg, vitamin B12 2mcg, vitamin C 60mg, glucosamine sulphate
biotin 80mcg, vitamin B5 6mg, calcium 50mg, spirulina 20mg, vitamin E 20mg,
100mg, magnesium 110mg, zinc 9.5mg. ferrous gluconate 20mg, maltodextrin
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea 15.80mg, magnesium stearate 14mg,
chondroitin sulphate 14mg, royal jelly
SiberSlimTM (HealthAid) see Siberian 10mg, soy lecithin 10mg, L-tryptophan
Ginseng 10mg, zinc gluconate 5mg, vitamin B6
1mg, vitamin B2 1.6mg, vitamin B1
Silvia® Women Formula (Alta Care) 1.4mg, vitamin B12 1mg, folic acid 0.2mg,
Tablets; Day (pink tablets): Cellulose vitamin D3 0.001mg.
200mg, maltodextrin 147.77mg, Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
magnesium carbonate 80mg, vitamin C
60mg, guarana seed dry extract 50mg, Zotrim (Nature’s Remedies) see Maté

Cyamopsis tetragonoloba

Family: Leguminosae oesophagus, stomach, and intestine,

Medicinal Parts: Whole plant. which might hinder passage of the
Principal: Diabetes mellitus218, Side-effects: Feeling of fullness,
post prandial hyperglycemia219 & nausea, wind & diarrhoea particularly
glucosuria, hyperlipoproteinaemia28, 220. at the beginning of treatment28.
Others: Night blindness, dyspeptic
complaints, anorexia, constipation28, 220. Drug interactions: Acetaminophen,
nitrofurantoin, digoxin, bumetanide,
Cautions: Adequate intake of fluid metformin, phenoxymethylpenicillin,
to prevent bolus formation and some formulations of glibenclamide,
oesophageal obstruction28. slowed absorption of oral
contraceptives, potentiation of
Contraindications: Diseases of the insulin14.

~ 88 ~

Dose: One dose of 5 gm per tablet or Snoreeze Oral Strips (Snoreeze) see
granules, three times daily28. Peppermint

Healthy Mega (HealthAid) see Snoreeze Throat Spray (Snoreeze) see

Buckwheat Peppermint

Gymnema sylvestre
Family: Asclepiadaceae Side-effects: Gastric irritation,
Medicinal Parts: Leaf. hepatotoxicity5.

Indications: Drug interactions: Hypoglycaemic

Principal: Type 1 & type 2 agents, insulin5.
diabetes221, 222, hypercholesterolaemia,
hypertriglyceridaemia14, 223. Dose: 400-600 mg/day in divided
Major: Sweet taste suppression & doses with meals5.
weight loss5.
Chitosan Complex (HealthAid)
Cautions: Monitor blood glucose Capsules; 50mg Gymnema sylvestre
extract, 700mg shellfish shell fibre
levels closely when used in
(chitosan), vitamin C 40mg.
conjunction with insulin and Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
hypoglycaemic agents, pregnancy5, 14.

Crataegus laevigata

Family: Rosaceae kidney & bladder stones224.

Medicinal Parts: Extracts of leaf Others: Herpes simplex infection5.
and flower are most commonly used,
although the berries may also be used. Contraindications: Pregnancy5, 9,
children under 12 years of age28.
Principal: Arrhythmias, Side-effects: Sweating, nausea,
hypertension224, angina pectoris, fatigue, rash on the hands, headache,
atherosclerosis225, NYHA functional dizziness, palpitations, sleepiness,
class II CHF226, 227, 5, 9, 19, 28. agitation, GI symptoms5, 9, 28, 227.
Major: Hyperlipidaemia, anxiety5, 228.
Minor: Connective tissue disorders,

~ 89 ~

Drug interactions: of 330mg of hawthorn berry herb) in 1ml.

Antihypertensives, cardiac Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
glycosides5, 227, 229.
Hawthorn Berry 500mg (FSC)
Tablets; Hawthorn berry extract equiv. to
Dose: 160-900 mg of a native 500mg.
water-ethanol extract of the leaves Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
or flowers; 1.5-3.5 gm as infusion or
decoction19, 227. Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
Guarana Shape Up Day & Night
(Arkopharma) see Green Tea Hawthorn Compound (Power Herbs) see
Hawthorn (Arkopharma)
Capsules; Hawthorn powder 350mg, TranquilTM (HealthAid)
providing at least 1.5% flavonoids. Capsules; 250mg hawthorn oil macerate
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. (2:1); 100mg hawthorn extract (1:1);
50mg viburnum extract (10:1) equiv. to
Hawthorn 2500mg (Lamberts) 500mg raw viburnum powder; 50mg
Tablets; Hawthorn 2500mg (providing Valeriana officinalis extract (5:1) equiv.
500mg of a 5:1 extract) providing to 250mg raw valerian root powder;
flavonoids 10mg. 25mg magnolia extract; 25mg St. John’s
Local Distributor: Health Plus Wort extract (10:1); 2.5mg passionflower
extract (4:1), equiv. to 10mg raw powder.
Hawthorn Berry (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Liquid; Hawthorn berry extract 1:3 (equiv.
V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut

Hoodia gordonii
Family: Asclepiadaceae Drug interactions: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts.
Dose: 400mg twice daily231.
Indications: Appetite suppression 28,

. Magnolia, Valerian, St. John’s Wort
Complex (HealthAid)
Capsules; Hawthorn oil macerate (2:1)
Cautions/Contraindications: None 250mg, hawthorn powder extract (1:1)
known. 100mg, viburnum extract (10:1) 50mg,
valerian extract (5:1) 50mg, St. John’s Wort
Side-effects: None known. extract (10:1) 25mg, passionflower extract
(4:1) 2.5mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 90 ~

Humulus lupulus
Family: Cannabaceae Calma Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden
Medicinal Parts: Dried strobiles.
Chalet® Hair Stimulant (Alta Care) see
Saw Palmetto
Principal: Restlessness, nervousness, Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) see
anxiety, sleep disturbances5, 9, 28, 45, 232, Linden
Major: Menopause, headache, Dormeasan® (A.Vogel) see Valerian
indigestion5, 28, 234.
Minor: Neuralgia235, to wean Ellegyn® (Alta Care)
Patches; Hops extract, soya oil, acrylates
patients off pharmaceutical sedative copolymer, triethanolamine, glycine,
medicines, leg ulcers, oedema5, 28. propylene glycol, ethoxy-diglycol.
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Cautions: When given in conjunction
with other central nervous system Kalms (Lanes) see Valerian
depressants, antipsychotics or alcohol
Menophase (Higher Nature) see
due to its sedative effect28. Schisandra

Contraindications: Oestrogen- Natrasleep (Natra) see Valerian

dependent tumours, depression,
pregnancy5, 9, 28, 45. Quiet Life (Lanes)
Tablets; Motherwort powder 34.00mg,
hops powder 75.00mg, passiflora powder
Side-effects: Drowsiness (with
58.00mg, lettuce aqueous powdered
excessive use), systemic urticaria, extract 29.00mg, valerian dry extract
allergic dermatitis, respiratory allergy, 50.00mg, thiamin hydrochloride (vit
anaphylaxis, on contact with the herb B1) 0.71mg, riboflavin (vit B2) 0.57mg,
or oil5, 28. nicotinamide 4.59mg.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Drug interactions: Pharmaceutical
Silvia® Feminin Formula (Alta Care)
sedatives, anti-oestrogenic drugs, Ampoules; Soya 999mg, hops 333mg,
cocaine, paracetamol, diazepam, wild yam 333mg, melilot flower 1500mg,
phenobarbital5, 28, 236. magnesium 100mg, sage leaf 30mg, red
mandarin essential oil 17mg, iron 14mg,
Dose: Up to three times daily and borage oil 10mg, EPO 10mg.
before going to bed: dried strobiles, Syrup; Blueberry juice 5190mg, honey
sugar free 3000mg, soya extract 600mg
0.5-1 gm or in infusion; liquid extract (6-10% isoflavones), sage leaf extract
(1:1, 45% ethanol), 0.5-1 ml; tincture 500mg, wild yam extract 250mg (6-10%
(1:5, 60% ethanol), 1-2 ml5, 45. disogenina), hops extract 200mg, papaya

~ 91 ~

extract 200mg, blueberry aroma 50mg, Silvia® Women (Alta Care)

sodium benzoate 10ml. Patches; Hops extract, acrylates
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. copolymer, triethanolamine, glycine soya
oil, propylene glycol, ethoxy-diglycol.
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.

Marrubium vulgare
Family: Labiatae Cautions: Heart disease, GI
Medicinal Parts: Whole herb, disorders239.
collected during flowering.
Contraindications: Pregnancy28, 239.
Internal Side-effects: Rash, arrhythmias,
Principal: Respiratory catarrh, acute hypotension, decreased blood sugar,
& chronic bronchitis, whooping vomiting, diarrhoea239.
cough, poor digestion9, 28.
Major: Type 2 diabetes237, Drug interactions: SSRIs,
hypercholesterolaemia238, ondansetron, bromocriptine239.
Minor: Loss of appetite, bloating & Dose: Average daily dose: 4.5 gm of
flatulence, diarrhoea, jaundice, painful the drug; 30 to 60 ml pressed juice28.
External Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita)
Ulcers, skin damage, mouth and see Rhubarb
throat infections28.


Herba epimedii
Family: Berberidaceae Minor: Age related learning and
Medicinal Parts: Leaf. memory impairment241, 242, asthma245.

Indications: Contraindications: Heart disease,

Principal: Decreased male sexual mood disorders241.
function240, 241, 242, osteoporosis243.
Major: Arthralgia241, rheumatoid Side-effects: Aggressiveness,
arthritis244. irritability, fever, tachyarrhythmia,
hypomania241, 246.

~ 92 ~
horse chestnut

Drug interactions: Phosphodiesterase Dose: 1 to 3 gm daily246.

type-5 inhibitors244.

Aesculus hippocastanum
Family: Hippocastanaceae Drug interactions: Warfarin, heparin,
Medicinal Parts: Seed. Less salicylates, antiplatelet drugs14, 28, 250,
commonly bark, flower & leaf. digoxin251.

Indications: Dose: 50-100 mg escin twice daily.

Principal: Vascular insufficiency, The dose may be reduced to a
especially varicose veins247, venous maintenance dose of 50 mg escin
ulcers248, 249, haemorrhoids & once daily after 8 weeks5, 250.
inflammation5, 9, 14, 19, 28.
Major: Oedema, swelling, pain, Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet
itching, feeling of heaviness,
Horse Chestnut (HealthAid)
nocturnal cramp in the lower legs247,
Tablets; Horse chestnut powder 1000mg
menstrual pain5, 19, 28. (standardised to contain 20% aescin).
Minor: Bruising, sprains, spinal Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
problems, diarrhoea, fever, enlarged
prostate5, 9, 28. Horse Chestnut Complex (Lamberts)
Others: Arthritis, rheumatism28. Tablets; Horse Chestnut 1390mg
providing aescin 50mg (provided by
278mg of a 5:1 extract), butcher’s broom
Cautions: Aesculus hippocastanum 56.25mg (provided by 14.06mg of a 4:1
should be taken with food; should be extract), rutin 12.5mg, grapeseed 125mg
avoided by people with infectious or (provided by 2.5mg of a 50:1 extract).
inflammatory conditions of the GI Local Distributor: Health Plus
tract, including celiac disease and
malabsorption disorders; pregnancy & Organic Aloe Vera (®) see Aloe
breast feeding5.
Organic Pomegranate (®) see
Contraindications: Should not Pomegranate
be applied topically to broken or
ulcerated skin5; hepatic or renal Organic Tea Tree (®) see Tea
Venaforce® (A.Vogel)
Side-effects: Gastric irritation, skin Tablets; 157.5mg – 225.0mg horse
irritation, dizziness, nausea, headache, chestnut extract from fresh seeds,
pruritus5, 9, 14, 19. corresponding to 50mg triterpene

~ 93 ~

glycosides. V-VeinTM (HealthAid)

Local Distributor: Health Plus Tablets; 250mg standardised horse
chestnut extract 2:1 (seed), 150mg
Venagel (A.Vogel) standardised butcher’s broom extract 2:1
Gel; Horse chestnut seeds extract. (root), 150mg standardised hawthorn
Local Distributor: Health Plus berry extract 2:1 (berry), 150mg citrus
bioflavonoids (fruit), 125mg standardised
Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed bilberry extract 2:1 (berry), 100mg
standardised prickly ash extract 2:1
Vitiven® ultra cold (Arkopharma) see (berry), 100mg standardised ginger extract
Butcher’s Broom 2:1 (root), 60mg standardised cayenne
extract 2:1 (fruit), 50mg standardised
ginkgo biloba extract 10:1 (leaf).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Armoracia rusticana
Family: Brassicaceae Contraindications: Pregnancy,
Medicinal Parts: Roots, leaves. lactation, children under 4 years of
age9, 28.
Principal: Nasal congestion, sinusitis5, Side-effects: GI upsets, vomiting,
9, 28, 252
. diarrhoea, irritation of mucous
Major: Urinary tract infections, membranes5; irritation, blistering or
bronchitis252, joint & tissue allergic reactions with skin contact of
inflammation5, 28. fresh horseradish5, 9.
Minor: Gall bladder disorders,
reducing oedema5, 28. Drug interactions: None known.
Others: As an abortifacient5.
Dose: 2-20 g/day of the root or
Cautions: People with stomach & equivalent preparations before meals.
intestinal ulcers, kidney disorders, Topical preparations with a maximum
hypothyroidism, patients receiving of 2% mustard oil content5, 9.
thyroxine5, 9.

~ 94 ~

Equisetum arvense
Family: Equisetaceae cardiac insufficiency, hypertonia28.
Medicinal Parts: Barren stems.
Contraindications: Oedema due to
Indications: impaired heart or kidney function28.
Principal: Urinary tract complaints
including cystitis253, prostatitis, Side-effects: None known.
urethritis, enuresis254, 255, 256.
Major: Kidney & bladder stones, Drug interactions: Lithium255.
post-traumatic & static oedema294,
wounds, burns256. Dose: 6 gm of herb daily administered
Minor: Brittle fingernails, loss of hair, with plenty of fluids; Liquid extract:
rheumatic diseases, chilblains28, 256. 1 to 4 ml 3 times daily; Tea: 2-3 gm
per cup repeatedly during the day
Cautions: Consult a doctor when between mealtimes28.
the drug is utilized as a bath additive
in cases of major skin lesions, acute Horsetail (HealthAid)
skin lesions of unknown origin, major Liquid; Horsetail extract 1:5 (equiv. of
200mg of horsetail herb) in 1ml.
feverish and infectious diseases,
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Hydrangea arborescens
Family: Hydrangeaceae Contraindications: Pregnancy19.
Medicinal Parts: Dried rhizomes and
roots. Side-effects: Contact dermatitis257,
Principal: Bladder and kidney stones9, Drug interactions: None known.
19, 28
Major: Other genito-urinary Dose: Three times daily: dried
complaints such as cystitis, urethritis rhizome and root, 2-4 gm or by
& prostatitis19. decoction; liquid extract 1:1 in 25%
Minor: Enlarged prostate gland9. alcohol, 2-4 ml; tincture 1:5 in 45%
alcohol, 2-10 ml19.

~ 95 ~

Hyssopus officinalis
Family: Labiatae Contraindications: Pregnancy19.
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, flower tips.
Side-effects: None known at
Indications: therapeutic dose levels.
Principal: Bronchitis, common
colds, chronic nasal catarrh, coughs, Drug interactions: None known.
asthma28, 19.
Major: Sore throat, hoarsness (as a Dose: Adults, three times daily: dried
gargle), congested nose due to colds herb, usually in infusion, 2-4g; liquid
(topically)19. extract 1:1 in 25% ethanol, 2-4ml;
Minor: For the gentle stimulation of tincture 1:5 in 45% alcohol, 5-10ml45.
circulation, intestinal catarrhs28.

Cetraria islandica
Family: Parmeliaceae Side-effects: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Dried thallus.
Drug interactions: None known.
Principal: Irritation of the oral and Dose: Adults: three or four times
pharyngeal mucous membranes and daily: 1-2 gm of dried lichen as a
accompanying dry cough, hoarseness, decoction or infusion; tincture (1:5
sore throat8, 19, 28. in 40% alcohol), 1-1.5ml; equivalent
Major: Bronchitis, bronchial asthma, preparations19.
respiratory catarrh, loss of appetite19,
. Broncovit® (Erba vita) see Grindelia
Minor: Gastritis, digestive complaints,
nausea and vomiting (in particular in Isla Cassis
Lozenges; Aqueous iceland moss extract
pregnancy and with migraine)19, 28. 80mg.
Others: Gastric & duodenal ulcers, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
irritable bowel syndrome, cachexia,
tumours19. Isla Mint
Lozenges; Aqueous iceland moss extract
Cautions/Contraindications: None 80mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

~ 96 ~
ivy leaf

Isla Moss Organic Pomegranate (®) see

Lozenges; Aqueous iceland moss extract Pomegranate
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. Organic Tea Tree (®) see Tea

Hedera helix
Family: Araliaceae Side-effects: GI upset, contact
Medicinal Parts: Leaves. dermatitis with large doses14.

Indications: Drug interactions: None known.

Principal: Chronic inflammatory
bronchial conditions including cough, Dose: Average daily dosage: 0.3 gm
bronchitis8, 14, 28. of drug; equivalent preparations8.
Minor: Gout, rheumatism, burns,
wounds, calluses, rheumatic Prospan (BioRevive)
complaints, phlebitis28. Syrup; Dried ivy leaf 0.7g/100ml.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Cautions/Contraindications: None

See Psyllium

Juniperus communis
Family: Cupressaceae rheumatism, arthritis, gout9, 19, 28.
Medicinal Parts: Essential oil from Minor: To regulate menstruation, to
berry cones, berry. relieve menstrual pain28, 258.
Others: Severe irritation resulting
Indications: from bronchitis, diabetes9, 28.
Principal: Dyspeptic complaints,
cystitis & other benign urinary tract Cautions: Hyperglycaemia;
disorders9, 19, 28. hypokalaemia; external administration
Major: Appetite stimulant, for large skin wounds, acute skin

~ 97 ~

diseases, feverish diseases, cardiac Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion

insufficiency, hypertonia9, 28.
CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow
Contraindications: Renal disease, Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet
pregnancy, lactation9, 19, 28.
Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see
Side-effects: Prolonged use or White Willow
overdosing may cause kidney
damage19. Natural Herbal Inhalant Oil (Numark)
see Eucalyptus
Drug interactions: Loop diuretics, Potter’s Catarrh Pastilles (Potter’s)
spironolactone, thiazide diuretics, Patilles; Eucalyptus oil BP 0.02% v/w,
triamterene63. menthol BP 0.8% w/w, pumilio pine oil
BP 0.6% v/w.
Dose: Daily dose: from 2 gm up to a Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
maximum of 10 gm of dried juniper
Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa
berries, equiv. to 20-100 mg of the
essential oil19.

Momordica charantia
Family: Curcubitaceae pregnancy, lactation, people with
Medicinal Parts: Fruit, leaves. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency5, 28.
Principal: Diabetes259, 260, cancer Side-effects: Headache,
(breast261, gall bladder5, lung, hypoglycaemic coma, convulsions in
colon262), HIV263. children5, 14.
Major: Hypercholesterolaemia260,
worms, viral conditions263, GI Drug interactions: Antidiabetic
complaints, headaches5, 28. agents, cholesterol lowering drugs5,
Minor: As an emmenagogue in 14, 28
reproductive health, psoriasis, wounds
(externally)5, 28. Dose:
Diabetes: Aqueous extract of bitter
Cautions: Diabetics while monitoring melon fruit juice containing 100 gm
their blood sugar levels regularly28. of fruit in 100ml of extract taken
Contraindications: Hypoglycaemia,

~ 98 ~

DiaglucoforteTM (HealthAid) Karela (HealthAid)

Tablets; Karela fruit extract 100mg, milk Tablets; Karela extract 179mg (equiv. to
thistle seed extract 75mg, purple rice 1250mg karela powder).
extract 200mg, alpha lipoic acid 75mg, Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
zinc 7.5mg, folacin 200mcg, chromium
100mcg, copper 0.5mg, manganese 1mg,
potassium 50mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Laminaria hyperborea
and iodine14, ginkgo, garlic, saw
Family: Fucaceae palmetto, diuretics261.
Medicinal Parts: Leaves.

Indications: Dose: Dried herb: 5-10 gm or

Principal: Hypothyroidism, goiter9, 14, infusion 3 times daily; Liquid extract
28, 261
. (1:1 in 25% alcohol): 4-8 ml 3 times
Major: Arthritis, rheumatism, daily9.
Boldo Multi-Herbal Complex (Healthlife)
Minor: Diabetes, cancer261. see Boldo

Cautions: Not to be consumed CellusiteTM (HealthAid) see White Willow

for a long period of time28, CNS
stimulants14, patients with bleeding Cellulite Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo
disorders or taking drugs that may Cider Trim (HealthAid)
increase the risk of bleeding, diabetes, Capsules; Kelp, soybean oil, cider vinegar,
hypoglycaemia261. vitamin B6, yellow beeswax, lecithin.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Pregnancy, breast
feeding261. Cidiet (Power Health)
Capsules; Vitamin B5 4mg, kelp powder
50mg (providing iodine between 30mcg
Side-effects: Increase or decrease in and 50mcg), dry apple cider vinegar
blood thyroid hormone levels, acne- powder 80mg, lecithin 200mg.
type skin lesions, acne exacerbation, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
brassy taste, increased salivation,
stomach irritation, kidney & nerve Colloidal Minerals Plus Kelp Formula
toxicity, bleeding, reduced blood (Vega)
Capsules; Fossilized plant humus powder
platelet count261. 350mg, kelp seaweed powder 150mg
(providing iodine 150mcg (min. 0.1%)).
Drug interactions: Thyroid Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
medications including levothyroxine Ltd.

~ 99 ~
kidney bean

Formula VM-75 (Solgar) see Buckwheat polyphenols), blue green algae 30mg,
chlorella broken cell algae 30mg, spirulina
Healthy Mega (HealthAid) see algae 30mg.
Buckwheat Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Kelp (Power Health)
Tablets; Kelp 500mg providing iodine on Menophase (Higher Nature) see
average between 300 and 495mcg. Schisandra
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
MSM Glucosamine Joint Complex
Kelp Plus Greens Formula (Vega) (Higher Nature) see Celery
Capsules; Kelp seaweed powder 300mg
(providing iodine 300mcg (min 0.1%)), Rejuvadeen Formula (Vega) see Green
green tea leaf extract 10mg (min. 40% Tea

Phaseolus vulgaris
Family: Fabaceae Drug interactions: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Pods, beans.
Dose: The recommended daily dose is
Indications: Urinary tract infections, 5 to 15 gm of herb28.
kidney and bladder stones28. Shape Up Day & Night
Cautions/Contraindications: None (Arkopharma) see Green Tea
known. Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)
see Fenugreek
Side-effects: No health hazards
known in conjunction with the SiberSlimTM (HealthAid) see Siberian
proper administration of designated Ginseng
therapeutic dosages.

Cola acuminata
Family: Sterucliaceae Major: Depression, tiredness, poor
Medicinal Parts: Cotyledon. appetite9, 28, 265.
Minor: Migraine headache,
Indications: diarrhoea14, 28, 265.
Internally Externally
Principal: Lack of stamina 8, 9, 14, 28, 265. Wounds, inflammation28.

~ 100 ~

Contraindications: Pregnancy, Performance Detox (Arkopharma)

stomach or duodenal ulcers8, 9, 28. see Green Tea Shape Up Day & Night

Side-effects: Insomnia, (Arkopharma) see Green Tea
hyperexcitability, nervousness,
restlessness, stomach complaints8, 9, Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
14, 28
. see Green Tea

Drug interactions: Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)

see Fenugreek
Antihypertensives14, halofantrine,
bitter orange, ephedra265. Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care) see
Dose: Daily dosage: 2 to 6 gm of
kola nut drug, usually taken 1 to 3 Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
gm three times daily; 0.25 to 0.75 gm Guarana
of kola extract; 2.5 to 7.5 gm of kola
Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
liquid extract; 10 to 30 gm of kola Korean
tincture; 60 to 180 gm of kola wine28.
Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng

Lavandula officinalis
Family: Labiatae before widespread application5, 28.
Medicinal Parts: Flower.
Contraindications: Pregnancy &
Indications: lactation28.
Principal: Anxiety, insomnia, lack of
concentration5, 8, 14, 28. Side-effects:
Major: Dyspepsia, bloating8, alopecia, Major: Drowsiness, GI disturbance,
perineal discomfort following skin irritation5, 28.
childbirth, burns, insect bites5. Minor: Prepubertal gynecomastia in
Minor: Migraine, neuralgia, minor boys5.
cuts & bruises, strained muscles,
acne, eczema5, 28. Drug interactions: Pharmaceutical
Others: Varicose ulcers, loss of voice sedatives, antidepressants5.
(in a gargle)5.
Cautions: Topical preparations should Infusion (tea): 1.5gm dried flowers in
be tested on a small area of skin 150ml water.

~ 101 ~
lemon balm

Internal: 1-4 drops (20-80mg) on a Jointace Gel (Vitabiotics) see Ginger

sugar cube.
Liquid extract (1:2): 2-4.5 ml/day. Jointace Patch (Vitabiotics) see Ginger
External use: Mix 20 drops of oil with Migrastick (Arkopharma) see Peppermint
20ml of carrier oil such as almond oil;
may be applied undiluted to insect Multi-Mam® BabyWash (Multi-Mam) see
bites or stings. Aloe Vera
As a bath additive: 20-100gm
lavender flowers are commonly Organic Lavender (®)
Oil; Lavender oil.
steeped in 2 L boiling water, strained,
Lotion; Lavender oil, aloe vera, cocoa
and then added to the bathwater5. butter, shea butter, olive oil, sunflower oil,
Irish moss, vitamin A, vitamin E.
Aloe Vera (HealthAid) see Aloe Vera Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Arnica (HealthAid) see Arnica Pectovit® (Erba Vita) see Grindelia

Calendula (HealthAid) see Marigold Sedivitax (Aboca) see Passionflower

Calma Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden Tea Tree (Bios Line) see Tea Tree

Dermavital (HealthAid) see Aloe Vera Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed

Evening Primrose (HealthAid) see Venis® Sollievo (Erba Vita) see Grapeseed
Evening Primrose

Melissa officinalis
Family: Labiatae Cautions: Limit alcohol intake,
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts. diabetes, alcohol dependence, liver
Internally Contraindications: Hypothyroidism,
Principal: Anxiety, nervousness, pregnancy5, 270.
insomnia5, 8, 28, 266, 267.
Major: To improve cognitive Side-effects: Drowsiness270.
function, Alzheimer’s disease268, 269,
gastrointestinal conditions associated Drug interactions: Barbiturates,
with spasm and nervousness5, 8, 28, 267. cholinergic drugs5, 270.
Herpes simplex type 1, rheumatism, Dose: Fresh herb: 1.5-4.5 gm two-
nerve pain, stiff neck5, 28. three times daily; Infusion: 1.5-4.5

~ 102 ~

gm in 150 ml water; Fluid extract neroli essential oil, bitter orange,

(1:1) (g/ml): 6-12 ml/day; Ointment: olibanum essential oil.
700 mg/g ointment applied four times Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
daily for herpes simplex infection5. Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) see
Linden Shape Up Day & Night
(Arkopharma) see Green Tea Melissa Leaf Extract (HealthAid)
Capsules; Melissa leaf extract 4:1 (lemon
Calma Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden balm) 138mg equiv. to 550mg of Melissa
leaf powder.
Candiclear (Higher Nature) see Thyme Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Colic Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden Refreshall® (Lamberts) see Ginkgo
Controller (Alta Care) Sedivitax (Aboca) see Passionflower
Patches; Lemon balm, roman chamomile,

Cymbopogon citratus
Family: Poaceae Dose: 2g of dried leaf in 150ml of
Medicinal Parts: Dried leaves, oil. water; two fresh minced leaves or 2
gm of powdered dried leaf is used28.
Principal: GI symptoms, as a mild Citronella Geranium Aerosol Free
astringent8, 28. Nebuliser (Sella)
Spray; Citronella essential oil 5%,
Major: Lumbago, neuralgic &
geranium essential oil 0.5%.
rheumatic pain, sprains, colds, Local Distributor: Premier Healthcare
bronchitis, fever28.
Minor: Insect repellent8. Citronella Geranium for Children (Sella)
Cream; Citronella essential oil 5%,
Contraindications: Pregnancy28. geranium essential oil 0.5%.
Local Distributor: Premier Healthcare
Side-effects: Rarely, allergic Citronella Geranium Stick (Sella)
reactions8, 28. Cream; Citronella essential oil 5%,
geranium essential oil 0.5%.
Drug interactions: None known. Local Distributor: Premier Healthcare

~ 103 ~

Glycyrrhiza glabra
Family: Leguminosae Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
Medicinal Parts: Root, stolon. antihypertensives, chemotherapy
(paclitaxel & vinblastine),
Indications: corticosteroids, digitalis glycosides,
Principal: Peptic ulcer271, 272, diuretics, iron compounds, laxatives,
dyspepsia, dermatitis273, 5, 9, 14, 28, 45, 274. oral contraceptive pill, potassium,
Major: Viral infections (SARS- ulcer-healing drugs, warfarin, drugs
associated CV, HIV, influenza, metabolized by liver enzymes
HSV-1)271, 275, 276, respiratory tract CYP3A4, 2B6, 2C9, 2E1 or 1A15, 14,
infections276, chronic stress5, 9, 28, 45, 274. 28, 274
Minor: Chronic fatigue syndrome,
polycystic ovary disease, preventing Dose: Fluid extract (1:1): 2-4 ml
diabetic complications, menopause, three times daily or 15-40 ml/week;
weight loss, Addison’s disease5, 28. Root: 5-15 g/day; Tea: pour 150 ml
Others: Rheumatism277, arthritis, of boiling water over 1 teaspoon
adrenocorticoid insufficiency45. (2-4 gm) licorice root, simmer for
5 minutes and filter through a tea
Cautions: Hypertension (or a genetic strainer after cooling5.
predisposition to hypertension),
fluid retention, men with a history of 2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk
impotence, infertility or decreased Thistle
libido5, 9.
Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe
Contraindications: Hypokalaemia,
cirrhosis of the liver, hypotonia, Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature) see
severe renal insufficiency, diabetes Flaxseed
mellitus, pregnancy5, 9, 14, 28, 45.
DigestivAid No Acid (ESI)
Chewable tablets; Carbonated calcium
Side-effects: 160mg, licorice 120mg, fossil coral
Principal: Hypercortisolism, 100mg, apple pectin 30mg, papaya
pseudohyperaldosteronism, 16.5mg.
hypokalaemia, hypertension, Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
encephalopathy, oedema, weight gain.
Major: Hypokalaemic paralysis, Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus
Herbal Complex (Vega) see Echinacea
rhabdomyolysis, juvenile
hypertension, decreased testosterone. Erbalax® Delicato Sciroppo (Erba Vita)
Minor: Visual disturbance, dropped see Rhubarb
head syndrome5, 9, 14, 28, 45.

~ 104 ~

Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita) 330mg of liquorice herb) in 1ml.

see Senna Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet Organic Aloe Vera (®)

see Aloe Vera
Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera
Potter’s Sugar Free Cough Pastilles
Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see (Potter’s)
Guarana Pastilles; Liquorice extract 5.7% w/w,
menthol 0.5% w/w, benzoin tincture 0.5%
Ivy-Thyme Complex (A.Vogel) see Thyme v/w, aniseed oil 0.3% v/w, peppermint oil
0.025% v/w.
Liquorice (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Liquid; Liquorice extract 1:3 (equiv. of
Vegilax® (HealthAid)
see Blessed Thistle

Tilia species
Family: Tiliaceae administration of designated
Medicinal Parts: Flowers. therapeutic dosages.

Indications: Drug interactions: None known.

Principal: Cough, bronchitis, catarrh
of the respiratory tract, feverish colds, Dose: Three time daily: dried
infectious diseases8, 9, 28, 45, 278, 279. inflorescence, 2-4 gm in infusion,
Major: Hypertension279, restlessness, preferably taken hot; liquid extract
anxiety28, 45, 280, 281. (1:1, 25% ethanol), 2-4 ml; tincture
Minor: Migraine, hysteria, raised (1:5, 25% ethanol), 4-10 ml45.
arterial pressure associated with
arteriosclerosis and nervous tension8, Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini)
9, 28, 281
. see Mallow
Others: Leg ulcers28. Calma Baby (Erba Vita)
Syrup; Per 20ml: ¶¶¶Fructolysat® mixture
Cautions: Cardiac disorders, of linden inflorescence 0.612ml, lemon
pregnancy, lactation9. balm leaves 0.594ml, chamomile
flowers 0.594ml; passionflower aerial
Contraindications: None known. part 200mg; hops flowers 100mg; sweet
orange flowers 100mg; lavender flowers
Side-effects: No side-effects Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
known in conjunction with proper

~ 105 ~

Colic Baby (Erba Vita) extract, lemon balm flower extract,

Syrup; ¶¶¶Fructolysat® mixture (10%) of verbena extract, honey, magnesium, bitter
linden inflorescence 34%, lemon balm orange flower, vitamin B6.
leaves 33%, chamomile flowers 33%; dry Syrup; Ananas juice 5240mg, honey sugar
extract of fennel seeds 2% (0.1% essential free 3000mg, St. John’s Wort 600mg,
oil); cumin seeds 0.35%; coriander seeds linden extract 500mg, lemon balm 250mg,
0.3%. chamomile 200mg, valerian 150mg,
Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd. ananas aroma 50mg, sodium benzoate
Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Ampoules; Hops flower extract, linden

see Flaxseed

Luffa aegyptica
Family: Cucurbitaceae Side-effects: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Fruit.
Drug interactions: None known.
Principal: Prevention for infections Luffa Complex (A.Vogel)
or colds, treatment for nasal catarrh, Tablets, nasal spray; Extracts of: Luffa,
American spikenard, heartseed, golden
thryallis, chapparal, okoubaka, toothpick
Others: Cough, chronic bronchitis28. weed.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Cautions/Contraindications: None

¶¶¶ Fructolysat® is the total extract and concentrate

(1:2) of the vital whole fresh plant, in fructo-

~ 106 ~

Lepidium meyenii
Family: Brassicaceae ginseng root, dry extract of maca root,
Medicinal Parts: Root. micronized powder of maca root,
dry extract of roseroot, dry extract of
Zizyphus jujube spinosa seed, flax oil
Indications: microencapsulated, linolenic acid, linoleic
Principal: Male sexual dysfunction282, acid, oleic acid, dry extract of Jiao Gu Lan
283, 284
, decreased epididymal sperm leaves, L-teanina (extract from green tea
count285, psychological symptoms leaves), vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin
(including anxiety & depression) and B12.
sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
women286, 292. Maca (HealthAid)
Major: Learning & memory Liquid; Maca extract 1:10 (equiv. of
impairment287, prostatic hyperplasia288, 100mg of maca herb) in 1ml.
, diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia290, Tablets; Maca powder 500mg.
. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Minor: Protection against UVA, UVB
Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
and UVC291, 292.

Cautions: Pregnant, breastfeeding, Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng

breast tenderness (decrease dosage), Korean
children under 12 years of age292.
Wellman® Conception (Vitabiotics)
Tablets; Vitamin A 750mcg, vitamin
Contraindications: Patients with D 15mcg, vitamin E 30mg, vitamin C
thyroid conditions293. 90mg, vitamin B1 12mg, vitamin B2
15mg, vitamin B3 18mg, vitamin B6
Side-effects: None known. 10mg, folic acid 400mcg, vitamin B12
75mcg, biotin 150mcg, pantothenic acid
10mg, magnesium 60mg, iron 6mg, zinc
Drug interactions: None 15mg, copper 1000mcg, manganese
documented. 0.5mg, selenium 150mcg, chromium
50mcg, Peruvian maca 250mg, lycopene
Dose: 1 dried maca extract 450 mg extract 1.5mg, pine bark extract 30mg,
octacosanol 3mg, inositol 40mg,
capsule 3 times daily taken orally
L-glutathione 2.5mg, L-arginine 10mg,
with food293. Siberian ginseng extract 30mg, co-enzyme
Q10 2mg, L-carnitine tartarate 50mg,
AntiStress (Erba Vita) citrus bioflavonoids 10mg.
Capsules; Micronized powder of siberian Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

~ 107 ~

Magnolia glauca
Family: Magnoliaceae Contraindications: Pregnancy,
Medicinal Parts: Bark. breast-feeding294.

Indications: Side-effects: None known.

Principal: Stomach pain,
gastroenteritis, flatulence, vomiting & Drug interactions: None known.
diarrhoea associated with indigestion,
poor appetite, fullness & distension of Dose: 600mg as a powder or liquid
the abdomen28, 294. extract once or twice daily at
Major: Fever (malarial fever, fever of mealtimes28, 294.
a typhoid type), pain & inflammation
of rheumatism & gout, upper Magnolia Extract (HealthAid)
respiratory tract infections & spasms Tablets; Magnolia extract 500mg
(standardised to contain 2% Honokiol),
including asthma, coughs, profuse
Philodendron amurense extract 250mg
phlegm in the lungs, shortness of (standardised to contain 0.1% berberine),
breath and fullness & pressure in the passionflower extract (1:4) 120mg.
chest area294. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Minor: Obesity & weight
management, substitute for tobacco294. TranquilTM (HealthAid) see Hawthorn

see Corn Silk

MALLOW (High Mallow)

Malva sylvestris
Family: Malvaceae Major: Gastroenteritis, bladder
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, roots, complaints, wound management (used
flowers. externally for the latter indication)28.

Indications: Cautions/Contraindications: None

Principal: Cough, bronchitis, known.
inflammation of the mouth &
pharynx28, 295. Side-effects: None known in
conjunction with the proper

~ 108 ~

administration of designated Powder; Mallow extract, calendula

therapeutic dosages. extract, linden extract, extracts from
wheat, rice and corn grains, tapioca
starch, zinc oxide, ethyl linoleate, ethyl
Dose: Average daily dose: 5 gm of the linolenate, tocopheryl acetate.
drug; Tea: drink 2 to 3 times a day28. Wipes; Mallow, calendula, linden,
potassium glycyrrhizate, vitamin E
Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini) (tocopherol acetate).
Cleansing solution, ovules; Extracts of Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
mallow, linden & calendula.
Gel; Mallow extract, linden extract, Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita)
marigold extract, aloe vera, peppermint, see Rhubarb
panthenol, hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed

Calendula officinalis
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Others: Eczema, proctitis, frostbite299,
Medicinal Parts: The flowers are 5, 19, 28
[External use].
primarily used, but the stems, younger
leaves, seeds and roots all have Cautions: Patients with confirmed
medicinal properties. allergy to herbs or foods from the
Compositae family5, 14.
Principal: Poorly healing wounds296, Contraindications: Internal use in
minor burns & scalds (including pregnancy19.
sunburns)297, 298, mosquito bites &
bee stings, cuts, sprains, bruises, Side-effects: Irritant dermatitis5, 14, 28.
inflammatory skin lesions296, 298, 5, 9, 14,
19, 28, 302
[External use]. Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Varicose veins, haemorrhoids,
crural ulcer300, prophylaxis Dose: Dried herb: 1-2 gm as an
& treatment of bedsores, infusion daily in divided doses;
conjunctivitis299, 301, 5, 9, 14, 19, 28 [External Liquid extract (1:2): 15-30 ml/week
use]. for internal use or 1.5-4.5 ml/day in
Minor: Gastric & duodenal ulcers, divided doses; dilute 1:3 for external
gastrointestinal inflammatory application; Tincture (1:5): 0.3-1.2 ml
disorders296, gingivitis, amenorrhoea, three times daily5.
dysmenorrhoea, epistaxis301, 5, 9, 19, 28
[Internal use]. Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini) see Mallow

~ 109 ~

Calendula (HealthAid) Organic Aloe Vera (®) see Aloe

Cream; Sweet almond oil, calendula, Vera
lavender oil, ylang-ylang.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
Cucumber, Witch Hazel and Calendula
Calendula Cream (Nelsons) (®) see Aloe Vera
Cream; Calendula officinalis tincture
0.9% v/w. Otolaya (Inebios)
Local Distributor: Serolf Trading Agency Nasal spray solution; Himalaya salt
rich in trace elements including copper,
HypercalTM (Nelsons) Calendula officinalis, glycerine.
Cream; Calendula officinalis tincture Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
0.45% v/w, Hypericum perforatum
tincture 0.45% v/w. Silvia® Women Formula (Alta Care) see
Local Distributor: Serolf Trading Agency Guarana

Althaea officinalis
Family: Malvaceae Contraindications: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, root.
Side-effects: None known.
Internal Drug interactions: Concurrent
Principal: Dry irritating coughs303, use may result in impaired drug
respiratory catarrh & bronchitis, absorption. Administration of
irritation & inflammation of the oral marshmallow should be separated by
and pharyngeal mucosa304, 305, 8, 9, 19, 28. at least two hours from that of other
Major: Digestive tract disorders orally-administered drugs28.
(including enteritis & peptic ulcer304),
urinary tract disorders (including Dose: Up to three times daily:
cystitis & urethritis)305, 9, 19. dried leaf, 2-5 gm as an infusion
External or equaivalent preparation; liquid
Principal: Mouth & throat extract (1:1 in 25% ethanol), 2-5 ml.
inflammations (as a gargle)304, 8, 9, 19, 28. Topically: 5% powdered leaf in an
Major: Skin disorders including ointment base9, 19.
abrasions, fissures, insect stings, boils,
abscesses & ulcers9, 19. Altaflora® Transit (Alta Care) see
Cautions: Marshmallow may
interfere with existing hypoglycaemic

~ 110 ~

Ilex paraguariensis
Family: Aquifoliaceae of caffeine from the body may be
Medicinal Parts: Leaf. enhanced or retarded by concomitant
use of certain other drugs14, 19.
Principal: Mental & physical fatigue, Dose: Three times daily: 1-2 gm of
headache8, 9, 19, 28, 306. dried leaf or an equivalent preparation
Major: Mild depression, rheumatic such as an infusion or liquid extract
pains9, 19, 28, 307. 1:1 in 25% alcohol19.
Minor: Adjuvant in slimming
regimens14, oliguria19. Performance Detox (Arkopharma)
Others: As a prophylaxis against fever see Green Tea
and infection28. Shape Up Day & Night
(Arkopharma) see Green Tea
Cautions: Hypertension, cardiac
disorders, pregnancy, lactation9. Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma)
see Green Tea
Contraindications: None known. Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma)
see Fenugreek
Side-effects: Anxiety, tremors,
palpitations, withdrawal headaches, Biofreeze® Pain Relieving Gel (Biofreeze)
nervousness, restlessness, insomnia9, Gel; Natural menthol, Ilex paraguariensis
. extract.
Local Distributor: Collis William Ltd.
Drug interactions: Centrally acting
Zotrim (Nature’s Remedies)
drugs, OTC nasal decongestants, Tablets; Maté extract 27.5%, guarana
sedating antihistamines, antinausea extract 23.3%, damiana extract 9%.
agents. The metabolic clearance Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.

Filipendula ulmaria
Family: Rosaceae fever, gastrointestinal conditions
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts. (hyperacidity, acidic dyspepsia, peptic
ulceration)5, 8, 9, 28, 45, 308.
Indications: Major: Conditions associated with
Principal: Supportive therapy mild to moderate pain – rheumatism
for colds, cough, bronchitis, of joints & muscles5, 9, 28, 308.

~ 111 ~

Minor: Gout, bladder & kidney Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
disease5, 9, 28, 308.
Altacura® Influtuss (Alta Care)
Cautions: Asthmatics . 9 Syrup; Lemon concentrate 96.65g, honey
2.00g, glycerol 1.20g, vitamin C 60mg,
xanthane 24mg, zinc gluconate 15mg,
Contraindications: Salicylate
propolis 14mg, potassium sorbate 10mg,
sensitivity, pregnancy5, 9, 45. meadowsweet extract 10mg, sodium
methyl parahydroxybenzoate 10mg,
Side-effects: None known. aspartame 2mg, potassium acesulfame
2mg, lemon flavour 1mg.
Drug interactions: Anticoagulant or Tablets; Sorbitol 313.4mg, papaya fruit
antiplatelet drugs (warfarin, aspirin, 60.0mg, vitamin C 60.0mg, propolis
simple analgesics)5, 14, 308. 30.0mg, zinc oxide 18.7mg, magnesium
stearate 5.0mg, lemon flavour 5.0mg,
mint essential oil 3.0mg, silica 2.0mg,
Dose: Fresh flowers: 2.5-3.5 gm/day;
curcuma extract 2.0mg, aspartame 0.4mg,
fresh herb: 4-5 g/day; Infusion: Steep potassium acesulfame 0.4mg.
2-3 gm in 150 ml boiled water for 10 Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
minutes and drink as hot as tolerable;
fluid extract: (1:1) (gm/ml): 2-3 ml/ Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see
day5. Grapeseed

2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) see
Thistle Green Tea

Altacura® Broncotuss (Alta Care) Flodol® (Alta Care)

Syrup; Orange concentrate 98.65g, Patches; Meadowsweet, liquorice, arnica,
glycerol 1.20g, vitamin C 60mg, horse chestnut, devil’s claw, bromelain,
meadowsweet extract 20mg, propolis papaya, juniper, peppermint, yu zhu,
14mg, orange flavour 14mg, thyme extract propylene glycol.
10mg, eucalyptus extract 10mg, sodium Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
methyl parahydroxybenzoate 10mg,
Flodol® Artro (Alta Care)
potassium sorbate 10mg, aspartame 2mg,
Ampoules; Pawpaw juice 1g, pineapple
potassium acesulfame 2mg.
juice powder 1g, magnesium citrate
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
150mg, lithothamne powder algae
Altacura® Infludrink (Alta Care) 60mg, potassium citrate 35mg, sodium
Sachets; Lemon powder 1600mg, citrate 20mg, iron citrate 15mg, calcium
vitamin C 1105mg, maltodextrin 849mg, citrate 10mg, manganese chloride 1g,
meadowsweet flower dried extract (4:1) meadowsweet 0.5g, ginseng root 0.5g,
100mg, ginseng root dried extract 100mg, stinging nettle aerial parts 1.5g, great
propolis dried extract 50mg, guarana seed burdock 1g, blackcurrant leaves 0.5g,
dried extract 50mg, echinacea plant dried fructose 40mg, blackcurrant natural flavor
extract 50mg, lemon flavour 50mg, zinc 10mg, lemon juice 150mcg, essential
oxide 18.8mg, aspartame 10mg, potassium oils: angelica 150mcg, caraway 150mcg,
acesulfame 10mg, silica 5mg, vitamin B6 coriander 150mcg, rosemary 150mcg.
2mg. Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.

~ 112 ~

See Sweet Clover

Silybum marianum
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Drug interactions: Cisplatin,
Medicinal Parts: Fruit, leaves. metronidazole, nifedipine, protease
inhibitors, pyrazinamide, warfarin5, 14,
Indications: 28, 320
Principal: Liver diseases309, 311,
– hepatocyte repair, supportive Dose: Average daily recommended
treatment in patients with alcoholic dose: 12-15 gm of milk thistle seed
liver disease313 with cirrhosis and/ in divided doses; Liquid extract (1:1):
or abnormal liver function, acute 4-9 ml/day; liquid extract (1:2): 30-60
viral hepatitis314, hepatitis C ml/week5.
infection, liver damage following
exposure to chemical toxins, 2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid)
diabetes319, jaundice, to prevent Liquid; Milk thistle extract (1:3), tamarind
hepatotoxicity after poisoning with pulp concentrate (4:1), dandelion root
extract (1:3), artichoke leaf extract (1:3),
the mushroom Amanita phalloides, meadowsweet herb extract (1:3), burdock
chemoprevention, treatment of extract (1:3), oregon grape root extract
cancer310, 311, 315, 5, 8, 14, 28, 45, 320. (1:3), liquorice root extract (1:3), fennel
Major: Dyspeptic complaints seed extract (1:3), yellow dock root
such as flatulence and bloating310, extract (1:3), swedish bitters extract (1:3),
hypercholesterolaemia309, 317, to prune juice.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
stimulate milk production318,
depression319, 5, 28, 45. DiaglucoforteTM (HealthAid) see Karela
Minor: Loss of appetite,
haemorrhoids, psoriasis, skin cancer Herbal Female Complex (Solgar) see
prevention309, 5, 28, 45. Black Cohosh

High Strenght Milk Thistle Extract

Contraindications: Known allergy to
the Asteraceae family5. Tablets; Milk thistle 175mg of which
silymarin 140mg.
Side-effects: Generally well tolerated Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
but occasionally mild GI distress
– sweating, abdominal cramping, Livercare® (HealthAid)
Prolonged release tablets; Milk thistle
nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea &
seed powder 250mg, dandelion root
weakness14, 28.

~ 113 ~
milk thistle

powder 100mg, barberry root powder purpurea) extract 4:1.

100mg, turmeric powder 100mg, Local Distributor: Health Plus
artichoke powder 100mg, methionine
100mg, choline 100mg, inositol 100mg, Milk Thistle Complex (HealthAid)
taurine 100mg. Tablets; Milk thistle seed powder 250mg,
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea dandelion root powder 100mg, barberry
root powder 100mg, turmeric powder
Milk Thistle (Arkopharma) 100mg, artichoke powder 100mg, choline
Capsules; Milk thistle powder. citrate 100mg, inositol 100mg, taurine
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. 100mg, methionine 100mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Milk Thistle (A.Vogel)
Liquid; Each ml contains tincture of milk Milk Thistle Herbal Complex (Vega)
thistle fruit (1:2) 923mg equiv. to 461mg Capsules; Milk thistle seed extract 100mg
fruit. (min. 80% silymarin, 30% silybin);
Local Distributor: Health Plus milk thistle seed powder 100mg (equiv.
to 200mg milk thistle seed herb); Vega
Milk Thislte (HealthAid) Phytoantioxidant BaseTM providing
Liquid; Milk thistle extract 1:3 (equiv. of antioxidants and prebiotics: apple and
330mg of milk thistle herb) in 1ml. mixed wild berries concentrate 8:1 equiv.
Tablets; Milk thistle powder 125mg, milk to herb 320mg; prebiotic acacia gum
thistle extract 15mg standardised for min. 160mg.
80% silymarin (equiv. to 375mg of milk Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
thistle powder). Ltd.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Milk Thistle Herb Extract (Solgar)
Milk Thistle (Power Herbs) Vegicaps; Raw milk thistle herb powder
Tablets; Milk thistle extract 125mg 300mg, standardised milk thistle seed
(providing silybin 100mg). powdered extract 175mg (total flavonoids
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. including silymarin 140mg [80%]),
PhytO2X ä (powdered blend of beta-
Milk Thistle 4500mg (Lamberts) carotene prep. and ascorbic acid).
Tablets; Milk Thistle 8580mg (provided Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
by 286mg of a 30:1 extract) providing
silymarin 200mg. Milk Thistle Plus (FSC)
Local Distributor: Health Plus Capsules; Milk thistle extract 125mg
(standardised to 80% silymarin), oregan
Milk Thistle & Artichoke (Higher Nature) grape powder 50mg, dandelion 50mg,
Capsules; 200mg milk thistle standardised schisandra root 50mg, curcmin white
extract (80% silymarin, 30% silibin), herb 50mg, artichoke leaf 50mg, burdock
150mg artichoke leaf standardised extract whole root 50mg.
(2.5% cynarin), 50mg schizandra fruit Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
extract 5:1, 20mg Echinacea (Echinacea

~ 114 ~

see Peppermint

Ptychopetalum olacoides
Family: Olacaceae decoction: 0.5 to 2 ml 3 times daily;
Medicinal Parts: Roots, bark. for external use, the herb can be added
to baths28.
Principal: Prevention of sexual Chalet® Hair Stimulant (Alta Care) see
disorders, to promote sexual Saw Palmetto
function28, 321, 323.
Gentlemen’s ThreeTM (HealthAid) see
Major: Depression, to enhance Ginseng Korean
memory, nervousness28, 321, 322, 323.
Minor: Diarrhoea, loss of appetite28. Herbal 3 (HealthAid) see Pumpkin

Cautions: Use with caution if taking Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see

medicines that act on the central Guarana
nervous system321. Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
Contraindications: None known.
Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng
Side-effects: None known. Korean

Muira Puama (HealthAid)

Drug interactions: Analgesics,
Liquid; Muira Puama extract 1:3 (equiv.
anticoagulants, anti-platelets, MAOIs, of 330mg of muira puama herb) in 1ml.
SSRIs, steroid hormones324. Tablets; Muira Puama leaf extract and raw
powder (4:1) 140mg equiv. to 560mg of
Dose: Daily dose for internal use: muira puama leaf powder.
0.5 gm of drug; for liquid extract and Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 115 ~

Verbascum densiflorum
Family: Scrophulariaceae Side-effects: Contact dermatitis5.
Medicinal Parts: Flower.
Drug interactions: None noted.
Principal: Bronchitis, tracheitis, Dose: Fluid extract (1:1): 1.5-2 ml
coughs & colds, catarrh of the upper twice daily; tincture (1:5): 7.5-10 ml
respiratory tract, asthma5, 28, 45, 325. twice daily; Dried leaf: 12-24 gm/day;
Major: Wounds, burns, bruises, decoction: 1.5-2 gm of herb in 250 ml
haemorrhoids, pruritis, to soften the of cold water, bought to boil for 10
skin, chronic otitis media (topical minutes, taken twice daily5.
use)5, 45.
Minor: Inflamed mucosa, sore throat5, Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
. Guarana

Tusserbe® Fluid (ESI)

Cautions/Contraindications: None Syrup; Mountain pine 6ml, small plantain
known. 6ml, thyme 6ml, mullein 6ml.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.

Commiphora molmol
Family: Burseraceae menopausal symptoms328, 5.
Medicinal Parts: Gum resin, stem, Others: Schistosomiasis329, acne5.
Contraindications: Known allergy,
Indications: pregnancy5, 28.
Principal: Oral or pharyngeal
inflammation, bed sores, minor Side-effects: Restlessness, mild
wounds, haemorrhoids326 [externally abdominal discomfort, GI symptoms
as a tincture], respiratory conditions, such as diarrhoea & nausea5, 14.
mouth ulcers, gingivitis327 [as a
mouthwash], pharyngitis [as a gargle], Drug interactions: Diabetic
respiratory catarrh326, 328, 329, 5, 9, 14, 28, 45. medication, lipid-lowering medication,
Major: Hyperlipidaemia, anticoagulant & antiplatelet
hypercholesterolaemia, medication, diltiazem, propranolol5, 28.
Minor: Dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, Dose: Three times daily: Myrrh

~ 116 ~

tincture (1:5, 90% ethanol). For Ad-muc® (Merz) see Chamomile, German
external use apply undiluted tincture.
As a gargle or mouthwash: 5ml of Echinacea & Black Elderberry (Higher
Nature) see Echinacea
tincture in a glass or water45.

Tropaeolum majus
Family: Tropaeolaceae Contraindications: GI ulcers, kidney
Medicinal Parts: The whole diseases, infants or small children28.
flowering plant & the seeds.
Side-effects: Contact dermatitis330.
Principal: Recurrent urinary tract Drug interactions: None known.
infections330, 331, 332.
Major: Catarrh of the upper Dose: Daily dose: extract: 14.4 mg
respiratory tract, cough, bronchitis28. taken 3 times daily; infusion: 2 to 3
Minor: Mild muscular pain, menstrual cups per day; pressed juice: 30 gm per
disorders, hair loss, infected & poorly day28.
healing wounds [externally]28.
Others: Scurvy, tuberculosis28. Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa

Antelaea azadirachta
Family: Meliaceae designed therapeutic dosages.
Medicinal Parts: Bark, leaves,
branches, seeds, latex. Drug interactions: None known.

Indications: Inflammatory and febrile Dose: There is not enough scientific

diseases (including malaria and evidence to safely recommend the use
leprosy), dyspeptic complaints, worm of neem28.
Herbal Cream (HealthAid) see Arnica
Contraindications: None known.
Neem Cream (A.Vogel)
Cream; Neem leaf extract, eucalyptus,
Side-effects: No health hazards or rosemary, beeswax, sunflower oil, sweet
side effects are known in conjunction almond oil.
with the proper administration of Local Distributor: Health Plus

~ 117 ~

Neem Leaf Herbal Complex (Vega) extract 20mg.

Capsules; Neem leaf extract 200mg Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
(min. 2.5% bitter principles); Vega Ltd.
Phytoantioxidant BaseTM 85mg providing
antioxidants and prebiotics: apple and Neem Oil (A.Vogel)
mixed wild berries concentrate 8:1 equiv. Oil; Neem oil, sweet almond oil,
to herb 136mg, prebiotic acacia gum bergamot, rosemary, eucalyptus.
68mg; artemesia leaf powder 50mg; black Local Distributor: Health Plus
walnut husk powder 20mg; grapefruit seed

Urtica dioica
Family: Urticaceae reactions (skin afflictions, oedema),
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, root. urticaria, pruritus5, 28, 19, 45, 337.

Indications: Drug interactions: Diuretics,

Principal: Benign prostatic antiplatelets, anticoagulants
hyperplasia333 & difficulties in passing (including heparin & warfarin),
urine334 (root), allergic rhinitis335 (leaf antihypertensive medicines,
extracts), arthritic conditions (whole finasteride, anticonvulsants,
nettle extracts)5, 8, 14, 28, 45, 336. hypoglycaemic drugs5, 337.
Major: Kidney & bladder stones5, 28,
hereditary hair loss, chilblains. Dose:
Minor: Diarrhoea, colon diseases, Leaf: Dry extract: 0.6-2.1 g/day in
internal bleeding, chronic skin divided doses; liquid extract (1:2): 2-6
eruptions such as eczema5, 9, 28. ml/day.
Others: Dysentery; dandruff & oily Root: 4-6 g/day cut root5, 9.
hair [externally]28.
AllergforteTM (HealthAid)
Cautions: Known sensitivities or Tablets; Stinging nettle extract 100mg,
elderberry powder 50mg, bromelain
allergies to the herb5, 28; swelling or powder 50mg, ginger powder 50mg,
fluid retention caused by heart failure, chickweed powder 50mg, turmeric extract
kidney conditions (avoid use of (4:1) 31.5mg, querceptin 75mg, vitamin
nettle’s aerial parts, especially with C 30mg.
excessive amounts of water)337. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care)

Contraindications: Pregnancy5, 28,
Syrup; Ananas concentrated juice
breast-feeding, diabetic patients337. 6425mg, sugar free honey 3000mg,
bromelaine 250mg, carrot powder 150mg,
Side-effects: GI discomfort, allergic stinging nettle leaf 80mg, kola nut 50mg,

~ 118 ~

bitter orange fruit 50mg, green tea leaf MSM Glucosamine Joint Complex
50mg, tomato powder 50mg, paullina (Higher Nature) see Celery
cubana 30mg, fennel fruit 30mg, sodium
benzoate 10mg. Nettle Leaf (HealthAid)
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. Liquid; Nettle leaf extract 1:4 (equiv. of
250mg of nettle leaf herb) in 1ml.
Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) see Tablets; Nettle leaf extract and raw
Green Tea powder (4:1) 140mg equiv. to 560mg of
nettle leaf powder.
Carbogas (Sella) see Fennel Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Chalet® Hair Stimulant (Alta Care) see Prostavital® (HealthAid) see Pumpkin
Saw Palmetto
Urtica (A.Vogel)
Cysticare® (HealthAid) see Cranberry Liquid; Tincture of organically grown
fresh stinging nettle leaves and root,
Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see extracted in alcohol (50% v/v).
Meadowsweet Local Distributor: Health Plus

Avena sativa
Family: Poaceae Contraindications: Patients with
Medicinal Parts: The whole coeliac disease, intestinal obstruction5,
flowering plant, including the oat 28
straw and the seed.
Side-effects: Flatulence, anal
Indications: irritation5.
Principal: Hyperlipidaemia338, 339,
hypertension340, pruritus, blood sugar Drug interactions:
regulation (diabetes)341. Antihypertensives, lipid-lowering
Major: Libido, exhaustion, insomnia, medications including statins5, 28.
anxiety, neurasthenia, GI complaints,
consequences of nicotine abuse5, 8, 28. Dose: 1-4 gm three times daily of
Minor: Rheumatism, bladder oatmeal or straw; 20-40 ml/week 1:2
weakness, gout, kidney ailments28. tincture5.

Cautions: Oat bran products should CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) see Aniseed
be taken with large amounts of
Cholestro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Garlic
water to assure that the fiber is well
dispersed in the bowel28. ColestroforteTM (HealthAid) see

~ 119 ~

Femmevit® (HealthAid) see Starflower Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera Passiflora Complex (A.Vogel) see
Hi-Active Formula (Vega)
Capsules; Oat straw extract 10:1 equiv. to Premenstrual Formula (Vega)
herb 500mg, starflower seed oil powder Capsules; Oat straw extract 10:1 equiv.
33% 100mg (min. 20% GLA), soy lecithin to herb 250mg, evening primrose seed oil
powder 67mg, vitamin C 30mg, choline powder 33% 100mg (providing min. 10%
bitartrate 20mg, inositol 20mg, niacin GLA), magnesium oxide 100mg, niacin
18mg, L-glutamine 10mg, L-tyrosine 36mg, vitamin C 30mg, green tea leaf
10mg, vitamin E 10mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron extract 20mg (min. 40% polyphenols),
7mg, pantothenic acid 6mg, beta carotene vitamin E 20mg, pantothenic acid 12mg,
2.4mg, vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin B2 zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, vitamin B6 4mg,
1.6mg, vitamin B1 1.4mg, manganese vitamin B2 3.2mg, vitamin B1 2.8mg,
0.25mg, folate 200mcg, selenium 100mcg, beta carotene 2.4mg, folate 400mcg,
copper 50mcg, vitamin B12 1mcg. manganese 0.25mg, chromium 200mcg,
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons selenium 100mcg, selenium 100mcg,
Ltd. iodine 75mcg, copper 50mcg, vitamin B12
Oat Seed (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Liquid; Oat seed extract 1:2 (equiv. of Ltd.
500mg of oat seed herb) in 1ml.

Olea europaea
Family: Oleaceae Olive Oil
Medicinal Parts: Fruit, leaf. Principal: Hypertension,
hypercholesterolaemia345, 346, psoriasis,
Indications: eczema, sun burn, mild burns,
Olive leaves rheumatism28.
Principal: Arteriosclerosis, Major: Used as a laxative to soften
hypertension342, 343, 344. impacted faeces, gallbladder
Major: Symptomatic relief in inflammation, flatulence5, cancer
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis342, prevention (prostate, colon & breast)345,
gout, fever, asthma, tonsillitis, 346
pharyngitis, diabetes343. Minor: Roemhel syndrome, GI ulcers,
Minor: Bacterial (such as bronchitis kidney stones5, 28.
& tonsillitis), fungal (such as vaginal
candidiasis, Tinea pedis & Tinea Cautions: Known allergies to the
capitis) and viral infections (such as Oleaceae family of plants5, biliary
herpes simplex)342, 344. tract stones28.

~ 120 ~
oregon grape

Contraindications: None known. CandawayTM (Lamberts) see Cinnamon

Side-effects: Seasonal respiratory Echinacea & Black Elderberry (Higher

Nature) see Echinacea
Olive Leaf Extract (Power Herbs)
Drug interactions: Hypoglycaemic Tablets; Olive leaf extract 450mg (6%
agents, hypertensive agents5. oleuropein 27mg).
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Organic Lavender (®) see
Olive leaf extract: 5ml three times
daily with water or juice if necessary.
Olive oil: Should replace dietary Tea Tree (Bios Line) see Tea Tree
intake of saturated fats and be
consumed as part of a Mediterranean
style diet5.

Mahonia aquifolium
Family: Berberidaceae side effects are known in conjunction
Medicinal Parts: Roots. with the proper administration of
designed therapeutic dosages28.
Principal: Scaly skin, psoriasis347, Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Bronchitis, diarrhoea, gastritis, Dose: Fluid extract: 10-20 drops
cholecystitis, liver & gallbladder diluted and taken every 3-4 hours as
conditions28, 349. needed; Tincture: 20-40 drops per
day; standardized alkaloid extracts:
Contraindications: Pregnancy28. 250 mg per day350.

Side-effects: No health hazards or 2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk


~ 121 ~

Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, fruit. Vera

Indications: Bromelain Complex (Vega) see Aloe Vera

Principal: GI digestion complaints,
Day-vit® Probio (HealthAid) see
inflammations and ulcers in the Buckwheat
gastro-duodenal area14, 28, 351, 352.
Major: Pancreas excretion Dietrim (Vitabiotics) see Cinnamon
insufficiency, intestinal parasites353.
Minor: Damage to the urinary tract & DigestivAid No Acid (ESI) see Licorice
stones, haemorrhoids, diabetes14, 28.
Others: Cough, bronchitis28. Digestizyme® (Lamberts)
Capsules; Papain 50,000PU, bromelain
Contraindications: Pregnancy, 120,000PU, lipase 125LU, amylase
patients taking oral anticoagulants14, 28. 5000DU, protease 4.5 10,000HUT,
protease 3.0 10SAPU, glucoamylase
9AGU, cellulase 200CU.
Side-effects: Allergic reactions, Local Distributor: Health Plus
including asthma attacks28.
DigestonTM (HealthAid)
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants28. Tablets; Papain 80mg, papaya enzyme
5mg, bromelain 50mg, pepsin 150mg,
Dose: Dosage depends on the betain hydrochloride 100mg, pancreatin
composition of the enzyme substitute 75mg, amylase 10mg, protease 10mg.
preparation28. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

50 Plus Once A Day (Quest) see Enzyme Digest (Quest)

Buckwheat Tablets; Papain 4.17mg, amylase 10mg,
lipase 5.56mg, bromelain 5mg, betaine
Altacura® Influtuss (Alta Care) see HCl 100mg, peppermint oil 0.25mg.
Meadowsweet Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.

Altacura® Influtuss Extra (Alta Care) Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet
Tablets; Sorbitol 313.4mg, papaya fruit
dried extract 60.0mg, vitamin C 60.0mg, Flodolor® Flexi (Alta Care)
propolis dried extract 30.0mg, zinc oxide Syrup; Ananas juice 5390mg, honey sugar
18.7mg, magnesium stearate 5.0mg, free 3000mg, papaya 600mg, ananas
lemon flavour 5.0mg, mint essential oil 500mg, olmaria 250mg, devil’s claw
3.0mg, silica 2.0mg, curcuma 2.0mg, 200mg, ananas aroma 50mg, sodium
aspartame 0.4mg, potassium acesulfame benzoate 10mg.
0.4mg. Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
Healthy Mega (HealthAid) see
Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see Buckwheat

~ 122 ~

Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see 21.2mcg, zeaxanthin 18mcg, lutein

Guarana 13.6mcg, folacin 200mcg, biotin 50mcg,
vitamin C 150mg, vitamin D 10mcg,
Neuralta® Plus (Alta Care) vitamin E 34mg, thiamin 39mg, riboflavin
Syrup; Ananas juice 5390mg, royal 50mg, niacin 50mg, vitamin B6 41mg,
jelly 1600mg, honey sugar free 1289mg, vitamin B12 50mcg, pantothenic acid
papaya 600mg, ananas 500mg, olmaria
50mg, calcium 158mg, phosphorus 91mg,
250mg, devil’s claw 200mg, ananas aroma
50mg, vitamin B1 100mg, vitamin B6 iron 15mg, magnesium 60mg, zinc 10mg,
10mg, vitamin B12 1000mcg, sodium iodine 100mcg, manganese 1mg, copper
benzoate 10mg. 1000mcg, molybdenum 25mcg, chromium
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. 25mcg, selenium 32.5mcg, vanadium
25mcg, choline bitartrate 50mg, inositol
Silvia® Feminin Formula (Alta Care) see 50mg, methionine 50mg, PABA 50mg,
Hops bioflavonoids 28.6mg, lysine HCl 22mg,
lecithin 100mg, papain 2mg, rutin 2mg,
Super Once A Day Timed Release (Quest) hesperidin 10mg, betaine HCl 12mg,
Tablets; Vitamin A 750mcg, beta carotene cysteine 0.6mg.
6mg, alpha carotene 90mcg, cryptoxanthin Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.

Petroselinum crispum
Family: Umbelliferae Drug interactions: Lithium,
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, root, seed. warfarin354.

Indications: Dose: Three times daily: dried herb,

Principal: Urinary tract complaints 2-4 gm or in infusion; liquid extract
including cystitis, dysuria & renal (1:1 in 25% alcohol), 2-4 ml45.
gravel8, 9, 19, 28, 354, 355.
Major: Digestive complaints such Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion
as flatulence, dyspepsia & intestinal
colic8, 9, 19, 28, 45. Colonease (HealthAid) see Aloe Vera
Minor: Dysmenorrhoea, functional
Cysticare® (HealthAid) see Cranberry
amenorrhoea, myalgia (internal or
topical use), rheumatic conditions9, 19, Formula VM-75 (Solgar) see Buckwheat
354, 355
InterfreshTM (HealthAid)
Contraindications: Pregnancy, Capsules; Safflower oil 65mg, parsley
lactation9, 28, inflammatory kidney seed oil 15mg, peppermint oil 15mg,
disorders19, 45. chlorophyll 3mg, menthol 0.75mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Side-effects: Rarely contact allergic
Prostate Formula (Vega) see Saw
reactions of skin19, 28. Palmetto

~ 123 ~

Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa Vitamin B6 (Quest)

Tablets; Vitamin B6 50mg, parsley leaf
Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle powder 12.5mg (equiv. to 50mg parsley
leaf powder).
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.

Passiflora incarnata
Family: Passifloraceae Natracalm Passiflora (Natra)
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts, Tablets; Passiflora incarnata extract (7:1)
particularly leaves. 71.4mg.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Principal: Anxiety357, 358, nervous Night Time Formula (HealthAid) see
restlessness8, insomnia5, 9, 14, 45, 356, 359. Valerian
Major: Generalised seizures360, No-Gas® enzimi (Giuliani) see Ginger
neuralgia5, 9, 356, 359.
Minor: Diarrhoea, dysmenorrhoea14, Passiflora (HealthAid)
decreased libido5, 359. Tablets; Passiflora extract 250mg (equiv.
Others: Haemorrhoids (externally)28, to 1000mg passiflora powder).
opiate addiction5, cough, cancer359. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Caution: Pregnancy5. Passion Flower (HealthAid)

Liquid; Passiflora incarnata 1:4 (equiv. of
Side-effects: Drowsiness is possible 250mg of passionflower herb) in 1ml.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
with excessive doses5.
Phytocalm (Arkopharma)
Drug interactions: Benzodiazepines Capsules; Passiflora powdered dried aerial
(additive effects at high doses), parts 230mg.
barbiturates (additive CNS effects), Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
anticoagulants (increased risk of
bleeding)5, 356. Quiet Life (Lanes) see Hops

Dose: Up to four times daily: dried Sedivitax (Aboca)

herb 0.5-2 gm, liquid extract (1:1 in Capsules; Passionflower leaves multi-
fractionated lyophilized concentrate,
25% ethanol) 0.5-2 ml, tincture (1:8 valerian powdered root, lemon balm leaf
in 25% ethanol) 2-4 ml45. powder, California poppy tops powder,
valerian root lyophilized concentrate,
Calma Baby (Erba Vita) see Linden lemon balm leaves lyophilized
Magnolia Extract (HealthAid) see concentrate, marjoram essential oil,
Magnolia lavender essential oil.
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
Magnolia, Valerian, St. John’s Wort
Complex (HealthAid) see Hoodia TranquilTM (HealthAid) see Hawthorn

~ 124 ~
pau d’arco

Tabebuia avellanedae
Family: Bignoniaceae Side-effects: Nausea & vomiting,
Medicinal Parts: Inner bark. bruising & bleeding at higher doses14.

Indications: Drug interactions: Oral

Principal: Candida & yeast infections, anticoagulants, NSAIDs14.
colds, flu and other upper respiratory
bacterial and viral infections14, 360, 361. Dose: One-half to one cup bark and/or
Major: Urinary tract infections, GI heartwood decoction taken orally 2-4
problems, constipation, psoriasis, times daily360.
dermatitis, arthritis, diabetes, bladder
& prostate infections, ulcers 14, 360, 361. Candiclear (Higher Nature) see Thyme
Minor: Allergies, sexually transmitted
diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea), cancer Pau D’Arco (HealthAid)
& leukemia360, 361. Liquid; Pau D’Arco extract 1:4 (equiv. of
250mg of Pau D’Arco herb) in 1ml.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Children,
pregnant women14.

Paeonia officinalis
Family: Paeoniaceae Minor: As an emetic, abortifacient,
Medicinal Parts: Roots, seeds, for diseases of the skin & mucous
flowers. membranes, gout, rheumatoid
Roots Cautions/contraindications: None
Major: Neurasthenia, neuralgia, known.
migraines, allergic disorders such as
excitability, epilepsy. Side-effects: Gastroenteritis with
Minor: Whooping cough, cramps, vomiting, colic and diarrhoea28.
Flowers Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Epilepsy, menstrual cramps
& irregularities, fissures (including Dose: Flowers: One cup of infusion
those associated with haemorrhoids), daily; Root: tincture: 30 to 50 drops
ailments of the respiratory tract. daily28.

~ 125 ~

Mentha piperita
Family: Lamiaceae coating of some commercially
Medicinal Parts: Leaf, stem. available peppermint oil capsules)5, 366.

Indications: Dose: Average daily dose: 3 to 6

Principal: Irritable bowel syndrome14, gm of drug, 5 to 15 gm of tincture;
362, 363
, nervousness, anxiety, stress. equivalent preparations5, 28, 45.
Major: Daytime sleepiness, fatigue,
low mood, neuralgia, myalgia5, 8, 28, 367; Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini) see Mallow
symptomatic treatment of digestion
problems including dyspepsia364, Altacura® Influtuss (Alta Care) see
flatulence, gastritis, enteritis; Meadowsweet
spasmodic complaints of the GI tract, Altacura® Influtuss Extra (Alta Care) see
as well as the gall bladder & bile Papaya
ducts45, 365, 5, 8, 28, 366.
Minor: Headache; postoperative Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe
nausea; respiratory tract infections5, Vera
8, 28
Others: Decreased libido, hiccups, Altaflora® Transit (Alta Care) see
menorrhagia5. Rhubarb

Broncovit® (Erba Vita) see Grindelia

Cautions: Avoid non-enteric-coated
peppermint in patients with reflux CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) see Aniseed
oesophageal symptoms, avoid
chewing enteric-coated capsules as Colonease (HealthAid) see Aloe Vera
it may cause heartburn, avoid use of
peppermint oil on the face of infants Enzyme Digest (Quest) see Papaya
and small children5.
Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita)
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity see Senna
to peppermint oil, biliary duct Essential Oil of Peppermint (Power
occlusion, gall bladder inflammation, Herbs)
severe liver damage, early pregnancy5, Capsules; Peppermint essential oil 50mg.
8, 14, 28, 45
. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Side-effects: Contact dermatitis5, 28. Finocarbo Plus (Aboca) see Fennel

Drug interactions: Felodipine, Flodol® (Alta Care) see Meadowsweet

simvastatin, cyclosporin, drugs
Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) see Aloe Vera
metabolised by the CYP3A4 liver
enzyme, digitalis glycosides, caffeine, Herbal Cream (HealthAid) see Arnica
food (may compromise the enteric

~ 126 ~

InterfreshTM (HealthAid) see Parsley Snoreeze Oral Strips (Snoreeze)

Strips; Pectin, water, glycerine,
Karbofin Forte (ESI) see Fennel peppermint oil, cellulose, sorbitan
stearate, polysorbate 60, vitamin E,
Migrastick (Arkopharma) menthol, aspartame, potassium sorbate,
Roll-on; Peppermint 35%, lavender oil sodium saccharin, acesulfame K,
17%, isopropyl myristate 48%. hyaluronic acid, guar gum, citric acid,
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. brilliant blue FCF.
Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co.
Natural Herbal Inhalant Oil (Numark) Ltd.
see Eucalyptus
Snoreeze Throat Spray (Snoreeze)
Neuralta® Migren (Alta Care) Spray; Water, glycerine, sorbitan stearate,
Patches; Peppermint, scotch pine, polysorbate 60, cellulose, peppermint oil,
eucalyptus, cloves, sweet orange, lemon. vitamin E, potassium sorbate, sodium
Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd. benzoate, citric acid, xanthan gum,
hyaluronic acid, guar gum.
Peppermint Oil (Lamberts) Local Distributor: Svea Distributors Co.
Capsules; Peppermint oil 50mg. Ltd.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed
Potter’s Sugar Free Cough Pastilles see

Ananas comosus*
Family: Bromeliaceae Side-effects: Gastric complaints,
Medicinal Parts: Fruit. diarrhoea, dyspepsia, allergic
sensitivity14, 28.
Principal: Bruising, swollen and Drug interactions: Amoxicillin,
painful joints, wounds, burns14, 28, 368. tetracycline, oral anticoagulants,
Major: Post traumatic and platelet-inhibiting drugs14, 368.
postoperative swelling especially
of the nasal and paranasal sinuses8, Dose: Adults: 500 – 2000 mg daily28.
inflammation, febrile conditions,
digestive complaints14, 28, 368, water Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care) see
retention. Nettle
Others: Constipation, amenorrhoea,
dysmenorrhoea28. Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) see Aloe
Cautions/contraindications: None
known. CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) see Aniseed

Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see

* The active substance in pineapple is Meadowsweet
bromelain – a proteolytic enzyme.

~ 127 ~
pine bark

Flodolor® Flexi (Alta Care) see Papaya Pineapple (Arkopharma)

Capsules; Pineapple powder 400mg (0.2%
JointWise (Vega) see Ginger bromelian).
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Neuralta® Plus (Alta Care) see Papaya

see Scotch Pine

Plantago major
Family: Plantaginaceae and irritation9.
Medicinal Parts: Fruit.
Cautions: Pregnancy9.
Principal: Bronchial congestion Side-effects: Allergic contact
(phlegm), inflammation of the dermatitis9, migraine headaches28.
oropharyngeal mucosa8, 14.
Major: Intermittent fever, ulcers, Drug interactions: None known.
sores, dyspepsia, GI complaints,
diarrhoea8, 14, 28. Dose: Dried leaf: 2-4 gm or by
Minor: Diabetes, scurvy, infusion three times daily; liquid
hypertension, gout28. extract (1:1 in 25% alcohol) 2-4ml
Others: Cystitis, haematuria, three times daily; tincture (1:5 in 45%
haemorrhoids with bleeding alcohol) 2-4 ml three times daily9.

Punica granatum
Family: Punicaceae stomatitis370, 371, 375.
Medicinal Parts: Root, bark, fruit, Major: Diarrhoea372, dyspepsia,
peel of fruit, flowers. malignant breast cancer371, wounds373,
Indications: Others: Haemorrhoids, dysentery,
Principal: Hypercholesterolaemia369, leprosy371, asthma & COPD374, 375.
hypertension, atherosclerosis,
tapeworm infestation and other Contraindications: Pregnant &
intestinal parasites, sore throat, nursing women28, 375.
candidosis associated with denture

~ 128 ~
prickly ash

Side-effects: Gastric irritation by a laxative. As a macerate: 3 doses

including cramps, vomiting and of 65ml with a duodenal probe at
diarrhoea with high doses28, 375. 30 minute intervals; a laxative is
administered after an hour28.
Drug interactions: Drugs
metabolised by CYP2D6, Organic Pomegranate (®)
antihypertensive drugs, Lip balm; Pomegranate, shea butter,
rosuvastatin375. beeswax, vitamin E.
Toothpaste; Pomegranate, arnica, silica,
aloe vera, iceland moss, horse chestnut,
Dose: Tapeworm treatment: As a tea tree.
decoction: 4 doses of 6ml with 2 hour Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
intervals between doses accompanied
before treatment and after treatment

Zanthoxylum americanum
Family: Rutaceae Contraindications: Pregnancy45.
Medicinal Parts: Bark, berries.
Side-effects: None known.
Principal: Rheumatic disorders, Drug interactions: None known.
Raynaud’s syndrome, fever,
inflammation9, 28, 45, 376. Dose: Three times daily: dried bark,
Major: Colic, flatulence, intermittent 1-2 gm or in decoction; liquid extract
claudication, toothache9, 28, 376. (1:1, 45% ethanol), 1-2 ml; tincture
Minor: Hypotension, diarrhoea, (1:5, 45% ethanol), 2-5 ml45.
cough, asthma, worm infestations28.
V-VeinTM (HealthAid) see Horse Chestnut

Plantago ovata
Family: Plantaginaceae as an adjunct to a low-fat diet)377,
Medicinal Parts: Seed coat. 378
, diabetes379, 380, irritable bowel
syndrome381, 5, 8, 28.
Indications: Major: Disorders were easy bowel
Principal: Chronic constipation, movement with a loose stool are
weight loss aid (increase feeling desirable e.g. in patients with anal
of satiety), hyperlipidaemia fissures and haemorrhoids8, 28.
(psyllium reduces LDL cholesterol Others: Colorectal cancer28.
& triglycerides and should be used

~ 129 ~

Cautions: If there is difficulty 5mg, microcrystalline cellulose 100mg.

in regulating diabetes mellitus5, Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
pancreatic insufficiency28.
Ispaghula (Arkopharma)
Capsules; Ispaghula seed husk powder
Contraindications: Partial or 430mg.
complete bowel obstruction, colonic Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
impaction, stenosis of the GI tract5, 28.
Lepicol (Healthy Bowels)
Side-effects: Flatulence; bloating; Capsules, Powder; Psyllium husk fine
mild abdominal discomfort; allergy powder, fructo-oligosaccharides, probiotic
characterized by chest tightness, cultures.
wheezing & urticaria; oesophageal Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
obstruction (psyllium should not be
Psyllium Husk 1000mg (HealthAid)
consumed dry)5, 28. Capsules; Psyllium husk 500mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Drug interactions: Calcium, iron,
zinc, lithium, coumarin derivatives, Psyllium Husk Fibre (HealthAid)
vitamin B12, cardiac glycosides (take Powder; Psyllium husk fibre.
psyllium at least 1 hour before or Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
after ingestion of the above named
compounds), hypoglycaemic agents5. Psyllium Husk Fibre (Vega)
Capsules; Psyllium seed husk fibre
Dose: 12 to 40 gm of the drug Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
daily. Powder products should be Ltd.
administered as 1 teaspoonful (3.4 gm
to 6.0 gm drug) in 8 oz. of fruit juice Slimaide Formula (Vega)
or cool water. Stir briskly or shake Capsules; Psyllium husk fibre 60mg,
for 3 to 5 seconds depending on the conjugated linoleic acid powder 33%
specific product. Psyllium may be 250mg, acetyl L-carnitine 60mg, vitamin
taken up to 3 times daily28. C 60mg, choline bitartrate 30mg, inositol
30mg, niacin 18mg, pantothenic acid
Erbalax® Delicato Sciroppo (Erba Vita) 6mg, vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin B2 1.6mg,
see Rhubarb vitamin B1 1.4mg, manganese 0.25mg,
chromium 200mcg, folate 200mcg,
Fibre Dophilus (HealthAid) selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg, vitamin
Tablets; Psyllium 100mg, acidophilus B12 1mcg.
bifidus 17mg, acidophilus lactobacillus Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons

~ 130 ~

Cucurbita pepo
Family: Curcurbitaceae to 350mg ginseng powder), muira puama
Medicinal Parts: Seeds. extract (10:1) 24mg (equiv. to 240mg
muira puama powder), saw palmetto
Indications: extract (12:1) 13mg (equiv. to 160mg herb
powder), zinc 3mg.
Principal: Symptomatic treatment
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
of micturition disorders in the
early stages of benign prostatic Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
hyperplasia19, 28, 382, 383, 384. Korean
Major: Irritable bladder prevention,
treatment of calcium oxalate kidney Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng
stones19, 28, 384. Korean
Minor: Intestinal parasites
particularly tapeworm28, 384. Prostate Formula (Vega) see Saw
Cautions: If used concomitantly with Prostavital® (HealthAid)
warfarin, monitor INR and symptoms Capsules; 200mg pumpkin seed oil, 30mg
of excessive bleeding28. saw palmetto berries 12:1 extract, 10mg
stinging nettle 5:1 extract, 5mg pygeum
Side-effects: None known. bark (standardised extract, min 2%
sterols), 200mg L-glutamic acid, 120mg
Drug interactions: Warfarin. vitamin C, 100mg magnesium, 100mg
lecithin, 90mg wheatgerm oil, 60mg
vitamin E, 50mg L-alanine, 25mg zinc,
Dose: 10-30 gm of pumkin seed, as
10mg vitamin B6, 3mg lycopene, 500mcg
ground seed or an equivalent amount copper, 50mcg chromium, 50mcg
of ethanolic extract or pumkin seed selenium.
oil19. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Bromelain Complex (Vega) see Aloe Vera Pumpkin Seed Oil (HealthAid)
Capsules; Pumpkin seed oil 1000mg.
Gentlemen’s ThreeTM (HealthAid) see Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Ginseng Korean
Pumpkin Seed Oil 500mg (Power Health)
Herbal 3 (HealthAid) Capsules; Pumpkin seed oil 500mg
Capsules; Pumpkin seed oil 100mg, providing polyunsaturated fatty acids
korean ginseng extract (5:1) 70mg (equiv. 265mg, vitamin A 229.4mcg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

~ 131 ~

Prunus africana
Family: Rosaceae Cautions: Paediatrics, pregnancy,
Medicinal Parts: Bark. lactation28.

Indications: Contraindications: Hypersensitivity

Principal: Treatment of lower urinary to the herb5.
tract symptoms of benign prostatic
hyperplasia stages I and II, with signs Side-effects: Mild GI discomfort5.
such as nocturia, polyuria & urinary
retention, where diagnosis of prostate Drug interactions: 5 α-reductase
cancer is negative5, 28, 385. inhibitors, saw palmetto28.
Others: Impotence, reduced fertility
& sexual performance, sphincter Dose: 50-100 mg twice daily of extract
disorders, male baldness5, 28. standardised to 12-13% sterols5.

Prostavital® (HealthAid) see Pumpkin

Rubus idaeus
Family: Rosaceae 8-10 weeks of pregnancy9, 19.
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, fruit.
Side-effects: GI discomfort,
Indications: constipation5, 19.
Principal: To facilitate parturition,
diarrhoea, stomatitis, tonsillitis5, 9, 19, Drug interactions: Iron,
28, 386
. calcium, magnesium (separate the
Major: Dyspeptic complaints, administration of these substances by
externally as a wash for superficial at least 2 hours)5.
wounds and ulcers5, 9, 19, 386.
Others: Painful and profuse Dose: 2-3 times daily: dried leaf 3-4
menstruation, influenza, fever, gm, or as a 5% infusion or equivalent
diabetes, vitamin deficiency8, 19. extract. Higher doses of up to twice
this amount (maximum: 24 gm
Cautions: Peptic ulceration, dried leaf per day) have also been
GI conditions associated with recommended19.
inflammation. Avoid in constipation5, 28.
Raspberry Leaf Extract (HealthAid)
Capsules; Raspberry extract 125mg
Contraindications: Early stages of (equiv. to 500mg raspberry powder),
pregnancy. Raspberry preparations raspberry powder 400mg.
should only be taken during the final Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 132 ~
red clover

Trifolium pratense
Family: Fabaceae Side-effects: Infertility and growth
Medicinal Parts: Flower head, leaf. disorders have been reported in
grazing animals5, 9, 28.
Principal: To relief menopausal Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
symptoms (particularly hot flushes), oestrogens, tamoxifen5, 28, 388.
mastalgia, premenstrual syndrome,
prostate cancer prevention5, 28, 387, 388, Dose:
. Menopausal symptoms: 40-82
Major: BPH, osteoporosis prevention5, mg daily of red clover-derived
. isoflavones.
Minor: Eczema, psoriasis5, 9, 28, 45, 388. Osteoporosis prevention: 44-86
Others: Cough, bronchitis45. mg daily of red clover-derived
Cautions: In patients with conditions BPH symptom relief: 40-80 mg daily
that may be aggravated by increased of red clover-derived isoflavones5.
oestrogen level such as endometriosis
or uterine fibroids5. Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai

Rhodiola rosea
Family: Crassulaceae dose early in the day28.
Medicinal Parts: Root.
Drug interactions: Pepper (diminish
Indications: antidepressant effect of rhodiola)393.
Principal: Low mental and physical
performance, fatigue, altitude Dose: 50 to 200 mg daily28.
sickness28, 391, 392, 393.
Major: Stress, depression, low AntiStress®(Erba Vita) see Maca
mood28, 393, 395.
Minor: Anaemia, impotence, Rhodiola (HealthAid)
infections, GI ailments28, 391, 392. Tablets; Rhodiola root extract 350mg
(standardised for min 1% salidrozid and
40% polyphenols), rhodiola root powder
Contraindications: Patients with 150mg.
bipolar disorder28. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Side-effects: Interfere with sleep, Rhodiola Herbal Complex (Vega)

cause vivid dreams during the first Capsules; Rhodiola root extract
few weeks. Therefore best to take 300mg (min. 2.8% salidrosides, 70%

~ 133 ~

polyphenols), Vega Phytoantioxidant Rhodiola Root Extract (Solgar)

BaseTM 100mg providing antioxidants and Vegicaps; Standardised rhodiola root
prebiotics: apple and mixed wild berries powdered extract 250mg (providing
concentrate 8:1 equiv. to herb 320mg, 2.5mg [1%] salidrozid, 60mg [24%]
prebiotic acacia gum 160mg. polyphenols), raw rhodiola root powder
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons 100mg, PhytO2X ä (powdered blend of
Ltd. beta-carotene prep. and ascorbic acid).
Local Distributor: Natural Remedies

Rheum palmatum
Family: Polygonaceae Dose:
Medicinal Parts: Dried root, As a laxative, unless otherwise
rhizome. prescribed, daily dose (usually
taken at bedtime): preparations
Indications: standardised to contain 30-100 mg of
Principal: Occasional constipation, hydroxyanthracene derivatives; dried
conditions in which a soft stool is drug, 1-4 gm or in decoction.
desirable, e.g. haemorrhoids9, 28, 45, 396. As an astringent or stomachic: dried
Major: Diarrhoea (at low doses)9, 28, drug, 0.1-0.3 gm45.
liver disease396, gastroenteritis45.
Minor: Painful teething in children, Altaflora® Transit (Alta Care)
burns (externally), abdominal pain, Ampoules; Radish juice conc. 1091mg,
oedema, tenesmus28. rhubarb rhizomes 500mg, marshmallow
leaves 500mg, prune concentrated juice
454mg, fructo-oligosaccharides 200mg,
Cautions: Avoid by individuals brewer’s yeast 100mg, apple fibres 50mg,
suffering from arthritis, kidney artichoke concentrated juice 50mg,
disease or urinary problems9; peppermint essential oil 9mg.
pregnancy; breastfeeding9, 28. Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.

Contraindications: Intestinal Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita)

obstruction, acute inflammatory Capsules; Micronized powders: rhubarb
intestinal disease, appendicitis, rhizome 246mg, alder buckthorn bark
164mg, gentian root 82mg, common
abdominal pain of unknown origin28,
mallow leaves 82mg, horehound heads
. 82mg. Dry extracts: fennel seed 82mg
titrated and standardized 0.5% essential
Side-effects: Spasmodic GI oil (0.41mg), dandelion root 82mg titrated
complaints28. and standardized 2% inulin (1.64mg).
Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Drug interactions: Cardiac
glycosides (long term use of rhubarb Erbalax® Delicato Sciroppo (Erba Vita)
may lead to potassium deficiency)28. Syrup; Rhubarb rhizome dry extract
1.286g, tamarind fruit juice concentrate

~ 134 ~

1.286g, psyllium seeds micronized Eucarbon® (Trenka) see Senna

powder 286mg, liquorice root 143mg.
Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd. Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle

Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita)

see Senna

Oryza sativa
Family: Poaceae Cautions/contraindications: None
Medicinal Parts: Seeds. known.

Indications: Side-effects: None known.

Principal: For recovery from
disorders of the GI tract; illnesses Drug interactions: None known.
of the GI tract including stomach
upsets, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, Dose: The seeds are boiled in water
diarrhoea28, 397. and ingested28. It is recommended to
Major: Boils, sores, swellings, skin follow label instructions.
blemishes (externally)397.
Minor: Diabetes, spontaneous Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini) see Mallow
perspiration, pneumonia, diseases of
the colon28. ColestroforteTM (HealthAid) see
Others: Breast & stomach cancer,
warts397. Organic Tea Tree (®) see Tea

Rosa canina
Family: Rosaceae Minor: Prevention and treatment of
Medicinal Parts: Petals, rose hips vitamin C deficiencies, gastric juice
with/without seeds, seeds. deficiencies8, 28, 398.
Others: As an eyewash8.
Principal: Lower urinary tract Cautions/contraindications: None
disorders, kidney stones, gallstones, known.
prevention and treatment of colds,
chills, and influenza-type infections, Side-effects: None known.
febrile conditions8, 28, 398.
Major: Arthritis, rheumatic disorders, Drug interactions: None known.
gout, biliary complaints, colic8, 28, 398, 399.

~ 135 ~
rose hip

Dose: 2 gm drug as a single daily Local Distributor: Natural Remedies

Nutri baby (Erba Vita)
(HealthAid) see White Willow Vials; Acacia honey, pear juice, blueberry
juice, cod liver oil containing vitamin D,
Ester-C® 1000mg Plus Vitamin C rosehip berries containing natural vitamin
(Solgar) see Acerola C, vitamin E, wheat germ oil, freeze-dried
royal jelly, vitamin A.
Ester-C Formula (Vega) Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Tablets; Vitamin C 240mg, citrus
bioflavonoids 25mg, hesperidin 10mg, Rosehip (HealthAid)
rose hip powder 10mg, rutin bean extract Tablets; Rosehip extract 150mg (equiv.
10mg. to 3000mg rosehip powder), vitamin C
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons 60mg.
Ltd. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Formula VM-75 (Solgar) see Buckwheat Vitamin C 1000mg (Lamberts)

Tablets; Vitamin C 1000mg, rose hip
Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) see 100mg, citrus bioflavonoid complex
White Willow 50mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Kangavites (Solgar)
Chewable tablets; Calcium 64mg, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1000mg High
magnesium 32mg, vitamin C 60mg, fruit Strength (Vega) see Buckwheat
and vegetable powders (red beet, carrot,
strawberry, apple, broccoli, apricot) 56mg, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1500mg Super
niacin 10mg, natural source betacarotene Strength (Vega) see Buckwheat
1.4mg, natural source vitamin E 10mg,
iron 2.5mg, pantothenic acid 5mg, biotin Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Slow Release
50mcg, vitamin B6 1mg, zinc 1.5mg, 1000mg (Vega)
riboflavin 0.85mg, thiamin 0.75mg, Tablets; Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)
vitamin A 150mcg, soya lecithin powder 1000mg, rose hip powder 25mg.
2.5mg, choline 500mcg, vitamin D2 Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
2.5mcg, folic acid 100mcg, copper Ltd.
25mcg, manganese 250mcg, bioflavonoids
150mcg, vitamin B12 3mcg, selenium Vitamin C – Time 1000mg (Lamberts)
2.5mcg, iodine 22.5mcg, inositol 500mcg, Tablets; Vitamin C 1000mg, rose hip
rosehip powdered extract (4:1) 500mcg, powder 50mg, citrus bioflavonoid
chromium 5mcg. complex 50mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus

~ 136 ~

Hibiscus sabdariffa
Family: Malvaceae Cautions/contraindications: None
Medicinal Parts: Flowers. known.

Indications: Side-effects: None known.

Principal: Loss of appetite, colds
that affect the respiratory tract and Drug interactions: None known.
stomach, hypertension28, 400.
Minor: Carbuncles, swelling and Dose: Available as a tea preparation:
inflammation of the skin, scalding, pour boiling water over 1.5 gm
conjunctivitis, herpes zoster28. comminuted drug and strain after 5 to
10 minutes28.

Rosmarinus officinalis
Family: Labiatae Drug interactions: Iron,
Medicinal Parts: Leaf. anticoagulants, drugs dependent on
P-glycoprotein transport5.
Principal: To increase mental Dose:
concentration, neuroprotective Internal daily dose: Dried leaf, 4-6
effect401, digestive complaints gm or as an infusion or liquid extract
including dyspepsia, flatulence & (1:1 in 45% alcohol).
bloating, hypotension5, 8, 9, 19, 28, 402. External use: As an infusion for
Major: Chemoprotective & adjunct compresses or hair rinses. As a
in cancer therapy (mainly in breast tincture (1:5, 70% ethanol). As a bath
cancer), headache, rheumatic additive, a decoction from 50 gm
conditions8, myalgia, sciatica, of dried leaf to a full bath. Essential
neuralgia, alopecia5, 9, 19, 28, 402. oil (4-6%) diluted with almond oil
Minor: Toothache, eczema, insect or in semi-solid preparations for
repellant, wound healing, sodium- application to joints, muscles etc19.
lauryl-sulfate-induced irritant contact
dermatitis [topically]5, 19. Candiclear (Higher Nature) see Thyme

Contraindications: Pregnancy5, 9, 28. CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) see Aniseed

Evening Primrose (HealthAid) see

Side-effects: Stomach & intestinal Evening Primrose
irritation, seizures, allergic contact
dermatitis with large doses5. Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) see

~ 137 ~

Herbal Cream (HealthAid) see Arnica Neem Oil (A. Vogel) se Neem

Neem Cream (A. Vogel) see Neem Refreshall® (Lamberts) see Ginkgo

see Rhodiola

see Buckwheat

Carthamus tinctorius
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae constipation caused by medicines for
Medicinal Parts: Flowers, seeds, oil mental illnesses, chronic nephritis408.
extracted from its embryos.
Contraindication: Pregnancy28.
Principal: Cardiovascular disease403, Side-effects: None known.
hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia,
atherosclerosis, arrhythmias404, 405. Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Inhibition of thrombus
formation404, 405, delayed, heavy & Dose: Average daily dose is 3 gm of
painful menstruation, male sterility, decoction; single dose is 1 gm28.
dead sperm excess disease406, pain &
swelling associated with trauma407, 408. Bodylean® CLA Plus (HealthAid) see
Minor: Rheumatism particularly Green Tea
rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica408.
Others: Pertussis, chronic bronchitis, InterfreshTM (HealthAid) see Parsley
chronic gastritis, atrophic gastritis,

† Rutin is a citrus flavonoid glycoside found in


~ 138 ~

Crocus sativus
Family: Iridaceae Cautions: Patients taking
Medicinal Parts: Stigma, style. anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs412.

Indications: Contraindication: Pregnancy28.

Principal: Menorrhagia, amenorrhea,
painful labour28, 409, 410. Side-effects: None known.
Major: Indigestion, colic, bronchitis,
sore throat, headache, vomiting, Drug interactions: Anticoagulants412.
fever, skin hyperpigmentation, acne,
depression409, 410. Dose: 3-9 gm daily412.
Minor: Insomnia, measles, jaundice,
dysentery, cholera, psoriasis409, 410. Saffron (HealthAid)
Others: Cancer treatment and Capsules; Saffron extract (6:1) 14.75mg
prevention (fibrosarcoma, cervical (equiv. to 177mg of Saffron powder).
epitheloid carcinoma, breast Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
carcinoma)410, 411.

Salvia officinalis
Family: Labiatae monitored5; epileptics19.
Medicinal Parts: Leaf.
Contraindications: Pregnancy,
Indications: lactation19.
Principal: Hot flushes and
hyperhidrosis associated with Side-effects: Occasional allergic
menopause413, poor memory, reactions with topical use5.
dementia5, 8, 9, 19, 28, 414.
Major: Inflammation of mouth or Drug interactions: Iron, calcium,
throat mucosa, such as pharyngitis, magnesium (reduced absorption
tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, of these minerals when taken with
glossitis, digestive disorders such as sage)5.
dyspepsia, flatulence, poor digestion
& bloating5, 8, 9, 19, 28, 415. Dose:
Minor: Lack of appetite5. Infusion of dried herb: 1-4 gm three
Others: Asthma, cancer5, 416. times daily.
Tincture (1:1): 1-4 ml three times
Cautions: Sage oil can irritate the daily.
skin when used topically; internal use Essential oil: 2-3 drops in 100 ml
of the essential oil should be closely water several times daily.

~ 139 ~

Gargle or rinse (use warm infusion): biotin 30mcg, pantothenic acid 30mg,
2.5 gm cut leaf in 100ml water; or 2-3 magnesium 100mg, iron 6mg, zinc 15mg,
drops essential oil in 100 ml water; copper 1000mcg, manganese 0.5mg,
or use 5 ml fluid extract diluted in a selenium 100mcg, chromium 50mcg,
iodine 225mcg, PABA 25mg.
glass of water, several times daily5. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Alito Fresco e Balsamico (Sella) see Menophase (Higher Nature) see
Eucalyptus Schisandra
Colonease (HealthAid) see Aloe Vera Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai
Essential Oil of Sage 50mg (Power Phytomenopause (Arkopharma)
Herbs) Capsules; Sage leaf powder 285mg.
Capsules; Sage essential oil 50mg. Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Refreshall® (Lamberts) see Ginkgo
Menopace® Plus (Vitabiotics)
Tablets; Botanical tablet: Soy isoflavone Sage Leaf Extract (HealthAid)
extract 120mg, sage extract 250mg, green Capsules; Sage leaf extract (5:1) 73mg
tea extract 50mg, flaxseed lignans 50mg. equiv. to 350mg of sage leaf powder.
Multivitamin tablet: Vitamin A 750mcg, Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E 30mg, vitamin
C 45mg, vitamin B1 10mg, vitamin B2 Silvia® Feminin Formula (Alta Care) see
5mg, vitamin B3 20mg, vitamin B6 10mg,
folic acid 500mcg, vitamin B12 9mcg,

Smilax species
Family: Smilacaceae Drug interactions: Digitalis
Medicinal Parts: Rhizome, root. glycosides, bismuth14.

Indications: Dose: Three times daily: dried root,

Principal: Skin disorders such as 2-4 gm or in decoction; liquid extract
psoriasis & eczema, rheumatoid (1:1, 50% ethanol), 2-4 ml45.
arthritis9, 14, 28, 45.
Minor: Inflammation of the urinary HaemoVit Liquid GoldTM (HealthAid)
organs28. Liquid (200ml); 10ml contains:
sarsaparilla extract 10mg, ginkgo biloba
Cautions/contraindications: None leaf extract 10mg, birch leaf extract
10mg, malt extract 1000mg, honey
known. 220mg, vitamin C 60mg, thiamine 1.4mg,
riboflavin 2.2mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin
Side-effects: Stomach complaints and B6 2mg, folic acid 400mcg, vitamin
queasiness may occur in rare cases28. B12 2mcg, pantothenic acid 8mg, iron
14mg, zinc 15mg, iodine 150mcg, lysine

~ 140 ~
saw palmetto

200mcg, calcium glycerophosphate Sarsaparilla (HealthAid)

45mg, potassium glycerophosphate Tablets; Sarsaparilla extract 140mg equiv.
45mg, sodium glycerophosphate 23mg, to 560mg of Sarsaparilla powder.
manganese glycerophosphate 0.3mg. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Serenoa repens
Family: Arecaceae palmetto (100mg), EPO (50mg) (71%
Medicinal Parts: Dried ripe fruit. omega 6 & omega 9).
Syrup; Blueberry juice 5790mg, honey
Indications: sugar free 3000mg, saw palmetto extract
Principal: Micturition disorders (such 400mg, hops yeast 300mg, muira puama
extract 250mg, stinging nettle extract
as weak flow, incomplete voiding, 200mg, blueberry aroma 50mg, sodium
frequent daytime and night time benzoate 10mg.
urination) associated with mild to Local Distributor: Ultra Pharma Ltd.
moderate BPH5, 9, 14, 19, 28, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421.
Major: Androgenetic alopecia420, 422, Gentlemen’s ThreeTM (HealthAid) see
chronic prostatitis and pelvic pain5, 420. Ginseng Korean
Minor: Impotence, male infertility,
Herbal 3 (HealthAid) see Pumpkin
decreased libido5.
Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
Cautions: Patients with hormone- Korean
dependent cancers28. If symptoms
of BPH worsen, blood is detected in Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng
the urine, or acute urinary retention Korean
occurs, professional reassessment is
Prostasan® (A.Vogel)
required5. Capsules; Saw Palmetto extract 320mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Contraindications: Pregnancy5, 9, 28.
Prostate Formula (Vega)
Side-effects: Occasionally, minor GI Capsules; Saw Palmetto berry extract
complaints19, 28. 150mg (min. 40-45% fatty acids), saw
palmetto berry powder 100mg, pumpkin
Drug interactions: Finasteride (and seed powder 50mg, cayenne fruit powder
other 5-alpha reductase inhibitors), 30mg, parsley leaf powder 30mg, niacin
androgenic agents, anticoagulants5, 421. 18mg, zinc 15mg, vitamin C 60mg,
vitamin E 10mg, vitamin B6 2mg, vitamin
Dose: Daily dose: 320 mg of saw B2 1.6mg, vitamin B1 1.4mg, vitamin B12
1mcg, pantothenic acid 6mg, beta carotene
palmetto fruit lipidosterolic extract; 4.8mg, manganese 0.25mg, chromium
dried fruit, 204 gm19. 200mcg, copper 200mcg, folate 200mcg,
selenium 200mcg.
Chalet® Hair Stimulant (Alta Care) Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
Capsules; Omega 3 (350mg), saw

~ 141 ~

Prostavital® (HealthAid) see Pumpkin 250mg providing fatty acids 50mg.

Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Saw Palmetto (Arkopharma)
Capsules; Soya oil, saw palmetto berry oil Saw Palmetto 1000mg & Uva Ursi
extract. 100mg (Power Herbs)
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. Capsules; Saw palmetto (4:1) extract
250mg equiv. to saw palmetto 1000mg,
Saw Palmetto (HealthAid) uva ursi 100mg.
Liquid; Saw palmetto extract 1:3 (equiv. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
of 330mg of saw palmetto herb) in 1ml.
Tablets; Saw palmetto powder 55mg, saw Saw Palmetto Berry Extract (Solgar)
palmetto extract 210mg (standardised for Vegicaps; Raw saw palmetto berry powder
min 45-50% fatty acids). 300mg, standardised saw palmetto berry
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea extract 150mg, PhytO2X ä (powdered
blend of beta-carotene prep. and ascorbic
Saw Palmetto (NatraHealth) acid).
Tablets; Saw palmetto standardised extract Local Distributor: Natural Remedies

Schisandra chinensis
Family: Schisandraceae related drugs5, 424.
Medicinal Parts: Fruit
Dose: Dried fruit: 1.5-6 gm/day.
Indications: Liquid extract (1:2): 3.5-8.5 ml/day or
Principal: Liver damage, 25-60 ml/week5.
hepatoprotection5, 28, 423, 424, 425.
Major: Decreased resistance to Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus
physical and emotional stress5, 425. Herbal Complex (Vega) see Echinacea
Minor: Chronic cough, dyspnoea,
Menophase (Higher Nature)
diarrhoea, night sweats, irritability, Capsules; 25mg Schizandra berry extract
palpitations, insomnia, asthma5, 28, 424, 426. 5:1, 25mg siberian ginseng, 5.25mg sage
Others: In combination with other leaf extract 5:1, 5mg hops, 5mg angelica,
herbal medicines to treat infection5, 28, 424. 5mg kelp, 5mg dandelion, 60mg vitamin
E (200iu), 50mg hesperidin complex,
Contraindications: Patients with 25mg vitamin C, 22mg magnesium, 10mg
epilepsy, severe hypertension, niacin, 5mg vitamin B6, 2.5mg zinc.
intracranial pressure28. Local Distributor: Health Plus

Side-effects: Rarely, mild GI Milk Thistle and Artichoke (Higher

discomfort, appetite suppression, Nature) see Milk Thistle
hives5, 28.
Milk Thistle Plus (FSC) see Milk Thistle
Drug interactions: Drugs
metabolised by CYP 3A4 (particularly Multibionta® Activate (Seven Seas) see
Ginseng Korean
nifedipine), tacrolimus, warfarin and

~ 142 ~
scotch pine

Pinus species
Family: Pinaceae Menopause Formula (Vega) see
Medicinal Parts: Tar extracted Starflower
from trunks, branches and roots, oil
extracted from fresh needles, branch Mucovit® Sciroppo Adulti (Erba Vita) see
tips or fresh twigs.
Mucovit® Sciroppo Bambini (Erba Vita)
Indications: see Grindelia
Principal: Bronchitis, congestive
diseases of the upper & lower Multi Antioxidant Complex (Vega) see
respiratory tract, common cold, Ginkgo
cough28, 427.
Major: Neuralgia, rheumatism, Neuralta® Migren (Alta Care) see
muscle pain, poor circulation28, 427. Peppermint
Minor: Weak ligaments of the upper Pectovit® (Erba Vita) see Grindelia
ankle joint, eczema, urticaria28.
Perfectil Platinum (Vitabiotics) see Green
Cautions: Patients with extensive Tea
skin injuries, acute skin diseases,
feverish or infectious diseases, cardiac Pine Bark Complex (Vega)
insufficiency, or hypertonia should not Capsules; Vega Phytoantioxidant BaseTM
use the drug as a bath additive28. 385mg providing antioxidants and
prebiotics: apple & mixed wild berries
concentrate 8:1, equiv. to herb 616mg,
Contraindications: Bronchial prebiotic acacia gum 308mg; Mixed herb
asthma, whooping cough28. polyphenols extract 30mg providing:
blueberry fruit extract 15mg, green tea
Side-effects: None known. leaf extract 15mg; pine bark extract 30mg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Drug interactions: None known. Ltd.

Dose: Internal daily dose: 2 to 3 gm Totally Wise (Vega) see Green Tea
drug several times a day. External,
Vein Support Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo
as a bath additive: 100 gm alcoholic
extract in a full bath. Semi-solid Vitalize Regenerative Formula (Vega) see
preparations: 20 to 50% ointment to Siberian Ginseng
be rubbed in several times a day28.
Wellman® Conception (Vitabiotics) see
Maxijoint Formula (Vega) see Bilberry Maca

~ 143 ~

Cassia species
Family: Fabaceae Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita)
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, fruit, Tablets; Micronized powders of: Senna
flowers. leaves 312mg, aloe dried juice 288mg,
cascara bark 252mg, rhubarb rhizome
120mg, frangula bark, fennel fruits 54mg,
Indications: liquorice root 54mg, clove nails 54mg,
Principal: Constipation9, 14, 28, 45, 428, 429, peppermint essential oil 2.4mg.
. Local Distributor: E.J. Busuttil Ltd.
Major: For evacuation of the bowel
prior to diagnostic tests of the GI and Eucarbon® (Trenka)
colorectal area28. Tablets; Senna, rhubarb, charcoal
vegetable, sulphur purified.
Caution: Avoid prolonged use9. Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.

Linoforce® (A. Vogel) see Flaxseed

Contraindications: Intestinal
obstruction, acute inflammatory Prune & Senna (FSC)
intestinal disease, appendicitis9, 28, 45. Capsules; Prune extract equiv. to prune
powder 125mg, senna extract 12mg (20%
Side-effects: Spasmodic GI sennosides).
complaints. Prolonged use may Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
lead to electrolyte losses, especially
of potassium, albuminuria and Senna (HealthAid)
haematuria, pigmentation of the Tablets; Senna extract 180mg equivalent
to 900mg of senna powder.
intestinal mucosa and damage of the Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
myenteric plexus28, 45, 428.
Sollievo (Aboca)
Drug interactions: Licorice, Tablets; Senna powder 122mg
corticosteroids, digitalis glycosides, (standardised to 2.5% sennosides),
potassium-depleting diuretics, cape aloe juice 91.7mg (standardised to
quinidine28, 428, 429. 18% aloin A & B), dandelion powder
91mg, chicory powder 32mg, fennel
Dose: Unless otherwise prescribed, powder 27mg, caraway powder 23mg,
boldo powder 7mg, cumin powder 6mg,
daily dose (taken at bedtime): essential oil of fennel.
preparations containing 10-60 mg Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
of hydroxyanthracene glycosides.
Stimulant laxatives should only be Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle
taken for short periods (maximum of
10 days)45.

~ 144 ~
shitake mushroom

Lentinus edodes
Family: Pleurotaceae Side-effects: Allergic dermatitis,
Medicinal Parts: Fruiting body. diarrhoea, mild pressure on the
chest (disappear when shiitake is
Indications: stopped)436.
Principal: Cancer-prevention
(sarcomas)431, heart disease, Drug-interactions: Anticoagulants,
hyperlipidemia (including high blood NSAIDs433.
cholesterol)432, hypertension433.
Major: Infectious disease, hepatitis, Dose: Patients over 18 years, 6-16 gm
diseases involving depressed of the whole, dried shiitake mushroom
immune function (including AIDS), daily, or 1-3 gm powdered extract9.
frequent colds and flu, bronchial
inflammation432, 434. Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus
Minor: Environmental allergies, Herbal Complex (Vega) see Echinacea
fungal (especially Candida)
Vitalize Regenerative Formula (Vega) see
Siberian Ginseng
Others: Regulating urinary

Cautions/contraindications: None

Eleutherococcus senticosus
Family: Araliaceae Cautions: Individuals who are highly
Medicinal Parts: Root, rhizome. energetic, schizophrenic9, diabetics5.

Indications: Contraindications: Cardiovascular

Principal: Stress, fatigue, lack of disease or hypertension5, 28.
stamina5, 9, 28, 45, 437, 438, 439, 440.
Major: Tendency to infection, Side-effects: None known following
depression5, 28, 439. the proper administration of
Minor: Upper respiratory tract designated therapeutic dosages.
Minor: Sleep disturbances439, Drug interactions: Anticoagulants,
impotence, loss of appetite, pain & digoxin, chemotherapy, antidiabetic
weakness in the hip and knee joints, agents, influenza virus vaccine5, 28, 439.
rheumatoid arthritis28.

~ 145 ~
siberian ginseng

Dose‡: Daily dose: dried root and 75mg, vitamin E 35mg, vitamin C
rhizome, 2-3 gm45, 438, 439. 60mg, niacin 15mg, vitamin B6 30mg,
pantothenic acid 35mg, magnesium
Active Women’s Multivitamins & 150mg, zinc 12mg, L-histidine 125mg,
Minerals (Vega) L-arginine 500mg.
Tablets; Siberian ginseng root extract Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
10:1, equiv to herb 500mg; flaxseed seed
powder 100mg; bilberry fruit extract 4:1, Ginkgo Vital 3TM (HealthAid)
equiv to herb 60mg; green tea leaf extract Capsules; Siberian ginseng extract (5:1)
30mg, magnesium oxide 90mg, niacin 250mg, Korean ginseng extract (5:1)
90mg, acetyl L-carnitine 30mg, alpha 150mg, ginkgo biloba extract (50:1)
lipoic acid 30mg, pantothenic acid 30mg, 100mg.
PABA 30mg, zinc 15mg, iron 14mg, Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
choline bitartrate 10mg, inositol 10mg,
vitamin B6 (10mg), vitamin B2 (8mg), Ginseng Siberian Herbal Complex (Vega)
vitamin B1 (7mg), vitamin C (60mg), Capsules; Ginseng siberian root powder
vitamin E (30mg), vitamin K (100mcg), 200mg; ginseng siberian root extract
vitamin B12 (5mcg), vitamin D2 (5mcg), (10:1) 150mg (min. 0.8% eleutherosides)
beta carotene 4.8mg, folate 600mcg, equiv. to 1700mg ginseng siberian root
manganese 0.5mg, biotin 450mcg, herb; Vega Phytoantioxidant BaseTM
chromium 300mcg, copper 300mcg, providing antioxidants and prebiotics:
selenium 300mcg, iodine 150mcg, apple and mixed wild berries concentrate
molybdenum 100mcg. 8:1 equiv. to herb 80mg, prebiotic acacia
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd. gum 40mg .
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.
AntiStress® (Erba Vita) see Maca
Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
Brain Fuel Formula (Vega) see Ginkgo Guarana

Energizer Formula (Vega) Menophase (Higher Nature) see

Capsules; Siberian ginseng root extract Schisandra
(10:1) 500mg (min 0.8% eleutherosides);
damiana leaf powder 100mg, pantothenic Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai
acid 60mg, vitamin C 60mg, acetyl
L-carnitine 30mg, octacosanol 30mg, Omega-H3 (Vitabiotics) see Buckwheat
L-arginine 25mg, L-methionine 25mg,
niacin 36mg, zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, PowerplusTM (HealthAid)
vitamin B6 4mg, vitamin B2 3.2mg, Capsules; Siberian ginseng extract (5:1)
vitamin B1 2.8mg, vitamin B12 1mcg, 250mg, Korean ginseng extract (5:1)
manganese 0.25mg, folate 200mcg, 150mg, Ginkgo biloba extract (50:1)
selenium 100mcg, copper 50mcg. 100mg, soyabean oil 430mg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Fem-X (HealthAid) Sibergin® 2500 (HealthAid)
Tablets; Siberian ginseng extract (15:1) Capsules; Siberian ginseng 5:1 extract
500mg (equiv. to 2500mg of ginseng root
‡ Eleutherococcus senticosus should not be powder).
taken continuously for periods exceeding 3 Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
months; occasional use or courses of 1 month
followed by a 2-month interval are recom-

~ 146 ~
siberian ginseng

Siberian Ginseng (Arkopharma) acetyl L-carnitine 25mg, creatine 25mg,

Capsules; Siberian ginseng powder 250mg malic acid 25mg, octacosanol 25mg, zinc
(0.2% eleutherosides). 7.5mg, iron 7mg, vitamin B6 4mg, vitamin
Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd. B2 3.2mg, vitamin B1 2.8mg, alpha lipoic
acid 2mg, pine bark extract 2mg (min.
Siberian Ginseng (HealthAid) 70% proanthocyanadins), folate 400mcg,
Liquid; Siberian ginseng extract 1:3 (equiv. manganese 0.25mg, selenium 100mcg,
of 330mg of Siberian ginseng herb). copper 50mcg, vitamin B12 2mcg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons Ltd.

Siberian Ginseng (Power Health) Wellman (Vitabiotics)

Capsules; Siberian ginseng extract 5:1 Capsules; Siberian ginseng 20mg, garlic
100mg equiv. to fresh whole root 500mg. 20mg, bioflavonoids 10mg, PABA
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. 20mg, vitamin A 750mcg, vitamin
D3 5mcg, vitamin E 20mg, vitamin C
Siberian Ginseng (Quest) 60mg, vitamin B1 12mg, vitamin B2
Tablets; Siberian ginseng root extract 5mg, vitamin B3 20mg, vitamin B6
35mg, providing eleutherosides 280mcg. 9mg, folacin 500mcg, vitamin B12
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd. 9mcg, biotin 0.05mg, pantothenic acid
10mg, iron 6mg, magnesium 50mg, zinc
Siberian Ginseng 250mg (HealthAid) 15mg, iodine 150mcg, manganese 3mg,
Capsules; Siberian ginseng 250mg. copper 1500mcg, chromium 50mcg,
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea selenium 150mcg, silicon 10mg, arginine
20mg, methionine 20mg, natural mixed
Siberian Ginseng 1500mg (Lamberts) carotenoids 5mg.
Tablets; Siberian ginseng 1500mg equiv. Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
to 100mg of a 15:1 extract, eleutheroside E
660mcg, eleutheroside B 150mcg. Wellman 50+ (Vitabiotics)
Local Distributor: Health Plus Tablets; Siberian ginseng 20mg, Co-Q10
2mg, L-carnitine 10mg, citrus bioflavonoid
SiberSlimTM (HealthAid) complex 10mg, lutein esters 2mg,
Tablets; Siberian eleuthero extract (15:1) phosphatidylcholine 10mg, L-glutathione
60mg, ginger extract (20:1) 50mg, guarana 5mg, L-arginine 20mg, L-methionine
extract 40mg, apple cider vinegar 50mg, 20mg, natural mixed carotenoids 3mg,
hydroxycitric acid 50mg, seaweed 50mg, PABA 10mg, vitamin A 800mcg, vitamin
white kidney bean 50mg, L-arginine HCl D3 15mcg, vitamin E 15mg, vitamin C
50mg, L-methionine 50mg, L-ornithine 80mg, vitamin B1 14mg, vitamin B2 4mg,
HCl 50mg, green tea extract 20mg, vitamin B3 36mg, vitamin B6 9mg, folacin
chromium 47.25mcg. 500mcg, vitamin B12 20mcg, biotin
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea 50mcg, pantothenic acid 10mg, iron 6mg,
zinc 15mg, iodine 150mcg, magnesium
Vitalize Regenerative Formula (Vega) 0.5mg, copper 1mg, chromium 75mcg,
Capsules; Siberian ginseng root extract selenium 150mcg, silicon 10mg.
10:1 equiv. to herb 500mg (min. 0.8% Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
eleutherosides), pantothenic acid 60mg,
vitamin C 60mg, bilberry fruit extract Wellman® Conception (Vitabiotics) see
4:1 equiv. to herb 50mg (min. 0.5% Maca
allicin content), green tea leaf extract
50mg (min. 40% polyphenols), shiitake Wellman® Sport (Vitabiotics)
mushroom powder 50mg, niacin 36mg, Tablets; Siberian ginseng extract 50mg,

~ 147 ~
slippery elm

citrus bioflavonoids 60% 10mg, natural 75mcg, pantothenic acid 10mg, iron 6mg,
mixed carotenoids 2mg, vitamin A magnesium 50mg, zinc 15mg, iodine
750mcg, vitamin D 15mcg, vitamin 150mcg, manganese 0.5mg, copper
E 30mg, vitamin C 60mg, vitamin B1 1000mcg, octacosanol 3mg, L-tyrosine
12mg, vitamin B2 5mg, vitamin B3 50mg, L-arginine 20mg, L-lysine 20mg,
24mg, vitamin B6 10mg, folic acid alpha lipoic acid 20mg, L-carnitine
400mcg, vitamin B12 15mcg, biotin tartarate 50mg, co-enzyme Q10 10mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Ulmus rubra
Family: Ulmaceae Side-effects: Contact dermatitis28.
Medicinal Parts: Dried inner bark.
Drug interactions: Iron28.
Principal: GI conditions including Dose: Powdered bark (1:10) in hot
gastritis, acid dyspepsia, gastric water, 5-20 ml; equivalent tablets or
reflux, peptic ulcers, IBS5, 9, 45, 28. other dosage forms. May be taken
Major: Inflamed skin conditions, as often as required. For topical
wounds, burns, to draw out boils & applications, as a poultrice using
abscesses5, 28, 45. mucilage of suitable viscosity45.
Minor: Bronchitis, cystitis, intestinal
parasites5. Slippery Elm (HealthAid)
Others: Gout, rheumatism, inflamed Tablets; Slippery elm extract 140mg
joints, toothache5. equiv. to 560mg of slippery elm powder.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Pregnancy28.

Rumex acetosa
Family: Polygonaceae Cautions/contraindications: None
Medicinal Parts: Fresh leaves, whole known.
Side-effects: None known.
Principal: Acute and chronic Drug interactions: None known.
inflammation of the nasal passages
and respiratory tract28. Dose: Adults’ daily dose: 2 coated
Major: An adjuvant in antibacterial tablets or 50 drops (with 19% ethanol)
therapy28. taken 3 times daily28.

~ 148 ~
st. john’s wort


Hypericum perforatum
Family: Clusiaceae/Gluttiferae rich food, hormonal contraceptives,
Medicinal Parts: Aerial parts, irinotecan, lithium, loperamide,
flowering tops. methylphenidate, NNRTIs, opioids,
protease inhibitors, proton pump
Indications: inhibitors, SSRIs, statins (atorvastatin
Principal: Mild to moderate and simvastatin but not pravastatin),
depression5, 9, 19, 28, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445. tacrolimus, talinolol, theophylline,
Major: Low mood, anxiety and tibolone, tricyclic antidepressants,
insomnia, particularly if associated triptans, voriconazole, warfarin and
with menopause, seasonal affective related drugs, methadone5, 28, 445, 449.
disorder, PMS5, 9, 28, 445, 446, 447.
Minor: Obsessive compulsive Dose: Adult daily dose: 450-1050
disorder448, polyneuropathy, herpes mg (typically 900mg) of dry extracts
infection, smoking cessation5. (4-7:1, 50-60% ethanol); 900 mg of
Others: Sciatica, GI conditions (such hydroalcoholic extract standardised to
as oesophagitis & peptic ulcers)5. 3-6% of hyperforin and 0.12-0.28%
Topical Use: Acute dermatitis, of hypericin; 3-4.5 ml of tincture
myalgia, first-degree burns5, 28. (1:5, ethanol 50% v/v); equivalent
Cautions: People with fair skin
undergoing UV treatment should use It is advised that patients using
high doses of St. John’s Wort with St. John’s Wort long term have
caution. Suspend use of St. John’s their doses reduced slowly when
Wort 2 weeks prior to major surgery. discontinuing use5.
Pregnancy5, 9, 28.
Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) see
Contraindications: History of Linden
photosensitivity or hypersensitivity to
St. John’s Wort28. HypercalTM (Nelsons) see Marigold

Hyperiforce® (A.Vogel)
Side-effects: GI symptoms, Tablets; 40-73 mg St. John’s Wort extract.
photosensitivity, other skin conditions Local Distributor: Health Plus
and agitation5.
Magnolia, Valerian, St. John’s Wort
Drug interactions: General Complex (HealthAid) see Hoodia
anesthetics, antidiabetics,
antiepileptics, long-term use of St. John’s Wort (Arkopharma)
benzodiazepines, bupropion, Capsules; St. John’s Wort standardised
extract 185mg.
buspirone, caffeine, calcium channel Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
blockers, ciclosporin, digoxin,
eplerenone, etoposide, tyramine- St. John’s Wort (HealthAid)

~ 149 ~

Liquid; St. John’s Wort extract 1:3 (equiv. PhytO2X ä (powdered blend of beta-
of 330mg of St. John’s Wort herb) in 1ml. carotene prep. and ascorbic acid).
Tablets; 315mg St. John’s Wort powder, Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
185mg standardised St. John’s Wort
extract (standardised to contain 0.3% St. John’s Wort Herbal Complex (Vega)
hypericin). Capsules; St. John’s Wort herb extract
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea 333mg (min. 0.3% hypericin, 3%
hyperforin), chamomile flower extract 4:1,
St. John’s Wort (Quest) equiv. to herb 50mg (min. 1.2% apigenin);
Tablets; St. John’s Wort extract 333mg, Vega Phytoantioxidant BaseTM 40mg
providing hypericin 1000mcg. providing antioxidants and prebiotics:
Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd. apple and mixed wild berries concentrate
8:1, equiv. to herb 64mg, prebiotic acacia
St. John’s Wort ‘300’ Herb Extract gum 32mg.
(Solgar) Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Vegicaps; Raw St. John’s Wort herb Ltd.
powder 300mg, standardised St. John’s
Wort herb powdered extract (providing TranquilTM (HealthAid) see Hawthorn
0.5mg [0.3%] hypericin) 175mg,

Borago officinalis
Family: Boraginaceae disorders), swelling9, 14, 28, 451, .
Medicinal Parts: Oil from seeds, Major: Eczema, infantile seborrheic
leaves. dermatosis, hypertension,
Oil Cautions: Avoid excessive or
Principal: Cardiovascular disease, prolonged ingestion of starflower
platelet aggregation. Starflower oil due to its toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid
is a source of GLA, an omega-6 constituents28, 451.
fatty acid and is extensively used
in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Contraindications: Schizophrenic
osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms, and/or epileptic patients and in
PMS, allergic rhinitis, rheumatoid those receiving epileptogenic drugs
arthritis, ADHD, weight loss, (starflower oil may cause temporal
hypertension, ulcers and cancer14, 28, 450, lobe epilepsy)28. Pregnancy and
451, 452, 453
. breastfeeding14, 28.

Leaves (Not to be used internally but Side-effects: GI discomfort28, status

as an emollient poultrice) epilepticus452.
Principal: Fever, upper respiratory
tract infections, inflammation Drug interactions: Antiplatelet drugs,
(especially kidney and bladder NSAIDs, phenothiazines, warfarin

~ 150 ~

and related drugs, iron28, 451. Menopause Formula (Vega)

Capsules; Starflower seed oil powder
Dose: 33% 100mg (providing min. 20% GLA),
Atopic dermatitis/eczema: 2-3 gm green tea leaf extract 20mg (min. 40%
polyphenols), pine bark extract 2mg (min.
borage oil daily in divided doses. 70% proanthocyanadins), magnesium
Rheumatoid arthritis: 6-7 gm of oxide 60mg, vitamin C 60mg, soy
borage oil (equivalent to 1.4 gm of isoflavone concentrate 25mg, niacin
GLA content) daily in 3 divided doses 18mg, vitamin B6 10mg, vitamin E 10mg,
after meals. zinc 7.5mg, iron 7mg, pantothenic acid
Topical: Atopic dermatitis/eczema: 6mg, beta carotene 4.8mg, alpha lipoic
Cream containing 3% to 10% borage acid 4mg, vitamin B2 1.6mg, vitamin
oil content: apply twice daily28. B1 1.4mg, folate 500mcg, manganese
0.5mg, selenium 200mcg, copper 100mcg,
Biocosmetics Starflower Oil (Power vitamin B12 5mcg.
Health) Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Discaps; Starflower oil 250mg (containing Ltd.
on average 23% of its fatty acids as GLA),
vitamin E 8mg. Menovital® (HealthAid) see Dong Quai
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Perfectil Plus (Vitabiotics)
Borage Oil 500mg (Power Health) Capsules; Starflower seed oil 200mg,
Capsules; Borage oil 500mg providing blackcurrant seed oil 50mg, omega-6 fatty
GLA 130mg, linolenic acid 184mg. acids 121mg, lycopene extract 6mg, co-
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. enzyme Q10 5mg, omega-3 fish oil 300mg
(providing DHA 150mg, EPA 30mg),
Evening Primrose Oil with Starflower Oil lutein esters 6mg.
1000mg (Lamberts) see Evening Primrose Tablets; Vitamin D 5mcg, vitamin E
40mg, vitamin C 60mg, thiamin 8mg,
Femmevit® (HealthAid) riboflavin 4mg, niacin 18mg, vitamin
Tablets; Starflower oil powder 150mg, B6 10mg, folacin 500mcg, vitamin B12
chamomile extract 50mg, oat seed extract 9mcg, biotin 45mcg, pantothenic acid
(10:1) (equiv. to 400mg of oat seed 40mg, iron 12mg, magnesium 75mg, zinc
powder) 40mg, ginger root extract (20:1) 15mg, iodine 200mcg, manganese 0.5mg,
(equiv. to 1000mg of ginger root powder) copper 1mg, chromium 50mcg, selenium
50mg, vitex agnus-castus (5:1) (equiv. to 100mcg, cystine 10mg, natural and mixed
100mg of agnus castus powder) 20mg, carotenoids 2mg.
natural mixed carotenoids 120mg, vitamin Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
D3 5mcg, vitamin E 33mg, vitamin C
60mg, vitamin B1 10mg, vitamin B2 Phytobronz (Arkopharma) see Grapeseed
10mg, vitamin B3 18mg, pantothenic
acid 6mg, vitamin B6 10mg, folacin Starflower Oil (Arkopharma)
400mcg, vitamin B12 10mcg, iron 14mg, Capsules; Starflower oil (24% GLA).
magnesium 150mg, zinc 15mg, iodine Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.
150mcg, chromium 200mcg, selenium
50mcg, PABA 50mg. Starflower Oil (HealthAid)
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Oil; 15 drops provide on average: pure
starflower oil (borage oil) 1000mg which
Hi-Active Formula (Vega) see Oats contains GLA 230mg (23%).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 151 ~

Starflower Oil (Higher Nature) to herb 224mg, prebiotic acacia gum

Capsules; Starflower oil 1000mg, 112mg.
providing 204mg GLA. Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Local Distributor: Health Plus Ltd.

Starflower Oil 1000mg (HealthAid) Wellwoman (Vitabiotics)

Capsules; Starflower oil 1000mg (contains Capsules; Starflower oil 100mg, EPO
23% GLA), vitamin E 20mg. 100mg, citrus bioflavonoids 10mg, natural
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea mixed carotenoids 2mg, vitamin D 5mcg,
vitamin E 30mg, vitamin C 60mg, vitamin
Starflower Oil (Omega-6) Plus Soya B1 10mg, vitamin B2 5mg, vitamin
Lecithin (Vega) B3 36mg, vitamin B6 10mg, folacin
Capsules; Soya lecithin powder 150mg; 400mcg, vitamin B12 20mcg, biotin
Starflower seed oil powder 33% 150mg 50mcg, pantothenic acid 6mg, iron 12mg,
(providing GLA 20% 10mg); Vega magnesium 100mg, zinc 12mg, vitamin
Phytoantioxidant BaseTM providing K 90mcg, manganese 2.5mg, copper
antioxidants and prebiotics: apple and 1500mcg, selenium 100mcg, chromium
mixed wild berries concentrate 8:1, equiv. 50mcg, PABA 30mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.

Drosera ramentacea
Family: Droseraceae Side-effects: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Whole herb.
Drug interactions: None known.
Principal: Respiratory problems Dose: The daily average dose is 3 gm
particularly coughing fits and dry drug. The dosage of the infusion when
coughs9, 28. used as a broncholytic is 1 cup, 3 to 4
Major: Asthma, warts9, 28. times daily28.
Minor: Chronic bronchitis with
peptic ulceration or gastritis, gastric Broncovit® (Erba Vita) see Grindelia
Tusserbe® Sed (ESI)
Cautions/contraindications: None Syrup; Red poppy 6ml, hollyhock 6ml,
sundew 6ml, lichen 6ml, ivy 6ml.
known. Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.

~ 152 ~
sweet clover

Melilotus officinalis
Family: Fabaceae Cautions: Patients taking aspirin19.
Medicinal Parts: Flowering herb.
Side-effects: In rare cases
Indications: headaches19, transitory liver damage
Principal: Complaints arising from is possible in susceptible individuals
chronic venous insufficiency in the (monitor liver enzymes)28.
legs, such as varicose veins and
associated pains, swelling, nocturnal Drug interactions: Anticoagulants19,
cramp, itching and feeling of 454
heaviness19, 28, 454.
Major: Oedema, inflammation, Dose: Adult daily dose: preparations
cutaneous capillary fragility, containing the equivalent of up to
haemorrhoids19, 28, 454. 10 gm dried herb, in divided doses.
Minor: Phlebitis, indigestion and For preparations of known coumarin
flatulence, minor sleep disorders, content, the equivalent of up to 30 mg
rheumatic pains, burns19, 28. of coumarin, or up to 1 mg/kg body
Others: Bruises, sprains, superficial weight19, 28.
bleeding [external use]19, 28.
Silvia® Feminin Formula (Alta Care) see

see Nettle

Tamarindus indica
Family: Fabaceae Others: Bilious vomiting, pharyngitis,
Medicinal Parts: Fruit pulp, dried stomatitis, haemorrhoids28.
Cautions/contraindications: None
Indications: known.
Principal: Acute or chronic
constipation14, 28, 455. Side-effects: None known.
Major: Liver and gallbladder
ailments, stomachache, fever14, 28, 455, . Drug interactions: Aspirin (increased
Minor: Gastric ulceration456, bioavailability leading to GI
obesity457. bleeding)14.

~ 153 ~
tea tree

Dose: 10 to 50 gm of cleaned HCA (Higher Nature)

tamarind paste, pure or with other Tablets; Tamarind fruit extract 750mg,
purgatives daily; taken in fruit cubes28. providing hydroxycitric acid (HCA)
(60%) 450mg.
2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk Local Distributor: Health Plus
Lass-B (Erba Vita) see Dandelion
Erbalax Delicato Sciroppo (Erba Vita)

see Rhubarb

Melaleuca alternifolia
Family: Myrtaceae cream base applied twice daily.
Medicinal Parts: Essential oil from Acne: 5% essential oil in cream or gel
leaves and branches. base applied twice daily.
Vaginitis: intravaginally applied
Indications: tampons saturated in a 1% emulsified
Principal: Acne vulgaris458, 459, solution, vaginal pessaries containing
athlete’s foot, onychomycosis5, 28, 460. 0.2 gm essential oil.
Major: Dandruff, cystitis5, 28, 460. Cervicitis: Intravaginally applied
Minor: Vaginitis, cervicitis, gingivitis, tampons saturated in a 20%
MRSA infection5, 28, 461. emulsified solution5.
Others: Cold sores462, head lice
eradication5. Aloe Vera ESI® (ESI) see Aloe Vera

Contraindications: Eczematous or Herbal Cream (HealthAid) see Arnica

inflamed skin (may cause irritation).
Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
The essential oil should not be used
Organic Tea Tree Oil and Arnica (dr.
internally in the form of an oral rinse organic®) see Aloe Vera
that is not swallowed or as a vaginal
douche5, 28. Organic Pomegranate (®) see
Side-effects: Contact dermatitis5, 28.
Diarrhoea, CNS toxicity, and coma Organic Tea Tree (®)
may occur if sufficient quantities are Cream; Tea tree, aloe vera, sesame seed
ingested28. oil, cocoa butter.
Lip balm; Tea tree oil, shea butter,
Drug interactions: None known. beeswax, vitamin E.
Mouthwash; Tea tree oil, Iceland moss,
Dose: Nail solution; Tea tree oil, undecylenic
Onychomycosis: 100% essential oil acid, sweet almond oil, rice bran oil,
applied twice daily. jojoba oil, vitamin E.
Tinea pedis: 10% essential oil in Oil; Tea tree.

~ 154 ~

Stick; Tea tree, arnica. Shampoo; Tea tree.

Toothpaste; Tea tree oil, aloe vera, silica, Soap; Tea tree oil.
Iceland moss, horse chestnut. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Tea Tree (Nelsons)
Rash Relief Cream (Rapaid) see Aloe Cream; Melaleuca alternifolia.
Vera Local Distributor: Serolf Trading Agency

Tea Tree (Bios Line) Tea Tree Balm (Power Health)

Ointment; Sweet almond oil 3%, tea tree Balm; Tea tree oil, aqua, cetearyl alcohol,
essential oil 0.5%, lavender essential oil petrolatum.
0.5%, olive glycerine maceration 2%, Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
thyme hydrolat 5%.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd. Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Cream (Lanes)
see Witch Hazel
Tea Tree (HealthAid)
Cream, lotion; Sweet almond oil, tea tree. Teenstick (Arkopharma) see Clove

Thymus vulgaris
Family: Labiatae Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting,
Medicinal Parts: Leaves, flowering headache, dizziness, convulsions,
tops. cardiac or respiratory arrest if taken
internally; contact dermatitis with
Indications: topical use5, 28.
Principal: Respiratory tract infections
(particularly bronchitis)5, 9, 19, 28, 463, 464. Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Diarrhoea, gastritis, dyspepsia,
skin disinfection in minor wounds Dose: The recommended daily dose
(topical use)5, 9, 19, 28. is 10 gm drug with 0.03% phenol,
Minor: Inflammations of the mouth calculated as thymol. When using a
and throat, enuresis in children5, 9, 19, liquid extract, 1 to 2 gm is taken 1 to
28, 463
. 3 times daily. The single dose for the
Others: Insect bites and stings, infusion is 1.5 gm drug, or 1 to 2 gm
athlete’s foot & other fungal drug per cup of water taken several
infections, scabies, lice, oral cavity times a day. The dose for the powder
squamous cell carcinoma464, 5, 9, 19, 28. is 1 to 4 gm drug twice daily28.

Cautions: Enterocolitis, congestive Alito Fresco e Balsamico (Sella) see

heart failure5, pregnant women19. Eucalyptus

Contraindications: People who are Altacura® Broncotuss (Alta Care) see

allergic to the Labiatae family5.

~ 155 ~

Candiclear (Higher Nature) 24.875%, aniseed essential oil 0.075%,

Capsules; Thyme 25mg, rosemary 25mg, eucalyptus essential oil 0.05%.
lemon balm 25mg, Pau D’arco 25mg, Local Distributor: Health Plus
calcium octanoate 175mg, magnesium
octanoate 175mg. Mucovit® Sciroppo Adulti (Erba Vita) see
Local Distributor: Health Plus Grindelia

Ivy-Thyme Complex (A.Vogel) Mucovit® Sciroppo Bambini (Erba Vita)

Liquid; Tinctures of fresh ivy herb 40%, see Grindelia
thyme herb 35%, licorice dried root
Tusserbe® Fluid (ESI) see Mullein

Astragalus gummifer
Family: Fabaceae added to 250 to 300 ml liquid for oral
Medicinal Parts: Gum-like exudation administration28.
from trunk and branches.
Astragalus (HealthAid)
Indications: Liquid; Astragalus extract 1:3 (equiv. of
Principal: Constipation28. 330mg of astragalus herb in 1ml).
Tablets; Astragalus root powder 545mg
Major: Treatment of eye, liver &
(standardised for min 0.5% glycosides and
throat tumors28. 70% polysaccharides).
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Cautions: Maintain adequate fluid
intake (insufficient intake can lead Herbal Female Complex (Solgar) see
to obstruction ileus & oesophageal Black Cohosh
Wintervits® (HealthAid)
Side-effects: Allergic reactions in rare Tablets; Astragalus powder 230mg,
cases28. echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) extract
(4:1) 225mg, maitake mushroom powder
225mg, rutin 100mg, propolis extract
Drug interactions: None known. (4:1) 150mg, white willow bark 50mg,
vitamin C 1000mg, zinc 15mg, calcium
Dose: A typical single dose is 1 tsp 100mg, quercetin 30mg.
granulated drug (approximately 3 gm) Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 156 ~

Curcuma domestica
Family: Zingiberaceae between meals. The tincture dose is
Medicinal Parts: Dried secondary 10 to 15 drops 2 to 3 times daily28.
rhizome. Performance Detox (Arkopharma)
Indications: see Green Tea
Principal: Cancer prevention
(notably for GI, colorectal & prostate AllergforteTM (HealthAid) see Nettle
cancer)465, 466, osteoarthritis467 and
Altacura® Influtuss (Alta Care) see
other inflammatory conditions
– inflammatory bowel disease,
pancreatitis468, 469, 470. Altacura® Influtuss Extra (Alta Care) see
Major: Hyperlipidaemia, Papaya
cardiovascular diseases, type 2
diabetes, hypertension, stroke471, Atrotone® (HealthAid)
dyspepsia468, peptic ulcers5, 14, 28, 470. Prolonged release tablets; Turmeric
Minor: Chronic anterior uveitis469, powder 100mg, green lipped mussel
oral submucous fibrosis5. powder 350mg, glucosamine sulphate
Others: Jaundice, skin infections, 250mg, free glucosamine 195mg,
chondroitin sulphate 200mg, methyl
psoriasis5, 468.
sulfinyl methane 150mg, collagen type II
100mg, manganese 2mg.
Cautions: Avoid high doses in males Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
and females wanting to conceive,
suspend concentrated extracts 1 week DLPA & Turmeric (Quest)
prior to major surgery5. Tablets; DL-Phenylalanine 250mg,
curcumin 100mg, black pepper extract
Contraindications: Bile duct providing piperine 2.5mg.
obstruction5, 28, breast cancer patients Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
treated with cyclophosphamide5,
FootCare Cream (Himalaya) see
hyperacidity or GI ulcers, Fenugreek
JointWise Complete Multipack (Vega)
Side-effects: Contact dermatitis5, 28. Hard capsules; Turmeric 35mg, MSM
complex 10mg, calcium 85mg.
Drug interactions: Beta-blockers, Tablets; Glucosamine 1500mg,
midazolam470, anticoagulants, chondroitin 1200mg.
cyclophosphamide5. Soft capsules; Marine omega 3 fatty acids
and fish oil 1000mg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
Dose: The average daily dose is 1.5 to Ltd.
3 gm of drug. The powder should be
taken 2 to 3 times daily after meals; Livercare® (HealthAid) see Milk Thislte
the tea (2 to 3 cups) should be taken

~ 157 ~

Milk Thistle Complex (HealthAid) see 400mg, vitamin C 100mg, turmeric

Milk Thistle powder 100mg, manganese 2mg.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Multi-Max® Advance (Lamberts)
Tablets; Turmeric extract 50mg, green Osteoflex® Plus (HealthAid)
tea extract 50mg, grapeseed extract Prolonged release tablets; Glucosamine
10mg,vitamin A 781mcg, vitamin D sulphate 500mg, of which: free
10mcg, vitamin E 30mg, vitamin C glucosamine 390mg, chondroitin sulphate
120mg, thiamin 5mg, riboflavin 4mg, 400mg, vitamin C 100mg, turmeric
niacin 4mg, vitamin B6 10mg, folic acid powder equivalent 100mg, manganese
500mcg, vitamin B12 500mcg, biotin 2mg, hyluronic acid 55mg.
0.15mg, pantothenic acid 12mg, vitamin Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
K 40mcg, calcium 100mg, iron 7mg,
magnesium 50mg, zinc 15mg, iodine Turmeric 10,000mg (Lamberts)
150mcg, manganese 4mg, copper 1.2mg, Tablets; Turmeric spice 10,000mg (as a
selenium 200mcg, chromium 200mcg, 500mg extract).
choline bitartrate 5mg, inositol 5mg, Local Distributor: Health Plus
PABA 5mg, lutein 2mg.
Local Distributor: Health Plus Turmeric Root Extract (HealthAid)
Tablets; Curcumin powder extract 350mg
Osteoflex® (HealthAid) (derived from turmeric) standardised for a
Prolonged release tablets; Glucosamine min 95% curcuminoids, turmeric powder
sulphate 500mg, of which: free 150mg, bromelain 20mg.
glucosamine 390mg, chondroitin sulphate Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Family: Ericaceae antibacterial effect9, 28, 45.
Medicinal Parts: Leaves.
Side-effects: Individuals with gastric
Indications: sensitivity may experience nausea,
Principal: Urinary tract infections9, 28, vomiting and/or stomachache28, 45.
45, 472
Major: Cystitis, urethritis, dysuria, Drug interactions: Iron, thiazide &
pyelitis, lithuria9, 28. loop diuretics28.

Cautions: Not for unsupervised, Dose: Unless otherwise prescribed,

prolonged use28. three to four times daily: dried leaf,
1.5-2.5 gm or in infusion or cold
Contraindications: Kidney disorders, aqueous extract; liquid extract (1:1,
irritated digestive disorders, acidic 25% ethanol), 1.5-2.5 ml; tincture
urine, pregnancy, lactation, children (1:5, 25% ethanol), 2-4 ml.
under 12 years. It should not be Treatment should be of short duration
administered with substances that (maximum of 7 days). An ‘alkaline’
cause acidic urine since it reduces its diet, high in vegetables and fruit,

~ 158 ~

should be taken during treatment45. bearberry 75%, Echinacea herb 23.75%,

fresh Echinacea root 1.25%.
Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion Local Distributor: Health Plus

Boldo Multi-Herbal Complex (Healthlife) Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle

see Boldo
Vitamin B12 (Quest)
Slim-Rite (HealthAid) see Alfalfa Tablets; Vitamin B12 500mcg, uva ursi
leaf extract 25mg (equiv. to 100mg herb
Uva Ursi (HealthAid) powder).
Liquid; Uva ursi extract 1:3 (equiv. of Local Distributor: Pharma MT Ltd.
330mg of uva ursi herb) in 1ml.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea Saw Palmetto 1000mg & Uva Ursi
100mg (Power Herbs) see Saw Palmetto
Uva-ursi complex (A.Vogel)
Liquid; Tinctures of fresh aerial parts of

Valeriana officinalis
Family: Valerianaceae dextromethorphan5, 28, 474.
Medicinal Parts: Roots, rhizome.
Dose: Unless otherwise prescribed,
Indications: up to three times daily: dried root
Principal: Insomnia, anxiety and and rhizome, 1-3 gm or by infusion;
psychological stress states5, 9, 14, 28, 45, tincture (1:5, 70% ethanol), 3-5 ml;
473, 474, 475
. equivalent preparations45.
Major: Restlessness, muscle spasm
& cramping (associated with 5-HTP (Solgar) see Griffonia
dysmenorrhoea)5, 9, 28, 45, 474, 476.
Minor: Fibromyalgia, benzodiazepine Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) see
withdrawal5. Linden

Dormeasan® (A.Vogel)
Cautions: When driving a car or
Liquid; Valerian extract and hops
operating heavy machinery when high extract obtained from freshly harvested
doses are used5, pre-existing liver organically cultivated valerian root and
disease, pregnancy & breastfeeding28. hops.
Local Distributor: Health Plus
Side-effects: Rarely, GI complaints
and contact allergies28. Kalms (Lanes)
Tablets; Hops powder 45mg, valerian
Drug interactions: Alcohol, extract 135mg, gentian extract 90mg.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
barbiturates, benzodiazpeines,
caffeine, chlorzoxazone, Magnolia, Valerian, St. John’s Wort

~ 159 ~
velvet bean

Complex (HealthAid) see Hoodia Local Distributor: Health Plus

Natrasleep (Natra) Valerian Herbal Complex (Vega)

Tablets; Hops powders extract (5:1) Capsules; Valerian root powder 300mg;
33.4mg, valerian powder extract (4:1) valerian root extract (4:1) 150mg (min.
62.5mg. 0.8% valerenic acid) equiv. to 900mg
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd. valerian root herb; Vega Phytoantioxidant
BaseTM 45mg providing antioxidants and
Quiet Life (Lanes) see Hops prebiotics: apple and mixed wild berries
concentrate 8:1, equiv. to herb 72mg,
Sedivitax (Aboca) see Passionflower prebiotic acacia gum 36mg.
Local Distributor: Alfred Gera & Sons
TranquilTM (HealthAid) see Hawthorn Ltd.

Valerian (HealthAid) Valerian Root (HealthAid)

Tablets; Valerian root powder 50mg, Liquid; Valerian extract 1:3 (equiv. of
valerian root extract 215mg (standardised 330mg of valerian herb) in 1ml.
for min 0.8% valerinic acid). Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Valerian Root Extract (Solgar)
Valerian 270mg (Power Herbs) Vegicaps; Raw valerian root powder
Capsules; Valerian root powder 270mg. 300mg, standardised valerian root extract
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd. (providing 1mg [0.8%] valerenic acid)
150mg, PhytO2X ä (powdered blend of
Valerian 1600mg (Lamberts) beta-carotene prep. and ascorbic acid).
Tablets; Valerian 1600mg (provided by Local Distributor: Natural Remedies
400mg of a 4:1 extract).

Mucuna pruriens
Family: Fabaceae Contraindications: Pregnancy479.
Medicinal Parts: Seeds, hairs on the
pod. Side-effects: Itching, burning and
inflammation if stinging hairs are in
Indications: contact with the skin28.
Principal: Parkinson’s disease477, 478,
. Drug interactions: None known.
Major: Impotence, erectile
dysfunction479. Dose: Decoction: ½ to 1 cup twice
Minor: To increase testosterone, daily; 1-2 gm twice daily of seed
anabolic/androgenic aid to stimulate powder (tablets or capsules)479.
growth hormone, as a weight loss Male Formula (HealthAid) see Ginseng
aid479. Korean
Others: Worm infestation28, 479.
Male MaxTM (HealthAid) see Ginseng

~ 160 ~
white willow

Salix species
Family: Salicaceae Arthur’s Formula Ltd (Power Health) see
Medicinal Parts: Bark. Devil’s Claw

Indications: CellusiteTM (HealthAid)

Tablets; 200mg white willow bark
Principal: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid
extract 2:1, 100mg dandelion, 66mg
arthritis, fever, headaches5, 9, 14, 28, 45, 480. kelp, burdock 60mg, butcher’s broom
Major: Lower back pain481. 60mg, 40mg guarana seed extract (1:4),
Minor: Gout9, 28, 45. 20mg rose hip, 20mg blessed thistle,
10mg buchu, 10mg cough grass, 10mg
Cautions: Pregnancy, children, gastric hydrangea, 10mg uva ursi, 10mg juniper
or duodenal ulcers, hemophilia, berry, 66mg apple cider vinegar, quercetin
asthma, diabetes5, 28. 60mg, potassium 40mg, 32mg lecithin,
20mg dimethylglycine.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Contraindications: Salicylate
hypersensitivity5, 28. Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid)
Tablets; White willow bark 100mg,
Side-effects: None known. dandelion root 50mg, kelp 33mg, burdock
powder 30mg, butcher’s broom 30mg,
Drug interactions: Anticoagulants, guarana (extract 4:1) 20mg, rose hip
salicylate drugs, aspirin, NSAIDs5, 28. 10mg, blessed thistle 10mg, buchu 5mg,
cough grass 5mg, hydrangea 5mg, uva
Dose: Unless otherwise prescribed, ursi 5mg, juniper berry 5mg, apple cider
vinegar 33mg, quercetin 30mg, lecithin
three times daily: dried bark, 1-2 gm
or in decoction; liquid extract (1:1, Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
25% ethanol), 1-2 ml; tincture (1:5,
25% ethanol), 5-8 ml; standardised White Willow Bark (HealthAid)
dosage forms containing 20-40 mg of Liquid; White willow bark extract 1:3
total salicin45. (equiv. of 330mg of white willow herb)
in 1ml.
Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Lactuca virosa
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae children9, 45, 482.
Medicinal Parts: Leaves. Major: Irritable cough, whooping
cough, asthma9, 28, 45, 482.
Indications: Minor: Rheumatic pains,
Principal: Insomnia, restlessness & atherosclerosis9, 28, 45, 482.
nervous excitability, particularly in Others: Urinary tract disorders28, 482.

~ 161 ~
wild oregano

Cautions/contraindications: None depressants482.

Dose: Unless otherwise prescribed,
Side-effects: None known. three times daily: dried leaf, 0.5-4
gm or by infusion; liquid extract (1:1,
Drug interactions: CNS 25% ethanol), 0.5-4 ml45.

Origanum vulgare
Family: Labiatae Cautions/contraindications: None
Medicinal Parts: Leaves. known.

Indications: Side-effects: None known.

Principal: Colds and flu, bacterial
and viral infections including herpes Drug interactions: None known.
simplex virus outbreaks28, 483, 484, 485.
Others: Coughs, dyspepsia, painful Dose: Tea: 1 cup several times a day.
menstruation, rheumatoid arthritis, Powder: 0.5 to 1 dessertspoon 2 to 3
urinary tract disorders28. times daily with food28.

Dioscorea villosa
Family: Dioscoreaceae Cautions/contraindications: None
Medicinal Parts: Root, rhizome. known.

Indications: Side-effects: Nausea, vomiting &

Principal: Topical HRT for women5, diarrhoea with large doses5, 19.
14, 19, 28, 486
Major: PMS, dysmenorrhoea, Drug interactions: Indomethacin,
postmenopausal vaginal dryness, oestrogen containing drugs28.
osteoporosis, to increase energy and
libido in men and women5, 28, 487. Dose: Three times daily: dried root,
Minor: Acute phase of rheumatoid 2-4 gm or by infusion or decoction;
arthritis, rheumatic and arthritic liquid extract (1:1 in 45% alcohol),
ailments, biliary and intestinal colic5, 2-4 ml; tincture (1:5 in 45% alcohol),
19, 28, 486
. 2-10 ml19.
Others: Diverticulitis, cholecystitis,
nausea in pregnancy5, 28. Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) see

~ 162 ~
witch hazel

Silvia® Feminin Formula (Alta Care) see wild yam herb) in 1ml.
Hops Tablets; Wild yam extract 83.5mg (equiv.
to 500mg of wild yam powder).
Wild Yam (HealthAid) Local Distributor: Galea & Galea
Liquid; Wild Yam 1:3 (equiv. of 330mg of

Hamamelis virginiana
Family: Hamamelidaceae Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) see
Medicinal Parts: Bark, leaf. Grapeseed

Indications: Arnica (Bios Line) see Arnica

Principal: Haemorrhoids, wounds &
Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
burns, localized inflamed swellings of Cucumber, Witch Hazel and Calendula
skin & mucous membranes9, 14, 28, 488. (®) see Aloe Vera
Major: Haematemesis, haemoptysis,
menstrual complaints9, 28. Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with
Minor: Varicose veins9, 28. Organic Tea Tree Oil and Arnica (dr.
organic®) see Aloe Vera
Cautions: Avoid long term
administration as it may lead to Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Cream (Lanes)
liver damage9, 28, pregnancy & Cream; Distilled witch hazel BPC
breastfeeding14. 40.61%, eucalyptus oil BPC 1.04%,
methyl salicylate BP 1.04%, camphor BP
0.52%, tea tree oil BPC 2.50%, zinc oxide
Contraindications: None known. BP 3.11%.
Local Distributor: Collis Williams Ltd.
Side-effects: Contact dermatitis14.
Venalta® (Alta Care) see Grapeseed
Drug interactions: None known.
Venalta® Ampoules (Alta Care) see
Dose: Daily dosage: Decoction: Grapeseed
250 ml water with 5-10 gm drug or
washes or pultrices; 2 to 3 gm to Vitiven® ultra cold (Arkopharma) see
150 ml water as a gargle solution. Butcher’s Broom
Suppositories: 0.1-1 gm drug 3 times
Witch Hazel (Arkopharma)
daily. Tea: 1 cup 2-3 times daily Capsules; Witch hazel powder 290mg
between meals; liquid extract: 2-4 ml (4.5% polyphenols).
3 times daily28. Local Distributor: Pharmacos Ltd.

~ 163 ~

Lycium barbarum
Family: Solanaceae Side-effects: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Dried berries, root
bark. Drug interactions: Antidiabetic
agents, warfarin492, 495.
Principal: Ophthalmic disorders Dose: Daily dose: Drug/tea: 6-12
(treatment or prevention of visual gm or 6-15 gm, depending on the
degeneration)28, 489, 490, 491, 492. literature source28.
Major: Hypertension, diabetes491, 492,
493, 494
. Goji Berry 500mg (Power Health)
Minor: Erectile dysfunction, cancer, Capsules; Goji berry powder 125mg
inflammation28, 492. equiv. to fresh goji berries 500mg.
Local Distributor: Kemimport Ltd.
Contraindications: Pregnancy28.

Betonica officinalis
Family: Labiatae Others: Cough, bronchitis, asthma28.
Medicinal Parts: Basal leaves.
Cautions/contraindications: None
Indications: known.
Principal: Headaches, pain in the
facial region496. Side-effects: None known.
Major: Nervous stress, emotional
tension, premenstrual complaints, Drug interactions: None known.
sinusitis headaches & nasal
congestion when used in combination Dose: The infusion can be taken daily.
with other herbs (including comfrey The total daily dosage of the powder
& linden)28, 496. is 1-2 gm, to be taken in 3 separate
Minor: Nosebleeds496. doses. The fresh leaves may be boiled
and used for wounds and swelling28.

~ 164 ~

Artemisia absinthium
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Side-effects: None at recommended
Medicinal Parts: Aerial shoots, dose levels. Depending on the thujone
leaves. content, excessive doses can lead to
vomiting, severe diarrhoea, dazed
Indications: feelings spasms and hallucinations19,
Principal: Dyspeptic complaints 28
including flatulence & mild GI
spasms, loss of appetite19, 497. Drug interactions: Phenobarbital,
Major: Stimulations of weak and iron28.
underactive digestions19.
Minor: As a tonic with general Dose: Three times daily: dried herb,
strengthening effect in debility and 1-2 gm as an infusion; liquid extract
convalescence, especially in influenza 1:1 in 25% alcohol, 1-2 ml; tincture
and colds; worm infestations19, 28, 498. 1:10 in 70% alcohol, 5-10 ml19.
Duration of treatment should not
Cautions: Continuous use of exceed 3-4 weeks19.
wormwood is not advisable28.
Wormwood (HealthAid)
Contraindications: History of Capsules; Wormwood freeze dried herb
seizures and gastric or duodenal 350mg.
ulcers, pregnancy, breastfeeding19, 28. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

Achillea millefolium
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae Contraindications: Known
Medicinal Parts: Flowerhead. hypersensitivity to yarrow or other
Compositae14, 45, pregnancy28, 499.
Principal: Bruises, swelling, strains, Side-effects: Contact dermatitis14, 28.
fever, colds9, 14, 28, 45, 499, 500.
Major: Essential hypertension501, Drug interactions: None known.
amenorrhoea, loss of appetite,
dyspeptic complaints9, 14, 28, 45, 500. Dose: Unless otherwise prescribed,
Minor: Thrombotic conditions, three times daily: dried herb, 2-4 gm
diarrhoea, dysentery9, 500. in infusion; liquid extract (1:1, 25%
Others: Liver disease, cancer499. ethanol), 1-2 ml; tincture (1:5, 25%
ethanol), 2-4 ml; pressed juice from
fresh herb, 3-5 ml45.

~ 165 ~
yellow dock

Rumex crispus
Family: Polygonaceae prolonged use may lead to intestinal
Medicinal Parts: Roots. atrophy and hypokalaemia9.

Indications: Drug interactions: None known.

Principal: Constipation9.
Major: Psoriasis9, acute & chronic Dose: Dried root: 2-4 gm or by
inflammation of the nasal passages decoction three times daily; liquid
and respiratory tract28. extract (1:1, in 25% ethanol), 2-4
Minor: Obstructive jaundice9. ml three times daily; tincture (1:5,
in 45% alcohol), 1-2 ml three times
Cautions: Avoid excessive use, daily9.
pregnancy, breastfeeding9.
2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) see Milk
Contraindications: Existing Thistle
intestinal obstruction9.
Aquaflow® (HealthAid) see Dandelion
Side-effects: Overuse may cause Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) see
abdominal cramps and diarrhoea, and Guarana

Vegilax® (HealthAid) see Blessed Thistle

see Sweet Clover

Pausinystalia yohimbe
Family: Rubiaceae history of gastric or duodenal ulcers,
Medicinal Parts: Bark. psychiatric patients, pregnancy,
breastfeeding, children under 12 yrs
Indications: of age28.
Principal: Erectile dysfunction,
decreased libido14, 28, 502. Side-effects: GI upset, anxiety,
hypertension, headache, agitation,
Contraindications: Liver & kidney rash, tachycardia, frequent urination14,
disease, chronic inflammation of 28, 502
the sexual organs or prostate gland,

~ 166 ~

Drug interactions: Tyramine- Dose: Erectile dysfunction: 10 mg

containing food, alcohol, three times daily. Erectile impotence:
antihypertensive agents, 5.4 mg (1 tablet) three times daily.
antidepressants & other centrally- Therapy should not exceed 10
acting drugs14, 28. weeks28.

Yucca schidigera
Family: Agavaceae Side-effects: None known.
Medicinal Parts: Leaves.
Drug interactions: None known.
Principal: Hypertension, Dose: There is no proven safe or
hypercholesterolaemia9, 503, 504. effective dose for yucca.
Major: Arthritis, joint pain9, 505.
Minor: To clean wounds and prevent Yucca Root (HealthAid)
infections, to clear up and prevent Liquid; Yucca root extract 1:3 (equiv. of
acne (topically)504. 330mg of yucca herb) in 1ml.
Tablets; Yucca root extract (4:1) 140mg
(equiv. to 560mg of yucca root powder).
Cautions: Pregnancy, lactation9. Local Distributor: Galea & Galea

~ 167 ~
~ 168 ~

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~ 190 ~
Indications Index

Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Abdominal bloating Clove Starflower
Abdominal pain Rhubarb Allergies Devil’s Claw
Abortifacient Peony Feverfew
Abrasions Marshmallow Pau D’Arco

Abscesses Marshmallow Alopecia Lavender

Slippery Elm Rosemary
Aches California Poppy Altitude sickness Rhodiola
Acne Agnus Castus Alzheimer’s disease Brahmi
Burdock Lemon Balm
Echinacea Amenorrhoea Fennel
Lavender Marigold
Myrrh Myrrh
Saffron Parsley
Tea Tree Pineapple

Acne prevention Yucca Anaemia Baobab

Acute ischaemic stroke Ginkgo
Anal fissures Buckthorn
Acute viral hepatitis Milk Thistle Clove
Addison’s disease Licorice
Androgenetic alopecia Saw Palmetto
ADHD Evening Primrose
Starflower Angina pectoris Arnica
Adjuvant in slimming Maté
Anorexia Angelica
Adrenocorticoid Licorice Bitter Orange
insufficiency Blessed Thistle
Age related learning Horny Goat Weed Cranberry
& memory impairment Fennel
Aging skin Grapeseed Gentian
Alcoholic liver disease Milk Thistle Guar Gum
Alcohol-induced Artichoke Anxiety Brahmi
hangovers Chamomile, German
Alcoholism Cayenne
Gotu Kola
Allergic rhinitis Nettle Griffonia (5-HTP)

~ 191 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Hawthorn As an eyewash Rose Hip

Lavender Asthma Alfalfa
Lemon Balm Bamboo
Linden Boswellia
Maca Brahmi
Oats Cat’s Claw
Passionflower Dong Quai
St. John’s Wort Ephedra
Valerian Eucalyptus
Evening Primrose
Appetite stimulant Juniper Feverfew
Appetite suppression Fennel Grindelia
Hoodia Green Coffee
Arrhythmias Dong Quai Horny Goat Weed
Hawthorn Hyssop
Safflower Magnolia
Arteriosclerosis Bladderwrack Olive
Garlic Pomegranate
Olive Prickly Ash
Artery & heart spasm Griffonia (5-HTP)
Artery hardening Buckwheat Sundew
Wild Lettuce
Arthralgia Horny Goat Weed Wood Betony
Arthritic pain Comfrey Atherogenesis Acerola
Arthritis Alfalfa Atherosclerosis Garlic
Angelica Green Tea
Bamboo Hawthorn
Barberry Pomegranate
Bilberry Safflower
Cat’s Claw Wild Lettuce
Feverfew Atherosclerosis Cayenne
Garlic prophylaxis
Horse Chestnut
Athlete’s foot Goldenseal
Tea Tree
Nettle Atopic eczema Evening Primrose
Pau D’Arco
Rose Hip Bacterial infections Olive
Yucca Sorrel
Wild Oregano
As a contraceptive Cat’s Claw
Bacterial skin ailments Chamomile, German
As an abortifacient Horseradish

~ 192 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Bed sores Marigold Boils Marshmallow

Myrrh Rice
Slippery Elm
Bee stings Marigold
Bone healing Comfrey
Benign prostatic Nettle
hyperplasia BPH Red Clover
Benign urinary tract Juniper BPH stages I and II Pygeum
Breast & stomach Rice
Benzodiazepine Valerian cancer
Breast cancer Rosemary
Biliary and Wild Yam
intestinal colic Breast lumps Cleavers

Biliary complaints Rose Hip Breast, colon, Flaxseed

prostate cancer
Bilious vomiting Tamarind
Breast-milk stimulation Caraway
Bladder disease Buchu
California Poppy Brittle fingernails Horsetail
Mallow Bronchial asthma Iceland Moss
Bronchial catarrh Elecampane
Bladder & kidney Hydrangea
stones Bronchial inflammation Shiitake Mushroom

Bladder & prostate Pau D’Arco Bronchial phlegm Chickweed

Bronchitis Angelica
Bladder catarrh Cleavers Aniseed
Bitter Orange
Bladder weakness Oats Black Cohosh
Bleeding Bilberry Boneset
Bleeding of mucous Cranesbill Caraway
membranes Chickweed
Blepharitis Eyebright Cranesbill
Fennel Dong Quai
Goldenseal Elecampane
Bloating Rosemary Ephedra
Sage Fennel
Bloating & flatulence Horehound Garlic
Lavender Grindelia
Blood diseases Chickweed
Blood purifying Burdock Iceland Moss
Ivy Leaf
Body lice Angelica Juniper

~ 193 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Lemongrass Cinnamon
Linden Cranberry
Luffa Grapeseed
Mallow Karela
Marshmallow Kelp
Meadowsweet Milk Thistle
Mullein Passionflower
Nasturtium Pau D’Arco
Oregon Grape Saffron
Papaya Sage
Red Clover Starflower
Safflower Wolfberry
Saffron Yarrow
Scotch Pine
Slippery Elm Cancer prevention Ginkgo
Sundew Ginseng Korean
Thyme Gotu Kola
Wood Betony Green Tea
Bruises Arnica Shiitake Mushroom
Comfrey Turmeric
Horse Chestnut
Marigold Candida & yeast Pau D’Arco
Mullein infections
Pineapple Candidosis Pomegranate
Sweet Clover
Yarrow Canker sores Goldenseal

Burns Echinacea Capillary resistance Grapeseed

Carbuncles Burdock
Gotu Kola
Horsetail Cardiac insufficiency Arnica
Ivy Leaf
Lavender Cardiovascular disease Brahmi
Mullein Dong Quai
Olive Safflower
Pineapple Starflower
Rhubarb Turmeric
St. John’s Wort Cataract worsening Bilberry
Slippery Elm
Sweet Clover Catarrh of the Fennel
Witch Hazel respiratory tract Linden
Cachexia Iceland Moss Cervicitis Tea Tree
Calluses Ivy Leaf Chemoprevention Milk Thistle
Cancer Burdock Chemotherapy Ginger
Cat’s Claw induced nausea

~ 194 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Chemotherapy induced Chamomile, German Roselle

oral mucositis Shiitake Mushroom
Wild Oregano
Chemotherapy-related Guarana Yarrow
Colic Catnip
Chilblains Arnica Clove
Horsetail Prickly Ash
Chills Rose Hip Rose Hip
Cholecystitis Oregon Grape
Wild Yam Colic & teething Chamomile, German
in children
Cholera Saffron
Collagenous colitis Boswellia
Chronic anterior uveitis Turmeric
Colon cancer Celery
Chronic CHF Goldenseal prophylaxis
Chronic constipation Psyllium Colon diseases Nettle
Chronic cough Ivy Leaf
Colorectal cancer Garlic
Chronic fatigue Bilberry
syndrome Evening Primrose
Licorice Common cold Acerola
Chronic headache Griffonia (5-HTP)
Chronic nasal catarrh Hyssop Hyssop
Scotch Pine
Chronic nephritis Safflower
Common cold Garlic
Chronic otitis media Mullein prevention
Chronic stress Licorice Complaints arising Sweet Clover
Chronic venous Buckwheat from chronic venous
insufficiency Butcher’s Broom insufficiency

Cognitive function Brahmi Congestive diseases of Scotch Pine

improvement upper & lower
respiratory tract
Cold sores Tea Tree
Conjunctivitis Eyebright
Colds Catnip Fennel
Clove Goldenseal
Colt’s Foot Marigold
Ephedra Roselle
Ginger Connective tissue Hawthorn
Goldenseal disorders
Lemongrass Constipation Aloe Vera
Meadowsweet Buckthorn
Pau D’Arco Cascara sagrada
Rose Hip

~ 195 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Damiana Wood Beton

Dong Quai
Flaxseed Coughs & colds Mullein
Gamboge Coughing fits Sundew
Guar Gum Cramps Peony
Pau D’Arco
Pineapple Crohn’s disease Slippery Elm
Crural ulcer Marigold
Senna Cutaneous capillary Sweet Clover
Tamarind fragility
Yellow Dock Cuts Marigold

Contact dermatitis Rosemary Cystitis Buchu

Convalescence Barley Hydrangea
Wormwood Juniper
COPD Pomegranate
Corns & calluses Garlic Slippery Elm
Tea Tree
Coronary artery Bilberry Uva-Ursi
Dandruff Birch Leaf
Coronary heart disease Flaxseed Nettle
Tea Tree
Cough Bamboo
Celery Daytime sleepiness Peppermint
Dead sperm excess Safflower
Eyebright Debility Wormwood
Feverfew Decreased epididymal Maca
Flaxseed sperm count
Grindelia Decreased libido Damiana
Hyssop Ephedra
Linden Horny Goat Weed
Luffa Passionflower
Magnolia Saw Palmetto
Mallow Yohimbe
Nasturtium Decreased resistance Schisandra
Papaya to physical and
Passionflower emotional stress
Prickly Ash
Red Clover Decreases libido Peppermint
Schisandra Defecation with anal Cascara sagrada
Scotch Pine fissures/haemorrhoids
Wild Oregano

~ 196 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Degenerative conditions Ginseng Korean Raspberry

associated with aging Rice
Dementia Ginkgo Wolfberry

Dental caries Green Tea Diabetic complaints Licorice

Dental plaque Cranberry prevention

Depression Black Cohosh Diabetic Gotu Kola

California Poppy microangiopathy
Griffonia (5-HTP) Diabetic retinopathy Bilberry
Kola Nut Grapeseed
Maca Diagnostic preparation
Maté of the GIT Cascara sagrada
Milk Thistle
Muira-Puama Diarrhoea Baobab
Rhodiola Barberry
Saffron Barley
Siberian Ginseng Bilberry
St. John’s Wort Cardamom
Starflower Cat’s Claw
Colt’s Foot
Dermatitis Bilberry Cranesbill
Licorice Green Coffee
Pau D’Arco Green Tea
St. John’s Wort Horehound
Diabetes Alfalfa Horse Chestnut
Bilberry Kola Nut
Chicory Magnolia
Cranberry Muira-Puama
Dandelion Nettle
Evening Primrose Oregon Grape
Garlic Passionflower
Green Tea Plantain
Guar Gum Pomegranate
Gymnema Prickly Ash
Juniper Raspberry
Karela Rhubarb
Kelp Rice
Maca Schisandra
Milk Thistle Thyme
Oats Yarrow
Olive Diarrhoea in children Cinnamon
Pau D’Arco Difficulty in Nettle
Plantain passing urine
Digestive complaints Goldenseal

~ 197 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Guarana Pineapple
Iceland Moss Raspberry
Pineapple Safflower
Digestive disorders Bladderwrack Wild Oregano
Cayenne Wild Yam
Cranberry Dyspepsia Blessed Thistle
Fenugreek Cayenne
Gamboge Centaury
Marshmallow Chamomile, German
Digestive, respiratory Echinacea Gentian
& UTIs Green Tea
Diseases involving Shiitake Mushroom Licorice
immunosuppression Parsley
Diseases of the skin & Peony Peppermint
mucous membranes Plantain
Dislocations Arnica Rosemary
Diverticulitis Flaxseed
Slippery Elm
Wild Yam
Dry cough Iceland Moss Turmeric
Marshmallow Wild Oregano
Dyspeptic complaints Angelica
Dry or inflamed skin Evening Primrose Aniseed
Dry skin Barberry Caraway
Dysentery Boswellia Cardamom
Nettle Cinchona
Pomegranate Dandelion
Saffron Devil’s Claw
Yarrow Fennel
Dysmenorrhoea Bilberry Guar Gum
Black Cohosh Juniper
Caraway Milk Thistle
Cranesbill Neem
Fennel Raspberry
Ginger Wormwood
Goldenseal Yarrow
Horehound Dyspnoea Schisandra
Marigold Dysuria Buchu
Myrrh Cleavers
Parsley Grapeseed
Passionflower Parsley

~ 198 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Uva-Ursi Essential hypertension Yarrow

Eczema Chickweed Excitability Peony
Echinacea Exhaustion Celery
Gotu Kola Oats
Lavender Eye fatigue syndrome Eyebright
Nettle Eye inflammation Chickweed
Eye strain Eyebright
Oregon Grape
Red Clover
Rosemary Fatigue Ginseng Korean
Sarsaparilla Green Coffee
Scotch Pine Green Tea
Starflower Peppermint
Emetic Peony Rhodiola
Siberian Ginseng
Emmenagogue in Karela
reproductive health
Febrile conditions Pineapple
Emotional tension Wood Betony Rose Hip

Energy/stamina Guarana Febrile diseases Boneset

Enhance athletic Guarana Feeling of heaviness Horse Chestnut

Festering wounds Green Coffee
Enlarged prostate Horse Chestnut
Fever & colds Blessed Thistle
Enteritis Flaxseed
Fibromyalgia Griffonia (5-HTP)
Enuresis Horsetail
Fissures Marshmallow
Enuresis in children Thyme Peony

Environmental allergies Shiitake Mushroom Flatulence Blessed Thistle

Epilepsy Brahmi Clove
Cardamom Gentian
Gotu Kola Magnolia
Griffonia (5-HTP) Olive
Peony Parsley
Epistaxis Marigold Peppermint
Prickly Ash
Erectile dysfunction Ginseng Korean Rosemary
Velvet Bean Sage
Wolfberry Sweet Clover
Yohimbe Wormwood
Erythema of the skin Burdock Flu Cinchona
Pau D’Arco

~ 199 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Shiitake Mushroom Gastric ulcers Brahmi

Wild Oregano Cat’s Claw
Yarrow Fenugreek
Fluid retention Celery Tamarind
Gastritis Barley
For evacuation Senna Cat’s Claw
of the bowel Comfrey
For recovery Rice Flaxseed
from GI disorders Iceland Moss
Oregon Grape
Frostbite Cayenne Peppermint
Marigold Safflower
Slippery Elm
Fullness & distension Magnolia
of the abdomen
Gastroenteritis Magnolia
Fullness & pressure Magnolia
in chest area
Gastrointestinal Marigold
Functional Eyebright
inflammatory disorders
eye disorders
Fungal infections Shiitake Mushroom Gastroprotection Ginseng Korean
Thyme during heart surgery
Wild Oregano
Generalised seizures Passionflower
Furunculosis Arnica
Generalized anxiety Ginkgo
Gall bladder disorders Barberry disorders
Genital herpes Aloe Vera
Gall bladder Olive
Gestational diabetes Cinnamon
GI ailments Garlic
Gall stones Rose Hip
(flatulence, GI spasms)
Gall stones prophylaxis Artichoke
GI atony Gentian
Gallbladder & Chicory
GI complaints Karela
liver complaints
Lemon Balm
Gastric & duodenal Iceland Moss Oats
ulcers Marigold Papaya
Gastric complaints Bitter Orange Rhodiola
Gastric disorders Cinchona GI disorders Burdock
Gastric juice Rose Hip Centaury
deficiencies Evening Primrose
Gastric reflux Slippery Elm Meadowsweet
Pau D’Arco

~ 200 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

St. John’s Wort H. Pylori infection Cinnamon

GI spasms Wormwood
H. Pylori prevention Cranberry
GI ulcers Comfrey
Olive Haematemesis Witch Hazel
Gingivitis Chamomile, German Haematuria Plantain
Green Tea
Marigold Haemoptysis Witch Hazel
Myrrh Haemorrhoids Bilberry
Sage Buckthorn
Tea Tree Butcher’s Broom
Glaucoma Ginkgo Chamomile, German
Glossitis Sage Cranesbill
Glucosuria Guar Gum Grapeseed
Goiter Kelp Horse Chestnut
Gonorrhoea Grapeseed Milk Thistle
Gout Barberry
Birch Leaf
Bitter Orange
Sweet Clover
Couch Grass
Witch Hazel
Ivy Leaf
Juniper Hair loss Birch Leaf
Magnolia Horsetail
Meadowsweet Nasturtium
Olive Hayfever Ephedra
Peony Head lice Tea Tree
Rose Hip Headache Clove
Slippery Elm Elecampane
White Willow Grapeseed
Green Tea
Gum disease Comfrey Guarana
Gum infections Cranesbill Hops
Gynaecological Catnip Maté
disorders Peppermint

~ 201 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

White Willow Maca

Wood Betony Milk Thistle
Heart disease Shiitake Mushroom Olive
Heartburn Rice Pomegranate
Helminthic infections Celery Yucca
Hepatitis Green Coffee Hyperglycaemia Caraway
Shiitake Mushroom Ginseng Korean
Hepatitis C infection Milk Thistle Hyperlipidaemia Fenugreek
Hepatobiliary Boldo
Hepatocyte repair Milk Thistle Oats
Hepatoprotection Schisandra Shiitake Mushroom
Herpes simple Clove Turmeric
infection Hawthorn Hyperlipoproteinaemia Guar Gum
St. John’s Wort
Wild Oregano Hypertension Buckwheat
Herpes simplex type I Lemon Balm Dong Quai
Herpes zoster Roselle Evening Primrose
Hiccups Peppermint Hawthorn
HIV infection Aloe Vera Linden
Karela Oats
Hoarseness Cayenne Plantain
Eyebright Pomegranate
Hyssop Roselle
Iceland Moss Safflower
Hot flushes Agnus Castus Shiitake Mushroom
HRT Wild Yam Turmeric
Hypercholesterolaemia Alfalfa
Celery Hypertriglyceridaemia Celery
Evening Primrose Gymnema
Fenugreek Myrrh
Garlic Hypotension Prickly Ash
Goldenseal Rosemary
Green Tea Hypothyroidism Brahmi
Gymnema Kelp

~ 202 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Hysteria Celery Infectious diseases Linden

Linden Shiitake Mushroom
IBD Aloe Vera Inflamed joints Slippery Elm
Barley Inflamed mucosa Mullein
Boswellia Inflamed mucous Witch Hazel
Brahmi membranes
Green Tea
Iceland Moss Inflamed skin conditions Slippery Elm
Inflammation Arnica
Devil’s Claw
Slippery Elm
Kola Nut
Ichthyosis Burdock Prickly Ash
Idiopathic hirsutism Fennel Sweet Clover
Impaired night vision Bilberry Wolfberry

Impotence Pygeum Inflammation Papaya

Rhodiola & ulcers in
Saw Palmetto gastro-duodenal area
Siberian Ginseng Inflammation of mouth Bilberry
Velvet Bean & pharynx Clove
Increasing arousal Green Coffee Colt’s Foot
& vigilance Green Coffee
Indigestion Aniseed Iceland Moss
Barberry Mallow
Hops Marshmallow
Rice Myrrh
Saffron Plantain
Sweet Clover Thyme

Infantile colic Caraway Inflammation of the Sorrel

nasal passages Yellow Dock
Infantile seborrheic Starflower & respiratory tract
Inflammation of the Sarsaparilla
Infected & poorly Nasturtium urinary organs
healing wounds
Inflammation of the Corn Silk
Infected throat Cayenne urinary tract
Infection/cold Luffa Inflammatory & Neem
prevention febrile diseases
Infections Rhodiola Inflammatory Echinacea
Schisandra & purulent conditions

~ 203 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Inflammatory skin Marigold Intestinal catarrhs Hyssop

Intestinal colic Parsley
Inflammed skin Witch Hazel
swellings Intestinal parasites Papaya
Influenza Boneset Pumpkin
Cinnamon Slippery Elm
Colt’s Foot
Raspberry Intestinal worms Chicory
Rose Hip Irritability Schisandra
Inhibition of Safflower Irritable bladder Pumpkin
thrombus formation prevention
Insect bites Feverfew Irritable colon Flaxseed
Thyme Irritable cough Wild Lettuce

Insect repellant Celery Itching & swelling Butcher’s Broom

Eucalyptus Horse Chestnut
Jaundice Barberry
Insect stings Marshmallow Horehound
Thyme Milk Thistle
Insomnia Bitter Orange Turmeric
California Poppy
Chamomile, German Joint & tissue Horseradish
Griffonia (5-HTP) inflammation
Joint pain Yucca
Lemon Balm
Oats Joint stiffness Chickweed
Saffron Kidney & bladder Hawthorn
Schisandra stones Horsetail
St. John’s Wort Kidney Bean
Valerian Nettle
Wild Lettuce Kidney ailments Dong Quai
Insufficient bile Dandelion Meadowsweet
production Oats
Kidney stones Barberry
Insulin sensitivity/ Flaxseed Olive
metabolic syndrome Pumpkin
Intermittent Prickly Ash Rose Hip
caludication Kidney, bladder, Devil’s Claw
Intermittent fever Plantain gall bladder disorders

Internal bleeding Nettle Kidney, bladder, Alfalfa

prostate disorders

~ 204 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Labour aid Feverfew Blessed Thistle

Lack of alertness Guarana Cardamom
Lack of appetite Sage Cayenne
Lack of concentration Lavender Centaury
Lack of stamina Kola Nut
Siberian Ginseng
Laryngitis Caraway Dandelion
Devil’s Claw
Learning & Maca Fenugreek
memory impairment Gentian
Leg cramps Butcher’s Broom Horehound
Iceland Moss
Leg ulcers Echinacea Milk Thistle
Hops Muira-Puama
Linden Roselle
Siberian Ginseng
Leishmaniasis Barberry Wormwood
Leprosy Gotu Kola Yarrow
Pomegranate Loss of voice Lavender
Leucopenia Echinacea Low back pain Devil’s Claw
Leukaemia Pau D’Arco Low mental & Rhodiola
Libido Oats physical performance

Lice Aniseed Low mood Peppermint

Thyme Rhodiola
St. John’s Wort
Lithuria Uva-Ursi
Lower back pain White Willow
Liver & gall Artichoke
bladder conditions Dandelion Lower urinary Rose Hip
Oregon Grape tract disorders
Tamarind Lumbago Barberry
Liver and biliary Angelica Cayenne
duct conditions Lemongrass

Liver damage Schisandra Lung cancer prevention Aloe Vera

Liver disease California Poppy Lymphadenoid goiter Bladderwrack

Rhubarb Macular degeneration Bilberry
Yarrow Ginkgo
Liver malfunction Barberry Malaria Baobab
Loss of appetite Angelica Barberry
Artichoke Cinchona
Bitter Orange Male bladness Pygeum

~ 205 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Male infertility Saw Palmetto Micturition disorders Pumpkin

in early stages of BPH Saw Palmetto
Male sexual dysfunction Maca
Migraine Catnip
Male sterility Safflower Dong Quai
Malignant breast cancer Pomegranate Ginger
Green Coffee
Mastalgia Evening Primrose Green Tea
Red Clover Griffonia (5-HTP)
Kola Nut
Mastitis Ginger
Mastopathy Agnus Castus Linden
Measles Saffron
Migraine prophylaxis Feverfew
Memory enhancement Gotu Kola
Muira-Puama Mild septicaemia Echinacea

Memory loss Ginkgo Minor burns & scalds Marigold

Menopausal symptoms Black Cohosh Minor cuts & bruises Lavender

Dong Quai
Minor illness Chamomile, German
Evening Primrose
(e.g. cough, fever, headache)
Ginseng Korean Mood swings California Poppy
Licorice Morning sickness Cardamom
Myrrh Motion sickness Ginger
Red Clover
Sage Mouth freshener Cardamom
Mouth ulcers Cranesbill
Menorrhagia Cranesbill Myrrh
Peppermint MRSA infection Tea Tree
Saffron Multiple sclerosis Evening Primrose
Menstrual complaints Angelica Muscle cramps Cinchona
Dong Quai
Elecampane Muscle pain Cayenne
Feverfew Cinchona
Nasturtium Garlic
Witch Hazel Nasturtium
Scotch Pine
Menstrual cramps Cat’s Claw
& irregularities Peony Muscular rheumatism Black Cohosh

Menstrual pains Garlic Myalgia Parsley

Horse Chestnut Peppermint
Juniper Rosemary
St. John’s Wort
Mental & physical Maté
fatigue Myocarditis Arnica

~ 206 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Nasal catarrh Boneset Neurasthenia California Poppy

Chamomile, German Oats
Luffa Peony
Nasal congestion Ephedra Neurodegenerative Gotu Kola
Horseradish disorders
Wood Betony Neuronal & cognitive Bilberry
brain function improvement
Nausea Aniseed
Clove Neuropathy California Poppy
Iceland Moss Neuroprotective effect Rosemary
Nicotine abuse Oats
Nausea in pregnancy Wild Yam
NIDDM Fenugreek
Nerve pain Lemon Balm
Night blindness Guar Gum
Nervous agitation California Poppy
Night sweats Schisandra
Nervous disorders Catnip
Nocturnal cramp Horse Chestnut
Nervous dyspepsia Damiana in lower legs
Nervous excitability Wild Lettuce Nocturnal enuresis California Poppy
Nervous restlessness Passionflower Corn Silk

Nervous stress Wood Betony Nosebleeds Wood Betony

Nervous system Green Coffee NYHA functional Hawthorn

stimulation class II CHF

Nervous system California Poppy Obesity Bitter Orange

weakness Bladderwrack
Griffonia (5-HTP)
Nervousness Celery Kelp
Hops Magnolia
Lemon Balm Tamarind
Obstructive jaundice Yellow Dock
Neuralgia Clove
Dong Quai OCD St. John’s Wort
Garlic Oedema Arnica
Green Coffee Gotu Kola
Hops Green Coffee
Lavender Hops
Passionflower Horse Chestnut
Peony Horseradish
Peppermint Rhubarb
Rosemary Sweet Clover
Scotch Pine
Oily hair Nettle
Neuralgic & Lemongrass
rheumatic pain Oliguria Maté

~ 207 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Onychomycosis Tea Tree Parkinson’s disease Griffonia (5-HTP)

Velvet Bean
Ophthalmic disorders Wolfberry
Pelvic pain Saw Palmetto
Opiate addiction Passionflower
Peptic & duodenal Cranesbill
Opium & alcohol Green Coffee ulcers
Peptic ulcers Bilberry
Opium or morphine Barberry Goldenseal
withdrawal Licorice
Oral cavity squamous Thyme Slippery Elm
cell carcinoma Turmeric

Oral submucous fibrosis Turmeric Perineal discomfort Lavender

following childbirth
Organic neuroses California Poppy
Peripheral vascular Angelica
Orthostatic hypotension Butcher’s Broom disease Ginkgo
Osteoarthritis Boswellia Peripheral venous Grapeseed
Ginger insufficiency
Turmeric Pertussis Safflower
White Willow Pharyngitis Comfrey
Osteoporosis Horny Goat Weed Fennel
Starflower Myrrh
Wild Yam Olive
Osteoporosis prevention Red Clover Tamarind
Otitis Garlic Phlebitis Arnica
Ivy Leaf
Oversensitivity to light Eyebright
Sweet Clover
Pain & swelling Safflower
Phlegm Plantain
associated with trauma
Physical or mental Ginseng Korean
Pain & weakness in Siberian Ginseng
hip and knee joints
Platelet aggregation Starflower
Pain in facial region Wood Betony
PMS Agnus Castus
Painful labour Saffron
Black Cohosh
Painful teething Rhubarb Evening Primrose
in children Ginkgo
Red Clover
Palpitations Schisandra St. John’s Wort
Pancrease excretion Papaya Starflower
insufficiency Wild Yam
Wood Betony
Pancreatitis Grapeseed
Turmeric Pneumonia Rice

~ 208 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Polycystic ovary disease Licorice Protection against UVA, Maca

Polyneuropathy St. John’s Wort
Pruritus Mullein
Poor appetite Kola Nut Oats
Poor circulation Scotch Pine Psoriasis Aloe Vera
Poor digestion Buckthorn Karela
Horehound Milk Thistle
Sage Olive
Poor memory Sage Oregon Grape
Pau D’Arco
Poorly healing Bilberry Red Clover
skin ulcers Saffron
Poorly healing wounds Marigold
Post prandial Guar Gum Yellow Dock
Psychiatric & Griffonia (5-HTP)
Post traumatic & Pineapple neurological disorders
postoperative swelling
Psychological stress Valerian
Postmenopausal vaginal Wild Yam
Pulled muscles & Comfrey
Postoperative nausea Ginger
Pulmonary disease Boswellia
Pyelitis Uva-Ursi
Post-traumatic & Horsetail
static oedema Pyrexia Baobab
Pregnancy discomfort Devil’s Claw
Prevention of altitude Ginkgo Cinchona
sickness Elder
Prevention of sexual Marigold Goldenseal
disorders roctitis Muira-Puama Green Coffee
Profuse phlegm in lungs Magnolia Guarana
Horse Chestnut
Prophylaxis of scurvy Acerola Lemongrass
Prostate cancer Red Clover Meadowsweet
preventions Olive
Prostatic hyperplasia Maca Prickly Ash
Prostatitis Buchu Saffron
Corn Silk Starflower
Horsetail Tamarind
Hydrangea White Willow
Saw Palmetto Yarrow

~ 209 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Pyrexia & infection Maté Ivy Leaf

prophylaxis Parsley
Prickly Ash
Raised arterial pressure Linden Rose Hip
Raynaud’s syndrome Evening Primrose Rosemary
Prickly Ash Rheumatic pain Couch Grass
Rectal inflammation Flaxseed Maté
Sweet Clover
Recto-anal post- Cascara sagrada
Wild Lettuce
operative treatment
Rheumatism Angelica
Recurrent ear infections Goldenseal
Reduced fertility Pygeum Barberry
Birch Leaf
Reduces sun burn Grapeseed Bladderwrack
Renal calculi Couch Grass Boldo
Renal gravel Parsley Burdock
Cascara sagrada
Reperfusion injury Grapeseed Cat’s Claw
Respiratory catarrh Aniseed Cayenne
Horehound Celery
Iceland Moss Chickweed
Marshmallow Eucalyptus
Mullein Gotu Kola
Myrrh Horse Chestnut
Ivy Leaf
Respiratory conditions Elder Juniper
Myrrh Kelp
Lemon Balm
Respiratory infections Garlic
Pau D’Arco
Respiratory tract Colt’s Foot Peony
diseases Peony Sarsaparilla
Scotch Pine
Restlessness Chamomile, German Slippery Elm
Linden Rheumatoid arthritis Black Cohosh
Valerian Boswellia
Wild Lettuce Evening Primrose
Retinopathy Ginkgo Horny Goat Weed
Rheumatic conditions Dandelion Olive
Devil’s Claw Peony
Feverfew Safflower
Horsetail Sarsaparilla

~ 210 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Siberian Ginseng Skin & mucous Chamomile, German

Wild Oregano membrane inflammation
Wild Yam
White Willow Skin blemishes Rice

Ringworm Boswellia Skin cancer prevention Milk Thistle

Goldenseal Skin damage Horehound
Roemheld syndrome Cardamom Skin diseases Chickweed
Olive Couch Grass
Scabies Aniseed Skin disinfection Thyme
Grapeseed in minor wounds
Scalding Roselle Skin hyperpigmentation Saffron

Scaly skin Oregon Grape Skin infections Turmeric

Skin inflammation Comfrey
Schistosomiasis Myrrh Roselle
Sciatica Garlic Skin problems Baobab
Safflower Skin rashes Cleavers
St. John’s Wort
Skin scars Gotu Kola
Scurvy Cranberry
Sleep disorders Sweet Clover
Plantain Sleep disturbances Agnus Castus
Sea sickness Cayenne
Siberian Ginseng
Seasonal affective St. John’s Wort
Small wounds & sores Clove
Smoking addiction Colt’s Foot
Seborrhea of the scalp Burdock
St. John’s Wort
Sexual dysfunction Damiana
Sore throat Black Cohosh
Sexual dysfunction Maca Cayenne
in postmenopausal Colt’s Foot
women Cranesbill
Sexual performance Pygeum Garlic
Shortness of breath Elder Hyssop
Ginger Iceland Moss
Magnolia Mullein
Sinusitis Horseradish Saffron
Sores Plantain
Sinusitis headaches Wood Betony Rice
Sjogren’s syndrome Flaxseed

~ 211 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

Spasmodic complaints Peppermint Stroke & heart disease Cayenne

of GIT, gall bladder
and bile ducts Stye Eyebright

Spasmodic cough Aniseed Substitute for tobacco Magnolia

Spasmodic disorders Boldo Sudden deafness Ginkgo

Sphincter disorders Pygeum Sun burn Olive

Spider veins Bilberry Sunburn protection Green Tea

Spinal problems Horse Chestnut Superficial bleeding Sweet Clover

Spontaeous perspiration Rice Sweet taste suppression Gymnema

Sprains Arnica Swellings Rice

Bladderwrack Starflower
Comfrey Yarrow
Horse Chestnut Swollen & painful joints Pineapple
Marigold Syphilis, gonorrhea Pau D’Arco
Sweet Clover
Tapeworm infestation Pomegranate
Stiff neck Lemon Balm Teething in children Catnip

Stimulation of Colt’s Foot Tendency to infection Siberian Ginseng

Tenesmus Rhubarb
Stomach ache Buchu
Thrombosis Evening Primrose
Stomach pain Magnolia
Thrombotic & Ginseng Korean
Stomach ulcers Clove cardiovascular disease
Thrombotic conditions Yarrow
Thyroid gland Alfalfa
Stomach upset Chamomile, German
Tinea corporis Garlic
Stomatitis Raspberry
Sage Tinea cruris Garlic
Tinea pedis Garlic
Stones in urinary tract Papaya
Tinnitus Black Cohosh
Strained muscles Lavender Feverfew
Strains Yarrow
Tiredness Kola Nut
Strep throat Comfrey
To achieve softer stools Buckthorn
Stress Ginseng Korean
Rhodiola To clean wounds Goldenseal
Siberian Ginseng Yucca
Stroke Turmeric To facilitate parturition Raspberry

~ 212 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name

To improve and Damiana Travel sickness Chamomile, German

maintain physical &
mental capacity Tuberculosis Chickweed
To improve cognitive Lemon Balm Nasturtium
Tuberculosis & Colt’s Foot
To increase break Fenugreek swelling of lymph nodes
milk production
Tumors of eye, liver Tragacanth
To increase breast Fennel & throat
milk flow
Tumours Iceland Moss
To increase energy Wild Yam
and libido Type 2 diabetes Aloe Vera
To increase mental Rosemary Cinnamon
concentration Horehound
To increase testosterone Velvet Bean
Ulcers Baobab
To promote diuresis Birch Leaf Blessed Thistle
To promote sexual Muira-Puama Burdock
function Cleavers
To regulate Juniper Eucalyptus
menstruation Gotu Kola
To soften impacted Olive Marshmallow
faeces Pau D’Arco
To soften the skin Mullein
To stimulate circulation Hyssop Starflower

To stimulate growth Velvet Bean Upper respiratory Fenugreek

hormone tract catarrh Grindelia
To stimulate lactation Aniseed
Upper respiratory Cranesbill
To stimulate milk Milk Thistle tract infections Echinacea
production Eucalyptus
Tonsillitis Colt’s Foot Garlic
Cranesbill Magnolia
Olive Siberian Ginseng
Raspberry Starflower
Sage Urethritis Buchu
Toothache Clove Horsetail
Feverfew Hydrangea
Prickly Ash Uva-Ursi
Rosemary Urinary incontinence Shiitake Mushroom
Slippery Elm
Urinary retention Cleavers
Tracheitis Mullein

~ 213 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name
Urinary tract disorders Baobab Venous insufficiency Gotu Kola
Barberry circulatory disorders
Corn Silk
Marshmallow Venous ulcers Horse Chestnut
Wild Lettuce Vertigo Feverfew
Wild Oregano Ginkgo
Urticaria Chickweed Viral diseases Cat’s Claw
Dandelion Karela
Scotch Pine
Viral infections Licorice
Uterine spasm Black Cohosh Olive
Dong Quai Wild Oregano
UTIs Boldo Vitamin C deficiencies Rose Hip
Celery Vitamin deficiencies Raspberry
Couch Grass
Vomiting Bilberry
Green Tea
Iceland Moss
Kidney Bean
Nasturtium Warts Rice
Pau D’Arco Sundew
Water retention Dandelion
Vaginitis Garlic
Tea Tree Weak & underactive Wormwood
Varicose ulcers Lavender
Weak ligaments of the Scotch Pine
Varicose veins Buckwheat upper ankle joint
Butcher’s Broom
Comfrey Weather sensitivity California Poppy
Horse Chestnut Weeping eyes Eyebright
Witch Hazel Weight gain Ephedra
Vascular insufficiency Horse Chestnut Weight loss Green Tea
Vasomotor cephalgia California Poppy Licorice
Vasomotor dysfunction California Poppy Starflower

Vegetative-endocrine California Poppy Weight loss aid Guarana

syndrome Psyllium
Velvet Bean
Venous hypertension Gotu Kola
Weight maintenance Green Tea
Weight management Magnolia

~ 214 ~
Indications Common Name Indications Common Name
Whooping cough Clove Wound treatment Cat’s Claw
Evening Primrose
Garlic Wounds Blessed Thistle
Grindelia Chickweed
Horehound Colt’s Foot
Peony Echinacea
Wild Lettuce Eucalyptus
Gotu Kola
Winter chills Cinnamon Horsetail
Ivy Leaf
m infestations Elecampane Karela
Karela Kola Nut
Neem Mullein
Prickly Ash Myrrh
Velvet Bean Pineapple
Wormwood Pomegranate
Wound care Cranberry Raspberry
Slippery Elm
Wound healing Bilberry Witch Hazel
Rosemary Wounds & burns Aloe Vera
Chamomile, German
Wound management Mallow

~ 215 ~
~ 216 ~
Contraindications Index

Contraindications Common Name Contraindications Common Name

Abdominal bloating Dong Quai Bile duct obstruction Artichoke

Abdominal pain of Aloe Vera Dandelion
unknown origin Buckthorn Peppermint
Cascara sagrada Turmeric
Bipolar disorder Rhodiola
Acidic urine Uva-Ursi
Bone marrow Cat’s Claw
Acute diarrhoea Devil’s Claw transplantation
Acute illness Ginseng Korean Breast-feeding Alfalfa
Acute infections Dong Quai Aloe Vera
Black Cohosh
Acute inflammatory Buckthorn Bladderwrack
intestinal disorders Cascara sagrada Boneset
Flaxseed Cascara sagrada
Rhubarb Cat’s Claw
Senna Colt’s Foot
Acute inflammatory Flaxseed
illness of the oesophagus
and stomach entrance
AIDS Echinacea Ginger
Allergy to cinnamon Cinnamon Griffonia (5-HTP)
or Peru balsam Horseradish
Angle-closure glaucoma Ephedra Juniper
Anorexia Ephedra Kelp
Anxiety Ephedra Magnolia
Green Tea Nettle
Appendicitis Aloe Vera Parsley
Buckthorn Pomegranate
Cascara sagrada Sage
Gamboge Starflower
Rhubarb Uva-Ursi
Senna Wormwood
Asthma Chamomile, German
Scotch Pine Bulimia Ephedra

Autoimmune disease Cat’s Claw Cardiac arrhythmias Green Tea

Echinacea Guarana

Behavioural disorders Ephedra Cardiac disease Bladderwrack


~ 217 ~
Contraindications Common Name Contraindications Common Name
Horny Goat Weed Gentian
Siberian Ginseng Kola Nut
Children Eucalyptus Yohimbe
Pau D’Arco
Eczema Tea Tree
Children under 2 years Feverfew
Emotional disorders Ephedra
Children under 4 years Horseradish
Epilepsy Evening Primrose
Children under 12 years Aloe Vera Schisandra
Buckthorn Starflower
Cascara sagrada Wormwood
Uva-Ursi Fever of unknown Cinnamon
Yohimbe origin
Children under 18 years Alfalfa Foecal impaction Cascara sagrada
G6PD deficiency Goldenseal
Chronic constipation Aloe Vera Karela
Chronic diarrhoea Dong Quai Gall bladder empyema Dandelion
Chronic inflammation Yohimbe Gall bladder Peppermint
of prostate gland inflammation
Chronic inflammation Yohimbe Gallstones Artichoke
of sexual organs Cardamom
Devil’s Claw
Chronic irritable bowel, Cayenne
GI, hepatic or renal disease GI obstruction Aloe Vera
Coeliac disease Oats GI ulcers Nasturtium
Cold and flu Dong Quai
GIT stenosis Psyllium
Collagenosis Echinacea
Haemorrhage Ginseng Korean
Colonic impaction Psyllium
Haemorrhagic disease Dong Quai
Contact with eyes or Bitter Orange
mucous membranes Haemorrhoids Aloe Vera
Coronary thrombosis Ginseng Korean Hepatic impairment Clove
Depression Ephedra Eucalyptus
Hops Horse Chestnut
Diabetes Ephedra Yohimbe
Licorice History of atopic Chamomile, German
Nettle hay fever
Digestive disorders Uva-Ursi History of SLE Alfalfa
Duodenal ulcers Cinnamon HIV infection Echinacea
Devil’s Claw

~ 218 ~
Contraindications Common Name Contraindications Common Name
Hypermenorrhoea Dong Quai Immunosuppressants Cat’s Claw
Inflammatory GIT Eucalyptus
Hypersensitivity to Fenugreek disease
Inflamed skin Tea Tree
Hypersensitivity to Arnica
Compositae family Chamomile, German Insomnia Ephedra
Echinacea Green Tea
Feverfew Intestinal disorders Guar Gum
Flaxseed Intestinal obstruction Buckthorn
Milk Thistle Cascara sagrada
Yarrow Flaxseed
Hypersensitivity to Thyme Oats
Labiatae family Psyllium
Hypersensitivity to Arnica Senna
Tagetes spp. Yellow Dock
Hypersensitivity to Aloe Vera Intestinal ulcers Centaury
the herb Aniseed Cinchona
Ginkgo Intracranial pressure Schisandra
Myrrh Leukosis Echinacea
Pygeum Liver cirrhosis Licorice
St. John’s Wort
Mental disorders Ephedra
Mood disorders Horny Goat Weed
Hypersensitivity to Aniseed
Umbelliferae family Fennel Multiple sclerosis Echinacea
Hypertension Ephedra Nausea Aloe Vera
Goldenseal Cascara sagrada
Green Tea
Guarana NSAID use Barberry
Schisandra Oedema due to Horsetail
Siberian Ginseng impaired heart or
Hyperthyroidism Bladderwrack kidney function
Ephedra Oedema in cardiac or Birch Leaf
Hypoglycaemia Karela renal insufficiency Couch Grass

Hypokalaemia Licorice Oesophageal disease Guar Gum

Hypothyroidism Lemon Balm Oestrogen dependent Hops

Hypotonia Licorice
Oestrogen or Agnus Castus
IBD Gamboge progesterone sensitive
Aloe Vera tumours
Ileus Dandelion Open wounds Cayenne

~ 219 ~
Contraindications Common Name Contraindications Common Name
Overactive sympathetic Damiana Hydrangea
nervous system activity Hyssop
Paediatrics Fennel Karela
Nasturtium Kelp
Pheochromocytoma Ephedra Kola Nut
Photosensitivity St. John’s Wort Lemon Balm
Pregnancy Agnus Castus
Aloe Vera
Black Cohosh
Oregon Grape
Blessed Thistle
Pau D’Arco
Prickly Ash
California Poppy
Cascara sagrada
Cat’s Claw
Saw Palmetto
Slippery Elm
Colt’s Foot
Devil’s Claw
Dong Quai
Velvet Bean
Feverfew Psychiatric conditions Yohimbe
Gamboge Quinine hypersensitivity Cinchona
Ginkgo Renal impairment Aloe Vera
Ginseng Korean Boldo
Goldenseal Celery
Gotu Kola Comfrey
Griffonia (5-HTP) Goldenseal
Hawthorn Horse Chestnut
Hops Juniper
Horehound Nasturtium

~ 220 ~
Contraindications Common Name Contraindications Common Name
Parsley Yohimbe
Uva-Ursi Stricture of the Flaxseed
Yohimbe oesophagus & in GI area
Restlessness Ephedra Suicidal tendency Ephedra
Salicylate sensitivity Meadowsweet Taking anticoagulants Clove
White Willow Papaya
Schizophrenia Starflower Taking Turmeric
Severe liver disease Boldo
Green Tea Taking paracetamol Clove
Thyrotoxicosis Ephedra
Severe renal Licorice
insufficiency Tuberculosis Echinacea

Stomach disease Guar Gum Thyroid disorders Maca

Stomach inflammation Cayenne Ulcerated or Horse Chestnut

broken skin
Stomach obstruction Gamboge
Use before or during Ephedra
Stomach pain Gamboge strenuous exercise
Stomach ulcers Cayenne Use with stimulants Ephedra
Centaury Ginseng Korean
Cinnamon Vomiting Aloe Vera
Devil’s Claw Cascara sagrada
Ephedra Whooping cough Scotch Pine
Kola Nut

~ 221 ~
~ 222 ~
Herb Name Index
Monograph titles are listed in capitals and Latin botanical names in italics


Achillea millefolium 165 BLACK COHOSH 17
Adansonia digitata 11 BLADDERWRACK 19
Aesculus hippocastanum 93 BLESSED THISTLE 19
Agropyron repens 41 BONESET 21
ALFALFA 2 Borago officinalis 150
Allium sativum 64 BOSWELLIA 21
Aloe barbadensis 3 Boswellia serrata 21
Althaea officinalis 110 BUCHU 23
Ananas comosus 127 BUCKTHORN 23
Angelica archangelica 6 BURDOCK 27
Angelica sinensis 47 BUTCHER’S BROOM 27
Antelaea azadirachta 117
Apium graveolens 33 Calendula officinalis 109
Arctium lappa 27 CALIFORNIA POPPY 28
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 158 Camellia sinensis 82
Armoracia rusticana 94 Capsicum species 32
Arnica montana 8 CARDAMOM 29
Artemisia absinthium 165 Carica papaya 122
ARTICHOKE 10 Carthamus tinctorius 138
Arundinaria japonica 11 Carum carvi 29
Astragalus gummifer 156 CASCARA SAGRADA 30
Avena sativa 119 Cassia species 144
Bacopa monnieri 22 CAYENNE 32
BAOBAB 11 Centaurium erythraea 34
BARLEY 13 Centella asiatica 78
Barosmae folium 23 Cetraria islandica 96
Berberis vulgaris 12 CHAMOMILE, GERMAN 34
Betonica officinalis 164 CHICKWEED 35
Betulae folium 16 CHICORY 36
BILBERRY 13 Cichorium intybus 36
BIRCH LEAF 16 Cimicifuga racemosa 17

~ 223 ~
CINCHONA 36 Euphrasia officinalis 57
Cinchona pubescens 36 EVENING PRIMROSE 55
Cinnamomum verum 37 EYEBRIGHT 57
CINNAMON 37 Fagopyrum esculentum 24
Citrus aurantium 16 FENNEL 58
Cnicus benedictus 19 Filipendula ulmaria 111
Coffea arabica 81 FLAXSEED 61
Cola acuminata 100 Foeniculum vulgare 58
COLT’S FOOT 40 Fucus vesiculosus 19
Commiphora molmol 116
CORN SILK 41 Galium aparine 38
CRANBERRY 42 Garcinia hanburyi 63
Crataegus laevigata 89 GENTIAN 66
Crocus sativus 139 Gentiana lutea 66
Cucurbita pepo 131 Geranium maculatum 44
Curcuma domestica 157 GINGER 66
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba 88 GINKGO 68
Cymbopogon citratus 103 Ginkgo biloba 68
Cynara scolymus L. 10 GINSENG KOREAN 73
Glycyrrhiza glabra 104
Dioscorea villosa 162 GREEN TEA 82
Drosera ramentacea 152 Griffonia simplicifolia 85
Grindelia robusta 86
Echinaceae species 49 GUAR GUM 88
ELECAMPANE 52 Gymnema sylvestre 89
Elettaria cardamomum 29
Eleutherococcus senticosus 145
EPHEDRA 53 Hamamelis virginiana 163
Ephedra sinica 53 Harpagophytum procumbens 46
Equisetum arvense 95 HAWTHORN 89
Eschscholtzia californica 28 Hedera helix 97
EUCALYPTUS 54 Herba epimedii 92
Eucalyptus globulus 54 Hibiscus sabdariffa 137
Eupatorium perfoliatum 21 HOODIA 90

~ 224 ~
Hoodia gordonii 90 MACA 107
Hordeum distichon 13 Magnolia glauca 108
HOREHOUND 92 Mahonia aquifolium 121
HORNY GOAT WEED 92 MALLOW (High Mallow) 108
HORSE CHESTNUT 93 Malpighia glabra 1
HORSERADISH 94 Malva sylvestris 108
Humulus lupulus 91 Marrubium vulgare 92
Hydrangea arborescens 95 MATÉ 111
Hydrastis canadensis 77 Matricaria recutita 34
Hypericum perforatum 149 MEADOWSWEET 111
HYSSOP 96 Medicago sativa 2
Hyssopus officinalis 96 Melaleuca alternifolia 154
Melilotus officinalis 153
Melissa officinalis 102
ICELAND MOSS 96 Mentha piperita 126
Ilex paraguariensis 111 MILK THISTLE 113
Inula helenium 52 Momordica charantia 98
IVY LEAF 97 Mucuna pruriens 160
Juniperus communis 97

KELP 99 Nepeta cataria 32

OATS 119
Lactuca virosa 161 Oenothera biennis 55
Laminaria hyperborea 99 Olea europaea 120
Lavandula officinalis 101 OLIVE 120
LEMON BALM 102 Origanum vulgare 162
LEMONGRASS 103 Oryza sativa 135
Lentinus edodes 145
Lepidium meyenii 107
LICORICE 104 Paeonia officinalis 125
LINDEN 105 Panax ginseng 73
Linum usitatissimum 61 PAPAYA 122
Luffa aegyptica 106 PASSIONFLOWER 124
Lycium barbarum 164 Passiflora incarnata 124

~ 225 ~
PAU D’ARCO 125 Salix species 161
Paullinia cupana 87 Salvia officinalis 139
Pausinystalia yohimbe 166 Sambucus nigra 51
Petroselinum crispum 123 SCHISANDRA 142
Peumus boldo 20 Schisandra chinensis 142
Phaseolus vulgaris 100 SCOTCH PINE 143
Pimpinella anisum 7 SENNA 144
PINEAPPLE 127 Serenoa repens 141
Pinus species 143 SHIITAKE MUSHROOM 145
Plantago major 128 SIBERIAN GINSENG 145
Plantago ovata 129 Silybum marianum 113
POMEGRANATE 128 Smilax species 140
Prunus africana 132 ST. JOHN’S WORT 149
Ptychopetalum olacoides 115 Stellaria media 35
Punica granatum 128 SWEET CLOVER 153
PYGEUM 132 Symphytum officinale 40
Syzygium aromaticum 39

RED CLOVER 133 Tabebuia avellanedae 125
Rhamnus catharticus 23 TAMARIND 153
Rhamnus purshiana 30 Tamarindus indica 153
Rheum palmatum 134 Tanacetum parthenium 61
RHODIOLA 133 Taraxacum officinale 45
Rhodiola rosea 133 TEA TREE 154
RICE 135 Thymus vulgaris 155
Rosa canina 135 Tilia species 105
ROSELLE 137 Trifolium pratense 133
ROSEMARY 137 Trigonella foenum-graecum 59
Rosmarinus officinalis 137 Tropaeolum majus 117
Rubus idaeus 132 TURMERIC 157
Rumex acetosa 166 Turnera diffusa 44
Rumex crispus 148 Tussilago farfara 40
Ruscus aculeatus 27

Ulmus rubra 148

SAFFLOWER 138 Uncaria tomentosa 31
SAFFRON 139 Urtica dioica 118

~ 226 ~
Vaccinium macrocarpon 42 WOLBERRY 164
Vaccinium myrtillus 13 WOOD BETONY 164
Valeriana officinalis 159
Verbascum densiflorum 116 YARROW 165
Vitex agnus-castus 1 YELLOW DOCK 166
Vitis vinifera 78 YOHIMBE 166
Yucca schidigera 167
WILD OREGANO 162 Zanthoxylum americanum 129
WILD YAM 162 Zea mays 41
WITCH HAZEL 163 Zingiber officinale 66

~ 227 ~
~ 228 ~
Product Name Index

2-Day DetoxPlan (HealthAid) 113 Altadrine® Lipodrainer (Alta Care) 118 Performance Detox Altadrine® Night Burner (Alta Care) 83
(Arkopharma) 82 Altaflora® Gastrogel (Alta Care) 4 Shape Up Day & Night Altaflora® Transit (Alta Care) 134
(Arkopharma) 82 Altasterol® Stimulant (Alta Care) 67 Shape Up Organic (Arkopharma) 82 Antioxidant Selenium-ACE Formula (Vega) 14 Shape Up Ultimate (Arkopharma) 60 AntiStress (Erba Vita) 107
50 Plus Once A Day (Quest) 24 Aquaflow® (HealthAid) 46
5-HTP (HealthAid) 85 Arnica (Bios Line) 9
5-HTP (Solgar) 85 Arnica (HealthAid) 9
Arnica (Sella) 9
ArnicareTM (Nelsons) 9
Acne-n-Pimple Cream (Himalaya) 4 Arthur’s Formula Ltd (Power Health) 47
Active Mature 50+ (Vega) 4 Artichoke (Arkopharma) 10
Active Women’s Multivitamins & Minerals Artichoke (HealthAid) 10
(Vega) 146
Astragalus (HealthAid) 156
Ad-muc® (Merz) 35
Atrogel (A.Vogel) 9
Agnus Castus (A.Vogel) 2
Atrosan® (A.Vogel) 47
Agnus Castus (HealthAid) 2
Atrotone® (HealthAid) 157
Agnus Castus Herbal Complex (Vega) 2
Alfalfa (Arkopharma) 3
Alfalfa 500mg (Power Health) 3
Bamboo Gum (Arkopharma) 11
Alfalfa Leaf (HealthAid) 3
Bambu® (A.Vogel) 36
Alito Fresco e Balsamico (Sella) 54
Bilberry (A.Vogel) 14
Alkagin® (Istituto Ganassini) 109
Bilberry (HealthAid) 14
AllergforteTM (HealthAid) 118
Bilberry Extract (Power Herbs) 14
Aloe Vera (HealthAid) 4
Biocosmetics Starflower Oil
Aloe Vera 5000 (Power Health) 4 (Power Health) 151
Aloe Vera 5000mg (HealthAid) 4 Biofreeze® Pain Relieving Gel (Biofreeze) 111
Aloe Vera 10,000mg (Lamberts) 4 Black Cohosh (HealthAid) 18
Aloe Vera ESI® (ESI) 4 Black Cohosh 1000mg (Lamberts) 18
Aloe Vera Herbal Complex (Vega) 4 Black Cohosh Herbal Complex (Vega) 18
Aloe Vera Juice (Kelkin) 4 Bodylean® CLA Plus (HealthAid) 83
Aloe Vera Juice (Power Health) 4 Boldo Multi-Herbal Complex (Healthlife) 20
Altacura® Broncotuss (Alta Care) 112 Borage Oil 500mg (Power Health) 151
Altacura® Ginseng (Alta Care) 73 Boswellia (HealthAid) 22
Altacura® Infludrink (Alta Care) 112 Brain Fuel Formula (Vega) 69
Altacura® Influtuss (Alta Care) 112 Brainvit® (HealthAid) 22
Altacura® Influtuss Extra (Alta Care) 122 Bromelain Complex (Vega) 5
Altadrine® Aquadrain (Alta Care) 82 Broncovit® (Erba vita) 86
Altadrine® Day Burner (Alta Care) 79 Burdock (HealthAid) 27
Altadrine® Fat Burner (Alta Care) 17 Butcher’s Broom (HealthAid) 28

~ 229 ~
Calendula (HealthAid) 110 Cranberry (HealthAid) 42
Calendula Cream (Nelsons) 110 Cranberry (NatraHealth) 42
Californian Poppy (Arkopharma) 29 Cranberry (Quest) 42
Calma Baby (Erba Vita) 105 Cranberry Complex (Lamberts) 43
CandawayTM (Lamberts) 37 Cranberry Cyst (ESI) 43
Candiclear (Higher Nature) 156 Cranberry Extract (Numark) 43
Carbogas (Sella) 59 Cranberry Juice Concentrate
CarbonFlor® (Erba Vita) 8 (Power Health) 43
Carboslim® Phase 2 (HealthAid) 83 Cranberry Plus Formula (Vega) 43
Cardiohealth Formula (Vega) 64 Cynara (A.Vogel) 10
Cardiosterol® Garlic + Co. Q10 (Alta Care) 64 Cys-control® Cranberola (Arkopharma) 43
Cardiosterol® Krill (Alta Care) 55 Cysticare® (HealthAid) 43
Cardiosterol® SLO (Alta Care) 55
Cat’s Claw (HealthAid) 31
Cat’s Claw (Power Herbs) 31 Damiana Leaf (HealthAid) 45
Cat’s Claw Herbal Complex (Vega) 31 Dandelion (HealthAid) 46
Celery Seed 200mg (Power Herbs) 33 Dandelion Root (HealthAid) 46
Cellulite Formula (Vega) 69 Day-vit® Active (HealthAid) 73
CellusiteTM (HealthAid) 161 Day-vit® Probio (HealthAid) 24
Centrum Performance (Centrum) 69 Dermavital (HealthAid) 5
Chalet® Hair Stimulant (Alta Care) 141 Detoxil (Vitabiotics) 10
Chamomile (HealthAid) 35 Devil’s Claw (Arkopharma) 47
Children’s Echinacea (HealthAid) 49 Devil’s Claw (A.Vogel) 47
Chitosan Complex (HealthAid) 89 Devil’s Claw (HealthAid) 47
Cholestro-Vit Formula (Vega) 65 Devil’s Claw Herbal Complex (Vega) 47
Cider Trim (HealthAid) 99 DiaglucoforteTM (HealthAid) 99
Cidiet (Power Health) 99 Dietrim (Vitabiotics) 38
Cinnamon (HealthAid) 37 Diet Shake (Sci-MX) 83
CitricidalTM (Higher Nature) 79 DigestivAid No Acid (ESI) 104
Citronella Geranium Aerosol Free Nebuliser Digestizyme® (Lamberts) 122
(Sella) 103 DigestonTM (HealthAid) 122
Citronella Geranium for Children (Sella) 103 DLPA & Turmeric (Quest) 157
Citronella Geranium Stick (Sella) 103 Dong Quai (HealthAid) 48
ColestroforteTM (HealthAid) 60 Dong Quai Herbal Complex (Vega) 48
Colic Baby (Erba Vita) 106 Dong Quai Root Extract (Solgar) 48
Colloidal Minerals Plus Kelp Formula Dormeasan® (A.Vogel) 159
(Vega) 99
Coloclear Extra (Higher Nature) 62
Colonease (HealthAid) 5 Echinacea (A. Vogel) 49
Comfrey Cream (A.Vogel) 41 Echinacea (HealthAid) 49
Concentrated Echinacea 500mg (Numark) 49 Echinacea (NatraHealth) 50
Controller (Alta Care) 103 Echinacea 300 (Power Herbs) 50
Controller® Natural Sleep (Alta Care) 106 Echinacea 1000mg (Lamberts) 50
Cranberola® (Arkopharma) 42 Echinacea 1000mg & Goldenseal 2000mg
Cranberry (Arkopharma) 42 (Lamberts) 50

~ 230 ~
Echinacea & Black Elderberry Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg (Healthlife) 56
(Higher Nature) 50 Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg (Lamberts) 56
Echinacea Cream (A.Vogel) 50 Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg (Numark) 56
Echinacea Extract (Solgar) 50 Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg Extra High
Echinacea Forte (A.Vogel) 50 Strength (Vega) 56
Echinacea Herbal Complex (Vega) 50 Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg (HealthAid) 56
Echinacea Plus Ginseng & Astragalus Herbal Evening Primrose Oil Formula (Vega) 57
Complex (Vega) 50 Evening Primrose Oil with Starflower Oil
Echinacea (Purpurea & Angustifolia) 1000mg (Lamberts) 57
(Health Aid) 50 Eyebright (HealthAid) 58
Echinacea Root 500mg (FSC) 50 EyeVit (HealthAid) 58
Echinacea Throat Spray (A.Vogel) 51 Eyewise® (Lamberts) 79
Echinaforce® (A.Vogel) 51 Fema45+ (Lamberts) 25
Echinaforce® Forte (A. Vogel) 51 Femmevit® (HealthAid) 151
Efalex (Efamol) 70 Fem-X (HealthAid) 146
Efalex Active 50+ (Efamol) 70 Fenugreek (Arkopharma) 60
Elderberry (HealthAid) 52 Fenugreek (HealthAid) 60
Ellegyn® (Alta Care) 91 Feverfew (HealthAid) 61
Ellegyn® Cysti (Alta Care) 43 Feverfew Herbal Complex (Vega) 61
Energizer Formula (Vega) 146 Fibre Dophilus (HealthAid) 130
Enzyme Digest (Quest) 122 Finocarbo Plus (Aboca) 59
Erbalax® Delicato Capsule (Erba Vita) 134 Flax Seed Oil 1000mg (HealthAid) 62
Erbalax® Delicato Sciroppo (Erba Vita) 134 Flax Seed Oil 1000mg (Lamberts) 62
Erbalax® Forte Compresse (Erba Vita) 144 Flax Seed Oil 1000mg (Power Health) 62
Essential Oil of Peppermint Flodol® (Alta Care) 112
(Power Herbs) 126 Flodol® Artro (Alta Care) 112
Essential Oil of Sage 50mg (Power Herbs) 140 Flodolor® Flexi (Alta Care) 122
Ester-C® 1000mg Plus Vitamin C (Solgar) 1 FootCare Cream (Himalaya) 60
Ester-C Formula (Vega) 136 Formula VM-75 (Solgar) 25
Eucarbon® (Trenka) 144
Evening Primrose (HealthAid) 55
Evening Primrose 500mg (Quest) 56 Garlic (Wassen) 65
Evening Primrose 1000mg (Quest) 56 Garlic Extra High Strength (Deodorised)
Evening Primrose Oil (Arkopharma) 56 (Vega) 65
Evening Primrose Oil (HealthAid) 56 Garlic Max 4000 (HealthAid) 65
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (HealthAid) 56 Garlic Oil (Solgar) 65
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Lamberts) 56 Gastro-Vit Formula (Vega) 5
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Numark) 56 Gentlemen’s ThreeTM (HealthAid) 74
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg Gericaps® Active (HealthAid) 74
(Power Health) 56 Gincosan (Pharmaton) 70
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg (Solgar) 56 Ginger (Arkopharma) 67
Evening Primrose Oil 500mg High Strength Ginger (Lamberts) 67
(Vega) 56 Ginger (Quest) 67
Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg Ginger Root (HealthAid) 67
(HealthAid) 56
Ginger Root Extract (HealthAid) 67

~ 231 ~
Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) 280mg Herbal 3 (HealthAid) 131
(Power Herbs) 67 Herbal BoosterTM (HealthAid) 87
Ginkgo (Arkopharma) 70 Herbal Cream (HealthAid) 9
Ginkgo 6000mg (Lamberts) 70 Herbal Female Complex (Solgar) 18
Ginkgo Biloba (A.Vogel) 70 Hi-Active Formula (Vega) 120
Ginkgo Biloba (HealthAid) 70 Hi-Garlic Perles Odourless (Power Health) 65
Ginkgo Biloba (NatraHealth) 70 High Strenght Milk Thistle Extract
Ginkgo Biloba (Quest) 70 (Lifeplan) 113
Ginkgo Biloba 500mg (FSC) 70 Hip & Thigh Formula (HealthAid) 161
Ginkgo Biloba Herbal Complex (Vega) 70 Horse Chestnut (HealthAid) 93
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf 180mg Horse Chestnut Complex (Lamberts) 93
(Power Herbs) 70 Horsetail (HealthAid) 95
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract (Solgar) 70 HypercalTM (Nelsons) 110
Ginkgo Vital 3TM (HealthAid) 146 Hyperiforce® (A.Vogel) 149
GinkoVitalTM (HealthAid) 71
Ginsana (Pharmaton) 74
Ginseng Forte (Arkopharma) 74 Ibisene® (Lamberts) 10
Ginseng Korean Herbal Complex (Vega) 74 Immune + (Higher Nature) 52
Ginseng Siberian Herbal Complex (Vega) 146 Immuno baby (Erba Vita) 51
Goji Berry 500mg (Power Health) 164 InterfreshTM (HealthAid) 123
Goldcare 50+ (Vitabiotics) 71 Isla Cassis 96
Golden Seal (HealthAid) 77 Isla Mint 96
Gotu Kola (HealthAid) 78 Isla Moss 97
Grapeseed Antioxidant Formula (FSC) 79 Ispaghula (Arkopharma) 130
Grapeseed Extract (HealthAid) 79 Ivy-Thyme Complex (A.Vogel) 156
Green Coffee (Quest) 81
Green Coffee Bean (Power Health) 81
Green Tea (Arkopharma) 83 Jointace Chondroitin (Vitabiotics) 67
Green Tea (HealthAid) 83 Jointace Collagen (Vitabiotics) 67
Green Tea (Quest) 83 Jointace Fizz (Vitabiotics) 68
Green Tea 1000mg (Power Herbs) 83 Jointace Gel (Vitabiotics) 68
GrinTuss (Aboca) 86 Jointace Patch (Vitabiotics) 68
Guaramax® 1000 (HealthAid) 87 Jointcare ComfrelieveTM (Seven Seas) 41
Guarana 500mg (Power Herbs) 87 JointCare Sport (HealthAid) 74
JointWise (Vega) 68
HaemoVit Liquid GoldTM (HealthAid) 140 JointWise Complete Multipack (Vega) 157
Hawthorn (Arkopharma) 90
Hawthorn 2500mg (Lamberts) 90
Hawthorn Berry (HealthAid) 90 Kalms (Lanes) 159
Hawthorn Berry 500mg (FSC) 90 Kangavites (Solgar) 136
Hawthorn Compound (Power Herbs) 25 Karbofin Forte (ESI) 59
HCA (Higher Nature) 154 Karela (HealthAid) 99
Healthy Mega (HealthAid) 25 Kelp (Power Health) 100
HeartMaxTM (HealthAid) 79 Kelp Plus Greens Formula (Vega) 100
Hematinic Blood Co-Factors (Vega) 71 Korean Ginseng (HealthAid) 74

~ 232 ~
Korean Ginseng (NatraHealth) 74 Milk Thistle Herbal Complex (Vega) 114
Korean Ginseng (Numark) 74 Milk Thistle Herb Extract (Solgar) 114
Korean Ginseng 1200mg (Lamberts) 74 Milk Thistle Plus (FSC) 114
Korean Ginseng 250mg (HealthAid) 74 Molkosan Vitality (A.Vogel) 83
Korean Ginseng Extract (IL HWA) 75 MSM Glucosamine Joint Complex
Korean Ginseng with Multivitamins & Minerals (Higher Nature) 33
(Red Kooga) 75 Mucovit® Sciroppo Adulti (Erba Vita) 86
Koregin® 3000 (HealthAid) 75 Mucovit® Sciroppo Bambini (Erba Vita) 86
Kwai® ACE (Kwai) 75 Muira Puama (HealthAid) 115
Kwai® One-A-Day (Kwai) 75 Multi Antioxidant Complex (Vega) 71
Kyolic Garlic 1000 (Quest) 65 Multibionta® Activate (Seven Seas) 75
Multibionta® Immune Support Probiotic
Multivitamin (Seven Seas) 83
Lass-B (Erba Vita) 46 Multibionta® Probiotic Multivitamin 50+
Lepicol (Healthy Bowels) 130 (Seven Seas) 76
Linoforce® (A.Vogel) 62 Multigluco Tolerance Factor (Vega) 72
Liquorice (HealthAid) 105 Multi-Gyn® ActiGel (MultiGyn) 5
Livercare® (HealthAid) 113 Multi-Gyn® FemiWash (MultiGyn) 5
Luffa Complex (A.Vogel) 106 Multi-Gyn® LiquiGel (MultiGyn) 5
Multi-Gyn® Tablets (MultiGyn) 5
Multi-Mam® BabyWash (Multi-Mam) 5
Maca (HealthAid) 107 Multi-Mam® Compresses (Multi-Mam) 6
Magnolia Extract (HealthAid) 108 Multi Max® (Lamberts) 79
Magnolia, Valerian, St. John’s Wort Complex Multi-Max® Advance (Lamberts) 158
(HealthAid) 90
Male Formula (HealthAid) 75
Male MaxTM (HealthAid) 75 Natracalm Passiflora (Natra) 124
Maxijoint Formula (Vega) 15 Natrasleep (Natra) 160
MegaMultiTM (HealthAid) 75 Natural Cranberry with Vitamin C (Solgar) 43
Mega Potency Ginkgo 6000 Natural Herbal Inhalant Oil (Numark) 54
(Higher Nature) 71 Neem Cream (A.Vogel) 117
Melissa Leaf Extract (HealthAid) 103 Neem Leaf Herbal Complex (Vega) 118
Memory Plus Formula (Vega) 71 Neem Oil (A.Vogel) 118
Menopace® Plus (Vitabiotics) 140 Neo Fermental Max (ESI) 6
Menopause Formula (Vega) 151 Neovita® (Savoy Laboratories) 76
Menophase (Higher Nature) 142 Nettle Leaf (HealthAid) 119
Menovital® (HealthAid) 48 Neuralta® Migren (Alta Care) 127
Migrastick (Arkopharma) 127 Neuralta® Plus (Alta Care) 123
Milk Thistle (Arkopharma) 114 Neuroforte® (HealthAid) 72
Milk Thistle (A.Vogel) 114 Nicosolven® Astaxanthin (Alta Care) 57
Milk Thislte (HealthAid) 114 No-Dol (ESI) 47
Milk Thistle (Power Herbs) 114 No-Gas® enzimi (Giuliani) 68
Milk Thistle 4500mg (Lamberts) 114 Nutri baby (Erba Vita) 136
Milk Thistle & Artichoke (Higher Nature) 114
Milk Thistle Complex (HealthAid) 114

~ 233 ~
Oat Seed (HealthAid) 120 Potter’s Catarrh Pastilles (Potter’s) 98
Odourless Garlic (Healthlife) 65 Potter’s Decongestant Pastilles (Potter’s) 54
Odourless Garlic (NutraHealth) 65 Potter’s Sugar Free Cough Pastilles (Potter’s)
Odourless Garlic Gems (FSC) 65 105
Odourless Garlic Pearls (Numark) 65 Power Ginseng GX 2500+ (Power Health) 76
Olive Leaf Extract (Power Herbs) 121 PowerplusTM (HealthAid) 146
Omega 3 & 6 (Quest) 57 Pregnazon® (HealthAid) 26
Omega Excellence Flax Seed Oil 1000mg Premenstrual Formula (Vega) 120
(Higher Nature) 62 Prospan (BioRevive) 97
Omega-H3 (Vitabiotics) 26 Prostasan® (A.Vogel) 141
One A Day Pure Cod Liver Oil Plus Evening Prostate Formula (Vega) 141
Primrose (Seven Seas) 57 Prostavital® (HealthAid) 131
One A Day Pure Cod Liver Oil Plus Garlic Prune & Senna (FSC) 144
(Seven Seas) 65 Psyllium Husk 1000mg (HealthAid) 130
Opticare Formula 20:20 (Vega) 72 Psyllium Husk Fibre (HealthAid) 130
Organic Aloe Vera (®) 6 Psyllium Husk Fibre (Vega) 130
Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with Pumpkin Seed Oil (HealthAid) 131
Cucumber, Witch Hazel and Calendula
Pumpkin Seed Oil 500mg (Power Health) 131
(®) 6
Pure Evening Primrose Oil (Efamol) 57
Organic Aloe Vera Gel Infused with Organic
Tea Tree Oil and Arnica (®) 6 Pure Evening Primrose Oil (Seven Seas) 57
Organic Flax Oil (Arkopharma) 63 Pure Green Coffee Extract (Lamberts) 81
Organic Lavender (®) 102
Organic Optimum Oil (FSC) 63
Quiet Life (Lanes) 91
Organic Pomegranate (®) 129
Organic Tea Tree (®) 154
Osteoflex® (HealthAid) 158
Rash Relief Cream (Rapaid) 6
Osteoflex® Plus (HealthAid) 158
Raspberry Leaf Extract (HealthAid) 132
Otolaya (Inebios) 110
Red Sterol Complex (Higher Nature) 38
Passiflora (HealthAid) 124
Refreshall® (Lamberts) 72
Passion Flower (HealthAid) 124
Reintegra MgKB Balance (Erba Vita) 12
Pau D’Arco (HealthAid) 125
Rejuvadeen Formula (Vega) 84
Pectovit® (Erba Vita) 86
Revive (Kelkin) 88
Peppermint Oil (Lamberts) 127
Rhodiola (HealthAid) 133
Perfectil (Vitabiotics) 51
Rhodiola Herbal Complex (Vega) 133
Perfectil Platinum (Vitabiotics) 84
Rhodiola Root Extract (Solgar) 134
Perfectil Plus (Vitabiotics) 151
Rosehip (HealthAid) 136
Pharmaton® (Pharmaton) 76
Royal 3 (HealthAid) 57
Phytobronz (Arkopharma) 80
Rutin and Vitamin C 500mg (Lamberts) 26
Phytocalm (Arkopharma) 124
Rutivite Original (Power Health) 26
Phytocold (Arkopharma) 51
Phytomenopause (Arkopharma) 140
Phytorhuma (Arkopharma) 47
Saffron (HealthAid) 139
Pineapple (Arkopharma) 128
Sage Leaf Extract (HealthAid) 140
Pine Bark Complex (Vega) 143
Sambucol For Children (Sambucol) 52

~ 234 ~
Sambucol® Immuno Forte Formula Super Once A Day Timed Release
(Sambucol) 52 (Quest) 123
Sambucol® Original Formula (Sambucol) 52 Super Strength Cranberry (Higher Nature) 43
Sarsaparilla (HealthAid) 141 Super Strength Supergar 8000
Saw Palmetto (Arkopharma) 142 (Higher Nature) 65
Saw Palmetto (HealthAid) 142 Swiss Garlic (A.Vogel) 66
Saw Palmetto (NatraHealth) 142
Saw Palmetto 1000mg & Uva Ursi 100mg
(Power Herbs) 142 Tea Tree (Bios Line) 155
Saw Palmetto Berry Extract (Solgar) 142 Tea Tree (HealthAid) 155
Sedivitax (Aboca) 124 Tea Tree (Nelsons) 155
Senna (HealthAid) 144 Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Cream (Lanes) 163
Sexovit® forte (HealthAid) 76 Tea Tree Balm (Power Health) 155
Sibergin® 2500 (HealthAid) 146 Teenstick (Arkopharma) 39
Siberian Ginseng (Arkopharma) 147 TestofenTM (Power Herbs) 60
Siberian Ginseng (HealthAid) 147 TotallyWise (Vega) 84
Siberian Ginseng (Power Health) 147 TranquilTM (HealthAid) 90
Siberian Ginseng (Quest) 147 Tri-Omega EFA (Sci-MX) 63
Siberian Ginseng 250mg (HealthAid) 147 Triple G - Ginseng, Ginkgo, Garlic
Siberian Ginseng 1500mg (Lamberts) 147 (Power Health) 76
SiberSlimTM (HealthAid) 147 Turmeric 10,000mg (Lamberts) 158
Silica 250mg (HealthAid) 11 Turmeric Root Extract (HealthAid) 158
Silvia® Feminin Formula (Alta Care) 91 Tusserbe® Fluid (ESI) 116
Silvia® Women (Alta Care) 92 Tusserbe® Sed (ESI) 152
Silvia® Women Formula (Alta Care) 88
Slimaide Formula (Vega) 130
Urtica (A.Vogel) 119
Slim-Rite (HealthAid) 3
Uva Ursi (HealthAid) 159
Slippery Elm (HealthAid) 148
Uva-ursi complex (A.Vogel) 159
Snoreeze Oral Strips (Snoreeze) 127
Snoreeze Throat Spray (Snoreeze) 127
Sollievo (Aboca) 144
Starflower Oil (Arkopharma) 151
Valerian (HealthAid) 160
Starflower Oil (HealthAid) 151
Valerian 270mg (Power Herbs) 160
Starflower Oil (Higher Nature) 151
Valerian 1600mg (Lamberts) 160
Starflower Oil 1000mg (HealthAid) 151
Valerian Herbal Complex (Vega) 160
Starflower Oil (Omega-6) Plus Soya Lecithin
Valerian Root (HealthAid) 160
(Vega) 152
Valerian Root Extract (Solgar) 160
St. John’s Wort (Arkopharma) 149
Vapour Rub (Numark) 55
St. John’s Wort (HealthAid) 149
Vegilax® (HealthAid) 20
St. John’s Wort (Quest) 150
Vein Support Formula (Vega) 72
St. John’s Wort ‘300’ Herb Extract
VeinTain® (Lamberts) 68
(Solgar) 150
Venaforce® (A.Vogel) 93
St. John’s Wort Herbal Complex (Vega) 150
Venagel (A.Vogel) 94
Super Antioxidant (Higher Nature) 36
Venalta® (Alta Care) 80

~ 235 ~
Venalta® Ampoules (Alta Care) 80 Wellman 50+ (Vitabiotics) 147
Venis® Sollievo (Erba Vita) 80 Wellman® Conception (Vitabiotics) 107
Visionace (Vitabiotics) 15 Wellman® Sport (Vitabiotics) 147
Visionace Plus (Vitabiotics) 15 Wellman® Tricologic (Vitabiotics) 80
VisualEyes (Higher Nature) 15 WellTeen® Plus Omega-3 (Vitabiotics) 43
Vitalize Regenerative Formula (Vega) 147 Wellwoman (Vitabiotics) 152
Vitamin B6 (Quest) 124 Wellwoman 50+ (Vitabiotics) 85
Vitamin B12 (Quest) 159 Wellwoman Tricologic® (Vitabiotics) 80
Vitamin C 1000mg (Lamberts) 136 White Willow Bark (HealthAid) 161
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1000mg High Whole Bulb Garlic (FSC) 66
Strength (Vega) 26 Wild Yam (HealthAid) 163
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 1500mg Super Wintervits® (HealthAid) 156
Strength (Vega) 26 Witch Hazel (Arkopharma) 163
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Slow Release Wormwood (HealthAid) 165
1000mg (Vega) 136
Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate) (Vega) 26
Vitamin C – Time 1000mg (Lamberts) 136 Yucca Root (HealthAid) 167
Vitex Agnus Castus 1000mg (Lamberts) 2
Vitiven® ultra cold (Arkopharma) 28
V-VeinTM (HealthAid) 94 Zinc-C Formula (Vega) 85
wellKiD® Smart Chewable (Vitabiotics) 63 Zotrim (Nature’s Remedies) 111
Wellman (Vitabiotics) 147

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